leia-ksmita · 2 years
Sin, you are going there to your dream. Gapapa capek kadang kadang ya dinikmati.
Ya Allah apalah aku tanpaMu. Semoga aku selalu ingat untuk selalu dapat menyertaimu disetiap jalan ini.
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leia-ksmita · 2 years
At the state where I am really grateful to have such a supportive family. dan pengingat yang baik dalam kebaikan 🤍
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leia-ksmita · 2 years
Semangat. Sabar. Lempeng. Telen aja. Mam tuh adulting & stuff
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leia-ksmita · 2 years
My new anchor
That day when my dad's oldest sister came to my hippocratic oath uninvitedly. Took me by surprise then hug me and said "bapak pasti bangga sin". The tears that I tried to hold when I took the oath came out effortlessly in that hug. Turned out I need that words tho. Still the best day in my life.
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leia-ksmita · 2 years
How does it feel to be loved?
Gimana sih rasanya? Lupa
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
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Semoga andyra ngerasain rasanya dibucinin bapak sampai dewasa yaaa ♡
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
Senja 31 Desember 2021
Adding a new little muchkin into our little family.
Grateful for all Allah gave to us this year. Expanding family. Expanding assest. Expanding feeling to understand.
Today was our very 1st date after having peanut around. Not too good but not too bad either. I see us growing.
2022 sama sama sekolah 🤞🏻🍦
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
And finally you're here! ♡
17 . 10 . 2021
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Ten little fingers, ten little toes are finally arrived! Our dear, Andyra💖
May you grow well and happily. May you glad joining our adventure.
Baps & Mams love you 🤍
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
Hai Nai,
Tumbuh itu rumit, tapi ga papa. I believe you gonna figure it out.
Bukan prioritas bukan berarti ga sayang.
Semuanya diusahaain buat kita.
Even we still figuring all out.
Cannot wait to hug you 😊♡
It's counting days to meet you.
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
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Counting weeks to meet you 🥜❣
Semoga kamu happy ya akan tumbuh bersama kami❤
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leia-ksmita · 3 years
listen to stop this train for millions time got me thinking.
if I could get off and go home again, where am I heading to?
tempat nyaman, dimana ngerasa aman, living my life. dimana? kapan?
kalau sekarang,
masih belum tau jawabnya.
Hating myself for always feeling as a distraction eventhough I didn't mean to.
like always.
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leia-ksmita · 4 years
I'm gonna love you You never have to ask I'm gonna love you 'Til you start looking back I'm gonna love you So right I wouldn't need a second chance
bright lights and city scapes
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leia-ksmita · 4 years
Senja 31 Desmber 2020
Sekarang setiap langkah ada yang mengiringi. Aneh, tapi asik!
Kadang capek, kadang bingung.
Oh gini ya.
Planing pandemic wedding, moving to j-town, jobseeker, neuro-opthalmology assistant,
Still many things to do, to go.
Mari bersama beriringan, menua
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leia-ksmita · 4 years
it's you, you and yourself
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leia-ksmita · 4 years
Have you ever been so grateful 'till you cry your eyes out?
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leia-ksmita · 4 years
Live in this moment, just be present. Be patient. This is just a phase. Just a little wave.
You won't regret it.
So you won't have to say "I wish I had more time" later other day.
Just live.
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