lenireads · 11 months
crossing the line | two | kmg
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pairing: mingyu x fem!reader genre: smut, angst, fluff (ish) word count: 3.7k warnings: smut (18+), minors do not interact, oral (male receiving) kissing, swearing part one
this is part of my series, seventeen as songs from lover (ts)
Mingyu ➝ Paper Rings I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this ↳ Mingyu had always been your best friend and that line had never been crossed before, then, one day, you woke up naked ion his bed with a vivid memory of the previous night.
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Ever since he was a kid, Mingyu had this sort of life motto: regret nothing and own up to the consequences of your actions. And for twenty-six entire years, he managed to do just that. Of course, there were things he wished he could have done differently. However, once something is done there is no going back. He could apologize for it, had it been a mistake, or he could just move on.  And although he didn’t regret a single moment of the night he spent with you, the owning-up part was a little trickier than he had expected.  
Mingyu was sure that your reaction would be bad, he knew that you’d get scared. But he thought that you would stay back so the two of you could talk. Or, at the very least, follow through with what you had said to him. Tomorrow morning, we go back to what we are, was what you said. But when morning came and Mingyu finally woke up, you were no longer in his bed. The only thing left of you was your perfume on his pillow.  
He figured that he should give you time. You got scared and that was normal. He had known you for four years and he knew that you weren’t the kind of person who enjoyed changes. You loved your routines and being inside your bubble. It was a surprise that you had let him get close to you at all, even more so when both of you grew attached to the other.  
Chan said that it was weird but he and Soonyoung were happy that you were finally allowing yourself to just be freer.  
Mingyu wanted to be that person for you but was it so bad that he also wanted to be more than? 
Truth be told, Mingyu had been interested in you since the moment you met. You, on the other hand, didn’t seem at all interested in him so he didn’t press you. When you opened up to him and allowed him to get closer to you, he was dating someone else.  
It was around the same time he started to let himself be touchy with you, like he always was with all his friends, that he noticed that the way he first felt about you didn’t change or disappear.   
He had been idiot enough to stay with his girlfriend, thinking that maybe he was reading too much into what you were doing. Then his girlfriend started to get uncomfortable, the fights started and they just broke up. 
Though he didn’t feel nearly as heartbroken as he made it seem, Mingyu let you nurse him through his breakup. You’d sit with him for hours, his head on your lap while you played with his hair. 
“I think you’d look great with long hair,” you said randomly one day. 
“Why?” he looked away from the tv, eyes focused solely on you.
“You’re disgustingly handsome. I think you should try”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Mingyu started to let his hair grow and he was too lazy to get a proper cut so you were the one cutting his hair for him. I don’t want to hear a single complaint about this, you told him while he sat in the middle of your bathroom. 
It was physically painful for him to hold back from touching you. Mingyu was well aware that if you got scared you’d just run away from him and there was a high chance of him never seeing you again. And that wasn’t something he wanted. 
Desperate moments call for desperate measures. He needed, God help him, Soonyoung’s help.
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“So, how long will you keep avoiding Mingyu?” Soonyoung asked when you set his coffee in front of him. 
Your lifelong friend had asked to meet you once your shift was over, and you agreed. Much to your surprise, he had gotten there an hour early and was now just bothering you.
"Shut up and drink your coffee"
"Come on, there's no one here. Sit down and talk to me"
The problem with working at a café that had a homely feel was that your friends, honestly just Soonyoung, thought that they could just pretend that it was your own home. 
"I'm working"
He rolled his eyes at you.
"At your brother's café," he tugged at your shirt "Sit down, humor me for a second"
With a sigh, you dropped your body on the couch next to his. 
"He asks about you every single day, you know? He said you guys fought, so he's giving you time. But I don't think he will be able to hold himself back for much longer"
You pinched your nose, your heart suddenly aching at his works. 
Truth was, you missed Mingyu. Desperately. You regretted leaving his side the moment you closed his apartment door but you also couldn't bring yourself to go back.
You figured that you should give yourself a little time to understand what happened and maybe get it sorted out in your mind. But you couldn't stop thinking about him, about the way he kissed you — so tenderly, with so much care, as if you were something precious that he would never give himself the luxury of breaking. 
His touch was engraved in your body, just thinking about it made your skin electric. Mingyu was the first thing you thought about in the mornings, the last thing on your mind before you drifted off to sleep. He found ways to sneak up on you when you least expected it.
He texted you every day like he normally did, but you left all of his messages on read. You had been obsessed with your notification bar for the past three of weeks.
Though your actions said otherwise, you were scared of facing Mingyu, terrified that things between the two of you would change. 
"Tell me what happened" Soonyoung nudged you with his knee "Maybe I can help.  You know I always have killer advices"
There was no way you'd tell Soonyoung you slept with Mingyu.
"We just fought, it was stupid" you shook your head.
You watched in complete distress as the two working wheels inside his brain moved. Soonyoung went from furrowed eyebrows that said this fucking dumb girl to wide eyes.
"You guys fucked!"
You pressed your hands to Soonyoung's mouth, looking over your shoulder to make sure that your brother was still in the kitchen. Soonyoung kept his eyes wide open, his words muffled by your hands.
"Shut up!" 
He managed to push your hands away, looking over your shoulder before leaning on the table with his forearms, his voice barely a whisper.
"You're an adult, I'm pretty sure your brother knows you have sex from time to time"
"He doesn't need to know with whom" you pushed his head back. 
"Well, at least you're not denying it"
It would have been stupid to deny it when you felt as if you were walking around with a sign that said I slept with my best friend hanging over your head.
"Listen, I'll be as honest about this as I possibly can. You guys like each other, and have for a very long time. I mean everyone thinks you're dating" when you started to shake your head, Soonyoung rolled his eyes "I can count the amount of times I've hugged you in the past ten years. Twenty, if you're wondering. One for my birthday and one for yours, which I always have to force you to do"
"yn, you're not someone who's very into physical touch, which is fine. But with Mingyu? You guys touch each other the whole time, anywhere. The only time you guys weren't all over each other was when he was in a serious relationship, which mind you, you cried over"
Soonyoung was a fantastic friend, always. Despite his loud personality, at least around your group, he gave advice quietly. He never made a big deal of situations, he never went around screaming your secrets away. But in that moment you hated how much he was able to read you, like the only thing hiding your feelings was a thin glass wall.
"I didn’t cry" you sighed, dropping your head to the table.
"Sweetheart, you sobbed. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with you"
Soonyoung had laughter in his eyes, and at that moment he reminded you so much of the boy you met in high school. He had changed so much, from the way he dressed to the way he behaved. But still, somewhere inside, he was the same kid from ten years before.
"What are you afraid of?"
Of a life without Mingyu, was the only answer you had. 
You met Mingyu for the first time at twenty-two, fresh out of college, scared of life. You hated your major, marketing, and hated your job too. Mingyu had been a breath of fresh air, with wide eyes and a beautiful smile. 
It was always hard for you to let people close. You were just too shy and introverted but ever since Chan introduced you to Mingyu, you enjoyed his presence. He was always too much. Too tall, too large, too loud, talked too fast. But whenever he spoke to you, his voice was a little quieter, softer somehow.
Mingyu was larger than life itself and you were afraid you were too little compared to him. 
He was out there with his fancy corporate job, a financial manager, while you worked at your brother's café. It was what you wanted, yes, your shit degree had some use and you got to test out recipes with your brother. It was a much simpler life than the one Mingyu wanted.
"We're too different" you whispered, blinking away your tears.
You wanted Mingyu, not just like your best friend but in all ways one can have someone. You wanted to be able to kiss him whenever and do all the romantic shit you had seen people around you do.
"You're not and even if you were, what's so wrong about that? Don't people say that opposites attract?" he patted your hand "Won't you rather regret a decision than spend your life wishing you could have done something different?"
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Soonyoung's Words still echoed through Mingyu's mind hours after they spoke on the phone. 
yn thinks she's not enough for you.
He didn't know what he was supposed to do with that information. How he was supposed to convince you that you were more than enough? Not just that, that you were the only one he wanted.
As soon as he ended the call with Soonyoung, Mingyu had gotten up from his desk, ready to call it a day and go after you. Everything else could wait. There was nothing more important than you to him. 
It didn't seem to matter to his boss though, as he not only made Mingyu stay but also work over hours. Managers make their own schedule, my ass. It was already past midnight when he got inside his car. 
It was too late to go to your place and try to talk with you.  It was almost the middle of the night and Mingyu wanted to have a clear head to speak with you. He needed to be the most eloquent version of himself so that he could lay out in front of you, all of his cards, and hopefully maybe have you back in his life. Even if you were to remain just friends. 
So he dragged himself home, feeling defeated once again. Three weeks of no contact with you had been pure torture. His messages were read the night before, which gave him a little bit of hope, but still, he didn't get an answer. His phone calls were obviously screened. 
"Fuck" he cursed turning the lights in his living room on.
Mingyu rubbed his eyes to make sure that he wasn't imagining things. Because there you were, sleeping on his couch
In complete silence, or at least trying to be as quiet as possible, Mingyu took off his shoes and locked the door behind him. He never took his eyes off of you, scared that maybe if he looked away or even blinked you'd disappear.
He kneeled on the floor by your side, his hand immediately going to your face. 
Ever since you met Mingyu, four days was the longest period of time you went without seeing each other. Six hours was the longest you went without talking. Needless to say, those three weeks had been hell, both for you and him. 
You had been stubborn and Mingyu was determined to give you space. It was a lose-lose situation. 
“yn” he whispered your name.
Slowly you opened your eyes. And god, how much had he missed those eyes. Mingyu found out, very early on, that your eyes held all of your truths. You went about your life thinking that no one had a single clue of what was going on through your mind — and for the most part, you managed to succeed. But there were moments when you allowed him to see all there was to you. 
And maybe that wasn’t your intention but your eyes gave away your truth. You missed Mingyu, desperately so, just as much as he missed you.
“Sorry I fell asleep,” you said pushing back a yawn.
Mingyu smiled at you, his hand on your head, lightly massaging your scalp.
“It’s okay, it’s really late”
You nodded, eyes closing again.
“Can you lay with me?”
You tugged a little on the sleeve of his shirt.
“Yeah, give me just a minute”
Mingyu leaned down and kissed your hair quickly before standing up. He got out of his working clothes and grabbed whichever comfortable ones were closer to him. With a blanket in his hand, he went back into the living room. 
You scooted back onto the couch, your back pressed against the couch, giving Mingyu enough space to crawl in by your side. 
As soon as you felt Mingyu’s body next to yours, you wrapped your arm around his waist, getting as close to him as you possibly could. 
With a content sigh, Mingyu nested your head against his neck, his lips never leaving your forehead. 
It didn’t take long for him do fall asleep too.
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You were the kind of person who didn’t like sleeping in places that weren’t your bed, your home. In fact, you had a really hard time sleeping in unknown places. And yet, wrapped in the warmth of Mingyu, you felt as if you had slept for the first time in weeks. 
You missed Mingyu like crazy and craved his touch each waking minute of the day. 
You tilted your head back a little, to look at him. How you managed to go three weeks without him was unknown to you. But now that you were in his arms again, you would never let him go again. 
Even if that night had changed everything or nothing at all, you decided that you wanted Mingyu in your life in whichever way he was willing to be. 
Talking with Soonyoung had helped, more than you could have imagined. He walked you home that night, going over with you through everything that you felt, and why you decided to bolt in the morning. His answer was for really smart people, both of you are dumb as fuck.
During the entire day, you built up the courage to go to Mingyu and try and see if there was anything salvageable about your friendship. 
Mingyu stirred awake, his arms tightening around you, causing a small laugh to escape your lips. 
“What?” he asked, voice low and raspy. 
“You’re squeezing me”
It wasn’t a complaint, in any way, shape, or form. You liked the feeling of him all around you, almost way too much.
“It was intentional”
He squeezed you again, shifting on the couch and pulling you on top of him. His eyes were foggy with sleep but it was easy to spot the same thing you saw that night. The emotion you refused to acknowledge then. 
Longing and adoration. 
“Sorry, I left that day. I freaked out” You shook your head, pushing his hair from his forehead. You wished you could be more vocal about all of it, have prettier words for him "I thought that if I stayed our relationship would be over because I don't think I can go back to how we were before that night. I
You groaned and hid your face on the crock of his neck.
“I like you” you admitted quietly “I have for a really long time now”
Scared, you looked at him.
"I want it all with you, yn. I've liked you from the start. So can we, please, stop pretending that there isn't anything more than just friendship between us? We’ve had our fair share of miscommunication, missed opportunities, and unspoken feelings. Our friendship is everything to me, but I can't ignore these other feelings anymore”
His eyes never left yours. His emotions weren’t hidden in his sleeve, they were on full display for you. Everything that Mingyu was, he showed to you without any reservations.
So, instead of giving him stuttered words, you pulled his face close to yours, capturing his lips into yours.
The kiss was the same as the ones from the other night but also entirely new. That night you were friends testing the waters, entering unknown territory. In that moment, though, you were more. 
“I missed you so much” you whispered against his lips, trailing soft kisses down his neck. You felt his semi-erect cock under you, his hands on your ass “So much, Gyu”
“yn?” he asked as you moved lower on his body.
“I never got a chance to do this that night”
You kept on moving down over his body, nails lightly scratching the exposed skin of his lower stomach that was uncovered by his shirt. In one swift movement, you pulled his sweats and boxers down, revealing his cock. 
“I can never predict you,” he said with a laugh “Two seconds ago we were confessing, and now, look at you”
You ran the tip of your finger over the length of his cock while looking at him, trying your best to keep a neutral face.
“Do you want to talk some more?” you asked, voice sweet.
“Looking at you, all quiet and sweet, no one would ever
 Jesus, fuck”
You didn’t wait for him to finish, taking him as deep as you could in your throat. You stood still for a second, eyes still on Mingyu watching his reaction. His head was tipped back, eyes closed, mouth slightly open. Slowly you started to bob your head up and down, one of your hands on his balls as the other held the base of his cock.
“Fuck, yn” he moaned. 
Mingyu snaked his hand on your head, fingers gripping your hair and slightly pulling it, while forcing your head down on his cock, making you moan in exchange. You pulled your head back, licking his tip and small drops of precum. You felt him twitch as you teased his tip with your lips and tongue, your hands pumping him up and down. 
Another moan left his lips, louder this time, followed by a grunt.
Abruptly he pulled you up. 
“If you keep going, I’m going to cum in your mouth”
You smiled at him, which made him moan again.
“That’s what I was going for” you complained, kissing his neck, hand going between your bodies, running down once again, until you reached him. 
“But I want to fuck you” he whispered against your ear, biting the sensitive skin.
Mingyu took your lips in his, his hand still on your hair. Without ever breaking the kiss, he stood from the couch with you in his arms, pushing his pants and underwear past his ankles. The pieces of clothes lost somewhere in the hallway.
“I’m going to stock this entire goddamn apartment in condoms, every single room” he grunted as he dropped you on the bed “Pants off”
“Aren’t we bossy” you teased with a laugh, but still complied “You too, shirt off”
He rolled his eyes at you, pulling his shirt over his head. How many times had you ogled his body over the years, watching the transformation of going to the gym every single day? And now he was in full display for you.
“I want to ride you” you whispered.
Mingyu didn’t complain, settling against the headboard of the bed.
“I’m all yours”
Something in the way he said it felt real, final. He was yours and you were his.
You climbed up his body and took his cock in your hand again, pumping him once, then again, before angling him under your wet pussy.
Slowly, painfully so, you lowered your body,  taking every inch of him in. You moaned, feeling full of him. Mingyu reached over and pulled your shirt off too.
Lazily you started to move up and down, deliberately so. 
“Baby, you have to go faster” he moaned, pulling your face close to his, nibbling on the skin of your neck. You knew he would leave a mark, and so did he, but you didn’t mind. 
Mingyu suddenly grabbed your hips with both hands, firmly holding you as he started to move his hips up and down, faster than the pace you were willing to give him. You wanted to torture him, but he could do just the same to you. He smiled when you clutched onto his shoulder, head tilted back.
“Ah, Mingyu, fuck” you cried “fuck, fuck, fuck”
He moved one of his hands, his thumb pressing over your throbbing clit, mercilessly rubbing in circles. 
 oh my god”
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” 
He pressed harder against you, hips moving faster. The sound of his skin hitting yours was loud, dirty, and enticing. 
“Cum for me, baby, all over my cock” he whispered.
With a cry, you felt your pussy clenching around his cock as your orgasms took over you. Your entire body shook as you held onto Mingyu, biting his neck while he fucked you, thrusting to the hilt, again and again, until he too found his release.
You pulled back slightly and kissed him.
“Give me two minutes and I’ll eat you out”
You laughed and pushed his face back.
“You don’t have it in you, big boy”
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @wonvsmile, @mhlsymlysn, @immabecreepin, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @byunparklimchoi, @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr, @tomodachiii, @roguesthetic, @everyw0nu, @jj-ever-lovely-jewel, @bloomyroses, @bsshjsjsn, @sujiwonhao
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1K notes · View notes
lenireads · 1 year
Nyt lÀhden tanssimaan
Niinku cha cha cha
EnkÀ pelkÀÀkÀÀn tÀtÀ maailmaa
Niinku cha cha cha
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279 notes · View notes
lenireads · 1 year
The perks of being that guy (l.jh.)
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Taking note of the strangers you see day to day isn’t something you’d normally do. The only reason today is different is because the guy who made small talk as he rang you up for your intimate items was the same guy who showed up catering for your family reunion. 
or the one where jihoon is a dildo salesman, a caterer, a self-titled mechanic, and also your ride home. he is not an expert in any of his jobs, but he sure is an expert in wit and, well, other things. 
ao3 | m.list | reblog to give woozi a lil kiss 
minors dni!! 
PAIRING― jihoon x afab reader 
CONTENT― strangers to lovers like immediately, long fluffy hair jihoon!!!!,  you buy a monster sized dildo, blatant talking of masturbation and toys, smut, cliche blooming an attachment to someone after (1) fuckening. 
NOTE― a present for u all because i hit a milestone of 5000 followers!! this was only supposed to be like 5k words but i guess i was in love with him this whole time. anyway, this is not proof read bc i think u guys know by now that im not about that life, so if you find a typo– don’t tell me i will delete everything out of embarrassment. 
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags― it’s kind of fluffy im so sorry i just have feelings for him, average cock size jihoon!!!! he is very much a service top, making out, hand holding, caressing, grinding, finger fucking, titty worship,  unprotected sex (just wrap it guys, im too lazy to write a condom scene), sweet talking as a form of dirty talk, missionary bc i refuse to not write smut where he wants to look directly at you, back scratches (sexual) ~
Never have you been put in the position to make small talk about the sex toys you place on a counter to purchase. Then again, you guess it’s part of the job description that most people ignore or aren’t privy to actually doing. 
Never have you been informed of the wide variety of lubricants, additional toy-cleaners, or the bigger and smaller alternatives to your chosen toy. You don’t show discomfort though, because it’s not uncomfortable. Sex is normal, masturbation is more normal, and the man in front of you appears to be normal too.
“There’s twelve different color variants if you prefer something less fleshy.” The man says, standing at the counter with some sort of a permanent pout on his lips. 
“I’m fine with my choice, if you could just ring me up now I can get out of your hair.” You respond, glancing at the time on your phone and wondering how you got stuck with the only employee who actually does his job here.
“Are you sure you don’t want any lubricant
?” The man adds, gazing at the size of your toy and then looking you up and down as if you clearly wouldn’t be able to handle it without said lube purchase. 
The man with no name tag appears to be blissfully unaware of his invasiveness with that question as you tilt your head with a raised brow. Shocked at the very question, it’s actually quite laughable that he’s so monotone with the offensive comment. You imagine he’s done this for so long, he must be a manager trying to get the day over with, going through the steps in a bored mood with little to no regard as to how he must sound to strangers buying their first or twentieth dildo. 
With your assumption that he doesn’t exactly care about the level of wet your vagina is when you use this toy, you respond.
“I think I know what I can take and I already have lube, but thanks.”
He nods, not even sparing you much of a glance before giving you a total and bagging your item.
Now, despite Jihoon’s lack of interest toward the purchase of toys he finds it comical that he’s grown numb to the very fact that he knows everyone in this town’s kinks after they step out of the shop’s door. Someone’s gotta do this job and keep those secrets and he likes to think he fits the bill perfectly. 
Lively as he may be outside of this shop, each job comes with a personality and this one calls for one of disinterest in your product but interest in the sale. He’s not one to lie to himself though, many times a pretty girl has marched in and bought toys far bigger than any man and he does tend to let his mind wander about it from time to time. When he first started this job, bright eyed and bushy-tailed, he found it hard to navigate a single sale without a flush of rosy tints crossing his cheeks and ears. Now, he’s become a veteran at keeping his dick locked in place if he were to feel some type of way about a purchase and the one purchasing. 
Shy as he was when he started, it’s all lost now as he handles dicks and dongs, pocket pussies and anal plugs, even whips and chains. 
Shy. That’s definitely a word and surprisingly one that can describe him when he’s not on schedule within these walls of alien dicks and lime flavored lube to match the grotesque green color. At his other job, because he works two, he takes the praise of being the charming yet, timid man who shows up with pans of food for events. 
The guests seem to love him, and many times during weddings and company parties he has been offered phone numbers or asked for one simply because he appears to be that of a friendly face with a kind sense of being. 
It’s a stark contrast of jobs, and somehow he’s managed to dodge knowing many of the people coming into his night job to shop for ways to fuck themselves. The rare time it had happened, he was thankful to have another person in the shop to ring them up. Keeping up with two jobs is hard, and keeping up with two personalities is even harder.
You hadn't thought of that guy from the sex shop even once until he showed his face at your family reunion. 
He noticed you before you managed to realize it was him though. Stealing looks in your direction as you chat with little cousins and elder aunts and uncles, mostly to double check in his brain if you’re really the girl who showed up and nonchalantly bought the newest dildo in stock. The fleshy colored one with rotating beads and a g-spot stimulator button. Upon your eyes meeting his though, he could tell it was you simply by your furrowed brow as you recognized him. 
Jihoon couldn’t help but smirk. He knew that eventually someone at an event would recognize him as their local sex-shop manager, he’s actually shocked it doesn’t happen more often. At least it’s you though, a woman who looks near his age and clearly has a very healthy relationship with her sexuality. So much so that you weren’t shy or nervous in buying the toy from him, because it’s very true that many people feel too vulnerable when buying those kinds of items. 
His smirk doesn’t go unnoticed by you before you look away from him and focus your attention back to your family. And by the time he’s prepared the food and is standing aside to help explain  or describe what ingredients the dishes have, you’re walking up with your empty plate and an awkward glance. 
He follows you down the line, seemingly more interested in you than anyone else. You could argue it’s just an attempt to make you feel embarrassed though.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” You ask, a knowing look telling him that you’re already very aware of that ‘somewhere’ you know him from. 
His pursed lips and snide hidden laugh at you is one thing, but the way he whispers to you over a pan of potato casserole is another. 
“I think you know who I am.” He says, crossing his arms as he leans back again with a flicker of a grin. 
You leave it at that, looking him in the eye curiously and for some reason, smiling back at the strange second encounter with a man who appears to have a name tag now.
“Thanks, Jihoon. See you around.” 
You’re heading away from the table of food and now toward your saved spot at the table of family that you missed the most. Your same-age cousins, the ones you grew up with and made mud pies for your parents with during summer evenings. 
“What was that about?” One of them leans over to ask, glancing to the man who is still overseeing the table of food and maintaining perfect temperatures. 
“Huh? He was just telling me what was in the potatoes.” 
She takes your answer as truth without issue, and the conversation falls away and into something else. College life, job life, family life. 
Okay so you’re trying to hear yourself out here. Are you somehow curious and interested in speaking with Jihoon? Yeah. Do you know why? Also yes. For one, he just sold you a fucking interesting sex toy last weekend in the most uncomfortable way possible, and now he’s here at your family reunion to remind you of what you do in your apartment when you’re alone. 
His personality seemed different this time too. He wasn’t monotone, he was snide with you about knowing who you are. He probably thinks it’s funny that he ended up at your family reunion over any other event.
So yeah, maybe you find yourself going up to the table for seconds even though you’re no longer hungry. Maybe you definitely wait until no one else is at the table and he appears to be tidying up the space and wiping up spills. 
“How many jobs do you have?” You ask in a sarcastic tone when you reach him, the table between the two of you creating a comfortable distance to poke and prod.
He jumps only slightly at your presence because he didn’t notice you walking up. Then he’s smiling again, looking at you up and down. 
“Plenty. How much lube do you have left?” He answers before shooting back his own question and getting right to the point. 
You freeze in shock at his question, reminding yourself that his monotone voice from the late dildo purchase is no more and he now comes across as vibrant and charming to you. You check him out for a moment, taking mental notes of what may not be to like about him. Unfortunately, you’re not finding much to take note of. 
“I can’t imagine you have much left, that thing was a fucking monster.” He pauses to cover his mouth, forgetting that he’s supposed to be timid and gentle during his day job. He’s not supposed to be himself.
You find yourself laughing at his panic though, leaning over the table and holding out your empty plate. Mostly just to get in closer to him. 
“Why are you so interested in my ‘fucking monster”’ dildos anyway?” You narrow your eyes. 
He pauses, his panic easing after taking note of your easy personality and banter towards him. 
“I think anyone would be interested, with all things considered.” He checks you out again. “Correction, they should be worried.” 
“You’re different from before,” you comment, both of you now blatantly staring down each other. “I like this version of you more.” 
Something inside of him feels giddy at that. Not to be cliche but he wonders if this is what it’s like to instantly have a crush on someone. Again, he’s not one to lie to himself. You’re pretty and you appear to be confident. Confident enough to discuss this at your own family reunion at least.
“Maybe I’ll see you again sometime then.” He puts a hand forward, inviting you to shake it but you simply stare down at it. 
“Yeah, maybe you will.” You smile, slapping his hand as if you’re low fiving him. 
Honestly, he might actually see you within the next day or two because he was kind of right to ask about how much lube you have left, but it’s not like you’d answer that truthfully if at all. You might be running out after just two uses. He was right again about it being a fucking monster, because well, yeah. Maybe you’ll pop in and shop for bulk lube instead of rejecting his up-sale. 
Unfortunately for you, upon the reunion coming to an end, you get into your car and of course it doesn’t start. Your head slamming into the steering wheel with a sigh that’s probably loud enough for the entire town to hear.
The last thing you need is your father driving you home, because he will lecture you about your car and how it’s got to be some fault of your own for it to not start. And you know, yeah maybe it was your fault. Why were your lights turned on during a sunny sunday afternoon? Fuck if you know. Why were they left on for the entire nine hours you spent at your parent’s house? You refuse to ask yourself questions.
Just as you prepare to head back inside, taking the walk of shame ten minutes after saying your goodbyes, a savior appears.
That savior is none other than Jihoon walking up with his stiff button down shirt partially unbuttoned, hair now disheveled as he must have ruffled it up after the day of work. He watched you from his catering van for just a few minutes before finally getting out to offer his expertise. 
“The battery is dead.” He smiles, slapping both palms on your hood and leaning to look at you through the windshield. 
“Smart man, can you un-dead my battery before my dad comes out?”
Jihoon shakes his head apologetically. 
“I already checked the van for the cables, could be a write up on my part for not checking before leaving. We are supposed to have all sorts of shit to prevent breakdowns on a job. Not today though, apparently.” He scratches the back of his neck as he walks to your opened car door. 
“If you can hang tight for like ten minutes I can swing by after dropping the van off.”
Your eyes plead with him. You’d prefer this, yes. If he’s willing to help, you’re willing to accept.
“You sure I’m too out of the way for you to do that?”
He shakes his head nonchalantly, waving you off as he leans into your car to pull your keys out of the ignition. He smells like food, obviously he does, but there’s a scent of something else on him that’s far more attractive. The dull scent of cologne that matches him all too well. 
“Don’t try to turn it on anymore if you don’t want your dad coming out.” He laughs. “I’m sure he would help you but if you’d rather I help you, I am more than happy to do it.”
He’s teasing. His little crush pushes him to want to help you, but he’s gonna play it off as casually as possible. 
“I’ll hang out here. My dad would lecture the fuck out of me.”
Jihoon nods, backing away and heading back to his van to fulfill his offer.
On another note, you’re shocked that your father didn’t hear the commotion, and even more shocked that he didn’t step outside once since the reunion ended. He must have been tired, and you know him, he sleeps like a rock even if he hits the sack at 7pm without even cleaning up the yard. 
“Oh, it’s dead dead.” Jihoon looks at you apologetically, peeking his head out from the side of your hood and through your window. 
“Define dead dead.” You comment, taking your keys out of the ignition with a huff. 
“Like, you need a new battery. This one is done for.”
You sigh loudly, knowing that now you’ll have to go ask your parents for a ride home. Know that your dad is going to add more to his lectures with each day your car is sitting in their driveway. This is so fucking annoying. At least you work from home though, so it’s not like you’re gonna lose your job over this or anything. 
Jihoon unhooks the cables and turns off his car, then stands there and watches you for a moment. You look frustrated and annoyed, and it’s very much like him to offer more help. Of course it is. 
“Would it be too forward to ask if you need a ride home?” 
You look at him confused, tilting your head and studying his body language much like before. You’re not one to decline someone making your life a little bit easier, and he is interesting to talk to. You nod slowly, then pause.
“You’ve worked all day, don’t waste your off-time helping me out.”
“I’m already wasting my off time on you though, might as well let me drive you home too?”
You stare at him. 
The awkward silence sets in shortly after you seat yourself in his car. You fill that silence with small sarcastic comments about his car though, and soon it becomes easy to be in the space with him.
“Where did this sticker come from?” You ask, poking your finger into a sticker with its edges rolled from the summer heat, probably.
“Ex girlfriend, i couldn’t get it off without it leaving a residue so I’m just letting the sun do its job and melt it off.”
“Oh, harsh.” You laugh, wanting to prod further. “Why’d you break up?”
Jihoon pauses, you can tell by the way his foot lets up from the gas momentarily that he wasn’t expecting you to ask that. Then again, he’s said some weird shit to you too, so you figure it’s not an end-all question. 
“Was that too forward to ask?” 
“Not at all, just wasn’t expecting it,” He shakes his head with a small smile, nearly reaching his hand from the wheel to pat your leg in reassurance. He holds back, wondering why the fuck that urge felt so normal for him to do. “It’s been like a year, so I’m over it and stuff. She just thought I worked too much and didn’t spend enough time with her.”
“Ouch, even harsher.” You smile in reassurance to him, also feeling it normal to want to do that for some reason. “Her loss, I mean, discounted dildos and food? Huge loss.”
He laughs at your comments, briefly looking over at you once he stops at a red light. Your eyes are shining with life, with interest even. At that moment, he feels something between the two of you. Which is quite strange considering this is your first time officially meeting him outside of his working hours. He can’t help the way his face softens though, it happens against his will, honestly, it does. 
“You’re kind of cute,” You blurt, breaking eye contact with him and shifting in your seat. “and fun to hang out with.” 
“Hang out?” He laughs at you, eyes now adjusting back to the road and lowering his speed just to have a bit more time with you. “This is hardly a hang-out, but if you’re interested, I’m more than willing to check my schedule to see when I’m free next.”
You feel confidence raise up in your chest, bubbling to be free in the form of a question likely too bold to actually consider.
“You’re free right now
” You comment quietly, glancing at him. 
“Hm?” He asks, tightening his grip on the steering wheel and feeling your eyes on him. He heard you, but he wouldn’t mind hearing you repeat it.
“I said, you’re free right now.” You repeat, this time with more confidence. “Would it be too forward to ask if –”
“Nothing is too forward to ask, I literally sold you a dildo.” 
You pause in shock, all thoughts leaving your head.
“Damn, alright,” You laugh, feeling kind of warm inside at how his forwardness matches your own. “If you’re free right now, we could hang out right now.” 
How lucky for both of you. He’s actually not catering tomorrow and only has to be at work at the good ol’ sex shop in the evening. 
“Alright,” He nods, glancing over to you. “Kind of fucked up we are hanging out after I met your entire family and still haven’t gotten a name from you yet though, wouldn’t you think?” 
Oh fuck, he’s right. 
“I’m sure you heard the kids yelling it all day. Don’t be dramatic.”
He laughs, already in love with the idea of spending more time with you. 
“Where to then, y/n?” 
If your parents were to ask why you’re walking through your apartment building with the caterer following behind you, you’d have no excuse. Then again, as an adult, you don’t think you need one. It’s strange despite how open and casual you are with making friends though, because you never just invite strangers to your place for friendship. Not at least without hanging out a few times. 
You guess it’s not super awkward because it’s true that he already knows things about you that your family doesn’t. Such as, the things you penetrate yourself with when you’re alone. It’s a major ice breaker, and something that makes the friendship with him come easy even after barely talking to the guy.
The few words you have shared have been easy and fun, so it’s only natural that if your instinct is to want to be around him a little longer, you’d invite him in right? You weren’t really expecting him to accept your answer to his question. 
“Where to then?” 
You thought for a moment when he asked that. You don’t go to clubs or bars anymore, most places would have been closing within the hour, and it’s not like you didn’t eat to peak fullness during the family reunion so having a late dinner with him was out of the question too. You answered him so easily, and he accepted in a way that seemed just as natural to him. 
“We could just hang out at my place, I’ve got plenty of streaming services, a gaming system, and wine.”
“Sounds good.” 
It was so easy to become friends with him, and now with him following you up to your apartment, the typical awkwardness that should come with this type of thing isn’t swarming your mind at all. He’s even making small talk about the building itself after parking in your parking spot. 
“This building is way nicer than mine, you got a door code and everything just to get in.”
“Wasn’t always like this. Being a single woman in a city like this calls for safety measures though.”
A little box in his head checks out. He didn’t even have to ask if you’re single, because he already assumed you were with the way you so easily invited him over. 
By the time you get to your door with him, he’s polite when he walks in and takes off his shoes. Polite in the way he looks around and studies your space, even polite in the way he walks into the living room and invites himself onto your couch and grabs your remote. 
“I was going to say make yourself comfortable but–”
“Well, would you prefer I sit on your floor?” He shoots back with a sarcastic tone in his voice. “Would you prefer I start digging through your cabinets for snacks? Would you prefer–”
“You’re so much more talkative when I’m not trying to buy something from you.” You comment with a laugh, dipping into the kitchen for two glasses and that cheap bottle of wine. 
“Speaking of, do you actually use that thing and like it? I mean, I see some weird purchases but that specific one is super popular with the fetish groups.”
For the first time, you feel heat rise to your cheeks. You should have known that the sex toy would be a point of conversation, considering the first time you ever met was buying it. 
“Yes, I use it. I’m surprised you find it shocking considering it’s literally your job to know what people like in terms of getting off.”
He smiles at that, because you’re damn right he knows. Most of the time he would prefer not to know, but he always did wonder if, on the off chance, he ended up hooking up with a customer he’d have some prior knowledge of how they like it based on toys alone. 
“You know, no one buys toys on a Monday at nine in the morning.” 
“I buy toys at nine in the morning on a Monday,” You chuckle, carrying the two glasses and wine into the living room and plopping down next to him. “Why does that matter? I’m sure you make your quotas even on the slow days considering how hard you were trying to up-sell me.”
He shrugs as he watches you pour him a glass. 
“It’s easy to up-sell when you know people’s kinks after a few purchases. I do that to everyone just to gauge what they need so if they come back I can make more offers.”
“A true salesman.” You laugh with a pitied voice. “What would you say my kink is?”
He studies you, looking you up and down without shame and thinking hard about your single purchase. 
“Well, considering that specific item is, again, usually looked at by a specific type of person or couple, I’d say–”
“Wrong.” You interrupt before he even tries to make a guess. “I don’t have a kink, I just have a sex drive.”
You take a sip at his silence of being beaten to the punch, and then he takes his own thoughtful sip. 
“Okay then, What do you think my kink is?” He asks slyly, cup still against his lips as he sips again. 
“Wha–” You narrow your eyes. “Hell if I know, you probably don’t even have sex after being in a hyper-sexualized space like that for hours on end.”
“Wrong.” He pokes his tongue into his cheek and looks away from you with another casual chuckle.
“Are you telling me you have a pocket pussy or like, a buttplug or something?”
“Three pocket pussies, actually.”
You don’t know why you’re shocked. For some reason his sex toys becoming the focus makes you feel more shy than your own being the focus. 
“I bet you named them.”
“Pocket 1, Butthole 1, and Jessica.”
He nods in a matter-of-fact tone with a proud smile. 
You feel comfortable around him, never having a friend who openly talks to you about these things without any type of awkwardness. It’s the fact that he’s a man too. Usually they think with their dicks and he seems to have no qualms in admitting that it’s something he may do from time to time too. 
You imagine he needs this type of personality to work such a job though, being casual about sex can be so difficult for your average joe because for some reason, it is embarrassing. It’s hard to talk about even to sex-shop employees. You like to think he’s probably someone who makes others feel comfortable about their sexual habits though, because you feel comfortable. 
“I’m lying by the way.” He cuts through your thoughts, “I only have two.” 
You nod energetically. 
“Jesse and James.” 
“Oh my god, how did you know that?” 
You narrow your eyes again. He’s gotta be a fucking nerd to get the reference, even if everyone knows what pokemon is. 
“So the pussy is Jesse, and the asshole is James.” 
He nods slowly, acting surprised before smirking yet again. 
“Actually, I only have one but I’ve experimented with other things that come through the door. Might as well, right?”
“And yet, you’re shocked about my single dildo purchase without knowing of my other items of interest? I could have just been trying something new too, y’know.”
Another sip of wine, and another glance away from him.
“No one buys that as a first time experience.” He shoots back.
