Dear Fi,
I never thought there could be a headmate in a System of a person I cared for where I truly detested that headmate but cared about the System itself so much.
I understand why you did what you did. That I wasn't who you loved, that polyam is confusing enough and when you add in that we're both Systems it comes confusing, that I just wasn't someone you were interested in.
The fact that you did to your System and to me exactly what the previous host did because of your wants and desires, and I know it wasn't just you but it's easiest to blame you, makes me point so much of my negative emotions about everything at you.
I hope we are never anywhere near each other. You scare me. Out of everyone in their System I ever knew, what you're capable of scares me.
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Dear Mom,
Your last message to me after I asked you to stop contacting me and went no contact said that you hoped we could just "forget everything and start over".
I'm absolutely willing to do that. Since we're starting over, please call me Mx. (Last name) and I won't call you since we're strangers.
Thank you,
Mx. Last Name
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Dear Asshole,
I didn't "ghost" you. I explained, very clearly, why I was leaving you. Then, when you continued to do things that hurt me when we continued contact, I blocked you so that I didn't say something that hurt you so badly that you ended up going on a slipper sock vacation like I did.
So stop telling people I "ghosted" you. They know what happened. Even the details you're giving them are making them reach out to me to ask what the hell you're talking about.
After years of being together I got tired of being treated like an after thought and I left you. You continued to think only of yourself even after the breakup and I reacted poorly so I cut contact - mostly because I didn't want to lash out and hurt both of us.
That's not "ghosting."
So shut the fuck up and get some therapy. It's been almost half a year at this point and I'm tired of hearing about it from people.
Former CG
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