lessonsinchastity · 3 years
Cuff his hands behind his back. Hang a vibrator from the ceiling by a piece of string that you have the other end of. (So you can pull it up and down as you like. Tell him ‘we’re going to play a game - it’s like pin the tail on the donkey!’ And laugh! ‘The difference is this donkey doesn’t stand still!’ Make sure he sees you have the crop close at hand. Optionally blind fold him and switch the vibrator on. Tell him ‘I’m going to spank you if you don’t cum quickly enough. Every time I get board I will spank you. For my entertainment I will throw two dice and spank you twice that number of times. I may let you choose which implement I spank you with, or roll a dice, or I’ll just choose. If you take too long overall, I simply won’t let you cum. You’ll know this because I will put the bike lock on you, put the key in the safe, and only tell you the combination when you are on your way home. (Find a place you can hook your end of the string so it’s hanging at any height you choose when you need both hands)
You can play this game anytime, but if it’s earlier, don’t let him cum. Just tease him for a while then move on to something else. Alternatively tease him with it as part of freeing him from his cage after a long incarceration! (Still don’t necessarily let him cum!)
This might work better without the blindfold, at least some of the time. If he can see the target, you may be able to tease him more effectively. You might be able to get him to stand on tip-toes or kneel / lie on the ground - and make him switch between the two. What a tease! Lol.
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
Handcuff his hands behind his back before you unlock his cage at the end of a long session. Don’t be surprised if he’s small and limp - After all he’s been confined in a tiny space for a long time! Poke fun at him. Tease him.
The idea is he’s allowed to cum but because he can’t use his hands, he’ll have to rub against anything he can find in a vain effort to finish up! Here are some possible endings, depending on how good he’s been while caged.
1. If he’s been pretty lazy - Tell him he’s free to cum if he can, but the cuffs stay ON until he has! Let him rub himself against anything except you or anything soft like cushions or the bed. Use the crop on him now and then to keep him trying to cum. Lol.
2. If he’s been pretty good - With the crop in one hand and the vibrator in the other, chase and lure him round the room. Do deals with him, like I’ll give you 10 seconds of buzz for 10 lashes. Make it up as you go along but keep switching between pain and pleasure.
3. If he’s been very good, you might lie down next to him on the bed - with his hands still cuffed behind his back. Tell him he can try to cum BUT if he does, he’ll have to clean up any mess he makes on you with his tongue before you will undo the cuffs. If you think he’s really earned it, get a vibrator out and pleasure *yourself* while he tries to cum - but don’t let him share your vibrations!
💦 🧽
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
If you have to leave him on his own to finish off the jobs you’ve given him while he’s caged, play a little game.
Instead of taking the cage off when you leave, put the key in a ‘Key Safe’ for which you have the combination, but he doesn’t. Leave him the locked safe with the key in it when you leave. He won’t be able to get the key out until you tell him the combination!
Tell him you’ll send him the combination when he sends you photos to prove he’s done the jobs you have set him.
You can have some *more* fun too. For example give him the wrong combination and then tell him ‘that’s definitely it, it should work’. 🤣
Alternately, when you do give him the combination, just give him some of the digits but not all of them. Lol.
Or make him work for each digit. Or tell him what some of the digits are but not their order. Then tell him that’s it. He’ll have to try all the remaining combinations!!!! Imagine his frustration. Lol.
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
The obedience collar (shock collar) is the most effective way to get him to do absolutely anything that you want, immediately!
Best put on him when he's tied down to the bed, hands and feet tied to the posts.
To switch ON: Hold the red dot on the collar next to the red dot on the remote. Hold them together until the small red light goes out. When the collar is successfully switched ON, the light flashes every 5 seconds.
Put it right around his balls and manhood. Do the buckle up as tight as it will go. Use the second to last or last buckle hole. Put a small padlock through next hole in the belt so he can't take it off.
Remember to turn the dial fully anticlockwise before the first shock. This is because its effectiveness varies each time it is put on. Press 'Cont' and see if he reacts. ('Cont' is for continuous, meaning the shock lasts as long as you hold the button down.) Turn the dial one click at a time clockwise, testing his reaction each time the power goes up. Stop when you feel his begging is sufficient. Probably between level 5 and 7.
That's it! He's now entirely at your mercy. Lol. Totally helpless.
