leoxcantus · 13 hours
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           GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS! It’s time for that wonderful time for a starter call, why? Because I gotta! Also, Sho need some attention. So, if you’d like to interact with TRASH KITTY, so go ahead and press that LIKE button! Approach with caution, mind you. 
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leoxcantus · 1 day
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I know for who ever really pays attention that I'm still here, is probs looking at me in REAL disappointment. I know I keep saying that I'm coming back. I am HERE? But also lurking most of the time. But is also me sitting here like who even really cares that I'm still here??? I'm pretty sure I've become rather BORING to most of you??? THAT'S JUST ME THOUGH! I also just don't really see myself as being the best role player for Minamimoto, but I LOVE my boi to DEATH. But I'll let you people decide if I'm good enough for you.
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leoxcantus · 2 days
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leoxcantus · 2 days
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❝ Yeah, sorry gonna have to say no to that. I think ya made your point enough. Sorry I had to ask you to prove my point. I don't have time for uninspiring integers. ❞
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"I will be quite willing to show you the next time it so pleases me to walk this kingdom of mine." The Composer said, removing his hand, "In fact, why don't we call it a challenge? I will show you exactly what I see in this place rthat makes me want to view it firsthand instead of always through the Music alone."
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leoxcantus · 4 days
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❝ Yeah yeah, I think you made your point. Now please stop patting my head. I'm not an animal. I just thought maybe you'd be willing to prove me otherwise. but I think I get enough now. ❞
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"I really only enjoy walking around my city if it pleases me." he said, patting the Conductor on the head. "It pleases me quite a lot."
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leoxcantus · 6 days
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This might be easier if he was able to change into his cat form, not a soul wouldn't even be able to know it was him, unless maybe it was the counter part to this universe. Though it seem it would be easy enough to avoid that meet up, if he could help it.
❝ Ya know, normally I'm the 1 who keeps themself out of sights eyes from others. But this little meet up was an accident, so when this is all over, lets pretend it never happened. You don't tell anyone that I was ever here. ❞
He would simply follow when asked normally he wouldn't, but in the case of matter he really was left with no other options.
❝ Dimension travel? I had my own way of doing it, that was before I was bound to the Shibuya I'm in now. I'm quite smart in being able to doing things on my own, but if someone were to catch on, then it becomes a problem. ❞
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        Now that the initial confusion—and panic—were starting to subside, Nywe could process Minamimoto's words better. She was just as lost as him as to why he couldn't go back to his dimension. Even so, she could use all the resources at her disposal to help him.
First and foremost, Minamimoto needed to lay low. That was feasible: Nywe knew which Routes were rarely traversed by other Reapers, as well as the preferred locations of Officers.
On these lesser-known Routes there were a few restaurants that met Minamimoto's requirements. So far so good! And on the way there, she could ask questions to gather as much intel as possible.
❝ I see. Rest assured, sir, I'll do everything in my power to keep your presence undetected. ❞ Yeah, she could do this. She was Konishi's disciple after all: her teachings would come in handy now.
❝ I know a place that offers a wide variety of fresh fish. Don't worry about the prices, though; it's on me, ❞ Nywe offered with a reassuring smile. ❝ This way, please. ❞
As she began to walk towards her destination, a question popped up in her mind.
❝ Which method do you use for dimension traveling? Do you need any particular object or Psych to achieve it? ❞
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leoxcantus · 7 days
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❝ Right, ENTIRE CITY. No I believe you, it's just... I DON'T believe you. Knowing you of all Digits. I would see you finding that entertaining. Then again, ya know... Maybe I'm wrong. Unless of course you could somehow prove me wrong? ❞
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"As I said. I don't watch you spevifically. Don't flatter yourself, I watch the ENTIRE CITY, Minami." The Composer waved his hand to gesture to his kingdom.
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leoxcantus · 21 days
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❝ Didn't even answer my question. But whatever. I'm just saying maybe you should stop doing that? I don't really like how you watching like that. ❞
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"Oh, don't flatter yourself. As I said, I wandered the city and simply observed that you were sleeping in odd or dangerous places. Best for YOu not to question Me in that instance."
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leoxcantus · 21 days
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ᵂᵉˡˡ ᵗʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜʳᵉᵉᵖʸ ᵃᵗ ᵃˡˡ.. ❝ Okay yeah, but... Do you have watch me while I sleep to? Like don't you have anything else better to be doing. Like I said, you shouldn't question it J. Didn't YOUR version of me do the same thing? ❞
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"I often wander the streets. I'm no longer interested in ruling from afar." He smiled and stretched, "I've observed you sleeping in fifteen different odd places. I provided you with a room."
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leoxcantus · 23 days
❝ Is that so? Well then.. ❞ He would find a spot to sit as he vanished an reappeared in the spot he was going to be sitting at.
