lembasloverowo · 3 months
I love Ian Mckellen!!
Movie review  
Lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring 
Director: Peter Jackson  
Cast: Ian Mckellen, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Cate Blanchett  
Genre: Fantasy  
Year: 2001   
The story is about the fellowship that needs to destroy the One Ring in the rift of loss to destroy The Ring, to end its influence on the Middle Earth. The  movie is very well done and the acting is amazing, specially Ian Mckellen as Gandalf the Grey, and Ellijah Wood as Frodo Baggins, because they brought the characters out of the books, such as Frodo and Gandalf the Grey, one of the most beloved characters of the franchise. The movie is very well done and the ambiance is very rich, briging Tolkien´s book to life. Even tough this movie lasts 3 hours, you can enjoy it and don´t see time passing by. 
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Lord of the rings: Two Towers  
Director: Peter Jackson  
Cast: MIranda Otto, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Andy Serkins and Ian Mckellen 
Genre: Fantasy  
Year: 2002 
This movie occurs after The fellowship of The Ring movie. The movie is about Frodo Baggins and his friend Sam, continuing their task of attempting to destroy The Ring, to do this they find Gollum, who guides them to Mordor. The Fellowship of the Ring is dissolved due to the fall of Gandalf, and the Hobbits Pippin and Merry are kidnapped, so Legolas, Aragorn, amd Gimli go rescue them from the Uruk-hai and the orcs. Saruman is back with many evil spells, wich he uses to command armies and kill people. When Legolas and Aragorn are looking for the two Hobbits they battle one of Saruman´s armies along side with the King Grim Snaketongue, who looses his son to Saruman´s armies. After Aragorn and Legolas free Pippin and Merry, Sam, Frodo and the Gollum go to Mordor to find a entrance to the Rift of loss, and after that Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Eomer find out that Gandalf is alive. Gandald finds out that Grim is helping Saruman and is concerned about Saruman´s plans. This plot is very nice, because it makes the plot of the franchise more dynamic. 
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Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 
Director: Peter Jackson  
Cast: Ian Mckellen, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Andy Serkins and Seam Astin. 
Year: 2003 
The story is about the journey to destroy The Ring on its end. After the Two Towers movie, we see the Legolas, Aragorn and Gandalf reunite the former Fellowship of the Ring, execept for Frodo and Sam, wich are in Mordor to destroy The Ring. The Ring is taken to Isengard, and Pippin uses it making contact with its maker Sauron. In Mordor, Frodo sees Sauron´s armies going to battle, Pippin puts up Gandalf´s plan to light up the Amon DÎn lighthouse to Warn Edoras Where the King Theoden concentrates his troops on the Temple of the Hill. The Army of Mordor invades Osgliath and Aragorn recives fron Elrond the Sword Enduril, and Aragorn is warned bout the theat that is going up  the  river, and if Aragon don´t make dead fight for him, he they will lose Tirith mines, so the knights of Roham and Aragon go to the Rift of the death to convince the dead. The Tirth mines are fenced by Sauron´s army and Gollum misleads Frodo the Laracna´s den and is kidnaped by orcs, Sam Rescues Frodo and go the Mountain of Loss. Gimli, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Eomer, Pippin and Merry alongside with the armies of Gondor and Rohan battle Sauron´s forces, and The Ring is destroyed by Frodo. This movie ends the LotR franchise with a very strong climax, it makes you nervous, but this is worth watch it. 
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The Hobbit: a Unspected Jorney 
Director: Peter Jackson  
Cast: Ian Mckellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Benedict Cumberbacht 
Genre: Fantasy  
Year: 2012 
On the start, we have an elderly Bilbo writting his book about his adventures with the dwarfs, then the flash back ends. The sotry beings with Bilbo relaxing on his bench, util Gandalf apears, invites him to a adventure, but Bilbo refuses, the next day the dwarves appear except for Thorin that appears later (and the dwarves eat Bilbo’s entire food stock), on the journey, to the kingdom that Smaug is keeping as his property, they are attacked by the trolls, and after being attacked again by other creatures,, and Bilbo alongside with the dwarfs they are stacked by Azog and the goblins and go to a dungeon, then Bilbo falls and gets the One Ring from Gollum. 
