letsgofortacos · 1 year
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letsgofortacos · 1 year
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
listen i don't care who you are but PLEASE WATCH SHADOW AND BONE ON NETFLIX. we're at risk of cancellation. stream as much as you can, even if it's just background noise.
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
no one:
wylan: i too would like to know the plan
*crosses his arms dEfiAnTLy*
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
y'all better be watching shadow and bone season 2 rn cause if they cancel it i will literally blow up the netflix headquarters with phosphorus bombs this is a threat
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
I had the most brilliant idea. The Clave should be known as BA(Before Alec) and AA (After Alec). I need this to be canon.
Maybe it's already called that 🤯
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
ok so hii i know this is so random but i just saw this post under suggestion tag and i wanna know your opinion on this
for me, it's a little more nuanced.
for eg, i would never date a trump supporter. but that doesn't mean i would never date a republican because not all republicans are bad (just as not all democrats are good).
so while there are some people that i would never even go out with (trumper? trumpet? trumpy?) i would be willing to do on a date(s) with someone who has a different political ideology than I do.
HOWEVER. Going on a date with someone with a different political ideology and being in a relationship with one is very different.
For example. I can see myself being in a relationship with someone religious even though I'm an atheist. I can see myself loving them even if our beliefs are different.
But the thing is, political ideologies are not based on beliefs, they are based on our values. Right to freedom of expression, right to marriage, right to bodily autonomy, right to be safe, and all of that??? that shit is non-negotiable.
It's very important that the people we date/marry have the same values as we do.
We can work with someone who has different values. Maybe even be friends with them and hang out with them. But being in a relationship with someone who doesn't value the same things as you do? Absolutely not. That's not going to work for me.
You can disagree with your partner on many things. But you cannot disagree on who deserves more rights and which people are more valuable.
If you are dating someone, always learn about their political ideologies. What do they think about the climate crisis? What do they think about hate speech? How do they feel about gun control? What about abortion?
If anything is important to you, talk to them about it. See if it's important to them. They don't need to feel strongly as you do. But if they disagree with you, it will be a problem sooner or later.
Find people whose values align with yours. You can like different TV shows and different food and different hobbies. But you cannot prefer different rights.
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
Hii iam new to fandom I just have a question doesn’t Malec age difference bother you? I mean magnus may look 19 but he is centuries old and Alec was 18 barely an adult.
Hello - and welcome to the fandom!
To answer your question simply, no, it doesn’t bother me. Although, I can tell you that there are those in the fandom who don’t approve of malec (so much so that I’ve seen people calling Magnus a pedophile). 
But since you asked for my opinion, as I said, I don’t think it’s weird or predatory. 
When it comes to a relationship between an immortal and a mortal, it’s important to understand that it's not just about the age difference, but also rather the impact of it. 
It doesn’t make a difference if Magnus is 100 or 400, does it? Our concern is that he is older and more mature and more experienced - while Alec is not. 
So, in essence, the problem is not the age itself, but rather the power and maturity that comes with it. 
Now, this may differ from one situation to another, but in the case of malec, I don’t find it problematic because you notice that the power dynamic is tilted to both sides.
Yes, sure, Magnus is more mature and immortal - and therefore has more power than Alec. But the thing is, power imbalances are not caused only by age, but by different identities too. Between Alec and Magnus, we know Magnus is in fact the minority as a downworlder. We know he too puts himself in a vulnerable position by surrounding himself with shadowhunters (refer to the harassment from cohort and other shadowhunters). For eg, you can also remember how bothered Magnus is when Alec finds out about the cult because he knows it can get him (and Alec) into trouble. 
So, I don’t find their power imbalance to be problematic because they are both vulnerable in the relationship - at least in the very beginning. We see both becoming and feeling safer in their relationship and with each other as they move forward. 
Another thing to note here is that power imbalances (whether it’s to do with age or other identities) are only bad if one actively abuses them. Power imbalances are not inherently bad. They can be abused, of course. But the possibility of it happening doesn’t mean it will happen in every scenario. Neither Magnus nor Alec ever abuses the power they have in their relationship. In fact, they try to understand each other (and their worlds/fractions) better. 
I know there are books or shows where immortal relationships with a mortal is toxic and abusive. But I don’t think malec is one of those. I know some people don’t agree and that’s fine. 
I hope this gives you some context! 
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
rizzler supreme™
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
Okay in all wholesome honesty, I would please like to know what Malec’s reaction to their step child calling them Bapak/Dad for the first time.
Single dad Malec is my new obsession.
I think Max + Magnus happened in a very soft moment. Maybe Max had a fight with David and he's just moping in his room alone and Magnus checks on him and then says some wise shit about relationships and Max sniffles and goes 'thanks, bapak' and Magnus goes all soft says 'you're very welcome, bluebbery' and Max is like 'ew, don't call me that' and Magnus only calls him that ever since.
Alec and Rafael are much simpler. Rafael asks Alec a law-related questions and Alec answers it and Rafael is like 'cool. thanks, dad' and then he just walks out. He only realizes what he said when he goes back to his room and screams into a pillow. Meanwhile, Alec is screaming out of the window in his room. Then they both pretend like it didn't happen but try to see if the other remembers it. It becomes a whole thing.
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
you work with the UN? its my dream to work with them? how did u manage to get and how hard was the procedure
I work as a consultant (not an employee). I didn't actually apply (I'm not much fond of the hehe) But they reached out to me for some work a while ago and after that, they asked me to register into their consultant roster. So, I automatically get recommended for their projects based on my CV + interest areas.
The UN is fucking huge. So, I would say, first try to identify your focus areas. My work areas are a little diverse so I've worked with UNICEF, UNDP, UNWOMEN, and UNFPA. Each organization has its own focus area and goals.
If you are currently a student (wherever you are), I would highly recommend you apply for the United Nations Volunteers Program. This is a good way to get into the system.
If you already have the qualifications (degree + work experience), then always keep an eye on UN JOBS and apply for things that suit you. Tbh, you are more likely to get hired by the UN if you have a recommendation or good referrals. Hence why I suggested the volunteers program. The UN (different agencies) also organizes lots of events, training and programs. Participate in the ones you can. They value experience a lot. So, make sure to have a CV that reflects that.
I wish you good luck!
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
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Have a Meowy Catmas
Summary: Magnus dreaded Christmas. It didn’t help that the holidays were in December, a cursed month for him.
Or, Five times Malec ignored their feelings and one time they finally accepted them.
Written for Malec Secret Santa 2022 💚❤️
You can read it here!
@khaleesiofalicante this is the one I've told you 🥰
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
Alec post this little preview on his stories whilst getting ready for patrol and suddenly the High Warlock has very important Shadowhunter matters to attend to
Magnus: um, the consul has inquired me on a very important matter, that can only be solved directly face to face, i have to go
Ragnor: bloody hell, just go. you're embarrassing enough
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
Humanity has no purpose to live anymore. We have reached the perfection the day this man was born. Everything there is left for us is to admire and worship our saviour.
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
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This reminded me so much about the Magnus and Rafael scene from TLND. There is so much of that fanfic, the things that Magnus experienced, are very real and very painful.
This is what happens we don’t understand what love or affection or masculinity means.
And god the internet fucking sucks sometimes.
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
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magnus when he needs to recharge his alec-energy-bar
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letsgofortacos · 2 years
i cannot keep up with which kid is whose, please may we get some family trees here
Okay these are the MAIN families you need to know. I will try to explain some of the others later. Also, some of these are working castings so don't @ me :)
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