There is a big red button on the side of the remote that makes the collar vibrate. You can press this just before each shock to warn him it's coming. After a while you may not need the shock. Just the buzz will scare him on its own - with just an occasional reminder of why hemust do exactly what you say!
(Unfortunately you can't use the collar when he is in chastity - it's either or! The collar will be the MOST effective way to get him to do ANYTHING, IMMEDIATELY, with maximum effort! Even horrible jobs he is avoiding. Lol.)
He likes this because he has ABSOLUTELY no choice but to do exactly as you say. He won't be thinking 'shall I do this', he will be thinking 'how do I do this' no matter what it is. You could test this by telling him to run down to the sea in his pants (or less). Give him a bottle and tell him to fill it with sea water!!! Lol. 🤣
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
1. *Lure* him on to the bed.
2. Playfully tie his hands to the bed over his head.
3. Teasingly undo his belt and pull his trousers off his legs. He's probably expecting you to start working on *him* for his fun. He's very wrong! Avoid touching *him* except the lightest of touches to tease him.
4. Slowly remove his trunks.
5. Once they're off and you have them in your hand, produce a cycle 'D' lock and laugh at his predicament. Proceed to thread every pair of trousers and trunks that he posses on the 'D' lock in front of him. Lol. He should need looking worried by now! 😄
6. Lock it. 'Snap!'
7. Tease him with the key, then hide it.
8. Explain to him, he will be walking home with nothing on his bottom half... unless he does *exactly* what you want for the rest of the day.
10. For example, first hand him the chastity cage and tell him to put it on.... if he ever wants to wear his trousers again! Lol.
11. Once the cage is on, tell him you *might* consider releasing *him* if he makes you cum once, but twice would win a guarantee. Tell him he has 3 hours. ( Or however long you fancy.)
12. Lie him down on his back. Tell him he can start with his tongue. Tell him you want his maximum effort and undivided attention otherwise he's walking down the beach naked. Lower yourself on to his tongue. Make sure he does a VERY good job.
(You can either let him decide how he tries to get you there, or you can continue to tell him what *you want* and when. Make it clear to him if *you want* him to decide or if *you want* to instruct him for the rest of the time.)
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
Once a month make him do as many bicep curls as he can in front of you. (You dedice how many clothes he gets to wear.)
When he's done, set him a target number of reps for next month. Explain to him that he'll be punished for every rep he falls short. (Say 10 of the nasty crop for each missed rep. He must NOT look forward to this punishment. It should be a *corrective* punishment. The more he fears it, the more often it won’t be necessary at all.)
If you like, video him and get him to tell the camera what weight he's lifting and what his target is before he starts. Ask him to address you as 'Miss' on camera! This will make a nice visual record of his improvement over time.
After a few months, if he achieves 12 reps of a weight, tell him to get a larger dumbbell, weight of your choosing (eg. 10, 12, 15, 18 kg etc.). Set a reduced rep starting-target for next month.
After 6 months you might look forward to watching him!
(Why would he like this? - He wants to be in better shape but struggles to maintain the self discipline needed. You are providing it for him, and at the same time demonstrating your passive power over him. Every time he picks up the dumbbells he thinks about you and it boosts his testosterone. This helps him train. This time his fun is not about the anticipation of a playful spanking, but the genuine desire to avoid a longer disciplining at your hand. When he misses his target, never never *let him off*, and always make it a proper deterrent.)
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
For best results, always cage him for as long as possible. Make him put it on as soon as you arrive. That way you can immediately put him to work doing the jobs he's been putting off. It also leaves him wondering whether you are or are not in the mood for fun later, or if he will be working all day.
If he ever refuses to put the cage on when you tell him to, you can have some fun with a scary but plausible threat. Something that is really bad or embarrassing for him, but also plausible enough that you *would* do it. More importantly, he *believes* you would.
The following is an example that would definitely work. (As always, dialogue is used to convey the role. It's not intended to be a verbatim script.)
Get the shock collar out and put it where he can see it. Tell him, “You see this? - The next time I’ve got you tied up, I *PROMISE* I will lock it round your balls and turn the level to SIX. Yes, SIX! I’ll then step outside where I can't hear you, close the door and press the button 10 times. I PROMISE YOU !”
(There are sixteen levels, so SIX really isn't that bad - but easily enough to scare him!)
