lethe-space · 5 months
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this really doesn't make any sense. but at the same time. when we found out that fiona created levi and thats why they share a voice. well. this was all i could think about. whoops.
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lethe-space · 1 year
Clytemnestra murdering Agamemnon but cell block tango is playing in the backround
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lethe-space · 1 year
spoilers for palisade 8
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lethe-space · 2 years
Snowball fight!
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lethe-space · 3 years
if i was a court jester i’d flirt with the king at any given opportunity. subtle at first but if he was interested and we’d share banter then i’d sit in his lap. then he would say i’m the funniest silliest little man alive and kiss me with tongue
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lethe-space · 3 years
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lethe-space · 3 years
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manifesting you a bipedal through rage
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lethe-space · 3 years
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MASTER TAROT SPREAD POST: Spirit Communication
Hello lovelies! I know that many of you have seen these going around for years. I wanted to revamp them and make them pretty, as well as bring in a few NEW ones. These all are for spirit communication and development with tarot skills. Each has a specific function for learning more with your workings with spirit, being, entities, creatures, and more!
Have fun and remember to take precautions for discernment, shielding, warding, and grounding!
Here’s a bonus for PAST LIFE COMPANIONS!
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lethe-space · 6 years
The Tenets of the Folkwitch
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The Tenets of the Folkwitch
We ride the night in dreams lucid and hallucinatory, bound to the landscape in which we work. We seek the beyond through a natural magic older than religion and the written word, as old as the forests and rivers, as old as the sky.
We learn from the bird as much as the book, from the wind and the hills as much as things written. We read in the clouds and the rain the spells that we need, finding our charms on the forest floor. We seek a relationship with the land on which we live and practice, a knowing that is both solitary and communal.
We make as much as we can of our own tools. We carve, cut, and sew, however crudely, our objects. We make with our hands the things that we need, and buy nothing that can be bartered, found, or stolen. We grow our own hex herbs, living with the plants we harvest for our work. We would never practice our craft with purchased goods. There is a sacredness in making and growing that is why the smith has magic as much as the midwife, why the gardener knows the way as well as the wizard.
We rely on the oral traditions of folk magic. On the whispered knowledge, spoken of with closed curtains, found only centuries later buried in hearth, concealed in attic or under doorstep. The knowledge of perennial superstition, of folktale and popular regional belief, distilled through time and necessity.
We know that there is a negative involved in financially gaining from the practice of the Craft. A diminishing of its sacredness that inhibits the purpose of our Craft. Those of us who continue on regardless of this negative ultimately suffer the consequences.
We realize that all living traditions and histories inform and influence one another, that concepts of purity and “true paths” are nonsense. Culture is an incongruous hybrid of ideas, no less the practice of natural magic. There is only the sound of the sky, the spirits of the earth, the old ways. There is no truth.
Our path is slow, it requires much listening and stillness, learning to see and to hear that which goes unnoticed by society. Only when seasons become like days, when cycles of the moon like hours, will the Veil become clear.
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lethe-space · 6 years
Juniper Love Charm
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“This is a charm that may attract new love when it is needed, or strengthen and guard it where it already exists. Thread together 49 Juniper Berries upon green string, being sure to make a knot between each one. To attract new love hang it at the door, to protect and strengthen existing love it should be hung upon the hearth, at the heart of the home.”
