lesbianismx · 2 years
writing is so fun
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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“thank god you’re here.” even though seeing dylan behind the counter meant finally good coffee instead the sewage his colleague had been serving her, it wasn’t the only reason sofia was delighted to see him. in fact, she was quite certain his presence brought more joy than the coffee itself, but she was not ready to have that conversation with herself yet. “you will lose all your customers if you’re not gonna do something about that new guy you hired. seriously, the amount of times i’ve had regular milk in my soy latte is just─infuriating.”   /   @lesbianismx​ 
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seeing sofia is the highlight of his shift whenever he’s working at the coffee shop. she’s quickly become his favorite regular, and if he’s being honest, maybe he’s developed a bit of a crush. but he knows it’s never going to go anywhere beyond some light flirting whenever she stops by and he’s accepted that. he’s wiping down the counter when she enters, a bright smile lighting up his face when he looks to the door and sees her. throwing the rag over his shoulder, he moves to the till to take her order, chuckling at her complaints. somehow he finds them endearing and admires the passion. “hey, i don’t do the hiring.” he says, holding his hands up momentarily before they come back down to hold onto the counter. “i will happily make you your latte how you like, and i’ll talk to the new guy.” he punches in her order, then looks back up at her. “can i get you anything else?”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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veronica had been learning all about his habits and daily routine only to be able to avoid elliot. she couldn’t put her finger on it, but the tension between them and the feelings she felt in his presence were something she would rather not deal with. hence the evident shock on her face when she entered his office and he was there even though he wasn’t supposed to be there. well, at least according to her calculations. “god, you scared me. i thought you’d be out for lunch.” she let out an awkward chuckle. “anyway, got the files you needed.”   /   @lesbianismx​
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since his workload was heavier today, elliot had decided to forgo his lunch break to get more work done. he’s a little surprised when his door opens without warning and he looks up to see the company’s law intern, veronica. he offers her a curt smile. “veronica, hello. it feels like i haven’t seen you in forever,” he says with a light chuckle. maybe that’s for the best. admittedly, he finds her extremely attractive and if they weren’t in a professional setting, he’d make a move. but he’s her boss and he understands that there’s a power dynamic at play which makes the whole thing feel rather inappropriate. but the past playboy in him thinks that makes it all the more exciting. “i usually am at this hour, but since i’m swamped, i’m skipping lunch.” he explains, then nods. “ah, yes. thank you. please bring them here.” he holds out his hand for them. “and if you’re not too busy, could you stay a moment while i look over them? i might need you to clarify a couple things.” it’s the truth, but also a valid excuse for them to spend just a little bit more time together.
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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“so are you here for the girls or the music?” they had both been sitting at the bar for quite some time now, exchanging fleeting glances at one another, dante thought it would be awkward not to say anything.   /   @lesbianismx​​
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remy’s unsure why she let justin talk her into coming here. this was not her type of crowd or scene at all, but she did miss spending time with her best friend. while she’s been sitting at the bar avoiding looking at any of the scantily glad women or attracting any unwanted attention, she’s noticed a guy that looks to be around her age seated near her and looked over a couple times. at the question, she smiles. “i’m here for the bartender,” she answers, it taking a moment for how it might sound to settle in. “—he’s my best friend. what about you?”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
hey besties i’m alive !! i’ve been writing again, but mostly canon characters (specifically in tvdu). if you’re interested in writing with my canon characters, you can find them here:
@equalopportunityeviltemptress - penelope park of legacies
@fierysiphon - josie saltzman of legacies
@worldscollide - canon multimuse
i will say for those blogs, i would most likely prefer to write with other canon characters or oc of/in similar fandoms/verses.
i might revive some of my threads here with those who are interested, but this blog will be fairly low activity for now.
