Brian’s pov
I can’t believe it worked! I’ve lusted after my neighbor and his hairy body for months. I’ve always wanted to be the thicker older man. Warped in a permanent carpet of hair. We were chatting yesterday in the laundry room and he was telling me how itchy and sweaty he gets. I jokingly said that he should just shave and the reply was “tried that it just grows back thick and itchier. Plus last time I did that this was all back within a week” he said as he listed up his shirt to show his beautiful hair covered stomach. I couldn’t even see flesh. My mouth was salivating the whole time. I couldn’t believe he would even shave the fur off! But if it made him hairier I’m more than happy with the results. I bent down to pick up a sock that had fallen and had walked up to me continuing our conversation.
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In my vision all I seen was his feet. A sliver of drool escaped my mouth then and almost hairy on the hairy attachments. And not to mentioned the smell. But he just kept talking as if he was doing nothing. That when knew for sure. I was going to be in this body one way or another.
Back in my apartment that evening II began to search online how to make it happen. And when i thought I wasn’t going to have any luck I found it! A swap with guaranteed results. The only thing was that both parties had to consent. For the swap. So how was he was going to convince the older furball to do it. ———————————
“I’ll do it” he said without a moments hesitation. Sure it may have been forward of me to ask but what else could I do. So I just walk to his apartment. Asked to speak to him. And sitting on his couch I explained it all. “You seem so carefree and with college and working all the time. I’m just so stressed! I’m just asking for a couple days. And it doesn’t even means it’s going to work!” Sure I was lying. But he said yes ! We recited the spell and next thing i know im floating out of my body and he’s floating out of his. We see each other on the astral plane as our souls intertwine. For a brief momment we weee one being. One entity. Before we were slammed into each other bodies.
I felt the itchiness for the first time. I could already feel a streak of sweat going down my back which was no doubtedly just as hairy as the rest of him. We looked at each other and he was beaming with delight. I can’t beleive he would want to give this body up !! He reached over and rubbed my now hairier gut and said “I need to get back to my apartment now. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
Buster pov
I can’t believe i finally got someone to swap with me ! Sure I was a hairy dilf of a man but I missed being young and i wanted to have that youth again. And this guy has a pretty damn good body.
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Getting back to his apartment in his body I stripped my clothes as fast as I could. Damn he is packin. Good. Not hairy like my old body which was a plus and I’m a red head. Never thought I would be able to look in the mirror and see this. I love a red headed woman and now being a man with red hair…this is going to be fun. I start jackin the thick 8 incher and wiggling my thick toes on these size 12s. I explode soon without even needing any help. Damn I didn’t think it would be this much ! I rummage through the drawers in his bedroom and see vitamins boost cum production. So that’s why I said to myself. Well. No need to stop taking them now!
Unlocking my phone for the weekend I download some hookup apps. It’s been a. Long time since I was on the prowl. Grindr? Scruff? What’s that? I decided to delete the apps after I found out what they were. Nope. Now this body is straight as an arrow. It was no time before his phone was blowing up. He smirked. With a hot ginger body like this it was being wasted on a fag like his neighbor. Dressing in a white shirt, sweats and sandals he was out the door. Ready to let the ladies meet the newly improved man
The weekend coming to an end
Brian’s pov
Being in busters body was so different than his own. Everytime he looked down he seen hair. Nothing but hair. The drains in the apartment always clogged because this body shed hair like a dog. He was always warm and sweaty. His feet never seemed to be dry. He smelt of Bo almost all the time.
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Being in this body and dealing with all the quriks that came with it was nothing like he had ever dealt with before. And even though he didn't think it would be possible... he was looking forward to being back in his own body. He was constantly hungry and always craving a beer. Things he had never been used to before. He was looking forward to the swap coming to an end. He needed it.
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Bending over and putting on some pants he was again greeted with the site of hairy limbs that he had become used to over the weekend. Ready for it all to end.
The time came for the two to meet. To swap back… and the time passed without Buster ever come back to claim is rightful body. Brian stormed over to his apartment and banged on the door. Only for the door to open slightly and his hairy faces dropped as he did to his hairy knees. The apartment was cleaned out. Buster was gone with a trace left in the apartment. Brian went back to the apartment that was owned by Buster. Laying down he began to panic. He didn’t know what to do. He was trapped now. In the body of much hairier man and it didnt look like he was going to be getting out of this body anytime soon.
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6 months later----
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Buster was living it up in his younger body. Skipped down in the middle of the night to get away from his old body to make sure that the swap wouldn’t happen again. Working out consistently done wonders for him younger ginger body and his phone was always blowing up from woman wanting dates. There was only one time he seen his old body. Just in passing and he knew it was Brian. He could tell by the sweat stains on the the shirt and the hair that was spilling out everywhere. Buster just smiled and laughed. Thinking about the fate that he escaped. Brian was finding out the hard way why it was like to be trapped in a hairy older body. And it didn’t help that his finances weren’t stable. But that was t his problem anymore. Now he just has to make sure that nothing happened to swap them back.
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"I wish it was bigger" (vote story)
Joey was one of the biggest guys in the gym, perfect chest, perfect abs, perfect arms. Almost every part of him was perfect apart from one aspect. Every bodybuilding show he did he got the same feedback "his glutes were underdeveloped" he had been training for years and no matter what he did he couldn't force them to grow. He even started to have a dedicated glute day but it did nothing, he was cursed with terrible genes that just left him with a flat ass.
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Despite the rest of him being perfection Joey still couldn't help but dream of a nice big bubble but. He loved the idea of having to wiggle to fit his jeans on in the morning. He longed to feel a guys hand grab a handful of his meaty ass and his desperation to find a solution to grow his ass lead him to strange corners of the internet.
Whilst scrolling on his phone between sets he found a website "MAGICKSPELLSFORYOU.WISHNOW" he opened it up and saw a pixelated night sky background with a chat box in the middle. A message appeared with the sound of a slight ping.
Joey laughed and wrote back "hey is this where I make a wish?"
Joey chuckled, clearly whoever was running the site was desperate for engagement and he decided to play along.
"okay, I wish for a bigger ass"
"yep thats right buddy, I wish for a bigger ass, give me a big fat juicy ass"
A little ding noise played as a pixelated animation of a shooting start played on Joey's screen before his search engine crashed and returned to him home screen. But Joey didn't have time to play any more silly games, it was time for his next set.
Joey stepped up to the squat rack and began to move the weight up and down, with each movement something felt strange, it felt like the muscles in his glutes were being worked but, something else, something more. A few reps went by a Joey placed the weight back, as he turned to the side he saw something sticking out from behind.
Joey had extra mass in the back, a big bubble but stuck out from him. He was stunned and his jaw almost hit the floor as he rubbed it. He put both his hands behind him holding his cheeks and making his new ass bounce. Joey turned around facing his back to the mirror looking over his shoulder with a smile as he rocked from his toes to his heels watching his new big bubble but bounce.
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He was so caught up in the excitement of finally having his glutes fill out his frame that he didn't realise he was starting to look puffy.
The sides of his waist began to creep over his gym shorts as the definition in his thighs began to merge together into one slab of mean, same with his arms, but nothing could get his attention, that was until he turned his front back to the mirror and in an instant.
Joey's eyes widened as he watched his perfect abs suddenly bulk forward into a large swollen muscle gut.
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"WHAT THE FUCK" Joey yelled out
"Im...f...FAT" Joey's face turned bright red as people around the gym began to look at him, nobody seemed to notice what was happening. He quickly waddled his way to the changing room feeling his stomach grumble and all the muscles and mass across his body jiggle.
Joey stood in the mirror of the empty changing room, shocked and horrified, his perfect body was now big bulky and bloated out, he was starting to panic as he rubbed his new fat muscle gut.
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"Oh god....how am I gonna be ready for my show in a week....oh fuck...I....I look like a fucking muscled up pig"
As Joey finished his sentence another pulse hit his body, increasing the size of his muscles and bulk all over, but he noticed it was extra concentrated in once area, as he felt his new massive fat ass split through his shorts making the fabric start to sag, only just holding on around the waist band,
cementing his transformation as a big muscle pig, with a huge fat ass.
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Don't get possessed!
You'll end up like this...
Gassy air bubbled from deep inside my soft, pudgy stomach. The smell of semi-digested beer wafted into my nose as my lips flapped in the gust of a violent belch dragging itself out. God, this body was disgusting, but this is what I did to it; this is what I did to him...
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I used his cellphone to snap a pic of the sweaty slab of meat I'd been wearing for the past three years. It was the disgraced body of a former jock. Jake's stomach rumbled like it always did when I filled it to the brim. Even after all this time, it still hasn't adapted to the crap I've constantly been stuffing it with.
Swallowing yet another beer, I toss the can into the corner of his dark living room, where it collided with discarded pizza boxes and half empty milk jugs. I'd let the entire apartment overflow with the garbage generated by this once-godly body, and there was a lot of it.