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❝ We don't talk about that, ya know... Sometimes you just feel a little tired an you just wanna take a little cat nap. You shouldn't question it J. Why are you just out in the city seeing that. You don't you have anything better to do? ❞
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"Infortmation is like money. You exchange said information top get information.. I've seen many things in my time. One of them is you plopping yourself in the middle of the street and sleeping."
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leoxcantus · 24 days
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❝ What is this, 20 questions? You know you should ask a Digit first before you spawning questions at him. Again, I think it's just a taboo thing. An I don't sleep everywhere. Who told ya that anyway. I don't do that the same reason I don't lick myself. ❞
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"Your turn again." The Composer sat down and opened his hands, "I want to know what your obsession with laying everywhere and nowhere comes from. Also, do you have a favorite scratching place you visit?"
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leoxcantus · 24 days
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❝ So you cling to Mari because she's a caring mother. I suppose I did that to. Back when I was once alive. But I soon learned I couldn't do that anymore after my death. I really don't think Mari is will to not see how her own child when he was alive to where he stand now. ❞
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"Fair enough. Now, I suppose it's my turn. I cling to Mother because my own was a stinking, decietful, dirty whore. She gave birth to me, only to swiftly decide I was a disgrace to the name of Kiryu. I was quite sickly, you see. After I began seeing the UG, well....she practically abused and disowned me. I hate being held down. I hate needles."
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leoxcantus · 24 days
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❝ Wait, seriously? You mean you don't know why that's a thing? Well, I guess I shouldn't expect everyone to know the answer to it. ❞
He would only begin to circle around his composer like he was some kinda pray.
❝ Now, I suppose taboo may have different effects to it's hosts. Mine just causes me to go to feral. Would make sense since taboo noise are feral that are not meant to be controlled, I was effected way before I for I became infused with it. I guess there are still things I don't understand. ❞ He would finish as he stopped in place. not laying his gaze on the other.
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"You fascinate me. As your Composer, I feel we have never really spoken, Minami. Not like we should. Since your mother is now my Mom, we are siblings. Siblings talk. So then...should I start...or you?"
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Why did he hate the idea of hearing that come out of the others mouth. Him have a sibling? There was no way he could accept that, could he? But Hazel is his father in-law, J was considered to be his son. God he hated every part of it. Every part of him wanted to scream. His composer also his brother in-law??
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Is that so, an pray tell what were you wanting to talk about?
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leoxcantus · 24 days
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❝ That's a rather touchy subject, Lett me what you wanna know, An maybe I'll bite. ❞
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"How about your origins?" He leaned back in the air. "Seems a good place to start."
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leoxcantus · 25 days
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"You fascinate me. As your Composer, I feel we have never really spoken, Minami. Not like we should. Since your mother is now my Mom, we are siblings. Siblings talk. So then...should I start...or you?"
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Why did he hate the idea of hearing that come out of the others mouth. Him have a sibling? There was no way he could accept that, could he? But Hazel is his father in-law, J was considered to be his son. God he hated every part of it. Every part of him wanted to scream. His composer also his brother in-law??
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Is that so, an pray tell what were you wanting to talk about?
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leoxcantus · 1 month
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❝ Heh, easier said then done I suppose. I'll keep you updated as best as I can. That is if my composer isn't keeping me super busy. Normally why I prefer to look into these equations on my own. I've gotten enough info here. So I'll just hang around until my person comes to pick me up. Would say it kinda sucks not being able to travel on my own, the composer wanted to give me a purpose. I didn't think it required to have soul bound to his city. Even if that's so, why wasn't it like that when I was in my old universe... ❞
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Haruto nodded, "Indeed. That's the last thing you want crawling around your universe. In that case, you keep me updated if you need help in the future. I'll wait here and hopefully you won't need me again. Does that conclude our business then, or is there something else you needed?"
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leoxcantus · 2 months
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❝ Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that's why he's still after my ass. But regardless. It would take too long to fix the problem. The Rindo I ran into kinda just vanished. I haven't seen him since that encounter. So I don't really know how easy that task would be. I can't just ask the old man himself, nor do I want to. Like to stay far away from him as possible. Hm... Might just have to be a waiting game at this point. Though I have bene keeping an eye out for any dissonance if possible. So far haven't come across any. Should consider myself lucky for now. ❞
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"That was his mistake. As long as you're careful, I support your plan. Just... Don't let him get something over on you. That power is infuriatingly convenient. If he doesn't care and abuses it often, you could find yourself not only losing but surrounded by dissonance. If you can take the pin from him and bring it back to me, I will destroy it for you. I can do nothing outside of Shibuya, but while I'm here I have the power to do that, as the city's Producer. We'll make sure he doesn't to skipping out of wherever it is he belongs. I don't want him finding his way to this universe, either."
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