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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his request doesn’t surprise her. she knew she’d regret talking about her intense feelings. she hardly understood why she felt the need to bring them up in the first place. “well,” she smiled, her cheeks burning a shade of crimson, “i just want to preface this by saying, we were in 4th grade, where everything was life or death, and i was finally cool enough to spend time with again after the cooties outbreak,” she began, bringing her cup up to her lips to take a sip. he’d never know whether it was a stall tactic of hers or if she genuinely wanted a sip. she set her cup back down onto the table and reluctantly met his eyes. “i played at least a couple hundred games of mash, so i could end up with you in a mansion,” she chuckled, feeling rather bashful at her own confession, “and i spent a lot of time thinking about holding your hand, how i could get you alone in the treehouse … kissing you. it was really mostly about kissing you. i so badly wanted my first kiss to be you. i had to make it happen and now, here we are, first kiss secured and i’m utterly embarrassed.”
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the grin remained on his face as he noticed the blush that had risen on her cheeks. “mhm, got it. go on...” as she started to explain herself, he took a few sips of his own drink. an amused chuckle rang out as ottilie talked about having played a lot of mash to end up with him. “well i’d tell you not to be embarrassed, but it’s pretty damn cute when you are.” he said. “just for the record: i wanted my first kiss to be you too, and i’m glad it was.” he could still remember that day as if it had just happened yesterday. how devastated and heartbroken he felt that his best friend was moving away, and then the pure shock when ottilie had leaned in and kissed him before disappearing without another word. “okay, enough about the past for now. we’re here to catch each other up... considering how long it’s been, we should probably get started. you first, i want to hear all about your exciting adventures without me.”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
hey besties i’m alive !! i’ve been writing again, but mostly canon characters (specifically in tvdu). if you’re interested in writing with my canon characters, you can find them here:
@equalopportunityeviltemptress - penelope park of legacies
@fierysiphon - josie saltzman of legacies
@worldscollide - canon multimuse
i will say for those blogs, i would most likely prefer to write with other canon characters or oc of/in similar fandoms/verses.
i might revive some of my threads here with those who are interested, but this blog will be fairly low activity for now.
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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she shot him a good-natured look of annoyance as a reluctant smile tugged at her lips. “no… otherwise i would have had some pretty intense thoughts about my own imagination and i’m not sure what that would even mean—” she paused, realising she has probably said too much. she chuckled softly, mainly in an attempt to rid herself of the awkwardness she was feeling and shook her head. “i don’t—” in the middle of her response, she hears her name and her head turns to look at the barista but before she can step forward to collect their drinks, cameron stopped her and despite herself, she can’t help but feel a little giddy about the small gesture. it was sweet and amidst the tactless men she had met from dating apps, it was a breath of fresh air. “of course,” she nodded as her eyes scanned the seating area. thankfully, the table she typically sat at was available — it was as secluded as one could get in this cafe but still offered some gorgeous natural light. the perfect table in her opinion. she led him to the table and sat down with him, settling into her seat. “thank you for the coffee, and for delivering it for me.”
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“pretty intense thoughts, huh? interesting...” cameron chose not to speak any further, not wanting to embarrass her too much before they were even seated. it wasn’t like he planned to give her too much of a hard time, though. after all, he had certainly had some thoughts about ottilie himself back then. as they settled into their seats across from each other, a cheeky grin made it’s way onto his lips. “not a problem at all... but you could thank me by telling me more about these intense thoughts you had about me, ottie.” a chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at her expectantly, waiting for her response.
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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when they entered the diner, it felt like all colour and joy were drained from her day. she no longer smiled nor wanted to make any more effort to be outwardly positive. she just wanted them to leave or more realistically, be served by someone else. anyone else. however, when she hears that they specifically requested her, she somehow manages to drag herself over to their table. “hello .. hi,” she greeted them, eyes focused on the small notepad in her hands, “i told you i never wanted to see you again .. may i take your order?”
open to: all genders, mutuals & non-mutuals! connection: could be anything from exes, ex-friends, enemies, someone she shouldn’t be seeing, etc. — just let me know in the tags!