Then say, "ALTERNATIVELY, you can do EXACTLY as I say RIGHT now. It's your choice. I don't mind - but you should know I NEVER break my promises and I never forget. Which is it to be?"
It's EXTREMELY unlikely he will refuse after being told that. 🤣
…and it saves you having to catch him!
For this to be a plausible threat, you need to be proficient in its use. See 'Hint: The Obedience Collar' post.
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
1. Bike lock on.
2. Instruct him to the effect: 'In the bathroom now, and put this on. I want you to leave the key in. I'll be the one who removes it.'
3. He returns.
4. Cuff his hands in front of him.
5. Remove the key.
6. Lock the key in the key safe. (If available)
7. Bend him over the kitchen work top.
8. Pull his trousers down to just below his bum.
9. Tie a strap from the cuffs to the hook in the work top.
10. Lock is feet apart.
11. Explain that he needs to learn what it feels receive a spanking. Ask him if he wants a safeword, then tell him 'unlucky'. Lol. 🤣
12. Spank him as hard or soft as you like with lots of different toys, and your hand, if you like. Pull is pants down at some point. If he pleads with you to stop, saying 'please Miss that hurts!' Remember, NO ONE ever died of a spanking!!! …and you can tell him that too. Lol. Do give him breaks - when you swap toys perhaps. You could make him choose the next toy each time. Make him count etc.
13. When he's clearly learned his lesson, and his bum is looking ‘warm’ (!) you can move on....
14. Instruct him to the effect of. 'I’m going to untie you now but you won't move until I say. I'm going to get comfy on the sofa, then, as a REWARD for taking your punishment, you will crawl over to me and pleasure me with your tongue. You’re a very lucky boy to be getting this reward. What do you say???? You see this crop? I will use it on you if you slack off or don't keep me totally pleasured for as long as *I* want. Understand?'
15. When you've had lots of pleasure from his tongue, tell him what you want him to do next. Whatever you like. You could tell him to make you cum and he's allowed to use Black Betty. Add The Twins later or whatever you like. Remind him you won't even *consider* unlocking him until you have. Though you almost certainly won't even then! - Not after only making you cum ONCE!! Lol.
16. In all cases, make him do jobs and chores around the house - diy, cook lunch, washup, clean the toilet, sweep up. etc. Might as well show him who’s boss.
17. You can certainly get a nice shoulder rub out of him - tell him you’ll be grading his performance, and how it will affect how soon he gets unlocked, or not as the case maybe. Lol.
In fact, you can have anything you want!
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lessonsinchastity · 3 years
Chastity - Worth a try!
Male chastity
If Your husband/boyfriend has asked You lock him in chastity, You may think he is asking you to do some sexually perverted, kinky, thing that You don’t understand and don’t want to understand because it is sick and perverted. The fact is, he is not sick and perverted, he just wants to have fun, sexually. There was a time in Your marriage when sex was fun and exciting for You, too. Wasn’t there? He just wants to get that back again. He is not asking You to do anything that is difficult, or perverted. He is asking You to play a game with him. A sexual game in which You control when and how he has sex. That’s all. So give it a chance. You may be surprised at how much fun You, Yourself, can have. Chastity is an amazing fetish. Most people think it’s some kind of punishment or chore, but it isn’t. The feelings you receive from abstaining from orgasm are just sublime. Guys feel aroused right up until the point where they orgasm, then everything is reset to zero after orgasm they’re no longer turned on and in order to become even remotely aroused they have to wait again for the feelings to kick in. Well, what if they didn’t orgasm. What if they didn’t masturbate every evening? What if they abstained from orgasms altogether? Would the feelings of arousal increase and increase? Yes. Yes they would. Which is why chastity is an immensely popular fetish. Chastity Popularity
It is such an intimate act to show trust in his partner for a man to hand over the key to his “crown jewels“ and to allow him to be locked up, to await “HER” pleasure. It is quite surprising that so many people have dabbled with the man wearing a chastity device, and they are the second most often bought sex toys after vibrators.