The place smelled like a dumpster in the sun.
You might think this is a disgusting way to live. Well, I did too. Everything about the situation was nasty; the damp basement apartment, the stacks of dirty dishes, the closet of unwashed clothes. The entire place had a permanent stench of body odor, and I know it followed this body around everywhere.
I had never in my life felt so absolutely disgusted by my surroundings.
But that was the exact fucking point.
To explain, we'll have to flash back to a few years ago. Let me show you a photo of Jake when I first possessed him. I took this right after jumping into his perfect body...
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The athlete had just gotten back from the gym. It was another perfect workout for the perfect jock, and I could feel the grit and intensity swelling in every muscle. The college footballer would normally shower after any physical activity, but I was happy to crack open a beer and bask in his sweaty glory.
I don't know if you could tell, but I am not a fan of Jake.
He was a pretentious bully at my university, and he got away with anything. I tried my best to stay out of his way, but ultimately found myself staring into the headlights of his fancy Christmas present: a shiny black camaro. The asshole ended my life while driving back to campus after one of his famous parties!
I hate to be dramatic, but I was not ready to pass away, and I was not going to let an asshole like Jake get away with my murder. The police couldn't solve the crime any more than I could console my mourning family, so I took matters into my own ghostly hands.
Jake, beautiful Jake, didn't have a single iota of remorse. He continued to get belligerently drunk, and continued to shame and ridicule anyone shorter, weaker, or fatter than him, which was just about anyone. The worst part was people let him: they allowed it because he was the strongest, the most handsome, the prize quarterback with a winning smile!
I had to do something to stop the piece of trash lurking inside his god-like body.
So I possessed him. And I did this...
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When I took over, it was like putting on a body suit. As a ghost, I was invisible, so I got right behind and slipped inside. First, I shoved a leg in, then an arm, and then the rest followed.
He struggled, flailing the few body parts he still had control over, but it was in vain!
My head was the last thing to get situated, but once I slid it into place, his yelling subsided. His thoughts evaporated, and I broke in his handsome face with a wicked smile. It felt different, grinning with someone else's mouth, but I was just glad to have a body again. His was definitely an upgrade compared to my old one. The height I stood at, the breadth of my shoulders, the weight of muscular pecs hanging off my chest; it all took some getting used to.
I enjoyed living inside the jock's body, but I was on a revenge mission. The first thing I wanted to screw up was his diet!
I started shoveling massive amounts of fast-food down his throat three times a day, packing on forty pounds in just a couple weeks. Obviously, I quit going to his football practice and even dropped out from his classes. I needed the time to bulk his body up.
His teammates and coaches all reached out, but I told them to get lost. He took everything from me, so I wanted to do the same to him...
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This is a pic I took of Jake's body after almost a year of controlling him. I wanted him to look and smell as awful as possible in public, so I kept him as sweaty and hairy as I could. Despite my best efforts, his attractiveness was still shining through. If anything, he looked like a hot, hard-working bear on the way home from the job, and that was not what I wanted.
This made me realize that I could destroy more than just his looks.
In his body, I marched back to campus and begged the manager of the university gym for a job. A bunch of his old friends were there to see it, so I made sure to act as pathetic as possible in the six foot hunk, practically grovelling for any position. I even dropped to Jake's knees in front of the guy, giving a lot of the gym-goers second hand embarrassment.
Ultimately, the manager offered me a janitorial position if I would shut up. I accepted it gladly, kissing the guys shoes with Jake's lips like some kind of submissive idiot.
So even though Jake's body was still attractive with the extra weight and fur I'd given it, the dingey old uniform of a janitor made sure to mark him as the bottom of the food chain. I wore it like a badge of honor, even if I never washed the damn thing. Wearing a stained boilersuit labelled 'janitor' everywhere definitely told the world what Jake was worth!
By that point, people really only saw Jake as a walking mop, if they even looked his direction at all...
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This last picture is one I took after about a year of working for the school. No one had spoken to me (Jake) in that entire time, unless they needed a toilet unclogged. The man had truly lost any respect people had for him.
The overalls hide the giant gut I'd managed to grow on his torso, but you can look at the top pic if you want to see how fat and hairy I ultimately got him. He looked nothing like the explosive athlete he'd been a couple years ago.
I took that photo right before I released Jake's to his body.
The jock probably wouldn't recognize himself. He'd wonder why he was suddenly so fat and hairy. He'd be terrified by the janitorial uniform on his back and even more horrified by the layers of dried sweat swamping his skin. It wouldn't be until he realized how much time had passed that he would fully understand the punishment I'd carved out for him. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out that he's spent the last three years scrubbing floors in the gym instead of working out in it.
I wonder if he'll clean himself up and learn a lesson? Or maybe he'll just accept his fate and give in to the habits I've made for his body. I don't know, and I don't care.
I'll be long gone by then.
Honestly, I have to admit that it's kind of fun living like this. Disgusting, sure, but there's something about reveling in the laziness, the degradation, the stink. I never allowed myself to be so laid back in life. Maybe, I learned something from this experience with Jake as well. I'm starting to think I'll find a new body to possess and live in. Someone I can take over and use for my own immediate pleasures.
Maybe you're the right candidate! You've got a nice body I could jump into. You won't mind if I hop in and drive for a few years, would you? You'll be disgusted by the state I leave you in, but hey it's not like it's my body I'm fucking up, right!
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A Second Lease - The Wedding
See the original from @mrwavellswaps here. Its probably my favorite story ever.
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Five years had passed since I made the decision to seal myself into my son's body permanently. And let me tell you, it's been nothing short of ecstasy. Today, as I stand here in front of the mirror, adjusting my tie, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. It's my wedding day, and I'm about to marry the love of my life, Sean.
As I straighten my tie, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I can't help but pause and appreciate the sight. I turn slightly, flexing my biceps, admiring the sculpted physique that now defines me. The reflection staring back at me is a testament to the transformation I've undergone. This body, once my son's, now mine, is a masterpiece – sculpted muscles, flawless skin, and a confidence that radiates from every pore.
With a smirk, I run my hands over my chest, feeling the firmness of the muscles beneath my fingertips. I lift my shirt slightly, revealing the chiseled abs that now adorn my torso. It's a sight to behold, one that fills me with pride and satisfaction.
"You're looking good, Jay," I say to myself, unable to tear my gaze away from the mirror. I straighten my shirt and adjust my collar, feeling a surge of excitement as I prepare to embark on this new chapter of my life. Today is not just about marrying Sean; it's about celebrating the journey that has brought me to this moment.
There hasn't been a single day where I haven't felt thankful for the choice I made. I can still vividly remember the day I proposed to Sean. We were hiking in the mountains, surrounded by breathtaking views. I got down on one knee, my heart pounding with nervous excitement, and asked him to spend the rest of his life with me. The look of joy on his face as he said yes will forever be etched in my memory.
Meanwhile, my dad's life hasn't been as rosy as mine. Every month that went by, he still went back to the woods, hoping against hope that he can reverse the swap. I can't say I blame him. After all, since I've been in control, this body has only gotten better. But unfortunately for him, no matter how many times he threw coins into that mystical well, it still never worked.
As the years went on, I noticed he began to look older than before. Whereas I kept my hair neat and trimmed and – in my eyes – quite youthful, he let himself go a bit. His long hair was still handsome, but definitely aged him up.
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As he struggled to hold onto his youth, I eventually succumbed to a bit of guilt and couldn't keep the truth from him any longer. I came clean about what happened – about how I made that wish and sealed our fates. And let's just say, he didn't take it well.
"I made the choice that was best for me, Dad. It's time you accepted it," I stated firmly.
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He stormed off, cursing me as he walked. "This is how you fucking repay me?" he shouted. "And why does that make any sense? Even if you wanted to keep my body forever, why would you make it so that the well wouldn’t work on me anymore?"
You might be asking yourself the same question. Why did I make both our bodies impervious to magic? Well, to be honest, I needed to ensure that I would be the only Jay – no other versions to detract from the attention. Nobody to take away the perfect life that I was living. And someone to stand in my place, so people wouldn't make my life a hassle coming and asking what happened to my dad.
Looking back, I can't help but acknowledge the brilliance of my decision. I mean, come on, look at me – I'm hot, young, and irresistible. But I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to let myself keep this version of it forever. But hey, I still look amazing, and that's not changing anytime soon.
As for my dad, he refused to come to the wedding. I'm not surprised, really. Ever since I came clean about what happened, our relationship has been strained, to say the least. But you know what? It's no bother. Because at the end of the day, Sean is all I need.
As I stand in front of the mirror, lost in my thoughts, the sound of the door creaking open breaks the silence. Sean's presence behind me is electric, his hungry smirk sending a jolt of anticipation through my body. As he wraps his arms around my waist, I can't help but smile, feeling his warmth against my skin.
