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Today Was A Fairytale
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@taylorswift  I got married! Of course I had to include a song of yours and I chose Today Was a Fairytale and our day was! “Can you feel this magic in the air.... must of been the way you kissed me. Fell in love when I saw you standing there.” 
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Clean and what it means to me
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I feel like when people listen to Clean, most people think of it was a break up song. Which is understandable. But to me it is soooooo much more. This is my favorite song by you @taylorswift . And the speeches you gave before performing it on the 1989 tour greatly explains why. When I was 20 I literally went through the WORST time in my life. I suffered with anxiety and depression. I would literally lay in bed and not be able to get out. Went to the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack but it really was just a panic attack. My life was in shambles. I didn't know how to get out of it. I was feeling horrible about some things that I experienced in the past year. I was in a hole... I was drowning.... When 1989 came out several years later. This song touched me like no other. “Gone was any trace of you... I think I am finally clean”. That rang so true to me... I was finally clean from all of things that were keeping me down. I still struggle with anxiety but I am so far from being where I was. I loved when you said in one of the clean speeches “You are wiser because you went through something terrible. And you are the person who survived a bunch of rainstorms and kept walking. I now believe that pain makes you stronger. I now believe that walking through a lot of rainstorms gets you clean.” because its true. The things that can tear us and break us down... they make us who we are. Thank you for writing that song. You have NO IDEA how much it means to me. 
Anyone reading this I would love to know what Clean meant to you or your favorite song by Taylor!
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How it all began....
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My fave pic from your very first headline tour FEARLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I have been wanting to do this for a long time but as a 26 year old wife who works full time and goes to school while trying to be somewhat social, it is hard to find time. But with Reputation coming out in one month (which I already preordered on iTunes and at Target) It had to be done!
I remember the first time I heard Tim McGraw like it was yesterday even though it was literally over 10 years ago  (holy crap we are old... jk but like where did the time go?) I was sitting in my Sophomore year journalism class and a girl was watching the music video on her computer. I was instantly hooked. That night I went on my DESKTOP computer and used DIALUP internet (we lived in the boonies and had no high speed yet) and listened to Tim McGraw probably 50 times until I knew every single word and the rest is absolute history. That following summer me and my best friend along with our parents took us to your concert in Raleigh.... well actually it was a Rascall Flatts concert but we just came to see you! I remember you drumming on those huge metal buckets and I bought your tee shirt. The white one with you sitting infront of the old beat up truck with your curly hair. I remember when MYSPACE (yes I am making sure we take time to remember old technology haha) was a huge thing. I would always look at yours. I remember your bio talking about how Ellen was your fave person and that you were one of the tall people standing infront of others in concerts and that blue background with the butterflies.
Okay you get the picture..... I have been a fan for a VERY long time. I like to think we practically grew up together. You are only a little bit older than I am... I was born in 1991. We went through heart breaks, growing up, becoming who we are all together. Your music has gotten me through the hardest and best times in my life. Thats why I wanted to do this tumblr in hopes that there may be a shot that you will see it. I am going to continue reminiscing on this forum and connect with many other Swifties.
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