(Traditional Witchcraft - A Cornish Book Of Ways by Gemma Gary)
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lethe-space · 6 years
Dinner for the Dead Ritual
We are now in the dark time of the year. From Mabon to Yule, the nights grow longer, nature drifts toward sleep, and it is time for introspection. The veil thins, and it is easier to reach across to spirits and the souls of the dead. This is my favorite time of year, the closest I get to my true nature and to home, so I am going to provide instruction for A Dinner for the Dead, known also as a Dumb Supper. So named because it is conducted entirely in silence. With this ritual, you will be able to call forth departed loved ones and feel their presence, perhaps even hear them. Be advised, this is an intense experience and should not be undertaken lightly. Materials: A dinner Wand or athame One more chair than the number of living people participating Memento Mori, reminders of the dead.  Candles, lanterns, or other dim light. Step One: Preparation. Make sure you will be undisturbed for at least a couple of hours. Ideally, this ritual should be performed in a house which is empty of non-participants, or else that everyone else present is respectful, knows what you are doing, and has agreed to remain silent in another room for the duration of the dinner. At the very least, be certain any roommates or family won’t disturb the dinner. The effectiveness of the ritual depends upon silence. Set a table for the number of living people attending dinner, plus at least one additional place setting. This may be as simple or as fancy as you like. Any number of people may participate, or this ritual may be performed alone. At the additional place setting, which should (if you have a rectangular table) be at the head of the table, the seat of honor, place items which remind you of lost loved ones – at least one for each specific person you wish to honor. These may be photographs, belongings, gifts from the person in question, or just something which reminds you of them. Prepare a dinner. This should be the best that you can reasonably put together in terms of personal effort if not expense, but whatever you have available to you is sufficient. If possible prepare favorite foods of the deceased or foods which remind you of them. Foods traditionally associated with the dead are also appropriate. I usually make fried apples and include pomegranates, both fruits associated with the dead. Be sure to consider drinks. Wine or apple cider is traditional. So, in fact, is tequila or rum in some traditions. Pomegranate juice or apple juice is also a good (non-alcoholic) option. Optionally, you may wish to include music for part of the ritual, specifically songs which you associate strongly with specific loved ones. This year I intend to play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, which I first heard when my grandmother played it for me as a child.  The music should be soft enough to fade into the background.  Some may feel that music disrupts the mood, and the dumb supper has traditionally been held in total silence. Plate your food before moving on to the next step. Step Two: Casting Begin with cleansing yourself of negativity as much as you can. Then, cast a circle. I will not provide instruction here because there are many resources on the subject. How you do this is up to you. The intention is to secure the space so that only spirits of good intent may enter. It is best to “cast to the wall”, which is to say extend your circle casting to the edges of the room so that you may move freely in the space. It doesn’t matter that this will not actually be circular. Facing west, use the athame to trace the shape, and visualize the opening of a door in the west wall of the space. Invite well-intentioned spirits to enter through this door and join you for a meal in their honor. Specifically, name and invite anyone you wish to attend. If you wish, you may only invite specific people. I have a personal preference for open invitations. Optionally, you may also specifically invite the good-intentioned souls of the dead who have been forgotten and have no one else to remember them. This is an aspect which is very important to me personally as a servant of Hekate. If you have multiple participants, you may have each of them speak and invite specific people if they wish, or have one person do so for everyone. You may also wish to invite deities or protective spirits before you invite anyone else. I always ask Hekate to be in attendance. You should write your own evocation, but here is an example: I/we hereby pierce the veil and open the gates. I/we welcome good-intentioned spirits who wish to communicate to enter this space. I/we welcome all whom I/we have loved who have passed on to enter this space. I/we welcome [name of person] to enter this space. [repeat as needed] Join me/us for a dinner in your honor.  Join me/us in celebrating the thinning of the veil at this time when the living and the dead may come together. Step Three: The Dinner
From this point forward, remain as silent as possible. If anyone speaks, the energy is disrupted and the tenuous connection to the other side may be easily broken. You may begin playing music now if you wish.  Sit and begin your silent meal, contemplating the people who have passed on, and your memories of them. Eat slowly and take your time. Be open to feeling the presences around you and receptive to any messages you may receive. In most cases these will be feelings, sensations, or pure emotion. Articulate messages in the form of sudden thoughts and realizations do occur. One should not expect anything as extreme as audible voices. This is a very intense experience for most people. It is not uncommon for participants to experience the food that they eat as having little or no taste, as the spirits experience the food through us. After the meal, you may sit for as long as you wish before ending the ritual. Step Four: Closing Do Not Forget This Step! If for any reason your ritual is interrupted, you must come back and do this as soon as possible. If this is not done, the gate remains opened and there is a very real possibility of unpleasant consequences in terms of uninvited guests in your space. Bid those in attendance farewell and thank them for spending the evening with you. You may invite specific souls to come and go as they please if you wish. State firmly in whatever way you wish that the ritual is at an end and you are ready to return to your normal routine. With the athame, visualize and announce the closing of the door you opened. Finally, close the circle, and ground yourself. Again, you should write your own, but here is an example:
I/we offer thanks to all who have joined us in my/our feast. It is a joy to be in the presence of the other side But all things must end, and we must return fully to the realm of the living. Go in peace and love, farewell. The ritual is complete, and the gate is closed. Grounding is very important. Enjoy a glass of water, a bite of food which was not part of the ritual, and/or whatever visualization suits you in order to return to a mundane state of mind. Again, there are many other instructions for this, so I will let you do your own research. You may keep leftovers at your discretion, but it is mandatory that you dispose of the food from the place setting for the dead in a respectful and responsible manner. Tradition is usually to bury it, or else to leave it in some wild place for nature to reclaim. The food can also be fed to domestic pets but should not be given to other humans. I hope that this ritual serves you well.
