Project #4:IDENTITY ZINE- Putting it All Together
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What were your favorite & least favorite projects & why? 
This Zine Project was my favorite because i was able to collaborate & be creative, my least favorite was the music video, because i had no experience with videos.
Which project(s) were most successful & why?
Most successful projects were the ones i was able to be creative in, including the first project of creating my own log & creating my own zine. 
What did you learn about digital art this semester?
I learned how to use illustrator, premier pro, photoshop & indesign. 
What more would you like to learn about digital art?
I would like to learn more about how to create your own drawings of art digitally, and how to transfer your artwork to digital programs like illustrator. 
How has working with a computer as your medium enhanced your creative practice?
I’ve learned how to create art digitally and use new ways of being creative .
How does your final book relate to digital art & what does your overall design say about you?
It relates to digital art because of how it was made and the digital artwork that is inside. It describes my love for art, people, new experiences & collaborating. 
How does the overall book design relate to the design of your online tumblr portfolio?
The overall book design relates to my love and design for simple yet surrealistic artwork.
How do they accentuate each other?
One is a collar & the other was done by me, however, they both to show my love for surrealism and simplicitity.
What grade do you expect on your final project & why?
I expect a A because we all worked very hard on collaborating with this group project and meeting up after class. We were very creative and used many ideas to finish this book.
What grade do you expect in this course & why?
I expect a B+ or a A- because i did miss a few readings in the beginning, but I've worked hard and learned a lot about digital art this semester that I never knew before.
This zine was created collaboratively
Creative & Surrealistic was the biggest themes in this zine
Telephone represents all of us coming together and showcasing ourselves 
All of us came together and drew pieces together (last image)
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Reading #5 : MY CHOICE
The Future of Illustration: A Design Student’s Perspective
Author: Michelle Cahill
“The future of illustration lies in finding new ways to visually evolve an idea to break new territory.” – Kate Sallai
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Why did you select this reading? 
I selected this article because it talks about the relationship between digital art and drawn art, and how now they are both becoming combined. 
Why do you feel it is important to share it? 
The connection between digital art and drawn art is now a growing new industry and way of creating art, a skill every artist should know.
How has it affected you? 
I would’t be taking this class if it didn't affect me, I'm not a graphics design major but knowing how to use art programs is a skill i must have.
Has it changed your perspective in any way? If so why?
Yes, this article makes me want to create more digital works of art with my illustrations. 
2 key points of interest 
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A illustrator in a digital age
Learning new skills in animation, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and similar programs will be essential tools for illustrators looking to forge new ground. 
Using these programs lets you create your art also in new ways, which can generate revenue towards the artist.
Popular websites such as Etsy or Redbubble lets artist sell there artwork, whether it be a painting, t-shirt or even bed sheets. 
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The power of art 
Illustrations allow us to connect with our inner child by motivating us to reminisce, imagine and reconnect with the earliest creators in history.
To take a second look, pause, reflect, think, connect 
Create jobs & revenue as well
Allow others to heal, create, and live.
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Assignment #4: Show Me What You Know
a person - Hiker/Hiking
I don’t have a favorite person, so i decided to show my love for adventure and hiking in this hiker. 
a place - Mount Hood (Oregon) 
After climbing this mountain, Mt. Hood, Oregon remains to be my favorite place
a thing - Pizza
Self explanatory, pizza is great.
I used my abilities in Photoshop to create a surrealistic image of a hiker in paradise. 
I used the color, creativity, unity and surrealism to create this art piece. 
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Reading #4: Beyond Pong: why digital art matters by James Bridle
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1.) Digital Art is Upcoming 
Digital art is a new way of creating art using our imaginations. 
For example, video games are becoming more and more dependent on artist, and is a thriving industry making millions. 
Artist can thrive in this industry for animation in movies/video games
A negative some may argue is using art in video games / movies take away from what art is really supposed to be, which in more formal.
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2. Digital Art = Power 
MacPaint was created in 1984 and now, in 2017 we have a gigantic use of digital art through from our technology.
Developing artist now have a platform that is constantly growing and generating more & more revenue. 
Virtual reality of paintings and images is now becoming a reality
“Digital has given us "the capacity to have an effect on the other side of the world almost instantaneously.”
Art is now becoming a network- a way to transfer your artwork around the globe instantly. 
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The Digital Revolution is upon us
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Digital Art Runway In-Class Assignment
I thought all the dancers were a meme/nightmare so I added to the humor and added text and a background to showcase that.
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Digital Exercise #5: Watch & Complete Adobe InDesign Tutorials
Adobe Indesign is used for creating your own logos, postcards, business cards, etc. Mainly known for its texts based creativity 
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Assignment #3: Create 3 Identity/Obsessions/Interests GIFs
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GIF animations
1. Identity 
My identity is included in these GIFs by showing my artistic,colorful, creative side, and my love for making individual pieces of art cohesive. 
My obsessions shown in these GIFs by showing my love for art, surrealism, creativity and random artwork that can be put together to be cohesive. 
3. Interests in art
My interest in art is shown in these GIFS by showing my love for surrealism, drawings, digital art, paintings, photography, and, making more ‘darker’ type of styles of art more light hearted and playful. 
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Project #3: MUSIC VIDEO = Story + Image + Sound
Music By: Chrome Sparks
My identity is represented by my sense of love for adventure, road trips, beaches, sunset/sunrises and having a good time with my friends
Story + Image + Sound Concept
The concept is using an adventure and mixing it with music that gives you a all around good feeling and good vibe. 
