lesfit101 · 4 years
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When people talk about the word flexibility the first thing that comes to mind is someone who can twist their body into a pretzel-like position with the greatest of ease. It looks cool AF and you probably would love to become a human-like salty carb to right? Well, the good news is that flexibility is something anyone can work on with a lot of patience and hard work. 
Flexibility is not just being able to do intricate yoga like poses, its actually being able to do the simple daily tasks such as picking something up off the floor or being able to get in and out of a car. We bend and stretch more than we actually realize, but as we get older, we move less because we end up in jobs that keep our bodies stationary, we lose flexibility as a result of this and our bodies become stiffer. Too define flexibility is being able to bend without breaking.  
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By becoming more flexible, your body will have many physical benefits. It allows for easier and deeper movements while building strength and stability. Stretching your muscles and joints daily also leads to a greater range of motion and improved balance. And while some people might incorporate a good stretch into every workout, most people tend to skip it altogether, simply because they run out of time. 
What’s important to remember is that we are not all built the same. Different people have different bone structures, and while some of us might be a lot more flexible than others, our bodies respond differently to certain movements. You will find that some days you can do more than others. 
"Inadequate flexibility will harm the body in 2 significant ways:
· Joints require movement through a full range of motion to maintain the health of cartilage and other structures within the joint with increased blood supply and nutrients to joint structures with an increased quantity of synovial joint fluid (oil in the crankcase). This effect can be particularly noticeable in weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. Muscles that are inflexible tire more quickly, causing opposing muscle groups to work harder. Muscle fatigue can lead to muscular injuries and the inability of the muscles to protect joints from more severe injuries. For example, the hamstrings play a role in stabilizing the knee and preventing ACL tears.
· Decreased flexibility may also lead to abnormal stress on structures and tissues distant from the initial site of inflexibility. One example of this is that tendinitis in the knee can be related to calf tightness.”
But it is not just about being able to bend. Performing it correctly is equally as important. I have found that people who stretch or warm-up are actually doing it wrong either by stretching the wrong muscle groups or sometimes overstretching, which is equally as dangerous and could cause more damage. 
 2019 VS 2020
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 Here are some aspects I have found to consider when stretching.    
· Don’t bounce - This could lead to muscle tearing and injury. Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears, called micro tears, in the muscle, which will leave scar tissue as the muscle heals. This scar tissue will tighten the muscle even further, making you less flexible!
· Do not overstretch - Your body will tell you its limits. LISTEN. to your body.! A stretch should be tight. NEVER painful.
· Warm up your muscles- If possible, try to do a warm-up that is similar to your workout. For Example. A light jog before a run. Another great warm-up is jumping jacks and then a brief stretch of every major muscle group.
“Our loss of flexibility is simply because our muscles, ligaments, and tendons become weaker as we age mostly because we move less. This makes them less able to support our joints full range of motions.” 
When and why should you stretch?
To prevent injury, you should stretch before and after a workout, you will naturally increase flexibility. It is important to warm up muscles and get more oxygen to them. I find that when I am about to do a vigorous workout, be it weights or cardio. I always try to warm up and stretch at least the major muscle groups first. 
A great example of this is a quick warm-up is doing a few jumping jacks for a few minutes then, a brief stretch of each of the major muscles. After running or working out, a good stretching routine will help to remove lactic acid from the muscles. This reduces muscle soreness, which promotes better flexibility. You can also perform your stretching exercises while resting between lifts during your weight training. 
“Flexibility training includes stretching exercises to lengthen the muscles and may include activities like yoga or Tai Chi.”
Types of Stretching 
· Active stretching - Active stretches can be completed without a stretching partner or stretching accessories. If you are performing the stretch with no external force, it is an active stretch.
· Passive stretching - Passive Stretching: In passive stretching, there is an external force being provided. You are being stretched instead of actively stretching.
Helpful tips.
After your workout, when you are all sweaty, take a hot shower first, then stretch. The hot water will help relax the muscles, and you will get a much better stretch. You will see the fastest results as you increase your flexibility. 
Increase flexibility by following these simple tips:
·         Warm-up 
·         Light stretch 
·         Workout 
·         Thorough stretching routine 
In summary
It is an imperative part of any exercise routine to include a warm-up, basic stretch, and cool- down if you want to remain flexible, it is also as important to do these stretches/ warm-ups in the correct form and, for the muscles you are working on that day. 
“CLICK on the LINK” below to see just a few basic Stretches I try to practice daily. 
For more helpful tips and workout videos, visit my Instagram page @The_daily_jolt.
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lesfit101 · 4 years
Why you gain strength before you gain muscle?💪
Weight training systems are designed to test your strength and endurance. As they work together, more muscles are recruited to lift heavier weights, resulting first in additional strength and then in size gains.  
However, you must remember though that as a “beginner lifter” you must get through some variations of training before you start to see any muscle gain. In short, you must understand how to lift correctly first otherwise muscle size won’t happen. 