“Okay, enough about my dildo, I actually have a question about something you might have in stock but I’ve kind of been too embarrassed to ask until now.”
He nods, his personality shifting only slightly into that as the manager of the sex-shop.
“Do you guys have like,” you pause, unsure of why you’re even trying to ask. Again, it’s not like masturbation is embarrassing, nor is the purchasing of toys. Asking for a specific item is a bit too intimate to you though, so you usually just buy those things online. “Okay hear me out.”
“Tentacles? Furry buttplugs with tails attached? Bondage rope? Paddles?”
” You pause at his spewing of different types of toys. “I know you have all of that.”
He pauses, unsure of what could be so embarrassing. 
“Do you guys have sex dolls for women? You know, like, just a dude torso with a normal length and girth?”
Jihoon fucking snorts. How mundane. Unfortunately for you though, Nope. 
“Nah, the owner tries to cater more towards men and fetish stuff. We’ve got women sex dolls but he’s never really even mentioned just like
a dildo attached to some sort of form that is shaped like a person.”
You shrug. 
“Guess sticking it to the wall is all I can do for now then. But like,” You pause, realizing that you’re actually going into detail at this point, which might be a little uncomfortable for him? Maybe? “It’s really annoying to have it sticking to the floor, and you’re like, riding it and it just pops off and stabs your thigh slipping out mid-orgasm.”
He snorts again, this time unable to stop laughing at the image of whatever orgasm instilled the frustration in you to even mention that happening. He tries to stifle his laughter with the last sip of his wine before choking it down and pushing his glass at you for more. 
“Noted,” He snorts, nodding his head and almost hiding his face from you. “I’ll tell the boss we need male sex dolls so the women don’t get thigh fucked mid-orgasm.”
You glare. 
“Dude, no, because it actually hurt.”
“Maybe you should slow down next time so the full force of your
” he pauses, realizing how sexual the image in his head is of you right now. 
“Okay, wait. I’m sorry, is this conversation too much right now?” You ask, looking him up and down and giving him a new glass of wine. “You’re blushing.”
He tries to play it off. 
“As if you could make me blush.” He laughs at you, downing half of his glass in one go. “To make up for our lack of product though, and if you don’t tell anyone, I’ll give you a discount on your next purchase just for embarrassing yourself like that just now.”
“Oh, I was supposed to be embarrassed?” You counter, laughing along with him as you actually start to look at him.
You noticed that he was handsome before. Normally employees of shops like those are nonchalant normal people, or strange old men who try to impose their kinks onto you. Jihoon though. Jihoon. Hmm, how to explain him?
With his messy hair that covers his eyes every time he whips his head toward you in a laugh, with his wide smile and pretty eyes. He may not be the tallest man you’ve ever looked at like this but damn is he thick. Like his thighs. Damn, the thighs. Even him now  compared to him when he was catering for your family, he’s so much more handsome.
His shoulders are broad, and he’s just
 You don’t even know how to explain to yourself the attraction you have toward him at this moment. Handsome is one thing, and you would have continued calling him that if it weren’t for the fact that he’s laughing with you on your couch about a ruined orgasm. 
“You know, Jihoon,” You start, looking into your glass and swirling the liquid inside, then you look up again and make eye contact. “I’m really not usually this forward but like,”
His brain stops for a moment at the serious tone in your voice, his expression softens and you can tell he’s listening. 
“I know masturbation and stuff is normal, and like, you see and talk about these things all the time but I never really talk about it to other people, they always get weird about it.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. I can’t say this is the most normal hang out I've ever had. Usually we talk about our favorite movies or books or something.”
You wave him off. 
“Yeah, that’s a good point. We could talk about our favorite movies but I find myself, um–” You stop for a second. 
“Is talking about it making you realize that it’s uncomfortable?” 
“No, the opposite actually.” You laugh, now actually feeling embarrassed. “I keep thinking about you mentioning the other things you’ve bought and experimented with.”
“Oh? You’re curious?” He laughs, now feeling a bit shy himself because he’s pretty sure that’s you asking him to put images in your head. “I mean I could go into detail but it actually might be too-telling right now.”
You nod, unsure of why you even suggested.
“Maybe next time?” You change the subject with a smile, one that does seem slightly disappointed. 
“There’s a next time?” He smiles, setting his glass down on your table and shifting toward you.
“I don’t see why not? I’m having fun, plus you offered me a discount.”
He nods, looking around the room and checking the time. 
“I should probably head out then? We’ve both had a long day.” 
You nod back to him, feeling a bit sad. 
“When are you free next?” You ask, grabbing your phone in a way that seems a bit too excited. “Can you give me your number?”
He obliges, exchanging phone numbers and promising to contact you with his next free day or night to hang out. 
Just as he goes to leave though, for some reason both of you feel as though the satisfaction of this hang out wasn’t reaching full potential. 
“Hey, um,” He stops before he puts his shoes back on. “Would it be too forward to say I’m not tired and wouldn’t mind–”
“Staying for a bit longer?” You finish his sentence for him, patting the couch as if that was also on your mind.
He doesn’t even respond, and instead makes his way back onto the couch where the cushion is still warm, unable to help that fluttering feeling in his chest.
It's almost midnight by the time he offers to leave again, and yet, he stays at your clear disappointment of the offer. Another hour later, the two of you are sitting contently and pretending to watch some shitty tv show in comfortable silence.
“We should say something.” He blurts, mid episode.
“What do you mean?”
He turns toward you. 
“We should talk about this.” He motions at the space between the two of you. 
You’re silent while you try to build up the confidence to meet him half-way again. 
“You can correct me if you’re not interested but I actually really would like it if you kissed me or something.” He adds as you continue to process what he seems to be getting at.
You’re taken aback by his forwardness, and instantly you knew he didn’t communicate this earlier for your own sake. Thankfully, you’ve tried to make it easy for him to read you and he ate it up like his favorite book. The content feeling between the two of you was buzzing up to this point. Very loudly in your brain where you were thinking of how to kiss him before the night is up. Even as just a “thank you” if he were to turn away from it. 
“Oh yeah?” You ask, tilting your head and seeing him scoot closer. “Kiss you, or something?”
He nods his head, looking at you without much issue and searching for a reaction. 
“Are you interested in me like that, in any way?” He asks, looking for confirmation.
“Oh, most definitely.”
The smile that spreads across his face is one that you can argue will be unforgettable. It’s an expression you hope to bring to every person in your life, one that seems to express nothing but relief, excitement, and maybe even a hint of bashfulness.
“You thought I'd invite you inside without being interested?” You smile at him, feeling a little bit fuzzy in the head at the admittance. 
“I thought you were just being nice, or like, just interested in friendship,” He rambles on, stopping himself short to give more context to that statement. “I mean, it would be fine if this was all for friendship and I'm happy with that too but I can admit to coming into your apartment with maybe, uh, a small crush.” 
“I can admit to inviting you in with a small crush, maybe.” 
“Are we being too forward?” You ask, emphasizing the repetitive way that word seems to appear. “Even though you’re in my apartment at one in the morning and both of us are giving any and every excuse to keep you here?”
He smiles this time in a way that appears to be self-soothing, and you can imagine you are too. It’s always nerve-wracking to walk on eggshells with another person, the threat of wondering if you'll fall alone or fall with them into a new version of partnership. 
You don’t think about the lack of knowing him past a purchase, a quick conversation at a family reunion, or the past several hours he’s huddled up with you on this couch. You simply don’t think it’s strange at this point. After all, you’ve met people online and invited them over without much more than a name, age, and quick conversation about what they want sexually. How is this worse? How is this strange? 
“You’re right. Maybe we should stop being so polite when the reality of it is that I’ve been imagining what you’ve done with that toy since the day you bought it.” 
Okay, maybe that was too forward but all is lost now as your image of him changes drastically within the mere seconds it took him to say that, not in a bad way either. Again, of course he’s comfortable admitting it, the dude stares at dicks and holes all day. But now he’s staring at you, and talking directly to you.
Your silence makes him shift a bit, shaking his head apologetically. 
“Found the boundary, got it.” He shames himself with a timid voice, looking away from you and back to the tv with a hint of embarrassment. “I’m not lying though.” He adds after a few more minutes of your silence.
“Not much of a boundary if I admit that I was blatantly asking you earlier what you’ve done to experiment with your toys.”
“Aha! So I was right in thinking you were straight up asking for mind-porn of me?!” He feels instantly comfortable again, turning his entire body toward you as he folds up one of his legs to sit on with a little bounce. 
“Maybe, but what do you mean you’ve been imagining since I bought it? You barely made eye contact with me that day.”
“Oh, I was checking you out the whole time you shopped. Imagine my face when I knew exactly what toy you were reaching for.”
You shove him by the shoulder with a laugh, realizing that this is the first bodily contact you’ve ever had with him, but he actually leans into your shove rather than out of it. Meaning, he barely budges. 
“If I looked you in the eye at the register, you would have thought I was some pervert.” 
“You are a pervert. You said it had, what? Twelve other colors?” 
He shrugs with a pained smile at how cringe he must have sounded to you. 
“You seemed more like a sparkly pink girl rather than a normal flesh tone girl. Then again, this was before I knew you were looking for a literal male sex doll for probably super normal pretend-sex.”
You shove him again, your laugh coming out more forced now at the way he jokes with you. Once again, he doesn’t budge. In fact, he’s leaning in closer. 
“Now hold on, you didn’t mention anything about one having glitter in it.” You joke, wiggling your brows. 
“You trying to fuck a man or a magic unicorn?” He laughs yet again, all of it coming out more forced as the two of you drag out information just to hear the dirty words in a voice you’re only just realizing you like far too much. 
“A man.” You respond, this time not laughing, looking him dead in the eye and trying to pretend you don’t notice how close the two of you have gotten. “Why else would I go for more human skin tones?”
“Fuck if I know, I haven’t met a single man who has vibration settings or rolling beads though.” 
You snort. 
but also, why do you think I’m on the hunt for the most mundane sex toy a woman can buy now? The rolling beads almost had me passing out.” 
“Was it too much?” He asks seriously, hoping to god it was. 
“A little bit, yeah.”
“I can imagine you want something to feel real after that.”
For some reason, his words hit you straight in the gut. Your stomach drops as your attraction heightens, and suddenly you’re just staring at him as you respond. 
“I can imagine so, yeah.” 
He stares back, almost no space between the two of you as the banter only brought you both mentally and physically as close as possible without becoming twisted together. 
“When was the last time you felt something real?” He asks against his better judgment, wondering if you’re on the same page with him. Wondering if all this banter was leading to somewhere or nowhere. Because he could have sworn admitting to wanting you to kiss him, and you’ve yet to do so. 
“A month and a half.” You respond dryly, suddenly needing something to drink. 
He glances down at your neck when you swallow around your words, then stares at your lips before breathing in a sigh. One that was supposed to relieve the tension in this moment, but only building it more because he knows you see him do it. He knows you see him wet his bottom lip too.
“Are you going to kiss me, or are you planning to wait another month and a half to get what you want?” He continues on his streak of boldness as if to distract you from noticing the sexual tension, feeling his heart skip beats at the intensity of the moment. 
“It’s not like we have anything better to do.” You start, leaning in and still looking straight into his eyes.
“Are you suggesting that I’m boring?” He narrows his eyes as he feels your breath against his lips, still sweet from the wine that did close to nothing in terms of altering the brain. The two of you are totally planted into reality, if anything, a little drunk on the other. 
“Not at all.” You adjust your words from earlier, there, just hovering over his lips. “I’m just saying that nothing is more interesting than kissing you right now.”
Oh, the fluttering in his belly is so fucking intense right now. No eighteen inch alien tentacle dildo on a shelf could scare him as much as you do at this moment. Intimidatingly outspoken and aware of your wants and needs. His eyelashes flutter just like his stomach does, closing them slowly until he can feel your lips on his. 
Your stomach, on the other hand, has been doing flips since the first instance he admitted to wanting to stay. All of the tension, all of the comfortable silence, all of the glances, the smiles, the laughing, all of it was leading up to this. The moment your lips hit his, they feel much like you imagined they would. 
Soft, plush, warm. The thin lipped grins he’s given you all fucking day now laying flat against your own lips, no longer grinning, now just wanting. And he’s gentle, so fucking gentle with it. Never has a man asked you to kiss him. Usually they close the gap to try and swoon you. It appears you’re both being swooned by each other at the moment though, and his soft kiss only pulls back momentarily before he leans forward, closer.
The third touch, save for you shoving him, his lips on yours, and now
his hand on your cheek. Caressing so gently as he deepens the kiss with ease. The heat rises up and through your skin at the simple touch. You think he must feel it with the way he chuckles into the kiss and starts peppering them against your lips over and over again. A split second between each lay of his lips, and then another solid kiss. One where you finally start moving yours too.
It’s slow and languid in the way he kisses you like this, barely even darting his tongue out but focusing more on your cheek against his palm. He can feel your jaw move as you kiss and can’t help but love what’s happening, and when you’re the one to lick against his lower lip, he falls in so easily. 
That little movement from you, that little feeling of your tongue experimentally prodding his lips open releases the last bit of tension holding him back. He pulls back to look at you and you’re not backing down even slightly. 
“Does this feel more real for you?” He asks in a snide way, swiping your bottom lip with his thumb of the glistening saliva before tilting his head with a smile. 
You very nearly roll your eyes at him for that. And by very nearly, you do roll your eyes at him and can’t help but smile yet again. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” He says, palm still against your cheek, tips of his fingers toying with the baby hairs on your hair-line. “because I can imagine that the toy couldn’t ki-”
You shoot forward to kiss him again, only just realizing how awkward the positioning is considering neither of you were probably expecting more than a first kiss. 
He laughs into it, knowing you were silencing him of something that could arguably be the most cringe-worthy thing he can say after kissing you. His laughs start to stifle though, as you press forward and somehow manage to have his back against the seat of the couch and you planting yourself on top of him. 
“Can you shut up about the toy now? I thought we got past that,” You argue as you pull back, your cheek already missing the feeling of his palm against it. “You can’t just act like this and then say some dumb shit like that.”
You’re joking, he knows it. If anything, you’re complimenting him right now and he eats it the fuck up as he stares up at you. 
“Was I wrong though? Can it do this for you?” 
You take a moment to look at him, realizing that this is the man who you just kissed. With his hair a mess and fanned out onto the cushions, strands falling in front of his eyes, but mostly swept back and exposing the entirety of his forehead to you. 
You reach forward and brush a strand from his eyes. 
“Actually, say what you want.” You correct yourself and manage to ignore his question.
“Why the sudden change of heart?” He half-chuckles as he brings his hands up to set against your waist, hoping you don’t pull out of the intimate position the two of you are in. 
“I don’t know, I was just looking at you and thought it was stupid for me to try to argue with you right now.”
“Why’s that?” He prods for more compliments, feeling himself twitch at the way you look hovering over him. 
“Are you trying to argue right now?” You tilt your head, adjusting yourself now to sit directly on his thighs and lay forward, both hands cushioning your chin on his chest as you straddle him. 
“Would it be so wrong to admit that you’re fun when you argue with me?” 
You can feel him breathe under you, nearly rocking you further and further into whatever headspace Jihoon seems to put you in. It’s too comfortable, and it almost feels as though you’ve been with him for years now. You barely know him, yet you’re lying on him as if you got married two years ago. Insane how this works. How the heart works, or the brain, or whatever drives the arousal you’re feeling right now. 
“Will you argue if I ask to show you my room?” You start, lifting back up and away from his chest, now scooting forward a bit. You don’t dare sit on it yet, but you very much would like to if he were to suggest not moving at all from this couch. “My bed.”
He stutters and quickly quiets his excited words, replacing his voice with a nod and a sharp inhale.
“Hah! Telling me to argue and instantly buckling the second I mention my bed.” You laugh, pulling yourself up and sauntering out of his view.
He stares at the ceiling for a moment, in a daze over just how much he likes you. He wonders, would you be shocked to know he hasn’t had sex in much longer compared to you? One and a half months for you? That’s nothing to him. He’s been besties with his right hand for at least six months by now. Trust him when he says that it truly was difficult to not turn into a hormonal idiot when he saw you in the shop that day. 
Finally, he shakes himself out of the spaced out horny brain staring at your ceiling and stands to his feet. He’s quick to adjust the bulge in his jeans, uncomfortably shaking his leg before looking toward where you walked off to.
“Um.” He stops realizing you were watching him, looking directly at the spot he just adjusted. “I mean,” He tries to start again, adjusting again as he feels it slowly move out from its tucked place. “Listen,”
“No, I get it.” You say, snickering at his embarrassment as if he somehow doesn’t know you were suggesting at least some foreplay by moving to your room.
“Of course you do,” He drops his head, now blatantly shoving his hands down his pants to adjust before looking back up and taking a step forward. “You’re the one who sat on me like that.”
“Please, I didn’t even sit on it.” 
“Didn’t need to.” He shrugs, now coming up to you and waiting for you to guide him through your space and into your room. 
Once the two of you get there, him not even attempting to hide that he is very aroused at this moment, you’re very quick to turn to face him once he comes inside. 
“We are on the same page, right?” You ask, looking at his lips and the way they still look so kissable. 
“As far as I know, with all things considered.” He responds, looking down at himself and how pathetic he must seem in getting so aroused by nothing more than a kiss and a position change. 
You smile, reaching for his hand and watching him tumble forward to you. Now standing mere inches in front of you. 
“Do you want to see it?” You ask, a cheeky smirk on your face as you turn away from him and run to your bedside table. 
He had no idea what the fuck you were referring to until he saw it. There, in all of its non-human glory. Jihoon tics his tongue, curiously straining his neck out to peek at what else is in your drawer as he walks closer. 
You make no attempt to close the drawer and instead pull out another one, and another one, another one.
“If you keep pulling out toys I’ll start to think you were lying in saying you wanted to feel something more, um–”
“Real?” You say, turning from your presented line-up of toys to look at him. 
He nods, gazing over the toys, four dildos all far bigger than he is. 
“I can admit that men can’t vibrate, nor do they have those little rotating beats but,” You chuckle at the conversation, scooping the toys up quicker than you laid them out and tossing them back into the drawer. “They’re not warm, or attached to someone that can kiss me. They’re also not witty.”
You study his expression.
“They don’t make me laugh before getting me off.” You continue, wondering if you may actually be too forward about this now. 
He’s rendered a bit speechless, which is rare for him in any given situation. He always has a quick response, not at this moment though as he looks at you. He wonders if you pity that obvious act of self-doubt upon seeing your toys. 
“They’re not attached to you.” You add, this time stifling your chuckle, because it’s a pretty funny conversation if you look at it from the outside but you can imagine he must be feeling some type of way to be so quiet.
He thinks hard about it, knowing damn well where this was leading and pushing for it himself. Hearing you now though, so confidently say these things, all doubt erases from his mind. 
“Before we do anything,” he starts, his shaky voice coming out more confident as he continues. “Is this just a hook-up to you or are you feeling the way I’m feeling right now?”
You look at him with a question in your eyes. He was kind of shocked that you didn’t finish for him this time, actually. 
“Like, you know if we do this, I’m going to be calling to take you out to dinner at some point unless you say you don’t want me to, right?”
You hadn’t thought of anything past him since you’ve gotten here. You didn’t think about anything more than hanging out with him, and now, kissing him, and maybe you know, feeling him. For some reason though, despite the lack of sex you’ve had lately, him saying that only arouses you more. It’s been so long since you’ve intended to sleep with someone and have them want to stick around after. Some of the people you’ve been with didn’t even ask for your number. Is this what adult relationships are actually like? 
“As in, you’d want to see where this goes in the–”
“Future, yes. I’m not just going to fuck you and pretend I didn’t when I see you again.”
Shockingly, that’s a first for you and you like the feeling it gives you. Plus, him implying that he’s about to, or very willing to, fuck you sends a wave of fondness through you.
“Alright. Let’s not call it a hook up then.” You say, the playful arousal from before stifling out at the idea of being intimate with someone who is making you aware that you’ll see him again, now being replaced with
feelings? Arousal with feelings?
“What should we call it?” 
“A date?” You say back immediately, sitting on your bed and finally closing your bedside drawer. 
“Oh, you fuck on the first date?” 
You laugh at how quickly his wit comes back, especially with the way he crowds up and stands in front of you. 
“With you? I guess I do.” You smile wide for him, feeling the tension bleed away and replace itself again with the arousal of him standing and looking down at you. 
“How did we not meet earlier?” He asks, leaning down a bit as if to kiss you.
“Fuck if I know, I bought all of those toys at your shop.”
“Ah, right. Nine in the morning on a Monday. I don’t usually work mornings.”
“Guess I got lucky last time then.”
“I guess you did.” He adds like a period to a sentence, finally kissing you again and making no effort to hide the fact that he’s attempting to lay you down much like you did to him before. 
You let him, falling back on your bed and feeling him nudge your legs to spread. Again, you let him, feeling your heart begin to race with excitement in the way he kisses you now versus how he did it earlier. 
There is clear intent behind it this time, as he positions himself between your legs. Your heart only races faster when one of his hands slides down your shoulder and he tangles his fingers with yours. It’s all very intimate to be coming from a man you officially met today, but you really do feel lucky. 
Lucky that he works two jobs, lucky that your family throws lame ass reunions every five years, lucky that you had your lights on during a sunny sunday afternoon, lucky that your battery died. 
It’s so normal already to smile into the kiss and feel giddy inside. Never have you smiled into a kiss save for laughing when a leg cramp happens mid-fuck. You can’t believe how much you’ve smiled and laughed today, and you can’t believe he’s making you react this way just by holding your fucking hand and kissing you this way. 
He laughs when you react though, probably feeling at ease on your bed with you under him, squeezing his fingers tightly each time he licks against your tongue. And when he pulls back to breathe, you just look at him and the way his fringe hangs. He looks so pretty at this angle, even when he’s moving slowly, even when his other hand remains planted beside your head to hold his weight from falling onto you. 
It’s not been since highschool that you’ve laid with someone simply making out, fully clothed, giggling. You’re unsure of how he’s pulled this out of you, because usually when a man is on top of you, you’re already trying to get his clothes off. But this? This is something that you want to last. You want it to be slower than a usual fuck, because you like when he’s here with you. Whether on top of you or not, there was a reason he’s stayed this late already and you already know it wasn’t solely to fuck you.
“Did you expect to be on top of me someday?” You ask between kisses, and he takes that as an invitation to laugh against your neck and tickle your cheek with his messy hair. 
“Expect it? No,” He starts, leaving a kiss just under your ear before lowering his lips to the collar of your shirt and kissing there too. “Hoped I could, though.” 
Your heart swells up at that. You realized he must have meant it when he admitted to having a small crush on you. Only now do you realize that curiosity that brought you back up to the food-table during the reunion may have been the start of a crush on your end too. 
You don’t say anything more after that and instead fall into the feeling of his lips kissing alone your collar. For some reason the sensation of his lips pushing the fabric out of the way so he can kiss new exposed skin makes you feel incredibly wanted. Maybe it’s the pace, or maybe it’s just because you really really like him, and want him to want you. 
“Do you want to take it off?” You ask after a few more of his kisses, wanting to control yourself but also very much wanting to feel his lips everywhere else too. 
You can feel him nod in the form of his hair tickling your cheek more. But he doesn’t move from that spot at first, continuing to kiss you the same way and in the same places. You let him, up until he finally sighs and pulls back. 
Looking at him now, even compared to a few moments ago, he looks so fucking pretty. His eyes are now soft, you can almost see the lines from where he’s smiled for you all day at the creases of them. His lips, looking more kissable than they did the past two times you thought they looked as kissable as they ever could. His eyebrows, showing no signs of tension.
You’re staring and you’re not intending to hide it. Even as he lifts your shirt from your waist and starts to pull it up. You barely budge as you stare, and stare, until you can’t because he’s trying to pull your shirt over you head.
“If you’d stop staring for two seconds maybe I could get this off of you, yeah?” He laughs, finally pulling it off when you arch your back and then prop yourself up slightly with your hands. “There.”
He sighs when he says it, going silent and almost frozen at the image of your nearly-naked torso. You watch him stare now, a smirk forming all too quickly.
“Now look who’s staring.” You chuckle, noting that his eyes still don’t leave the newly exposed skin or the fabric of your bra.
“Yeah, I am.” He admits, wetting his lower lip again and then flicking his eyes to you. “Am I not supposed to?”
Suddenly, that eye contact makes you feel shy. You’re more naked than he is, despite mostly being dressed still.
“You know,” you start, avoiding his intense eye contact just to get the words out. “If we just take all of our clothes off now, it would probably be easier.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle at you but nods, already lifting his shirt off and going for his zipper and button.
“There’s no rush, but if you’d prefer we do,” He scoots back and away from you, standing to his feet to shove his jeans down his legs. “I don’t mind.”
You watch him undress and lose all ability to act on your own for a solid thirty seconds before you finally start panic-shimming the rest of your clothing off. Save for bra and panties, and he, now standing there clad in only a pair of form-fitting briefs. 
You’re glad he isn’t as shy as you at this moment though, or rather, he appears to be entirely infatuated with your body and doesn’t look away from it for even a moment to feel embarrassed himself at standing on the side of your bed nearly nude. 
“No rush?” You ask, when he finally trails his eyes up to you and takes his position between your legs from earlier. Except now, you can see his biceps and the way they flex, now, you can feel the immense amount of warmth radiating from him. Now, his hair is even more of a mess.
“I can try,” He says quietly, balancing on on hand and lowering his lips to yours once more, trying to ignore how dangerously close his length is to bumping against your pussy. “No promises now, though.”
You laugh, wondering where he lost his self control within that short span of time where you got undressed. He cuts your laugh off mid-way though, now kissing you again and moving his hand up and down your waist. It tickles and causes goosebumps to form all over you, to the point that you can’t help but sigh into his kiss. 
He continues, still holding his hips back from grinding against you, kissing you as good as he can until trailing back to your neck again. 
It’s not until you run your fingers through his hair that he sighs himself. That relief and heavenly feeling of your fingers scraping the back of his neck— Such a simple touch can literally send him straight to hell at this point and he wouldn’t care a single bit as long as it’s from you and your hands. 
He lowers himself more, just to prevent his hips from intruding into this moment only to lock his lips onto the mound of your breast, other hand lowering so he can lay down and push your bra to the side a bit. 
The cold air that hits your nipple is short-lived when you feel him immediately suck it into his mouth with a deep breath. You continue to scratch through his hair, now using your other hand to nearly hug his head in place as you feel the sensations shoot straight between your legs. Each flick of his tongue sends signals to your brain to go! go! go! But much like him, you hold back, even though your legs still manage to squeeze his body between yours in an attempt to find the friction he isn’t yet offering. 
He continues this for a few minutes, and then works his fingers under the bra on the other side of your chest before switching his lips to that one. Perking them up so perfectly that he can graze his teeth against either nipple and feel your legs react to it. All of it is turning him on beyond belief, it’s dangerously attractive to him now too, to know that you have several toys that could have already gotten you off by now, but you choose this. You choose his lips playing with your tits, and your legs doing an amazing job of showing him your lack of control. 
His lips continue their work, up until he’s trailing further and further down, making your sighs hitch higher and higher in pitch. He kisses your ribs, just above your belly button, then just below your belly button before leaning back.
There, he looks directly at the seat of your panties and smiles at the wet spot there. He plants a kiss right there before climbing back up and caressing your cheek again. 
“You’re wet.” He comments in a huskier voice than he normally uses toward you, balancing yet again on his other arm.
Before you can actually respond, his hand on your cheek disappears and is instantly cupping your entire pussy.
You hitch out a sigh and look at him with a smile.
“Obviously.” You say back, rolling your eyes playfully before unintentionally bucking your hips into the pressure his palm offers against your clit. 
“Cute too.” He adds, lifting his palm to run his fingers up the wet spot on your panties before pressing in slightly. 
You can feel them stick to you uncomfortably, but it still feels so fucking good. Any amount of touching from him feels good though. 
“And you’re teasing me.” You argue, looking away from his playful smirk as he plays with the wet fabric against his fingers. 
“Just ask. I’m not teasing you if you're not telling me what you want.” 
You shoot your eyes back to him, a mixture of curiosity and shock in your eyes. It’s true though, you are a little shocked. Most men really just do what they want, and so do you. Never have you been asked what you want. 
Your eyes trail down as far as they can, what his hand is doing is mostly hidden between your legs but you focus entirely on the way his arms flex as his fingers travel up and down your panties. 
“You want me to ask?” You question, hips bucking up again unintentionally. 
“Not so much ask, but like, tell me what you want.”
He nods to himself as he says it, licking his bottom lip and pressing the fabric of your panties in yet again. 
It’s not that he doesn’t want to do what he wants right now though, definitely not. He just figures you know your body far better than he does, and he’d rather not make assumptions and embarrass himself when you could just ask him or better, guide him. Who is he to assume you want his fingers right now anyway?
“I’ve never
” You start, swallowing your words as your brain goes back to focusing on his fingers momentarily. “I haven’t–”
He knows what you’re trying to say, so he attempts to make it a bit easier for you. 
“Do you want me to pull your panties to the side?” 
You sigh with a nod, looking at him and allowing him to guide you through telling him what you want.
“Do you want me to touch you?” 
You nod again, pushing your head back against the mattress out of frustration that you, for some reason, can’t find the confidence to just tell him. 
He listens to your body though, more than your weak nods and frustrated sighs. The way your legs shake when he asks, the way you react to the air hitting your folds when he does push your panties to the side. He can’t bare to look down yet though, because he knows for a fact that if he were to pull back and look at you in full, he’d no longer be asking you what you want. He’d be embarrassing for sure. 
You can feel his fingers now sliding through your folds though, bare pussy out and on display but not yet being looked at, only being felt. And arguably, all you can do right now is feel too, as he leans forward to kiss you in this silent moment. 
His fingers continue to explore as he kisses you, collecting all of your arousal and swirling it around your clit before sliding back down and prodding at your entrance. You make a sound at that, kissing his a little harder than before when he lets out a hum.
“Hm?” He hums against your lips, and you nod to him. 
There, he dips a finger in only slightly. Your arms reach around his neck at the feeling and pull him closer to you. To the point that you can feel him struggle to angle his hands right to slide in deeper, but you pay no mind to it. At least not until you kiss the fucking daylights out of him.
That, you do. Kissing him with full-force and making a show of how turned on you are for him. He feels it though, with or without your kiss bruising him. The wetness on the tip of his finger only becomes wetter, and when you release your grip around his neck, he still doesn’t leave the kiss.
He goes back to gently kissing you, focusing more on your fingers than what his tongue is doing. He slides that same finger in all the way now, feeling your walls clench almost instantly and beg for more. Chuckling at the feeling, he fucks his finger into you experimentally before pulling them out and adjusting two fingers at your entrance. 
“Hm?” He hums again, and you nod again.
So, two fingers slide in and you’re releasing a soft moan against his lips. Already out of breath from focusing so hard on how he feels when he touches you. Your lips fall slack just to catch that lost breath, and he doesn’t argue, going right back to that spot on your neck to kiss as he picks up rhythm with his fingers. Effectively fucking you open with them. 
You hate to say you didn’t pay much attention to his hands until now. Having not noticed how deep just those two digits reach inside of you, and good fucking lord does he know how to use them too. Curling them up at just the right moment to have you legs shaking. 
Never have your legs fucking shook for a man. This only happens with the g-spot stimulating toys. God, you open your eyes to look at the ceiling in thought, and it has you wondering if he even knows he’s doing it. 
“Keep doing that–” you urge him, and he hums at you finally at least trying to tell him what you want. 
He finally lifts from your neck to look at you, now placing his weight back on that one free arm that had been toying with the ends of your hair this entire time, and he’s fucking floored. Even if he pictured you before with those toys, none of those images came close to this. And it’s just his fingers? No where near the size of your toys, no where near as expensive, or warm
or alive.
Oh. You want to feel someone who wants you. 
“I’ll do anything you want.” He says, doing exactly as you asked except a little faster now, still hitting that spot inside of you so perfectly that you’re moaning out now. 
He tunes in entirely to the sounds you’re making, the faces you’re making, and the way your pussy clenches around just those two fingers. He is aching at this point, pulling back from hovering over you to sit now between your legs, fingers still keeping pace, and sliding his other hand down his briefs. 
You don’t notice at first, too enthralled by the feeling of his curling fingers inside of you, but when you do–
“God,” You moan, rolling your eyes at the image of him out of breath, both hands working to pleasure both of you. “Come here.”
He listens, already pulling his hand away from himself but keeping his fingers in you, in a daze as he takes his original position of hovering over you.
“No, I mean, come here.” You say, looking at him as you reach between your bodies and pull his fingers out of you, then reach to grab between his legs. 
He immediately moans at the feeling, his hips pressing harshly into your grip with a whine as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes just to feel it. 
“Take it out?” You continue, slowly becoming more and more comfortable telling him what you want. 
Just watching him do what you ask is insanely hot. The way he pulls his cock out seems so natural to him, you suddenly imagine what he must look like all alone while getting himself off. Thankfully though, he’s not all alone right now, he’s with you, and you intend to be getting him off. 
You look at him, between his legs, and then back at him once more before grabbing it again and practically pulling his hips to you by the cock. He groans all the same at it though, and only holds his breath when he feels your legs spread further and essentially press his cock between your folds and hold it there from the head. 
“Grind.” You say, still holding your hand in place to keep the pressure against him, which also puts pressure against your clit when he does grind up.
You both shiver at it, and he still looks down at you, fucking smiling through his sighs of relief regarding the new sensations you’re offering. 
“You’re actually fucking perfect.” He compliments, fucking his hips up and coating his cock with the dripping of your core. 
Out of everything he’s ever said to you up to this point, out of everything he’s fucking done to you, that’s the one thing that has you spiralling into a world of fucking fire. It makes you feel so warm, especially with the head of his cock bumping your clit. He has barely gotten any friction and he is still calling you perfect? Sign you the fuck up, forever, actually. 
“Don’t be stupid,” You start, waving him off between moans and gripping his shoulders.
He grinds up harder at your words though, now propping himself up on his elbows and grabbing your face on both sides. 
“You, don’t be stupid.” He says clearly, pointing his thrusts directly at your clit and moaning only slightly as he looks at you.
You swear, at that moment he could see your entire life. Everything about you. Everything you love and hate. The way he doesn’t look through you but at you? 
“You’re actually insane.” You laugh, crumbling to his pointed gaze and thrusts, your legs automatically shooting up to wrap around his waist. 
He seems proud of being called insane right now. Mostly because he can come up with at least fifty reasons as to why this is anything but insanity, but he remains quiet at the feeling of your legs squeezing around him. 
Such a girl was looking for mundane sex toys to have normal sex with? Lucky you, this is his fucking favorite. Plain ‘ol missionary? Check. Legs squeezing around him, almost pulling him in? Check. Looking directly at the face of the person he wants to make feel good? Check. 
You barely notice his lack of control by this point, the closeness alone feels like you’re already having sex but you realize you’re entirely empty still. This is fine though, until it’s not.
When does it not become fine? When his confident moans turn to soft sighs, and you notice his arms shaking a bit to hold his weight above you, and when his eyes go dead staring at you. You can tell he’s focused entirely on the feeling between the two of you, doing nothing more than aggressive yet
weak grinds? 
“Jihoon,” You say, slightly out of breath. 
“Hm?” He responds half-heartedly, releasing his weight from one elbow and dropping his head between your neck and shoulder.
“Fuck me.”
It’s like you can feel the switch in his head go from losing sanity to gaining it back in an instant at those words. He felt like he was pleasuring himself against you for so long, with so much friction between your hand and his abdomen consistently pressing into it. He could have come from this, if you wanted him to anyway. It would have been an intense orgasm after working up for so long, but now? 
He doesn’t even say anything, he doesn’t even move his head from between your neck and shoulder. Instead, you feel him expertly adjust his hips and press in without much trouble. He finds exactly where he belongs so fucking fast that is has you spinning and clenching immediately. 
“Fuck,” He drones out with a long sigh, slowly sinking his cock into you. “You’re throbbing.” 
You chuckle, because yeah. You definitely are, but so is he. You can feel his thick length spreading you open inch by inch, until he’s fully planted into and twitching. Then he doesn’t move again.
“This alone could do me in,” He chuckles against your neck, breathing in a deep sigh and attaching his teeth to your lower ear lobe. “Honestly, I can't believe I didn’t already come just from having my fingers in you.”
You’re both flattered and shocked by this comment, before you can even think to respond he’s talking again.
“You’re so tight, so wet.” He soothes himself through the feeling of your walls clenching around him, not yet wanting to move and just wanting to feel what your body does to him on its own. “It’s so hard not to move right now.
“Please,” You manage to get out, struggling to focus on just one thing with the way he’s talking and the way he sits so perfectly inside of you. “Please, move.”
And he does, instantly. Pulling out and sliding back in so easily that the slapping sound is muted entirely by the matching moan you both release. You can feel his voice vibrating against your neck, and you can imagine he might be able to feel yours through your literal pussy, because it feels like every sound, touch, and sensation is sent straight there for him to enjoy. 
It doesn’t stop either. Both of you shamelessly moaning at the feeling of him snapping his hips into you at perfect speed, with a perfect voice, and a perfect hand moving up to grip your chest. 
He’s practically blanketing you with his body, your legs holding him in this spot, his hair still finding a way to tickle your cheek with each thrust in. It’s so fucking much. It’s so good, and so
You’re comfortable. So comfortable you don’t even feel the need to rub your clit, you don’t want to chase the orgasm, you just want to feel him. And apparently, so does he. 
When he lifts his head, kissing the bottom of your chin and then your lower lip, still the two of you are groaning at each deep thrust in, but he manages to talk through it, somehow.
“Don’t stop,” he says, despite you barely doing anything. “Keep doing that.” He continues as his thrusts pick up pace. 
