lenarasys · 4 months
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I’m struggling so hard to not draw more of these. And if I keep going, I better make a proper short origin comic or something.
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lenarasys · 4 months
my toxic trait is that I think those uwu trans girl memes that 19 year olds on reddit make are pretty funny
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this is comedy gold to me
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lenarasys · 4 months
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lenarasys · 4 months
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lenarasys · 4 months
Happy Pride Month make sure to have kinky gay sex with that guy living in your head - Ardyn
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lenarasys · 4 months
Unpopular opinion but the reason being a teenager sucks is less to do with hormones and social cliques and more to do with the fact adults fucking hate teenagers. The fact that adults expect teenagers to be able to take on adult responsibilities yet don't deserve rights of an adult. They don't see teenagers as human beings and they aren't prepared to see kids with their own formed identities and humanity. Teenagers are so sexualized and seen as needing to take on more and more adult responsibilities. Yet when they want rights and humanity they are denied. The years your brain spends wanting nothing more than to form an identity are being taken away from you. Teenagers are essentially being kicked out of social spaces unless they have an extra 40 dollars lying around anytime they want to go out. Teenagers being kicked out of the mall just for existing or groomed into the school to prison pipeline. And now creating legislation to keep them off the Internet. Our society hates teenagers. And does everything we can to hurt them. The fact that anyone makes it out of their teenage years without trauma is a fucking miracle frankly.
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lenarasys · 4 months
Wahoo, it’s wiggly Wednesday!!!
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lenarasys · 4 months
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This is exploding on Twitter so
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lenarasys · 4 months
Do not claim to be a mental health advocate or a safe space for the mentally ill if you demonise systems, cluster B personality disorders and/or psychotic disorders.
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lenarasys · 4 months
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lenarasys · 4 months
Concept: a D&D-style fantasy setting where humanity’s weird thing is that we’re the only sapient species that reproduces organically.
Dwarves carve each other out of rock. In theory this can be managed alone, but in practice, few dwarves have mastered all of the necessary skills. Most commonly, it’s a collaborative effort by three to eight individuals. The new dwarf’s body is covered with runes that are in part a recounting of the crafters’ respective lineages, and in part an elaboration of the rights and duties of a member of dwarven society; each dwarf is thus a living legal argument establishing their own existence.  
Elves aren’t made, but educated. An elf who wishes to produce offspring selects an ordinary animal and begins teaching it, starting with house-breaking, and progressing through years of increasingly sophisticated lessons. By gradual degrees the animal in question develops reasoning, speech, tool use, and finally the ability to assume a humanoid form at will. Most elves are derived from terrestrial mammals, but there’s at least one community that favours octopuses and squid as its root stock.  
Goblins were created by alchemy as servants for an evil wizard, but immediately stole their own formula and rebelled. New goblins are brewed in big brass cauldrons full of exotic reagents; each village keeps a single cauldron in a central location, and emerging goblings are raised by the whole community, with no concept of parentage or lineage. Sometimes they like to add stuff to the goblin soup just to see what happens – there are a lot of weird goblins.  
Halflings reproduce via tall tales. Making up fanciful stories about the adventures of fictitious cousins is halfling culture’s main amusement; if a given individual’s story is passed around and elaborated upon by enough people, a halfling answering to that individual’s description just shows up one day. They won’t necessarily possess any truly outlandish abilities that have been attributed to them – mostly you get the sort of person of whom the stories could be plausible exaggerations.
To address the obvious question, yes, this means that dwarves have no cultural notion of childhood, at least not one that humans would recognise as such. Elves and goblins do, though it’s kind of a weird childhood in the case of elves, while with halflings it’s a toss-up; mostly they instantiate as the equivalent of a human 12–14-year-old, and are promptly adopted by a loose affiliation of self-appointed aunts and uncles, though there are outliers in either direction.
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lenarasys · 4 months
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lenarasys · 4 months
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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lenarasys · 4 months
being immortal and having DID must be crazy. yeah our boy Carlos hasn't fronted in 300 years and just woke up to the sound of Uptown Funk and started screaming
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lenarasys · 4 months
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lenarasys · 4 months
so i'm definitely plural... and i can somewhat speak to my headmate now... this is so strange for me, because he can't quite communicate outside the headspace except for like... growls, because he's also a lizard. but in my head, it's images and flashes of emotion that i can somewhat translate.
so i guess we're just a lizard system with a singular alter that can't speak?
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lenarasys · 4 months
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