lesmisveteran · 4 days
10 Traits that lead to Success
1. Independence
2. Self-confidence
3. Persistence
4. Creative thinking
5. Being thick skinned
6. Knowing who you are and what you want from life
7. Setting clear goals – and going after them
8. Being focused
9. Optimism
10. Passion and enthusiasm.
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lesmisveteran · 24 days
The Problem with Over-Thinking
1. It increases your anxiety, worry, and dread.
2. It makes you feel confused, so it’s really hard to think.
3. It can blind you to ‘the obvious’, and what is best for you.
4. It can keep you feeling stuck so you wait too long to act.
5. It can interfere with hearing what your heart says you should do.
6. Thus, it can limit your success as you’re afraid to take that step.
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lesmisveteran · 24 days
Help for when You’re Feeling Broken
1. Share your story with someone who cares as often it helps to put the sadness into words.
2. Try to detach and unplug for a while.
3. Respect your need for space, and a period of low stress.
4. Allow yourself to feel all the negative feelings.
5. Take care of your body and your physical needs.
6. Treat yourself with kindness.
7. Invest in good self care.
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lesmisveteran · 25 days
7 Daily Reminders
1. My self worth does not depend on what others think and say about me.
2. My self worth does not depend on how I look or what I weigh.
3. My self worth does not depend on my marks or performance.
4. My self worth does not depend on my number of followers.
5. I am enough just as I am.
6. I can succeed despite a bad day.
7. I am beautiful and valuable – and will treat myself with kindness and respect.
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lesmisveteran · 26 days
How to Deal with Failure in Life
Remind yourself that:
1. This is not the end. You are going to survive. There’s no point in pretending that life is always great. Sometimes we trip and fall, or we make terrible mistakes. Allow yourself to heal, then get up and start again. Take one or two small steps, and know you’re going to survive!
2. Everybody makes mistakes along the way. You’re only a failure if you give up and don’t try. Accept that you are human, and then move on with your life.
3. Positive thinking leads to positive results. If you think you can succeed then there’s a good chance that you will. The mind is very powerful; we create what we believe.
4. Success is closer than you think when you are down. Mistakes can be our teachers; they don’t mean that all is lost. You’re likely one step closer to getting what you want.
5. You are not your mistakes. Don’t fall into the trap of defining who you are by different things you’ve done – or by your failures and mistakes.
6. There are very few mistakes which are truly devastating. Mistakes are merely setbacks. You can always start again.
7. A failure is sometimes a blessing in disguise. Not getting what you want can sometimes be a stroke of luck. It makes you reconsider, and try some different things. And these can often lead to better opportunities.
8. You have the power to determine your own happiness. – You can hold onto the heartaches and the failures of the past – or choose to let them go and fix your eyes on what’s ahead. It’s up to you to choose what will become your destiny.
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lesmisveteran · 27 days
How to Build Emotional Resilience
1. Talk to someone: Sharing how we feel helps to reduce the inner tension (but make sure it is someone who cares about your feelings).
2. Work on improving your self-esteem: Self-esteem is the way you see and feel about yourself … and there are lots of lots of things that undermine our self esteem. For example, experiencing a break up, putting on unwanted weight, doing badly on a test or being excluded by our friends. It’s important that we keep on working on our self-esteem by treating ourselves well and noticing when we succeed (instead of noticing the negatives).
3. Manage your stress levels: If we’re always feelings stressed then it’s hard to cope with life. We tend to over react and have a negative mind set This drains us of our energy and saps our will to fight. So take a look at your lifestyle and see what you can drop. You may be doing too much, and don’t have time to relax.
4. Make the time and effort to enjoy yourself: Doing things that we enjoy helps to improve the way we feel. So build in little things like having coffee with a friend.
5. Choose a healthy life style: Pay attention to your diet and how much you exercise. Try to limit alcohol, and don’t deprive yourself of sleep.