Only now do you realize that you were doing something. Without noticing, your hands were nearly tearing his back apart. Not literally, but your nails may have dug in a few times. Normally, once you notice doing that, you would stop because normally men don’t want the trace of another woman on him. Jihoon though, he’s in love with seeing remnants of you tomorrow.
Obsessed with the sting of it, loving the idea of going to his night-job tomorrow and staring at all of the toys that don’t offer you a back to hold onto like this. 
You do as he asks much like he does for you, gripping him so tightly that your nails have no choice but to leave half-moon shapes on his skin. Each thrust drags your fingers up, down, up down, and with each thrust it somehow feels deeper, harder, hotter.
When he releases your chest from his other hand and puts it back to your cheek, caressing much like he has each time he’s focused on kissing you, you think you’re a fucking goner. 
As expected, he kisses you at that moment and thrusts once, hard, before holding himself there.
“I’m really close,” He whispers apologetically between kisses, “tell me how to get you there with me.”
You smile when he kisses you again instead of letting you answer, but you fall into it much like he does and you opt to grab that hand on your cheek and guide it to your clit. 
Instantly, he’s rubbing harsh and sloppy circles around it, and you reward him for the perfect work of his fingers yet again with your fingernails digging into his back. He softly moans at that, and you swallow it up all too easily. 
Tensing your muscles, his fingers on your clit work you up so quickly that you go barely warn him of your oncoming orgasm, even as his cock sits leaking and heavy inside of you. You don’t even know how to tell him, all you can do is frantically moan out shortly.
Instantly his hips are back at work, barely even thrusting but instead remaining buried into you for the most part. He pulls out an inch and slams back in, wanting your orgasm to get him off more than his own movements. And fuck, it does.
The way you clench when you reach your high, slack lips against his own, he releases at what he could argue is the best possible time. Your tenses muscles work him up perfectly, gently massaging his cock as he releases in full without too much overstimulation. 
And you. You have never gotten off with a man staying mostly still inside of you. Actually, you’ve only gotten off that way with toys because nothing beats getting off while completely filly. Jihoon really is something, or, someone. 
The two of you released together, and his lips fell slack just like yours did. The kissing turned to that of desperate, orgasm-fogged moans into the other’s mouth. For some reason, it was incredibly hot to you that you both reacted that way. So insanely drunk on the other that nothing felt embarrassing.
Even the way his fingers moved on your clit through your orgasm, he somehow knew when to go and when to stop. 
Even now, as your orgasm tapers off, you are so blissfully aware that you want to immediately fall asleep even with him inside of you. Jihoon is polite though, and gently pulls out with a small apology of the mess. 
When he looks at you, looking so sleepy under him, maybe it translates to him too and he instantly yawns but tries to be strong for both of you.
“We should clean up.”
There wasn’t even a question in your head when he slept over that night. He didn’t even hint at leaving. Nor did he hint the morning after as you groggily opened your computer for your daily work. 
He did hint that he would miss you when he eventually had to go to his own house and get ready for a day at the sex-shop. 
He also hinted a few times at feeling like, when he looked at you, you weren’t a brand new person in his life. Part of you wonders if that’s because maybe you want to be permanent in his life from now on.
Later that night, he came back. Bright eyes and a stinging back.
For some reason, you feel it’s safe to say that neither of you can stand being apart for too long. So yeah, maybe this is what a normal relationship is like. If, you know, you were in a relationship with him.
Ironically enough, only a few days later that relationship is established in the form of a new car battery and a bottle of lube that he bought for you. 
Not that you need it. (The lube.)
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lenireads · 2 years
SVT Flick - Fics Masterlist:
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Serving on table the freshly baked SVT fics inspired by the romance essenced flicks.
Thirteen flicks, Thirteen fics !
Note: These fics wouldn’t be entirely based on these movies, hence mainly the ideas/events coming from them.
Pairings : OT13 x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Will be specified fic wise.
Banner credits to @wannabeyourshua <3
Taglist : Open
To be added to the all the fics or any specific member fic please send an ask or comment under this main Masterlist mentioning the member name or the entire project.
Start Date: 1st Fic expected to drop by early March (these fics be dropping in random order.)
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Here We Go!
→ What happens in Vegas
 - S. Coups
An unpleasant series of events lead two strangers, you and Seungcheol to plan debauched trips to Vegas, where you both drunkenly get married and end up winning a huge jackpot. What happens when you are compelled to stay with your now husband Seungcheol for a limited period of time with the huge jackpot money at stake before you both can apply for divorce
 It’s Easy until it isn’t
→ 20th Century girl - Jeonghan
You and Hana are best friends since childhood. You are a girl with golden heart whereas your best friend has a heart condition. When Hana, yet again, gets smitten by another boy refusing to leave the country for her heart surgery, you promise to keep tabs on that guy for her.
What happens when that guy has an annoying best friend, who catches up on your tactics every single time and always asks you for favours to keep his mouth shut

→ Anonymously Yours - Joshua
After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, you and Joshua start crushing on each other without realizing you both see each other frequently in real life.
Notable Mention: You both hate each other’s guts
→ Holidate - Junhui
Fed up with being asked “why single” on holidays as well as gatherings, you and your acquaintance Junhui agree to be each other’s platonic plus one (at first) then pretend couple (read: because of everybody) all year long on every occasion. But nothing seems to go as per plan with your nosy family breathing on your necks.
Oh, did I mention feelings?
→ She’s dating the Gangster - Hoshi
After playing a petty prank on university heartthrob and bad boy Soonyoung, you find yourself pretending to be his girlfriend to make his ex (from whom he hasn’t moved on) jealous and falling in love with him in the process.
→ The Kissing Booth - Wonwoo
You are best friends with Jungkook, even sharing the same birthdays. And as simple as it sounds, you both had three friendship rules :
Undefying Trust and Support
Ditch the judgement
No dating Jeon Wonwoo (who also happens to be Jungkook’s older brother)
It’s all good until you decide to set up a kissing booth at the college fundraiser and Jeon Wonwoo kisses you.
→ The Proposal - Woozi
On the verge of being deported and losing the high-powered job you’ve worked your life for, you force your workaholic assistant Jihoon (who rightfully lives by the motto of hating you) to marry you in exchange of a promotion and get his book published.
Getting Jihoon to agree was the only hurdle, so when he finally agrees and takes you home to meet his family, why are you suddenly questioning your whole life?
→ Hello, Goodbye & Everything in between - Dokyeom
You are known for putting your heart out on the sleeve.
Seokmin is known for dismissing everything that remotely demanded commitment.
A way in, you convinced Seokmin to date you for a year and break up after spending an evening as a couple on one final epic date.
You have fallen in love first, but will he fall harder?
Or saying goodbye will call shots to the destiny?
→ The Perfect Date - Mingyu
Mingyu, a student in sophomore year asks you, his only super rich friend as well as the first one to pay him for posing as a date for an event, to create an app to offer his services as a fake date to earn money for his dream university for higher studies.
Things sail way too smoothly for him, including scoring an actual date with his crush until he realises that every choice comes with a price.
→ Two weeks notice - The8
Xu Minghao, a billionaire, third generation heir to the country’s biggest company gets enticed by your qualifications when you try to stop him from demolishing an amusement park for his next venture.
He offers you two positions with the promise to stop the demolition.
Already too much responsibility until you find yourself nannying the narcissistic womanizer which drives you to hand him a two weeks notice resignation.
Well, who said that narcissistic womanizer would let you have your way?
→ Love the way You are - Seungkwan
Despite of being neighbours and schoolmates since childhood, you barely knew the eccentric nerd Boo Seungkwan, except for the fact he’s not quite fond of you.
When you both get admitted into the same college and form an unlikely bond, the way you feel for him starts to change too
→ Crazy Rich Asians - Vernon
You didn’t expect to get factbombed so many times when you decided to accompany your longtime boyfriend Vernon to his best friend’s wedding in Singapore.
One, he’s family is extremely wealthy.
Two, he’s considered one of the country’s most eligible bachelor.
Three, everyone who sees you is judging you.
What happens when on top of all this, you have to deal with his cunning ex girlfriend and well
. his disapproving mother?
→ Through my window - Dino
You have been crushing on your hot neighbor Lee Chan , ever since he moved into the house across, secretly watching through your window and keeping tabs on him.
When an incident leads you talk to him for the first time just to ignite a fight, things start to get steamy, swoony and difficult.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©
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lenireads · 2 years
the stresses of a humble ceo - l.sm
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pairing: ceo!seokmin x female!secretary!reader
w.c.: roughly 2.8k
rating: smut minors do NOT interact
warnings: hard dom!seokmin, seungkwan makes an appearance, throat fucking, semi-public activities, oral (m. receiving), mentions of reader touching themself, seokmin has a throat bulge kink, cumming in readers throat, use of pet names (darling mostly), dirty talk
synopsis: seokmin has been icing out his coworkers, and it's up to you and your throat to find out why
a/n: I hope u enjoy! dom seok has been on the brain for weeks
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Your boss had been unusually taciturn and reserved the entire morning. Usually, Seokmin is a bright, cheerful man who spreads positivity throughout the workplace. He had built his company from the ground up, was extremely humble about his beginnings and even shared some of his lowest moments with you, his secretary.
You had been Seokmin’s secretary for just over 12 months, and you had loved every moment of it. Sure, there were quite a few nights where you stayed back to help fill out paperwork or stay back all night to work on a big project that was due the following day, but you wouldn't trade it for anything.
The entire office was talking in hushed tones, almost as if they were walking around on eggshells. You felt confusion, worry and concern bubble up inside you, while everyone around you shot worried looks in your direction as you walked towards your desk. You hardly had time to set your bag and coffee down before account manager Seungkwan comes rushing over to your desk, panic filling his features.
“Thank god you’re here, Seokmin has been so eerily quiet and hasn’t spoken a word to anyone today, can you talk to him?” His voice sounds strained, and you’re almost certain you can see a bead of sweat on his hairline, threatening to trickle down at the next minor inconvenience.
You give him a curt nod and watch him scurry off to complete his multiple piles of paperwork. There were a million thoughts running through your mind about what could possibly happen when you step foot into Seokmin’s office, but you figured the only way to find out what was truly on his mind was to see him and speak face to face.
After shrugging off your blazer, you walk slowly toward Seokmin’s office. The door is closed, which would normally indicate he’s not inside, but you can hear faint muttering and his palms smacking against the desk on the odd occasion, which confirms that he’s inside. You can see Seungkwan eyeing you off from across the office, giving you a somewhat encouraging thumbs up as you rap your hand against the door of Seokmin’s office quickly.
“Come in.”
You feel a chill run down your spine at the tone of his voice; it definitely seemed colder than usual, and as you step inside the office you feel as if the temperature drops another 10 degrees. You shut the door behind you, before finally turning around to face the CEO. 
His hair is quiffed up with gel, exposing his forehead. You can see his blazer strewn haphazardly across the arm of his leather chair, and he had rolled up the sleeves of his long-sleeved shirt, exposing his toned arms and making his biceps look even bigger than usual.
You swallow and let your head fall, your eyes trained on your heels that you definitely should've polished before you came into the office. Seokmin is silent, but you can hear the slight rustle of his pants as he moves from behind his desk to stand in front of it. You observe his brown shoes, the way that his ankles are crossed and his pants are riding up just enough that you can see his bright blue socks with ducks on them. Cute.
“What’s so funny?”
His deep voice snaps you out of your trance, and you hadn't even realized the edges of your lips were upturned. You quickly wipe the smile off your face and let your head hang slightly lower, too embarrassed to even look at his shoes now.
“You didn’t answer me. What’s. So. Funny?” 
Seokmin’s voice is sharp, and definitely sends a chill down your spine and you can feel butterflies erupt in your stomach. While you were slightly scared, it also kind of had you pressing your thighs together, the sheer dominant aura radiating off his being has goosebumps erupting along your arms and legs.
“Nothing, sir.”
He’s silent for a moment and then crosses the room quickly so that he’s standing in front of you. You can feel his stare boring into the top of your head, which makes your blood run cold. When you don’t look at him, one of his hands comes up and runs gently along your jaw, before his fingers are lifting up your chin and you’re staring directly into his eyes.
You have to gasp at the sight of him now. His once warm, brown pupils are now almost black, his lips plump and pink, presumably from being bitten, and a large smirk stretching across his features, sending the butterflies into your stomach into a rampage.
“What did you call me?”
His voice is softer now, and you can feel yourself melting into the grasp he has on your chin, but you can still hear the dominant side of him, and it makes your panties stick to you just a little more. You gulp and try to avoid eye contact, but he simply clears his throat so that you’ll bring your attention back to him.
“Answer me.”
I called you sir.”
He smirks and grips your jaw tighter. He takes a step back, which instinctively makes you take your own step back. He takes another step, so you do the same. He does this until you’re back against a wall, and he slots one of his thighs between your leg, the slightly scratchy fabric rubbing deliciously against your panties.
“Why are you here, my darling secretary?”
Your heart skips a beat at the slight pet name, but you keep your composure and stare at him squarely in the eyes, a grin forming on your lips when his smirk falters at your sudden spark of confidence.
“Everyone around the office has said that you’ve been a bit of an asshole today, want to tell me what’s going on?”
Your heart is racing, you can see his facial features turn from that of surprise to anger, through confusion, and finally landing on something you weren't quite sure how to portray. His smirk drops and so does his head, falling onto your collarbone and heaving a heavy sigh.
“I didn’t mean to, I’ve just had a lot of stressful nights with some rival company that’s trying to edge us out of business. It’s kept me up at night and I guess
it’s finally just getting to me.”
He sighs again and lifts his head, and you can now see clearly how exhausted he seems. From just a small glance, you can see how tired his features are; how the circles under his eyes are much darker than normal, and how he looks ready to collapse from exhaustion at any given moment. Your heart pangs at the sight of him, and you truly feel terrible.
You hum in thought, the gears in your head turning with all the possible ideas on how to relieve his stress until you come to the idea that would surely help him out.
“I have an idea on how to relieve your stress
if you’d like.” 
Seokmin has confusion seeping across his features once again as he waits for you to continue, his eyes urging you to continue your sentence. While you hesitate to bring your idea to the table, he drinks in your form. Slightly mussed hair, your skirt riding up your thighs and revealing your glorious thighs to him, making his dick twitch in his work pants.
But he’d never admit to his secretary of all people, that he’d had dreams of fucking you senseless, hearing your moans and spreading your legs apart so he can drill his cock into you-
The nickname has his thoughts jumpstarting and his cock jolting in his pants again, and he’s not quite sure what to think now that he’s certain he has a sir kink. He shakes his head and refocuses his attention on you, his eyes widening slightly when he sees you've unbuttoned your blouse down to your chest, your cleavage on full display for him.
He gulps and moves to sit in his leather chair, you trailing not far behind. He watches as you lean against his oak desk nonchalantly, your hand reaching out and letting your fingertips graze over the backs of his hands, a shiver cascading over Seokmin’s body at the slight touch.
“W-what’s your idea?” He chokes out, feeling his dick getting harder by the second. He watches you intently with wide eyes as you crouch on the ground next to him, knees flat on the scratchy carpet. You don’t move for a couple of seconds, just smirking at him as he feels his heart rate increase to potentially dangerous levels.
“Well, I could let you use my throat if you want, it’s not much but
” you trail your sentence off to let your words sink in, and it’s like you can see the dominant change in him once he realizes what you’ve offered. His eyes darken and become slightly hooded, and you can now clearly see the tent in his slacks, not hiding his evident interest.
“Say no more, darling, it would be an honour to use your throat, but you’re gonna have to work for it first, alright?” His voice has dropped an octave and you’re certain there’s a puddle between your thighs, but you do your best to ignore it as you nod and bring your hands up to his slacks.
You palm him slowly first, watching as he sighs lightly and lets his head fall back against the chair. From the awkward angle you’re kneeling in, you observe his hands digging into the armchair, possibly in an attempt to hold himself back from gripping your hair. You smirk and let your hand push harder against his erection, eliciting a deep moan that arose from the very depths of his chest.
“F-fuck, you’re such a fucking tease,” he grunts out, one hand relenting from its place on the armrest and coming up to weave through the strands of hair atop your scalp and hold tightly. You can feel his fingernails dig into the skin slightly, and it only urges you to move forward with your plan and unzip his slacks, the bulge in his underwear straining to be removed from its confines.
Without a second thought, you place your mouth along his bulge, which causes him to suck a breath in. He stays silent as you work your hot mouth over his boxers, his cock twitching under the restraints, his eye twitching with the need to fuck your mouth just so that you’ll stop teasing.
He can feel his stomach tightening, and he pulls your mouth off his boxers reluctantly, just to see your lust-filled eyes and he feels himself falling down a hole that he can’t climb out of. He watches as your smirk falls when he stands and shoves his pants down to his ankles, his boxers following suit.
You can’t help the way your eyes widen when Seokmin’s cock springs out of his boxers and saps against his abdomen. It’s thick, which you had already gathered from mouthing over it, but it’s also at least 7 inches. Just the thought of him stretching you out, the fat head pumping into you roughly, has your panties soaking even more and you’re sure they’re ruined by now.
You move to stand so that he has more room to move, but he keeps you planted by placing a hand on your shoulder, and standing over you darkly. He takes his cock in his hand, stroking it a few times, and you feel your cheeks warm at the lewdness of the entire situation. 
“Your offer had my head spinning sweetheart, so I’m going to take you up on that offer. Tap my thigh twice if you need to tap out, otherwise, I’m going to be abusing your throat until I cum. Understood?”
He smirks when you nod quickly, your mouth opening automatically and your heart beating rapidly as he moves closer and lets the tip slide onto your tongue. It’s heavy and you can taste the slight tang of precum already, and you close your eyes to savour the taste of him. While it has a slightly bitter taste, the horniness coursing through your system cancels it out and you can hardly taste it by the time he begins a steady rhythm of fucking your throat.
Seokmin starts slow, his cock twitching at the feeling of your warm, tight mouth encasing him. He lets himself fall into the bliss of fucking his cock into you, both of his hands coming up to attach to your scalp once again. You slack your jaw a little bit, giving him access to fuck himself into your mouth as he pleases.
With one glance up at him, on your knees, he loses any willpower he had and begins to fuck your throat faster, his cock ramming into your mouth like it’s his own personal toy. You take the opportunity to unbutton your blouse all the way, exposing your lacy sage-green lingerie. While you hadn’t expected anything to happen, it was just your luck you had worn his favourite colour to work.
His hips stutter and he watches as you shrug off your black blouse, finally exposing all the details on your lingerie set. Soft, satiny sage green that was offset with small emerald rhinestones. Everything about it made his stomach grow tight again, and when you took the opportunity to suck his cock while he was in a trance, something clicked inside of him.
He pulled his cock out of your mouth, the action causing you to gasp for air. He tugs on your hair and pulls you to a standing position before he’s pushing papers off his desk and manipulating your body so that you are now on your back on his desk, your head leaning over the edge.
Your heart beats rapidly, while he stands over you with his cock in his hand. He smirks and admires the view; bra straps falling off your shoulders, skirt hiked up so far that he can see your matching panties, dark spot evident on the front. At this point, Seokmin feels like he is about to combust, and can hardly handle seeing you like this.
“You’re going to be a good girl and let me fuck your throat again like this, right? You’re going to be my good cocksleeve.” He groans and lets his cock slide into your mouth again, but this time he can see the way his cock bulges in your throat, and it sends him spiralling into a whole new dimension of needing to cum.
“Oh, fuck, your throat feels so fucking good
can’t believe I hadn’t done this sooner
” He groans out, feeling all his stress melting away with each thrust into your tightening throat. He can feel the way you moan around him, and it only drives him ever closer to the brink of no return.
Seokmin picks up his pace, thrusting into your throat like his life depends on it. He can see the way his cock slides in and out of your throat, the bulge growing and disappearing as he fucks continually into your throat. He can hear your moans and groans and see the way one of your hands is sliding down to your underwear.
“Go on, darling, touch yourself while I use your pretty mouth.” He instructs with a groan, and you moan around his cock while you slide your hand under your panties, causing his hips to stutter which forces his cock deeper into your throat on accident, effectively making you deepthroat him. Seokmin feels your throat contract violently around his tip, and he can’t help but let himself go with a loud whine as he paints your throat white with his cum.
He takes a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down, before pulling his softening cock out of your mouth and whistling at the sight of you. Your hair is knotted, tangled beyond repair, and your eyes are glazed over with a dark lust that indicates you might still be wanting more (not that he’d mind).
While you take the time to sit up and slowly gather up your clothing, he hurries around his office like a mouse, picking up his papers and other office supplies that were strewn across the floor in his haze of lust. He watches you carefully, slowly buttoning up your blouse and picking up your heels that had fallen off at some point.
“Wait, before you finish getting dressed, can I repay the favour?”
You turn and face him in shock, not expecting him to even want to reciprocate and that this was a once-off event. He walks the distance between you and stands in front of you, eyes dark again and he slowly slides your blouse off your shoulders. When you don’t attempt to stop him, he gets onto his knees and shifts your skirt up, exposing your drenched panties.
“I can tell you want this, so just say the word, darling, and I’ll make you see stars.”
“I want this.”
“Good, because I know I feel less stressed after that session, so maybe I can reduce some of your stress too.”
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taglist: @dkakapizzaboy, @asmigirme04, @moodays, @ny0sang, @cixrosie, @rinshabitat
to be on my taglist, fill this form out!
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lenireads · 2 years
Baby,that's what hands are made for
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Genre: smut (Seokmin fingering reader) MINORS DNI
Pairing: dokyeom x fem!reader
I'm tagging @onlyseokmins for suffering. ily bby <333
This was hidden in my drafts for a few days now. Inspired by his picture.
Smut under the cut! (I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes)
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"My fingers feel good right? Hmm i can feel you clenching around them and you're so wet baby. Look my fingers are coated in your juices.." Seokmin whispered in your ear. His words made you moan. Your head against his chest but you can see how his long fingers went in and out of you, his thumb on your clit. You started to squirm because he was hitting your g-spot perfectly with his fingers.
The veins on his arms made you going insane. How you can see his muscles move,while he fingered you. Seokmin was sitting behind you,and you're between his legs only wearing your T-shirt at this point. One of his hand on your tummy and the other, well his fingers were knuckles deep in your pussy. Your juices dripping on his hand now and you just can hear how soaking wet you are.
"Stay still or i will stop and you don't want that right? You want to cum so bad. My baby needs to cum." He said and chuckled. He picked up the pace and pressure, sending pleasurable shocks through your body. Your back arched and you can feel yourself getting close. You watched his arm and his veins that were very visible "i'm close i'm going to cum." You whimpered. "Cum for me baby,cum on my fingers." He said and you did, you moaned out his name and arched your back. Your nails dig into the skin of his arm leaving half moon shaped prints.
Then he pulled his fingers out "open your mouth baby." And you did as he told you, sucking on his fingers,tasting yourself which made him moan. You can feels his cock twitch on your lower back. Maybe you should return the favor now.
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Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated ❀
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lenireads · 2 years
absolutely loved this!!!
I loved the tension and the fact that you took time to build it, loved the contrast between sweet Mingyu and gruff Cheol, you really took time to show their different personalities and their different relationship with the reader, and it all resulted in a torturous, delicious tension and in a even more delicious release of said torturous tension đŸ€€
This fic read like a movie, I absolutely loved this and the smut was scorching hot
ice cold, cabin fever - part 2
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🌙 staring. Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader
🔼 preview. "come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom."
cw/ tw. threesome, daddy issues, mean/tsundere cheol, wet dreams, spanking, marking, dirty talk, choking, unprotected sex, pain kink, dacryphilia, breast play, praise, degradation, fingering, oral, hand job, blow job, multiple orgasms, overstim, edging, orgasm denial, manhandling, size kink, cumplay, finger sucking, spit roasting, hair pulling, voyeurism, I petnames. (hers) princess, bitch, whore, baby (s.coups) cheol, douche, dick, daddy (mingyu) gyu.
đŸ‘č rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 25.9k
🍭 aus. e2l, s2l, step brothers Jihan, non idol, ski resort, roomies, etc...
☀ mlist + inspo. 🙂 🙂 🙂 I pls note. this fic was too long to put in one post, so read part 1 first here :)
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16: Tuesday- morning
When Mingyu wakes up, he goes through the routine motions; first, he looks at you, admiring you’re pretty face for a few moments, and then, his eyes shift to Cheol. 
When he finds Seungcheol fast asleep, Mingyu’s taken aback, and he decides to wait for his friend to wake up before going for breakfast.
An hour passes in the quiet of the cabin before Mingyu is texting his other friends to see if they’re doing anything.
Boredom does not agree with Kim Mingyu, and soon, he finds himself pulling on a jacket to go down the snowy path to join Jeonghan and Joshua at breakfast.
“Cheol’s really still sleeping?” Joshua asks in shock upon Mingyu’s arrival.
“What were you three up to last night that knocked out mister early riser?” Jeonghan presses while he gnaws on some bacon.
“We watched a movie-” Mingyu starts to explain, stealing a piece of toast from the many plates of food in front of his friends, “I went to sleep early, and I’m not sure when they eventually went to bed.”
The brothers exchange a glance that has Mingyu’s skin tingling with annoyance.
“Don’t do that!” he insists.
“Do what?” Jeonghan cocks his head to the side, but there’s a small grin on his face, and Mingyu gets the feeling he knows exactly what he’d just done. 
“Exchange glances like that,” Mingyu groans. “Just say what you two are thinking, I hate having to guess.”
“I think Jeonghan and I were just
 surprised that you’d go to bed and leave those two awake to do
 whatever they got up to.”
“Whatever they got up to,” Mingyu echoes, rolling his eyes. “You guys make it sound like they were fucking while I was asleep.”
Jeonghan shrugs. “Maybe they were. How would you know? You were sleeping.”
“You know,” Mingyu puts his hands flat on the table, leaning back in his chair to stretch his arms out, “you guys are usually pretty smart, but this whole trip- I think you’ve both been seeing things that aren’t there.”
“Or maybe we’ve been seeing things you’re too caught up in our step-sister to notice,” Jeonghan suggests. “When you were dancing with her at the wedding, did you look at Cheol even once?”
“Why would I? I was dancing.” Mingyu hates where this is going.
“He was glaring at you,” Joshua says factually, “and even when I cut in, he was glaring at me too. Wouldn’t that make you wonder about his intentions?”
“No,” Mingyu decides to be stubborn, crossing his arms over his chest. “Maybe he was just jealous that y/n is getting all the attention, ever think of that? It’s not like we’ve all been eager to do slopes with him like we usually are when we’re at ski lodges.”
“You have a point,” Joshua concedes, “but even still, it doesn’t account for all his weird behaviours this trip.”
Before Mingyu can fight the issue further, something over his shoulder catches Jeonghan’s eye, and the tall maknae finds himself swiveling in his chair to see a disheveled-looking Cheol stomping into the restaurant.
“He definitely looks like he got laid last night,” Jeonghan whispers as their friend approaches the table. 
“Good morning Seungcheol,” Joshua greets him with a smile, watching the man take the seat next to Mingyu before he pushes a mug forward, “have some coffee.”
“You look tired,” Jeonghan presses the issue almost immediately. “Long night?” 
“Too long,” Seungcheol all but growls, taking the cup to down some coffee before his face crinkles in disgust. He looks to Joshua when he muses “you and you’re fucking black coffee,” then he’s tearing at a sugar packet and reaching for cream.
“Mingyu says he went to bed early last night- did you have fun staying up with our sweet step sister?” 
Seungcheol assesses Jeonghan with a gloomy look, then he shakes his head. “I know what you’re insinuating,” he states, “but that’s not what happened.”
“Then what did happen?” Jeonghan rests his chin on his hand, cocking his head as he stares down his friend. “You’re usually quite happy in the mornings- excited about skiing-”
“Yeah, well, usually I can get a decent night’s sleep, without Mingyu’s sleeptalking bothering me too much,” Seungcheol sighs. “But last night, I had to deal with two people making noises.”
“Our step-sister’s a sleeptalker?” Jeonghan nearly laughs. “Who would have thought.”
“Not me.” Seungcheol takes a sip of his newly perfected coffee. “Although, I wouldn’t really call what she and Mingyu were doing last night sleep talking.” 
“Oh my god,” Mingyu groans, slumping his elbows forward onto the table and resting his head in his hands.
He’d had a wet dream last night, one that he’s not prepared to discuss with his friends. Mingyu can still remember vivid flashes, images of you moaning beneath him, hands grabbing at his shoulders-
“No way,” Jeonghan laughs, already taking delight in what he’s hearing, “you’re telling us, that Mingyu and y/n were having sex dreams last night?” 
“Yup.” Seungcheol downs the cup of coffee. “It sounded that way.”
“Was it just like
For someone usually more reserved, Joshua’s question is definitely not one Mingyu had expected, and he finds his jaw dropping while he stares at the two men seated across from him.
“Mostly moaning,” Seungcheol confirms, “but they both whimpered a few times too.”
“Oh my god-” Mingyu says again, his skin heating with embarrassment. 
“Listen- if both Mingyu and y/n are feeling horny, you could come spend the night with us,” Jeonghan suggests in a somewhat sympathetic tone. “We’ve got a couch too.”
“I’m not sleeping on your fucking couch,” Seungcheol snaps back almost immediately, fist clenching on the table. 
“Guys-” Mingyu groans, looking between Jeonghan and Joshua, “this is your new step-sister we’re talking about- aren’t either of you the least bit protective? I can’t believe what I’m hearing-”
“Sure, we’re protective,” Jeonghan leans back in his chair, “which is why we’re offering her up to you two. You think we’d let any hotel random get with her? We’re only open to this because we know neither of you are sociopaths.” 
“On top of that,” Joshua sighs, “we’re all adults here. It’s not like we’re discussing you two taking her virginity or anything-”
“When did I get looped into this?” Seungcheol asks. “It sounds like you’re talking about a threesome now-”
“It wouldn’t be the first time you guys shared a girl together,” Jeonghan points out. “It’s been a while since then, but we all know you two can play nice.” 
“This is my cue to leave this conversation,” Seungcheol says, standing and offering an obviously fake smile to the men surrounding him, “you guys better have a good day, because you’ve ruined the start of mine.”
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17: Tuesday - afternoon
Seungcheol regrets doing a medium-level ski hill the moment he gets off the lift at the top. A flurry of thoughts and feelings nearly overwhelm the snowboarder as he assesses the situation in front of him.
You’re as easy for him to pick out now as one of his own friends, your familiar parka drawing his eyes.
He wonders if he’ll be able to bypass you- but the longer he watches you simply stand at the top of the slope, the more he realizes you probably need his help.
He’s aggravated that you’re here, trying a medium-level hill when you’re so obviously a beginner. Are you even good enough to say you’re adept at the easiest slope?
He thinks not.
Seungcheol hopes you’ll start down the hill, and when you do, you’ll be so distracted watching where you’re going that he’ll be able to ski right past you undetected-
A minute passes, then two, then three- 
The near olympic level snowboarder is beginning to get cold just watching you, and with a sigh of defeat, he finally closes the distance.
Seungcheol stops at your side, a small “Hey,” leaving his lips.
His gaze is fixed ahead, but in his periphery, he sees you turn to look at him. “Oh
“You’re doing a medium-level run.”
“Uh huh.”
Seungcheol can hear the frigid wind as it picks up small specks of snow and dances them around in a cyclone of motion. He’s always loved the quiet of skiing, but he’s beginning to resent the silence between you both.
“Did you-” he swallows, correcting his plan of attack for the conversation. “Do you think you’ll be okay?” 
“I’m not so sure yet,” you confess.
“You know about, uh
 pizza?” Seungcheol wants to slap himself the moment the words leave his lips. “Like, pointing your skis together in a triangle to slow down?” 
“Yeah. I’m just sort of afraid it won’t help me actually stop.”
“What if we took it slow? Instead of going straight down, we could do a wide zigzag.”
“When did this become a we thing?” you laugh.
Seungcheol turns to look at you, and when your eyes meet, your smile falters a little. You’re quick to turn away, focusing on the hill again.
“Do you want me to leave you alone?” he finds himself asking.
You take a few seconds to consider it before answering. “No
 I think a zigzag could be good.”
“I’m going to slow you down though.”
“That’s okay.” He swallows the lump in his throat. “I’ll uh- if you look like you’re going to fall or anything, I’ll be here, you can grab onto me.”
“You know,” Seungcheol begins to move slowly, watching for you to follow, “you really should be using poles.”
“You’re not using any.”
“That’s because I’m much better at this than you.” 
You roll your eyes.
 Seungcheol cuts the first zigzag, holding his gloved hand out to you in case you need assistance. “Why did you come on this trip? You’re obviously not someone who likes skiing.”
“Honestly?” You wobble a little, and then you grab onto his forearm, making a less-than-pretty turn. “When I was first invited, I wasn’t going to come.”
You pause, focusing on your skiing, and Seungcheol stays quiet, giving you space to continue.
“I think- when my dad told me he was going to remarry, and I hadn’t even met Seulki or Jeonghan or Joshua- I felt like, maybe he was being too fast? Like
 my whole life, he’d never really uh
 been there for me? So, I guess I was a little bitter that he’d found someone that he was so sure on, you know?”
Seungcheol nods sympathetically and the two of you glide slowly down the incline at an angle, your hand still latched to his arm. 
“But after a while, I realized that, if I didn’t pull up my big girl panties and come on the trip, I’d miss out on being at the wedding, miss out on supporting him, and meeting the family he’s marrying into.”
“That makes sense.”
” your knees wobble a little at your next turn, and you grip him even tighter, “when I told him I wasn’t coming to the wedding initially, he said it would be okay, and that he could give the cabin up to family friends, and I guess that hurt me a little, which is why it took longer for me to agree to this.” 
“You and your dad aren’t that close, huh?” Seungcheol muses.
He’d been noticing this, from the moment you’d shown up at his cabin alone he’d been wondering about your relationship with your father.
Things are making more sense now, and he can see why you’d been so bitchy the first day when you’d arrived.
He doesn’t know what it’s really like, to be in your shoes, but he can imagine that making the trek to the cabins with your suitcase, alone, hadn’t been the greatest start to a vacation. 
“We’re not.” You confirm his suspicions, and Seungcheol’s heart melts ever so slightly at the way you’re really opening up to him.
“I’m not too close with mine either,” he admits. 
“You’re not?”
“No,” Seungcheol watches your skis when you take the next turn, and bites his tongue on another tip he’s itching to give you. “Growing up, my dad was always so fixated on me turning out to be a great man, that he kind of um
 didn’t allow me to have the childhood I think I would have preferred.”
“I can imagine
 being a near olympic level snowboarder- that sounds like a lot of pressure.”
“It was.” Seungcheol hates the way his voice still cracks when he talks about this sort of thing. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.” The lump in his throat is back. 
” you insist, releasing his arm and changing the topic, “You know, I think I’m getting the hang of this.”
“You are,” he admits, “doing really well, I mean.”
“If you wanted to ditch me, you totally could.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. you’d probably be at the bottom of the hill already if you weren’t here with me-” you point out. “I appreciate the effort you’re putting in, but uh
 you’re not one of my step-brothers, so you’ll probably never have to see me again, and I think we’d both prefer to ski without diving too deep into our daddy issues.”
He’s very taken aback by your quick change of attitude, and the part of his heart that had melted is quick to freeze up again.
“You’re right,” he says quickly. “But if you go too fast and end up breaking your leg, don’t come crying to me about it.”
“And you said I’m the person who needs the last word,” you scoff. 
He lets you have this one, and continues down the hill without you, mouth set in a firm line.
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18: Tuesday - evening
If last night had been the first night you were able to relax, then tonight is the first night you’ve had much peace, despite the storm raging outside. And it’s all because mister grumpy is passed out cold in his bed while you and Mingyu quietly play board games you found on a shelf in the cabin.
Mingyu had explained that Cheol hadn’t slept well the night before, and you’re more than happy to enjoy the cabin without a brooding man setting you off every five minutes.
But sleep only lasts so long, and suddenly, in the middle of a game of snakes and ladders, Seungcheol all but shoots upright in his bed.
“What time is it?!” he asks, practically leaping off his mattress to run to the window-
“It’s like nine?” 
“Why didn’t you guys wake me up for dinner?!”
“We didn’t go out,” Mingyu explains, “we heated some water up on the countertop burner and had ramen-”
“Fuck-” Seungcheol groans, running both hands through his hair. “It’s really snowing out there-”
“Some dude in the hotel this afternoon said it’s going to snow like- a few feet or something,” Mingyu nods. “We thought you’d be glad we let you sleep since we’re not going anywhere.”
The elder man releases a groan again. “You were supposed to wake me up, so I could run to the hotel and grab more firewood before the storm got worse!”
You all look to the cast iron fireplace, where you notice, for the first time, that you’re down to the last two logs.
“You didn’t tell us we had to wake you up,” Mingyu says defensively.
“That’s because when I fell asleep, neither of you were here.”
“Well,” you cross your arms over your chest, “you could have left us a note.”
Seungcheol releases a deep sigh. “You know what? Yeah, I could have left you a note. I also really didn’t think I’d sleep this long. Fuck.”  
“At least we know that Jeonghan and Joshua did the same thing yesterday,” you point out, “and they didn’t die.”
“Yeah, they did the same thing, and I made fun of them for forgetting to grab wood- I warned them about the storm, told them to grab more, and now I did the same thing.” 
You sort of feel like laughing. “So it sounds like you’re really just mad at yourself, and not at us.” 
“Sounds that way,” Seungcheol groans. 
“How did you forget to get firewood though? First, you had an afternoon nap, which is very unlike you, then the thing with the wood- are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Mingyu stands up, easily closing the distance between himself and his friend. He reaches out to touch Seungcheol’s forehead. “You’re not sick or anything, right?”
“Of course I’m not sick,” Seungcheol slaps Mingyu’s hand away in favour of pointing his own finger in his friend’s face. “I’m tired and distracted, because you two kept me up all night!” 
