lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
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              she doesn’t   c a r e   to save another’s ass  ;  no  ,   it’s the end of the world  ,  only the strong will SURVIVE  .  but she respects a contract  ,  indeed  ,  wren was trained  ,  forced to adhere to an inkling of dignity  ,  back with her initiative .  she was bred not to breach an order  ,  to kill who must be killed  ,  stragglers along the way  ,  those who partner with the   o t h e r   side  .   humans weren’t the real enemy  ,  not now  ,  not anymore  .  but she would’ve been  JOBLESS  without them  ,   would be resourceless without them  n o w  ,  so she keeps at it  .  assassinating is what she does best  .  but that doesn’t mean to kill  e v e r y o n e  . 
              so the girl  ,  the one with the knife  ,  she was safe  ;  for now  .  killing a walker is no impressive feat  ,  well  .  maybe it would be  ,  for others  ?  but not for wren  .  she was a ghost of a girl  ,  already dead  ,  few things excited her and even less so impressed her  ;  after all  ,  how does one impress a woman who makes a living by stealing the lives of many  ?   answer  :   y o u    d o n ’ t  .   still  ,  she takes the liberty to put her gauntlet to use  ,  decapitating the second walker   looming in the distance  .  it’s done with such swiftness  ,  such deliberation  ,  she hesitates not as she strides right past it  ,  slices off its head   ,   and continues forward  .  on her lips now is a meagre semblance of a smile  ,  barely visible from where the hood of her cloak cascades shadows across her visage  ,  but still there if anyone were to pay close enough attention  ;  sometimes  ,  that alone was a test enough in itself  ,  a means to which wren may discern who is worthy to keep around  . 
                                                      ❝       you shouldn’t be out here  ,     ❞                   wren offers the stranger by way of introduction  .   ❝      it’s not safe  .                 there’s a horde coming  .  you’d best get to your camp  ,  wherever it may be  ,                 or at least   .  .  .   find somewhere to hide  .   unless you need help  .  .  .                 getting to safety  ?     ❞                                                           ((  she’s not at all good at saving people  ,                                                             only   r u i n i n g   them  ,  clearly  .  ))
there’s something to be said about creatures such as this: they don’t know FEAR. they don’t know what it’s like to feel the abnormal beating of a heart, a conscience that’s yelling at them to RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION and to feel their life’s thread nearing its end — sharp scissors as opposed to blunt, fragmented and decaying teeth. when apollo comes face to face with another walker, tears don’t flood her vision but instead they seem to SOFTEN even more. they had lives, did they not? apollo little, for some reason, feels NOSTALGIC for the dead corpses.
then she looks towards the end of the road and another stumbles in. apollo swears ( like any smart individual, she’s beginning to think that a surprise is waiting for her at the end of this path she’s walking down on ) and she starts scrambling for a knife. it isn’t the first time that she kills an infected — but she’s distracted by something, something HUMAN and thus, more dangerous. she attempts to follow the shuffling of feet and maybe, just maybe, she’s wrong about it. the body thumps as she lets it go, momentarily eyeing the droplets of blood on concrete. 
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.” { w re n }
   hurt meme.    /    @lethal-ity.
      whatever led to his knife injuring her doesn’t matter now. his first reaction had been to slam his hand onto her bicep and press. he’s taken a life before, most people have. last go around, it was to protect someone. it wasn’t in hasty defense of hearing someone step near him. he wasn’t as cautious then as he is now. then again, he also wasn’t covered in a layer of filth that made blood look fitting. purer times, he thinks.  w o r t h l e s s  times.
      no medical expertise, no sympathy. the only reason he’s tried to stop the bleeding at all is for himself; he’s not a monster, he won’t subject himself to acting like one. he’ll admit that she catches him off guard – demanding, seemingly more knowledgeable than him about the severity of something he has no reason to know about. she’s the type of woman his father would despise, the type he’d tell him to surpass or else cause disappointment to all who knew him. kohaku doesn’t understand her. he doesn’t try to. when she pries his hand away from her skin, he stares; the wound doesn’t matter anymore, if she insists her blood spilling is fine, then he won’t worry. the only thing he sees that needs fixing is her attitude.