6. Develop good relationships: Do your friends make you happy? Do you enjoy their company? Are they kind of people who care about your heart? Do they treat you with respect and help to boost your self-esteem? If not, then maybe it is time to look for other friends.
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lesmisveteran · 28 days
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Latina lady with tattoos. I used to draw and paint before I became ill. Now I dabble with ai but alas I know it is just the computer doing the work.
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lesmisveteran · 1 month
7 Tips for Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy
1. Remind yourself that you are not who other people think or say you are.
2. Remind yourself that everybody makes mistakes at times, has areas of weakness, and things they want to change.
3. Remind yourself of ways in which you’ve grown and changed with time. You’re not who you once were - so celebrate how far you’ve come.
4. Also, the ending isn’t written and the future isn’t fixed. You’re free to change your image, and an old identity.
5. Identify the lies you have believed about yourself – and work on changing them so they’re more accurate and true. Also, don’t reinforce those lies by acting like you think they’re true.
6. Remember that your feelings are not the same as facts. Don’t live based on your feelings … as that will keep you trapped.
7. Hang out with those who see, and who appreciate, your worth. And take their words to heart, and let them help to build you up.
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lesmisveteran · 1 month
How to Stay on Top of Life when you Feel Depressed
1. Acknowledge how you feel, and accept that this is going to be a more challenging day.
2. Commit to doing the absolute essentials but don’t push yourself to do everything.
3. Prioritize what’s important. For example, if you have a report that has to be submitted, then decide to work on that. However, if it is something that can wait, set it aside for now.
4. Work through your to-do list in small chunks of time – making sure you get plenty of breaks.
5. Tell someone who will understand. We need to get support when we’re feeling low.
6. Be wise in your use of social media. It may be good to deactivate a few accounts for now, or to switch off your phone to protect yourself from images and comments that leave you feeling worse.
7. Make sure you leave the house and get a change of scenery.
8. Deliberately invest in some form of self-care, and remember that tomorrow is another day.
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lesmisveteran · 1 month
Do you Want to Enjoy your Life?
1. Don’t keep doing things you hate.
2. Choose to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
3. Watch what you say; don’t put yourself or others down.
4. Take care of and love your body.
5. Don’t compare yourself with others. Notice where you have grown and changed.
6. Stop trying to change others. Keep the focus on yourself.
7. Laugh a lot. Enjoy yourself. Don’t take life too seriously.
8. Accept compliments, and value everything you are.
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
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Jean Valjean from Les Miserables
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
How to Stay on Top of Life when you Feel Depressed
1. Acknowledge how you feel, and accept that this is going to be a more challenging day.
2. Commit to doing the absolute essentials but don’t push yourself to do everything.
3. Prioritize what’s important. For example, if you have a report that has to be submitted, then decide to work on that. However, if it is something that can wait, set it aside for now.
4. Work through your to-do list in small chunks of time – making sure you get plenty of breaks.
5. Tell someone who will understand. We need to get support when we’re feeling low.
6. Be wise in your use of social media. It may be good to deactivate your facebook account, or to switch off your phone to protect yourself from images and comments that leaves you feeling worse.
7. Make sure you leave the house and get a change of scenery.
8. Deliberately invest in some form of self-care - but make sure it is something that you know will help your mood. And remember that tomorrow is another day.
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
10 Things that can Wreck your Life
1. Not living in the moment. Always wishing you were somewhere else, doing something different with other people.
2. Blaming your problems on your past. Although the past affects us, it need not define us. We can choose, decide and act – and take control of our lives. Don’t let the heartache from the past define who you become.
3. Running away from problems. It’s crazy just to bury your head in the sand and act like things are fine when you’re dealing with a mess. Face reality, take action, and work to turn life round.
4. Being ungrateful. Being thankful sets you free in your heart and mind. It inspires all that’s good - and, also, oils relationships. But an ungrateful person will wear others down. It destroys your spirit, so you feel sad and depressed.