“What?” Your heart lurches, and your mouth becomes dry. 
They both turn to look at you, and Seungcheol’s hand drops to his side. 
“It’s nothing-” Seungcheol’s ears have turned red.
“It’s obviously not nothing,” you stand up, board game completely forgotten. “What do you mean we kept you up all night?”
“You’re both sleep talkers, that’s all,” he tries to brush it off, but you immediately know exactly what he’s talking about, because last night’s dream is still etched in your mindseye like a fucking pornographic movie. 
Your jaw drops.
“What-” you bite at your lip, “what was he saying?” you motion to Mingyu.
“Are you sure it’s him that you’re wondering about?” Seungcheol’s quick retort makes a tingle run through your body.
The tension in this cabin has never been so thick before, and Mingyu falters slightly. “Come on dude, don’t play like that-”
“Like what?” Seungcheol crosses his arms over his chest, and you hate that his tshirt accentuates how large his biceps are. “Here, I’ll make it easy on all of us. Mingyu was whimpering your name,” he nods to you, “and you seemed to be more conflicted on who you were fucking in your dream.”
You already know that. You can distinctly remember the way your dream self had been sandwiched between both of your new cabin mates, and you can remember not being able to focus on one or the other.
You can’t believe your subconscious had betrayed you as hard as it had- can’t believe you’d been moaning both Mingyu and Seungcheol’s names in your sleep last night-
” Mingyu rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “who was she conflicted about?”
Seungcheol grins, and for a moment, he looks very much like Jeonghan, a puppet master controlling all the strings. “Guess.”
Mingyu’s gaze shifts to you, and his lips part as if he’s going to say something-
“You know what? I’m going to go outside and get us some firewood,” you declare, grabbing your parka off the back of the couch.
“No you’re not.” Seungcheol’s in front of the door, and you can tell by the stubborn set of his mouth that he’s not intent on letting you escape this.
“Let me leave- you can’t stop me,” you insist, trying to push him out of your way-
You have the same success you’d have with a brick wall, and Seungcheol looks down at you with amusement.
“Y/n,” Mingyu gently grabs your forearm, “it’s a blizzard out there, you really shouldn’t-”
“You’d never make it to the hotel,” Seungcheol tells you, which only adds fuel to your rage.
“Well maybe I’ll just go one cabin over and bunk with my step-brothers tonight, did you ever consider that, mister ‘I forgot the firewood’?” 
Seungcheol narrows his eyes at you, and then he steps to the side.
“Cheol-” Mingyu all but gasps, holding onto your arm tighter, “we can’t-”
With your free hand, you go to throw the door open- only to be met with resistance on the other side.
“What the fuck-” you push the door harder, and it barely budges.
“It’s snow,” Seungcheol tells you, moving to sit on the couch. “Small cabins like this, doors open outwards.”
“So we’re literally snowed in?!” you can’t believe your luck. “This has to be against regulation-”
“Hotel staff come by every morning to clear the trail to the cabins and deal with doors,” Seungcheol sighs, “which you would know if you ever bothered to wake up before noon.”
“This can’t be happening-”
“You’re in the safest place you can be right now, trust me.”
“Of course I don’t fucking trust you!” you find yourself yelling, tearing your arm away from Mingyu so you can begin to pace. “I feel like a fucking caged animal-”
“Well, fuck me with all the swearing,” Seungcheol releases a chuckle that has your blood boiling, “are you claustrophobic or something?” 
“And what if I am? You going to plow this door down for me if I say I can’t handle small spaces?” Your heart rate is increasing by the moment. “Fuck- and we don’t even have firewood-”
“It’s gonna be a long night for you, princess.”
“Cheol-” Mingyu’s closed the door, and he’s leaning back against it, watching you with a frown, “don’t make this worse than it already is-”
“Or what? You two gonna lock me in the bathroom to shut me up?”
“That’s a really good idea,” you look to Mingyu, knowing it will take two of you to manage the coup Seungcheol is suggesting. “We should really consider locking him in the bathroom-”
“And I bet you’d fucking love that wouldn’t you,” Seungcheol growls. “It would finally give you the privacy to fuck the guy you’ve been buddying up to for days- you know what? Fine, I’ll lock myself in the bathroom.” 
“Fine!” you scream.
“Fine!” he yells back, getting off the couch and stomping to the small bathroom.
The door slams behind him, and for the first time since this whole dilemma began, you’re able to take an actual breath.
“You two are something else,” Mingyu whispers. 
“Gyu,” you turn to the only true friend you’ve made this whole trip, “help me with the door, I swear to god I’m going to sleep with Jeonghan and Joshua tonight-”
Mingyu shakes his head, leaning back against the door. “Remember how a few nights ago Cheol said the storm would wind sweep you away? Well, tonight’s even worse- I hate to agree with him, but I can’t let you leave.”
“You mean won’t.”
“I think I sort of mean can’t,” Mingyu sighs. “Seriously, I doubt this door would budge much even if we both pushed it.”
“So you’re not going to help me.”
“What if I am helping you, though?” he cocks his head. “I mean, you look like you’ve calmed down a little already- come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom.”
“Mingyu I swear to god-” you want to fight him on this, but when he reaches out a hand to you, you find yourself allowing him to pull you into an embrace.
You’ve not hugged someone in a long time, and this is exactly what you need.
Mingyu’s so big- and you press your cheek against his wonderful chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart while he tucks his chin over your head, all but locking you into the warmth of his body. 
He releases a deep breath, and you mirror the motion, feeling your muscles begin to lose tension. 
“You guys better not be actually fucking.”
Of course Seungcheol ruins the moment, words carrying through the shut bathroom door, causing your heart to pick up speed yet again-
You turn, pulling away from Mingyu and opening your mouth to shoot back a response- but the large man draws you back, one hand smoothing against your hair.
“Shh-” he breathes. “Ignore him.”
“It’s hard ignoring that asshole,” you admit quietly, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of Mingyu’s cologne. “You smell nice.”
“Thanks,” he continues petting you, “you do too.”
For a few moments, you allow yourself to simply relax in his arms, and it does help you forget that you’re snowed in.
“So uh
” Mingyu swallows thickly, “about the dream you were having last night-”
“Oh my god-” you bury your face against his chest, hoping to disappear.
“Cheol never specified - and we don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to - but, was I one of the people you were thinking about? In your dream last night?”
You can’t help but laugh slightly, adoring how this kind, sexy, beefed man can still be so humble and cute at the same time- 
“Of course you’re one of the people in the dream-” you admit. 
“And you were dreaming of me too? Cheol wasn’t just making that up?”
“No, he wasn’t making it up.”
“It’s funny,” you say after a moment, “for a guy who acts like he sort of hates me, Cheol did a pretty good job setting this whole interaction up
 almost makes me wonder if he forgot the firewood on purpose.”
“Oh, you’d just fucking love that wouldn’t you?” 
“Cheol,” you find yourself getting angry again, “I swear to god that if you keep listening in and yelling at us, I’m going to talk in whispers and maybe even push something in front of your door so you’re actually bolted into the bathroom-”
“Joke’s on you, princess, this door opens inward so even if you blocked it, I could still get out.”
“I hate you!”
“I hate you more!”
“Jesus christ.” Mingyu begins petting you again, and when he opens his mouth to speak, he addresses his friend; “Dude, you can’t stay in there all night- it’s already beginning to get a little cold in here-”
“I can stay in here if I want to.”
“Yeah,” you say quietly, “he can stay in there if he wants to.”
Mingyu sighs. “I really can’t understand why you two hate each other so much,” you open your mouth to begin your long list of plights but Mingyu shakes his head, “and I really don’t want to know- it will only get you heated again.”
“Isn’t heat what we’re looking for?” you point out.
“Not that kind of heat.”
There’s a pause, and you enjoy the warmth of his body again. “Do you really want to continue playing snakes and ladders?”
“No, do you?”
“No,” you shake your head slightly.
“Should we
” his voice lowers to a whisper, “should we move to your bed? Just to get under the covers for warmth-”
You nod, pulling away from the giant human heater and crossing the small space to your bed. You’d been happy to find the cabin equipped with doubles instead of singles, but never more happy than now.
You’re quick to burrow under the blanket, and Mingyu tentatively joins you. “So
 are we thinking spooning, or-”
“Spooning works.” You roll onto your side, turning your back to the man who immediately curls against you, tugging you to his chest in a protective way that has your skin tingling with interest.
You can feel Mingyu’s breath against the nape of your neck, and you’re struck by how good it all feels-
The door to the bathroom slowly creaks open, and Cheol appears, sitting on the floor and staring directly at you both.
“Oh my god,” you groan, lifting the blanket to hide yourself.
“The funny thing is,” Mingyu sighs behind you, “I thought you two were just starting to get along.”
“What gave you that idea?” Seungcheol retorts.
“Didn’t you have a whole deep conversation about daddy issues today?”
Your body freezes, and there’s a long pause before Seungcheol asks, “How did you hear about that? Did she tell you?”
“No-” another breath that fans across your neck, “Jeonghan was skiing right behind you guys this afternoon- said you were way too wrapped up in each other to even notice your surroundings.”
“I wouldn’t say we were wrapped up in each other,” comes a gruff response.
“Hannie said she was clinging to your arm and everything.”
You hate that Mingyu is right. You had felt as if you were getting somewhere with the brooding man your step-brothers call their best friend. If he hadn’t woken up from his nap being all accusatory- if you hadn’t felt immediately claustrophobic and put on the spot at the mention of sleep talking and wet dreams
 maybe your evening would have gone much smoother.
“And- maybe I was imagining it, but
 didn’t you two say goodnight to each other last night?” Mingyu presses. “I was half asleep, but I’m pretty sure you two were actually being sort of nice before bed?”
For a guy who plays the part of being a happy himbo, Mingyu is much more observant than you’d realized. 
“You know what I think?” he continues. “I think you’re both just sort of stubborn, but when you clash, the stubbornness is magnified- kind of like- two immovable walls getting in each other’s faces.”
“That metaphor doesn’t make any sense,” Seungcheol insists.
“Sounds like something a stubborn brick wall would say.”
“Brick walls can’t talk.”
“And you two can’t seem to have a simple conversation either, so is it really that bad of a metaphor, or are you just in denial?” Mingyu’s definitely hit a nerve, and the silence in the cabin moves to a heavy stagnancy. “I’m not the only one who’s noticed, Joshua said the same thing at breakfast yesterday.”
“He did?” You find yourself perking up at the idea that something along the lines of this conversation may have happened before. You peek out from your hiding place under the blanket, eager for your voice to be heard clearly when you ask, “You guys were talking about me at breakfast?”
“We’ve been talking about you a lot,” Mingyu admits, which causes your skin to heat with embarrassment, and you burrow back under the covers.
“Don’t feed her ego.”
“You’re just jealous because no one’s been feeding you since you got here,” you snap, pulling down the blanket to glare at Cheol. “I bet you get all the girls back where you’re from- I bet it’s so easy for you-”
“It is.”
“So now who’s ego is really being hurt by all of this?” He doesn’t respond. “First you say I’m the drama queen, when it’s really you, then you say I’m the one who needs the last word, when it’s really you, and now I’m the one who shouldn’t get my ego stroked when you’re really just jealous that I’m here cuddling with Mingyu and you’re still sitting on the bathroom floor like a stubborn douche-”
“Call me a stubborn douche again.”
“You’re a stubborn douche- what are you going to do about it?” you narrow your eyes at the man who has your whole body practically on fire every time you talk.
“Bet you wish I would spank you.” 
Your breath catches, and you find yourself in a staring match with the man on the floor. You can’t think of anything to say-
“I knew when you were moaning ‘harder’ in your sleep last night it wasn’t just about fucking-” Seungcheol laughs at you. “I’m sure your subconscious mind knows that if you ever let Mingyu and I take a go at you, you’d be ruined.” 
“Cheol-” Mingyu’s voice is as stern as you’ve ever heard it, and his breath against your throat has your entire body coming alive with sensitivity.
“You know,” you clear your throat, “If you’re jealous about not being invited to cuddle, you could just say so, instead of being such a dick.”
“Who says I want to come cuddle?” 
He’s always so quick with his douchey comebacks.
“You’re literally shivering, stop being stupid.” You can see him fidgeting with the sleeves of his hoodie, pulling it down over his fingers.
“I’m not interested in cuddling with you,” Seungcheol insists.
“We’ll let you be the small spoon,” you tease.
He groans. “That’s even worse” 
“You two are giving me whiplash,” Mingyu sighs behind you, pulling you closer to his warm chest and releasing a deep sigh.
“Actually-” you wiggle in the large mans grasp, turning onto your back and then facing him, “thanks to Seungcheol, it’s pretty clear we both had dreams about each other last night
 if he wants to be stubborn, we could always just
” you shift so your lips are by his ear, “fuck under the covers.” 
“Oh my god-” Mingyu’s breathing is shaky now. 
“You two are not gonna fuck without me.”
“See! I knew you were jealous-” you begin to turn around again, eager to look at Cheol when you rub your triumph in his face- but you’re stopped by the covers lifting and a body slotting against your back.
“Stop being a bitch,” Seungcheol growls in your ear, one hand finding your hip and roughly tugging you back to him.
“Stop being such a douche!”
“How about you both stop?” Mingyu suggests, gently cupping your face and meeting your eyes.
He’s so pretty- you’ve thought so since the moment you saw him, and now that you’re sandwiched between both of your cabin roommates, your self-control is getting weaker and weaker.
 Another beat of silence goes by, then Mingyu asks, “Are we really going to do this?”
“I definitely think we’re really going to do this,” you confirm, “What do you say, Douche?” 
The man behind you digs his fingers into your hips, “you know,” his breath is hot against your skin, and his lips tease the shell of your ear, “that’s the fourth time you’ve called me a douche. I think you should make it five.”
You know where he’s going with this immediately, and your pussy tingles with excitement. “Are you really going to spank me, Cheol?”
“I think at this point I have to,” the hand on your hip moves to your throat, and he squeezes you gently, “unless you’re really against it.” 
“Fuck-” Mingyu shifts in front of you, moving closer, and his hand falls from your face to your hip, taking the spot Cheol had just let go of. 
“You better follow through, douche,” you hum, “dream Cheol was very light-handed.” 
“And that’s five,” he breathes. 
“Don’t disappoint me,” you tell him.
“Trust me,” he squeezes your throat, “I won’t.” 
“One of you better kiss me to get things started-” you warn them, “I’m pretty sure my panties are already ruined-”
This prompts both men to act - as you knew it would - with Mingyu immediately pressing his lips to yours while Seungcheol releases your neck to shove his hand down your sweatpants and investigate your claim.
Your body reacts on instinct, leg lifting to rest on Mingyu’s hip, tugging him closer and opening you up for Cheol while you grab at Mingyu’s face, kissing him with the intensity of a woman who’s been locked in a cabin with two gorgeous men for days. 
“Fuck-” Seungcheol groans behind you, his fingers rubbing at your pussy through your underwear, “you’re fucking soaked-” his nose drags by the nape of your neck, “what a dirty little whore-”
You mewl against Mingyu’s lips, a conflicted feeling erupting through you at the way Seungcheol is speaking to you.
“Oh? You don’t like that?” he laughs. “So you get to call me a douche but if I point out that you’re a needy slut grinding down on my hand while my best friend shoves his tongue down your throat then that’s what? Too much for you?”
“Be nice,” Mingyu mutters, kisses turning much softer.
“Then what should I call her?” 
“Princess,” the word sounds so pretty coming from Mingyu, “like you did earlier, but not sarcastically.” 
“Is that what you are?” Seungcheol’s fingers are rubbing your clit through your panties, and it feels amazing- “our stubborn little princess?”
“God, yes!” your hands grab at Mingyu’s strong shoulders, and you try to pull him back to your lips- “Please-” 
“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say that word,” Seungcheol muses, giving you what you want and applying more pressure to your pussy. “I like the way it sounds coming from you.” 
“Please-” you whimper again. You’re not even sure what you’re asking for, but you figure that, between the both of them, they’ll come up with something.
“Take your hoodie off,” Seungcheol commands, pulling his hand out of your pants. “In fact, let’s all take our hoodies off.”
You love how he’s taking the lead, and you suppose it’s not a shock in the slightest. Mingyu has been giving you people-pleasing vibes since you arrived, and it makes sense Seungcheol naturally steps into the leader position.
He can be a bit of a stubborn dick, but fuck, he’s a natural when it comes to telling you what to do.
All three of you are quick to wiggle out of your heavy clothes, stripping your top halves until you’re the only one left in anything, your bra-
“This too,” Seungcheol says, pulling at a strap and making it snap back against your skin.
“You’re behind me, why don’t you take it off,” you tell him, already reaching for Mingyu, wanting to be lost in his lips.
“Fucking princess,” the man behind you mutters, fingers immediately finding the clasp.
“Needy douche,” you mumble against Mingyu’s mouth.
Seungcheol’s response is quick, his hand momentarily discarding his task to wrap around your throat again, “Make it ten, I dare you.” 
“You guys-” Mingyu groans, grabbing your hips and trying to tug you closer to his chest.
Seungcheol holds you tight, not allowing you to budge an inch.
“Douche, douche, douche,” you pull Seungcheol’s hand from your neck, turning to face him so you can look into his eyes when you say the last “douche. There, that’s ten.” 
He’s looking at you with an amused expression, and for the first time since meeting him, you see him truly smile.
“You’re gonna get it,” he warns you, grinning.
“I better.” You tangle your hands in his pretty, dark, curls, smashing your lips to his to wipe the smirk from his face.
Seungcheol and Mingyu are like night and day. Mingyu had kisses you gently whereas Seungcheol holds nothing back.
His tongue easily dominates your own, his hands grabbing at your hips, thigh pressing up between yours-
Mingyu’s lips find your bare shoulders, his fingers picking up where Seungcheol’s had left off with your bra, and before you even know it, the two are working together to tear it off your body, leaving your torso exposed.
Seungcheol doesn’t even look down, his lips find yours again, and it’s Mingyu’s hands that go to cup your breasts. He ruts against your ass, and you can feel his cock straining against his sweatpants, his mouth hot on your neck while he massages your chest with large hands.
When his fingers brush by your nipples you moan loudly, digging your nails into Seungcheol’s strong shoulders-
You really just wish one of them would tear your pants off. You’ve had enough with this foreplay, enough with the waiting-
So you find a way to speed things up, shoving your hand between your bodies to cup Seungcheol’s cock through his pants, moaning even louder when you feel how big he is.
You’re about to get absolutely wrecked and you know it.
“Fuck, princess-” Seungcheol gasps against your mouth.
“I want you to fuck me,” you tell him.
“Me or him?” Mingyu asks behind you.
“I don’t care-” you whimper when Mingyu pinches your nipple between his fingers, “take turns- I don’t-”
“Go for it, Gyu,” Cheol says, hand finding your throat again, thumb pressing against the underside of your jaw, “I’m not done kissing her yet.”
You think this must be the most turned-on you’ve ever been in your whole entire life.
The man behind you pulls away from your breasts, his fingers hooking in your sweatpants. “Can I pull these down?” he asks, lips pressing hot kisses against your shoulder. 
Seungcheol allows you to break your kiss just long enough to whimper a sound of affirmation before he’s claiming your mouth again. 
As Mingyu pulls your pants down, you go to slip your own hand under the waistband of Cheol’s- but he stops you, grasping your wrist in a tight grip. “Over the pants for now, don’t touch what’s not yours,” he warns, releasing you in favour of grabbing your face, “and no pouting.” 
Cheol reads you like a book, wiping the pout off your face by pulling you into another breathtaking kiss.
Behind you, Mingyu’s gotten your sweatpants and panties down to your knees. You help him by kicking them the rest of the way off, and when you’re fully naked, Mingyu’s hand finds your pussy.
“Fuck, you are soaked-” he moans against the nape of your neck, two fingers rubbing at your clit before slipping inside of you.
It feels like heaven- and you adjust to give Mingyu more room, hooking your leg over Seungcheol’s hip to open yourself up-
Seungcheol’s hand moves from your throat to your breast, and he pinches your nipple roughly between his thumb and pointer. When you gasp from the motion, his mouth moves to your jaw and then to your collarbone.
“Should we mark you?” his breath is hot against your skin. “Make it so everyone knows you’ve been fucked? What would your step-brothers say? What would your daddy say?” 
“I don’t know- what are you going to say, daddy?” 
Seungcheol releases a low groan. “I think I’m gonna make you wear turtlenecks the rest of this trip.”
He doesn’t bother waiting for a response from you, his lips latch onto a spot just above your jugular, teeth grazing your skin. 
Mingyu’s fingers have found a steady pace inside of you now, and you find yourself moaning like a whore, grinding down against his hand to get more pressure from his palm on your clit.
“You sound so pretty-” Mingyu’s breath fans over your shoulder and your whole body feels on fire.
“Sounds like she hasn’t been touched in a while,” Seungcheol says, pulling away from your neck to look you in the eyes. “Our sensitive little princess.”
“Cheol-” you whimper.
“I thought I was daddy,” he grabs your throat, thumb testing the spot he’d just marked up. 
“Daddy-” you gasp as he tightens his grip.
“It almost sounds like you’re going to cum, just from Gyu’s fingers,” Seungcheol leans in, lips just out of reach, “but we both know you wouldn’t do that without asking for permission first.” 
“Please what?” 
“Please- I’m so close-” 
“Fuck-” Mingyu groans behind you, finger fucking you even harder. 
“If you like the feeling of this, you’re gonna cry when you get something bigger.” Cheol is way too amused by this, and it only adds to your pleasure, your toes curling as the tension in your stomach builds and builds-
“Please-” you whimper again, grasping onto his shoulders to anchor yourself out of desperation. 
“Want you to cum,” Mingyu says gruffly, lips teasing by your shoulder. “Want you to cum on my fingers-”
Seungcheol still hasn’t given you permission, and you find yourself teetering on the edge- “Daddy, please!” 
He leans forward, lips ghosting over your own when he finally says “I guess you can cum.” 
You take a shuddery breath as the chord in your stomach snaps, orgasm rushing through your body. Your eyes shut, and you find yourself leaning forward, burrowing against Seungcheol’s sturdy chest while whitehot pleasure surges through every fiber of your being.
You’ve never had an orgasm that makes you lose it like this, your mind going completely blank as Mingyu’s fingers work you through your high.
You’re a whimpering, shuddering mess when he finally removes his hand, and a moment later the word “condoms?” brings you back to reality.
You shake your head, too tired to speak yet.
“Is princess on the pill?” Seungcheol asks. You nod this time, and the man you’re holding onto like a lifeline confirms with his friend, “She’s on the pill.” 
“Thank god,” Mingyu groans behind you. There’s a small shuffle of him kicking off his pants, and then his hands are grabbing your hips, pulling you backwards-
You instinctually arch your back, giving him a better angle to press his cockhead to your entrance-
“You sure about this?” Mingyu asks, pausing.
Another nod, and Seungcheol laughs. “She’s sure.”
Mingyu pushes into you as soon as the words are out of his friend’s mouth, and you grip Seungcheol even tighter, gasping at the feeling of being filled so completely.
You’re well prepped from his fingers, and when Mingyu takes a test thrust, you can feel your own fluids coating him, making it as easy as ever for him to slide in and out of your wet core.
“Holy shit-” Mingyu’s breath is hot against your shoulders and it makes you shiver with stimulation as he increases the pace of his thrusts, “you feel so good-” 
“I bet she does,” Seungcheol’s hand slips between your bodies, fingers finding your clit-
You whimper at the feeling, pulling away from his chest to look him in the eyes, “Too sensitive-”
“Too sensitive?” To his credit, he lets up a little, but his hand stays where it is. “Are you sure about that?”
You shake your head, licking your lips and looking at his own-
“Does princess want a kiss?” he asks, reading you as easily as ever.
You lace your hands around the back of his neck, pulling him to your lips. Seungcheol muffles the moans that are slipping out of you, but as Mingyu’s thrusts get rougher, there’s only so much he can do to help you censor the sounds of pleasure.
Behind you, Mingyu’s also releasing his own noises, gasps and grunts that add fuel to the growing feeling between your legs.
It feels so good- and this is just Mingyu.
In the periphery of your mind, you know you still have to receive your ten spanks from Cheol before he fucks you, and you think maybe it was a mistake to get yourself into this. After all- will you ever be able to fuck anyone else? Will anything after this ever feel the same? 
“Fuck-” Mingyu groans when Seungcheol applies pressure to your clit, “baby, if you keep squeezing like that-” he lets out another gasp, “you’re gonna make me cum-”
“Really?” Seungcheol breaks your kiss to look at the man over your shoulder. “Already?” 
“She feels so good-” Mingyu insists, “so good for us-”
“She is,” Seungcheol agrees, rubbing your clit even harder, making both you and Mingyu moan with pleasure. “It’s funny how compliant our stubborn princess gets once she’s being properly fucked.”
“Please-” you groan, reaching behind you to thread your fingers through Mingyu’s hair.
The man in front of you grins. “I’m really starting to enjoy listening to you beg.”
Before you can say anything else, Mingyu lets go of your hip to grab your jaw, prompting you to turn your head to the side so he can lean over your shoulder and press his lips to your own.
He’s not kissing like he had when this whole thing started. Now, he’s eager, tongue swiping past your own while he whimpers and gasps, rutting into you wildly.
This time, you don’t have to beg Seungcheol for permission. Although his fingers are still working your clit, this isn’t his orgasm to give, it’s Mingyu’s, and the man behind you doesn’t care for power plays or waiting games.
You can hear Mingyu getting closer and closer, his sounds getting pitchier-
“You two are too cute,” Seungcheol’s words feel distant, but then his lips are attaching to your nipple and you think you might cum then and there-
“Fuck-” Mingyu tears his lips from your own, grasping your hips- “I’m gonna-” he presses his forehead against your shoulder while you grab onto Seungcheol, threading your fingers through his curls while his teeth drag by your nipple- “cum with me, fuck, cum with me-” 
You don’t really need to be told twice, and even without the command, you would have ascended to cloud nine anyways, body tingling with electric pleasure. 
With no one attending to your mouth, you’re left to moan and whimper loudly, filling the cabin with sinful sounds as Mingyu fucks you through your high. 
Seungcheol doesn’t let up on your clit or your breasts, not until his friend is slowing down and you’re pushing at him, only then does he relent.
“You going to collapse against my shoulder again?” he asks, cupping your face to get a better look at you.
You’re still catching your breath, and you nod against his hand, leaning forward-
Seungcheol pulls you closer, tucking you in against his chest, moving to pet your hair.
“Was that good for both of you?” he asks, and you can’t believe that it sounds like a genuine, heartfelt question.
“Really good,” Mingyu responds, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
“So good-” you echo, bringing up a hand to begin drawing lazy nothings on Seungcheol’s wonderful chest-
“Iïżœïżœll give you a moment to recover,” he says in a manner that’s almost gentle, “because when you’re ready- I still expect my ten smacks.” 
And what if you died from being this horny? What then? 
You whimper when Mingyu pulls out of you, giving you one last sweet kiss on your shoulder before he flops onto his back to catch his breath. 
“Ready for me now?” 
You nod, lips brushing by his collarbone gently as you work your way up to his neck. Seungcheol allows you to pepper his skin in little kisses, and when you get to his jaw, he pulls away.
“I want you on all fours,” he tells you.
The cabin is cold, and you’re hot from being fucked and sandwiched between two warm bodies, so when the blanket is lifted off of you, the air feels more intense.
You whine in annoyance, but do as you’re told, propping yourself up on your hands and knees.
Seungcheol moves behind you, and you can feel his form towering over your own when his hands smooth over your ass.
“Look at you,” he breathes, “you’re an absolute mess.”
You can feel Mingyu’s cum beginning to dribble out of you, so you fall to your elbows and reach a hand through your legs, pushing two fingers into your pussy to stop anything from dripping out.
“Fuck,” Seungcheol grips your ass cheeks so hard it almost hurts, “you ready for your punishment now?”
“Yes, daddy,” you sigh, closing your eyes in anticipation.
“Count them all, and for the first five, keep your fingers where they are. For the final five, you’ll be able to suck on them as a reward. Does that sound fair?”
“Very fair.”
“Good.” There’s a moment of silence, Seungcheol removes one hand from your bum, and then it’s coming back full force. 
The impact makes you jolt, skin stinging with heat and electric tingles of pained pleasure.
Your toes curl, and you whimper “One.” 
“Was that hard enough for you?” he taunts.
“Yes, daddy.” 
The next hit comes down on the opposite cheek, with around the same force, and you’re thankful that he’s not just battering one side, it gives you a bit of time to recuperate.
“Two,” your pussy tightens around your fingers and with your free hand you grab the sheets, twisting them into something like an anchor.
You’re not surprised when he switches sides again, but the second hit to your right side hurts more than the first and you gasp at the feeling. “Fuck- three!” 
“Any time you sit after this, you’re going to be reminded of us,” Seungcheol muses, hand coming down on your left ass cheek.
“Four-” you whimper, “oh my god-” 
“You two are so weird,” Mingyu sighs, shifting closer to you and rolling onto his side. He gently brushes your hair out of your face. “Are you sure you guys want to get to ten?”
“Why wouldn’t we?” Seungcheol massages your ass, rubbing at the stinging skin.
“She’s almost crying.” The man looking into your eyes is frowning now, concern evident in his expression.
“She’s loving this, isn’t that right, princess?” Seungcheol insists.
“Yes, daddy-” you squeak when his hand comes down on you mid confirmation, and your eyes clench shut, holding back tears of pained pleasure. “Five!” 
“You can suck on your fingers now,” Seungcheol tells you, “but I still wanna hear that voice of yours counting each strike.”
You pull your digits from your core, adjusting slightly to allow you to shove them into your mouth.
A moan escapes you immediately, the taste of Mingyu’s cum flooding your senses.
“Fuck-” Mingyu groans.
“Hot right?” Seungcheol massages your bum gently. “Who’s our perfect little whore?”
“I am,” you whimper, making sure to lick as much as you can off of your fingers.
The next smack you receive is a little gentler than the past five, and your body hums with warmth at the idea that Seungcheol’s going easy on you. “Six.” The word is garbled, but you know that none of you care.
“That’s it, love that you’re dripping from this,” Seungcheol praises you, hand coming down again.
“Seven-” you drag your fingers past your teeth, toying with your bottom lip.
“Are they clean already princess?” Seungcheol asks.
“Yes, daddy- fuck, eight!” 
“Just a few more.” There’s something so steady about his voice- about his presence looming behind you, and you know that as soon as this is over, he’s going to fuck you properly, like you deserve. 
“Nine!” makes you tear up, your free hand fully clenched in the sheets, and Mingyu quickly responds by reaching out to brush his thumb by your cheek.
“With this last one,” Seungcheol’s massaging your ass again, and it hurts in the best way possible, “I want you to say sorry.”
“For what?” you whine, so delirious from your treatment that you can’t even think straight.
“For calling me a douche, ten times.”
“I’m sorry-”
“I haven’t even spanked you yet,” the man behind you laughs, “but I appreciate your apology.”
The last hit is the worst of all of them, but maybe that’s just because you’re already extremely sensitive from what you’ve already received, despite this, you still fulfill your job as Cheol’s perfect little cock whore, diligently blurting out “Ten! I’m sorry, Cheol!” 
“There’s my good girl.” He sounds satisfied, and you’re extremely glad he doesn’t reprimand you for using his name, in fact, a moment later, he’s rewarding you with his cock at your entrance. “You ready for me?”
“God, yes! Please-” 
He sheaths himself into you and you bury your face against the duvet to muffle your scream.
It feels like nothing you’ve ever felt.
The combination of his cock stretching you open, and his hips hitting your sore ass- it’s doing something to you that no one has ever done before. 
Large, warm hands grab your hips, and the first few thrusts have you squeaking each time he makes contact with your bum, toes curling at the sensation. “If you need me to stop,” his fingers dig into your skin, “just say so.” 
“Please-” you gasp, “don’t stop-”
In response, Seungcheol fucks you even harder, quickly finding a pace that has your mind going blank.
There’s only you and Seungcheol. Mingyu is practically forgotten and you don’t even feel bad about it. After taking ten hits to your ass, you deserve this. 
You deserve to have your brains fucked out.
“Hey,” a hand grabs at your hair, and Seungcheol pulls your face out of the duvet, “stop using the blanket to muffle your sounds, I wanna hear them.” 
“Cheol-” you whimper loudly, feeling an orgasm already bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
“Sounds like you’re close,” the man behind you muses, tightening his grip in your hair and pulling until you’re up in full doggy, hands braced against the bed. “You close, princess?”
“God, yes-” 
“All it took was a bit of spanking, huh? A bit of spanking and you’re fucking putty in my hands.”
You don’t know how to respond, so you simply moan, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of his cock gliding into you with each thrust.
“I think you should do it,” he says, releasing your hair to grip your hips roughly. “I think you should cum all over my cock like the desperate little whore you are- come on, cum for me, it’s gonna feel so good-”
His words are bringing you closer and closer to the edge and you both know it.
“Cum on my cock and maybe after I’ll flip you on your back and let you look at me as I continue to fuck you stupid.” 
Something inside of you short circuits and your orgasm hits you like a bus, pussy clamping down on Seungcheol’s cock while waves of euphoria overtake you.
“Fuck- just like that-” the man behind you groans, “what a good girl you are-”
For someone using somewhat sweet words, Seungcheol is as rough as ever, your ass smacking against his hips with each powerful thrust-
Under the sounds of you moaning desperately, the bed is squeaking, the whole thing shaking and hitting the wall-
“Holy shit-” Mingyu breathes, but he feels distant-
Seungcheol truly has a way of capturing your attention and holding it, fucking you through your orgasm until you’re clawing at the blanket, tears threatening to spill from overstimulation.
And then, all of the sudden, he’s pulling out of you, and you’re able to take a breath-
Just one breath, as he’s flipping you onto your back a moment later.
“Told ya I’d let you look at me,” he says, slotting between your legs and sinking into your pussy again. “I wanna see that stubborn little face.” 
“God-” you gasp, throwing your arms around his big strong shoulders-
“Never been called that before- but I guess it’s better than daddy,” he smirks.
You hate him.
You kind of love him too- if that’s even possible.
The man has you dick whipped, and you both know it.
He presses his lips to yours, and you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling of the kiss. Your hands wander his muscular back, gently clawing at his skin while he fucks you.
“Shit-” he groans when you thread your fingers through his hair, his hot mouth moving to your neck, “feels so good-”
“Want you to cum-” you whisper, lips brushing by his ear, “want you to fill me up so bad-” 
“Fuck-” he moans louder, and the sound makes your entire body tingle with pleasure.
“Please-” you whimper, tightening your legs around his hips, “I need it-” 
“And I need you to cum with me,” he says, breath teasing your throat. “So how bout you rub your clit for me and get us both there.” 
“Fuck- okay,” you slip your hand between your bodies and jolt when you come in contact with your clit, “wait, no- I’m too sensitive-” 
“I know princess, but you can do it for me, can’t you? Just a little longer-”
You push through the feeling, closing your eyes and throwing your head back- if it had been a request from anyone else, you would have told them to go to hell, but because it’s coming from Cheol- you find yourself unable to say no.
It’s the way he’d said ‘can’t you?’ It’s a small challenge you can’t bear to not complete.
“There you go,” his lips brush by your neck, “it’s going to feel so fucking good when you cum- I don’t know if you’ll be able to take it.”
“I can take it-” you tell him, although your legs are already beginning to shake.
“That’s my princess.” 
“I’m your princess-” you echo.
“Yeah you are,” his hand wraps around your throat, applying just enough pressure to have you seeing stars. “Keep your eyes open, wanna really see you when you cum.” 
Your free hand grabs at his wrist, and your fingers rub your clit harder. “I’m gonna-”
“I know princess, me too,” he bites into his bottom lip, eyes looking deep into your own. “Cum with me,” he commands, “cum with me, cum with me, cum with me-”
It takes everything inside of you to keep your eyes open and keep your fingers on your clit while your fourth orgasm of the night takes over.
If the last one had felt like getting hit by a bus, this one feels like an all-consuming electric warmth that fizzles through your body until you feel it in every fiber of your being.
Your eyes are still locked with Cheol’s, his hand applying enough pressure on your throat to have you nearly feeling dizzy- or maybe that’s the orgasm, regardless, you grip his wrist tighter, after all, it’s your only true anchor.
There’s a brief moment where neither of you are moaning, a moment of something like transcendence, and then Seungcheol’s releasing your throat and pressing his lips to yours, stealing away whatever breath you have left.
His hips stutter as he finishes, your tongues continuing to battle it out even as he slowly comes to a stop. 
His chest is hot and sweaty pressed against your own, but neither of you care, you’re too lost in each other. 
Your heart is thundering against your rib cage, and Seungcheol’s added weight on you doesn’t help, so you push at his shoulders, wanting an inch or two of space-
“Am I crushing you?” he asks, planting his hands on either side of you and lifting himself, finally breaking the kiss to give you a small once over.
“It’s okay,” you say, swallowing and catching your breath. Your eyes close, exhaustion taking over-
“You broke her,” Mingyu’s voice makes you smile but you don’t open your eyes.
It feels nice to just exist for a few moments.
“My bad,” Cheol responds, lifting further off of you. 
You try to grab at him, to make him stay, but he easily blocks your hands.
“You two are probably really tired,” Seungcheol muses. “Do you wanna help her to the shower real quick before passing out?”
“I can do that,” Mingyu agrees, and a moment later, he’s scooping you up like a newlywed bride. 
Mingyu’s chest is as warm as Cheol’s had been, and you find just as much comfort in him as he carries you towards the bathroom.
You’re too far gone to think of much, but you find yourself looking over Mingyu’s shoulder at Cheol. 
