lesbeanlw · 2 years
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See these Spiritwolf tees, official Support Bundles, and all of our merch at https://shop.lorwolf.com/
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lesbeanlw · 3 years
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Happy March everyone! Sorry for the delay in the monthly update, we have been furiously at work getting ready for beta launch at the end of the month! We are just as excited as you all are for beta, and here are a few things we have been working on:
What’s new?
New Official Logo
Finalized Spiritwolf Designs
Beta Reminder Information
Companion Speedpaint - Lunaria
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Now that the next chapter in Lorwolf’s development has begun, we felt it was time for a long-overdue logo update! Above you can see the old logo compared to the new; here’s what was changed:
Updated font to match sitewide font
Streamlined appearance by removing pack logos
Matched official Lorwolf colors:
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We will begin updating the new logo on all of our social media pages within the next week or so!
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Finalized Spiritwolf Designs
Top left: Mika (Darkspine) she/her Top right: Elius (Goldsea) he/him Bottom left: Orrin (Icerun) he/him Bottom right: Luana (Murkwood) she/her
The Spiritwolves are finally finished and ready to join the game! These four brothers and sisters are the blessed guardians of Loria. The youngest of the siblings, Korvo, who was once the protector of Mistvale, has yet to be revealed. Read more about the History of Loria here: https://lorwolf.com/Forum/View?id=1
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Beta Reminder Information
We are excited to see everyone back for the beta test, starting March 24 for early access and March 26 for regular testing! And be sure to review our Beta Testing Info if you haven’t yet, which will explain everything you need to know about being a tester. 
If you earned a Lorwolf beta or item code and still haven’t received it, please reach out to us at [email protected]! 
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Companion Speedpaint - Lunaria
Our latest Companion Speedpaint video is now live on Youtube! Check it out: 
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lesbeanlw · 3 years
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lesbeanlw · 3 years
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Hello all, we’re back with another development update! This month, we are showcasing one of our newest professions, as well as sharing some news about our Patreon. Read on to find out more!
What’s New?
Mining mini-game
Timeline update
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As many of you know, Lorwolf will feature a wide variety of professions that players can choose to specialize in, such as Cooking, Farming, Fishing, etc. One of our newest professions - Mining - lets players send their wolves into the deepest caves of Loria in search of rare metals and gemstones. These materials can then be smelted/crafted into valuable items to be used or traded with others! 
Leveling up your mining skill allows you to delve deeper into the caves and work more efficiently. Simply equip a set of wheels to your cart and select a pickaxe and you’re ready to mine! Here’s a screenshot of the Mining page in action:
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Once you select a wolf and choose a location to mine, you can sit back and watch as it journeys through the caverns. A host of friendly NPCs will aid you in your mining efforts and load the ore into your cart. Once full, your wolf can push your cart back to the furnace where it will smelt your ore into bars to be used in various crafting recipes. 
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We’ve received some interest in reopening our Patreon as we continue to develop the game, and we’d love to hear your thoughts! In the years before our Kickstarter, we ran a Patreon campaign where we shared behind-the-scenes content and other such goodies every month. Patrons were able to vote on what they’d like to see in the game and get a closer look at what we were working on.
The following is a list of potential tiers we would offer, take a look:
$1 - Discord role + Invite to Patron Discord channel + Early access development updates
$5 - Previous tier + WIP sketches/mockups
$15 - Previous tier + Content voting + Digital downloads
$30 - Previous tier + Behind the scenes videos + Super Supporter credit
Discord Role: Show off your support with a new title in our Discord server!
Patron Discord Channel: Access our Patron-only Discord channel to discuss the game with Alaunis and other patrons directly 
Early Access Development Updates: Hear about what we’re working on before anyone else - including regular dev updates and special sneak peaks 
WIP Sketches/Mockups: Get a sneak peak of our content still in development
Content Voting: Vote on what you’d like to see, such as potential pattern styles, game mechanics, lore, and much more! 
Digital Downloads: Gain access to some of our high res wolf, companion, and background files
Behind the Scenes Videos: Every month, we will release video coverage of what we are working on - such as voiceover speedpaints, feature showcases, and gameplay footage
Super Supporter Credit: Your name will be permanently etched into a special section on our credits page. (This section will be separate from the original Patreon supporters list) 
The Patreon would launch early next month, so feel free to ask questions/submit feedback in the meantime! 
