lest--karr-blog · 9 years
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The Vampire King- Lest Karr
Ok! After a busy week, finally finished Lest Karr fan art~ ( He looks-like a girl because of those damn braids)
Permission to download and re-post is granted but do not steal or own~
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
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◤— “Oh? Your still alive?” Lest stood up to make his way over to the disgruntled teen, “You’ve lost a lot of blood, livestock. I didn’t think you’d be this lively.” The vampire’s lips curled into a small smirk, revealing one of his pointed fangs. “My name? I’m not obligated to tell livestock that, but..since you survived the grunts feast, I’ll answer one question. Is that the one thing you want to know?”
@ lest–karr
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┓♥ ┗   He had awoken in a dark and strangely wet place. Ryuu decided it was a cave. He didn’t want to consider the possibility of this place being something like a sewer or possibly worse. There was a single light source hanging on a nearby wall, directly under which was an unfamiliar silhouette. Ryuu squinted at the figure and asked, “Who the fuck are you?”
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
◤— “For scraps? No, I’m here to clean up the mess you’ll undoubtedly make. You do have a running record of failing after all.” Lest walked past her confidently, his braided hair swaying slowly as he moved. “Children?”
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 “Have you forgotten who’s stronger here? How does it feel to merely be a child’s play thing? Does it bother you?” The vampire turned, his gaze slightly unamused as she mocked him. He was younger, but she was weaker. “We are both here. Want to fight? I haven’t broken a toy in a while, so would you care to play?”
“So. You’re here begging for scraps, in essence. By ‘take over’, you mean waiting to see what glories I’ll scrounge up, after I’ve triumphed?” This was truly trying her patience; the Progenitor was younger than her, two centuries separating them–and with his inestimable arrogance, he truly needed to learn his place. Whatever happened to respecting one’s elders? Perhaps she was being too abrasive, to blasé, but what could she say–her fellow noble brought out the best in her.
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“My dearest Lest, I believe you suit Europe more, what with their stagnancy, their complacency–surely this island holds no interest for you? Children should stay in their cradles, after all.”
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
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◤— “Oh? You seem grumpy today. Fail again? Rest assured, I’m only here to watch your progress. When, excuse me- if, you fail, I’ll be in close range to take over. It’s a win, win. Right?” Lest’s lips curled into a small smirk, his red hues focused on the weaker vampire before him. Sure he could always watch her fail from afar, but seeing the action up close would be far more entertaining.
lest–karr has entered the palace
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“I did ask for you to stop meddling, did I not? Rest assured, the human’s little resistance will be destroyed, posthaste.“ The formality she was affecting was sickening, but who knows what Bathory had told the Council, to warrant a visit?
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
Please reblog if you are an Owari no Seraph rp blog
OC/Multimuse too
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
The berserk seraph has appeared   
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◤— “Oh? Your the boy from the video..” Lest's lips curled into a small smile as he faced Yuichiro to examine him, “..Not much, but that’s to be expected from a human.”
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
The trashlord has entered the vampire’s lair
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◤— ❝There are hundreds of humans and vampires on this universe, and..your the one I receive? What do you want, mutt of Krul’s?” 
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
Mxstergenkai entered the vampire’s lair
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◤— ❝A human? How did you make it this far?” Lest’s lips curled upward into a small smirk, revealing one of his pointed fangs. “You have got to be one of the oldest human’s I’ve ever seen. Congrats on not dying,” he clapped slowly to show his impression. Human’s normally died young here, either by the disease or being their livestock. This one must be strong to make it this far..
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
starter call.
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[ Like this for a sentence starter! ]
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lest--karr-blog · 9 years
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