He’s pulling his sweatpants back on, running a hand through his bouncy curls, and you realize you’ll never look at him the same way again.
You’ll never be able to look at either of them again without thinking about this, and you’re kind of okay with that.
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19: Wednesday - morning
“Hey, daddy.”
Seungcheol can’t help but grin, shaking his head as he continues to fill his mug with coffee at the self-serve breakfast. “You really shouldn’t be calling me that.”
“No?” You shift closer, until your shoulder is touching his. “Why not?”
“For one, your actual dad could be kicking around somewhere, not to mention your step-brothers.” He gives you a quick look before grabbing cream and a pack of sugar. “Nice turtleneck.”
“Thanks.” You begin to fill your cup with coffee, and Seungcheol turns to look out at the large dining room. He leans back against the food table.
“I’m surprised you’re awake this early,” he notes. “Why aren’t you sleeping in with Gyu?”
“I felt like we needed to talk, and when you left the bed this morning- I missed your warmth.”
Your words make him smile, and he crosses an arm over his chest, lifting his coffee to his lips. “This is our last day, are you sure we have to do this?”
“You mean talk like adults?” you counter. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure we have to do this.”
“Aren’t you the one who said we’d never have to see each other again after this?” 
“When did I say that?”
“Yesterday, after our talk about daddy issues.” Part of him can’t believe that was less than twenty-four hours ago- so much has changed, so much has happened. 
“Right-” you turn to look out at the room, shoulder brushing his again. “Well, I guess I wasn’t considering the fact that you’re roommates with my step-brothers, so
 I’m pretty sure I’ll have to see you again.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“I’m not the only one who’d like it,” you insist. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Seungcheol sips his coffee.
“You and Mingyu would make a cute couple,” he says finally.
“Oh my god, fuck off-” you let out a small laugh. 
“I’m being serious.”
“Why are you such a dick to me?” 
Seungcheol takes a breath, thinking through his response. “Do you mean right now, or generally?”
You sigh, shrugging. “Both?” 
“ Generally? I don’t know- I don’t think I’ve been that bad to you, all things considering. And right now? I guess I’m a dick because if it’s a choice between me and Gyu, you’re pretty stupid for being here with me and not in bed with him. ” 
“I don’t see why I have to choose.”
“People always choose. There’s always a preference.”
” you sigh. “So I like Mingyu better, is that what you wanted to hear? He’s much nicer to me- you’re right about that. But I like fucking you both around the same amount.” 
Seungcheol can’t help but laugh. “I feel like that’s a lie.”
“How about this; I like Mingyu more than you, but you fuck me better- although, I’m not sure I’d fuck you without him there to make sure you’re not too much of a dick.” 
He wonders if your use of the word ‘dick’ over ‘douche’ in reference to him is a betrayal of what’s been on your mind this morning. 
Seungcheol looks down at his cup, swirling the contents. “I’m not forgetting firewood tonight.”
Now it’s your turn to laugh, and you pat him on the shoulder gently. “That’s okay, something tells me you’ll wanna fuck me again even without the excuse of us being cold.”
Seungcheol opens his mouth-
“Nuh uh,” you stop him, “I want the last word on this. Now enjoy watching me walk away from you, I’m heading back to the cabin to curl up with your better half.”
He’s shocked by you- enthralled even, and as he watches you walk away, he realizes he’s never met a girl like you before. 
He realizes that maybe he’s met his match.
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20: Wednesday - afternoon
Mingyu’s just decided to stop looking for his friends on the slopes when someone says his name in his ear and he nearly has a heart attack.
“Fuck- Seungcheol- I’ve told you not to sneak up on me like that!” he yells, regaining his balance on his skis in an attempt not to fall over from shock.
“You tell me a lot of things, doesn’t mean I listen,” his friend points out. “Hey listen, we need to talk-”
“About last night, yeah, I know-” Mingyu rolls his eyes, “I’ve been looking for you for like, an hour.” 
“I’ve been around,” Seungcheol brushes it off. “So I had a brief talk with princess this morning-”
“Is that her name now?” Mingyu laughs, gawking at the turn of events that’s taken place in such a short period of time. 
“Better than calling her by her name, talking about all the ways we made her cum, and having Jeonghan and Joshua show up to overhear us,” Seungcheol points out. “Or worse, her father.”
“Ok, good point.”
“Anyways,” Seungcheol waves a hand, “I talked to her this morning-”
“Yeah, she mentioned you were being a dick again-”
“Of course she did,” Seungcheol’s energy changes, turning gloomy. “What the fuck are we going to do with her?”
” Mingyu considers it for a moment, not sure what answer his friend is looking for. “Blow her back out again?”
“And you’re not going to be sad when we leave and go home to different cities?” 
Mingyu cocks his head, assessing Seungcheol. “Dude- are you going to be sad when that happens?” 
“No.” Suengcheol responds much too quickly.
“You do know that we’re going to see her again, right? Jeonghan and Joshua came by this morning and we had a good talk, they even invited her to come visit sometime soon.”
“Were they suspicious at all?”
“It’s Jeonghan and Joshua, they’re always suspicious,” Mingyu points out. “And to be fair, they did give us permission to fuck her- so you don’t have to be this secretive.” 
“This whole thing is making me a little crazy I think,” Seungcheol admits, giving his head a shake. 
“Yeah- I’ve never seen you this worked up about a girl.”
“And I’ve never seen you so calm about a girl.”  
Mingyu shrugs. “What’s the point in being weird about it? It only makes things messier- but, I mean, I guess you do like messy girls.” 
“Shut up.”
“Wow,” Mingyu laughs, “you really are being a dick today.” 
“Shut up!”
“Fine-” Mingyu concedes, “but seriously, take a chill pill, everything will be easier if you relax a little.”
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21: Wednesday - evening
Dinner had been a little odd, to say the least.
Sat between Mingyu and Seungcheol, across from Jeonghan and Joshua, it’s as if Seungcheol had done everything in his power to act as if you’re still enemies. He’d hardly talked or looked at you the entire time.
Mingyu, on the other hand, had been as attentive as possible without making it obvious that he’d been balls deep in you less than twenty-four hours ago. 
Despite the attempt at whatever normalcy you’ve gained with your roommates, something had told you that your step-brothers knew exactly what was going on
 and it had only added to the fun of things.
Walking back to the cabins as a group, you’d found yourself next to Jeonghan. The conversation had been light, surface level, but when he’d pulled off to head to his own door, he’d told you to “have a good night, but not too good” with a wink, and the interaction had solidified in your mind the idea that he knows exactly what his roommates are going to do to you.
You all know it. There’s a tension in the air, especially as you, Seungcheol, and Mingyu make your way into your own cabin.
“So,” you say as the door closes behind you, “are we gonna fuck or-”
Arms encircle your waist, lifting you off the ground and cutting you off midsentence. Lips brush by your ear and Mingyu’s voice has you tingling with interest when he confirms, “we’re gonna fuck,” before throwing you onto your bed.
Last night, Mingyu had been the soft needy presence at your back, but today, it’s clear that his energy has shifted, and your heart is thrumming in your chest from the change.
“What are you going to do to me?” you ask in a teasingly seductive voice, rolling onto your back and propping yourself up on your elbows to look at the two men you share your cabin with. 
“Gyu’s been wondering how you taste,” Seungcheol says, “and I’ve been thinking that, seeing as you know how he tastes, you might be wondering what I’m like.” 
“Ohmygod-” your breath is caught, and Mingyu dropping to his knees at the foot of the bed forces you to tear your eyes away from his friend. 
Tonight, you’re definitely going to have troubles deciding who to focus on.
“Can I take these off?” Mingyu asks, grabbing at your pants and tugging gently.
“Yes, please-”
He tears them off of you as easily as anything, and then his hand encircles your ankle, dragging you to the edge of the mattress. 
You wonder if he’s going to tear your panties off too, but as Mingyu begins placing sloppy kisses along your inner thighs, his fingers catch in the fabric of your underwear to pull them to the side and you realize he’s not even going to bother with fully undressing you.
He’s frenzied, breath hot as it fans over your entrance, and you both release moans of pleasure when he places his mouth on you, tongue licking a wet stripe along your pussy.
“Fuck-” you whimper, reaching down to tangle your fingers in his hair.
“Feels good?” Seungcheol’s voice prompts you to take a quick look at him, and he comes around the side of the bed. “When’s the last time someone properly ate you out?”
“A while-” you admit, pushing your pussy closer to Mingyu’s face and his tongue slips into your hole, nose brushing by your clit-
“Then you’re going to enjoy this,” Seungcheol tells you, getting onto the bed and prompting you to sit up so he can be something like a backrest for you, your head resting back against his abs, “because Mingyu’s a pussy eating champ.”
“Yeah, he is,” you moan, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling. 
A few moments later, Seungcheol’s toying with your shirt. “This needs to come off.”
You laugh. “Eager to play with my tits again, Cheol?”
“Yeah, so take it all off.” 
You begin to comply with the request, and Mingyu pulls away from you long enough to drag your panties down your legs before returning his mouth to your core. You guess all truly means all when Seungcheol’s in charge.
He helps you with your turtleneck, and your hands slip under your back to deal with your bra. 
You’re naked in record time. 
The man you’re leaning against immediately goes for your breasts, large, warm hands grabbing at you. 
“Pretty princess,” he breathes, gentle at first while his friend sucks your clit into his mouth, making your legs twitch around his head. “He wants to make you cum like this before he fucks you,” Seungcheol says, “while you can still be loud- before you have my cock in your mouth. So I think, while you can, maybe you should tell Mingyu how good he’s doing, you both have a thing for praise.” 
“Since when-” you stifle a moan, “since when did you know so much about- about his preferences?”
“You’re not the first girl we’ve fucked together princess, no matter how much you wish you were.” His words sting, but they also bring some clarity to you. 
No wonder it hadn’t taken much convincing last night- you’d thought you had simply been sexy enough to entice them, but here you are, finding out that they’ve done this before. 
Seungcheol captures your nipples between his fingers, pinching hard enough to have you gasping. “You going to do as I say? Or are we going to keep talking about this?”
You definitely don’t want to pry for more information.
“Feels so good Mingyu- fuck, you’re doing so good- please, my clit-” 
He pulls your sensitive bud into his mouth again, flicking it with his tongue and making you moan even louder.
“Yes! Just like that- God, I need your fingers too, I want your fingers so bad-” 
Mingyu’s always so eager to please, and two fingers slip into your core while he continues to suck on your clit. 
“Fuck-” your hips push forward, only for the man eating you out to hold you down with his free hand.
“Sounds like you’re close, princess,” Seungcheol grabs your neck, fingers curling around your throat. “Gonna cum for us?”
“Uh huh,” you bite into your lip, “feels so-”
Mingyu crooks his fingers, rubbing at your sweet spot while his tongue flicks repeatedly at your clit, and you’re practically a goner. Your back arches, Seungcheol’s grip on your throat only heightening the pleasure that begins to sizzle through you. “Fuck- shit- Mingyu-” 
You can feel him smiling against your pussy now, groaning and sending vibrations through you that have your toes curling as you drag them against his back-
“You make such pretty sounds when you cum,” Seungcheol muses, pinching your nipple and adding even more to the overwhelm that floods through you. 
Mingyu hasn’t let up on your pussy, and it’s almost becoming too much, your hips fighting against his hand-
“Fuck- fuck-” you can’t seem to whimper much else, but it’s enough to have Mingyu pulling away, mouth pressing slopping kisses to your inner thighs while his fingers come to a stop.
“Can I fuck you now?” he asks. “I’ve been thinking about you all day-”
“Please-” your hurt lurches at his words, insides twisting and fluttering-
“We’ve both been thinking about you all day,” Seungcheol corrects, and you open your eyes to look up at the man who has only slightly let up on your throat. 
“Have you been thinking about us?” Mingyu asks, his breath fanning over your pussy again, making your legs twitch.
“Mmhmm, been thinking about being perfectly full-” you sigh, running your hand through Mingyu’s hair. “You guys will fill me up, right? Fingers aren’t enough.”
“Greedy princess,” Seungcheol laughs, shaking his head at you. 
Mingyu says nothing, he simply grabs your hips and flips you, man handling you into doggy position while Seungcheol gets onto his knees in front of you. 
He pulls off his shirt, revealing the chiseled torso you love so much, and then pushes down his joggers, cock springing to attention. “Ready to be full?” 
“Is that even a question?” you retort, wrapping your hand around him and guiding his tip to your lips, tongue kitten licking at him.
“No teasing,” Seungcheol says darkly, reaching down to brush your hair out of your face. 
Behind you, Mingyu lets out a small laugh, and you enjoy the fact that he obviously finds amusement in the constant struggle you have with Cheol. 
His cockhead presses against your wet pussy, slipping just the tip into your hole, and you realize Seungcheol’s right about not enjoying being teased- 
“Both of you better fuck me properly,” you warn before sinking your mouth onto the man in front of you.
You’re rewarded when Mingyu follows suit, pushing his cock deep into you and releasing a groan that has your insides fluttering. His large hands grab your hips, securing you when he takes his first thrust.
He’s not rough about it, he doesn’t push you further on his friend when he begins to fuck you, instead, Mingyu allows you to find your own pace with Seungcheol as he finds his own pace with you. 
You kind of like it this way, it feels like you’re more in control as you suck on Seungcheol, instead of you being a toy for them to use and fuck into submission. 
You’ve sucked big cock before, but there’s something about Seungcheol’s girth that makes it hard to allow him deeper into your throat, so you take to pumping what you can’t suck. 
Your eyes close and you enjoy the feeling of pleasuring Seungcheol while Mingyu pleasures you.
“Who knew you’d be so good at this, princess,” Seungcheol breathes above you. “Fuck- your tongue-”
Hearing Seungcheol groan is becoming a new guilty pleasure of yours, and you suck on him even harder, eager for more.
Behind you, Mingyu’s as vocal as ever, moans and grunts of ecstasy tumbling out of him with each snap of his hips. His fingers dig into your skin, and he begins to pull you backwards to meet him, dragging you off his friend.
“Watch it, Gyu,” Seungcheol’s angry growl has you swooning.
As does Mingyu’s response; “Thought you wanted to fuck her face?” 
This immediately prompts Seungcheol to rut his own hips forward, meeting Mingyu’s thrusting rhythm to have his cock burying in your mouth with each push and pull. 
You had wanted to be stuffed, and now they’re really doing it for you.
Now you feel like their little toy, and something about that makes a new surge of wetness run through your core.
“Fuck- she likes this,” Mingyu groans, “baby, you’re practically dripping-”
“Bet she’d absolutely lose it if you grabbed her ass a little-” Seungcheol points out. “It still hurts from yesterday, right, angel? Still sore from being battered-”
Mingyu shifts one of his hands from your waist to your bum, gently squeezing the bruised flesh-
A flash of pain jitters through you, and it has your pussy throbbing-
“Fuuuuck-” Mingyu moans loudly.
“Told you she’d love it.” The man whose cock is hitting the back of your throat with each thrust of his hips is much too smug about this- “Bet you’re too pussy to actually spank her though.”
You’re shocked at what Seungcheol’s just said, and from the gasping sound behind you, you can bet Mingyu is too.
“I shouldn’t- she wouldn’t-”
Seungcheol pulls his cock out of your mouth, grabbing a fistful of your hair and forcing you to look up at him. “Would you like Mingyu to spank you a little? He won’t do it as hard as me-”
You’re so busy sputtering and trying to catch your breath that you can’t really speak, so you take to nodding, gasping for air before you can finally say “yes-”
“She’ll like it,” Seungcheol confirms, letting go of your hair and slipping himself back into your mouth.
“I-” the man behind you squeezes your bum again, and your body tingles with anticipation. “Fuck, okay-” he removes his hand, only for it to come back down on your ass a moment later, a small smacking noise sounding through the small cabin.
You groan around Seungcheol’s cock, pain tingling through your body in the most delightful way.
“Shit-” Mingyu groans, “I don’t think either of us are going to last if I keep doing that-”
“Aren’t you here to make her cum though?” Seungcheol asks.
“Yeah, but-” 
“No buts, Gyu, I’m getting impatient.” 
“Fuck, right,” you hear Mingyu swallow. “Okay- I know how to make our princess cum.” He releases your ass, and slips his hand around the front of your body, fingers seeking out your clit.  
You whine loudly around Seungcheol’s cock, and he pulls out of your mouth, allowing the sound to fill the room. 
There are tears in your eyes from everything that’s been going on, and you sputter, taking a breath and blinking up at Seungcheol. One of his hands is in your hair, and the other is wrapped around his cock, slowly pumping while he watches you. “Is he gonna make you cum?”
“God, yes-” you moan louder as Mingyu applies more pressure to your clit, rutting into you wildly. “Fuck- I’m so close- Mingyu-” 
“Me too- shit, you feel so fucking good, oh my god-” his sounds are music to your ears. “Shit- I want you to cum with me- you’ll cum with me right? Come on princess, cum with me-” 
You’re not sure who cums first, only that you both fall over the edge around the same time. Mingyu’s hips smack against your sore ass with each rough thrust, his groans and whimpers mingling with your own as your pussy clamps down on his cock and milks him for all he’s worth.
He removes his hand from your clit, grabbing your waist to pull you back to meet the last of his thrusts as he rides out your orgasms. 
You can’t even catch a breath when it’s done, because Seungcheol’s insistent “my turn” reminds you that you still have one more man to please- one more man to fuck you stupid. 
You’re getting used to being manhandled, and it’s no surprise when Seungcheol flips you onto your back and slots himself between your legs. His eyes assess your face, and he checks in with an “all good?” that has you nodding. 
You grab at his shoulders, pulling his mouth to your own, and in your post orgasmic bliss, you find yourself getting lost in Seungcheol’s lips.
He’s an amazing kisser, tongue gliding past your own, teeth teasing by your bottom lip- it makes you squirm below him, locking your ankles together at the small of his back.
You’re impatient and thankfully, you’re not forced to wait for long.
“Messy princess,” Seungcheol breathes, looking down to where he’s tapping the head of his cock against your clit. “Always so needy.”
“Please-” you move your mouth to his throat, kissing and suckling on his skin, nails digging into his strong shoulders.
“Because you asked so nicely.” He pushes into you, inch after inch, until his hips are flush with your own. “Didn’t you just get fucked? How are you still so tight-”
You moan against his neck, teeth grazing by his skin. It’s your last day on vacation, and if there’s ever been a time to mark up the big mean dom with his cock buried in your cunt, it’s now. 
“Cheol-” you whimper, “just fuck me-”
His fists clench in the sheets by your head, and he takes his first thrust, cock head pressing against a spot that has you mewling for him, toes curling. 
“Like this?” he prompts. “Slow and deep?”
“Then hard and fast,” you tell him.
“Always telling me what to do,” Seungcheol sighs. “As if I don’t already know exactly what to do to have you whimpering under me like a whore in heat-”
“Mmm-” you moan as he begins to fuck you harder, “Cheol-” 
“That’s it, those are the sounds I like to hear.”
You love how you’re allowed to simply throw your head back and enjoy the ride. You’re his cute little pillow princess, and you’ll be damned if you don’t make all the noises Seungcheol loves to listen to.
Tracing his muscular shoulders feels like heaven while he fucks you senseless, and it’s easy to get lost in the feeling of him.
A hand slips between your bodies, seeking out your clit, and when you open your eyes, you realize Mingyu is laying next to you, and it’s his fingers rubbing your sensitive nub.
“I like watching you get fucked,” he whispers, leaning forward to press a kiss to your shoulder.
Above you, Seungcheol lets out something between a scoff and a laugh, but his motions continue, thrusts unfaltering.
“Bet you love having both of us like this,” your main dom says after a moment. “Love being the center of attention- you’re just a good little attention whore, aren’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” you whine, becoming more and more lost in the feeling of them.
“Fuck, I can feel you getting tighter- you close princess? Already?” 
You nod, “Mmhmm-” 
“Well you’re gonna hold it.”
Your eyes open, and you blink up at Seungcheol, shocked.
“Yeah,” he grins, “you heard me. Hold it.”
“But-” you dig your nails into his shoulders.
“No buts, hold it.” He leans over you, lips ghosting past your ear. “You want to cum with me, don’t you?”
“Yes, daddy, but-”
“Wait a little longer,” Seungcheol insists.
“It feels so good-” you whine louder, body tingling as both men continue their assault on your pussy. “I wanna cum so badly-”
The man above you releases a moan at your words.
You grab at Seungcheol’s shoulders again, pulling him close so you can be the one whispering in his ear. “Daddy- it feels so good, I wanna cum- you feel so fucking good- so deep- please let me cum- cum with me, please- I need it-” 
Seungcheol groans louder, fucking you even harder-
“Please, daddy, fill me up- I wanna be filled, I want your cum-”
“Shit-” he bites down into his lip, rutting into you wildly.
“Just like that, daddy, just like that- you’ll let me cum, right?”
“You sound so close,” you whisper, gently biting at his ear lobe, “are you close, daddy?”
Seungcheol releases a deep groan, one hand reaching down to anchor your hips. “On the count of five, princess-” he tells you, “five, four, three-” your muscles ache from holding back your orgasm, “two, one.”
Your entire body shakes as you finally release, gasps of ecstasy escaping you as you wrap your arms around Seungcheol, burying your face against his neck.
“Fuck-” he grunts, continuing to ride you through your highs while Mingyu applies even more pressure to your clit with his nimble fingers.
“Shit- Cheol- fuck, Gyu!” you push your hips up, only to be held down by the man above you, the pleasure becoming almost too much for you to handle. 
You can feel tears in your eyes. 
All you can do is hold onto Seungcheol and take what’s being given to you, muscles screaming as the feeling of orgasmic bliss overwhelms your entire form. 
Mingyu’s the first to let up on you, removing his hand while Seungcheol finishes the last of his thrusts. 
You’re both gasping, and it feels only right to grab Seungcheol’s face, bringing his lips to your own to muffle your sounds as his movements slowly come to a stop.
“Crying again?” Seungcheol sighs when he tears his mouth from your own, looking down at you with an expression mixed with concern and amusement.
“Feels good,” you tell him weakly. “Hate that it’s the last night.”
“It’s still early,” Mingyu says from next to you, leaning in to kiss your shoulder again. “I have another few rounds in me.”
“I’m sure you do,” you laugh, body flooded with too many emotions to count.
“Let’s give you a sec,” Seungcheol suggests, “and then we can decide what to do next.”
The answer is obvious to you already.
You want to do them next
 or is it again? 
Either way, you’re determined to fuck these men until you can’t feel your legs.
It’s your last night here, and you’ll be damned if you don’t make the most of it.
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22: thursday - departure
It’s only day two of waking up in bed next to you, but Mingyu knows he enjoys this view infinitely more than the visual he’d become accustomed to from the couch.
Sure, his best friend is curled up at your back, but Mingyu still gets a prime vantage point in front of you.
He’s the first to wake up, and he lays there in silence, listening to you breathe.
He’d never expected this, but to be fair, he’d never expected Jeonghan and Joshua’s mom to remarry again.
This whole thing has been a whirlwind of events that Mingyu could have never conjured up in his wildest dreams.
While it’s true he and Seungcheol have fucked girls together before- it had always been a one night thing, never two in a row. And Mingyu’s never woken up squished on a double bed with a girl between him and his roommate-
Behind you, Seungcheol shifts, body unconsciously drawing you closer, and for some crazy reason, the sight makes Mingyu relax a little.
Mingyu knows he’s whipped, but there’s no going back now. 
All he can do is enjoy these last few hours
 and press your new step-brothers for a visit in the very near future. 
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23: thursday - departure
“Don’t be stupid,” Seungcheol says as you lift your suitcase to start down the cabin stairs.
“Don’t call me stupid,” you snap back.
Seungcheol can’t help but smile. Your words have little effect on him, not now that he’s made you cum more times than he can count.
“Let me carry this for you,” he insists, pushing your hand away from your luggage handle.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, princess,” Seungcheol laughs, “I’m sure.”
The two of you start down the stairs while Mingyu locks up behind you. 
A hundred feet away, Jeonghan and Joshua are also leaving their cabin.
“Hey you three,” Jeonghan grins, waving, “sleep well last night?”
There’s always an edge to his words now, and Seungcheol knows what his friend is hinting at, but he pushes through with a casual response. “Slept okay, you guys?”
“Slept fine,” Jeonghan’s clearly not too impressed with Seungcheol’s answer, but doesn’t push for more. Instead, he hits Seungcheol with a “nice turtleneck.” 
When Seungcheol had realized you’d marked him after your first few orgasms last night, he’d made you pay for it, but now he’s the one facing consequences by being stuck in a matching shirt, the both of you hiding hickeys. 
Mingyu’s the only one of the three of you who had left the bed unscathed, but Seungcheol supposes that’s a testament to his gentle way of going about things.
“What time is the airport shuttle coming?” Mingyu asks, changing the topic.
“In fifteen minutes,” Joshua answers, checking the watch on his wrist. “We’ve got time.”
As your rag tag band of people begin down the snow path towards the resort, Seungcheol makes an effort to be truly present. You may have time to get to the shuttle, but he’s painfully aware that the time he has with you is running out.
Even so, there’s something that tells Seungcheol he’ll see you again, and for whatever reason, he guesses it will be sooner than he might think.
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24: thursday - departure
Your ass hurts, but it’s the best hurt you’ve ever felt as your plane lifts off the tarmac to take you home. 
This week had been unexpected. 
You’re not really sure how you’d pictured it going down, but you definitely hadn’t imagined getting fucked by your new step brothers’ roommates. 
You hadn’t imagined becoming absolutely dick whipped for them either. 
And yet here you are.
It hurts to set your phone on airplane mode, to message your new tiny group chat and let Seungcheol and Mingyu know that you’ve taken off, but at least the chat will be there for you when you land.
The fact that Mingyu had insisted on a group chat - and Seungcheol hadn’t muttered a word of protest - tells you that maybe they like you as much as you like them.
You don’t think they’re the kind of guys that would fuck their friends’ step-sister just for shits and giggles, but you remind yourself that you truly haven’t known them for long.
You’ll have to take Jeonghan up on his offer of coming to visit sometime, and until then, you might just have to wallow in your sexual frustration.
Fuck, what a trip this had been.
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☀ mlist + an. thank you for reading! this was such a long one, but i feel like the slow burn needed to happen lol :)
🍭 support me by.sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔼 preview. “Is now the part where you throw me over your shoulder, take me to your room, and fuck me with your best friend?” Seungcheol laughs at your question, “Now is the part where we see if you’ve been lying about anal training in the group chat.”
cw/ tw. mentions of toys, dirty talk, praise, degradation spanking, oral (m/f receiving), rim job, back shots, anal, unprotected sex, double penetration, etc...
đŸ‘č rating.18+ explicit I wc. 4.6k I teaser wc. 355
🌙 staring. Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader 
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bonus teaser
“Guess who I just got off the phone with?” Jeonghan says, waltzing into the apartment living room with a grin on his face.
“Your doctor?” Seungcheol answers, not bothering to tear his gaze from the tv where they’re watching the baseball game. “He told you you’re officially chlamydia free?”
“You know what-” Jeonghan lifts up a pillow, attacking his friend with it while Seungcheol giggles and blocks the hits, “you better not bring this up ever again! I’ll call my sister back right now and tell her not to bother coming if you’re going to be like this-”
“You invited your sister over?!” Mingyu and Seungcheol perk up instantly, with the elder grabbing the pillow from Jeonghan and tearing it from his hands to throw to the side.
“Invited her for a week next month,” Jeonghan confirms, “but I can call her back right now-”
“You didn’t invite her for the week we’re going to be out of town, did you?” Joshua sighs, already knowing exactly where this story is going- and Jeonghan’s grin confirms it. “Did you bother telling our step-sister that we wouldn’t be here?”
“She didn’t need those details,” Jeonghan insists, “we all know why she’s coming to visit.” 
Mingyu and Cheol shift in their seats, and Jeonghan delights in being the puppet master behind getting his closest friends laid. 
“I’m going to go call her-” Joshua stands, reaching for his phone.
“No-” Jeonghan whines, “it should be a surprise-”
Joshua ignores his brother, leaving the room to call you, only to return a few minutes later. “Her flight is already booked,” his gaze shifts to his roommates, “you two better take care of her the week she comes to visit.”
“You say that as if we didn’t take care of her last time,” Seungcheol protests.
“You two know exactly what I’m saying,” Joshua says, looking directly at Seungcheol and Mingyu. “Promise me you’ll actually take her places and show her around.”
“We promise,” Mingyu says earnestly, and Joshua has no doubt that Mingyu’s already planning to take you to some of his favourite restaurants- Seungcheol on the other hand
 he’s not too sure about.
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lenireads · 2 years
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summary. mingyu knows you have a lot to do the day before the wedding, but he won’t let you leave without giving him his favorite meal for breakfast
wc. 2.2k
warnings. marriage kink (ik
), oral (f. receiving), gyu is a needy baby, a bit of teasing, praise — MINORS DNI 18+
note. ok hello, i know i said i was on hiatus, but i’ve decided im not anymore bc i need to be able escape from reality so enjoy ANOTHER fic w my newfound marriage kink. will likely write a pt. 2 (post-wedding) if u guys like this :D
p.s. reblogs and feedback are extremely appreciated— i also love to hear ur thoughts <3
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mingyu hates waking up alone. he has since he met you all those years ago, so today, when he wakes up cold just to see your spot empty, he’s grumpy to say the least. 
he leaves the bed to look for you, eyes tired as he’s muttering to himself about how you do this even though you know he hates it. when he finds your sleepy figure in the kitchen buttering a slice of toast in nothing but his oversized shirt and your socks, he immediately pouts.
“g’morning baby,” you smile at his eyes that are barely open and his disheveled head of hair, setting down the butter knife. “why’re you pouting?” 
he huffs, arms crossing at his chest, mumbling out, “you know why. i hate waking up cold.” 
you coo at how cute he was being. “‘m sorry, gyu— but we’re getting married tomorrow, i had to get up early to meet with the caterers and i’m gonna be late if i don’t start getting ready soon.” 
he sighs, moving to wrap his arms around your waist from the back. his face digs into the crook of your neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin. “make it up to me.”
you hum, relaxing into his touch. “baby, don’t start
 i’m gonna be late— you were the one who wanted a perfect wedding.”
“don’t care about the wedding
” he says in between kisses— ones that were starting to escalate as his teeth scraped against your sensitive spot. “just want you.”
you smile at his words because you know they’re not true. mingyu has been gushing about giving you the most extravagant wedding since you said yes to his even more extravagant proposal. 
“‘n you’ll have me tomorrow night. forever.” you emphasize and he groans, pushing his growing bulge into you. “but right now, i need to start getting ready, i have to meet them in 45 minutes.”
he whines, needily rutting into you, sucking at your skin harsher with every passing second. “baby, you can’t just say shit like that and then leave.”
you tease with a giggle, “what? saying things like i’ll be yours forever?” 
“yes! don’t say things like that if you don’t want me to bend you over and fuck you while you choke on toast!” he whines out and you can’t help but laugh loudly, turning in his grip to face him. 
he’s giving you the biggest doe eyes and, usually, they’d work on you because there is something so irresistible about your soon-to-be husband, but right now, you’re adamant on making sure tomorrow's wedding runs smoothly. so he’s just going to have to wait. 
“okay, baby,” you start, a cheeky smile on your lips “i’m sorry. i won’t say anything like that ever again.”
“noooo!” he cries, shaking your body with his big hands. “i like when you say stuff like that, just don’t say stuff like that right now. you’re practically edging me.”
your fiance is so easy.
you coo, pecking his pouty lips, “okay, i’ll keep that in mind.” you say. “‘m gonna go get ready, you can have a slice of toast if you want.” you offer, wiggling out of his tight grip.
he scoffs at the proposal, deterring you from leaving and lifting you by the waist, sitting you on the empty space on the kitchen island. your surprised gasp makes him groan and he’s praying you’ll let him hear your other pretty noises before you leave him for the day. 
his lips ghost over yours, “would rather have something else for breakfast.” he mumbles against them before getting on his knees in front of you. “pretty baby, at least lemme taste you, please?”
he’s so pretty with his shaggy hair and his tired eyes and you never realized how much he resembles an actual puppy dog before now. you can’t help but admire the beauty that is your forever lover. 
you bite your lip at his plea, the offer being almost too good to deny. you weigh your decisions, eyes shooting to the clock across the kitchen. 8:17 a.m. if you wanted to be out and on time, you’d need to leave within the next 30 minutes– that isn’t nearly enough time, but the way he’s peering up at you and looking so fucking fine while he’s on his knees all for you
 it’s too tempting. 
” you trail off as his arms take a hold of your legs and his face nuzzles into the insides of your plush thighs. he presses soft, gentle kisses to the skin. 
“mmm, baby, please,” he mumbles, moaning as his face is almost directly in front of your clothed cunt. “i’ll be so quick, gonna make you cum ‘n you can go. you’ll let me, won’t you?” his breath fans against your core where arousal is now gathering and soaking through the cotton fabric. 
temptation is a bitch, you rule.
he’s rendered you breathless and he’s barely touched you. you’re experiencing another moment that proves no matter how much of a bitch mingyu is for you, you’re just as desperate for him. two people that are a mess at the hands of one another– a match made in heaven. 
“fuck, gyu,” you pant, eyes shooting up at the clock. 8:18 a.m. your eyes fall back to him and you decide, fuck it. “5 minutes or else i’ll finish myself off in the shower.” you offer the empty threat as if he couldn’t make you cum in a mere 30 seconds if he really wanted to.
he smiles, “whatever my pretty wife wants
” he whispers, noticing the way you twitch at the words. a soft chuckle slips past his lips and he looks up to you again. “oh, so you like when i say that just as much as i do, don’t you?”
of course you do. who wouldn’t get turned on by the idea of being kim mingyu’s pretty wife? 
you roll your eyes in an attempt to hide the fact that his words don’t have a great affect you, gruffly saying, “not your wife yet and you’ve got 4 minutes and 30 seconds, baby.” you lace your fingers through his long, raven hair and push him into your heat. “get to work.”
he moans, taking in your scent, nose pressing into your covered clit as his tongue darts out to taste you, further soaking the cotton fabric with his saliva. you’re almost certain he’s going to eat you out through your panties, but he proves you wrong by taking them off in the blink of an eye.
he untangles his arms from your legs before rolling them down your legs and leaving them bunched up on the ground next to him. before you know it, he’s diving back in like a starved man, arms coming back to their original position and pulling you even closer to his mouth. 
he starts by letting his tongue lap you up from your drooling hole to your hardened clit and he whines. you look down, breathless with your teeth digging into your bottom lip, and you completely take him in– how his tongue eagerly laps at your pussy with the most pleasured look on his face. 
no matter how many times he eats you out, it proves to never be enough. every time he gets a taste, it’s like the first time and he falls in love with you all over again. truth be told, mingyu is addicted to you and would happily die with his head in between your thighs. 
your eyes flicker up to the clock while mingyu opens his eyes to look at you. 8:20 a.m. 
he grunts unhappily, “look at me.” he mumbles into you, sending shivers up your spine. when your eyes meet his, he wraps his mouth around your clit, sucking and flicking his tongue at the bud. he relishes in the way you moan out his name, arching your back and gripping the end of the kitchen counter. 
“you’re so good, baby– fuck, you always eat me out so fucking well,” you moan the praise breathily, eyes fluttering closed. your head falls back in pleasure and mingyu’s ego inflates, cock twitching at the praise. 
he alternates between digging his tongue in your pussy, sucking up your honeyed arousal while his nose toys with your clit and having his mouth and tongue play with your clit. he’s moaning and whining, mumbling about how good you taste and how much he loves your pussy all the while devouring you whole. 
you’re a mess, not even bothered to check the clock anymore as you feel all the vibrations and action provided by his tongue nearly hurtle you over the edge. tears gather up at your lashline as you whine and whine, his name and his tongue being the only things you can think about right now. 
you’re almost embarrassed to be this close this quick, but then you remember it’s mingyu. mingyu who could make you cum by playing with your tits for too long. mingyu who could get you soaking his thigh in a matter of minutes. mingyu who knows just how to please you in any way possible.
“gyu! baby, oh, my god.” you sob, one of your hands moving back to tug at his silky hair. “‘m so fucking close.”
he lets out a guttural moan as he feels his own body heat up with pure desire. he wishes you had nowhere to go after this so he could sink you onto his cock and fuck you all day– make you cry for him, cum for him, beg for more of him till you’re both a mess and at a loss for words. he plans on doing so as soon as the wedding is over, though. he’s not going to let you do anything other than take his dick like a good wife as soon as you say ‘i do.’ 
he’s lost in your cunt, moaning with his eyes closed and brows furrowed as if he’s eating the best meal of his life. your joint moans and whines are bouncing off the walls of the kitchen, surely filling your entire home with lewd sounds. 
“cum all over me, baby, fuckin’ cum for me. you can do it.” he coaxes through moans, though it comes muffled with his tongue shoved in your pussy. he sounds like a broken record, begging you to let go over and over. “my pretty fuckin’ wife, do it for me, baby.”
the title and vibration of his words send you right over the edge. the rubber band in the fiery pit of your stomach finally snapping as you cry out his name prettily, body shaking uncontrollably. your hand tug on his locks, holding him in place while you grind against his face to ride out your orgasm. 
he’s a mess at the sight unfolding in front of him. you look so fucking desprate and it’s getting him close to cumming untouched, but he holds it in hopes you’ll change your mind– be an inconvenience so he can fill you up, fuck you full, and do it all again. he so badly wants you to call the caterers and push back the time so he can have you all to himself. 
you finally come down from your high, eyes glazed over, pussy still aching with need. said eyes find the clock and read the time. 8:24 a.m.
he parts from you after licking you clean, standing up to his full height and towers over you. his eyes are full of lust. hunger and desire. there’s a thin layer of sheen covering his mouth and chin left over from the arousal that still seems to be seeping from your hole.