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We are currently in Phase 4 of our development timeline which includes the setup for our eventual beta test. Right now, we are heavily focused on finishing Lorwolf’s campaign as well as adding those many quality of life touches. 
Alaunis recently left her full time job in order to pursue Lorwolf full time, meaning we will be kicking development into hyperdrive! We still have an estimated release of the Beta test for the end of this year or early next year, but we will be sure to communicate any changes to you well in advance. 
As always, we remain incredibly thankful for all of your support so far. Working on Lorwolf has been a dream come true, and we are so excited to share it with all of you. Please let us know if you have any questions about this update, Moonsblessings! 
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lesbeanlw · 3 years
Lorwolf Asks
Here are our answers to the questions that were asked recently! As always, please feel free to submit an Ask or join us on Discord if you have any questions about Lorwolf’s development :) 
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We strive to make Lorwolf as accommodating as possible for our players by keeping ease of use in mind when designing features. Lorwolf does not currently have any Captchas or keybinding system, but all of our combat is automated in an effort to be inclusive of all players regardless of their ability, and hopefully reduce wrist/eye strain. A dark mode has been highly requested by our community, and though we would love to implement something like this, it would take a great amount of time and effort to create. This may be possible somewhere down the line however! 
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Hey there! Our Beta test and official launch dates have not been announced yet, however we will be sure to promote these launches well in advance on all of our social media pages! 
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Yes, the first few ID’s in the game will be taken by me and JimJim plus the Spiritwolf accounts, so ID 1-7 will be reserved and ID 8-101 will be given to all of our Beta Early Access backers! Everyone who signs up to play during the Beta test will retain their Username and ID for official launch, while all other data (wolves, experience, campaign progress, etc.) will get wiped. We have not yet set a duration for wolf breed time, however the process is: Wolf breeds and becomes pregnant > wait for labor > player sends them to nest > wait for birth > puppies are born. We plan on making the gestation and nesting period similar to real life wolves by using a similar ratio - for instance one month could equal one in-game day. 
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We do not have any official artwork for the wyvern yet, however I can show the concept art that was done a long time ago so you can get a rough idea of how they may appear! They will essentially look similar to flying foxes (fruit bats). 
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We plan on having the first chapter of the Campaign ready for all packs in time for official launch, and will release each successive chapter as an “expansion” to the storyline. There will only be four chapters in the main story, at which point players will unlock the fifth and final territory of Mistvale. Once players have finished all of their Campaign storylines, we plan on hosting events in Mistvale as endgame content! Thank you for the great questions and your support! 
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Thank you!! At this point in our development, I’m not sure that we will have time to do another pattern in time for launch. We do love the idea of having multiple shades/opacities within a pattern, but that would increase the amount of development time for said pattern significantly. However, there may be a point further down the line when we are able to tackle a more complex pattern! 
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lesbeanlw · 3 years
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Hello all, we are here to announce that the Lorwolf Kickstarter Campaign has officially come to an end! With over 1,540% funded, our project earned a whopping $43,000+ over our original goal of $3,000! Words cannot express how astounded and incredibly grateful we are for the amount of support you all have given to the development of this game, thank you!!
Stretch Goals:
As promised, all of the funds that were raised will go straight back into the development of Lorwolf! We were able to add 4 additional stretch goals to the original 5 that were planned, meaning the game will launch with a total of 9 new features/additions! We hope these stretch goals prove rewarding to our players and serve as a way to say thank you to all of our backers. Here are those stretch goals that we will be adding to the game in time for official launch:
Color wheel update - 41 new colors
Fishing mini-game
New breed - Zerda
Cooking mini-game
Weekly events feature
New breed - Wyvern (Poll winner!)
Hunting mini-game
Farming mini-game
You’ll see that the winner of our backer poll was the Wyvern - with 211 votes! 2nd place goes to the African Wild Dog and 3rd place goes to the Direwolf. Don’t worry if your preferred breed was not a winner, we hope to add all of the breeds that were listed in the poll at some point in the future. All backers will also receive 1 Zerda breed change item and 1 Wyvern breed change item.