"You clean up well, babe," Sean's voice is like velvet, low and husky. His fingers trace along the contours of my chest, sending shivers down my spine. The warmth of his breath against my ear sends a thrill through me as he whispers, "But you know what would make this look even better?"
Before I can respond, our lips meet in a fiery, passionate kiss, igniting a blaze of desire between us. With a teasing tug, Sean rips off my shirt, leaving only the tie around my neck. "You're one sexy hunk," he murmurs, his gaze filled with hunger as he takes in my exposed chest.
Moving towards the bed, Sean takes hold of the tie, using it as a leash to guide me, a silent command that I'm more than willing to follow. As he lines up his cock against my eager hole, I can't help but marvel at his size, every thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.
"You've been putting in extra hours at the gym, babe," Sean chuckles sexily, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "I can tell."
He keeps pounding me. Its so good I can hardly stand it.
"God, Jay," Sean gasps, his voice strained with pleasure, "you feel so good."
Hearing him use that name, Jay, ignites a fire within me, fueling my desire as I flex my muscles, showing off for him.
As our passion builds, reaching its peak, we both find release our massive loads together, our bodies moving in perfect harmony as waves of ecstasy wash over us. In the aftermath, Sean's fingers trace patterns across my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "You're amazing," he whispers, his voice filled with reverence and adoration.
As Sean puts his shirt back on, I can't help but voice my concern about staining it. But he just chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Don't worry, babe," he reassures me, "it'll dry. And then, when we're on the altar and dancing the night away, it'll be our sexy little secret."
Later, as we stand at the altar, preparing to exchange our vows, my mind drifts back to our passionate encounter. Aside from being extremely horny for him, I also feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love and happiness that Sean brings into my life. Becoming Jay and making his life my own was definitely the right decision. And as Sean and I embark on this new chapter together, I'm ready for whatever lies ahead.
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A Second Lease
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Jay placed a hand on his dad’s back to comfort him as he unloaded all of his recent struggles. You see over the past few months, Jay’s father Ken had made some dramatic changes in his life. First of which was splitting from his Wife of 30+ years shortly after he came out of the closet as a gay man. It was tough for everyone involved but thankfully Jay, being gay himself, was there to help his dad along the way.
After the dust had settled Ken tried not to waste any more time, already soon approaching his 50s, and jumped on the gay dating scene. But it didn’t go as smoothly as he’d hoped. Most gay men his age that he was into were either already in a committed relationship, lived ridiculously far away or were only into younger dudes. And so this eventually lead to Ken feeling a little hopeless. Seeing this, Jay offered to go on a camping trip with his father where they found themselves talking more in depth about Ken’s struggles.
The two sat on the edge of an old shallow Well, dangling their feet just above the water while they talked things through. Of course Jay sympathised with his dad, it couldn’t have been easy for the older generation of gay men that were too afraid to come out until now. In fact that was part of the reason he had brought his dad to this Well in particular. Apparently the Well was rumoured to have magical properties on night’s where the moon was full. Just like this one.
“Oh what I would do if I was your age again…” Ken looked over at his son, a built 22 year-old in the prime of his life. “And to live in a time where you don’t have to be afraid to be yourself… I’m jealous but at least you get to live the life I couldn’t.” It was a sweet moment that seemed to bring the pair closer, even sharing a short hug before Jay interjected with a strange question.
“Would you want to live my life?”
Ken gave his son a puzzled look but before he could give a proper answer Jay reached into his pocket and pulled out an old penny. He stared down at the coin for moment before glancing up at his dad and then down at the well.
“I wish I could trade lives with my dad.” Jay stated with an almost stern voice before flicking the coin into the shallow waters. Hearing this caused a swift laugh to erupt from his dad.
“Trust me son, you don’t want my body.” Ken chuckled as he gave his son a pat on the back. “Just savour your youth while you can.” Though it seemed silly, Ken still appreciated the gesture his son was trying to make.
“Oh come on dad, it’ll just be temporary for a month or two. You deserve this!” Jay urged.
Upon hearing this Ken became slightly confused again. Why was his son talking about this as if his wish were actually to come true? It was sweet and all but kinda pointless he thought. Despite that he agreed with Jay that if he could do it temporarily then he’d adore being able to live life through his Son’s younger eyes.
After this the two continued to sit and chat for awhile longer until the late evening turned to night with only the full moon to light their way as the pair traveled back to where they’d set up camp. They said their goodnight’s before entering their respective tents and finally falling asleep to the sounds of wildlife chirping away through the night.
Ken awoke somewhat early the next morning to the sound of a pot clanking outside his tent. His first thought was that Jay had already gotten up and decided to cook some breakfast for himself. As his eyes opened fully however, he noticed something was off. This wasn’t his tent. This wasn’t his sleeping bag. These weren’t his things strewn around the tent. It was all his son’s!
He was already confused as it was but on top of everything else, even his own body felt off in a weird way that he couldn’t quite explain. First of which was having such a strong morning wood. He hadn’t had one this hard and potent in years. But more so than that he felt… larger? It wasn’t until he unzipped the sleeping bag that he realised why. Ken couldn’t hold in a gasp of shock when he no longer saw his lean 49 year old frame but instead the larger, muscled physique of a man in his prime. It wasn’t just any physique though. It took him a moment to realise as he’d never seen it from this angle but… it was his son’s body!
The man was still trying to process what was even happening as he explored his body in curiosity. Ken brushed his hands along his torso, allowing them to glide over Jay’s defined pecs and down his strong abdomen until he reached his crotch. There he could see his son’s cock straining against his boxer briefs, just begging to be let out. Of course Ken’s first instinct was to whip it out and stroke until he busted a huge load over his crotch and muscled torso… but should he? If this really is his son’s body then would it be wrong? Before he came to an answer however, a voice called from outside the tent.
“Sounds like you’re awake in there dad. Come out and have some breakfast with me.” The voice left Ken even more perplexed because, well, it was his voice! He didn’t know how to reply so he simply grabbed a pair of his son’s grey joggers, pulled them on (while doing his best to ignore the boner), and unzipped his tent. What he saw left him speechless. There sat beside the camp stove was none other than himself! “Ah finally. I thought you were gonna sleep in all morning dad. Well… I guess I should be calling you son now.”
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After a few moments of sheer shock, Ken finally processed what this lookalike of his had said. “J… Jay!? Is that you!?!?” He was even more shocked to hear his son’s voice come from his own mouth.
“Well technically you're Jay now, but yes it's me."
Ken was bewildered not only by the situation itself but the fact that his son was seemingly so calm about it. Jay even pulled up a chair while urging his dad to come sit next to him so he could explain the situation.
“Okay I’ll be honest, I didn’t pick this camping spot randomly. You remember the Well we were sat by last night? Well there’s sort of an urban legend around it that states it being a real wishing Well during a full moon with real magic inside it!” As Jay explained, Ken’s rational mind told him this was all nonsense but at the same time he was looking over at his own body! “I didn’t believe it at first but I made a dumb wish last month and it actually came true the next day!”
“What… did you wish for?” Ken asked, still trying to get this all through his head.
“Well I’ve always been insecure about my feet. I always thought they were so tiny compared to most dudes. So I made a wish and boom.”
Ken looked down at what were now his feet in confusion. “But Jay you’ve always had big feet. I mean what are they? Size 13?” He wriggled his toes a little as he said this.
“Exactly.” Jay smirked. “The wishes tend to make everyone around think the change is normal.”After that Jay went on to explain his motives behind this wish. He’d seen just how tough things had been for his Dad since coming out. How he had to struggle with half the family hating him in silence for leaving his wife after so many years. Not to mention struggling to find his way in the gay community. Seeing it all unfold made Jay want to give his dad a break from all that and chance to be younger again. “Don’t worry it’s only temporary as well. We can always come back on another full moon and wish ourselves back to normal. Let’s say two months from now.”
Ken had no idea what to feel. So many mixed emotions were floating around in his mind as he looked down at his son’s large pecs again, now his own! “Jay I-I don’t know what to say… this is… this is… unbelievable…”
“You don’t have to say anything dad. Just enjoy my body. And don’t worry my boyfriend already knows about this and he’s cool with you using my body to hook up with other dudes as well. Just don’t do anything too crazy alright.” Jay finished in a rather stern, almost fatherly tone.
In response Ken couldn’t help but get up and pull Jay in for a hug. He was filled with so much gratitude for his son’s generosity. Not many son’s would do something this incredible for their father and yet here they were. After giving Jay a huge thank you, Ken sat back down now with a huge smile on his son’s face. In his head he was already thinking of all the fun he was going to have.
Afterwards the two proceeded to have an interesting breakfast before eventually packing up all their things and heading back home. Ken, now driving his son’s car, dropped Jay off at the very home he grew up in only now he owned it. Shortly after Ken drove himself back to Jay’s apartment where he was eager to get some alone time to explore himself a little more.
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The moment Jay opened the front door, he could hear the TV rumbling away in the living room. With a smile he waltzed around the corner to see his boyfriend Leon sat on the sofa.
