leopardaesthetics · 3 years
so my rant of the day is
theres these two boys in my German class, let’s call them K and H(due to privacy reasons)
so theyre obviously in love and theyre either really f——ing oblivious or secretly dating and really good at hiding it
like I know my gaydar is s—t but I’m not stupid
H literally looks at K the same way I look at my crush(who also happens to be in that class but that’s irrelevant) and when someone else in that class said she shipped them, K legitimately said ”Me too”
also they have so much physical contact going on all the time
it frustrates me bc they’re so in love and either really oblivious or really good at being secretive about them actually dating
knowing K it’s probably the first one
those boys are so in love it’s not even funny it’s just frustrating
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
Guess who’s making a comic!
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This is the cover!
I’ll post pages to tumblr when I finish them, but for now have this cover art!
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
*presses once, lightly, and hopes for an adorable rat*
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
he opened the door like ya owed him rent
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
wait is the cat named tom
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
As someone who has trouble typing on a good day, I resonate with this
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
Heard this repeated tapping on my window, thought it was my dad, looked outside and saw doves! I got some pictures! they're not great because I took them through the window, but doves!
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
Actual Things I’ve Heard at School
“I’m not gay, I just like men” from a boy in my science class
“Stop grinding on me in the middle of the hallway!” a guy to his guy friend
Girl: “This is my seat. You can go sit next to *other boy*.”
Guy in her seat, softly: “My boyfriend?”
More under cut!
TW: mention of drugs
“I want to try weed nuts, but not now, because I’m underage.” I heard that from a kid in my art class
Same kid also said “I never want to vape.”
Another boy at this table asks: “you want weed nuts but you don’t want to vape?”
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
I think I’m possessed
guys I think I’m possessed by Nari from Tales of Arcadia
I’m saying things I don’t plan on saying in a perfect imitation of Nari
Btw I’m terrible at impressions so this is weird
Like seriously 
incase you don’t know who I’m talking about 
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I’m not sure if I’m making this up or if I’m really possessed but still
Also if I’m really possessed, it’s cool because nari’s awesome but still it’s so weird
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
Serpent: I am a responsible adult.
Amber: [raises brow]
Serpent: I am an adult.
Once again, don’t remember where this is from, if I do I’ll tag it, sorry
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
Redwood: how do I politely tell someone I want to hit them in the face with a brick several times?
Leopard, very bored: One wishes to acquaint your facial structure with a rigidly edged object fundamentally used in the construction of walls repeatedly.
Redwood: that was... ✨poetry✨
Amber: that was both of you needing therapy.
I don’t remember where I found this one originally, if I remember I’ll tag it.
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
My dog is so cute but so skittish like he gets scared of everything from the vacuum to socks.
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this is him
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
so today I was at school and going back to my locker after lunch and some of the boys are wrestling and running and stuff, and two of them just charged past me, and I got slammed into the wall and my face hurt for my entire next class. why are humans like this
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
So I have a friend, and we both really love dragons, and so what we did is we each created a dragon oc. Mine is Leopard, hers is Amber, and she wrote a story about them, and so now we have this story of Leopard and Amber and their boyfriends, Redwood and Serpent. And basically, Redwood and Serpent tend to do a lot of silly idiotic stuff, and so Amber(the friend) has this story, and what I’ve started doing is I’ll find random incorrect quotes on the internet, like, I type “wof incorrect quotes” or “marvel incorrect quotes”, etc. into Google, and I pick ones that fit these four characters, and then I change the names and sometimes add some stuff or change a word here and there to fit the characters(keep in mind, these ocs are dragons), and then I text them to Amber to see her reaction. 
This has been an explanation of the stuff that will soon come on this blog. I’m going to start posting some of the funnier adaptations here, just because. 
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leopardaesthetics · 3 years
Why, even though it is 90 degrees outside and the air conditioning is on because it’s so hot, do I have the urge to wrap up as warmly as I can?
My brain is very strange
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