lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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"Lemy is lost." He stated bluntly; blinking large blue eyes up at the other. His eyes were red. How different. Lemy had been a little anxious; but the sounds Len heard was him playing his flute to calm him down.
Lemy blinked; looking around. "... This is a circus?"
Won't you stay for a magic trick, lemyleeventreur?
♧ Silently leaning on the brick wall, Len sighed with a small smile. It had been a rather slow day, unfortunately. Wandering the city nearby the circus provided almost no entertainment, minus a book he had found. It had got him excited, but to his dismay, it was one of the seven that he and his friends already owned.
He found himself closing his eyes for a brief five minutes, before hearing something. He eyes flew open, and he saw… a child? He blinked rapidly; was this kid part of a circus too? His clothes certainly were odd…
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"H-hey there, little guy… where’re your parents?"
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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Mama’s horrible but How is lenbby?
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Why Mama Court? And euh; not too good. I've been having a very backed up system so I can't exactly use the toilet and it hurts. Cramps have been coming in from being backed up and it's piercingly aching. But nothing's working and I've got three options left; and I really don't wanna use my last resort. Otherwise, just mood swing-y, strangely.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
Chartette looked down as she felt a slight pull on her apron. What she found was an adorable blond-haired young boy, whom she guessed was named Lemy. “Aww! Of course!” She looked back up and picked a big, delicious-looking apple for him, passing it to the child. “Here, is this a good one?” she asked.
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"Thank you miss!" Standing up on his tip-toes; he managed to hand over the coins the man wanted for the apple, clutching it against his chest. "Miss is very kind! Lemy thanks you!"
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
Chartette walked over and gave Lemy a kiss on the cheek.
"Miss is being silly!"
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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How is Mama Court?
lemyleeventreur liked your post
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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"Lemy is Lemy!" He chirped; before hugging her arm. "You know that, Princess Sandman!" Well; he was confusing someone for someone else again...
Four people have entered the forest
"Hmm? Hello there! Who might you be?"
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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"Who is Raymond? Lemy is Lemy." The boy was lost; holding his flute in one hand and with a blank expression on his face. "Lemy is lost... Can pretty miss help Lemy get home to mama? Mama will be mad if I don't get home soon..."
Another clown boy, lemyleeventreur!?
Something was strange, specifically the corner of town Gibbet always passed. There was a clown boy, well there was always usually a clown boy there, but not this clown boy that was there now. Thus it was indeed strange to Gibbet, who was used to saying hello to that boy.
"Excuse me, but where is Raymond? Is he sick?" She inquired directly, looking down at the boy, he was a bit shorter than Raymond. The boy was blond too, with a fool’s cap and a red-gold theme, all different from the usual clown.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
Send me a "✪" and I'll kiss whoever you ask.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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"Sister… Hm, I see. Speaking of which.. why is your friend called Princess Sandman? She must have a name like you right?" she asked. It was jsut her curiosity coming to the surface. Hearing his next words, she nodded and smiled. They would meet again eventually. Of course, she didnt know when and neither did he but… it was good to think positive. 
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"Princess Sandman does! Her name is Margarita. Margarita is really really nice to Lemy." The child nodded as if everyone knew that fact. "Why is she called that? She puts people to sleep with her voice." Well; technically it was half a lie! She just doesn't do it with her voice. But that was what Lemy was told.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
"Um, don't think of this as weird or anything, but someone told me I have to do this!" Chartette leaned over and kissed Lemy on the cheek.
"…?" He blinked, confused. "Why did miss give Lemy a kiss?"
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
She contnuied to stare at the boy as he connuied to hold on to her arm even though she told him,she wasn’t whom he though. Aren’t children suppose to be careful about strangers?’ she thought to herself wondering if she should say something about it to him, he could get in to trouble if he clung to everyone he meets. ‘It probably wouldn’t do any good though.’ she thought to herself brushing off the thought.
The doll stared at Lemy, quietly debuting what name she sure give him, she then sighed a bit as he titled he head. “Court…they call me Court, if that answers your question.”
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"Court? That's a funny name Miss Court! But Lemy thinks it suits you." The child nodded as if it were known fact. Or that she should accept it as a known fact. Whatever it was; Lemy was nodding as if he knew something she didn't.
"Miss Court is really pretty. Does Miss Court know that? Lemy hopes so!" Aww; how childish.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
Potterheads I need your help
my dumbass teacher said that Harry Potter is shit and that JK Rowling cannot be called an author as her work is terrible
i seriously need to prove him wrong I actually cannot with him anymore, he sickens me
he doesn’t understand how her writing has improved and helped so many people
Please reblog this if you love the Harry Potter series and you think JK Rowling is an amazing author
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
basically, if you imagine your otp during this song, odds are by the end of it you’ll be crying.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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BREAKING NEWS: President Obama announces: ‘I have decided that the United States should take action against Syrian military targets’ and he will ‘seek authorization for the use of force’ from Congress
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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Baby pls.
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lemyleeventreur · 11 years
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Get off the face. Augh I should be doing replies but no motivation........
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