Using the story of adventure, the imagery of road trips/sunsets/sunrises/beaches/night sky, and, the sounds of good quality calming music, gives you a all around teenage freedom feeling.
Creation Process
While creating this video I learned how to input music, overlap videos, use fonts from illustrator, speed videos up/down and learned how to create a overall storyboard video that shows artistic dynamic qualities and provides a happy feeling of adventure. 
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Digital Exercise #4: Watch & Complete Adobe Premiere Tutorials
Video One-
Using my own videos collected from 2017, I created a video montage using Premier Pro. 
I learned how to layer videos together, add audio, add transitions, add texts and how to add filters on videos.
Video Two-
I learned how to use Premier Pro and learn the basics of video transitions and layering.
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Reading #3 : Allergy to Originality by Drew Christie
Allergy to Originality
Is anything original anymore?
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In a age where popularity and building connections with other people is based on being ‘normal’, or alike, is anyone truly original? Everything is based on something- so it’s a near impossible question to ask. Even if its not completely similar, some things, for example in art, will take pieces of other things and combine them. For example, Cubism, a popular art form was an original movement, or was it? One primary influence that led to Cubism was the representation of three-dimensional form in the late works of Paul Cézanne. The roots of today's most radical art lie in the first world war. Dada is about to celebrate its centenary. Contemporary art is built on the idea of total revolution, of things so new and challenging, yet it's all been done before.
 Anything we do in life will either be inspired or directly unoriginal, but that’s okay. 
“Good artists copy, great artists steal," said Pablo Picasso. 
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Assignment #2: Individual Research on Digital Art & Artists
Two artist that caught my attention were 
Liu Di & Felix Kraus
Animal Regulation No.17, 2014
Artist: Liu Di
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The Weight of Oneself, 2017 3D Animation VideoEdition of 5+1AP
Artist: Liu Di
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NowForeVR, 2016 Virtual reality animation 4k, 3D, 360º
Artist: Felix Kraus 
NowForeVR, 2016 Virtual reality animation 4k, 3D, 360º
Artist: Felix Kraus
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The role of digital art today is transforming the art world into different interactive ways for people to enjoy art. Digital art opens up a whole different field of creativity which can lead to countless different job opportunities. The selected artists work help me better understand digital art, and, help me better understand what digital art stands for. By zooming in, I could see the details in the art pieces and admire the artist work and appreciate the effort and creativity that they put into these artworks. The subject of these four works is a surreal, almost confusing style of art. It looks realistic, but it’s actually very surrealistic. The fact that these artworks were made on the computer and transfmorerd into 3D digital art is amazing and helps inspire me to create digital art of my own. 
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Project #2: Digital Collage/Montage - Exploration in Multiple Media
My projects idea was to create a fun, energetic, odd, interesting and colorful piece. This was my first time ever creating a GIF. I used a GIF to fully persuade the idea of energy and to give the art life. By using the elements and principles of design for color, space, shape, form & value I was able to create a dynamic energetic piece of artwork that best describes me. I’ve learned in this project how to create a gif and also how to use photoshop better than i’ve ever used it before. 
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Digital Exercise #3: Watch & Complete Adobe Photoshop Tutorials  
Image #1 : Used Adobe Photoshop to create color, vibrance, and blur to have a focused background
Image #2 : Used Adobe Photoshop to create color, depth, blur, and detail
Image #3 : Used Adobe Photoshop to a create a design by using multiple layers, shapes, text, and by using the magic wand tool to merge images together
Image #4 : Used Adobe Photoshop to create a design by using multiple layers, shapes, text, and color
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Project #1: Create your own Logo/Avatar & Header
Tumblr Portfolio
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My Visual Identity
The overall theme of my project was inspired by a simple theme that pleases my eye and also a design that keeps me calm and relaxed by just by looking at it because of how simple and straight to the point my design is, while also showing off my creativity. 
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For my header, I created a simple “ART” design that although is very simple, its also very complex looking.
I kept it b&w to keep it simple. I want my readers to pay more attention to my posts then my blog, so the bold letters ART help make the message clear, but also keep the theme simple and pleasing to the eye.
I kept the photo in the middle to create visual interest & depth. The word ART keeps it a simple appearance that’s easy and clean appearing.
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I created a artistic drawing of myself and digitally scanned it, and learned how to upload art to illustartor and have it appear digital.  
It logo shows my artistic side of myself, as well as my abstract side.
My logo is still very simplistic, yet it also has a complexity to it being a realistic version of myself. 
I chose b&w with purple to keep it simple but also to show that sometimes simple is boring a color is always important.
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Reading #2 Digital Divide: Contemporary Art and New Media by Claire Bishop
Contemporary Art vs. New Media
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This article key points are as such
Contemporary art and new media can go hand in hand. Digital art can involve complex collaborations with contemporary art.All professionals can use there expertise to help create a beautiful digital art design. I believe all art is important when becoming an artist. Even if you're not a fan of digital art, its important to explore the field so you have a new skill for your art.
Technology can inspire art, which is a very interesting topic. I believe in a lot of what this article talks about, such as being adventurous in art and finding multiple ways to inspire yourself. Ideas spawn from ideas. The author and I have similar points of view, but also, I feel like after reading this article i learned more about how great digital art can be for an artist. 
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Digital Exercise #2: Watch & Complete Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Illustrator features for Beginners
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How to design a logo in Illustrator
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Show Me What You Know #1
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My concept is Bernie Sanders skating in South Beach Miami.  I used the visual elements of color and movement in this piece. This piece exemplifies my ability to work in the studio effectively by the way i am able to make a picture a story. I added the photographer, Bernie, the skates, the flag & the background. 
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