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Best bone Doctor in Mumbai
Studies have shown that low calcium intake is associated with low bone mass and higher fracture rates. Vitamin D is needed to help absorb calcium in the body, so you need adequate amounts of each. Some of the best sources of calcium include tofu, spinach, greens (collard, turnip, mustard, and kale), and dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk. High amounts of vitamin D are found in salmon, sardines, tuna, milk, and mushrooms. If you have a deficiency, or have trouble consuming these foods, you may need daily supplements. Consult our dietitian today for more details. Know more about best osteoporosis care : https://www.fortismumbai.com/orthopaedic-hospital-mumbai/
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Fortis Cardiac Hospital Mumbai
It is easy for people to confuse between heart failure and heart attack. In certain ways, these conditions are similar, yet they also differ in some key areas. Once you understand the difference, you can be better prepared for your appointment at the best heart hospital in Mumbai. Know more about best cardiac surgeons : https://www.fortismumbai.com/cardiologists-cardiac-surgeons-mumbai/ Click here to know more about cardiology hospital : https://www.fortismumbai.com/cardiology-hospital-mumbai/
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Fortis Best Cancer Hospital in Mumbai
On the day of surgery Agnes was relaxed which was a good sign. A relaxed patient actually makes the doctor very confident. After a smooth induction of general anesthesia by our expert anesthesiologist, the surgery started. Minimal Access surgery is done by inserting small tubes called ports. Know more about best oncologist : www.fortismumbai.com/oncologists-oncosurgeons-mumbai/
Click here to know more about best treatment for tumor : www.fortismumbai.com/oncology-cancer-hospital-mumbai/
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Fortis Maternity Hospital in Mumbai
Opting to breastfeed your baby is a completely personal matter. However, considering the amazing benefits of breastfeeding for both moms and babies, even the top maternity hospital in Mumbai recommends it to their patients. Know more about best maternity care treatment : https://www.fortismumbai.com/maternity-hospital-mumbai/
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Fortis Best Neurology Hospital Mumbai 
Stroke is a brain attack caused by the interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain. When blood flow is denied to the brain for longer than a few seconds and the brain is deprived of blood and oxygen, brain cells can die, and the abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost. The onset of ischemic stroke which restricts blood and oxygen flow to the brain, can damage 1.9 million nerve cells every second. Know more about best neurology hospital : https://www.fortismumbai.com/neurology-hospital-mumbai/
Click here to know more about best neurologist : https://www.fortismumbai.com/neurologists-neurosurgeons-mumbai/
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Lifestyle Approaches To Prevent Cancer
A lot of people think that cancer is a disease that no has any control.on . It can happen to anyone and at any time with no reason. But in reality that is not true because 60 to 70% cancers are lifestyle related and hence theoretically a lot of them are preventable.
click here to know about best cancer hospital in mumbai : https://www.fortismumbai.com/oncology-cancer-hospital-mumbai/
know more about cancer : https://www.fortismumbai.com/
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Cardiology Doctors Near Me
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is an emergency procedure used to manually restore circulation and breathing In a person who is under cardiac arrest . When performed correctly and on time, it doubles the chance of survival.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/cardiologists-cardiac-surgeons-mumbai/
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Top 10 Hospitals in Mumbai
Chronic GERD is treated through surgical techniques such as the Bard EndoCinch system, NDO Plicator, and the Stretta system.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/
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Fortis - Raheja Hospital Mahim
A spinal fusion is simply the uniting of two bony segments, whether a fracture or a vertebral joint. The reason for instrumentation with rods and screws is to act as an internal cast to stabilise the vertebra until the fusion, or bony re-growth, can occur.
Know More: https://www.fortismumbai.com/s-l-raheja-hospital-mahim/
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Orthopedic Procedures
Preventive Nutrition helps us in a long way in preventing or delaying the onset or reducing the complications of diseases. There is a big role for Dietitians to play in imparting and spreading the knowledge of preventive nutrition to reduce the incidences of Non communicable diseases (NCDs), which include a balanced diet, increased physical activities and stress management.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/orthopedic-doctors-surgeons-mumbai/
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Top Hospitals in Mumbai
Occasional refluxes are common and do not necessarily indicate GERD. However, if the refluxes are persistent, and carry significant discomfort, then it is considered GERD. GERD can eventually lead to more serious health problems. People of all ages can have GERD.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/
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Fortis Mulund
Eating a breakfast could help you feel less tired throughout the day. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more alert than people who skip breakfast. Children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/hospital-mulund/
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Sl Raheja Hospital Mumbai
GERD is the abbreviation for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This comprises of all symptoms arising due to reflux of stomach contents to food pipe. GERD is also called acid reflux or acid regurgitation. It is a chronic condition and causes damage to the mucous membranes, by the abnormal reflux in the oesophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach).
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/s-l-raheja-hospital-mahim/
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Fortis Mulund
Mushrooms are the only fruit or vegetable source of this critical vitamin. Like humans, mushrooms produce vitamin D when in sunlight. Kicks up metabolism- B vitamins are vital for turning food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which the body burns to produce energy. They also help the body metabolize fats and protein. Mushrooms contain loads of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B3 (niacin).
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/hospital-mulund/
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Fortis Hospital Mulund
Gooseberry used in many hair tonics because it enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation due to its antioxidant activity and carotene content. It has a good source of potassium which helps in nervous and muscular system to work properly. Potassium promotes the normal function of nerve cells, helping maintain a healthy blood pressure and preventing abnormal heart rhythms.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/hospital-mulund/
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SL Raheja Hospital
Garlic increases insulin release and regulates blood sugar levels, thus lowering the risk of diabetes. Garlic is low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients Garlic supplementation is known to boost the function of the immune system.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/s-l-raheja-hospital-mahim/
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Raheja Hospital
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. In some cases, the heart can’t fill with enough blood. In other cases, the heart can’t pump blood to the rest of the body with enough force.
For More Info: https://www.fortismumbai.com/s-l-raheja-hospital-mahim/
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