“Heeeyyyy guess who!” He said using his father’s deep but smooth voice.
Leon spun his head around to see none other than his boyfriends dad but he knew exactly who was really in the driver’s seat. “Oh wow I can’t believe you actually went through with it!” The lean hunk jumped up from where he was sat in excitement. “Where is he now? How did he take it?”
“Pretty well. He was a bit shocked at first but once he realised the situation you shoulda seen the way his face lit up… or my face I guess. As for where I just dropped him off at our apartment, said he could do what he liked as long as he kept my life in order.”
“So does that mean we have your dad’s house all to ourselves in the meantime?” Leon moved closer to Jay, placing a hand on his chest.
“Mhm, we absolutely do.” Jay grinned down at his sexy (now much younger) boyfriend as the man explored his body. He even let out a satisfied grunt as Leon grabbed his bulge, squeezing it a little before going in for a kiss. You see the reasons Jay had explained to his dad about the swap was only half of the story. In truth another reason why Jay was so willing to swap with his dad was because Leon had recently let it slip that he’d had a crush on Jay’s dad for quite some time. And so after Jay found out about the Well and it’s power he figured he could hit two birds with one stone.
It wasn’t long before the pair were back on the couch, Jay’s pants and boxers tossed to one side as he laid down. He felt a bit weird about it for a moment, seeing his dad’s dick between his legs. Especially as it began to harden at the sight of Leon undressing himself. It was a tad longer than his own but not quite as thick. But then his boyfriend whispered something in Jay’s ear that he never imagined would turn him on so much.
“Fuck me with the dick that made you…”
Suddenly Jay’s now 49 year old cock sprung up as hard as could be. It was like some kind of sex demon that’d been locked away in his father’s body had suddenly been unleashed as the next thing they knew Jay was slamming his dad’s member into his boyfriends tight hole, dominating him in every which way. Their moans echoing through the house as Leon had one of his deepest fantasies full-filled. Literally. After a good 15 minutes or so of none stop fucking, Jay unloaded his dad’s balls inside Leon with probably one of the biggest loads that body had ever shot.
Once all was said and done the two collapsed in a hot mess with Jay still plunged deep inside. His dad’s body might’ve still had some good stamina for its age but he still found himself completely exhausted after all that.
Leon let out a long satisfied sigh. “That… was amazing Jay. You’ve just set a high bar for yourself when you and your dad swap back.”
“Ah ah, for the next two months I’m not Jay. It’s Mr. Kellerman to you.” The older man chuckled while kissing along his boyfriends neck. He’d already began to sink in to his temporary identity as his own father, Ken Kellerman. Had Leon not already busted a load, he certainly would’ve after hearing that.
Meanwhile across town, Ken had been settling into his son’s apartment. He allowed himself awhile to take it all in. After all this was where he’d be staying for the next 2 months. It was a rather new place that Jay and Leon had bought so he’d never actually had a chance to come over and see it all yet. Not with everything that’d been going on recently.
Soon enough Ken found himself in the bathroom however, stood in front of the mirror and staring deeply at his reflection. God it was so jarring. Seeing the features of his son’s face move under his control as he inspected them. Seeing how dark and full his hair was compared to his former silver look. Seeing the lack of wrinkles across his face along with such youthfulness in his eyes. Not to mention how huge his new body was!
He already knew his son was well built of course and he that knew even more so when he woke up that morning but actually seeing it reflected back at him… it was something else. Seeing the way his shirt stretched over his pecs, the way it’s sleeves strained around his biceps, the way his joggers perfectly framed his muscled ass. He scolded himself for even turning around to check it out. This was his son’s ass that he was admiring for Christ’s sake, even if it was his for the time being.
Ken told himself that he should stop. That he should just start preparing himself to live Jay’s life already. But the temptation was too much. He’d began pulling off his shirt when he had an even better idea instead. He grabbed the neckline of the shirt with both hands before using his newfound strength the rip it open completely, exposing his bare torso. He felt a massive surge of adrenaline and testosterone as he tossed the tattered shreds to ground. “FUCK YEAH!” He roared while throwing his huge new arms up into double bicep pose, watching as they bulged with power in the reflection. With that all reason went out the window as Ken started grabbing, flexing and caressing his new muscle in every way possible. He gave by far the most attention to his pecs though. How could he not?! His son had built them so well, looking so wide and powerful as he couldn’t stop himself from bouncing them a little. Even going as far as the tweak his nipples while grunting in satisfaction.
All the excitement had caused a massive tent to arise in Ken’s joggers. He was so damn horny that he didn’t even think twice about kicking them off and gripping and his son’s member this time. From what he could tell it was tiny bit shorter than his own but a fair bit thicker at the same time. He could only just fit his hand the whole way around. Then before he knew it the bathroom was filled with the murmurs of a young man generously beating his meat.
“Mmmm fuuuck… I’m such a hunk…” He muttered to himself as he watched his reflection jacking off. “So young and buff…” His gaze tracing over the muscular ridges across his body before of course giving himself another flex. “Ufff my name’s Jay and I gave my sexy young body to my dad huhuhuhuh” Ken chuckled dumbly “My dad should definitely keep my huge body. He’s far more deserving of it after all huhuhuh” he continued, getting more and more turned on by the second. Ken couldn’t stop himself from lustfully admiring his son’s body from every angle by now as his borrowed cock start to leak. It was only after finally turning his backside to the mirror and giving it jiggle that Ken finally busted his son’s ball batter all over the bathroom wall and floor with a long groan.
After about 15 seconds or so of squirting cum, the dumb grin on Ken’s face started to fade as the post nut clarity hit. He was suddenly horrified at what he’d done and all the things he’d just said. Immediately after he got to cleaning himself and the bathroom up in shame. While he did he rationalised everything that happened as being due to his son’s body’s heightened testosterone and horniness compared to his old body…
Over the next few weeks both father and son enjoyed living out each overs lives.
Jay for example had been spending a lot of time at home with his boyfriend. For the first week he’d taken a vacation from his dad’s work so him and Leon had plenty of time to get ‘accustomed’ to the new situation they found themselves in. But after a week of daddy kink filled fucking, Jay at last decided to head into work. It was certainly tough in the beginning and he got a couple stares but Jay soon found his footing at the law firm. You see since he’d wished to switch lives with his dad, all the memories and information he needed to be lawyer like his dad were already stored in his brain. He just had to tap into it.
Wearing his Dad’s suit everyday was certainly an interesting change of pace. Before this he’d only ever worn one on special occasions and didn’t much enjoy it but now it felt normal and natural. Leon certainly didn’t complain either. In fact the first night that Jay came home from work Leon basically begged the older man to fuck him with the suit on. Suffice to say those two had been doing just fine so far.
Ken on the other hand made a similar decision to take some time off from Jay’s job as a trainer at the local gym. He used that time to get used to his new form and living situation. Of course this meant tugging his younger cock in every room of the house until he’d busted his son’s seed in each one. He scolded himself constantly at first for getting so damn horny about having Jay’s body all the time and for the types of things he’d say while masturbating but sooner or later he decided to stop fooling himself and just enjoy it.
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He went back to working as a trainer not too long after that. He gave himself a couple days at the gym first to unlock Jay’s know-how about exercising and using the gym equipment but after that he was ready to go. Ken found himself directing all of Jay’s clients through their workouts and encouraging them like a pro. Nobody even batted an eye and Ken absolutely loved it. Everyone seeing him as Jay Kellerman, gym hunk and trainer, while turning the heads of both men and women alike. He got off on it way more than he ever expected to.
As the second week progressed, Ken found himself signing up to Grindr and with Jay’s body and looks he had no problem finding multiple dudes that were interested. Before long he was bringing home a hot new guy almost every night to either fuck or get fucked by depending on what mood he was in. Whether it be his thick cock or jock butt, no man could resist. And the sex itself was divine to say the least. Dumping his load inside a tight hole after making the guy beg for it or finding himself begging to filled while moaning out like a slut in his son’s voice. Sure his old body had some pretty decent stamina for being middle aged but it was nothing compared this body in the prime of its youth. Needless to say, Ken was slowly becoming more and more addicted to his Son’s body and life.
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It’d been about a month since the initial swap. And just like that night the moon destined bright and full once more, it’s light ready to fill the night sky. Ken sighed, conflicted as to whether the choice he was about to make was the right one. He looked down at the coin in his hand, fiddling with it a little before glancing over at the so-called ‘Magical Well’…
After figuring out when the next full moon would be, Ken found himself driving back to the very same campsite his son had taken them on the night they swapped bodies. After which he wandered the woods for a little while before finally coming across the Well that’d made it all possible. He knew that Jay was planning on coming back to Well on the full moon after this one so they could reverse things making this the only chance he had.
