incase it wasn’t clear - i am and my blog is anti-terf 👍
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any mention of black lives matter has disappeared off my dashboard so i thought y'all might want to know that police stormed a peaceful vigil in memory of elijah mcclain, attacking mourners with pepper spray. families were there. children were affected. this movement isnt over just because it's no longer trendy.
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hey! in the midst of all this, spreading this information could potentially save LOTS of folks out there in protest! it costs Absolutely NOTHING to share. the original thread is on Twitter by strwbrrymew. the link to the thread is here, it contains more important information to note, including a video about how to do a proper eye flush should someone be teargassed.
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poison ivy wearing muddy overalls n rubber gloves on the set of a gardening show w the hosts tied up n gagged behind her stroking a genetically modified carnivorous plant like a lapdog: hello fume-spewers of gotham city. its your hostess with the most…the mostess…its me, poison ivy. sorry to interrupt your resource-guzzling evening’s entertainment by taking over every channel of your worthless old-media network. oh wait. i’m not. at this very moment the bouquet of roses i sent to strangle the mayor will be
heavy static followed by sudden cut 2 the penguin, drinking straight vodka and crunching icecubes wearing a feather boa and a velvet dressing gown covered in grease-strains and reclining in the hosts chair on a talk show set, which is being visibly smashed by themed muscleboys in th background: GOTHAM CITY YOU FUCKERS, YOU ABSOLUTE SWINE, HERES THE DEAL I WANT (crunch) A BILLION DOLLARS LEGAL TENDER TRANSFERRED TO MY PAYPAL AT [email protected] OR YOU CAN (slurp) SAY GOODBYE TO-
sudden cut back 2 poison ivy, furiously gesturing to the hypnotised crew to do whatever damnable technological things they do to unfuck the broadcast: (high pitched screeching)
sudden cut to the penguin: -YOUR PRECIOUS “SUN”. I-
the penguin: (hears phone ringing) OH WAIT UH HOLD ON A SECOND
the penguin: (pullS a gold rotary telephone out of his purse) HWEH?
poison ivy, shreiking thru reciever: fuck off oswald im doing a Bit!!
poison ivy: these airwaves arent big enough for the both of us you horrendous little animal. i swear to piss i will
sudden cut to the riddler, sitting atop a giant rubix cube w the squares flashing neon at intervals wearing 2 pairs of 3D glasses and a coquettish mod ensemble w so many sequins on it that the studio lights reflecting off it cause at least 3 lens flares a second: GREEEEEEEETINGS CITIZENS OF GOTHAM CITTTYYYYYY! i, the RIDDLER, have interrupted your intellectually unstimulating broadcast to bring you some entertainment you’ll hopefully find a little more…challenging. a new game show….with a DEADLY TWIST. for you see
the riddler: (hears his 2001 nokia beeping) uh…well, it seems we have our FIRST CALLER of the evening
the riddler: …and our SECOND CALLER. um
poison ivy: (garbled screaming)
the penguin: (choking on an ice cube in pure rage)
the riddler: woah now hey now hey there woah there just a second
the penguin:-THE SUN
poison ivy:-THE MAYOR-
the penguin: -A BILLION DOLLARS
poison ivy: -A TRILLION DOLLARS-
sudden cut to harley quinn, sitting at home on the couch in front of her webcam wearing a sweaty sports bra and loony toons pajama pants and eating a hotdog: whats up folks! just wanted to hang out
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It has come to my attention that, people tried to identify “Tank” and there was a rumor about him being taken by the cops.
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Pleease, PLEASE. for the love of anything you might believe in. Make it a priority to keep these men (and woman) ANONYMOUS.
At this point it doesn’t matter if they’re POC or white or anything, they could get into serious trouble for the stir they’ve been causing within the movement. You actually think the police or even the fucking government would be like “Oh cosplayers leave them alone” NO. Anyone who attends these protests are at risk guys!
Spread this message. Don’t try to identify them or anything. Leave them be, if for some chance you may see them leaving, don’t follow them and try to get a look at their faces. Let’s keep it as an anonymous thing. Several writers and artists I have seen, have made their own version of what they think or imagine them to look like. Keep it at that. Keep it at a mystery that stands with us in this time.  So for the last time
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this is the most aggressive i've ever seen him get and i for one am positively LIVING for this kind of cold wrath
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I honestly get the point of sharing this on Twitter, but it’s pretty shitty to completely gloss over the fact that sex work is STILL the most dangerous occupation, but it doesn’t get counted in the same way that loggers, fishermen, truck drivers etc. do. because our occupations aren’t viewed with the same amount of respect and validity.
As a matter of fact, I just checked statistics from the past 20 years- loggers have 73 deaths per 100,000, meanwhile sex workers experience around 204. 
Literally over double. And they’re not even mentioned here.
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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also this needs to be said, but if you’re nonblack and you are co-opting off of the blm movement but you are shit to black people in real life, fandom, online, etc., then you are still anti-black. i say this in light of the fact that there are some people who have histories of ignoring black people and being anti-black, but when it comes to making themselves look like they care and good people, they’ll re-share hashtags, protest, posts stuff, boost voices of black activists, and that’s good and all. but if in your current life/situation you invalidate racism black people face in their lives (whether it be irl, fandom, social media, ETC.), or go out of your way to ignore or make their lives difficult, then you are still antiblack and your activism is  performative. black lives matter and that includes respecting black people who call out your racism. if you’ve ever partaken in invalidating or ignoring a black person’s claim or accusations of racism, and you haven’t made amends or you’ve been called out for racism by a black person, or invalidated a black persons experience of racism (again, irl, social media, fandom, etc.) then you are still antiblack and you need to start working on dismanlting racism and anti-blackness with yourself before you try to co-opt on the tragedy of black people.
like all that activism means absolutely NOTHING if you mistreat black people in your everyday lives. 
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Dear fellow Americans:
The use of tear gas is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have gassed every major city.
False surrender is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have kneeled to draw protesters within range of tear gas.
Destroying and contaminating water is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have been destroying stocks of water used for the protestors.
Destroying medical tents and supplies is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have destroyed medical tents and attacked medics in various cities.
Attacking journalists is a violation of the Geneva convention. Your police have targeted and attacked journalists both native and foreign in multiple cities.
Your police are worse than war criminals, this isn’t even a war and they’ve managed to violate major international codes. 
You truly believe “looting” or staying out past curfew is a valid excuse for actual war crimes to be committed against civilians? 
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But this is true, right?
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Police in Charleston arrested a young Black protester who was kneeling peacefully and seemingly expressing remarks of solidarity
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Marsha P. Johnson’s legacy as a Black advocate for transgender rights, who fought against police brutality, is especially relevant this Pride month 
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