The original Italian title of The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly is “Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo,” which literally translates as “The Good, The Brute, And The Dental Cavity.” Over 6 hours of tooth surgery footage were removed from the U.S. version.
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jack of no trades. master of fuck all
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My sister and I were watching Lost but not paying a ton of attention and then suddenly the TV is like "Okay so we're going to have to remove two inches from the width of the island" and we both like snap our heads up like woah we were literally just dealing with a time travel problem why do we need to make the island a little smaller now? But it turns out the dog had laid down on the remote and turned it to Property Brothers so like bad news for whoever's kitchen they're designing but good news i guess for the Lost people for not having to shrink the island
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got a major pest problem this year actually
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*gently shakes you*
you. go draw a mouse. please.
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Seeing which AIs have platinum AMEX
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How I post when a cool mutual follows me back
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watching Seven Samurai
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Older forms of English kept Latin’s gender-specific suffixes -tor and -trix;  tor is for men and trix is for women. So a male pilot is an aviator, a female pilot is an aviatrix. A male fighter is a gladiator, a female fighter is a gladiatrix.
This contrasts with the modern system, where tor is for both men and women, and trix are for kids.
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mutuals if you were a video game character I would do every step of your questline and get your good ending
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Finding out that World Athletics pays $100k every time a new world record is set so so Mondo Duplantis has just been setting it 1cm at a time from 6.17m to 6.25m in the past 4 years is so funny??? Finessing 1 million dollars 1 cm at a time even though he can clearly go higher at one shot???? #respect
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chocolate chip waffles with butter no syrup.
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I want you to imagine yourself, fifty years from now, sitting with your grandchildren. Imagine them asking you “what did you do during the Gazan Genocide?” What will you say? Will you say “I did nothing?” Will you say “I did what I could?” By donating to this fundraiser, you will be able to say “I saved a man from cancer.” I’m sure many of you have seen the fundraiser for @mohiy-gaza2 . What you might not know is that Mohiy himself is very sick. He told me himself that he recently had an MRI to diagnose a tumor in his pancreas, and now needs surgery to remove his spleen. Dealing with these illnesses is difficult enough for those of us lucky enough to live in peaceful countries; in a warzone Mohiy’s task is nothing short of horrific. I know pancreatic cancer is a difficult disease, but with our help, I believe Mohiy can beat it.
I know there are other fundraisers on your dash. I’m sure your bank accounts are already low from the donations you’ve already made. All I can do is beg you, from the bottom of my heart: help Mohiy and his family. I’ve already donated; please find it in your heart to donate whatever you can. To quote Mohiy himself:
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Thank you for reading this. I know Mohiy and his family are grateful for anything you can give.
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the minecraft movie casting is so baffling to me, like if i knew nothing about this film, and you told me to guess which of these people was playing minecraft steve, and which was playing garrett the garbage man garrison, i think it wouldve been my most confidently wrong answer ever
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