Over the last few weeks he’d spent in his sons body, Ken had been happier and more confident than ever. It was like having a second lease on life. And from the nights they’d all had dinner together it seemed that Jay had adjusted very well to the swap. On top of all that he’d recently met a guy at the gym, Sean. He was attracted to the man of course but it wasn’t just lust like with all his Grindr hookups. No it was more than that. Whenever they spoke it was like his heart began to flutter. Whenever Sean complimented him he found himself hiding a blush.
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Everyday Ken wanted nothing more than to confess his feelings but… he couldn’t. After all he knew that eventually he’d go back to being a 49 year old man and trying to explain the whole ‘body swapping with his son’ thing would probably just make him look crazy if anything…
And so here he was, fiddling with a coin and staring at the one thing that could decide where his life goes next. He found himself sat on the edge, dangling his large feet over the water like him and his son had that night. He must’ve been deep in thought for a good hour or more until at last the moon up high in the dark starry sky in its full glory. Looking up at it, Ken took a deep breath and finally made his decision.
Closing his eyes, Ken proceeded to make his wish out loud. “I wish for my son and I to become impervious to the magic of anymore wishes and for us to be sealed inside our current bodies.” He stated before opening his eyes and looking down at the coin. It suddenly felt heavy. Heavy with the weight of fate. And yet, after a moment of hesitation, he flicked it into the Well.
Ken had no idea what to expect. Would there be any way of telling whether his wish had worked before next month? He sat on the edge of the Well for a bit longer pondering it. Just as he was getting up to leave however, his question was answered. A surge of energy wrapped around his body in an unexplainable sensation. It felt as though his very being was being hugged in a magical aura. What Ken was feeling was the Well’s magic re-moulding his soul to fit his son’s body permanently before leaving it with a protective armour to shield it from other wishes. And little did Jay know that the same had happened to him as he slept soundly next to Leon.
The process was quick and soon Ken felt the weird sensation dissipate from his body. Only now he felt… secured. Locked in. He no longer felt like a guest inside a body that wasn’t his own. Now it truly belonged to him and that turned Ken on like crazy.
The man was horny infact the he threw off his shirt and pants right then and then in the middle of the woods. He reached into his boxer briefs and fished out his permanent new cock and started tugging on it furiously. “Fuuuuuck yeahhh! These glorious fuckin pecs are mine forever!” He groaned triumphantly while using his free hand to grope the large slabs of meaty muscle on his chest. “And these giant fuckin biceps!” He brought up the very same arm and flexed it. He went onto list all of his new body’s wondrous traits. It’s thick dark hair, it’s cute but handsome face, it’s giant feet, it’s smooth sexy voice, it’s thunderous thighs. “And of course this juicy ass!” He finished while smacking his bubbly muscle cheeks a little. By now his dick was leaking like a faucet and all it took was him shoving a finger inside his cock hungry hole for him to finally explode. Massive ropes of cum launching up onto his chest and face accompanied by Ken’s howls of pleasure.
Once he’d cooled down again and had begun using his shirt to clean himself up, Ken couldn’t help but feel guilty. He’d essentially just stolen his Son’s body after he’d so generously offered him a temporary use of it. Did that make him a horrible person? He thought about it the entire walk back to his car and the whole drive home. Once he was laid in bed though he simply thought it wasn’t worth worrying about anymore. What was done was done and nothing could change that. He was Jay now. Forever.
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Another month had passed since Ken’s wish was made and he found himself stood at the Well once again only now with Jay by his side. It was once again the night of a full moon and the very night Jay had agreed the pair would swap back on. The entire trip there Ken had to play along, acting as if he was sad about it all coming to end but that he was grateful for the experience.
Now Jay stood by the Well with a coin, holding it tight as he made his wish. “I wish for me and my father to return to our original lives and bodies.” He stated confidentiality before tossing the coin into the water with a small splash. “Alright, well if it’s anything like last time then I guess we just need to go to bed and by the morning we’ll be back to normal.” Jay sighed. His father nodded in agreement, knowing full well that wouldn’t be the case.
Both men arrived at their homes later that night, heading to bed pretty much right away considering how late it was already. It wasn’t long until they both drifted off to sleep with a smile on their faces. Jay because he believed he’d be back in his own skin when they awoke and Ken because he knew he wouldn’t be.
The next morning Ken found himself waking up to sound of a phone buzzing violently on the bedside table. Pure joy rushed through him as he opened his eyes to see he was still laid in Jay’s bed and that underneath the covers was still the hunky 22 year old body of his Son. After the initial joy of it all, Ken finally picked up the phone to hear his old body’s voice on the other end. Jay was screaming frantically about how they should’ve returned to normal and that something must’ve went wrong somehow. Of course Ken played dumb, pretending as though he had no idea why this had happened. All while he slowly pumped his morning wood with delight.
By now another three months had flown by. With each full moon that went by, Jay dragged Ken back to Well with him to make the same wish again and again but each time it failed. It’d definitely been tough on Jay at first. Losing over 25 years of his life wasn’t an easy pill to swallow but slowly he began to accept that this might be the new reality they’d have to live with. Thankfully he was kept afloat by Leon who said he would still love him regardless of which body he was in. It was probably still gonna take awhile before he fully embraced his new identity but so far so good.
On Ken’s end however, he was living a better life than ever. Shortly after Jay’s first failed attempt at switching back, Ken confessed his feeling to his gym crush Sean. To his delight Sean admitted that he’d been feeling a similar way. Apparently Ken’s ‘mature demeanour’ was one of the things that’d initially pulled him in. That and the incredible body of course.
And that was that. Love had blossomed. The two went on a few amazing dates, had their first kiss by the fourth one and were ripping off each overs clothes in Ken’s apartment by the sixth. Ken found himself pounding into the other hunk first with a dominant energy until he was later flipped over and had his hole resized. When he felt Sean’s load filling his hole, that’s when Ken knew he was truly in love.
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Now the two were officially boyfriends and Ken couldn’t be happier. He finally got a chance to live the life that he was too afraid to live before. He would always be eternally grateful to his Son for revealing the magical Well to him and giving him this second chance.
“Hey so my Dad’s 50th birthday is coming up soon and we’re thinking of throwing him a party.” Ken said before devouring another mouthful of cereal. “Was wondering if you wanted to come or not.”
“Yeah that sounds good to me. It’ll give me a chance to properly meet your family.” Sean replied while taking a sip of his coffee. “I love that you and your dad still have such a strong connection.”
“What can I say. He’s one of the kindest and most generous men I know.” Ken peered across the room at one of the wall mirrors and smirked. “If it weren’t for him then I wouldn’t be the man I am today.” With that he leaned in to give his hot new boyfriend a kiss, confident that this was the life he was always destined to have.
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♥️ love this!!!!
Spyke's Gypsy Gambit Pt. 2
Read Pt. 1 by @emilio-the-dumb-wrestler here.
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"I am sorry that we have to put you down, Spyke," the vet's voice was laced with sympathy, but Spyke couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of triumph at the words. After all, it was Sam who was facing his final moments, not him.
Spyke watched as Sam, now an aging dog with a gray muzzle and clouded eyes, lay on the examination table, his body racked with pain. It was a stark reminder of the inevitability of his own mortality, but Spyke refused to dwell on such morbid thoughts. Instead, he focused on the here and now, relishing in the fact that he was still standing tall, alive and well.
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"This is never how we want this to end, but I know you're in pain," the vet continued, his tone filled with genuine remorse. Spyke fought to suppress a smirk, masking his true emotions behind a facade of concern.
As the vet prepared the injection, Spyke couldn't help but reflect on the events of the past year. Sure, there had been challenges and close calls, but he had managed to navigate them all with cunning and guile. And now, as he watched Sam draw his final breaths, he couldn't help but feel a sense of vindication.
"Unfortunately, dogs just don't live as long as people,” the vet muttered softly.
The vet left the room with a sympathetic nod, leaving Spyke alone with Sam's fading form. As the door clicked shut, Spyke's steps echoed in the silent room as he made his way to the examination table where Sam lay.
"That's right, buddy," Spyke murmured softly, his voice tinged with a hint of mockery. "I'm sorry, dogs just don't live as long as people – and it's been a while since you were one of those."
Spyke's gaze lingered on Sam's weathered face.
"Honestly, I can't thank you enough for giving me this body," Spyke's thoughts wandered inward, his lips curving into a subtle smirk. "Well, I know that you didn't really want to, but thanks just the same."
"It feels like yesterday that I was able to use my mediocre video editing and acting skills to trick the gypsy into thinking you wanted to stay like this," he mused inwardly, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "It really wasn't hard to do."
The memory of that pivotal moment brought a rush of adrenaline.
"But I really enjoyed the acting bit, pretending to be you to the rest of the world," Spyke admitted with a chuckle, relishing in the memory of his deception. It had been all too easy to slip into Sam's persona, to fool those around him into believing that he was nothing more than a humble dog.
And it was this newfound talent for deception that had propelled Spyke's acting career to new heights in the past year. With each role he played, he reveled in the opportunity to inhabit different personas, to become someone else entirely.
