lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
reblog if you’re a dumbass dyke. a truly idiot of a lesbian. never learned geometry dumbass dyke fool.
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
Earth is a butch lesbian
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
it’s so dumb that broad shoulders are considered unattractive in a woman just because the ideal of womanhood is based on the perceived fragility of a smaller frame. have you ever seen a woman with broad shoulders? looks like she was sculpted by the gods themselves
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
reblog if you’re a lesbian who supports bi girls, a bi girl who supports lesbians, or if you want all wlw to have a nice day
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
What does my cat think when I kiss his little head? Does he know it’s affection or does he think I’m trying to eat him
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
i really wish straight people would stop telling lesbians (especially young lesbians) that they might find the right man someday lmao. stop saying things like “you really want to call yourself a lesbian? thats a little much, you never know what kind of man you might find later on” because its really harmful. i’ve seen so many lesbians worried or afraid they might find a man they like later on in life because this is what straight people have ingrained into our minds. lesbians wouldn’t be having these thoughts if it weren’t for straight people, plain and simple. it also hinders some lesbians from wanting to call themselves a lesbian, and thus leaves them questioning and confused for a longer period of time. most of the people who says these things to lesbians wouldn’t tell a straight person not to call themselves straight so quickly because “you never know” lol so please stop
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
don’t try to date a woman you’re not ready for. if you can’t give her what she deserves, leave her alone
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
I just wanna fall asleep in a girl’s arms n dream my life away
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
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I’m worse than Elena actually
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
someone pls come over and make out with me
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
Anyway muscle tees are a butch-only event and straight boys need to go the fuck home
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
i desperately want to be in a relationship. like for real. i want someone to hold hands with and to watch tv shows with and go to the movies with. i want someone to hold and to text. i want someone to look at me and think “holy fucking shit, i’m with her. how did i get so lucky?”. i want someone to take to block parties and family parties and sunday lunches. i want someone to go to the mall with, to go to food trucks with. i’m really fucking tired of feeling so damn lonely.
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
i love women with that dominant sense of confidence, steel toed boots and sitting with their legs apart, their hands on the backs of their necks, self-assuredness in their eyes. i love women with broad shoulders and button-downs and that slightly cocky strut to their step, with slow smiles and dark eyes and rough hands and never afraid to make that bold move. i love women with that roughness about their outsides and a gentleness within, the kind of women who hold you and you feel the earth soften beneath your feet. 
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
do you ever think about how girls are soft and wonderful
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
whomst here is ready to have a wife!!! and make food with her and cuddle on the couch you own together!!! and wake her up with kisses every single morning!!! whomst here is ready to love and cherish their wife!!!!!
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lesbiansarelovely · 6 years
god made straight people to give the gays something to laugh about
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