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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 
Genre: Fantasy 
Year: 2013 
Cast: Ian Mckellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Benedict Cumberbacht, Orlando Bloom 
Genre: Fantasy  
Year: 2013  
The movie starts with a flashback of Gandalf convincing Thorin to seek the Arken stone which is kept by Smaug. After the flashback, it is explained why Bilbo is with the dwarfs. The next part of the journey to the Lonely Mountain is to cross the Forest of Darkness to go The Lake City. After that, Bilbo gets the Arken Stone beucause the dwarfs don’t care about the city having a war over the dragon’s treasure. After Bilbo steals the Stone, Smaug goes after him to get the Stone back, and he destroys the city by spiting fire on the entire village. This movie is my least favourite because of the destruction of the village, but the dragon is very well done alongside with the special effects. 
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The Hobbit 3: The Battle of The Five Armies 
Director: Peter Jackson  
Cast: Ian McKellen 
Martin Freeman 
Richard Armitage 
Evangeline Lilly 
Lee Pace 
Luke Evans 
Benedict Cumberbatch 
Ken Stott 
James Nesbitt 
Cate Blanchett 
Ian Holm 
Christopher Lee 
Hugo Weaving 
Orlando Bloom 
In the third movie, Smaug is killed by Bard who runs out of his prison and Kili confess his love for Tauriel. It´s revealed that Thorin is sick with the dragon disease, and that´s because Bilbo searched for the Arken stone. Thorin and the company build a wall near Erebor, Sauron tries to seduce the lady of Loriel, but fails, then Saruman discovers that without the One Ring, Sauron isn´t theat. The orcs discover that an elvish army is approaching and aren´t happy about it. Alongside with the elvish army trying to befried Bard to get Thorin´s pearl necklace but fails. After that we see the great battle of the five armies ehich are the dwafs, elves, the lake man against the orcs and goblins. Thorin fights the dragon disease, Kili dies, Tauriel is sad for this, before dying in battle, Thorin say sorry to Bilbo. After the fight Bilbo goes back to the County with Gandalf. 
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X-Men 2 
Year of Release: 2003 
Director: Bryan Singer 
Main Cast: 
- Hugh Jackman as Wolverine 
- Ian McKellen as Magneto 
- Patrick Stewart as Professor X 
- Halle Berry as Storm 
- Famke Janssen as Jean Grey 
- James Marsden as Cyclops 
- Anna Paquin as Rogue 
- Rebecca Romijn as Mystique 
The story begins with Nightcrawler being controlled by Colonel William Stryker and trying to kill the president in the White House, tarnishing the image of mutants in the world. The villain follows his plan by launching a secret attack on Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Wolverine and the other X-Men unite to stop Stryker's plans to eradicate mutants using the powers of his mutant son, Xavier and "the brain". The military invade institution X, Wolverine runs away with the vampire, and two other teenagers, while Jane and Storm find Nightcrawler and understand what happened. 
Magneto and Mistica join the X men to save Xavier and all the other mutants consecutively, but in the end Magneto turns the tables and tries to kill all the "non-mutants", being prevented by the storm and night, together.  
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Year of Release: 2006 
Director: Brett Ratner 
Main Cast: 
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine 
Ian McKellen as Magneto 
Patrick Stewart as Professor X 
Halle Berry as Storm 
Famke Janssen as Jean Grey/Phoenix 
James Marsden as Cyclops 
Anna Paquin as Rogue 
Rebecca Romijn as Mystique 
The movie addresses the discovery of a cure for mutations that triggers a division in the mutant community, and shows Jean Gray's transformation into the Phoenix, threatening both mutants and humans. As the government seeks to eradicate mutant powers with a cure, a war between mutants breaks out, revolving around different opinions on this controversy. 
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