Chastity and Masturbation
All men, given the ability, masturbate and way more often than most women think they do. This is something that is difficult for him to control and even more difficult to part with. Young men have an abundance of testosterone so masturbation doesn’t seem to interfere with their pursuit of young women. However, as men grow older masturbating usually translates into the husband ignoring his wife for at least a couple days. Chastity puts a stop to the masturbation and works in many ways; it changes his mood, demeanor and libido. Most importantly it changes his desire to please you. It is not the goal for him to do the cooking or the cleaning or the laundry but you will find that it will happen, not routinely but it will happen because as he continues to build up his sexual energy that he no longer has the ability to release as he pleases he will divert that energy towards pleasing you. Your being the source of his sexual pleasure will change his feelings, he will adore you, love you in a way that you desire and he will be eager to please you because you are, as I said, the source of his release. He will find, over time, he is happier and that will be because you’re happier. He will love the emotional boost the two of you share.
This isn’t as Kinky as it Sounds!
If your sex life to date has been restricted to intercourse and perhaps mutual masturbation, chastity play can sound like something pretty weird. It isn’t. Nothing has to change about how you make love; what changes is when. The partner who wears the chastity belt has given the partner who has the “key” the ability to decide when sex can take place. Since most chastity devices effectively prevent masturbation, it means one partner gives the other control of all orgasms. This can be a great deal of fun for both people. Chastity play allows you to take sex out of the bedroom in a subtle way that only the two of you will know. For example, if a woman has her male partner locked up, they can agree on “rules” he should follow. If he forgets or breaks the rules, she can smile and hold some fingers up and he will know he stays locked up that many more days until he can get release. If you don’t think this is incredibly hot to both partners, just try it! You won’t believe how exciting a relationship can become overnight. Take a few minutes and use your imagination. Fun, huh?
Chastity Devices
Chastity devices have been used throughout the ages in order to prevent sexual intercourse. Classically, chastity has been forced upon someone using a belt type mechanic, but in recent times, more concealable and localized devices are able to be used in order to prevent the ability to touch and interact with sexual organs. In addition to the modern interpretation of how to perform chastity, a sexual fetish has developed. Individuals now enjoy the prospect of being locked up and unable to perform sexual activities unless the other person who’s chastised them allows it.
Chastity and Confinement for Men
Chastity for men is the most common form, with blocks of specially formed plastic being placed around the penis with a small lock attached for keeping it closed. Some male chastity devices make it impossible or highly painful to experience an erection, aiding the experience of being denied sexual pleasure. One major element of chastity is the understanding that eventually, the device will be removed. The sexual fetish is undesirable if the wearer believes that they will never be allowed to experience an orgasm again. As expected, chastity is an exchange of a power dynamic, with one person assuming the role of being in charge and the other being submissive and completely subject to the will of the other person.
Couple Chastity
There is no doubt about it, chastity play results in superior sexual satisfaction! Trying to earn a release, the wearer will be much more attentive to his partner’s needs. Without being distracted by his own selfish wants, his sole focus is pleasuring his Keyholder. He will demonstrate his ability and affection to his partner, going above and beyond in the hope of an ultimate ‘release’.. Remember; the couple that plays together stays together!
Primary Benefits of Enforced Male Chastity
1. It prevents him from masturbating. Male masturbation is a filthy habit. It’s addictive, selfish, and disrespectful to women. Chronic masturbation has the effect of substantially diminishing a man’s natural sexual desire for his wife of girlfriend. It unfortunately teaches him that his orgasm is primary, and hers is secondary. 2. Because he can’t even get an erection without her permission, it instantly changes the dynamics of the relationship. 3. It keeps his sexual focus and energy on his wife or girlfriend. 4. It will substantially increase his desire to orally service his wife or girlfriend. 5. It serves as a constant reminder to him of her authority. 6. Because it makes his orgasms entirely dependent on her generosity, it positively incentives him to honor her, respect her, and motivates him to please. 7. It gives him the time and opportunity to substantially improve and perfect his oral skills. 8. It reinforces the idea that pussy is a precious gift that must be earned, and is to be savored and appreciated on those rare occasions when he does get it. 9. It teaches him that sexual activity with his wife or girlfriend doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with his penis. 10. It deepens his submission to her, and will cause him to worship the ground she walks on. 11. It will significantly improve his attitude, and make him more generous, caring, kind, respectful, and loving. It will help soften the sharper edges of his me-first masculinity. It will make him more of a listener than a talker. 12. If his orgasms are consistently controlled and severely restricted, he will eventually get to the point where he will do just about anything to cum. You’ll be amazed by what he’ll do for you.