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lethe-space · 6 years
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see you later… space phantom
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lethe-space · 6 years
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New sigil: “My job interview will go perfectly.”
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lethe-space · 6 years
Tala’s Financial Stability Spell
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Hello, lovely witches! I put together this spell two to three weeks ago and the results have been amazing for me, so I thought I would share it with you all. <3
What You’ll Need:
1 black candle
1 orange candle
1 green candle
1 white candle
Black pepper
Cinnamon sticks or powder
Bay leaves (to write your financial wishes on)
A money sigil
2 small pieces of paper
Cauldron or bowl to burn everything in
1.) Set up your candles and cauldron/bowl however you see fit, and light your candles. As your candles burn, take your two pieces of paper and write down good financial habits you wish to manifest into your life on one sheet, and bad financial habits you wish to expel from your life on the other sheet. Place the bad habit sheet under the black candle and the good habit sheet under the white candle. Let them burn out as you perform the rest of the spell.
2.) Take a cinnamon stick/powder and place it onto your money sigil, sprinkle just a bit of black pepper and rosemary on top. Place the rest of the cinnamon sticks, black pepper, and rosemary in your cauldron/bowl.
3.) Take your bay leaves and write your financial wishes on them, one wish per leaf! After that is completed, place the bay leaves in the cauldron/bowl with the rest of your ingredients. Meditate on the good habits and wishes you want to manifest into your life until you feel that the spell is ready to be continued.
4.) Fold/roll up your ingredient-filled sigil and burn it with the flames from each candle, place it in the cauldron/bowl and let it ignite the contents inside. Stare into the flame and chant as many times as you wish,
“I open the path to wealth with no end, for the money I need, the universe will send. I need no worry or no strife, I will bring wealth into my life. With bills paid and pockets overflowing, may my wealth remain always growing. Cause no harm as money comes to me, by my will, so mote it be!”
5.) Let your white and black candle burn out, let all the wax collect on your pieces of paper. Blow out the other candles. Bury the ashes in your cauldron/bowl and the paper with white wax and good habits outside your home, take the paper with bad habits and black wax far from home and bury it. Your spell is complete! Keep silent on the wishes you made, give the universe time to hear your call before you gossip of your spell to someone else, this will help your wishes manifest quicker!
I hope this spell helps you all! You may substitute and remove any ingredients you deem necessary in order to make this spell more adapted to your energy. You may even include tarot cards if you wish, you have complete freedom with this spell. I just made it in accordance to what felt right for me. <3 Sending you all many blessings!
Love and Light,
Tala ✨
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lethe-space · 7 years
☽ Sea Knot Magick: a Wish Bracelet Spell ☾
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This spell in particular is very special to me as it was one of my first successful spells when I started practicing in the 7th grade. It’s a perfect example of Sea/Lunar Witchcraft and Knot Magick! 
