leksalover · 6 years
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thursday needs a meme, here’s my attempt to contribute. it’s thursday and i’m here to help. thanks
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leksalover · 6 years
hot take: moms need to learn how to listen to and comfort their daughters without making everything about their own traumas
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leksalover · 6 years
Imagine if you were a Christian medieval person from a small village and you had a feud with your neighbour… how annoying would it be to see them in church every Sunday? Not only are you obliged to be in the same space with them every week but you’d have to watch them receive the sacrament and have their sins forgiven even though you know damn well they don’t deserve it… and on top of that you get the priest preaching “love thy neighbour” from the pulpit, I think the fuck not, I’ll not love an unneighbourly misbegotten churl such as he, preach though thou might, father
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leksalover · 6 years
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leksalover · 6 years
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This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
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leksalover · 6 years
The best road rage I’ve ever seen was this girl screaming out of her car window “I hope you don’t fuck like you drive!” I still think about that sometimes.
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leksalover · 6 years
okay i’ve just had such a perfect idea for the layout of a wedding ceremony that i drew a diagram and will now describe it
so a traditional set up for a ceremony would look like this, with the audience lined up in front of the couple, and divided in the middle to make a path for the bride to come down and be given away by her father to the groom
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instead, i propose (ohhh puns) a set up more like this:
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where the audience is on either side (which halves the distance that the farthest person is from the action) and at the same time you can have each half of the couple come down aisles on opposite sides and both be given away by their parents to each other (which takes away all the gross sexist and hetero-normative crap)
just… isn’t that way better???
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leksalover · 6 years
- Old Lesbians watch Hayley Kiyoko -
this is so cute and they say so many important things
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leksalover · 6 years
i know resting bitch face is like a joke thing but um has anyone ever talked about how profoundly soul-destroying it is to be told you look sad or angry or like you hate everyone when you uhhh actually are…genuinely trying to be nice or gregarious or even were in quite a good mood and had literally no idea you were even coming across as aloof or unpleasant 
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leksalover · 6 years
i know resting bitch face is like a joke thing but um has anyone ever talked about how profoundly soul-destroying it is to be told you look sad or angry or like you hate everyone when you uhhh actually are…genuinely trying to be nice or gregarious or even were in quite a good mood and had literally no idea you were even coming across as aloof or unpleasant 
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leksalover · 6 years
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Doomed to repeat it, I see
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leksalover · 6 years
im still pissed off that birds get to spend their days flying about and cats get to sleep for 16 hours a day and im stuck dealing with capitalism and expectations
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leksalover · 6 years
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Photographer Braden Summers traveled to several diverse countries to showcase that no matter who you are, love is love.  Because there is a misconception of what being gay looks like he went out to photograph only gay couples. 
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leksalover · 6 years
person: how are you
me: waiting for death but not seeking it out so i could be worse
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leksalover · 6 years
“I shall never forget the occasion where I was visiting a school as a writer and the whole place suddenly fell into an uproar because the school tomboy - a most splendid Britomart of a girl - had beaten up the school bully. Everything stopped in the staffroom while the teachers debated what to do. They wanted to give the tomboy a prize, but decided reluctantly that they had better punish her and the bully too. They knew that if, as a child, you do pluck up courage to hit the bully, it is an act of true heroism - as great as that of Beowulf in his old age. I remember passing the tomboy, sitting in her special place of punishment opposite the bully. She was blazing with her deed, as if she had actually been touched by a god. And I thought that this confirmed all my theories: a child in her position is open to any heroic myth I care to use; she is inward with folktales; she would feel the force of any magical or divine intervention.”
— Diana Wynne Jones (via intomyth)
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leksalover · 6 years
1. Always get a few numbers/emails from your fellow classmates. If you miss class or need held on an assignment then bamn. Resource. Also a good way to make friends.
2. Taking notes in a lecture is hard as fuck. If you have a google docs shared between yourself and several classmates, and you all write as much as you can on it, then you’ll have more complete notes. This can also be achieved by comparing notes after class and creating a “superset” of notes, so to speak, that you share with everyone in your group.
3. Make a list of businesses that give you student discounts. Make that money s t r e t c h.
4. Ramen is good. Ramen is great. Ramen is salty as fuck. Get a resusable water bottle or two and stay hydrated. This also improves brain function.
My college starts soon so if anybody has some tips and tricks for me I’d be glad
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leksalover · 6 years
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wlw appreciation week: day 4: favorite canon bisexual: rosa diaz
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