“six minutes.” you pant cheekily, looking up at him with a playful glint in your eyes. “you promised five.” 
he smirks and, god damn, does he look fucking sexy with his disheveled hair and swollen pink lips. “i didn’t promise anything, baby.” he murmurs, hands finding your hips and standing in between your legs. “i can promise to fuck you so so good if you push back your appointment
 just by an hour.”
you huff, pussy clenching around nothing because you know his words are very much true. “gyu
 need i remind you, we get married tomorrow.”
“i know, and everything is gonna be perfect, baby. stop worrying so much.” he tells you softly. “as long as you’re there
 as long as you say ‘i do’ before the end of the night
 i don’t give a damn. don’t even need to wear a dress. just you
 i could marry you like this.”
this fucking sweet talker. 
you blush, hiding your smile by chewing on the bottom of your lip, but you fail in doing so as your cheekbones shoot high up and your eyes crinkle. “you’re just saying that so you can fuck me.” 
“yeah, but it’s true.” he leans in, lips ghosting over yours again. 
“you’re gonna wanna fuck me in that dress tomorrow,” you tell him breathily, heart melting at the man he is. 
“i didn’t doubt that, pretty girl.” he whispers. “so, do you wanna fuck now?”
you smile, “i do.”
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© R-KiVED — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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lenireads · 2 years
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the genre is: dokyeom’s not-so-secret showcases of love during his stay in italy.
late at night, where fansites won’t be roaming, he walks through the streets of milan with his larger hand in yours, twirling you around a bit and pulling you into the closest alleyways because he can’t help but to kiss you everytime he sees your pretty face. the two of you walk too far, too caught up in conversations about anything. you decide to call a cab, and if the driver noticed the unnecessary proximity between you two, it went unsaid.
closer to morning, though the moon is still out, he returns to your shared (and extremely expensive) hotel room, flaunting his outfit from the bally after party. you meet him at the door with a kiss, fingers acting on his shirt’s buttons with much too slow agility once he pushes the two of you towards towards the bathroom. clothes go discarded and you stand on your tip toes to wash his cherry hair while he paints your body with soap in return. you dry off with spoken i love you’s.
early in the morning, you find yourself pressed against his chest, his tendency to wake up sooner having him click through his phone with the hand that isn’t firm against your back. you exchange good morning wishes and he kisses your forehead, your cheek, your neck. clothes are already almost all off, with the exception of undergarments, so you have more time to spend on making love. you sit yourself on top of him, riding his cock as the sun began to increase in its glow, quiet moans and the sound of lips extending into a smile resonating in the room. he came with another kiss in your forehead, cheek, and neck, and went down on you as a thank you. your favorite.
inching towards the afternoon, your last day in the country allowed for a free schedule, simply a time to relax. and relax you two did, letting minutes pass as you enjoyed each item in the menu of your brunch, a meal and a drink and a dessert and more kisses. but dokyeom still insisted on trying all those cool italian desserts, taking your time in the city with hats and masks and casual clothing, going shopping for love lockets, singing open-mic, and sharing one last kiss in milan— in public. in the midst of the crowding and potential for someone to point with a, hey, isn’t that dk? dokyeom kissed you with his eyes crinkling and palm cradling your nape.
he’s reckless, you told him that. you were lucky nobody recognized you two, or that nobody said anything, but you were more lucky to have dokyeom so unapologetically in love with you.
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lenireads · 2 years
holyyyy fuck.
when i first saw these delicious photos i just knew that they would have inspired mass hysteria and i am glad to see i was right đŸ„” but i am even more happy of the fact that they inspired a new emily fic!!! (i’ve missed you i hope you’re all righttttt ❀) seriously dokyeom should be proud to be the muse of such a work of horny art
everything about this is perfect (and in such few words!!!how!!!) i love the power play, i love the trademark hint of undying love that can’t miss from one of your fics and that makes me squeal and giggle and kick my feet amidst the general horniness lol
btw it’s so unfair that i don’t get this special treatment from dk when i spend a loooot of time calling him my sweet little angel baby 😔
Not A Baby | lsm x reader
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Rating: M (18+ MDNI) | WC: ~1.2k
Warnings: i wrote this in an hour long fever dream, edging (not shown), dumbification, dacryphilia, kinda mean dom seokmin, possessive seokmin, unprotected sex, creampie, 3 words of breeding/impreg, no aftercare sowwy
Reader Notes: older than seokmin (not specified), has a vagina
“Want me to make you cum, baby? Think you’ve earned it yet?” Seokmin asks you, a sly smile stretching his lips as he takes in the way you writhe, the way you keen, the way you cry beneath him. 
He’s been edging you for an hour now, bringing you to the edge seven times, the first three on his tongue and the next four on his fingers (not that he’s counting). He wants to let you cum, he does, but you’d teased him just a bit too much, pushed him just a bit too far. He’s never had a problem with you being older than him, but when you’d called him your ‘sweet baby Seokmin’, he’d decided enough was enough. 
So, here you are. Here being a whimpering, sopping wet mess on his bed, your hands stretched out above your head and held tightly in one of his and your thighs spread wide open. He’s got your cunt spread open too, four fingers filling you up and his thumb circling your clit just to torture you, just to make you whine. 
He wants to fuck you, desperately, but he’s not sure you get it yet and he won’t give you his cock until he’s certain you do. There’s still an hour or two before you need to go to bed so you can get a good night’s sleep for work, and he’s willing to spend those hours making sure it’s not something you’ll forget. 
“What am I, honey?” Seokmin asks, his expectant tone indicating you should know the answer, and he can see you trying to find two brain cells to rub together amidst the haze of incomplete ecstasy, almost feels bad for you, almost feels bad that it just makes him want to fuck you even more. Makes him want to make you cum until you don’t even have two brain cells, until you can’t speak, can't breathe, can't move, until you know nothing but his name. You seem to figure it out just as he starts curling his fingers in you again, ready to bring you up to the edge and then yank you back, replying, “Not a baby, you’re not a baby, Seokmin.”
“That’s right, honey, good job,” he responds, knowing full well the condescension is evident in his words and also knowing you’re too far gone to hear it, before rewarding you with his thumb pressed hard against your swollen, throbbing clit. “And what are you?”
You try to answer him but the pressure leaves you breathless, your lips parting only to suck in a gasp as he rubs one, two, three times. 
“What are you, honey?” He insists, letting up on your clit long enough for you to gather what wits remain and answer him. 
“I’m a baby, Seokmin, I’m your baby,” you weep, actual tears streaming down your face, and he coos, releasing your hands to swipe them away and suck his damp, salty fingers into his mouth before gathering up your wrists again. “Please let me cum, fuck me, use me, do whatever you want, just please please please, let me cum.”
You’ve never sounded like this before, so mindless, so needy, so perfect, and Seokmin can feel his cock get harder, feel it twitching in his boxers and leaking precum into the fabric. 
He’s pretty sure you get it now, and you asked so nicely

“Alright, baby, I’ll fuck you. I’ll give you what you need. Because only I can do that, right?” He asks as he shoves his boxers down and climbs fully on top of you, hauling your legs onto his shoulders one at a time, waiting for your nod and near-delirious “Yes!” to pull his fingers out and slide home. 
You’re so fucking wet, wetter than you’ve ever been, your pussy locking down on his cock as soon as he bottoms out like you never want him to leave, like you want him to make a home inside of you and stay there. 
He would, fuck, he would. He would do anything for you, be anything for you (except a baby), and he needs to know that you know that. 
“Not goin’ anywhere, baby. Keep squeezing me, though, you know I fucking lo-love it,” he gasps, his own voice sounding suspiciously whine-like. Thankfully, you’re too fucked out to notice. 
He pulls his hips back until just the tip remains inside you, despite the resistance of your walls and the anguished sob you let out, and slams back inside you, leaning down so close you’re practically folded in half, so close he’s nose to nose with you. He stares into your dazed, teary eyes, watching as he fucks the brain out of you, fucks all the big words and sarcastic remarks and ability to do math right out of your pretty little head. It’s beautiful to see, you’re beautiful, and he loves you, he loves you so fucking much he almost doesn’t know what to do with it sometimes, doesn’t know how to go about his daily life when his heart feels fit to burst, when he’d crack his rib cage open and hand it over to you if you asked, all you’d have to do is ask and he’d-
“Fuck, Seok-Seokmin, I need, please, I need-,” you beg rapturously, your sensitive walls fluttering around his cock as you climb the hill one last time. 
“I know what you need, baby, always know what you need, and I’ll always give it to you. You know that, right?” He presses his open mouth to yours, breathing his words onto your tongue and working a hand between your bodies to glide his fingers over your clit. You nod stupidly as he fucks your cunt full and your head empty. 
You clench around him, your walls massaging his dick and your whimpers echoing in his ears. He’s just as close as you, knows your release will bring his, knows all he needs to do is tell you-
“Cum, honey, cum on my cock. Show me you’re my baby,” he commands, his voice rough and coming from deep in his throat. 
You listen, as always, clamping down on his cock like a vise and wailing through your orgasm. It’s heaven, you’re heaven, or as close as Seokmin will get before he actually dies, the wild pulse of your cunt around him sending him careening over the edge. His cum shoots into you, starts to gather in a ring around the base of his dick when it has nowhere to go but out, but he keeps bucking his hips, fucks his cum deeper and deeper inside until it stays. Until it sticks, an insidious voice whispers in the back of his mind. 
He shakes his head, knowing that’s not even close to a possibility yet, and wills his cock to stop twitching at the thought. You’re more than enough anyway, the life he shares with you more than he ever thought to hope for, more than he ever thought he deserved. His eyes trace over your face, imprinting the image of you - blissed out, tears wetting your lashes, your perfect lips parted - onto his mind. 
His sweet, little baby. 
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AN: idk where this came from (yes i do) but im glad it did byeeeeee
tagging the dk biased cuties: @sluttywonwoo @onlyseokmins @heartkyeom @horanghoe @playmetheclassics @dkakapizzaboy @lipglossjun @freakyfriedrice @drunk-on-dk @brownsugarbaybee
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lenireads · 2 years
afterdark ; a svt series [m.list]
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There is a world that runs alongside ours. Lives as full, as vibrant, as depressing and chaotic. A world with its own set of rules and regulations, with its own needs and desires. It hums and buzzes, a hive swarming just under the surface of our own threatening to spill over into the daylight should the carefully constructed, thin barrier separating them show even the minutest of tears. 
You walk through neighbourhoods and city streets, content in your understanding of reality and the world that surrounds you. Going to work, going home, going out. Weaving through life as a single thread in a much bigger tapestry; millions of other threads of people that weave around you and create your world, your city. A tapestry that could unravel, expand, rip apart at the seams if you deviate. 
If, perhaps, you stumbled upon the wrong nightclub one day and found yourself amidst people that populate a different reality–strangers with glowing eyes and sharp teeth–that perception of your world would have to shift to accommodate them. Maybe you’ve already found yourself among them. Maybe they work with you, maybe they deliver your mail. Or maybe they just slip sight unseen through the cracks of your life. Either way, through some subconscious effort towards self-preservation, you’ve avoided the full realisation of who (and what) they were.
But what if that all changed? Would you embrace your new reality? Or would you cower in the face of the unknown.
Enter the Nightworld. Thirteen stories of the known and unknown, the mysterious and the apparent. Urban fantasy running the gambit of moods and genres. Choose one, or choose them all, but I hope you enjoy your journey either way.
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☟ Shadowboxer ; Choi Seungcheol urban fantasy au / boxer au / childhood friends to lovers
Once on his way to an illustrious boxing career before injury soured his life path, Seungcheol sacrifices his soul for a second chance at glory. But the Devil deals in shady business, and now he’s contracted to a life of underground boxing between the boundaries of reality and the shadow realm, trying to win his way back into his life.
You meet him one night when your friend brings you out to a match in the basement of a dingy bar at the edge of the city. Something about his technique and demeanour remind you of someone from your boxing club back home. Someone who you had always hoped to see make it big.
☟ The Devil and I ; Yoon Jeonghan urban fantasy au / devil au / opposites attract
You've been working as the liason from the Dayworld to the Nightworld for going on 6 months now, mostly dealing with low level employees and the Devil’s stoic lawyer Wonwoo, but one major incident involving a breach in the barrier between the two worlds implores you to finally meet the Devil in the flesh.
Handsome and intelligent, but most of all sly, he is nothing like what you had been expecting. A test of wits presents itself to you upon entering his office and after bumbling your way through it unprepared, you have to try and put your simmering animosity towards the man to the side and find a way to work with the Prince of Darkness to fix this mess before two worlds collide into one and the balance of nature is undone.
☟ There Will Be Blood; Joshua Hong urban fantasy au / vampire x vampire hunter au / enemies to lovers
Another night, another new target. The only difference being that tonight you’re having to deal with a new recruit. Which means questions. And mistakes. Mistakes that might get you killed; or worse, turned into the very creature you've spent your entire adult life hunting down.
When a mistake does happen, and you get severely injured during the hunt, you find yourself a ward of the vampire you had been targeting. Presumed dead by the rest of your group, you wait on tenterhooks for the inevitable end. Will this encounter reinforce the hatred you've built against vampires or force you to re-evaluate beliefs you've held close your whole life?
☟ Death and All Of His Friends; Wen Junhui urban fantasy au/ grim reaper au / mystery
So you’ve died. So now what? Scenes of your life flashing before your eyes? A tunnel of with a white light at the end that you float idly towards, calm in the acceptance of the inevitable end? Maybe golden sparking pearly gates in a landscape of white cloud...
None of that, actually. Instead, you’re sitting in your caseworkers office, all too similar to a cubicle you worked in during life, and wait for your assigned death worker to help you come to terms with what happened and usher you out of limbo. The only problem is, neither of you can really figure out why you haven’t already been shuffled along to the next life yet and this process is going to take a lot longer than either of you ever bargained for.
☟ Creature Comfort; Kwon Soonyoung urban fantasy au / witch au / friends to lovers
You're closing up shop for the night, setting aside your spells, potions, and tarot cards to head to bed when a small, oddly coloured hamster squeaks his way through the front door. You try to let him know you're closing but he seems intent on sticking around, almost like he has something to tell you. Still, you manage to shoo him out and close up only to wake up the next evening to news that a friend of yours, a rather chaotic witch named Soonyoung, has gone missing without a trace.
The news unsettles you and the night starts off slowly until a familiar squeaking interrupts your thinking and you look down to see the same hamster nudging the tip of your boot. This time you decide to take him a little more seriously and see what message he has to convey to you. Maybe it has something to do with Soonyoung’s disappearance.
☟ The Devil's Advocate; Jeon Wonwoo urban fantasy au / lawyer au / strangers to lovers
You enter the office one day on a mission. Your parents had contracted your soul to the devil when you were an infant to help their struggling family survive and now that you’re a year away from the age outlined in the contract, you are doing everything in your power to avoid paying your parent’s dues and becoming an underling for the rest of your life.
Wonwoo has seen every possible petition that people have against his boss‒all except one. He thought the idea of parent's selling their first born to the Devil was the stuff of fairytales but here you sit in his office, outlining your side of the situation and he cant help but feel a little moved on your behalf. he’s not sure he can really do anything to help you, not since he is technically working for the man you owe your life to, but he’s willing to bet he can find a loophole somewhere.
☟ Ghost Notes; Lee Jihoon urban fantasy au / phantom au
After decades of bad luck, businesses going bust, rumours of hauntings, and sitting empty for the past 18 months, the old opera house in the city's old quarter is set to be demolished. You hear about it through your grapevine network of urban explorer hobbyists and realise this is your last possible opportunity to revisit a relic of the old city.
At best you had expected old instruments, glassware, some interesting artefacts when entering. Something to post in your Discord chat for explorers across the globe. At worst, just some dust and cobwebs inside of an otherwise empty building. The last thing you had expected was a labyrinthine basement suite housing a fully functioning music studio, apartment, and the strangest man you’ve ever met. And yet here you were, face to face with a phantom of the past.
☟ Reality Bites; Lee Seokmin urban fantasy au / vampire au
Okay, so you messed up? So you maybe felt sort of kind of bad for the poor schmuck who ended up on the other end of your fangs and didn't fully drain him of his blood. You felt an ounce of pity and now you’re left with a newborn vampire to take care of and introduce to the Nightworld.
But does he have to be so goddamn nice about the whole thing?
☟ The Wolfman; Kim Mingyu urban fantasy au / werewolf au / exes to lovers
You live a pretty average life. Work from home, partly some freelance coding, partly chipping away at your pottery business. You have a dog, an emotionally dependant German Shepard named Garth, and you have your small home with an equally as small yard. Your own little slice of heaven that you scrimped and saved for for years.
At least it was average, until the man you dated for 3 years, who all but ghosted you at the end, shows up completely butt ass naked in your backyard one morning. His body is bruised and broken and now you have to re-evaluate your entire concept of reality with the information he is giving you as he begs for a place to lay low for a while.
☟ The Crow Prince; Xu Minghao urban fantasy au / assassin au / shapeshifter au / childhood friends au
No one told you that when your estranged grandmother died, leaving you as her only surviving heir, you would be inheriting a lot more than just money. For one, a strange 3-story brownstone sandwiched between two massive skyscrapers, all of her worldly possessions (and there are a lot), and last but not least, a contract on her life. A debt now to be paid with your own.
The Crows are methodical in their work, they never leave a contract unfulfilled, and Minghao is very good at his job. Now that the contract has landed on his desk, you’re going to have a lot more to deal with than just a house full of dust and books. For one, there’s this huge crow that keeps staring in through the kitchen window while you cook

☟ Siren Song; Boo Seungkwan urban fantasy au / siren au / strangers to lovers
It’s Friday, the night is still young, and yet you are spending it waiting in line at the DMV (Department of Magical Vocations) to get your herbalist license renewed. Boring. Or at least it was until the clerk at the counter starting sassing a death worker for not having his identification in order and now all of a sudden you’re having to remember where you recognize him from.
An achingly familiar face. You turn him over and over in your mind—eye rolls and all—as you head home. You continue rotating him like a rotisserie chicken while you open and close shop. And fold and unfold him like a secret message as you wake up, change clothes, and head into the Dayworld to indulge in an exceptionally guilty pleasure—human musical theatre. Except you’re not alone this time, and you’ve finally solved the riddle occupying your mind. The opening song begins and a voice enchants the audience in a way that’s almost supernatural.
☟ The Midnight Corner Store; Vernon Choi urban fantasy au / convenience store au / exes au
You know you shouldn’t be out this late, the city gets weird at night, but you had a hankering for Cool Ranch Doritos that just would not quit. So now you stand, face to face with the past you tried to forget, as he yawns behind the cash register sporting an electric green vest.
The reunion is as awkward as imagined when you finally approach the counter, and you cannot leave soon enough. The store itself, on the other hand, has different ideas. You step through the door only to find yourself immediately back inside the store. Vernon stares at you agape and you try and try again to no avail until you hear a strange rustling down the chip aisle and now have to confront more aspects of your past than you had bargained for.
☟ Ghost Encounters; Lee Chan urban fantasy au / paranormal investigator au / demon au
In a bid to impress the sceptical head of the paranormal investigation team he has joined, Dino ventures out with a few supplies scavenged from the equipment room and a desire to find any proof he possibly can.
You've been more than content to just exist in the shadow region between the real and the corporeal. Moonlit walks through the woods or the nearby cemetery, spending time combing through the libraries of the undead housed in the mausoleum of a former oil baron, the occasional tea or coffee at the only demon-friendly cafe left on this end of the city. All in all, keeping to yourself.
But now that some young, stubborn human obsessed with the paranormal has unwittingly bonded his soul to your own, will you ever really get to enjoy any of that rest? Not until you can figure out how to sever the connection.
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† all aus, genres, warnings, etc subject to change with each individual release. stories may contain suggestive material. © hoshwife, 2023 all rights reserved
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lenireads · 2 years
sweet treat
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member | junhui x f!reader genre | smut, a little fluff (happy valentine's day!) word count | 1.9k warnings | reader has a vagina and breasts, dom!jun sub!reader, food play kind of (with candy hearts), oral (reader receiving), handcuffs, making out, reader is a little bit of a brat but in a fun way, pet names (sweetheart, baby, good girl), jun is whipped for reader hehe, everyone please pretend that uti's don't exist and that eating food during sex is 100% safe notes | it's been a while but here's something finally!! i know i said this would be out like a week ago i'm so so sorry oops but it is here now :) it's way past v-day sjdfgfshj but i hope you enjoy regardless! this is very minimally edited so if you see mistakes please don't perceive them
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when jun asked if he could try some new things for valentine’s day, you don’t know what you were expecting. maybe wearing a nice new set of lingerie, or going a little rougher than usual, or maybe even introducing a toy or something. you’ve never had the most incredibly exciting of sex lives, but it’s been more than enough to satisfy the both of you throughout your relationship.
what you didn’t expect is to have your hands tied to the headboard above you, completely naked, while jun hovers over you, completely clothed.
he picks up a single candy heart from the dish by the bed, holding it up between two fingers. he studies it for a second before popping it in his mouth, his lips parted just enough for you to see it sitting on his tongue before he bites down on it with an audible crunch.
you know the way you’re spread open in front of him is getting to him by the straining outline of his cock in his pants, but his eyes never leave your face as he chews on the candy, his gaze zeroed in on yours.
his adam’s apple jerks in his throat as he swallows, and your cunt clenches involuntarily at the sight.
jun sits on the bed beside you, still studying your face. “you’re so quiet, baby,” he hums. “you’re usually so loud.”
“and you’re usually doing more than just standing there watching,” you bite back with a huff. but you aren’t really mad; in fact, the long, drawn-out foreplay to your valentine’s day sexcapades is only making you more excited to see what junhui has planned next.
he furrows his bottom lip. “and you aren’t usually this bratty, either,” he says, a hint of a smirk on his face.
you grin. “that’s because i like it.”
he leans over you, grabbing your chin with one hand to tilt your head closer to his. you can’t help but moan into his mouth when he kisses you, happy to finally be touched, even if it’s only with jun’s lips and nothing else.
the way he’s sitting above you gives him the perfect angle to slide his tongue into your mouth, and his free hand begins to trail down your body as his grip on your jaw tightens, each kiss getting rougher and more desperate. your skin prickles with goosebumps at his touch; you can almost barely feel him there with how lightly he’s moving across your body, but you know he’s there
you arch your back with a whine and he pulls away, pushing your head back down onto the pillows as you inhale a deep breath.
your eyes follow him as he leans away from the bed, but with his back facing you, you can’t see what he’s doing. you pull against the fluffy pink handcuffs holding you to the bed, wanting to touch him. you want to trace your hands along his back, feel his muscles under your fingertips, feel his skin without the clothes he’s—frustratingly—still wearing. you groan under your breath, tugging at your restraints once more, but it’s no use.
he turns back around, keeping one hand behind his back out of your view, and you sit back, batting your eyelashes innocently, hoping it’ll convince him to finally do something more.
"open," jun commands, and for a second you think you’ve succeeded. automatically your mouth falls open, ready to receive whatever he's about to give you.
but what enters your mouth isn't what you're expecting. instead of fingers or spit (or maybe if you’re lucky, his cock) like you're usually used to with him, he simply places a pink candy heart on your tongue.
you start to close your lips to chew on it, but he just raises an eyebrow, tsking at you.
"did i tell you you could do that, sweetheart?" he scolds. the pun in the nickname he uses almost makes you want to laugh, but you're so focused on the way he swiftly pulls his shirt over his head that you can't even think about making jokes right now.
you shake your head in response, your tongue still hanging out of your mouth as the sugar begins to disintegrate.
he grins. “good girl,” he says, and he stands up, moving to kneel at the foot of the bed.
suddenly you cry out, and he looks up at you, his eyes a little bit softer than before. “do you need something, baby?” he asks.
you mumble out a reply, still holding the candy on your tongue, and he giggles at your persistence. “you don’t have to keep it there, baby, you can eat it if you need to. talk to me.”
you scrunch your nose, contemplating, but you bring your tongue back into your mouth, putting the candy heart against the inside of your cheek. “wanna see you, junnie,” you moan, looking down at him. “can you take your shirt off? please?”
he grins, standing up again so you can see all of him. “well, since you asked so nicely,” he smiles, pulling his shirt up and over his head faster than you can blink, and then he’s beside you again.
“everything else still okay?” he asks softly, and you start to answer, but his lips, which have started trailing down your neck, make it hard to even think. you let out a sigh when he starts sucking at your skin lightly.
“need an answer, sweetheart,” he reminds you gently, his lips leaving you for just a second before moving down to your chest, leaving wet, messy kisses all across your skin.
“yes, jun,” you moan out, and finally he moves back down to between your legs, giving you one last satisfied kiss before he kneels at the edge of the bed.
with his head so close to your cunt, you automatically reach out for him, but your restraints pull you back once more. you huff in frustration but give in, craning your neck so you can see him instead.
and just before he’s about to press his lips against your aching heat, he pulls away to look up at you. “you better put that candy heart back where it belongs, darling,” he says challengingly.
you cock an eyebrow at him. “and what if i don’t?”
he shrugs, looking way too nonchalant for how hard you imagine his cock must be— you’re not the only one that hasn’t gotten anything yet tonight. “then i’ll just leave you wet and grumpy until you wake me up in the middle of the night begging me to fuck you.”
the fact that he isn’t wrong about that is enough to make you back down. there’s been numerous slightly embarrassing occasions where you’ve accidentally-on-purpose woken jun up at 2am because you were way too flustered to sleep and your fingers just weren’t cutting it.
and although you know he’s definitely bluffing—he’s way too sweet (and insatiable) to ever leave you unsatisfied for too long—you let him win this one anyway.
you stick your tongue out for him, the half-melted candy heart dutifully in its place, and the silence that follows is more than enough of an answer for junhui.
“that’s my baby,” he says, pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh. he looks up at you with a glint of mischief in his eye, his mouth hovering over your soaking cunt.
“that better still be there when i’m finished.”
and with that he’s diving into you, his mouth covering every inch of your pussy and sucking like his life depends on it. you groan and start to close your mouth, but you remember jun’s instructions and leave your mouth open instead.
his tongue prods at your hole, easing you open around him. he knows you like the back of his hand, and it doesn’t take long for him to bring you right up to the edge.
your moans get higher and breathier as you struggle to keep the candy from falling out of your mouth, throwing your head back with a gasp.
jun’s lips move up to wrap around your clit, simultaneously inserting one finger into you as he begins to suck harder. the stimulation from his mouth and fingers, combined with the intense focus you have to keep on your own mouth to make sure you don’t accidentally lose the candy, makes it hard to think straight.
but just when you feel yourself start to teeter on the edge of your orgasm, jun pulls his lips away, keeping his finger inside you, pumping slowly. you whine and clench around him, muttering out something that’s supposed to be “please” but ends up sounding more like “aleathe”. you raise your head to look at him, meeting his eyes.
he grins. “you wanna cum, sweetheart? all over my face, with your pretty little pussy? hm?”
you can barely manage an “uh huh” in response as jun adds another finger and increases his pace. his fingers brush against your walls over and over, making you arch your back, desperate for more as he brings you closer and closer.
he doesn’t stop as your orgasm crashes into you, his mouth moving everywhere over your cunt until overstimulation starts to set in. your thighs squeeze around his head, and he groans against your folds, making you jerk. he wraps his arms around your hips, holding you tightly against his face as you writhe against him.
when he finally pulls away from you, you lay back against the pillows, breathing heavily. he stands up and comes to sit on the bed, gently caressing your face with the back of his hand.
feeling him beside you, you pry open your tired eyes, sticking out your tongue proudly to show him how obedient you were.
he laughs. “you can eat it now,” he says, and for the first time in a while you close your mouth, finally getting to savor what’s left of the candy.
he sighs fondly, watching you slowly chew on the treat as he moves to undo the cuffs holding you down. once you’re free, you sit up and rotate your wrists, a little sore from being held up so long, and jun takes your hands, massaging them with his thumbs.
you lean over and kiss him, and his tongue slips into your mouth, letting you taste the remnants of your orgasm and letting him taste what’s left of the sweet sugar in your mouth. the kiss grows deeper, his hands letting go of yours and wrapping around your body instead, holding you tightly in his arms, his lips never leaving yours. you don’t even notice the change in positions until you’re flat on your back again with jun on top of you.
he pulls away for just a second so you both can breathe, and in that second he studies your face, still glowing from your orgasm. he grins, and leans down to give you a quick peck on the cheek. “i love you, baby. happy valentine’s day,” he says with a giggle.
and you can’t help but smile when you look up at him, seeing the excitement in his eyes. “i love you too, junnie. happy valentine’s day.”
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it lets me know this is something people want to see more of and it helps a ton with being motivated to write. thanks for reading!!
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lenireads · 2 years
What I would give to be the mc in this fic OH MY GODDDD
Wonwoo and Changkyun are my ultimate threesome dream I just KNOW they would treat me right đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©
and I loved how you pictured them in this fic! I too feel like they would be cold and domineering on the outside but all soft and caring on the inside đŸ„° and while the smut was burning hot I loved the little cute aftercare session and the hint at something more to come đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°
This was perfect, thank you for picking up my suggestion! Looking forward to the next works in the BYOO series 👀
Neglected | One-Shot (Wonwoo/I.M)
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Rating/genre: M18+, established relationship, friends to fucking; smut 💖, light angst, light fluff Pairings: Fem!Reader x Wonwoo, Fem!Reader x I.M/Changkyun Warnings: Explicit smut, protected vaginal penetration, dom!Wonwoo, dom!Changkyun, sub!reader (not bratty), morally questionable actions, infidelity, getting caught, jealousy? (i don’t even think Wonwoo knows if he’s jealous lol), Changkyun is kind of a shit, not an angsty ending, biting, rough sex, titty slapping, a single spank, marking, spit kink, degradation, overstimulation, the boys get a bit aggressive but reader is wholly consenting to it all, the boys also sound kind of manipulative at times but it’s all part of the play, fingering, oral (f + m receiving), deep throating, face-fucking, choking, good crying, a safeword/action is mentioned but not used, praise kink, multiple orgasms (like A LOT), reader wears a bra and panties, pet names ‘baby’ ‘pretty girl’ ‘slut’ ‘whore’ ‘good girl’, referred to as a 'toy', two hot unemotional doms who are actually softies bc obvs Word Count: 10.2k Summary: Nobody needs to be lonely; just say the word and you won't be. Your boyfriend’s best friend will make sure of it.
A/N: Reader cheats at the beginning so if you’re not ok to read that then
 don’t lol. It ends up not being a big deal but still. 
A/N 2: The first Build-Your-Own-Orgy (BYOO) woohoo!!! Two peeps requested the same idols! Thank you @drunk-on-dk and @lenireads for participating - I really hope you both enjoy this! Your requests were very slightly different so I tried to do something that would accommodate you both. Pretty much you both just wanted to get fucked up so ahahaha here you go
 I died writing this so please let me know if it had a similar effect on you :D
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He’d had his eyes on you all evening, across the little stretch of beach or through the blaze of the bonfire. Over a friend’s shoulder that he was chatting away at him. And, obviously, the only reason you’d been noticing is because it was impossible to not be aware of him, not let your eyes search the crowd for him every time you got distracted for a few minutes.
It had always been like this with Changkyun – the little tingle on your skin when he was around from the electricity in the air. Even the first time you’d met him, not long after you and Wonwoo had gotten together for real. But it had been easier to ignore when you were all caught up in your new relationship, blissfully blind to anything that wasn’t Wonwoo’s perfect hands on you. 

Keep reading
Now you were struggling to ignore your attraction to him more and more. It wasn’t anything serious – you loved Wonwoo after all. This was just pure sexual attraction that left you embarrassingly horny every time your friend group hung out and he was present. He just had this
 thing? Something that you couldn’t explain. The way he looked at you.
The way he was looking at you now with slightly hooded eyes. A smoulder but way more uncaring and quietly (almost imperceptibly) cocky. 
Ok, so, perhaps you had a type. 
You’d been watching each other so much all night that you’d zoned out of a handful of conversations, being brought back to reality with pokes on your shoulder, escalating to light smacks on the head from your friends as they giggled. 
“Hellooo? Birthday girl?? What the fuck are you looking at?”
You’d brushed it off time and time again, blaming it on the alcohol you’d ingested when really, you could only call yourself tipsy if that. Perhaps you would’ve been having a rowdier night yourself if your nerves weren’t so on edge. Or if your boyfriend was actually here. 
It wasn’t late. Downing the rest of your drink, you slid your empty solo cup under the bottom of your friend's and squeezed her arm. “Gonna go call Woo. I’ll be back!”
Loud exclamations, mixed reactions, followed you as you trudged through the sand, finding the pathway in the dark thanks to the glint of the moon and the deck lights that had been left on up at the beach house. 
The house was big but not enough for the whole group of you. People would have to sleep on the couch or on the floor with blankets as a sad make-shift mattress. Perhaps it was a good thing that Wonwoo couldn’t make it for the little getaway weekend. One less body to accommodate. 
Brushing off your sandy feet half-assedly, you made your way inside, the sounds of blasting music and squeals of your friend group becoming muffled by the patio door shutting behind you. You leaned your weight forward on the island counter, legs dangling as you let it ring, your boyfriend’s contact name staring you in your deflating face as you slowly realized he wasn’t going to pick up. It was 9:30pm. Was he still working? Surely, he wasn’t already asleep. 
A light knock startled you, the sound of the door cracking open filling the silence before you could even turn around to see who it was. 
“Crying at your own party?” Changkyun’s expression was blank as he ducked inside, finally smirking only when you shot him a look.
“Not crying.” You swiped up your phone, locking it before slipping it back in your pocket. “Also, not technically my party.”
“Wang’s beach house. Still your party.”
You rolled your eyes slightly, the nervousness hitting you again as you leant back against the counter, palms pressing to it on either side of you. 
Hands tucked casually in his pockets, he dragged his tongue over his bottom lip. It wasn’t sexual; you’d seen him do it a hundred times out of habit. When he was waiting. When he was thinking. But it still made you gulp. 
“Well, guess I should get back out there.”
“He didn’t pick up?”
You looked at him surprised for only a moment before letting out a tiny indignant sigh. “No
 he didn’t.”
“Ahh,” he replied with a little nod as if everything made sense now. 
You’d always found Changkyun kind of weird in that quiet, interesting kind of way. At first you’d thought he didn’t like you at all. Wonwoo had assured you that he did. Maybe a little too much. Apparently Wonwoo was incredibly good at reading both of you.
Thankfully, he’d found it all kind of funny, Changkyun being one of his closest friends and everything. It still amused him even now, occasionally teasing you by jokingly suggesting you bring a third into your sex life and questioning you who you would want it to be. Who you thought would agree. 
It was all a set-up so he could pretend to get a little jealous when you would shyly answer with the obvious choice, taunt you relentlessly, then fuck the hell out of you. 
Even if he did notice how wet it made you – god, you hoped he didn’t – Wonwoo couldn’t possibly understand just how much Changkyun actually got to you. Especially now that he had realized the effect he had on you and had developed the audacity to actually take advantage of it. 
Not as much when Wonwoo was around. But on the rare occasion when the group hung out without him or if you saw each other while out, Changkyun had become shameless in how he looked at you, breaking his usual stoic facade to send you quick but overtly deliberate looks, usually involving a cocky raise of an eyebrow or two. It drove you mad. 
Once or twice, he’d leaned in when no one was paying attention, whispering lowly in your ear, making your skin prickle – always something so vaguely suggestive that you couldn’t actually call it inappropriate even though you knew the whole situation was. 
When he stepped closer now, your stomach jumped. Yes, inappropriate is what this would be if he came any closer. 
The only reason you didn’t think he was purely messing with you was thanks to a text he’d sent a couple months ago.
CK: if you’re bored when wonwoo’s busy lmk
CK: we can chill
Not incriminating on its own. But you’d never told Wonwoo about the offer. And you’d never taken him up on it, finding a way to deflect instead, make it sound like you were just as busy. But you weren’t.
He was a foot away, hands in his pockets, just stood in front of you casually in the still darkness of the kitchen. His head tilted down, his gaze meeting yours, and he did it once again: the eyebrow raise. Like it was a question. A request? A challenge? 
It was intimidating and careless and so fucking hot. You wanted to punch him. 
“What?” dropped from you, a bit abrasive. 
“Why so cranky?” he asked, brows furrowing now as if he was actually asking. He wasn’t.
“My boyfriend ditched me for work,” you played along, head tilting to the side, jaw setting as you tried not to waver. 
“On your birthday
” he added with a little wince of feigned sympathy, the whole thing meant to just rub it in more. “That’s shitty.”
You took in a little breath, working so hard to not let your gaze fall to the span of his broad shoulders, the hills of his firm chest beneath that thin t-shirt. “Kind of, yeah.”
He nodded, his gaze trailing down your body then back up. By the time he was meeting your eyes again, he was stepping forward once more, his hands coming to press against the counter on either side of yours. God, he always smelt so fucking good.
“Kyun.” You turned your head as you spoke quietly, inadvertently inviting him closer when you were just trying to avoid his gorgeous face. The awful buzzing inside of you was getting stronger. 
“What are you doing?”
“Mm, nothing.” His lips brushed your neck like a feather, tickling and making you jump the tiniest bit. “Damn, how long’s it been since he’s touched you?” he said through a smirk before pressing them to you again, this time more firmly, sending a different kind of shock through you. 
A tiny sigh left your lips before you forced yourself to morph it into words: “We can not do this.”
“You want to.”
That one caught you. It was useless to deny it, but admitting it to him felt criminal. 
“You’ve been neglected
 I can help,” he whispered against your skin, each word penetrating a little deeper. “Maybe Wonwoo will thank me.”