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     it’s just like his father. there’s a beat more of him fixing her with a hard look then he’s tucking his knife back into it’s holster. he wipes his hand on his jeans in an attempt to clean it of blood, of the reminder that he bothered, and failed, to help at all.     ❝  i understand.  ❞     he finally speaks,  shoulders squared & eyes unwavering. confusion, however, is there in his tone, underlying the finality;  back home, it was a guessing game. if a woman was hurt, upset, anything, you would look for clues, not be told. he hadn’t realized how odd it was until the davis family told him. she’s … intolerable, ( not unfamiliar ), he makes sure to remind himself of that whenever he’s feeling lonely.
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
who would you want on your zombie asskicking team? pick five.
   ❝  Hmm, that’s a tough one, since I didn’t really trust any of you. Maybe Nate H since he’s a Marine and all but doesn’t seem much for the way of conversation. Jac, because I’ll need someone to stitch me up—trust me, there’s a reason why I stay in the booth. Anthony, even if the dude seems pretty sketchy and I definitely wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him, he’d kick some ass. Wren made a living out of kicking ass and seems slightly more trustworthy than Anthony, so I’d keep her around in case he starts to act up. And then Florence, not because she seems like she kicks ass or anything, just because she seems super… interesting and I gotta figure her out, it’s killing me.  ❞
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( @perscverance & @conflictinghands & @rencgacle & @lethal-ity & @piouswicker )
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“Well, crying isn’t gonna help. I already tried that.“ rhiannon
over HERE ,  babe !  i can’t wait to see this character development !
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
❛ ░ ﹠· 。✧ ┋ @skylcrks {{ xxx. }}
“Well, crying isn’t gonna help. I already tried that.”
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              ❝     then don’t cry  .  .  .     ❞    it seemed like common sense to the assassin  ,  who hadn’t shed a tear since she was nine years old  .  in fact  ,  there was a vivid recollection of the last time her body lost that ounce of control  ,  when the hellfire claimed the lives of all those in her apartment residence  ,  when her obsidian hues befell upon the sight of  d e a t h  ,  firsthand  ,  her parents’ deeds absolved in a pyre of greed  .
              the desistance of her emotions followed suit soon thereafter  ,  albeit it was clear to the rivera that rhiannon struggled consistently with even toughening herself in the most meagre of regards  ;  but offered services were just that  ,  and her code of honour guaranteed at least a semblance of promise with respect to self - defence and basic survival  ,  and so she continued to entertain the idea that the blonde would one day succeed in throwing a swift punch .
                             ❝      you have it in you  ,  rhiannon  ,  don’t give up now .      ❞
              the brief repositioning of her own stance was indication that she was once more on the defensive  ,  prepared to receive the attacks she’d demonstrated previously to the damsel  ,  and the accompanying nod of her head was gesture enough to hopefully provoke some sort of attempt on the other’s behalf . 
                             ❝       if a hook isn’t working  ,  try a jab .  look for an opening .  you’re smart  ,  attentive  ,  you  c a n  do this  ,  just have confidence in yourself .     ❞
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.” ohhhmahgad
my babygirl the love of my life right over HERE for you, darling
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
❛ ░ ﹠· 。✧ ┋ @conflictinghands​ {{ xxx. }}
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.” 
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              a chance encounter with some  ,  arguably  ,   q u e s t i o n a b l e   survivors  resulted with a graveyard of bones and a particularly gruesome gunshot wound   ,  spewing crimson from the orifice which claimed her upper thigh  ,  severe enough that the makeshift bandage of lacerated cloth wasn’t enough to substantiate the damage .  this meant that wren  ,  with an operative’s worth of pride and a lack of regard for anything medical  ,  was now forced to seek aid from  .  .  .    s o m e o n e  .
              albeit there were few she trusted  ,  even less so with her BODY  ,   but whispers of a prolific healer had wren rerouting herself to saddle ridge in search of the one they call jacqueline warner .
              now  ,  mind you  ,  she wasn’t  a fan of the camps by any means  ,  they reminded her of a pitiful excuse for unity  ,  with their crumbling infrastructures and half - hearted attempts at the division of assets  ,  but no one amidst the myriad rogues the rivera had encountered could assist her in the manner she was certain this woman could  ,  and so her arrival to the camp was one ordained with a bitter glare at the patrol guards  ,  dragged limb streaking into the soil as she traipsed on . 
