levelsorlives-blog · 12 years
It began with an idea...
When you consider it, it's pretty amazing how an idea can evolve from an initial concept into something you never could have predicted... The creative process is something else, eh? Crystal Catacombs began as an untitled project back in the spring of 2011. Since then, the conceptual design has gone through several phases before becoming the game you see today. In fact, my very first idea was to create some kind of hybrid, mixing something like Mario Paint with the style of a 1980's VGA inspired PC game ...ahem... ANYWAYS, as this fledgling idea was gradually concocted, it too began to evolve into its next stage of unforeseen metamorphosis.
Starting out inspired by much more of a 'futuristic' theme, the design gradually picked up more and more of a fantasy look and feel. Out with the robotic turrets and in with the robbed wizards. By now, the game had shifted into a procedurally generated setup - based off of the idea of randomly generated mazes. The more I thought about this feature, the more I loved the idea. Today, I believe that it is easily one of Crystal Catacombs coolest mechanics.
Uh... Getting warmer... I think?
Throughout the summer I continued to develop the conceptual design for Crystal Catacombs. After weeks of refining mechanics and pushing pixels, the idea had become something worth seeing through. As well as easily being my most ambitious project - Crystal Catacombs has also become my favorite.
 A sample from the very first sprite sheet... Recognize anyone?
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levelsorlives-blog · 12 years
Captain Vasil Ravencraft
Rogue, explorer, bounty hunter and adventurer extraordinaire, Vasil Ravencraft is renowned as one of Celesticas greatest air pirates. Discovered as an orphaned child by the great pirate captain, Brutal Joe Wormwood, Vasil was raised and trained by Wormwood and his band of adventurous pirates upon a great airship. While rugged, crude and cunning - Wormwoods crew was known throughout Celestica to be of good will, often helping people in times of crisis and combating the powers of injustice... Through their own means. Under Wormwood's wing, Vasil grew up traveling the world of Celestica as an air pirate. His experiences taught him the skills to become a formidable combatant, a brave adventurer and a just man. No stranger to danger, Vasil excels in multiple forms of armed combat, survival expertise, navigational skills and an excelled knowledge of machinery. He also has a stern reputation for living by a strong personal code and preferring to work alone. When Vasil felt like he had learned all he could from Captain Wormwood, he set out on his own to discover his own destiny. For years now, Vasil has piloted his Amazing Mechanical Airship across Celestica in search of adventure and answers. This is where his story continues...
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levelsorlives-blog · 12 years
So what do you think of the Crystal Catacombs project?
Take a look at the game trailer and tell us what you think! Also, if you're not ready to buy into the project what is holding you back? We are going to set some extended goals and would like some feedback!
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levelsorlives-blog · 12 years
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levelsorlives-blog · 12 years
The Mystery of the Crystal Catacombs
The Mystery of the Crystal Catacombs
Within the world of Celestica, located on a lone island which resides in the center of the Dark Ocean - the Crystal Catacombs stand. An ancient, titanic structure that contains a massive dark power and vast untold secrets.
Many speculations have been made as to exactly how the Crystal Catacombs were created but the truth remains a mystery. Some say they were constructed by a powerful wizard to be used as a temple to summon armies of dark creatures to be used for his own evil deeds. Another theory claims that it was built by the gods themselves to act as a conduit to connect the world of Celestica with their own.
The Catacombs consist of multiple, descending chambers that extend miles below the surface of the island. Each chamber of the Catacombs contains a large portal which leads to another world, known as a Crystal Realm. These worlds are said to be interconnected, and powered by the Crystal Catacombs itself. Acting like a central hub, the Catacombs create a dark energy that gives each realm the ability to be in a constant state of living ‘evolution’. Meaning that each Crystal Realm is essentially, always forming and re-forming, almost like a wave upon the ocean tide. Because of this, it is nearly impossible to create an accurate representation of any given Realms layout.
Each Crystal Realms is said to be inhabited by a variety of nightmarish creatures which act as fierce guardians of their magical homes. Bonded to their Realm in almost a symbiotic relationship, each species plays its part inside the strange world. It’s even fabled that within these Realms live vastly powerful creatures that act as top-tier protectors of mystical Artifacts that grant the holder amazing powers.  
Even with all the speculations and theories about the Catacombs… Few have ventured into the abyss and none have yet to return to give their own personal accounts. The secrets of the Crystal Catacombs are still thickly shrouded in mystery.
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