Info for our backers:
In about two weeks, we will be sending out the Backerkit to all backers via email. This survey will review your purchase and allow you to select the additional tiers or addon items you wish to include in your order. Here are the available addons we will be offering:
Bracchus Breed Change Item - $15
Companions, Apparel, and Forum Decors - $5 each
Additional unlimited tiers
Backers of the designer tiers (Item, Companion, and Apparel tiers) will be contacted directly through email shortly after the Backerkit survey has been sent and completed. From there, our artist will communicate with them through email or Discord to get their items designed and in the game! All backers will be sent their in-game rewards (Companions, Forum Decor, Apparel, etc.) through email as a special key code. These codes can be redeemed twice - both during the Beta test and during the final launch of the game. We will send an email to you shortly before the Beta test that will contain the code you can redeem onsite. Those who chose a limited tier that contains a Beta Early Access reward will be able to register for the Beta test two days before anyone else. We will be reserving the first 7 accounts for staff so account numbers 8-101 will go to our Beta Early Access backers! We will not be wiping Usernames or IDs after the Beta test, so those who play during the Beta will be able to retain their credentials during the official launch of the game.
A look into the future…
We set an estimated delivery date of all rewards/Beta test for November of this year, however that may well change due to all of the new features we will be working on adding to the game! There is no set date for the Beta test or official launch, but we will do our best to keep everyone updated with what we are working on in the meantime. Here is a look at our updated development timeline:  
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Be sure to follow our social media pages for important development progress and any other interesting tidbits about what we are working on! We will post big updates on the front page of Lorwolf.com as well as on our Tumblr blog. Follow our other social media pages on Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram and join in the conversation on Discord! We will also continue posting updates on Kickstarter so all of our backers will receive important updates through email.
Thank you!
And once again, a huge THANK YOU to everyone for your support - we could not be where we are today without all of you! Your help has given Lorwolf everything we could have dreamed and more. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are so excited to have you with us, and we hope to see you all for the official launch of the game. Moonsblessings, JimJim and Alaunis <3 
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
Have I actively been on flight rising in months? Nope!
Did that stop me from backing Lorwolf bc new shiny pet sim?
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
Over on the official discord, lorwolf is holding a #WeeklyDemoChallenge where we create wolves based on the prompt. First week's challenge is Pack Representatives and these are mine!
1) Post Corruption Mistvale
2) Goldsea
3) Icerun
4) Murkwood
5) Darkspine
Go to the official lorwolf discord to participate!
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
oh my goodness, i am absolutely ECSTATIC about the lorwolf kickstarter's success. it's so great to see this game earn above and beyond what anybody expected, and so quickly!! super excited to keep following the game's progress. if any of you backed the kickstarter, don't forget to join the official lorwolf discord! it's a real party. the link is on their website.
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
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Hey everyone! We’re back with another update to our Kickstarter Campaign. Since we sprinted past the initial stretch goals, we thought it would be best to add even more - as a way to say thank you and aim to get additional features added to the game in time for official launch! Here are our new planned stretch goals: 
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More Colors + Zerda Breed Change Item: If we reach this goal, we will add 20 more colors to our color wheel, bringing the final total to 40 new colors! All backers will also receive a free Zerda Breed Change Item that will turn one of their wolves into the Zerda breed. 
New Breed - TBD: This stretch goal unlocks a new breed - to be determined by our Kickstarter backers. All backers will also receive a free Breed Change Item that will turn one of their wolves into this new breed!
Hunting: If we reach this goal, our Hunting mini-game feature will be added to the game for official launch! This Hunting feature will let players send their wolves to hunt and gather food and treasure for their pack. Leveling up the Hunting skill will unlock exciting new hunting grounds! 
Farming: This stretch goal will unlock a new Farming mini-game feature! Players will be able to plant a variety of crops in their territory and harvest food to help feed their pack. Leveling up the Farming skill will unlock higher yields and quality of food! 
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We received a couple more questions after our last update, here are the answers!
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Yes, we will unfortunately have to delete all wolves and progress made during the Beta test. The Beta test is just a test - it serves as a way for us to do a trial run of all of the features in the game with a small audience, so that we can make sure everything is functioning correctly and make changes as necessary. We may even have to wipe multiple times during the Beta, it all depends on what we need to fix. In addition, letting all of our testers keep their progress, items, and wolves would give them an unfair advantage over new players! 
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The game will not have any random illnesses or mutations that affect the status of your wolves. They do age, however they will never run away or die!
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Last but not least, a huge THANK YOU to all of our backers so far! We are over the moon with how well our Kickstarter is doing, and its all because of you!
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
Decided to make a goldsea inspired wolf! Really loving the colors.
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
I really love how the bacchus pups blep. :p
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lesbeanlw · 4 years
Potential scries for my progen pair for when official opens up!
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