5. Being angry and bitter. Refusing to forgive, and bearing grudges against others, will slowly poison your life and your personality. It’s much better to release them and to focus, instead, on living a happy and fulfilling life.
6. Letting your expectations rule your life. Life rarely goes smoothly and according to plan – and people disappoint us and let us down. Accepting this is normal takes some tension out of life.
7. Disrespecting yourself and others. Every single person deserves respect, and every single person is fighting their own battle. So focus on being kind, understanding and forgiving.
8. Neglecting important relationship. A relationship that’s built on unconditional love – where a person accepts us for who and what we are
– is truly a gift and is worth fighting for. Don’t take it for granted
– recognise that it’s a gift.
9. Loving people who are bad for us. Not every person will build into your life. Be aware of those who who’ll use you, or who want to bring you down, or who want to hurt you, or destroy your confidence.
10. Never taking risks. If you always play it safe, you’ll find you end up going nowhere. You must be ready to take risks - or you will miss so much in life.
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
Habits of Highly Effective People
1. Cut out everything that’s unimportant and only focus on what matters in your life.
2. Make sure you include frequent breaks in your schedule as we’re more productive when we work in shorter blocks.
3. Get rid of all distractions when you sit down to work.
4. No matter what you do, it’s essential that you seek to keep on developing your creativity. When we feel inspired, working doesn’t take much effort as we’re in the flow and feeling good about ourselves.
5. Work somewhere quiet where you won’t be discovered as interruptions can disturb and break your concentration.
6. Try to make the most of those pockets of time that are often wasted when we’re hanging around.
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
How to go after your dreams
1. Try to get in touch with your dreams. What do you fantasize about doing with your life? What kind of future makes you feel alive, and makes you feel excited, inspired and energized?
2. Read blogs, books or stories about other people who are following their heart, or are living out your dream. Try and glean some insights, and some good ideas from them.
3. Talk to people who will stand behind you, and encourage you to hang in, persevere and push ahead.
4. Identify the different things that matter to you – and which may interfere with you desire to keep on going. For example, the opinions of others, fear of ridicule or failure, a need to make to money and be financially secure. Do these matter more, and will they stop you from achieving, especially when obstacles are strewn along your way?
5. Begin to take some steps, and make some changes in your life. While you’re just thinking and dreaming, your life will stay the same. You need to plan and take some action to change reality.
6. Believe in yourself – and keep on reaching for your dreams. What’s worthwhile will take effort, and commitment, on your part.
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
Cognitive Distortions that Add to Anxiety, Worry, and Stress
1. All-or-nothing thinking: Looking at things in black-or-white categories, with no middle ground (“If I fall short of perfection, I’m a total failure.”)
2. Overgeneralization: Generalizing from a single negative experience, expecting it to hold true forever (“I didn’t get hired for the job. I’ll never get any job.”)
3. The mental filter: Focusing on the negatives while filtering out all the positives. Noticing the one thing that went wrong, rather than all the things that went right.
4. Diminishing the positive: Coming up with reasons why positive events don’t count (“I did well on the presentation, but that was just dumb luck.”)
5. Jumping to conclusions: Making negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like a mind reader (“I can tell she secretly hates me.”) or a fortune teller (“I just know something terrible is going to happen.”)
6. Catastrophizing: Expecting the worst-case scenario to happen (“The pilot said we’re in for some turbulence. The plane’s going to crash!”)
7. Emotional reasoning: Believing that the way you feel reflects reality (“I feel frightened right now. That must mean I’m in real physical danger.”)
8. ‘Shoulds’ and ‘should-nots’: Holding yourself to a strict list of what you should and shouldn’t do and beating yourself up if you break any of the rule
9. Labeling: Labeling yourself based on mistakes and perceived shortcomings (“I’m a failure; an idiot; a loser.”)
10. Personalization: Assuming responsibility for things that are outside your control (“It’s my fault my son got in an accident. I should have warned him to drive carefully in the rain.”)
Source: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/anxiety_self_help.htm
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lesmisveteran · 2 months
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