lettersforpooks · 4 days
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You asked me why I love you. Because I would do it all over again.
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lettersforpooks · 5 days
I miss you so much
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lettersforpooks · 16 days
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lettersforpooks · 24 days
I dream of a life I can not have. I dream of the coffee we would drink, the road we would put behind, the sunset we would gaze at together. I dream of you lying on my chest. I dream of me telling you how much I love you. I dream of the house, the cats, the time. I dream of us. Will someone ever hear my prayers that it is you who I want to be with? Still you. Only you. Always you. What can I do about it?
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lettersforpooks · 26 days
I just wish that you were here. Goodnight.
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lettersforpooks · 30 days
I'm sorry I made you feel upset. I truly didn't mean it. It's just that this pain has grown unbearable. The pain of longing, of missing, of loving someone who doesn't want to be with me. You know I would have loved you in this life and in any other. I wish that was enough.
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lettersforpooks · 1 month
I still wait up even if I know you won't come. Goodnight.
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lettersforpooks · 1 month
I woke up a bit later today, still to the thought of you. The memory of a dream in which you took me to places we had never been before was still flying around my head, so close to me, I almost felt I could reach it with my hands. I checked my phone as if I could bring you back with my sheer desire, just to find it was to no avail: it was another day without you.
No class today. I sat at my desk, decided to write a paragraph of a story no one would ever care enough to read. The blockade was uncrossable this time. I barely managed to finish it in time, and, to my dismay, I found it insufficient and improper. .
The day went by. I did all the things I was supposed to do. I ate all the food I had to eat and I took all the showers I had to take. I went and said all the things I had to say and stayed all the time I had to stay. Life has become, at times, an endless loop of meaninglessness, void of any taste and joy, ever since your absence is all that fills my day.
And now I am sitting here, thinking of a way to reach you. You, a million galaxies away. You, beautiful and sweet. You.
I love you and I miss you. Goodnight.
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lettersforpooks · 1 month
I miss you. I miss you in the morning. I miss to know about you and your night. I miss hearing about your dreams and how you woke up a thousand times. I also miss you at night. I miss our late night conversations. I miss knowing about your day. I miss telling you about the things that happened to me and how I felt about them. Every single moment we spent together, every conversation, every hug, every kiss, every "I miss you", I treasure them all in my heart. You still remain as the answer of the quiet prayers of my soul. I never knew how heavy silence could feel until I had to face it without you; and now every day stretches on shaded with the weight of your absence. How much I would like to reach you right now. I miss you. I always miss you. I feel incomplete without you.
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lettersforpooks · 3 months
It seems it doesn't matter how many times my heart breaks, I still end up looking for you. You are all I want even if I have given up on that.
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lettersforpooks · 3 months
2. I love your pretty eyes. I love how they shine when you smile back at me. They're an ocean I'd drown in every day and night.
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lettersforpooks · 3 months
I still love you.
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lettersforpooks · 3 months
Mind sad dancing a bit with me?
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lettersforpooks · 3 months
I choose you. Every single day. And I'll keep choosing you: without a doubt, without pause, relentlessly, over and over and over. I will always keep choosing you.
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lettersforpooks · 5 months
Don't mind the username heh
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lettersforpooks · 5 months
I love how passionate you are about the things you love
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lettersforpooks · 5 months
Letters for you
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Hi hello, Pooks
I’ll try to explain what this is all about so please bear with me (I promise it kind of makes sense). First and most importantly, all this idea roots in one question I have heard too many times: Why? And it seems I have so many answers to that question that I just needed a place to let those answers run free. Trust me, I have had enough time to wonder and ponder about this very same question and I am yet to run out of ideas.
Every single day it seems I find something new that I admire or that I love from you and that never ceases to amaze me. You never cease to amaze me. You are the most wonderful, amazing, incredible person I have ever had the luck of meeting and I believe you should be reminded of that as often as possible. Now, this is just a gift from me to you that is yet to be completed as you can see. Let’s say it is a kind of ongoing birthday present that I will continue working on and that I hope I will never complete because I also believe there are not enough words, pictures or drawings to express how wonderful you are and how much I love you for that. Despite that, I will always do my best to make you feel as special as you are as long as I keep breathing (a bit of drama, my personal brand). 
I wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you have an amazing day today. And there's nothing else in this world that I want more than your happiness so that's all I wish for you.
You mean the world to me, Pooks.
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