                        ❝      witch doctor  ,     ❞   offers she in form of greeting  ,  seating herself in a nearby chair  ,  eclipsing her contorted face with the shadows of her cloak whilst she did  ,  a futile attempt to reduce the strain she’d been suffering for hours now .    ❝      it is only me  ;  my name is wren rivera  ,  and i am in need of medical assistance .     ❞   a beat .   ❝       p l e a s e  .     ❞
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“I’ve been watching you. You’re up to no good! And there’s no good in your future!” + Lawrence (shriiink)
right THIS way, cutie ! and i’m sorry about my little asshole in advance ! :)
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
❛ ░ ﹠· 。✧ ┋ @shriiink {{ xxx. }}
“I’ve been watching you. You’re up to no good! And there’s no good in your future!”
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                    ❝      you seem like a decent person  ,  lawrence  ,  so allow me to tell you a secret .    ❞
            through the shadows strewn by the hood of an obsidian cloak  ,  a fraction of the agent’s visage was made palpable  ;  in this way  ,  she was very much a ghost  ,  the product of death and darkness  ,  evasive  ,  capable of disappearing before the presence of another .  but that wasn’t her goal at the moment  ,  not as wren’s serpentine eyes befell the disposition of another  ,  nor still as she grazed a copper  -  plated tongue over sharpened fangs . indeed  ,  many have dubbed her a   m o n s t e r   ,   the calculations of this stranger would not  ,  by any means  ,  be a  FIRST  ,  but she appeased the notion regardless  ,  indulging in the other’s deluded fantasy that she could  ,  perhaps  ,  in some form or fashion  ,  manage to  H E A L  her .
                    ❝      I   c a n ’ t  be saved .  many have tried  ,  none have succeeded  ,   but that said   .  .  .     ❞ 
            a moment’s pause was experienced as she arches her body forward, sealing the distance between her and the  s h r i n k  .  
                    ❝     we all have our place in this world  ,  lawrence .  this is mine  ;  picking at psyches is yours .  over time  ,  we learn to like it .  over time  ,  it’s all we  b e c o m e .   you  ,  of all people  ,  should know better than to presume it’s a possibility to undo a lifetime’s worth of preparation ,  of the dedication towards a certain lifestyle . i would never ask you to abandon your path  ,  your identity  ,  though i suppose that’s the difference between you and me  ;  i accept people for who they are  ,  and do not expect them to  c h a n g e  .     ❞
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“What do I look like, a vampire or something?” ( idk tbh ?? )
i laughed so hard about this, honestly ??? come laugh with me too , right over HERE, petal ! 
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
❛ ░ ﹠· 。✧ ┋ @inviida {{ xxx. }}
“What do I look like, a vampire or something?”
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                    ❝      are you asking because you’re   o l d   or because you’re  p a l e  ?     ❞
            &&. there it was  ;  that dry  ,  crude sense of humour wren had inadvertently become notorious for  ,  and whilst she loathed the limelight or having attention of any sort drawn towards her  ,  she couldn’t refrain from the snarky comments  ,  the half-hearted quips  ,  the sort of prolific prose which managed to drive away nearly every human with an ounce of dignity .
she was  rude .  on purpose  ,  usually  ,  until it had become so innate it had ordained her speech subconsciously  ,  which the rivera loathed  ,  really  ,  for such that it was another aspect of herself  or  surroundings  of which she had no  C O N T R O L  .
