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Mga huling hirit w some LifeBox peeps after jogging (Taken with instagram)
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Fun day with Glou! 
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Jesus is changing students' lives in ABBAs
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Yummy cakes! 
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Goodnight, my beloved... Ü (Taken with instagram)
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Working... @Coffee Club GenSan City
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100 Days.  100 Ways.
... to prepare.
... to learn.
... to love.
100 days to October 1st. I love you, Mahal ko.
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♬ I'm captivated by forever with You ♬ All glory to Your majesty ♬ ♬ Lord, You are holy ♬ and I hold You high above all ♬ -Captivated-
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Enter with the password: "THANK YOU!"
Yes, we thank You, Lord!  ♡ SO IN LOVE WITH YOU! ♡ 
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SEPTEMBER 30, 2011
4pm, Cagayan De Oro
Rehearsal Dinner
OCTOBER 1, 2011
4pm, Cagayan De Oro
Job ♡ Its
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The Best 15minutes a woman could ask for! :)
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Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven... Matt 18:18
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Next Attraction: Tumblr no more soon.
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♬ I'm losing ♬ my whole life ♬ in Your purpose and for Your heart's desire ♬
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More than a shimmering piece of stone, we have our Rock in Christ. -Itsybitsy quote- I love you, Mahal ko! :)
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My Diamond On The Rock
No diamond could ever measure up to your one true love.
This is a precious lesson I learned yesterday having carelessly misplaced my engagement ring.  A precious seal of my commitment with my love for my beloved Mahal ko.
Things may have been rough and tough for the past week, but love will always decide to conquer and thrive.  We did. Our love did. 
In our conquering, the enemy wasn't any close to giving up.  Upon realizing that my ring was no where to be found in any of my fingers, my knees trembled, my fingers gone cold, doubts flooded and questions bombarded my head.  "Am I making the right decision?," "Is this marriage really for me?" "Why suddenly lose this ring?" "Could this be a sign?" In the depths of my heart, I KNOW and TRUST that IT IS INDEED the marriage God intends for me.  This is the man I will marry and spend the rest of my life with. This is my God-ordained decision. The enemy was just truly persistent.
While searching for my precious ring, I made a vow to the Lord that whether I find it or not, this matrimony will happen in His sight.  After all, no diamond can compare to the joy my man brings into my life. Nothing ever will.  I am decided - to love, keep loving and loving and loving. Forever.
God is our Victor.  He triumphs over the devil's schemes.  We prayed hard. Very hard.  We found the ring.  But more than this shimmering piece of stone, WE HAVE OUR ROCK IN CHRIST.  Therefore, we will never ever be shaken! 
I love you, Mahal ko! Sorry for the ring.  Sorry for all my booboos.  I appreciate you more - the way you love me, the way you honor me, the way you prioritize me, the way you uphold me, the way you encourage me, the way you empathize with me… Everything.  I thank you so much! But I could never thank God enough - for giving me YOU!
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He is jealous for me... ♥ He loves us... No time to doubt Your love... ♥
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