leo-in-love · 8 years
Why is it when you think a blog will work, and help you emotional no one responds, maybe it is suppose to be that way
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leo-in-love · 8 years
Is there anyone out there that has read my post and can feel my pain and rejoice in the developments?????
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leo-in-love · 8 years
Can this be true High school Reconnect!
So an update on my life that was so fucked not too long ago. In September 2016 I started talking to someone I have harbored feelings for, but was never available. I was at a real low so I called her, and went to see her over the weekend. She was still not available, but as friends we spent time together. I then found out she was not happy, In fact she was miserable , well at that point I did not see a chance but I kept up the conversation. Well on Oct 25th I shared my first kiss with her, and it was magical. We have the most wonderful time together, but the difficulty is she still lives with her ex in a separate bedroom, and is waiting to get out, but cant do that right now$$$$$. It has been 9 mo and we are planning on a lifetime together. I have my fears that are stemmed from my 15 yr old previous relationship . Will I ever be happy will someone actually love me, and not hurt me so bad that I am alone again?
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leo-in-love · 8 years
Mind Fuck
A little over year, what I thought was real was really a façade. I was with someone I thought was feminine, loved me, and we were going to live forever together.  She and I balanced each other, and she was for the most part easy to talk to. She had a rough childhood with abuse and so did I so we truly understood our fears. We raised three kids together one mine and 2 hers from a previous female and male marriage, she divorced and opened up as a gay female. I was going to college and not really looking for anyone, but she approached me one day, and after that it was weekend and some after class days where we had mad passionate sex. after about a year we made the decision to take our relationship to the next level. Her family accepted me, and I accepted them. My family was not open to gay lifestyle, and I have way too many preachers in my family, but I had all the support I needed with her family. So after 15 year she comes to me as I woke up to get ready for work to tell me she did not love me and that she was really male, and would begin the transition. I was crushed to the point I felt suicidal. I lived in the house and slept in the same bed for 1 more year, and the day had come that I couldn't handle seeing the transition. Everyone else seems to accept and support her decision, but my life was upside down and I did not want to be alone. I hope someone out there will understand my struggle. we now live three hours apart, and I don't think she could cares about me. How do you just drop someone like this, I felt totally discarded a stepping stone for her to get to her real agenda..... the people I love in my life are dear to me, and even if I don't see them all the time .....
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leo-in-love · 8 years
If anyone ever tells you that “You’re a waste of time” - you look them in the eye, tell em they are a piece of shit & forget their existence
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leo-in-love · 10 years
Perfect Response
If anyone ever tells you that “You’re a waste of time” - you look them in the eye, tell em they are a piece of shit & forget their existence
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leo-in-love · 10 years
do you remember that time uncle phil straight up yeet’d some racist cops
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leo-in-love · 10 years
when your best friends little sister has a crush on you
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leo-in-love · 10 years
Tyring to live healthy
Whoever fucking invented the juice cleanse needs to be fucked dry, that shit is stupid and gave me a pounding headache....
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leo-in-love · 10 years
Happy New Year to all my friends on Tumblr, it has been great
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leo-in-love · 10 years
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I could see this actually happening
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leo-in-love · 10 years
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leo-in-love · 10 years
My wife
I love her so very much, but fear she is having an affair of sorts... She does a lot of things for me and I do believe she cares, but not "in love..... I am at a loss
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leo-in-love · 10 years
"The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against its existence, rather, a condition of it."
First I will say I love my wife with all my heart, but she is falling  out of love with me, I could not have a blog without mentioning her, and I am scared as hell that I will loose her soon, real soon
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leo-in-love · 10 years
So very true!
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leo-in-love · 10 years
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I served for 10 yrs if I could pack my bags, and go back in I would go right NOW !!!!!
I shot this sob of a missile
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leo-in-love · 10 years
As you can see I am a fucking up mess, lucky for me I fell in love with someone and for the past 14 yrs I thought we were happy, then I realized she just settled , and is bored of me. All she does is talk to her friends, ignore me… Don’t get me wrong she treats me nice and far as doing things but the love has lost the loving feeling
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