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Increased Muscle Mass 
When you begin a weight training programme you will notice that the numbers on the scale will most likely start to increase and you might start to panic but, this is perfectly normal in fact this means that you have started to gain muscle mass in the world of weight training and that is a good sign. It means that you are making progress. 
What you need to determine is how to tell the difference between gaining muscle and gaining fat. When you do weight training your body fat% should decrease while your muscle mass increases. The reason that this happens is muscle weighs more than fat and therefore it takes up more space. 
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To measure your progress is harder when you start a weight training programme as the increase in numbers might throw you off track. I would say it is not always advised weighing yourself daily. However, it is important to still measure your progress so that you can make sure that it is muscle you are gaining and not fat. Therefore, here are 3 ways to measure this more effectively. 
Measure your waistline - Focus on losing cm rather than weight.
Look in the mirror - As apparent as this might sound it’s the best way to    determine if you are gaining muscle. You will see visible changes in your    body shape i.e. more tone and overall appearance will be a leaner look. 
Another way to measure your body fat% vs muscle mass is with a Body Composition scale it can determine your body fat% vs muscle mass. These are for the most part quite accurate. 
We must always keep in mind that the “switch” happens over months it's not a quick process. If your body fat percentage shows more muscle and less fat, then that is the change you are looking for. If your jeans are baggy or loose, or if you look in the mirror and a more muscular person is staring back at you, then your strength training efforts could be working.
Reasons why you might gain weight during weight training.
Water Weight 
Water makes up around 60% of the average adult body the average human will not live for longer than 3- 4 days without consuming water while they can live without food for up to 2-3 weeks. Water changes our weight. We lose water every time we workout, sweat, or even cry. 
What’s important to note here is that ultimately water weight can increase the number on the scale so it's important to weigh yourself at the same time everyday i.e. first thing in the morning to get a more accurate reading. 
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Ever notice how you weigh less first thing in the morning? That’s because you sweat while you sleep most of the time you even lose water while breathing. Your weight will fluctuate if you have some water retention this is perfectly normal but it’s extremely important to stay hydrated all day every day!
Diet, diet, diet 
You probably thinking you already know where this is going but still, so many of us believe that if we workout regularly we can reward ourselves after, but most of us are not considering that the reward might contain more calories than you just burnt. The truth is if we are eating more calories than we are burning you will never see real results. I am a firm believer that it's really 100% dedication to consistency rather than an all-in all-out approach you just simply cannot expect to see long term results if you don’t stay consistent. 
“Do not use workouts as your green light to eat whatever you want”
However, your body does need the right kind of fuel (especially when you train), but an intense workout is not a license to eat whatever and as much as you want. Eat clean and watch your portions—even when you are working out hard.
Types of training systems weightlifters use to build strength, overall resulting in gaining muscle mass. 
1.     One rep maximum
1RM in weight training is the maximum amount of weight one can lift in a single repetition for a given exercise. One repetitions maximum can be used for determining an individual’s maximum strength and can also be used as an upper limit, to determine the desired “load” for an exercise.
2.     Pyramid sets
Are weight training sets in which the progression is from lighter weights to a greater number of repetitions in the first set, to heavier weights with fewer repetitions in the following sets. A reverse pyramid is an opposite in which the heavier weights are used at the beginning and progressively lightened.
3.     Super sets 
Are consecutive sets of dreams exercises designed to work opposing muscles. Or at least different muscles within a large body part region. Opposing muscle exercises could include biceps and triceps at the front and back of the arms, or quads and hamstrings at the front and back of the legs. The exercises are usually done with minimum rest between sets. 
4.     Giant sets 
The Giant set, is a form of training that targets one muscle group (e.g. the triceps) with three or four separate sets of exercises performed in quick succession, often to failure and sometimes with the reduction of weight halfway through a set once muscle fatigue sets in. 
5.     Forced reps
Forced reps occur after momentary muscular failure. An assistant provides just enough help to get the weight trainer past the sticking point of the exercise and allow further repetitions to be completed. Weight trainers often do this when they are spotting their exercise partners.
6.     Cheat reps 
Cheating is a deliberate compromise of form to maximum reps. Cheating has the advantage that it can be done without a training partner, but compromises safety. A typical example of cheat reps occurs during biceps curls when, beginning with the load at the waist, the exerciser swings the barbell forward and up during the concentric phase utilizing momentum to assist his or her biceps muscles in moving the load to a shortened muscle position. 
Guidelines for beginner weightlifters
Full-body workouts are more efficient and ideal for beginners. ... The upside is that when you work out the same muscle groups by doing the same or similar exercises multiple times each week, you improve your overall body strength, rather than just in one area.
This means you hit all the major muscle groups in one workout, Both strength-training approaches can help you increase muscle mass, burn calories, and look more toned.
Weight training tips for beginners
Warm-up. ... 
Start with lighter weights. ... 
Gradually increase weight. ... 
Rest for at least 60 seconds in between sets. ... 
Limit your workout to no longer than 45 minutes. ... 
Gently stretch your muscles after your workout. ... 
Rest a day or two in between workouts.
The Most Popular 5 Day Splits - Focused on certain muscle group/s per session.