“I don’t think he will,” you whispered back, practically delirious as he reached your jaw, his nose ending up in your hair. 
“You never know.”
“He’s just busy
 We’re– we’re good.”
“I’m not saying you’re not.”
How could someone be so aggravating and so sensual at the same time?
“Just wanna make you feel good on your birthday,” he said then he was tilting his head to yours, catching your bottom lip between his teeth and pausing a moment before pulling slightly, enough to make you moan pathetically. 
Tugged by his current, you connected your mouths, your hands floating up to hold his jaw. 
He was closer now, pressing you right up against the counter, his arms wrapping around your back. The deeper the kiss, mouths widening to taste the alcohol on him, the more your inhibitions dissolved. Maybe you were more mad at Wonwoo for bailing than you thought you were. Or maybe he really wouldn’t mind all that much. You could lie to yourself, at least for a few seconds. 
“Think I know how too. Did you know your boyfriend kisses and tells?” he breathed before kissing you again, concealing your surprise. 
You pushed him back but only just enough, not really wanting him to go too far. “What?”
The hazy look in his eye was too much, his head tilting to look at you, gaze dancing over your face, down to your lips. 
“What does that even mean? You guys talk about me?” Your heart was thrumming harder now, in nervousness, in excitement. Sure, you’d figured Wonwoo had bugged Changkyun about his attraction to you about as much as he’d bugged you about yours. But the look on his face was insinuating something else. 
“Mhm,” he sounded out, moving for your lips again as if unable to stay away. “Told me about all the dirty shit you like.”
Your insides twisted, that unsettling feeling in your stomach emanating through you. What the fuck, Wonwoo?
“That you’re just a little whore for him,” he muttered, before taking your lip between his teeth again and biting a bit harder, releasing a second later to drag the tip of his tongue along it. 
All of it sent a shot to your core, your face flaming with heat. “He shouldn’t be telling you stuff,” you replied stubbornly, even as your hands gripped into the front of his shirt and his moved to settle on your hips. 
“Told me we’d probably have fun together.”
“He did not say that,” you pulled back once more to narrow your eyes at him. 
He smiled smugly, apparently enjoying your reaction. “Maybe he did.”
“God, stop being such a fucking liar,” you urged before directing his mouth back to yours, his body coming with it and pressing all along your front. You had daydreamed too many disgusting times about his body pressed to yours like this to not groan at the feeling. 
“Mm– not lying–” he spoke against your kiss, mouth tipping open wider to brush his wet tongue against yours, caressing it as one hand slid up your body, landing warmly on the side of your neck. Breathing a little heavier, he hovered an inch away. “He’s one of my best friends. You don’t think we talk?”
“He’s one of your best friends and you’re doing this–” 
He interrupted you, licking into your mouth again as he caught your chin, distracting you with the firmness of his touches. 
You were hot all over now, especially between your legs where the thrill of all of this had sunk into you despite you knowing how wrong it was. It wasn’t even a lie you were telling yourself; you truly did love Wonwoo. But you’d joked about this with him so many times now that some of the guilt over the idea had seemed to have rubbed away. 
Why didn’t it feel that bad? It should feel bad. It didn’t. It felt so fucking good to kiss him, to have his one hand gripping your hip while the other held your jaw firmly, unable to move away. 
When the two of you separated again, it was on his timing, you lingering in his hold, breathless with red bitten lips, peering up at him. 
“Which one’s your bed?” he asked quietly with a subtle nod to the hallway.
“Is this just a ploy so you don’t have to sleep on the floor?” you muttered, trying to turn your face to look away but he wouldn’t let you, making you watch the slightly intimidating look he shot you, making it clear he was expecting a real answer.
“The master bedroom. But Sam and Kai are sleeping with me so
He was already walking away, catching your wrist and tugging you with him, not that you put up any resistance, following him and taking the moment unwatched to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“Kyun,” you said worriedly once the bedroom door was closed behind you but your hands were already moving up his chest, feeling the hard muscle covering him, your feet moving with him as he backed up towards the bed. “Seriously, what are we doing?”
“Do you want this or no?” he asked, dipping his head down to kiss at your neck as his hands found their way under your shirt.
“You know that doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t like seeing you lonely.”
“That’s what this is about?” you whispered, knowing full-well that that was not the truth. 
“I also really want to make you cum. Over and over until you’re crying.”
Your jaw tipped open, head tilting involuntarily back as he sucked on your neck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He sounded like Wonwoo. He sounded like Wonwoo when he had time for you, when he wasn’t working all the time. 
He licked over the same spot, leaving a swipe of spit all the way up. It was dirty; it made you physically shiver. “You want that? Want to cry on my cock, Y/N?”
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath, wetness seeping into your panties at the thought, his tone of voice, the way he was scratching lightly along your back. “Wonwoo will kill us.”
“He won’t care,” he replied quickly, devoid of emotion, lifting away a moment to be able to pull your shirt over your head with your full cooperation before adding: “Ok, maybe a little.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“You can beg for his forgiveness. On your knees.”
Oh god, you were so wet. It was uncomfortable at this point. 
“I’m sure it’ll work.” With that, he kissed you once more, drawing you to him. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck tightly as you deepened the kiss, humming into it, addicted to the feeling of him. 
He sat back onto the bed, taking you with him, your legs splaying to straddle him as his hands caressed down over your ass before landing a sharp slap on one cheek. Even through the denim, you could feel the sting of it, reacting with a groan into his mouth. 
“What the fuck?”
Separating your lips abruptly, you recognized Wonwoo’s voice in an instant, your heart beginning to thud heavily. It was lodged up in your throat. Like you couldn’t breathe. He was here?
When you looked at the doorway, he tossed his overnight bag to the ground, staring the both of you down. 
There were no words to say. It was exactly what it looked like. You had meant to. 
“Fuck, Wonwoo–
” you breathed out, scrunching your face up in shame before you could even think to move from where you were propped up over Changkyun – who hadn’t even been smart enough to take his hands off your ass.
He closed the door roughly. “Well, happy fucking birthday to you, huh?” he spat out too quietly before setting his jaw once again, the muscle clearly tensing even from feet away. 
“I’m sorry, I–...” you started before once again finding yourself lost for words, letting out a gust of wasted air as your head dropped down between your shoulders in defeat. 
When you went to move, he was already behind you, his touch forcing you to fall to the side instead, onto the mattress beside his best friend, catching you off guard; he was normally only ever physical with you during sex. He’d never laid a hand on you otherwise.
“I thought you were fucking kidding,” he said, now directed at Changkyun and making you blink up at him in confusion. 
You felt cold all over, the dread of what this would mean seeping into you despite how fast your heart was pumping the blood through your body. 
“I said it seriously,” Changkyun said before shrugging – fucking shrugging – where he was now propped, his hands splayed out behind him holding him up. “Not my fault if you didn’t believe me.”
“Fuck you,” Wonwoo scoffed but it had a tinge of a laugh in it. 
“Wait– what?” you asked, glancing between the two of them in confused panic. 
“She just wants to be touched, man,” Changkyun said then, switching his attention to you as he leaned over onto one elbow, crossing his free arm to graze along your side.
And just as his words promised, you inhaled audibly at the touch, at the intimacy of his fingertips trailing towards your hip bone, the top of your jeans. 
“No shit,” Wonwoo said sharply, bringing a hand up to run through his hair, one stubborn strand falling right back down onto his forehead. But then he didn’t say anything else, didn’t even make a move to stop his friend. He just watched as Changkyun’s thumb dipped under the waistband on your jeans and slid towards the button.
You gulped. Your body was incredibly confused, goosebumps popping up across your skin but no part of you was clear on the exact cause. Because Changkyun still looked hazily drunk on you, and Wonwoo was attempting to process everything at warp speed, his breathing seeming to calm even as his tongue pushed harshly into his cheek. 
And then there was you, laid back on the bed, caught looking between them.
He popped the button, turning his head to look at Wonwoo as his fingers found the zipper and slid it down. “I think she’s nice and wet for us,” he said so simply, looking down right at the moment that Wonwoo’s eyebrows pushed up.
To be fair, he must’ve been longing for it too. It had been weeks since the two of you had fucked. You couldn’t be the only one feeling deprived. 
His gaze hopped from Changkyun’s face to his hand to your face. “Baby,” he said firmly. 
 I know,” you said nervously but still making no move to stop his friend. You didn’t want him to stop. But you had to keep your head, at least a little bit. “Should we– go talk?”
Changkyun paused where his hand was dipping inside your jeans, dangerously close to pulling a moan from you, to look up at Wonwoo for his reply.
“Talk about what?” He came close leaning over your legs, hands dipping into the mattress on either side of your thighs, to raise an eyebrow at you. “How you were about to sleep with my best friend? Behind my back?”
“I would’ve told you,” you said in a small voice. 
Wonwoo licked at the corner of his mouth, staring you down. Why did it feel like his anger was more for show than anything? Why hadn’t he tossed Changkyun out of the fucking room yet?
The hand in your pants moved lower, finding the wet spot and pulling a soft inhale from you despite you trying to hide it, your lips pushing together. 
“If you guys are actually going to fuck around on me, at least have the decency to include me,” he said finally, reaching for the top of your jeans to roughly pull them down and straight off, tossing them behind him onto the floor. 
Beside you, the corner of Changkyun’s mouth quirked up. 
What the fuck. The threesome thing has been a joke. A joke. Every time. 
“Wait, what?” you asked, brows drawn together so dramatically, your eyeballs about to pop out of your head. For a second, you completely forgot about Changkyun’s fingers teasing over the crotch of your panties. “Aren’t you
He didn’t respond, not even looking at you as he leaned back over you and bit at the top of your breast while his hands went underneath to unclasp your bra. 
Reflexively, your hands tangled in his hair, a gasp coming out at the sudden knick to your skin just as Changkyun started to slowly rub in circles, making a bigger mess of the cotton fabric. Still, you pressed your head into the bed and arched up, making it easier for Wonwoo to fling the bra across the room as well. 
“Do you want me to be mad?” He caught your nipple lightly between his teeth, finally tilting his head up slightly to look at you. 
“I– I, I
” you stuttered out, startled by the feeling and just everything going on at once. With another breath you finally managed a flustered: “I just don’t want you to stop.”
“Oh, I’m not gonna stop.” He sucked the nipple into his mouth harshly, pulling a pained moan from you, the intensity on your touch-starved body hurting so good. 
“You are fucking soaked,” came from beside you, Changkyun’s voice shaking you somehow more than his hand between your legs. 
” you went to speak again but there was nothing to say, a pant leaving your lips as Wonwoo continued to roughly tongue at your nipple, his other hand pinching and squeezing with similar vigour. 
Then Changkyun pressed harder. Right on your clit. 
“Ah, fuck.” Your hips bucked up, immediately beginning to grind against his hand. He was right; you could feel that you were so wet already. It was fucking ridiculous. 
“It turns you on, baby?” Wonwoo paused only a second as he switched to your other breast, taunting you once more before enveloping your hard nipple with his mouth. “The idea of fucking my best friend in front of me?”
Changkyun scooted his body closer, eyes trailing up and down yours as his fingers continued their motion. It felt too good for what it was – as if your nerve endings were on fire. Because there was no way that a bit of rubbing over your panties would normally have you reacting like this. 
You let out a little whimper before the words came. “You– you know the answer to that.”
“Can't believe you told him you wanted to fuck me,” Changkyun said in his low tone, piercing eyes finally connecting with yours. God, he looked so fucking hot, you couldn’t stop the way your teeth bit at your lip.
Wonwoo had started kissing down your torso, sucking harsh marks into the roundness of your breasts, the skin along your rib cage, tongue trailing down to your tummy. 
“Fantasizing about your boyfriend's friend?” Changkyun continued, "Not good, Y/N."
Another whimper as you shut your eyes tight, this time more out of embarrassment than anything. “Couldn't help it.”
“Fuck, you are a little slut,” he mumbled, letting his head fall to your neck, his nose followed by his lips grazing along your jaw line. Then he was biting at your ear lobe, redirecting pain signals up before Wonwoo dragged them right back down again, a dark red spit-covered mark now emblazoned on your hip bone. 
“Is that right? Are you my little slut?” Not even bothering to tell him to move his hand, Wonwoo just pulled the panties off with force, allowing Changkyun’s long fingers to press directly into your wetness, an audible squelching sound reaching all of your ears. 
You moaned at the direct contact, back arching up as you reached out to grab onto Changkyun who was fixated on the sight of your bare core. 
“Hmm? Are you my little slut, baby?” Wonwoo asked again as he crawled back up, pushing your legs apart until they were bent back, leaving you fully on display to both of them. 
When you still didn’t answer, too distracted by the slippery circles being painted over your clit, he slapped the side of one of your breasts, just hard enough for it to grab your attention, following up with a pinch to both nipples. “Hm?”
“Fuck. Yes– sorry, yes. I am,” you spluttered out, clenching around nothing, more arousal undoubtedly leaking out of you as it always did when Wonwoo got rough with you or was mean to you in any capacity. Which was, fortunately, a lot of the time. Your sexual compatibility was insane – it was part of the reason why you ended up feeling so ravenous when he was too busy to be intimate with you for a week or two. You craved it. 
“And you’re going to do everything I say? Be a good little girl?” He leaned down a bit to come face to face with your pussy, dangling his perfect mouth right in front of you. 
You nodded, peering down at him where he had you pinned firmly with his hands on the back of your thighs, and watched as he gathered spit in his mouth then let it drop directly onto your hole. You could feel it, trickling down your folds to your ass and probably onto the sheets beneath you. It just made you moan more. 
“Gotta prove to me that you can be good. Because that’s pretty fucking hard to believe right now, Y/N.”
“I can do that,” you said softly, slipping into obedient submission even faster than normal – thanks to circumstances. 
He looked up at the room for a split second before focusing back on you and the desperate frown between your eyebrows. “You do everything I say. No fucking complaining, ok?”
You gave him another tiny yet fervent nod, eager for him to continue, for something, anything. Whatever he would give you. 
“Ok,” he said, seemingly satisfied before he was tapping the side of your ass. “Turn.”
You did so quickly, watching him with wide eyes as he guided you where he wanted: your head half-hanging off the edge while Changkyun adjusted with you, ending up between your parted legs. 
Right away, your friend was leaning over you, back to teasing your slick folds, making you shiver as you watched him. “This pretty pussy,” Changkyun groaned as he spread it open to two fingers, voice still quiet and relatively monotone even as he expressed his appreciation. “How does he fit in this tiny little cunt?”
The words made you clench, tightening more around the fingertips prodding at your entrance. 
Wonwoo stood by your head. His clothes had come off quickly, his gorgeous dick hanging hard in front of your face when your head fell back to look upside down at him. “We make it fit. Right, baby?” he said too sweetly before grabbing a fistful of your hair. “Open.”
Your tongue was already out before he could even finish the word, lips wrapping around the thick head of his cock as he sunk into your mouth. 
Barely giving you a second, he pushed in farther, his other hand coming to the side of your head as well to hold it in place. 
At the same time, Changkyun was slowly sliding a finger into your warmth, your walls spasming around him. “Fuck,” he groaned low in his throat. “Just wants to be filled so bad.”
Your whine vibrated around Wonwoo’s cock, turning into a gag as he stuffed it down into your throat. Already wetness was springing to your eyes at the feeling of the hard intrusion, your hands jumping to rest on the sides of his thighs though you did nothing to try to stop his movements. All you wanted was for him to use you like he hadn’t done in weeks. 
“Poor neglected pussy. Sucking me in,” Changkyun said and you could hear the exaggerated pout in his voice. “Wonwoo doesn’t pay enough attention to you.”
The fact that it was obvious that he was talking about your pussy over talking about you just made you whine more, the pathetic sound getting louder when he slipped in another finger, pushing them in deep until his knuckles were pressed right up against you. 
Wonwoo had started fucking into your mouth, slow but not slow enough for you to mistake him for being gentle. No, he clearly didn’t care about making you comfortable, pushing it in deep until you were gagging all over again before pulling out to let you breathe a moment, letting the strings of spit hang from his dick. 
You kept your mouth open, ready to receive him over and over again, even when your jaw started to ache a bit, wide eyes brimming with tears, staring up at him each time he pulled back enough for you to be able to see him. 
“Good girl. Love it when you listen to me,” he groaned, finally letting you hear a bit of the satisfaction in his voice, the mix of the physical pleasure with the control he had over you. 
A proud hum bubbled out of you, the praise sending an actual tingle across your skin and making you clench once more. 
Changkyun started fucking into you a little harder, making you a little more crazy. But you weren’t sure how much farther you could go. It felt like they’d barely done anything to you and you were already about to crumple. 
Wonwoo’s hands slid down from the sides of your head to your neck, thumbs crossing over to lightly choke you as he fucked into your throat a little quicker, using shallower thrusts to feel the way his length moved under his palms. He’d fucked you liked this before; only a handful of times but he always came so hard when he did, entranced by the feeling of his thick cock causing a protrusion in your throat. 
It was hard on you though, taking him this way while simultaneously having Changkyun pumping into you. You couldn’t writhe and moan in the way you needed to. But you were being good – whatever Wonwoo wanted. Whatever they wanted. 
Feeling him hard and leaking in your throat was enough to kill you, especially when he would look down at you when he pulled out, jaw dropped open as he took in your messy appearance. Even with the face he put on when he was dominating you, he could never fully hide the way you drove him crazy. 
Cursing between breaths, your eyes locked with Wonwoo’s as Changkyun fucked into you harder, wrapping an arm around you to hold your hips down, and hooking his fingers in a way that had you crying out nonsensically. 
“You’re such a fucking mess, baby. You like his fingers that much?” He rubbed his tip over your tongue that was once again obediently awaiting him, before pulling back. “Or you just like being used this much?” He smirked at your fucked-out nod, your eyes falling shut as the next moan was shook from you. 
“Gonna come? Can’t even keep still,” you heard Changkyun chastise, leaning more weight onto the hand he had pinned across your body. 
It put pressure on your lower stomach, making everything more intense, the drag of his fingers overwhelming as you tightened around him. Wonwoo’s grip on your throat tightened too and before you knew it, you were coming, practically gushing around Changkyun’s fingers as you cried out, zero perception of how loud you were being, your hands flying to yank on the sheets on either side of you. 
“Good girl,” one of them said, so low you could practically feel it, but in your haze their deep voices were interchangeable. 
You were still wiggling under Changyun’s hold, taking his unrelenting ministrations, still shivering in pleasure, still disoriented, when you felt Wonwoo’s hand move to your jaw, a brief warning before his dick was pressing at your lips, opening them easily to push in again. 
“Keep going. Being such a good little toy now.” He was being nice, using your lips that you were suctioning as best you could, using your tongue that you were trying to remember to work, guiding himself not too deep into you over and over until he too was moaning. 
When you came down to earth and the fingers in your pussy became too much, you reached for your friend’s hand, grabbing at his wrist blindly. But he just pushed you away, holding your wrist tightly to your tummy as he continued his pace, not even bothering to slow down to give you a chance to recover. 
You moaned out your disagreement, slight alarm even, at the intense feeling but it was like it barely met his ears, muffled by Wonwoo sliding into your mouth again and cooing at you that you could take it.
He knew you could; he knew you so well. He’d pushed you far. He also knew that you would tap his leg three times if you really needed them to stop. Had that been something he’d told Changkyun too? 
When you heard a sharp pftoo, it was followed by another glob sharply hitting your clit. He pulled his fingers out for a moment to collect the extra lubrication before pushing them in again, now with three instead of two, flipping to be palm up. 
“Ahh,” you gasped out around the cock in your mouth, quickly losing your mind to the point where you could barely do your job anymore. No, now you really were just a hole for Wonwoo to use, fucking himself into your mouth as every muscle in your body contracted, a sudden pressure so strong at the way Changkyun’s perfect fingers were back to abusing your g-spot. 
Once again, you could hear the wetness of your orgasm, his fingers pumping in and out at lightning speed as he drew out your euphoria. The pleasure shot out from your core, to your fingertips, to your tiptoes. All you could do was sob around Wonwoo’s cock as he came too, one hand bracing gently on your chest as the other jerked himself through it, keeping just the tip between your lips. 
“Fucking– ughhh,” he groaned, the thick cum hitting your tongue and being quickly swallowed down in your effort not to choke. When he was done, he pulled away, the final dribbles of his release getting smeared on your cheek before he was wiping it up with a finger to push into your mouth. 
Finally, Changkyun was slowing his movements but you were still shuddering, attempting to babble at him that it was enough. 
“You wanted him so bad. You’re gonna take whatever he gives you. I know you can take a lot, baby.”
The words didn’t really sink in. Your eyes were still closed, your body finally able to relax down into the mattress now that Changkyun had stopped moving his hand, seemingly adjusting himself on the bed from the way it was dipping. 
Suddenly, you were overwhelmed with the wet warmth of a tongue enveloping your clit, swiping over it in broad strokes, and you could feel his fingers pressing against your front wall rhythmically. He couldn’t really be trying to get you to come again, could he?
“Ah, god. It’s– it’s too much–”
But then, just when you felt like you were going to have to push him away, the surge of pleasure was hitting you. He was pulling against the inside of you just right, mixing it with the suction on your clit, making you moan desperately for him again, your fingers tangling in his hair for grounding. 
“Fuck! Kyun–” Your words were strangled, messy, completely involuntary. “Oh my god, I’m coming again, I’m coming, I’m coming–” you rambled, turning it into a whiny sob when you started to run out of breath. You couldn’t help the way you were rolling your hips up against his face, your back arching off the bed and your hand still gripping tightly in place so he wouldn’t dare stop – not until your third high had run its course. 
It was only once you’d collapsed into jelly that he backed off, removing his fingers and leaving you with one final lick of your arousal, gathering it on his tongue and swallowing it down as you lifted your head to stare down at him in disbelief.
Now you were truly a mess, eyes still watery around the edges and your chest heaving from the exertion simply from coming that hard. 
He smirked, licking at his fingers as he sat up onto his knees, letting you get a good look at the large tent in his pants. Fuuuck. 
But you were so fucking spent already. “I can’t, I can’t,” you whispered with a shake of your head.
“He knows what he’s doing, baby.”
“Yeah, clearly,” you said under your breath but they both heard you because Changkyun let out a sexy little chuckle and Wonwoo was smirking at you as he came back over from where his bag sat, chucking a condom onto the sheets beside you. 
“Remember when you said you were going to do everything I say? That means taking everything that we’re giving you, pretty girl.” He climbed on the bed as Changkyun climbed off to undress. “I’m being so nice right now. So you don’t get to fight it.” 
 I already came three times,” you said exasperated but your voice was soft, hoping it would help you attain the pity you were looking for. 
“So?” he asked uncaringly, pushing his eyebrows up at you and shrugging. Well, clearly this wasn’t going to go in your favour. 
“So... it’s a lot
” you said even more pathetically, sitting up shakily and reaching out for him to come closer. 
He did so immediately, helping you so you were both kneeling on the bed, your hands slipping over the defined muscles of his abdomen. “Yeah, but I don’t care.” It came out so patronizingly sweet, the chosen words in complete contradiction to his tone and the way he was gently holding you steady in front of him. 
Crazily, it sent a wave of arousal through you, straight to your swollen, sensitive cunt, forcing out a little frustrated whimper from you. 
“My needy little slut wants a cock so bad that she’s willing to fuck my best friend. But now that she gets it, it’s too much. Is that right? Is it too much, baby?” he carried on, now in a much more commanding tone, looking over to Changkyun who had settled near the two of you on the bed, then back to you. 
Your chin tipped up, asking for a kiss as you tried to tug him closer. 
“Answer the question, baby.”
” you said through a pout.
“No, what?”
“It’s not too much.”
He took hold of your jaw. “So, you’re going to be good?”
Your tongue wet your lips as you nodded in his grip. “Can I have a kiss, baby? Please?”
“Open,” was all he said then you were doing so, sticking out your tongue for him once again so he could spit on it forcefully. He waited a moment, admiring you and your puppy dog eyes, mouth wide open like a good little girl, before he closed it with a press of his fingers under your chin and instructed you to swallow. 
As soon as you had done so, he was pulling you into a deep kiss, the feeling a shattering relief in your system. He was familiar; he was home. Even when he was treating you like this because he knew you loved it, he was your ultimate comfort. With a hum of satisfaction, you kissed him back eagerly, hands wrapping around the sides of his neck as you pushed your body flush with his. 
“Take his dick and don’t complain,” he said when he pulled back, pushing you softly away from him and towards his friend who was now tearing open the condom with his teeth. 
“You sure, man?” Changkyun asked casually as he slid it on. It was the first moment you actually took in his dick and how big it was. How it rivalled Wonwoo in length and girth. And how it was about to ruin you. 
“Do whatever you want. She wants to get used? Use her.” 
Again, you found yourself gulping, your heart speeding up at the mean words. You wanted it so bad but Changkyun made you nervous. Clearly he was relentless in the same way your boyfriend was. And yes, you trusted him as a friend. But this was all new.
“How do you want it?” he asked you, catching you off guard as you came closer, taking in the gorgeous lines of his built physique. Before you could answer, a hand was sliding up your neck so he could take hold of your hair and use it to turn your face up towards him and his apathetic eyes. “Hmm?”
How had you ended up in bed with someone even colder than your boyfriend? Fuck, you liked it so much. The thought distracted you, keeping you from answering. 
“Fine. I’ll choose,” he said, letting go of his hold so he could spin you around, a hand coming down on your back to push you onto your hands and knees. 
Even with how spent you were from the previous orgasms, your knees quickly spread a little wider as you lowered yourself onto your forearms, presenting yourself as if you were the birthday gift. 
“Such a pathetic little slut. Just wanted to get fucked so bad,” Changkyun taunted as his hand caressed your ass cheek, pulling you open for him as he directed his cock to rub over your slick lips. 
“God,” you sighed out a moan, swaying back in search of more.
“You just love being talked down to, don’t you?” he said amusedly as he leaned over your back and pushed down on the back of your neck, retreating his length away from you. “Fuck
Right away you were whining, not prepared for him to tease after how the night had gone so far. Normally Wonwoo teased you so much, made sure you were capable of being a patient good girl for him. Tonight, you’d been spoiled. 
“I told you. She fucking loves it.”
Your head turned to look at Wonwoo as you tried to comprehend his words. But as much as you wanted to say something, present your disdain for your sex life being shared so openly, deep down you just found it hot. Because it was him and Changkyun. And the idea of them talking about you like that made you feel strangely powerful, filling both of their minds in such a way.
And, there was the fact that you were so thoroughly in a submissive headspace. You couldn’t talk back to Wonwoo if you tried. 
“Arch your back for me,” came next and you did just that, pressing your chest to the bed and lifting as best you could for Changkyun’s hands to caress the globes of your ass. 
“I told she’s perfect,” Wonwoo spoke up, settling beside you so you could see him where you had your head turned. 
Changkyun chuckled. “You did say that. Many times.” His tip was teasing at your hole again, dipping inside marginally before brushing over your clit to make you jerk slightly. “You didn’t know that, baby, did you? That your boyfriend tells me about how perfect your pussy is all the time?”
When you turned slightly to look up at him, Wonwoo was watching your reaction unworried, hand reaching out to stroke your hair. “I only say good things, I promise.” 
Your brows pulled into a wince, your body reacting more to the sensations than to any big revelations going on. At this point, you really didn’t care. You just needed him inside of you. Why was he still not inside of you? “Please. Feel so empty,” you whined softly. 
Changkyun cursed under his breath, pushing into you a little before pulling back. “That was so cute, it almost worked.”
Everything he said was making your stomach flip but the word ‘cute’ coming from his lips to describe you was doing even more. “Please, please,” you whispered out a few more times, using your last few brain cells in the best way you could imagine.
He groaned again, gripping harder where his hands sat on your hips. Wonwoo laughed at him and you almost smiled. 
” you breathed. “Want you please.”
“That’s how she gets you.”
“Such a good girl. Asking so nicely,” Changkyun praised as he pushed in again, this time granting you a few rock-hard inches. 
“Oh my god,” you choked out, your body tipping forward a bit, retreating from the intense stretch. 
“Nuh-uh-uh-” Wonwoo sounded, leaning forward to place a firm hand on your back – a clear direct that you were to stay in place. 
“Be good,” Changkyun said firmly at the same time. 
With that, you did so as best you could, face smushing into the mattress as you stayed still, hands scrunched up in the sheets, taking everything he gave you as he slid in further. 
“Fuck, good fucking girl.” Now, Changkyun was even more talkative, words slipping out effortlessly at the feel of you. “How are you so tight around me still? Did you not already come three times? What the fuck?”
Your reply was simply a wavering moan as he bottomed out in you, his hands pulling your hips back against his pelvis until he was pressed in as far as he could possibly go. “I–” you squeaked out before stopping yourself. 
“Don’t say it’s too much, baby. I won’t be happy with you.”
“But–” you started to say but you shut yourself up when Changkyun started to move, pulling out almost all the way before sinking back into your sensitive warmth. 
“But what?” he asked from behind you, sliding in again and again until you couldn’t even process either of them speaking to you. It felt so fucking good after him making you wait, your perpetual arousal making him slip in a little easier and allowing that squelching sound a reappearance. "You can take it.
It was practically unfair how easy it was for both of them to get you like this. Changkyun knew how to fuck you as if he’d done it a hundred times. 
He’d barely been pumping into you for two minutes before you were already on the brink, endless pathetic sounds coming from you as you took him deep, any discomfort from the rough handling earlier disappearing as your cunt pulsed around him. 
Wonwoo was laid beside you now, whispering more dirty shit into your ear as his fingers tucked into your hair once again – they’d talked about you so much, about how much Changkyun would enjoy ruining you too, about how you thrived on being dominated
 It was no wonder that he would always look at you the way he did; he’d already fucked you in his head a thousand times over. 
Breathy moans fell from you with each word. It was too good. Wonwoo knew just how to talk to have you clenching around his friend’s cock so hard that it almost hurt, making more tears spring to your eyes. 
Changkyun cursed behind you, fucking you even harder at the sound of your whimpers. “She’s gripping me so tight, Jesus Christ,” he groaned out with effort. 
When Wonwoo pulled back to be able to slip two fingers into your mouth, you knew – and he knew too – you were about to be done for. Because as soon as you were done dutifully sucking them, coating them in your spit, he was reaching under you and finding your clit to rub in quick circles.
You gasped but nothing else came out as you came hard for both of them, jaw dropped open as you pressed your forehead down into the mattress, holding tightly to whatever you could. 
While Wonwoo’s hand worked furiously, Changkyun just fucked you harder, low moans coming out of him at the feeling of your walls spasming around his length. 
“Good girl
 Coming so good for us,” Wonwoo praised. “You like my friend’s cock? Just needed a dick? Any dick to get off on?”
You were still in another world but you felt yourself shake your head as if it was someone else. 
“No, that’s right. I know you wanted his. Is it as good as you thought, baby?” he asked, the taunting tone so evident in his voice. “Is it better than mine? Or is mine still the best you’ve ever had?”
You knew you shouldn’t answer. You couldn’t talk anyway, not with the way they were both carrying on, not giving you a spare second for your body to come down and reset. No, Changkyun was still rolling into you, not as hard but still sliding in steadily while Wonwoo fondled your clit between his fingers. 
Your body writhed but it wasn’t sure whether to go towards the stimulation or away. When you finally could speak, all you could get out was a tired: “Oh my god.”
“I know, baby, I know.” So condescending that it thrilled you all over again. “But Changkyun-ah’s not done.”
You whimpered, the sensations grating on you now, despite them not being painful. Still, Wonwoo’s fingers were doing wonders to soothe, swirling over your clit just right, until you were melting into the bed.
“Come here,” he said suddenly, helping you to lift your head and turn it to kiss him. It set you alight again; something you would never get tired of, Wonwoo’s soft lips moving over yours so tenderly. 
When you moaned into the kiss at the brush of his tongue, you tightened once again, pulling more sounds from the man behind you. 
“One more. Come for me once more, Y/N-ah, then I’ll come for you.” 
You could hear the strain in his husky voice but he still sounded far too held together for everything that was going on. Apparently, like his best friend, he too had superior self-control. 
While you couldn’t fathom coming again, Wonwoo disagreed, pulling back from the kiss to look into your shiny eyes. “One more, baby. Give him one more for me. You’re so wet, dripping all over my hand. My little whore. I know you can give us one more.”
Your immediate reaction was to pout at his serious face, your head easily falling back to the bed with the jerks of your body. 
But then Changkyun was directing your hips back a bit more, lowering them slightly so he could hit a different angle, a somehow better angle, once that made him feel bigger inside of you. “Here, like this. Fuck – does that feel good?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, nodding eagerly as the feeling overtook you, making you see stars. Then you were gasping again as he hit into that spot harder: “Oh fuck!”
Wonwoo’s lips found your neck, sucking harshly at the skin, making up for how unblemished it had been recently. Doubling down, he used his free hand to pinch your nipple, trying to send you into sensory overload and succeeding.
More moans; this time from both of you as Changkyun got close as well. But you couldn’t worry about him because suddenly you were coming again, the wave hitting you so hard and fast that not a single one of you seemed to expect it. 
“Ahh, fuuuuck, god–” Body tingling, you shook in place, your legs about to give out, hip flexors on fire from the effort to keep yourself up. But it was so good that it was somehow worth it, all the dopamine coursing through your veins making you feel like you were floating. 
As you tensed, riding out the feeling, his thrusts faltered, the start of his release meeting the end of yours with the way he pushed deep and held himself there. 
With a few throaty curses, he spilled into the condom, staying enveloped in your tight grip for an extra minute as the both of you tried to catch your breath. 
“Good job, baby,” Wonwoo praised softly. “Such a good girl.”
You were sticky; you were sore – but none of that compared to the buzz still flowing through you. Not just from the orgasm but from the whole thing. You were so tired, you wouldn’t have been surprised if you were dreaming, about to wake up in a groggy state next to the two drunk friends you were supposed to have shared this bed with. 
Wonwoo was watching you, thumb brushing over the mark he’d left on your neck before moving to push back the strands of hair that were slipping into your face. “You good, love?” he asked softly, careful eyes watching you as you took in a deep breath, not fully there yet. 
When Changkyun pulled out of you gently, your body slipped down until it was flat on the mattress, the soreness in your hips aching for a moment at the release of tension before it started to subside. 
It wasn’t surprising when he didn’t say anything else, disappearing to chuck the condom before coming back onto the bed with his boxers replaced. He sat on the other side of you, watching as Wonwoo embraced you, kissing your forehead, cheeks, nose. 
“I’m good.” You smiled warmly at his affections, sleepy eyes taking slow blinks before you were able to focus them on him. “So, so good.”
He seemed to like that, his face softening at the words and the way you were looking at him. “Mm, I fucking love you,” he said, all cutely aggressive before he was pressing another kiss to your lips. Satisfied, he rolled onto his back, one hand coming up to run through his hair while the other lingered on you. 
Feeling the need to move your shaky body, and wanting to be able to see Changkyun again in the process, you flipped over as well. When you looked at him, laying a hand on his bare knee and giving it a tiny squeeze, he looked at you a little surprised. 
“Hey,” you breathed, not really sure what to say but wanting to say something. You’d all been so caught up in the lust and excitement – now all that was left was the actual fallout of every insane decision that had been made in the last hour. 
“Hey,” he said in his awkward way, almost suspiciously, though he didn’t seem nervous at all. His gaze dropped to your hand before meeting your eyes once more. 
You couldn’t help the little breath of laughter that came out. This was all ridiculous. You pulled yourself up, making sure you didn’t feel too dizzy before pushing off the bed onto your feet. Yep, you were definitely going to be sore. 
They both watched you as you tiptoed to find your clothes that had been whipped around, pulling on enough to cover you before you slipped out of the door to go find the bathroom. 
Being alone while you peed, it made it easy to worry about what happened now. But instead of allowing yourself to speculate, you hurried back to the room, walking in and shutting the door swiftly behind you to find the two of them chatting and laughing as they pulled on their own clothes. 
Now, you felt nervous but in a different way. In a butterflies way. 
“Yeah, we'll see,” is the last thing that Wonwoo said before he was looking at you expectantly, switching his attention. 
You walked right to him, clinging to his side as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“Hi baby,” he greeted, thumb rubbing over your shoulder where he held you. “Go on,” he whispered, loosening his grip for you to climb on the bed, knowing he’d follow, knowing he cared to be extra attentive after something like that. “How do you feel?” he asked, settling against the headboard as you curled up on him, his arms circling your waist. 
“All good,” you assured, enjoying the warmth around you as your eyes settled on Changkyun.
He was standing at the corner of the bed, hands finding his pockets once more, looking at the two of you. 
“You can come here, you know,” you said after a moment, feeling like something would be unresolved inside of you until you felt him on you too. 
It felt far too weird to just go back to giving each other looks after that. The remnants of your last orgasm hadn’t even fully settled inside of you and he was standing six feet away like he hadn’t just been responsible for every single one of them. 
He shot you a look, brow quirking up, looking so handsome all of a sudden. “Where the fuck do you want me to go?”
“Right here,” you offered casually, opening your arms to him. “We’re all entitled to a bit of aftercare, I would think.”
His lip twitched, his gaze darting to Wonwoo.
“As long as that’s ok with you,” you added over your shoulder upon realizing you were taking a startling amount of liberties in your relationship in one day. 
“It’s not like either of you would listen to me anyway,” he said flatly but he squeezed you a bit tighter. Changkyun’s little smile – like he was suppressing it a bit – confirmed that Wonwoo was just teasing once more. 
When he climbed on and crawled over, now apparently comically unsure how to move around you, you had to actually pull him down on you to get him to settle, letting him rest back against your chest. 
“This is so weird.”
“Shush,” you admonished softly before nuzzling into the embrace on both sides of you, his upper body too broad for you to really wrap around him well. “You wanted to fuck me? This is what comes with it.”