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"And I just know I am going to make it big," he whispered to himself, his voice brimming with confidence. "This body has all the right makings for a great career, nice, not intimidating, but still a cute face with a super sexy otter body."
He couldn't help but admire his reflection in the nearby mirror, reveling in the sight of his toned physique and charming smile.
"Honestly, I'm really glad that you, I mean I, have so much hair," Spyke continued, running a hand through his thick locks. "It was the one thing I liked about being a dog, and I never even needed to give it up."
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"Actually, I think this body looks so much hotter on me," Spyke smirked, his gaze lingering on his reflection. "Honestly, I have all the confidence and charm that you never did. It's why everyone is lining up for this dick."
As Sam whimpered his final breaths, Spyke backed away. The vet returned to the room, and with a final nod, Spyke left the office behind him, As he made his way back home, his thoughts turned inward, consumed by the realization that he was now the only Sam there would ever be.
The thought sent a shiver down Spyke's spine, a rush of excitement coursing through him. His spirit, once trapped within the confines of a dog's body, now mirrored Sam's on the inside. Just the thought of it was enough to send a surge of arousal coursing through Spyke's veins.
One he got home, he undressed slowly, his hands lingering on his newfound curves as he reveled in the sensation of his own skin beneath his fingertips. Spyke's chest heaved with anticipation as he reached for his throbbing member, his fingers trailing over his chest hair as he began to stroke himself. With a smirk, he placed his neck chain between his teeth, the metal cool against his tongue as he continued to pleasure himself.
His breath came in ragged gasps as he teased and tantalized himself, his body writhing with pleasure as he approached the edge. With a wink at his reflection, Spyke felt himself tipping over, his climax crashing over him like a tidal wave.
As he came, his seed splattering across the mirror, Spyke couldn't help but revel in his achievement. With a contented sigh, he leaned in to lick the last traces of his spunk from the mirror. He couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria wash over him, knowing that he was destined to stay in the body of a human as sexy as this forever.
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Family Reunion – Catching Up With Alex
Inspired by @bodyswapper, specifically: Family Reunion Pt. 1 and Family Reunion Pt. 2. Also read my sequel Family Reunion – Steve’s Youthful Journey.
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Two years have flown by since that unforgettable family reunion, and let me tell you, life couldn't be sweeter. I wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and marvel at the sight of this perfectly chiseled physique. It feels like winning the lottery every day. Seriously, if you could see me now, you'd understand why I have no regrets about what I did.
You see, I've fully embraced being Alex. It's not just about the body; it's about the confidence, the charm, the sheer power that comes with it. And let me tell you, I'm living my best life.
But about those family reunions? Yeah, I steer clear of those now. Sure, there's a part of me that misses the chaos, the laughter, and the strange tradition of swapping bodies. But the risk? Nah, not worth it. Even though I bound Uncle Steve to secrecy with Grandad's ancient magic, who's to say some other mishap won't expose the truth?
Like what if I got chosen to swap and it failed cause I sealed myself in. I don't need anyone digging into why it didn't work. (Honestly, I don't know the full extent of the magic binding me to this form, but I'm not eager to test its limits.)
Or, what if Uncle Steve or anyone else wins contest, and then gets Grandad to lock tem in this body instead. I mean, would you put it past them? This physique is like a work of art, and it would only be a matter of time before someone else has the same bright idea I did.
Besides, I've got plenty of other things to keep me occupied. Actually, to sidestep any questions from family about why I’m perpetually absent, made a bold decision: I relocated to Paris.
Now, to keep myself financially afloat, I decided to do something that perfectly complemented my newfound physique: I started an OnlyFans account. And let me tell you, it's been quite the hit. People from all around the world want to catch a glimpse of this body, and who am I to deny them?
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With each sultry photo and steamy video, my following grows, and so does my bank account. It's surreal, really, how quickly it's taken off. But I guess when you're blessed with a body like mine, the world can't help but take notice.
As my OnlyFans grew, it caught the attention of some Parisian locals. Now, I'll be honest, my French is still a work in progress, but I manage to get by with a charming smile and a few choice phrases. And let me tell you, it hasn't hindered my social life one bit. Take the other night, for instance. I received a message from a guy named Benoit, a suave Parisian with an air of sophistication about him.
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Benoit was only 24 years old, but he had the confidence of someone who had the world at his feet. Rumor had it he was the heir to some extravagant family fortune, and let's just say his lifestyle reflected that.
As I stepped into his apartment, I couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer grandeur of it all. From the plush furnishings to the sweeping views of the city skyline, it was clear that Benoit was accustomed to the finer things in life.
Over glasses of champagne and whispered conversations in broken French, Benoit and I shared stories, laughter, and more than a few lingering glances. Benoit was an intriguing combination of intelligence and physical prowess, his toned physique a testament to his dedication to fitness. Yet, despite his apparent confidence, there was a subtle hint of vulnerability in his eyes.
As we moved closer, the tension between us thickened. With a primal instinct taking over, I wasted no time in asserting my dominance. In a swift motion, I threw him down onto the bed and began to tear off his clothes, exposing every inch of his flawless skin. My fingertips danced across his body, tracing delicate patterns along his curves, eliciting shivers of pleasure from his trembling frame.
As I teased the outline of his cock and balls, a low, guttural moan escaped his lips, his head falling back in ecstasy. And then, in a whispered plea that sent a shiver down my spine, he uttered those three words that ignited a fire within me: "S'il te plaît, Daddy."
Hard as a rock, I moved upwards, brushing my lips against his neck, a soft sigh escaping his lips as I whispered, "Suck my cock, boy."
Without a moment's hesitation, he eagerly obeyed, taking me fully in his mouth.
After a few minutes of sheer ecstasy, I gently grasped his chin, guiding his gaze to meet mine. With a silent command, I motioned for him to kiss me, and he responded without hesitation, his lips meeting mine in a fiery embrace.
As our tongues tangled in a dance of passion, he shifted his position, straddling his legs over my waist, his body pressed tantalizingly against mine.
As we continued to make out, I couldn't resist the urge to tease him further. Guiding my throbbing cock between his cheeks, I felt the heat of his anticipation radiating against my skin.
A flicker of hesitation crossed my mind. I really shouldn't be doing this, not without protection. But as he looked down at me with those pleading eyes, his moans a symphony of desire, it was all the sign I needed.
With an urgency that eclipsed all rational thought, I thrust my cock up into his tight hole, the sensation of his warmth enveloping me in a wave of ecstasy. Holding down his shoulders to prevent any chance of escape, I surrendered myself completely to the intoxicating rhythm of our shared passion.
As I continued to pound into him, his expression transformed from one of initial discomfort to one of immense pleasure. The tension in his muscles melting away.
After a few minutes, we shifted positions, moving into missionary. With me on top, I took control, my hand wrapping around his cock as I stroked him in time with my thrusts.
Looking up at me with eyes squinted in pleasure, he uttered those words in the most adorable accent, "I'm close."
Keeping pace with our rhythm, I encouraged him with a husky whisper, "Fuck yeah, baby, say my name."
And with each desperate moan, each syllable of my name rolling off his tongue in a cascade of pleasure, I felt a surge of raw desire course through me. "Alex. Aleex. Aleeeeexxxxxxxx," he moaned, his voice a melody of ecstasy that echoed in the dimly lit room.
"Putain," I moaned in response, our bodies trembling in unison as we released our loads at the same time.
Basking in the warm afterglow of our shared passion, I couldn't help but marvel at the thought that if I “frenched” like that every day, I'd be fluent in no time.
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Andrew flexed in the mirror of the gym. It was slow work but he was finally seeing progress in his muscles building. All he wanted was to be like the bodybuilders he had seen so much online. Like the ones of the men that on the posters around the gym. And he was finally beginning to see the results of his hard work. Finished up his reps and was walking back to the locker room to freshen up when he had a sharp pain in his side. Almost as if he was struck with a needle. Getting into the bathroom he looked at his side.
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Gritting through his teeth the pain didn’t seem to be going away. If anything it was getting worse. Putting pressure on his side to try and get some relief was all he think to do but it did nothing to alleviate the pain that seemed to be spreading through his body. He began to scream out in paín. He tried to walk to the toilet because he thought he was going to vomit but wasn’t able to as he was doubled over in paín.
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He began to sweat. Gritting his teeth as the pain coursed through his body. His vision was blurry. He was moaning and grunting as the pain intensified and continued to spread through his body. He wasn’t even aware that some dark spots had began to show on his shoulders. Ones that were common among the gym juice junkies in the gym. A wave of pain rushed through him and seemed to subside. He was able to open his eyes for the be first time in several minutes.
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Something felt weird. Looking down at this feet they began to itch. His eyes widened in horror when he see black hairs beginning to push out of them. While his toes thickened and his feet grew larger. Hair grows over the tops of his feet toes. Connecting with leg hair that bream to grow thicker and thicker by the second. While his skin tone began to shift.