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it was a bit challenging for sloan to hold back the smirk tugging at the corner of her lips in response to valerie’s reaction upon seeing her. “that you did, and yet here i am. sometimes we don’t always get what we want, do we?” she crossed her arms and rested them in front of her on the table, leaning forward. “i don’t exactly respond well to being told what to do, sweetheart.” she said nonchalantly. “when are you off? or do you have a break coming up? i’d like to talk.” she kept her eyes on the other woman’s face, studying her expression and waiting for her to meet her gaze. she’s aware she hasn’t ordered yet, but that’s intentional on her part in a ploy to keep valerie around longer.
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lesbianismx · 2 years
hello pals, i have a question:
i’m curious about if anyone has alternate faceclaim suggestions for neels visser? i do already have alex fitzalan and charles melton as options, but i’m not sure if i’m completely sold on them. neels just fits the rich & pretty playboy vibe so well.
austin butler is who i’m thinking of potentially replacing his main faceclaim with, maybe... but if anyone has any other suggestions i’m all ears !!
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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“—if it puts your mind at ease, i don’t plan on running away again … i think you might be stuck with me.” a slight smile tugged at her lips, remembering their last day together far too well considering how long it’s been since then — the look on his face, her unwillingness to leave, the feeling that they were at the beginning of a story that would never be realised. although a part of her will always mourn the time they have lost, she’s also thankful that they’re older now and less likely to end things over a petty argument. “good,” she replied simply, trying not to seem overly excited or relieved to hear his answer. “it’s like—” she began but shook her head at his question. “—stop,” she laughed, “i hate it … i mean,” she rose onto her tiptoes and ruffled his hair, a task that previously required little to no effort from her, “this doesn’t feel natural anymore … it’s a sad day,” she said, withdrawing her hand as her heels returned to the ground. “alright,” she nodded with a smile, “let’s go gumby.” 
their walk to the cafe was fairly quick and the pair spent most of the time discussing their classes and what their semesters looked like. truthfully, it was a little strange. ottilie found herself glancing over at him a few times, still surprised and delighted by his presence. she had never imagined they’d be reunited at all. let alone, reunited like this. her smile grew when they entered the cafe, it was relatively busy but not too loud as patrons typed at their laptops or chatted with their friends. she glanced over at him once they ordered their drinks and made their way to the waiting area. “i still can’t believe you’re here … and that you’re real.”
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“it only slightly puts my mind at ease— i’m going to do everything in my power to make sure i’m stuck with you.” now that they’ve miraculously reunited, the last thing he wanted was for them to lose track of one another again. even though it’s been a while and they’ve surely grown and changed significantly since their last encounter, he still felt drawn to her and looked forward to getting to know her all over again. “mhm,” a small smirk was tugging at the corner of his lips, since he could tell she was holding back her reaction to his answer. it was good to know they seemed to be on the same page. he couldn’t hold back his laughter, however, when she had to get on her tiptoes to ruffle his hair like she used to. “maybe for you it is,” he teased with a grin, scrunching his face up and shaking his head. “but yeah. let’s go.”
cameron was more than glad things between them still seemed to flow naturally— then again, they had a lot to catch each other up on. while they were walking, he had caught her sneaking glances at him. part of him wanted to tease her for it, but he was doing the same thing. once they arrived, he held the door open for her, then paid for their drinks as promised, chuckling softly at her remark. “what, did you think i was your imaginary friend growing up?” he teased, nudging her lightly with his elbow before turning towards her and meeting her gaze. “but honestly? i can’t either.” before he could say anything else, the barista called out their names. “i got it,” he told ottilie with a smile, reaching out to take their drinks and murmuring a quick thank you to the barista. “why don’t you choose where we sit? do you have a favourite spot?”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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“you were my first and only kiss and ditch— maybe i should make you a badge.” she chuckled softly. ottilie felt a jolt of joy upon hearing his question. it wasn’t exactly subtle, but it was definitely effective. “no, i’m not … are you?” she asked, awaiting the answer with a raised brow. merely seeing him took her back to the fourth grade, except now, she wasn’t at the whim of her parents and she felt more certain in herself and what she wanted. or more aptly, who. she had spent more time than she’d like to admit wondering where he was, what his life looked like, and now, here he was standing in front of her — just as sweet as ever and annoyingly a lot taller. “maybe we should get some lottery tickets. i think the universe is rooting for us.” she nodded and smiled up at him. “i’d love that, there’s a great cafe just off campus.”
