leofckd 10 years
@leonafck: @vantican then buY ME A DRINK?!?!?
@vantican: @leonafck is u even HERE
@leonafck: @vantican um, duh?
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leofckd 10 years
@jamesomf: @leonafck :'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( sorry
@leonafck: @jamesomf wait no I'm sorry!!
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leofckd 10 years
@vantican: @leonafck i'm at the raaaavee thoooo.
@leonafck: @vantican then buY ME A DRINK?!?!?
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leofckd 10 years
@vantican: @leonafck that's true but that's also why i like you so much ;)
@leonafck: @vantican dude buy me dinner first >:(
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leofckd 10 years
@jamesomf: @leonafck je pense que c'茅tait une image d'une image d'un nu ahahah calmer
@leonafck: @jamesomf do i look french 2 u. no.
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leofckd 10 years
@stevenyas: @leonafck omg u cant @ me tho?/??//?? its old too thoughj,,
@leonafck: @steveyas OmfG NO.
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leofckd 10 years
@leonafck: soME ASSHOLE JUST POSTED A NUDE ON TWITTER??? I THINK I THREW UP IN MY MOUTH A LITTLE?? Stop. Now. Please. Ur drunk. Go home.
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leofckd 10 years
@vantican: Don't be a little shit, @leonafck
@leonafuck: @vantican haha that's not possible...
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leofckd 10 years
Leona wasn't exactly aware of what to do. She wasn't sure in the slightest why she'd even shown up to the rave. She'd never been to one before, and she didn't really know why she'd been so inclined to show. She was severely regretting it, taking a deep inhale as she made her way to the bar. She didn't really know anyone here yet, aside from her boss. Of course, she had a few acquaintances, but hardly anyone of importance. She was just some good for nothing Irish Girl that didn't fit in. Once she'd made her way to the crowded bar she ordered herself a drink and started sipping on it. She scanned the crowd for someone she might recognize, for anyone to talk to, but her vision seemed to fail her, as the only figures she were noticing were irrelevant. "Fuck this." She muttered under her breath, downing the rest of her drink.
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leofckd 10 years
@vantican: @leonafck shh not where everyone can see.
@leonafck: @vantican whY R U ASHAMED OF ME?? I thought we had something special :'(
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leofckd 10 years
@vantican: @leonafck i will light you on fire babe.
@leonafck: @vantican kinky ;)
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leofckd 10 years
@vantican: can't go home again, need someone to numb the pain. you're gone and i gotta stay high all the time, to fly, all the time to keep you off my mind.
@leonafck: @vantican I know i'm p gr8 but you don't have to tweet about me :/
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leofckd 10 years
Hi guys! I'm Vixey, and I'm super excited to be here. If there's anyone interested in plotting I would be so stoked if you could like this post, or even shoot me a message. If you want to know anything about Leo i'm going to make an about page v soon!!
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