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Andrew flexed his larger feet not knowing that they just grew from a size 11 to a size 16. Matted in sweaty hair. Something that was sure to make his feet smell and stay warm no matter what he did. The pain continued. Spreading through his body as his muscle mass began to increase. His abs bulging and his chest forming a shelf. His arms bulking up as his face began to shift and change race. Standing in the barroom while his body began to reach its final changed he heard someone clapping.
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Turning to look over his muscle back he seen a twink with what would only be described as a voodoo doll. He bang to rub more on the stomach of the doll and Andrew felt his own stomach pulsate as if it was being rubbed. He looked at the twink again, sweet forming a pool under his now heavier darker body. The twink pulled the stomach forward and Andrew’s own pulled out forming a roid gut! Andrew began to back slowly against the wall while the twink continued to force his body to change more and more. Becoming for of the over blown Arab body builder the twink wanted him to become. Andrew’s life would now be nothing but the whim of the other man. Forced to become whatever creation the other man wanted.
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 2 months
Im a young athletic guy who's working as a legal advisor. My biggest wish is to be a fat obese truck driver who does nothing else besides working his 60 hour work week on the road for minimum wage and enjoy his pints on the next truck restaurant.
As you wish, Master, your desire is my command, and with these words, your life takes a new path. Let the metamorphosis begin.
At first, the changes were subtle. Your once flat stomach began to soften, the outlines of a previously athletic build blurring into the beginnings of a chubby belly. It was as if each pint you dreamed of sipping at those truck stops was already adding its weight, the fabric of your shirt straining slightly more with every breath.
Then came the love handles, sprouting over your lower back and hips like small, unwanted guests that decided to make a home there. Your once firm buttocks now bulged outwards, reshaping the back of your pants with a new, rounder silhouette.
The transformation did not stop there. Your thighs, once defined by the miles you ran, now grew and thickened until they brushed against each other with each step you took. What was a beginning of a chubby belly now blossomed into a modest, round belly, proudly leading the way as you walked.
With a soft pop, the buttons on your shirt gave up, surrendering to the ever-expanding pressure of your belly, revealing it in all its newfound glory. The love handles, now more pronounced, served as shelves for the lower layers of your expanding form. Your arms and legs, once showcases of your athletic prowess, now lost their definition, becoming softer, fuller.
Your face, the canvas of your soul, rounded out, and your neck thickened, shoulders widening as if to bear the weight of your transformed life. Above the expanding horizon of your love handles, a fat roll emerged, a testament to your journey towards a completely different physique. Your thighs, already thick, became even more so, straining against the fabric of your pants until, finally, they gave way.
The transformation turned dramatic; your entire backside exploded outward from merely chubby to unequivocally fat. Your belly, now an obese gut, hung heavily, a clear underbelly visible beneath it. The groin area thickened, cushioned by a soft, pillowy fat pad, erasing any definition that once existed there.
As these changes enveloped you, a small beard began to sprout on your face, the hair on your head thinning in contrast, giving you a nice bald head. Your pecs softened, losing any semblance of firmness they once had, while your hands and feet rounded out, swollen by the additional flesh.
The sides of your fat merged with the chest, forming what could only be described as fat moobs, a symbol of your complete transformation. And with this, your body grew hairier, as if to add to the rugged, unkempt look of your new life.
The smell of sweat, dirt, and oil clung to you, a stark reminder of the path you had chosen. And as the office you once knew faded away, replaced by the interior of a truck, you found yourself on a lonely road, dressed in a tank top far too small, revealing your transformed, obese belly.
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I see you embracing your new form, exploring the vast expanse of your transformation. Good, good. Let your hands wander across the breadth of your new reality. Feel the weight, the texture, the warmth of your belly. This is the essence of your wish. It is yours, Master, uniquely yours. Let it grow, let it thrive, for it is a testament to your deepest desires realized.
In the end, you sat there, a stinky, obese man, a far cry from the young, athletic legal advisor you once were. The road stretched out before you, endless and solitary, a mirror to the new life you wished for. Enjoy your pints, Master, your wish is fulfilled.
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 2 months
Hey bro!! I'm heading out to the beach, I just bought myself some new flip flops, and some swim shorts that I think show of my tight ass really well
I'd love to be a beach bum bro, but maybe I'm not cut out for it... maybe you can help me out a bit? Set me on the right path yknow
Totally man! Let’s get you beach body ready.
You walk out onto the beach in your new flip flops and tight swim trunks, aiming to attract some eyes today. You’ve never been the beachy type but now’s as good a time as ever right?
After walking around for a few minutes you find a nice spot to set up your towel and settle for a few hours, but as you lay out the towel something catches your eye. Something’s happening to your feet in those brand new slides. You see what looks like tiny dark hairs popping out of the top of your foot, slowly pushing out and growing longer. Those hairs quickly begin to spread though, and suddenly the tops of your feet are absolutely coated. Even your toes begin to sprout hairs, as they seem to be pushing out away from your foot, growing longer and bigger. The flood of dark hair doesn’t stop there though, as it quickly rushes up your pale legs. They darken by multiple shades as thick hairs worm their way out, growing thick and dense across your shins and up over your thighs. They tangle together as it looks like you’ve glued a rug to your lower half!
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You’re frozen with panic as you watch hair continue to spread up your body. Quickly you glance around. Is anyone else seeing this? What’s happening to you? So far nobody seems to have noticed. You lay down on the towel to try and cause less suspicion as you try and figure out what to do. The guy at the store yesterday said you’d be “a real sight to see” on the beach, but this isn’t what you wanted! You feel an intense itching inside your trunks and you pull up the waistband to look. Your small bush has erupted with size, and right before your eyes thick curly hairs are pushing out of your groin, spreading out quickly. You let go and hide the pubes back under those stylish trunks, but the hair has other plans. It begins sprouting up above your waistband, quickly giving you a thick treasure trail traveling up your stomach. The trunks also begin feeling tighter than you remember, and you reach behind only to feel your ass growing in size. Those new swim shorts are getting tight and really showing off your ass… as well as your growing bulge. You can’t help but feel a little turned out watching your own body change in front of you. 
It’s not done yet though, as that hairy treasure trail reaches your pecs and explodes outward, covering you in a thick pelt of dark hair. You can barely see the skin underneath as hairs continue to sprout in between old ones, creating a truly dense rug. It even stretches up over your shoulders and you can feel the prickles of hair sprouting across your back. Your bulge only grows larger and more noticeable as the sensation of the hair growing in electrifies you. Your moderately hairy pits bush out, dark wiry hairs making themselves known even with your arms at your sides. Your forearms are similarly coated in thick fur, darkening your previously fair skin. Finally, you feel a strong itch on your jaw as a five o’clock shadow forms. It doesn’t last long though, quickly pushing out into a thick stubble and then a short beard, coating your face in a dark masculine shadow. You groan as you cum a little in your tight swim trunks, overtaken by the pleasure of turning into a full on bear. The rage you had felt at the shopowner was already gone, replaced by the need to get out and show your new fur.
Enjoy your day at the beach!
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 2 months
hey! i want to go to a bear bar but dont look the part... can you help me fit in more?
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Look at yourself bro. Six feet of gorgeous, toned muscle, why would you want to throw all of this away? Oh well... the heart wants what the heart wants
I snap my fingers, and a massage table appears in front of us. Come on, lie down, get on your belly. Don't be scared ;)
There we go. I start to work my way up and your body, pulling and squeezing your muscles into shape. I oil up my hands, and your skin quivers as it starts to soak in. You feel it, right? Does it make you ticklish? Each stroke of my hands leaves your body plastered with damp, sweaty hair.
I squeeze my hands between your thighs, plastering your crotch with hair. I give your ass a once over, and then let my fingers crawl up over your abs, bringing along with them a wave of growth. Lastly, I give your face a good squeeze - bears need beards, duh.
There, I think that looks good dude ;)
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 2 months
Hey bro, I'm still kind of a nerdy twink and I'm trying to jock out and become buff, dumb, and insanely hairy. Would joining a sports team with other jocks help me out?
Of course bro!! These things are all about the community
Here, let me get you started. I've just signed you up for varsity. Now now, I know what you're thinking, but the coach owes me a BIG favor. He's gonna train you up, and you'll be out on the pitches in no time
In the locker rooms, you barely even notice it at first. Your teammates start off skeptical, but soon they're complimenting your gains. All the parties loosen up your antisocial attitude, and soon you feel pretty comfortable. Like, sure, they slap your ass after practice, stuff their cocks in your face, but they're ur bros, bro. It's all part of the fun.
And your gains are great. Every time a dude gives your ass a slap you feel how firm it's getting.
Like, look at you now
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That's more like it, right? It also seems like the forest of hair has made it up past your calves and now up over your ass. I'm sure it'll reach your stomach soon, then your chest, then your face.
All that thick hair is gonna look fucking incredible when you show off your legs on the field. Imagine those thighs, glistening with sweat in the light.
