letskeepitgoing101 · 6 months
Haven't used this blog in a while. I need to refocus my life and I'm planning so much.
I don't know of his do-able but I want to have it at least written down so I can go through and see if my goals are achievable.
-Read at least Ten minutes a day.
- Art at least once a week.
-Journal daily.
-Yoga/meditation daily.
-Strengthen my body every other day.
-Nourish myself in a healthy way.
-Downsize/minimize the clutter in my house.
-Don't carelessly spend money.
-Make an education goal. [Not sure what that is quite yet]
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
I haven't updated in a while but I've been sugar free the whole time!
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
Big news might be going to Korea this summer. I'm going to live there for two years...So I won't be posting anymore Japanese language content, sorry.
Just Korean from now on.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
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復讐「ふくしゅう」fukushuu : revenge
Also can be a するverb
watashi wa fukushuudekiru.
I can take revenge.
私「わたし」 watashi : I, me, myself
は「わ」wa : particle marks the topic
復習「ふくしゅう」fukushuu : revenge
できる dekiru : potential verb conjugate
Please note the grammar differences in these sentences. English uses the modal verb “can” to change the sentence into potential form. Japanese only changes the verb conjugate.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
September 28th
Since stopping sugar:
-My skin has gotten clearer, I had some dry dark patches that are gone.
-My stomach always feels horrible, I have no idea why but I've never had issues before but every time I eat I feel sick now.
-My mood is horrible. On and off depression and anger. I heard this is from not getting those little hits of dopamine and should level out.
-I started to get my energy back but I still am so tired all the time.
-I've lost about 6 pounds.
-I cannot drink enough water. I am always thirsty. Always.
-I lost my appetite the first week and now I can't eat enough. Everything I eat is full of vitamins but my body is use to the big heavy filling breads and whatnot so I'm guessing that will take a while to get use to as well.
It's not magic like people say, it takes time for your body to get use to a drastic change so I'm sticking it out.
Mentally I can't handle much so that's why I haven't been posting my language updates.
I haven't even been able to really workout because I'm so tired.
I hope in another week or so I'm doing better and I figure out why my stomach hurts so much.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
Quick food log Sept 22
Pumpkin soup
Eggs fried with chorizo
Sweet potatos
Salad with tomatos, cheese, sugar free dressing, and two hardboiled eggs
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
Sugar free quick update September 21
Pumpkin soup x2
Heavy cream
Sweet potato chunks, half of a better, radish.
Diet coke
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
Quick Sugar free update sept 19
Two acacados
An apple mushrooms and nuts
Chicken soup x2
Chicken with chorizo
Salad w cheese
Milk and tea
Sugar free chipotle mayo, sugar free cilantro and lime dressing.
It's been a week! It was a hard week. Things feel easier now though and I dropped a lot of water weight.. which makes sense. I have never been thirstier in my life.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
Quick sugar free update September 17.
I was starving yesterday but I made sure to portion my food so I wasn't just eating to eat. I think my body finally caught up with my diet.
Chicken soup
More chicken soup
Huge salad with eggs, tomato, mushroom, avacado, and cheese. I found a sugar free soyfree dressing that's really good.
More chicken soup.
A whole avacado
I was legit so hungry but I'm glad my body is finally finding a balance because I lost my appetite for a few days.
Also my chicken soup is homemade with a full chicken in it, beets, radishes, sweet potato, some rice, mushrooms, and onions. It's not a thin soup it's really hardy. So no I'm not eating like watered down chicken flavor I'm eating actual food.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
September 16
Japanese lesson for the day.
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I have a weird metallic taste in my mouth but my energy levels have almost returned to normal. My body is reacting so weird to not eating sugar.
Food log:
Plain yogurt
Homemade Chicken soup, I literally added every vegetable I had and it came out pretty good.
Pork rib with vegetables
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
September 16
I had a pounding headache today. I drink a lot of coffee and my caffine consumption has gone way down since I don't eat sugar anymore. My coffee is usually full of sugar or honey. I thought, hmm maybe I'll drink tea, but then I add honey to my tea so I'm not use to that either.
If anyone has sugar free caffine consumption suggestions let me know. I don't use Splenda anymore.
I didn't do my Japanese because of my headache. I feel much better today though, hopefully all those withdrawals are done with.
Food log:
2 Pork ribs
Broccoli and mixed vegetables
Milk with tea x4
Pumpkin soup
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
September 14, 2021
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Sugar free day two and I'm still a tired grumpy mess. By sugar free I mean no added sugar. Anything with large amounts of sugar, such as natural non concentrated juice, I allow myself to have one serving per day.
Food log:
chai tea and milk
Homemade pumpkin soup
Chicken thigh and broccoli.
A pork rib and more broccoli.
I am just trying to keep myself full and that pumpkin soup does a good job of it. I am so tired that I've been laying in bed exhausted for hours. My body does not know what to do with itself now that I don't have sugar constantly pumping though me.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
Day one, September 13.
I am getting all of my Halloween decorations up.
I'm starting my Japanese, from lesson one. I haven't studied in so long, I feel like it's nessesary.
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Food log:
Sugar free coffee.
Mushrooms fried in bacon grease with an egg.
Baked chicken thigh with spices and an absurd amount of broccoli.
Pumpkin soup. I've never made pumpkin soup and it's suprisngly good.
Small cup of no sugar added apple cider and a banana.
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
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letskeepitgoing101 · 3 years
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