letheartgy · 2 years
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letheartgy · 6 years
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letheartgy · 6 years
Is it morally objectionable to start a GoFundMe to build a competitive Modern MTG deck?
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letheartgy · 6 years
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letheartgy · 6 years
Pleasures plentiful and anxieties alleviated
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letheartgy · 6 years
If Earth had Saturn’s Rings
From an excellent post by Jason Davis
From Washington, D.C., the rings would only fill a portion of the sky, but appear striking nonetheless. Here, we see them at sunrise.
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From Guatemala, only 14 degrees above the equator, the rings would begin to stretch across the horizon. Their reflected light would make the moon much brighter.
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From Earth’s equator, Saturn’s rings would be viewed edge-on, appearing as a thin, bright line bisecting the sky.
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At the March and September equinoxes, the Sun would be positioned directly over the rings, casting a dramatic shadow at the equator.
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At midnight at the Tropic of Capricorn, which sits at 23 degrees south latitude, the Earth casts a shadow over the middle of the rings, while the outer portions remain lit.
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via x
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letheartgy · 6 years
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letheartgy · 6 years
Like a summer storm,
Warm and wet
Comforting and calming
My much needed breath of fresh air
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letheartgy · 6 years
He ambled to the French doors in the back of the room, until he stood right in front of it. Standing there to meet him in the glass was an apparition of his own reflection against the inky blackness of the night. He leaned closer to the window, until his nose bumped against the glass. Only then could he peer through himself and into the night.
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letheartgy · 6 years
I could live without you, but why would I want to?
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letheartgy · 7 years
The grateful dead resent this post
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letheartgy · 7 years
He ambled to the French doors in the back of the room, until he stood right in front of it. Standing there to meet him in the glass was an apparition of his own reflection against the inky blackness of the night. He leaned closer to the window, until his nose bumped against the glass. Only then could he peer through himself and into the night.
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letheartgy · 7 years
Fuck the pigs
food: $200 data: $150 rent: $500 speeding ticket: $607 utility: $150
someone who’s good at the economy help me budget this. my family is dying.
seriously I got a speeding ticket that cost more than my monthly rent. I think there might be a slight problem with law enforcement.
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letheartgy · 7 years
A girl that sucked my dick in college converted to Islam and got married like a year later
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letheartgy · 7 years
Twenty One Trips Around the Sun
And counting...
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letheartgy · 7 years
Apparently it is my responsibility to cultivate your self esteem for you
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letheartgy · 7 years
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You see in tornado alley everything is projectile.
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