You could feel the little chuckle he let out before he finally let the weight of his head rest back against your sternum. 
“Ok then,” he gave in quietly and you were surprised at the relief you felt. 
Wonwoo kissed your hair before whispering into your ear: “You’re cute.”
It made you giggle. “Obviously, we need to talk about this
“Mm,” Wonwoo agreed noncommittally. 
“Mostly, I feel like you need to say something.”
“Mm,” he sounded out again, more like a grumble. This whole situation was a surprise to you but Wonwoo’s lack of desire to talk it to pieces wasn’t. 
“Or don’t,” you added, laughing once more. “Just thought you might
 have some thoughts.”
Changkyun just listened, a hand coming to play with your fingers where they laid on his clothed torso. 
“I love you,” Wonwoo said after a moment.
“I love you,” you said through a smile, turning your head slightly to kiss his shoulder. 
“Don’t leave me for Changkyun.”
Another chuckle. “I’m not leaving you for anyone.”
“Then we’re good.”
“See, I told you we’re good,” you said, tapping your hand lightly on Changkyun’s abdomen.
“And I told you he’d forgive you,” he replied right away.
“Oh my god,” you muttered, rolling your eyes as your arms unconsciously cuddled him closer. Then you felt him grasp your hand in his, still leaving it where it was. 
“So, is this happening again or
?” he asked, voice completely neutral. 
You turned your head once more, a signal to Wonwoo that he was expected to speak. 
“Mm,” he hummed once more, sounding sleepier now as his head came forward to press a kiss to your shoulder. “We’ll figure out how it’ll work in the morning.”
“Really?” you asked quietly. 
“Someone needs to take care of you when I’m too busy,” he said simply, like it was terribly obvious. 
Your toes wiggled involuntarily, the embarrassing habit betraying your happiness. It made Wonwoo let out a deep chuckle. 
“Cute,” Changkyun said, twisting his leg to knock against your foot.
With a squeeze of his hand, you shushed him and smiled.
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A/N: clearly i really struggle to write just smut. like i just get attached to the characters and want there to be something deeper or give them some kind of happy ending or life after whatever i’m writing. so sorry if the ending stuff feels random. i just felt like i had to have some kind of resolution between the three of them for my own sake! especially after the smut being a bit more intense
 so yeah! i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did 💕
Tag List: @nabiolive @the-boy-meets-evil @here4btsfics @seonghwassy
Reblogs are way more helpful than likes! Please reblog my work if you enjoyed it <3
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lenireads · 2 years
Kinkuary 11 Jihoon — dacryphilia // overstimulation
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➄ soft dom!Jihoon × sub!Reader
summary: Jihoon hates it when his girlfriend cries
 unless she's crying because he's making her feel so good it hurts.
wc: 1.8k
warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, established relationship, sexual content (minors dni!): dom!Jihoon, sub!Reader, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (use protection!!), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dacryphilia (Jihoon gets off on the reader crying), use of pet names (sweetheart, baby, angel, etc), praise, and I think that's all. Let me know if I missed any!
a/n: sorry this is so late as well! obviously dacryphilia and overstimulation go hand in hand and I felt like Jihoon fit this so well. I hope you enjoy this piece of Kinkuary and stay tuned for more! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are © kwanisms.
Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon @dilfjohnny @fairylixie_0915
Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog
Seventeen taglist: @aikisbbq @95cheols @niktwazny303 @indigo35 @moonlightsora @witherednotes @cixrosie
Strikethrough means I cannot tag you.
Join the taglist!
“Please, no more,” you whimpered, body shuddering as Jihoon dragged his fingers slowly inside your heat. “I know you can give me another one,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
It was a well known fact that Jihoon hated it when people cried around him. Not because he was disgusted but because most times, he didn’t know how to react. He especially hated it when you cried. That was the worst.
So imagine his surprise when you started crying during sex one time. He stopped immediately, thinking he’d hurt you in some way but you reassured him that you were crying because it felt so good.
Ego? Stroked. New kink? Unlocked.
Jihoon soon learned he got off a lot quicker and stronger when you cried during sex. He’d spend hours edging you just to see you cry from frustration and then he’d make you cum over and over before he finally fucked you until you couldn’t stop crying from how intense the pleasure was.
Tonight was no different, his head buried between your thighs for over an hour, licking, teasing, and sucking your clit, toying with your entrance before finally giving you two fingers while he continued to tease your swollen clit. He’d curl his fingers against your walls, coaxing each orgasm out of you, loving the way you shook under him.
He’d spent the last twenty minutes fingering you slowly, bringing you to the brink only to pull you away from it.
It was exhausting, maddening, and frustrated you to no end but damn it all if you didn’t love it.
“You’re doing so well for me baby,” he whispered in your ear, his two fingers pumping in and out of you at a steady pace. “You know you can give me more than that.”
It was true. You’d only had a few orgasms at this point and you both knew the most he’d ever gotten out of you was nine. Of course you were so exhausted you couldn’t even sit up afterwards and he had to do everything from helping you bathe to dressing you before you both curled up to sleep.
You weren’t sure if he was going for the same number or if he was going to try to break his record.
You couldn’t really complain when he was making you feel so good.
“Can you give me one more?” He asked softly. “One more and I promise I’ll fuck you so well baby.”
You let out a moan, head falling back against his shoulder.
After eating you out earlier, he’d changed positions, sitting against the headboard and holding you against him while he forced more orgasms out of you, supporting you with his body.
“Jihoon,” you moaned as he curled his fingers again. “That’s it baby,” he cooed. “One more. Give me one more.”
Your thighs shook, your fourth orgasm approaching as your back arched off him, one hand gripping his wrist, watching the way his forearm flexed, pushing you through your climax. You cried out as you came, thighs clenching around his arm but that didn’t stop him from helping you ride it out until you shook.
Jihoon pressed a kiss to your temple and released his grip on you. “Good girl,” he said softly as he laid you back on the mattress. He wiped his hand on his shirt before removing it and tossing it near the hamper.
He removed his pants and underwear before rolling you onto your stomach and grabbing one of the many throw pillows from the floor. He lifted your hips, placing the pillow under them before he moved into position behind you. “You don’t have to do anything,” he whispered, kissing your shoulder. “I promise I’ll take care of you.”
You mumbled incoherently as he took himself in his hand, giving his cock a few strokes before lining himself with your soaked hole and pushed into you unrestricted. “God I love the way you feel,” he groaned, hands gripping your hips as he bottomed out.
He truly did love the way your walls felt around his cock. No matter how many times you had sex, it always felt so damn good and he made a point of telling you every time how good you made him feel.
He set a steady pace, thrusting into you with deep measured strokes, his cock dragging against your walls and making you moan repeatedly. He knew your body better than anyone, maybe even better than you did, and he used his knowledge to his advantage.
He knew you preferred quality over quantity when it came to trusts. Under the right circumstances, he could have you coming undone in ten strokes or less. He knew exactly how to build up the tension and make you crumble in the quickest ways imaginable.
To put it simply, you were putty in his hands. His tremendously skillful hands.
You whimpered, your already sensitive core taking another assault but this time with your boyfriend’s cock plunging into you repeatedly, each thrust hard, deep, and timed. He never wore himself out needlessly. He also preferred quality over quantity.
Your walls clenched around him as you came again, a high pitched whine escaping you. “Five,” Jihoon said breathlessly, continuing to thrust into you. He had a lot more stamina than most would expect him to but he was well trained and practiced when it came to you.
“Jihoon,” you whimpered, feeling the corners of your eyes burn as the edges of your vision blurred with unshed tears. “That’s it, my good girl,” he murmured, ducking his head to kiss along your shoulder, burying his cock inside and rolling his hips. “J-jihoon,” you stammered, burying your face in the sheets.
“Give me another, sweetheart. I know you can,” Jihoon said softly, resuming his thrusts, setting a faster pace with just as measured strokes as before. “You always give me so many,” he added, one of his hands tangling in your hair. “Give me just one more.”
His thrusts increased in intensity, his hips hitting your ass forcefully and forcing a moan out of your lips with each hard stroke. “Ah! Jihoon... can’t! Please!” You begged but it fell on deaf ears. You and Jihoon both knew you could go longer. Unless you used your safeword which you’d never used before.
“Come on baby, cum for me again.” And you did. You came again, letting out a muffled scream into the bedsheets while he counted outloud. “Six.”
Jihoon pulled out of you, rolling you onto your back and slotting himself between your legs, sliding back in easily, the intrusion making your body tense and convulse under him.
“Looks like that’s seven,” he whispered, watching your face contorted in pleasure as you came yet again.
“You’re so insatiable,” you whimpered as he cupped your cheek. “You can still use big words?” He asked jokingly. “I guess I need to fuck you harder,” he added, punctuating his statement with a hard thrust that had you crying out. “You know you love it when I fuck you dumb,” he added, pressing his thumb to your bottom lip.
You parted your lips, allowing his thumb into your mouth and sucked on it. He’d always had a thing for your mouth. Even if it wasn’t on his cock, he liked it when your mouth was occupied. “You’re such a good girl for me,” he said, his voice soft and gentle in complete contrast to his hips.
The room was full of the sound of his skin against yours as well as the lewd sounds your cunt made when he fucked you. Your cheeks burned at the sound. “Open your eyes,” Jihoon ordered quietly. You obliged him, meeting his gaze through hooded lids. “There's my angel,” he said with a sweet smile.
“You gonna cum again?” He asked, noticing the way your walls fluttered around his cock. You moaned against his hand as your climax hit again. “Eight,” he murmured, pulling his thumb from your mouth and taking your lips in a kiss. “Two more,” he mumbled against your lips. “Just two more.”
You shook your head, eyes opening to look up at him. Tears finally slipped past your eyes, running down your temples and disappearing into the sheets. “Fuck,” Jihoon groaned, cock twitching inside you.
“Okay fine,” he moaned, cupping the back of your head. “One more.”
His hips moved faster, his thrusts less timed and measured. He was trying to pull one more orgasm out of you before he went over the edge himself. His free hand snaked between your bodies to rub sloppy circles against your swollen and sensitive clit, making you cry harder, a sob escaping your lips as the tears flowed freely.
“That’s it baby,” Jihoon moaned. “Cry for me.”
“Ji-i-i-“ you whined, unable to form a coherent thought as another wave of climax hit you, your back arching off the mattress. “Good girl. Oh you’re such a good girl for me,” Jihoon groaned, chasing his own orgasm. “Fuck, I love you so much,” he rasped, not giving you a chance to respond, taking you in another kiss as his own orgasm washed over him in waves. He moaned against your lips as his hips stuttered, cock twitching inside you as he came, painting your walls with his hot thick cum.
The feeling of him cumming inside you drove you over the edge one final time and you came again with a sob of his name as Jihoon slumped against you, breathing heavily.
Neither of you spoke, instead coming down from your respective highs slowly, trying to catch your breath.
Finally he pulled out of you and rolled onto his back. “Talk to me, Y/N,” he said in a surprisingly calm voice. “Are you okay?” He asked, turning to his to look at you.
Nodding slowly, you tried to focus on breathing evenly. “‘M so tired,” you whispered. Jihoon rolled onto his side and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll be right back. I promised to take care of you.”
He got up, pulling on his underwear and pants before disappearing into your bathroom for a moment and returning with a warm wet washcloth. He carefully wiped you down, discarding the cloth inthe hamper and picking up the discarded clothing on the floor.
He grabbed a clean pair of panties and shirt for you to sleep in.
Once you were in clean clothes, he pulled back the covers and helped you under them, climbing in next to you and pulling you into his embrace, wrapping his arms around you protectively.
“You did so well for me, baby. I’m so proud of you,” he said quietly, his lips pressed to your forehead.
“Ten. That was ten orgasms this time,” he added. You sighed sleepily. “A new record.” You mumbled, making him chuckle. “Yeah. My personal best,” he joked.
“New high score.”
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lenireads · 2 years
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— thirst trap ⟱
pairing: seungcheol x reader
summary: when your boyfriend posts a deliberate thirst trap for millions to see, you end up feeling just a little bit sulky.
word count: 2.8k words
tags: established relationship, fluff, smut
warnings: implied hand kink? graphic sexual content (minors dni!!)
notes: cheol ghosts us all on ig for almost a month then comes back and drops those fucking selfies like it's no one's business!?!?!?!?! i want to BITE him !! heads up that this isn't proofread :')
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smut tags: phone sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk
svt taglist: @wonderfulshinee - @misssugarlips - @yourfavoritefreakyhan - @jeanjacketjesus - @just-here-to-read-01 - @hanihans - @venusrae - @taestrwbrry - @minnie-mouser22 - @seoksoop - @dreamhannies - @thvhannie - @kkooongie - @gae-uls - @lenireads - @gaebestie - @ryusha-rose
seungcheol taglist: @changk6un - @renjunphile - @pluviophile-xxx
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Seungcheol updates his Instagram page sparingly—this is a well-known fact.
Though he's, by no means, an inactive user, your boyfriend often leaves his fans and followers wondering when he's going to bother dropping his next selca because of how long the intervals between his posts are. He uploads an average of two pictures per month. Three if he's feeling generous.
So when he finally posts one after almost a month of radio silence on his socials, it's practically a godsent miracle.
You still have his post notifications turned on, despite the fact that he often asks you to choose from an assortment of shots before posting them altogether.
After all, there are instances where Seungcheol has to make quick PR, when he doesn't have the time to ask which boyfriend pics you'll allow him to post for the world to see, and which ones you wanted to keep for yourself.
Times like this, for example.
You don't get to check his latest post right away when your phone dings with the notification—as you were wrapping up some leftover work you decided to continue at home. Although, you were half-expecting another brand collaboration of some sort. He's been getting lots of those lately.
But when you finally find the time to pull up on his Instagram page, you're greeted by an adorable mirror selca on the first slide, and it has you pouting at him.
Well, adorable isn't the right word for it, really.
Seungcheol's head is tilted upward while he stares down at the screen of his phone—looking smug as hell especially with the way his dark hair fall over his eyes. But he's finally using the cherry patterned phone case you got for him last Christmas, as well as the Shin-chan popsocket that Jeonghan gave him as a souvenir from his trip to Japan. Coupled with his natural curls, you're able to overlook that tantalizing look on his face in favor of gushing about those other details instead.
You double-tap the picture before checking out the other photos. There are three slides in total, and you can already picture Seungcheol showing off his dimples or making a kissy face to balance out his borderline sultry expression in the first slide. He knows damn well that he's daddy-coded and tends to even that out with some aegyo here and there.
The second photo gives you a better view of his whereabouts—one of the boxing gyms just a few blocks away from their company's office building.
Seungcheol has taken you there once before to give you a feel of the basic training regimen, but after a few sessions, you concluded that you're just going to have to stick to your regular workouts after all.
You snicker when you realize he's wearing that silly designer Pop-Eye cardigan—showing off his dimples as expected. You've been together for so long, that you practically have Seungcheol's go-to poses engraved in your mind.
When you finally swipe to the last slide, however, the smile on your face vanishes in an instant.
The cardigan is off, and you're met with the sight of your boyfriend donned with a fitted gray shirt. It's not your first time seeing it, and it's not his first time wearing it, but you're pretty damn sure his followers have yet to see this particular form-fitting shirt while he's at the gym.
You puff out your cheeks in some form of indignance. It's only been three hours since Seungcheol posted the pictures, but he's already racked up 900,000 likes in that timespan. You're not sure if you feel happy about it or not.
Heat prickles the back of your neck as you scroll down to see the caption he attached to the post.
Mind over bodyđŸ–€
"Mind over body my ass," you scoff before taking a nosedive into his comment section. If Seungcheol's showing something off here, it's definitely not his mind.
Reading through all the thirsty things his followers are saying about him used to be a past time of yours, where Seungcheol would turn red from embarrassment as you recited each one aloud with a scandalous tone. If you play your cards right he's perfectly easy to fluster.
But now, as you scroll through the fifth comment asking him for a headlock, you feel a nasty feeling coiling in your chest—one that you immediately realize is possessiveness.
You knew that dating an idol means that you're virtually sharing him with his fans until he decides to quit. Even if Seungcheol has never made you feel like he's anything but yours, the fact still stands that he's being perceived by thousands of people all over the world.
He knows that. He knows that damn well, so of course he'll treat everyone and their mothers to a goddamn thirst trap on what was supposed to be a quiet Friday night.
You scroll back up to the collection of photos Seungcheol decided to grace the world with—biting your lip when you realize just how well his biceps fill out the sleeves of that stupid shirt. If only he hadn't taken off that stupid Pop-Eye cardigan, you wouldn't be having such a dilemma right now.
It doesn't help that you're starting to notice how nice his hands look in every picture. Fuck.
Despite being on break from group activities, Seungcheol has had a couple of solo ventures keeping him occupied over the past few days. It's been about a week since you last saw him in person, and a month since the two of you fooled around in bed.
Surely, the jury won't condemn you for becoming all hot and bothered because of how tempting Seungcheol's thick fingers are in those photos, right?
Just when you're about to put your phone down and schedule a relaxing evening with one of your vibrators, a text notification hovers at the top of your screen.
Cheol: hey, baby, how was work? is it ok to call now?
God fucking dammit.
Me: just finished. yeah, you can call :)
It doesn't even take Seungcheol a full minute before your phone starts vibrating in your hand. You sigh, answering without another thought.
"Hi," Seungcheol says.
"Hi," you tell him back. "Aren't you tired? You went to Music Bank today, right?"
Your boyfriend sighs, and you hear some rustling on the other end of the line. He must be in bed by now.
"A little, but it's not like we were the ones performing at the music show today," he chuckles. "If anyone's tired, it's definitely Seokmin, Seungkwan, and Soonyoung. They haven't had a proper rest day since the album was released."
You sigh. "And you're having a group comeback in a couple of months, too. Poor guys."
"Yeah. That's why I asked Wonwoo and Mingyu to come with me to check on them. Idiots don't usually have a proper gauge of their own personal limits."
"That's rich, coming from an idiot leader who doesn't know how to take his own breaks either," you interject, rolling your eyes even though he can't see it. "Speaking of breaks, what made you hit the gym today? You usually don't go that late."
Seungcheol is quiet for a moment—probably trying to figure out how you found out about his plans for tonight, before realizing that he just dropped the world's most unsubtle thirst trap in the history of thirst traps.
"Oh, you know. Just to clear my head and stuff," he says, before quietly adding, "That, and Mingyu told me the fans were starting to miss me on Instagram."
You can't help the huff that escapes you. So Kim Mingyu is the mastermind behind this after all.
"What?" Seungcheol laughs airily. "Don't tell me the photos I picked were ugly."
"It's the exact opposite actually," you say before clearing out your desk so you can settle yourself on your own bed. "You did too well and now I'm going to have to fight the thirty-thousand people in the comments asking if you can suffocate them with your arms to establish dominance."
Another laugh—this time, a low rumble in his chest. "Oh? Did you like the pics I took that much, princess?"
Now that you're under the covers, you feel more comfortable—more inclined to be honest about the inappropriate reactions you had to those stupid fucking mirror selfies.
"Mhmm," you whisper. "Your fingers looked really nice in them, Cheol..."
The sound of him groaning at the other end of the line shoots straight through your core, making you clench your thighs together. These damn work schedules. If the two of you weren't so busy, he might already have those thick digits buried inside you by now.
"Yeah?" He questions huskily. "You've been thinking about my fingers, baby? Where do you want them?"
You take your lower lip between your teeth, inching your legs apart as your free hand starts to glide between your thighs. The gusset of your underwear is starting to get soaked by the minute, but you feel no semblance of shame for it.
"Inside my pussy," you gasp a little when you press down your clit through the fabric of your panties. "Love it when you finger me while we make out, Cheol. Always so hot..."
"Fuck," he sighs, and you hear more rustling in the background. "Put me on speaker phone, princess. I can't go to you right now, but I can still help get you off. That sound good to you?"
You whimper before removing your panties altogether spreading your slick along your glistening seam. "Yes, please."
As the two of you get comfortable, you hang onto the sound of Seungcheol's voice like a lifeline. There's just something so unbearably arousing when he's talking to you with his sex voice. Though it doesn't sound that different from when he's performing Hip-hop Unit songs, you know the desire laced in his words is reserved for you, and you alone.
Those people in his comments can only dream of getting what Seungcheol spoils you with on the regular.
"You all good, baby? Can you hear me well?"
You swallow thickly. "Uh-huh."
"Good. Now, I want you to tease yourself just a little. Make yourself wet enough first," your boyfriend commands, and you can practically picture him licking his lips.
In return, you let out a soft whine. "You already made me wet because of those pictures..."
"I did, didn't I?" He laughs, that evil, evil man. "But you're not wet enough, princess. I want to hear your cunt squelching around those tiny fingers through the phone when you fuck yourself. You can do that for me, right?"
You let out a shuddering breath when you gather some more of the slick trickling out of your hole—using that to rub your clit in tight circles. If you listen hard enough, you can hear a rather...suggestive noise on Seungcheol's end. Thinking about him pumping his thick cock in his fist sends another rush of arousal through you.
"'M playing with myself, Cheolie," you whimper. "Are you, too?"
He lets out a sigh so sexy, it makes you yearn for his presence even more. "You bet I am. Hearing you admit that you got all worked up because of those pictures made me so fucking hard, princess. Been so long since I last had these fingers shoved up your needy cunt."
"C-Can I put them in now?" You practically beg. "P-Please, Cheol. I need—"
"Go ahead, baby. Slide in two fingers for me. I know you can take 'em."
The soft moan that tumbles out of your lips is pornographic even in its subtlety—burying two digits to the hilt as you continue rubbing your clit with your other hand.
It isn't enough. Your own fingers can only reach half of what Seungcheol can, but you're going to have to make do.
"Shit. That's what I'm talking about," Seungcheol groans when he picks up on that telltale squelch he's been yearning to hear again. "Your pussy's always such a mess, isn't it? Doesn't matter if you don't have a cock to split you in half right now. You'll get wet from just about anything."
"That's not—ah! That's not true," you mewl as you curl your fingers inside in an attempt of finding your g-spot. When the pads manage to graze a sensitive patch of flesh that has you writhing on the mattress, you know the effort isn't entirely fruitless. "I only get wet for you, Cheolie."
"And I only pop a boner when my needy princess starts to get worked up without me," he growls. "You like the pace you've set right now, baby? Now, imagine it's my cock hitting you over and over—making a mess of that perfect cunt while you squeeze me like a vice."
Your rhythm falters at the image he plants in your mind. Fuck. It's just now occurring to you how much you missed being spread open on his cock.
"Seungcheol," you whimper, hips starting to gyrate on the mattress. "I miss you so much, fuck."
He hisses through his teeth. "I miss you, too, princess. Can't wait to see you again."
"Can I use one of my toys?" You ask, half-hoping he'll relent even though you know his answer's still going to be:
"No," Seungcheol replies firmly. "You're gonna get off to your own fingers and the sound of my voice like a good girl. You understand? Now get on your knees and lie on your chest."
His instructions confuse you a little, but you still do as you're told, pruning fingers never straying too far from your slick heat as Seungcheol mutters the dirtiest things on the other line.
"You always come so hard when I fuck you from behind," he growls. "Try fingering yourself again, princess. You'll understand why."
You press your cheek against the cold sheets, easing three fingers into your sopping entrance before establishing a pace you're comfortable with. The moment you finally settle into the new position, you curl those digits again before your back practically arches into the mattress—ripping out a pretty little moan from your lips.
"You can reach a lot deeper now, can you?" Seungcheol laughs but you're still floored by the pleasurable sensation and the fact that he knows your body so well, he can tell you how to make yourself fall apart even if he isn't with you. "Keep doing just that, princess. You'll be coming on the sheets in no time."
"Fuck, Cheol," you breathe, thighs quivering as you continue to thrust your soaked fingers in and out of your pussy. "Wish you were here with me... Want you to blow my back out so fucking bad, shit—"
"I will, baby. I will," he promises, just as breathless as you are. "It's sad that I'll end up coming on my stomach instead of inside you, but it's the yearning that makes it all worth the wait, right?"
Fuck. He's so...
"I'm so close, baby," Seungcheol continues. "Play with your clit and come with me."
You don't need to think it through—tireless moans spilling from your lips as you obey your boyfriend's instructions. The lovely angle that Seungcheol just introduced to you coupled with how hypersensitive your puffy clit has become is sending your brain into a frenzy that you didn't think you were going to experience tonight.
"Your cunt sounds so goddamn tasty, princess. You're close, aren't you?" Seungcheol babbles, and the deep sound of his voice only serves to turn you on further. "That's it. That's my good girl. You'll take everything in that greedy pussy. Be it your fingers or mine, those little toys or my cock—you take them all so fucking well. Don't even get me started about whenever I dump my load inside your needy hole."
How are you supposed to last long when your boyfriend has gotten the art of dirty talk down to a T? You didn't even think it's possible for you to get off without any of your toys, but the sound of Seungcheol's voice whispering all that filth into your ear has the electric impulses of an orgasm skidding across every synapse in your fucked out brain.
Your boyfriend lets out a long-winded groan on his end, and you can picture those white hot streams of cum dribbling from his tip and onto his toned stomach. And you're not even there to see it.
"That's it, let go for me, princess," Seungcheol whispers hoarsely as you slowly sink down from your high. "I promise I'll stuff you full next time we see each other."
"Promise me you won't post any more thirst traps, and we'll call it quits," you interject, still feeling a bit blissed out, but coherent enough to carry on your initial sulking.
"Hm? Why's that?"
"Because news flash: I actually don't like sharing my hot as fuck boyfriend to his own fans," you growl. "If you're gonna take pictures like that, send them to me and nobody else!"
Seungcheol barks out an incredulous laugh. "Aww, my possessive princess doesn't want me to post gym pics anymore? I don't wanna let down the fans, baby."
"Oh? Which one do you want more, your fans' attention or this pussy?" you proposition him.
Your boyfriend groans. "Baby, if you rile me up again, I might end up sneaking one of our cars out just so I can pay you a visit."
"What's stopping you then?"
Seungcheol sighs like he doesn't know what to do with you.
"Alright. I'll be there in twenty."
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⟱ end notes: i...don't know what came over me tbh i saw those pics of cheol and thought, i NEED to write something and voila! honestly thought i was a jeonghan n shua stan but i've been feeling so rabid for cheol these days that i might just be a 95z stan after all đŸ„č i hope you guys like this horny brain child i finished writing at exactly 2:43 in the morning of dino's birthday LMFAO i definitely did NOT plan to write this, so let's thank ig user sound_of_coups for sponsoring today's content đŸ€­
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lenireads · 2 years
needed me || lc (m)
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"You're still thinking of him while on your Valentine's date."
❀ Pairing: fwb!Chan/Dino x Reader (afab)
❀ Rating/Genres/AUs: M(18+); PWP, smut, angst; Friends with benefits
❀ Warnings: unprotected sex (be safe! esp in fwbs <3), fingering, creampie, dirty talk, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, markings/bruises (hickeys), 0.2 seconds of degradation, semi-emotional sex
❀ Word Count: 2.3k
❀ Project: For Freya (@angelwoozi) for our Valentine's Drabble Exchange! I apologize if it lacks in angst! I'm still working on "emotional sex," so this was a nice challenge for me. I hope you enjoy it! đŸ„°
❀ Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Please stay safe (in multiple ways heh), and I hope you all have a great day. Also, I decided to write in the present tense for once, so please ignore any incorrect tense changes LOL.
seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
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The rising heat in your body is due to two reasons.
One being your Valentine’s date went poorly, and two being your body is still buzzing with need.
You had gone to your date’s place, fully expecting to get laid on this so-called love day just so you didn’t have to wallow in endless candy wrappers alone. However, as their hands had roamed your body and their moans filled your ears, you couldn’t help but imagine it was him instead. Him, who has been your friend for three years and fuck buddy for less than one. Him, who can draw out your mewls with the graze of his fingertips. 
Although your date had touched you in places you enjoyed, it didn’t elicit the familiar feelings you have grown accustomed to. That caused you to spring from them, excuses flying out of your mouth as you hurried to grab your belongings.
It’s why you find yourself pressed against Chan’s door, his mouth moving against yours hungrily. One of his hands travels from your waist to grip your leg that’s hooked on his waist. He massages the flesh of your thigh as his tongue explores the cavern of your mouth. Your hands are gliding up and down his bare back—the results of his relentless workouts evident under your touch.
Chan pulls back to catch his breath.
“Should we slow down?” he asks between breaths.
You shake your head, eyes falling upon the faint, dark spot on his neck that wasn’t caused by you.
Chan had told you he didn’t have plans for Valentine’s this year, so you figured it would be no big deal for you to show up unannounced. What you weren’t expecting was for him to answer his door half-dressed, hair messy, lips slightly swollen, and a faint mark on his skin. Your heart had stopped a beat at the sight. You were well aware of the state Chan was in.
It wasn’t long before a woman emerged from his room, wearing just a tee and panties. The heat in your body had increased. You weren’t sure if it was because Chan was faring better than you at getting laid, or because he was fairing better than you without you.
After Chan told his “date” about you coming over to inform him of a family emergency, the lady left with sympathy that you didn’t entertain. Maybe it was best to play along, but you didn’t care if they believed it or not.
Seeing someone else’s marking on Chan brought a mixture of emotions; however, you decided to channel anger out of all of them.
“Why?” you scoff. “We’ve gone fast before.”
Your mouth connects with his again in hopes of returning to where you left off—to simply be in a state where you only felt his body on yours and nothing else.
“I know,” Chan pants when he moves away again, “but aren’t you upset that your date went bad?”
Telling Chan how rude your date was was a lie. The reason why your date went south wasn’t that your date was rude, it was because you couldn’t stop thinking of the person in front of you.
As if you would ever disclose that though. 
He just
feels good. He knows your body like no one else.
“I’m over it,” you sigh and lean in; however, Chan stops you.
“You can talk to me,” he tries to reassure you, which only results in an exasperated groan from you.
“I don’t need to talk, Chan. I just need you to fuck me,” you argue.
Chan’s eyes roam your face for a moment. 
“Fine,” he says before he crashes his mouth on yours. If you didn’t want to talk to him, he could at least help you feel better in a way he knew how.
You find yourself straddling him in his bed minutes later. You’re both left in your underwear, clothes forgotten somewhere along the way to his room—a trail that’ll be a morning reminder of how you are never asked to stay the next day.
That damn mark on his neck had become darker over time.
You try to ignore it, but it’s so blatantly visible you can’t help but glance at it every time you move away. You hate knowing someone else had touched him in an intimate way.
As you lean down toward his neck, you note that it shouldn’t matter if he was in bed with someone else.
As you lick and suck on the column of his neck, you recall how you’re not his.
As you create your own marks on his skin, you hope he can’t remember which hickey was from his date.
You hope all he will remember tomorrow is your mouth on him. You want him to remember how he’s moaning and gripping you closer as if he can’t get enough of you.
Chan doesn’t seem to care that you’re littering his skin with bruises as he yanks your bra and panties from your body. One of his hands grabs your chest while the other moves between your legs.
Your mouth finally finds his again, moans getting lost in each other's mouth as he glides two fingers in your wet heat. You’re grinding against his hand and shoving down his underwear.
“So damn eager,” he grunts while you pump his hard length.
“Just need to feel you,” you reply.
Chan’s fingers come back glossy with your arousal. He nudges your hand from him to coat his cock with it.
His room is filled with your moans when you sink down, fingernails clawing at his torso while your eyes shut briefly. There’s not a moment of peace as Chan snaps his hips into yours roughly. You have to press your palms on him to keep your balance.
“Shit, Chan,” you gasp. He’s large inside you, stretching you in the most addicting way.
“Always so tight for me,” he comments, eyes focused on where he’s gliding up in you. 
Your sight lands on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed, and his mouth is open. You know he won’t meet your gaze, so your gaze lingers on him. Over time he’s stopped making eye contact whenever you were fucking. You wonder if it comes from guilt. Despite only catching him with someone else once, you’re sure he’s had other “partners” that's been in your position. You aren’t the only one who’s seen and heard Chan in this way.
The thought spurs your hips to move.
You want to be the only one who can satisfy him like this. You want to make him feel so good he will only come to you when he needs a release.
Chan curses under you. His hips slow, and he throws his head back as he lets you bounce on him quickly. A hand stays on your hips while the other runs through his hair.
“That’s it,” he praises.
Your walls clench around him, loving how blissful he looks. You want to keep going–give him everything you have–but your energy is being spent fast. Your hips gradually decrease in speed. 
Instead of Chan moving you himself, he flips you over and pushes a leg up to get deeper. His mind is foggy, but somewhere in that smog is the image of you on your date tonight. You were dressed nicely; your appearance was fixed up in a way he’s never seen before. At least in a way that was never for him. 
Always for someone else.
Always for someone unworthy.
He enters you again swiftly. There’s no gentleness as he slams his hips forward. 
He recalls how many failed dates you’ve been on. How many failed dates he has been on just to spite you. He knows that’s childish. He doesn’t care about his dates in the way he should. He’s told himself that if the right person came along by chance, he will accept them happily. Though, each date never seemed to be the one.
“They never fuck you properly, hm?” Chan taunts as he continues to rock into you. “That’s why you always come here. You know I’m the only one who fucks you this good.” 
Your grip on his arms tightens at his words.
“Tell me,” Chan demands and grabs your face to angle it.
Your eyes are wide in shock as they find his. His hold is gentle compared to his sharp, slow thrusts.
“T-tell you what?” you pant. There’s a whole gamut of emotions racing through you. You’re terrified he’ll make you admit he knows your body best, yet you’re also eager to tell him that it’s true. 
“Tell me I fuck you better than anyone else,” he says.
“Channie–” you try to say, but he doesn’t give you the chance to finish your response.
“Fuck, Yn,” he huffs as he pushes into you once more before pausing. His hair is matted to his forehead, sweat covering his skin in an oddly beautiful glow. He stares at you–really watches you as if any slight movement will tell him what he needs to know. 
“I don’t know if we should do this anymore,” he finally confesses after a few minutes.
Your eyes grow in size. An invisible hand squeezes your heart, and the pain has you holding your breath. 
“Wh-what are you talking about?” you force out, but you’re afraid of his answer.
He leans back on his heels and looks down at you. The movement causes a slight shift, and you involuntarily clench around him so he doesn’t slip out. Chan sucks in a breath at the feeling.
“Don’t go on those dates,” he blurts instead.
Your head tilts in confusion. You’re trying to gather your thoughts, but it’s difficult. Out of all the times he wants to have this conversation, he chooses now.
“I’m tired of seeing you with someone who isn’t me. I can’t do this knowing you’re doing the same thing with other people.”
You swallow harshly.
You can’t believe he’s actually saying it, and for a moment, you think you’re dreaming.
“Chan, I–”
“Let’s just finish, so we can–”
“Hey, hey, stop,” you huff.
“What?” he questions as he averts his eyes.
“I only went on dates, because I didn’t think you wanted more,” you disclose.
Chan peers at you again, shaking his head.
“That’s not true,” he says softly and raises you from the bed. Your legs rest on either side of him, arms wrapped around his neck. You bite back the moan that wants to escape at the new position. “I’ve wanted more for so long, but we had made it clear we shouldn’t get into a relationship together.”
You nod, recalling the first night you slept with him and the agreements you both had set. 
“I’m willing to start one now,” you answer, a little nervous even though you’re sure of his answer.
Chan smiles, lips finding yours for a short kiss. “Me too.”
Your body moves against his again, albeit more slowly this time. Chan holds you close as you roll your hips. The slow pace lasts for a few minutes until Chan adjusts himself, so he can rock into you roughly.
There’s something about his thrusts that feel different. They’re harsh, but not in the way they were before. They’re calculated and less frantic. Regardless, each push has you edging closer to your climax.
Chan knows you’re close by the way your legs are squeezing him and moaning louder. He whispers praises in your ear that have you crying out his name a minute later. 
When he goes to pull out, you hold him tightly.
“Inside me, please,” you beg quietly.
“A-are you sure?” Chan asks. Although this isn’t the first time he hasn’t used a condom with you, he’s always pulled out. 
Nodding your head, “Yes.”
Chan adheres to your request, hips moving with newfound vigor that causes you to mewl as you begin to feel overstimulated. However, it feels so good that you feel the tightness in your stomach builds again.
“Gonna come again, baby?” Chan asks with an air of cockiness. 
“Mhm, fucking me so good, Channie,” you whine.
Chan’s hips begin to lose their force, and it doesn’t take long for him to thrust one last time. You suck in a breath when he fills you.
When Chan pulls out, his eyes are stuck looking between your legs. He gently lays you back and brings a hand to your clit. He rubs it hastily as he watches his cum spill from your spent pussy. He moans when you clench and more escapes from you.
You come for the second time with a plethora of his names. Chan smiles upon hearing them, watching your body shiver with pleasure. When you slowly ease down from your high, Chan pulls away.
“You okay?” he wonders.
“More than okay,” you smile at him.
“Let’s talk more about us tomorrow, okay?” he suggests and begins to climb off the bed. 
“Sounds good,” you mumble, watching as he leaves for the bathroom. After a moment, you hear water running. You’re teetering into dreamland when he comes back. Your eyes flutter open, not knowing they had closed earlier. He takes your hand and guides you to the restroom.
“A quick shower then we can go back to bed. Can you do this without me? I want to change the sheets,” he kindly says.
Although you wish he would stay with you, you nod and step under the warm water. It feels relaxing and immediately you sigh at the sensation.
“Okay,” he replies then presses a chaste kiss to your mouth before he leaves.
As you clean yourself, you feel as though a layer of sadness is scrubbed away. There’s still more to discuss tomorrow, but at least you know you’re one step closer to being a real couple. 
Despite your date not going the way you planned, you’re much happier with how you spent your Valentine’s. 
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lenireads · 2 years
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POV: You are on a date with the most perfect man on earth
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