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“now that’s a badge i’d wear proudly... but maybe i shouldn’t be proud of getting ditched. i know it wasn’t exactly something you could control, though.” it had been bittersweet— finally getting to kiss the childhood best friend he had such a huge crush on, then having to say goodbye for what he had assumed would be forever. but now here they were, him fighting back the grin threatening to break out on his face upon hearing ottilie’s answer to his question. “no, i’m not either.” he told her, then chuckled at her suggestion. “it does feel that way.” he grinned as he looked down at her. “how does it feel, by the way? having to look up at me now?” he couldn’t help but tease with a playful grin. “anyway, a cafe sounds good to me. lead the way?”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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the brunette studied his face for a moment, committing the way it moved when he smiled to her memory. even after all this time, his smile made her feel giddy and determined to find more reasons for him to smile. though, she wasn’t sure how she was going to top this impromptu reunion. “i—” she laughed, remembering their very last day together on the playground. even though it was plagued with sadness when they lived it, she could look back on it fondly now. “if it counts for anything, i didn’t make a habit of the kiss and dash.” when he let go of her, she couldn’t help but feel a little strange. he had only held her for a moment but it was more than enough time for her to miss the sensation. “me either and now,” she shook her head, chuckling softly, “i can’t believe this … back together again. how have you been? i want to know everything.”
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cameron raised his eyebrows at her words. “no? i’m glad to hear it— are you kissing anyone, though? on a regular basis, i mean.” he figured it probably wasn’t wise to assume ottilie was single, or that anything romantic of otherwise would even happen between them. still, there was a part of him that was holding onto that crush from the fourth grade. he chuckled along with her and nodded. “it is a pretty wild coincidence, huh? almost like fate or something.” he offered her a smile. “do you have some free time right now? how about we catch up over a cup of coffee? my treat.”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
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ottilie was running through a mental checklist when her thoughts were interrupted. although she wasn’t certain if the throat clearing was employed to garner her attention, she figured a cursory look towards the sound wouldn’t hurt. however, when she turned around, she couldn’t quite believe who was staring back at her — the first boy she had ever loved, whatever that meant for a fourth-grader. “oh my god?” she chuckled as she moved closer towards him, pulling him into a hug. it had been years since she had seen him last and while his features had changed as he grew, she was certain this was the boy she spent countless hours at the playground with. “i almost didn’t recognise you without your power rangers t-shirt,” she teased as she leaned out of the hug. 
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a bright grin broke out on cameron’s face as recognition set in on ottilie’s expression. he happily wrapped his arms around her, welcoming the hug and squeezing her tight. although it had been such a long time since they had last seen each other, there was still a sense of familiarity there. maybe it was due to how close they had been before. he chuckled at her words, keeping his arms wrapped around her as he pulled back a little to look at her, not quite ready to let go of her yet. “well apparently the power rangers t-shirt was working for me, considering what you did before you disappeared off into the sunset...” he shot her a playful wink, then finally let go of her. “i didn’t think i’d ever see you again.”
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lesbianismx · 2 years
i kind of wanna use my favourite white boy so if we’re mutuals and you want to reply to this starter, please feel free to :’) otherwise i might post another open starter with him and i’m down to plot for specific threads as well !!
though i am watching a movie so i won’t be around until later~
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lesbianismx · 3 years
finished most of my recent replies... i know i planned to write with more people on here but i’ve been kind of swamped lately so those are either on hold or just not gonna happen 😅 my apologies
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lesbianismx · 3 years
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“i like the sound of that,” jed winked, a cocky smirk plastered across his face. the two of them walked a big game but in the end it would be another night of josie making him barbie movies while they ate cookie dough and gossiped. “can i walk you to class?
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“i bet you do,” josie chuckled. she was looking forward to spending time with jed, but not for the reasons they were alluding towards— they would probably quite literally netflix and chill. “such a gentleman,” she teased, nodding as she reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together.
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