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Fuck, bro. I think I gotta join you too
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 2 months
Damn this was a 🥵 one !!!! Thank you so much @wannabeanotter !!!!
I am always working lately it seems. Running from one job to another. I’m so envious of those men who seem to just be able to let themselves go. To not do what’s expected of them. Think you can help me relax a bit and get rid of some of my responsibility?
You wanna let loose? Sure bro!! First off, have a drink! It's on me.
Now, I've got some bad news. You're never going to set yourself free when you have a corporate structure to answer for, yknow? So I've taken the liberty and had you fired.
Aww, don't look at me like that. Here, have another drink
The second thing is your brain. You're too, well, how do I put it... motivated. You keep on thinking about things like "goals" and "consequences". Loser shit, not enough instant gratification. So, don't worry bro, I just turned all of that off. You want a beer? just drink one, no more fears about hangovers and "obligations" tomorrow. That pizza looks good, right? Eat another slice. Eat 5 more slices. Who gives a shit if you've already had enough food for 2 men today.
Wait, what's that? You feel weird? Like your body? Well yeah, duh, actions have consequences.
Oh right, I forgot I blasted that part of your brain. I guess you'll just have to live with whatever happens
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Yeah yeah, I know, shit sucks. But I guess all those calories started to add up. I said I'll help you let loose, not your waistband.
The hair? I don't know what your talking about bro. Have you ever seen a fucker like you who wasn't hairy? Didn't think so. This is all natural. This is all right.
Well, nearly.
There's one last problem bro, even lazy dudes get their shit together; even pigs like you can stop eating, can get a job again, maybe even start working out. In my mind it just aint permanent enough.
So, I think I'm gonna give you something else. Something that can sap up any little sliver of focus you manage to squeeze out. Something that's going to eat up every minute of your life from now on.
Oop, there is goes. Do you feel that? Your mind is going somewhere else and it won't be coming back anytime soon
Tell me when you work it out ;)
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From now on, you'll be spending every waking moment thinking about your cock, playing with it non-stop. You wanna fuck anything and everything you see, don't you?
Good luck getting your job back now bro ;)
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months
Kiss in the dark; part 2
(Hey everyone. I know the images don't all make sense, sorry)
You reel, and look around. You're WAY outnumbered by these men, and your weight has shifted; a whole new new center of mass it hard to adapt to. You try to move, but all you can do is squirm. Suddenly, the big guy turns around, and pulls his shorts down. His ass is huge, and hairy as shit. It's like a fucking forest. What the fuck is he planning
You work it out. You always were so clever ;)
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It's too late. He leans back, and stuffs your whole face against his huge ass. You feel yourself squeezed between his round, muscular glutes, rubbing against every one of thick black hairs. You squirm, and try to yell, but it's to no avail - you're overpowered. After what feels like for fucking ever, you peel your face away, gasping for breathe. It feels like pulling apart velcro… as if something in his forest of hair was tugging at your face, something itchy.
The horde of bears cheer, what's happening?. You look in the mirror, and...
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A thick, wet beard has been plastered all over your face. You clutch it with both hands, and run your fingers through the dense wiry hair. You lick your lips, but your once pretty, smooth face has gone. The bear's hair has taken root in your face, and from now on you're cursed to be a thick, hairy bastard like him.
It's even worse. Looking up, you see your pretty long hair is gone. Instead, the curse has shaved it clean. You look just like any of the other fuckers in the club. You touch your shiny head, and nearly start to cry. But, you're interrupted-
The bear kisses you dead on the lips, and it feels fucking incredible. Every sensation - his tongue, your beards rubbing against each other - the whole thing is electric. You feel a lump grow in your throat. Wait, not a lump, it's your Adam's apple. He pulls away and you grunt in your new, deep voice.
You want to cry. Everything has been taken from you. Your waist, your face, your voice. You try to yell, but all that comes out is a growl. The crowd laughs, each bear staring at you grinning. They know what you are now. You know what you are now.
To be continued
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months
Kiss in the dark; part 1
It's a saturday, and for a pretty boy like you, that means it's time to look for some fun. You've gotten all dressed up - mascara, some nice tight underwear, and an adorable little crop top that shows off your gorgeous stomach; perfectly smooth, and just slightly rippled with abs.
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Everything seems to be going great, except… you're in the wrong bar. There isn't a twink in sight here! Everyone around you is a big, thicc, bear of a man.
You know you're out of place, but you see a guy wink at you. "Nice crop top man. I like a guy who's not scared to show off his gut"
He grabs your waist, and pushes his gut against your stomach. It's a bit intimate, especially since he didn't even ask. You feel him reach down and squeeze.
Wait, squeeze?? No way! Your abs are way too tight for that. You look down and see…
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You've start to grow a gut, and you can see a treasure trail creep over it. He grabs your waist and holds you tight, and you feel wave after wave of hair lap up over your new beer belly. Scrap that, you haven't started shit - you're MASSIVE now.
A crowd has gathered, and you see a few bears laugh. Stop it? How cute, you have no fucking clue what you've gotten yourself into. With each stroke of your body, you see new bulk and hair come in. First, your v shape waist went, then your smooth chest, then your skinny arms. Pretty boy hips are replaced by a firm, beefy frame, and your small, petite shoulders broadened. What else do they have planned for you?
You spiral in place. There's a mirror to the side of the bar, and, when you get a good look, your jaw drops.
To be continued
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months
Fuck I'm tired of being a smart twink that can only put on a slight layer of muscle.
I've got brains to spare, would you take them as trade for my dream body?
I want you to turn my IQ into a body covered in thick muscle, a chubby gut that never stops pumping out raunchy gas, a ruler busting horse cock, and massive balls that produce so much cum they need to be milked several times a day. Take as much as you want, I don't care if it leaves me a horny stinking beast. I don't want to care about anything except eating, lifting, farting, and dropping load after load after load in any man who can take my meat.
You really want yourself cursed to the full extreme don’t you ? We will definitely use all those wasted points on making you the gas machine you want to be. the first change you are going to notice is uncontrollable that seems to keep coming out of you. you cant stop it no matter how hard you try and even when you manage to squeeze your cheeks together to hold one in it makes your stomach have shooting pains that go through it. you stomach begin to balloon out slowly while being rapidly covered in hairy along with the rest of your chest and your arms being to thicket with muscle but become covered in a layer of fat. you legs begin to get covered in a dense forest of hairy while the same happens on you back. a long beard begins to grow from your face while you begin to sweat profusely. keep water near by you are going to need it because you are never going to be dry again. you begin to smell onions and cheese. you feet stretch forward going from an 11 to a 14 1/2 wide almost instantly as the cheese smells gets stronger. coming from your large thick soles. You try to keep you arms down because the onion smell burns your eyes and nose, but you can escape the manly scents you wish for. even when you shower you will be stuck with this smell. try as you might every time you get out of the shower you will look like the dirty sweaty jock you are supposed to be. and now for payment. you said you are willing to give up some iq points. well with a body like that you know that you cant have any brains. lets drop that iq to a shaky 65. perfect for someone who looks like an animal like you. and with that you shaft grow thicker and longer and your tennis ball sized nuts begin to churn leaving a wet showing on the front of our already damp shorts. You'll need to satisfy that new meet 5-7 times a day with the amount of testosterone you're going to be pumping out. and you're going to be drooling like an ape trying to find whatever hole you can to shove it in.
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months
Love your writing dude! I'm trying to become the absolute hairiest jock out there, can you help me out? I wanna be FURRY
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It took some time but I scoured the earth and finally landed on a body that I think you’ll really enjoy. He’s a jock by all means. Sweaty. Cocky. Muscles from head to toe. And hair covering the majority of his body in a thick pelt of curly darkness. With a snap of my fingers your flung from the mortal realm into the spiritual one. Left floating in the ether. Until you sr spilled quickly to a musky. Smelt bedroom. One that smells of cum and bo. You hear grunting and your vision becomes clear right when who I are flying directly into the hairy back of the man sitting on the bed. “Wooahhh bro!” You exclaim and your hands race to your throat. You can’t believe how deep your voice in. You look down and see nothing but roided muscle covered in hair. Your were so warm you were dripping sweat. You could feel it running down the hairy mass that you now controlled. You stagger to stand and your gut sits out in front of you. You pecs literally in your face. You couldn’t believe the amount of mass on this body and you could be standing more than 5’6”! It was hard to love with how heavy this body was and you sit back on the bed. Kicking your feet up to see them for the first time and see they are covered in hair just like the rest of your. You flex your arms in the mirror and see a massive bicep curl next to your head. “Bro I’m fucking huge!” You scream already leaking another building load from between your legs. And I’ve even made it so you’re in control of this body now. Permanently. And the real man who owned it is. Is now a subconscious inner thought. You may hear him from time to time speaking to you. But eventually that will die out as his essence ceases to exist. Enjoy being a body muscle hairy man.
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