What you need:
☾ a Full Moon
☾ 5 different colored embroidery threads - one color to represent the moon (white, silver, even yellow), one color to represent the ocean, a color to represent your birth stone, a color to represent the wish (red/pink for love, green for luck/prosperity, etc.), and your favorite color. The length of the threads is dependent upon the type of bracelet you choose to make–I did a double chevron, throwback to friendship bracelets (▰˘◡˘▰)
☾ A conch shell
☾ A symbol (a piece of jewelry that has sentimental value; could’ve been given to you by a loved one, or perhaps you choose a piece that represents the sea)
☾ Blue lace agate, which can be used as a wish stone, or stones that correspond with your wish
☾ Rain water, salt water, or sea water; I recommend water charged by the moon, your crystals, or blessed by Poseidon/Aphrodite/Selene/your patron
☾ (Optional) a Sea Altar or altar honoring a Sea Deity 
What to do:
Take the embroidery threads and begin to make a bracelet of your choice out of them; it doesn’t matter what pattern you choose, be it chevron, double wave, diamond, etc.
While you make each knot, visualize your energy flowing into the bracelet. Charge it with your wish. I even repeated my wish as a mantra in my head during the process as a type of affirmation as well, focusing on the outcome of my wish. While making the bracelet (which, depending on the pattern, can take a while), have some ocean-scented candles or incense burning! Let the bracelet sit on an ocean themed altar when you aren’t working on it.
Upon finishing it, let the bracelet soak in a bowl of your salt/rain/sea water for 10 minutes. Use blue lace agate or your stone(s) of choice to charge the water beforehand–remember to research whether or not the crystals are safe to sit in water overnight! If the water hasn’t already been blessed, this would be a good opportunity to place the bowl on your altar, place an offering beside it, and ask a Sea Deity or your patron to bless it!
Wrap the bracelet around your symbol and place it underneath the conch shell for 1 full day
On the next full moon, place your bracelet outside in the light of the full moon.
Wear the bracelet until the wish comes true!
When I did this spell originally, I had confused the new moon symbol with the full moon symbol on my calendar by accident. The night it was supposed to sit out in the moonlight, I figured the moon had already risen and fallen by then, so I went to bed and had a dream about the full moon. The next morning, I woke up and noticed it had already started to take effect. I remember realizing that magick worked in strange ways, and I was astonished and how fast it worked–I highly recommend this spell for sea witches! Feel free to incorporate the appropriate herbs or an incantation!
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lethe-space · 7 years
Quick spell from my grandma that was passed onto her from her mum and however many generations…
Lost something?
Stick a pin in your sofa and it’ll return to you.
Why does this shit work? No clue, fam. But mum and grandma swear by it and I’ll be damned if it didn’t work for me today
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lethe-space · 7 years
spell for drawing in job opportunities/success 💸✨
this is a spell for drawing in job opportunities and career success, either to you or a friend! i performed this spell for my boyfriend and a week later an incredible opportunity arose AS WELL as one for me! it is truly a powerful ritual - but keep in mind that this spell only works if you put in your end - searching/applying, etc!.
taglock (something to represent you/the target of the spell! anything that shows your ability or talent is great - like a poem, report card, diploma, etc! a photo is great too)
four of wands tarot card (optional)
large 7-day green candle
earl grey tea packet (bergamot)
‘fast luck’ incense
paper and pen
your favorite crystal for meditation/grounding
clean the space around where you are going to perform your spell and have a seat. meditate with your crystal for a moment until you reach a place of calm and focus.
arrange the taglock, tarot card, candle, and incense on your altar/ritual space.
using the paper and pen, write your intention for the spell. be specific! what kind of job would you like? part-time? full-time? how soon do you need the opportunity to come to you?
light the incense and wave the smoke around your intention. place the intention in an envelope and set it on your altar.
keeping your intention in mind, light the green candle, adding the cinnamon and earl grey tea packet.
keep the candle burning the entire week until it goes out on it’s own. daily, burn some more incense and add more cinnamon and tea to the flame. 
once the candle has burned out, take the ashes from the incense/candle and some more cinnamon/tea and add it to salt to create a black salt to keep on your altar, keeping your spell alive as long as it needs to. 💞
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