Chastity -  Power to the Woman This voluntary act in which the man shows his trust and hands over the key to his most precious possessions to her who will then decide when he is to be released. This is an action which gives enormous power to the woman in a relationship, or the supervisor on our course and it is a gift from him to her. It is a sexual act which frees him from the ability to pleasure himself and frees him to learn how to please his partner and thus be allowed pleasure himself. It sounds from this description a strange and “kinky “activity, but surprisingly the approach has wide acceptance as a method to improve male performance and pleasure.
Chastity and BDSM
Chastity is a fantastic pawn in the BDSM game. It is a great tool for tease and denial, and can be implemented as an incredibly effective punishment/reward scheme. Dominants that have never fully engaged in chastity play, will have almost certainly at some point employed a ‘permission to cum?’ policy. So, what’s the difference? Well chastity play takes this concept one step further and gives the Key Holder full control over their slave’s orgasms. Many people who love to engage in BDSM have not yet discovered the joys of chastity
Locked in Chastity for BDSM Key Holder is a term used to describe the dominant woman in a male chastity agreement. Many couples are into BDSM and male chastity is one of the many methods that these women use to dominate their men. Some men are more turned on the more they are ordered around. The woman will tease the man while he has a male chastity device on and she is the only one who has the key to open it and award him with a release. Discuss it with your partner in detail and decide if you want your chastity to be long term or short term. Remember, he will do *anything* to get out! You just decide what you want him to do for You. Household chores, DIY, and Your sexual satisfaction. And it the job isn’t done well enough - he stays locked up - until it is!
Source: auntiesuz
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lessonsinchastity · 4 years
Put a Zapper on Him
Tie him down. Strap a remote controlled dog zapper around the back of his cock and balls. Do it up tight and use a small padlock to stop him taking it off when you untie him. But before you untie him, figure out the right level of shock. Start at 1, shock him and watch his reaction. Be careful he doesn’t pretend it hurts more than it really does to get you to stop too early. Keep increasing by one and testing his reaction. When you’re happy you’ve reached his *genuine* max, turn it down two clicks. That gives you scope to threaten to turn it up if he persistently missbehaves. 4 is usually the maximum you will reach, and 2 is fine while he’s doing as you ask promptly. Put the remote around your neck and make sure he can’t steal it from you before untiing him.
You can test it by telling him to go down on you, but every time he slacks, or fails to hit the spot, zap him. Keep him working much longer than he usually would - as long as YOU would want, not until he gets bored or tired.
If you want you can get into the habit of ‘warning’ him by pressing the buzz button on the remote before the ‘cont’ (shock) button. This makes the collar vibrate. If you do this every time before you shock him, he will become conditioned to respond to the buzz only. Then you can choose to shock him only if he doesn’t appear to be as eager to obey you after a buzz.)
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lessonsinchastity · 4 years
Catch Him.
Hide a short bike lock under the pillow. Tempt him into bed. Start to seduce him, then whip it out and snap it shut around his neck before he realises what’s happening.
“I have the key and it stays on until you put the cage on. No cage, no undoing, ever. It’s entirely up to you.”
“You’ve got 3mins. For every minute you are late before you get back here and present me with the locked cage, you get 10 lashes of the crop immediately afterwards. I can’t abide tardiness!’
“Are you still deciding? That’s your first minute gone already.”
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lessonsinchastity · 4 years
1. DO NOT let him cum. Except very occasionally, precisely so he knows what he is missing the rest of the time. Make sure he has absolutely NO INFLUENCE when. YOU control this part of his life completely. He will become very obedient in the vain hope you will allow him relief from his perpetually aroused state of mind. He will love you for it.
2. Pretend to be mean and cruel. It will turn him on like nothing else.
3. Pretend being mean and cruel really turns you on. The more convincing the better.
4. Seize the moment to get all the pleasure you can think of. He's YOUR slave. He's there to please you. It will drive him crazy for you.
5. Be a tease, be funny, be stern. Dress up. Tell him good things are going to happen to him, then change your mind, and take then away. Laugh when you do. He might not show it, but he’ll love the tease.
6. Make him feel *physically* vulnerable. Threaten his cock and balls when he can't defend them. Don’t be afraid to inflict a bit of pain on them.
7. Make him feel *mentally* vulnerable. Make him kneel. Make him naked. Give him a small towel to wear which *only just* ties round his hips. (He will worry about it falling down - especially if his hands are tied behind his back. Make him *feel* vulnerable
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