                    ❝      so does that mean if I walk around with a necklace made of garlic  ,  you’ll be forced to stay away from me  ?  because  ,  fuck  ,  I’ve got to get me some garlic  ,  then .    ❞
            she was kidding  ,  mostly .  of the many people wren had met throughout the apocalypse thus far,  john had easily become one of the select few towards whom she could genuinely tolerate  ;  whose existence did nothing to negatively impact her own  ,  nor did he actively agitate her  ,  as most others did .  besides  ,  wren was fairly certain that  ,  at this point  ,  he could recognize her quips as a token of affection  ,  in that she meant little behind the words she uttered .  being a spy  ,  after all  ,  meant she was committed to a life of   l i e s   ,  especially about her own  ,  personal sentiments.
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“I’d like to make a dramatic exit that doesn’t involve a life-threatening explosion.” ( Huan ; ancrchist )
Right THIS way, lovebug ! Right over to Wren being an unintentional sugar momma ;)
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
❛ ░ ﹠· 。✧ ┋ @ancrchist {{ xxx. }}
“I’d like to make a dramatic exit that doesn’t involve a life-threatening explosion.”
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                   ❝     okay  ,  but consider  ;  a  NEAR  life - threatening explosion ?     ❞
           back with the agency  ,  Wren was thrown perhaps prematurely into an array of scenarios which required technical, electrical, mechanical expertise  ;  all of which she was lacking,  c l e a r l y .  a traditional assassin with a flare for the gothic  ,  the Rivera was more likely to wrestle a shark than she was to utilize her cellphone.  but forced was she to learn  ,  and learn quickly she did  ,  which left her with a wealth of knowledge at the expense of one  ,  unfortunate lab coordinator  ,  who died at the hands of her first attempt at a rather   . . .   f a u l t y   explosive .
           such would not be a mistake she made once again  ;  indeed  ,  agents were expected to construct with whatever milieu within a time constraint and under immense pressure .  it was not  ,  by any means  ,  her forte  ,  but she could manage on a whim  ,  should the situation call for it .
                   ❝      However  ,  maybe I should be focusing my resources on that  '  STRAIGHTENING IRON  ’ I promised you .    ❞    A pause, the ever-familiar  ,  dangerous gleam present in onyx hues.  ❝      You have to choose  ,  Huan  ,  which one you would   m o r e   prefer .      ❞
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.” ( scott!! hA )
Kyra my l o v e  !!  you can find it right over HERE ! i can’t WAIT
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lethal-ity-blog · 7 years
❛ ░ ﹠· 。✧ ┋ @hippclytus {{ xxx. }}
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.” 
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              Quite frankly  ,  a venture post-haste the slaying of an undead in search of something NOXIOUS with which she would coat her weapons had become almost ritualized to the assassin  ,  who’d grown acclimated to stealthily snaking through the shadows of dense forestation  ,  regardless of the creatures which may lurk within the depths of the darkness with her .   So it was within due time that Wren retrieved the delicate flora, maneuvering it effortlessly into a glass vial  ,  slipping it into the pocket of her signature, obsidian cloak  ,  and ventured off back to her camp .
                             The unexpected implications  ,  however  ,  stemmed from a familiar voice slicing through palettes of eclipsed chartreuse  ;  it was a moonless night  ,  and the faraway glow of dead stars did nothing to illuminate the unpaved labyrinth of weeds and vines alike  ;   and yet  ,  it was the intonation of none other than Scott King which indicated the presence of something    ---   u n d e s i r a b l e  .   And then she saw it ,  vaguely ,  a mere silhouette shifting in her periphery  ,  but it was enough that trained  ,  darkened hues could predict its next movement  ,  and with a swift gesture she’d managed to position herself directly behind the undead and terminate it with an expeditious slip of her gauntlet . 
              Only then did she emerge from the yawning cavern of darkness which engulfed them both ,  a whisper of a smile present along otherwise pursed lips as she acknowledged the male with a nod of her head .   ❝     I’ve been called a ghost many times  ,   ❞   was her attempt at formal greeting  ,  drumming her fingers on a nearby tree stump in time with her musings .   ❝     The monster of which you speak  ,  however  ,  is no longer a pressing concern . That said    ----     ❞   A pause  ,  calculated eyes focus on the male from underneath her hood .   ❝     With the amount of undead I’ve seen tonight  ,  I wouldn’t consider it intelligent to continue my journey to my destination . Do you mind if I wait here, with you, until daybreak ?     ❞
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