Day 1: Legs/Abs.
Day 2: Chest.
Day 3: Back/Abs*
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Shoulder/Abs*
Day 6: Arms.
Day 7: Rest
The Most Popular full body workout – working all the larger muscles first and smaller muscles last.
Warm up
Cool down stretch
In conclusion
I say that you should think of strength training as your long-term solution to weight loss instead of fearing that it will cause weight gain. Strength training offers many health benefits, including an increase in the number of calories burned. The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you burn every single day. So, strength training is the best way to gain muscle mass and lose body fat.
“Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, and building muscles costs a lot of energy. As you increase the amount of muscle you have, you will also increase your resting metabolic rate.” —American Council on Exercise.
 For more healthy tips, workouts please visit my Instagram page @lesfit101
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lesfit101 · 4 years
The definition of progression: Is the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.
We are all in a state of progression whether it’s in your fitness goals, career or relationships. at the end of the day the goal should always be the same and that is we are all moving toward a progressed state of mind, body and soul.
In order to measure our own progression that shows real and effective results we should first understand the process of getting there. Here are 5 stages I have identified in my own health and fitness experience.
While I am still progressing and will continue to do so for as long as I am willing to try. Through many failed attempts I have managed to see visible results by just understanding the following processes we go through to get there. 
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                                                         2018 vs 2020
Stage 1 - The “Merge” stage 
The first stage of progression is the initial stage of making the decision to try. Much like me writing this blog if we don’t try then we will never know what works.
It’s the stage where I decided to change and make the decision that I am finally going to go for gold and get the body I always wanted. Often in this stage, emotions drown out the rational part of the brain. It’s really a cocktail of hormones that trigger and maintain a state of obsession, such as dopamine and endorphins.
This "brain glow" I found can often lead us to become "addicted" to the idea that the perfect body is just a diet pill away or that if I skip a meal I will get there faster and reap the benefits.  However, what I think we need to be aware of at this stage of progression is really to focus on what we want to achieve long term instead of that quick fix.
I would say that at this stage it’s important to try make rational decisions i.e. eating whole foods at regular times, walking daily, just moving in general, but let’s be honest you won’t lose the weight as quickly doing this and instead what I would do is skip meals and spend hours killing myself at the gym to get that instant gratification.
For a while it felt as though I was gaining momentum which in turn brings us to stage two of the 5 stage process.
 Stage 2 - Doubt and denial 
In this stage we start to notice the differences between what we thought was easy i.e. taking a diet pill to lose weight/skipping meals and what it really takes to change the way we look at food or how much we exercise.
As our disappointment escalates when we don’t see instant results, so do our biological responses to stress and we then tend to “fall off the wagon”
I would say at this stage we need to learn how to deescalate the bad from the good and remember that power struggles are normal parts of the process they are not a sign that you have failed. Just focus on moving every day and eating as clean as you can. 🥦
The truth is that health and fitness are a process that we learn over time and only with consistency and progression in the right direction can you see real results. Which we will get to later…
 Stage 3 - Disillusionment 
The third stage of progression is the Disillusionment stage. This is where one may feel like it’s the end of the road. You not losing weight even though you worked out 3 times this week and ate healthy MOST of the time it’s as though all the effort you have put in up to this point has been for nothing and you will feel the power struggles have started to really show.
The key here is consistency and by consistency I don't mean working out twice a day and eating broccoli for breakfast lunch and super what I mean is that if you missed one or two days at the gym workout on the 3rd day or if you had a bad day of eating sugary processed foods make sure that the next meal is filled with whole foods.
JUST start over. Stop pushing problems under the rug and avoiding issues. Realize that the goals you set for yourself are real and achievable and yes it will be time consuming and repetitive but pushing them under the rug just leaves a lumpy carpet for someone to trip over.
 Stage 4 - The Decision
The fourth stage of progression is called "the decision" because you're at a breaking point. YOU, yes you have tried every diet there is and still not really seeing the results you were promised or you see the results and then you back to where you started even though you followed the latest 12 week meal plan.
You know you're here when you begin to seriously contemplate quitting and just throwing in the towel. Blaming your genetics or that you have some underlying cause that is preventing you from achieving your fitness goals we have all been there its completely natural to feel this way.
In this stage, we must decide—whether that's to keep at it or quit and do nothing despite how miserable we are.
 Stage 5 - Acceptance 
When we get to this “Final” stage we are at the healthiest stage and it’s the most rewarding. It's the stage where we experience self-discovery and acceptance of imperfections. Recognizing there is no such thing as “perfect”
There is hard work still involved, but the difference is that you know how to listen to your body and lean into what works and what doesn’t. It’s the stage where you realize that you are perfectly, imperfect 😊 and that your body is the greatest tool you will ever have. At this stage try to stay focused on the result no matter how many times you fall off the wagon get back and keep trying eventually you will find your medium.
In conclusion the stages of progression are cyclical and always linear. Even those who reach their final stage of success will eventually find themselves looping back to the start, but we must always find a way to keep progressing.
For more health tips and workout videos follow my page @lesfit101​.
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