levi-andrew · 7 years
“Party, tonight?” Mason asked looking at her then at Levi. 
Levi moved his eyes back to the brunette, feeling her phantom hand back on his thigh. The touch of her soft hands sliding along his leg made him think of how great the current pancakes she was eating. He watched as she ate the red circle cakes, they looked both appetizing and very appetizing. For a second, Levi had forgotten what he was going to say to the girl Charlotte, something about... something? Licking his lips Levi let his eyes droop for a second, just imagining the plate sitting in front of him with Charlotte on top. 
“Levi, dude.” Mason shouted, pushing Levi and snapping him out of his day dream. Levi flinched at the touch of Mason and looked around the table, fully aware of his surroundings. “She said yeah,” Mason said in a normal tone of voice this time. Everyone was staring at the blond. 
“Okay, I was listening.” The boy said grabbing his fork and piercing Charlottes pancakes, shoving the piece of dripping goodness in his mouth. 
“Oh yeah, seemed like you were falling asleep.” 
Levi shot up his eye brows for a quick second before turning back to Charlotte. “So party at your place, tonight my dear?” 
         ❝ the only motivation is to figure out our feelings, ❞ levi clarified for stephanie. ❝ our feelings have been pitted D E E P D O W N for so long and why not, you know? ❞ he asked out loud when he was didn’t know what the hell he was even talking about. after callie was mentioned, and charlotte placed her lips against levi’s he was ( s t u n n e d ). staring at the brunette as she back away from the small kiss on the lips, levi kept his eyes on her for a couple of seconds before turning back to the bugged eye friends in front of him. ❝ callie who? ❞ he joked taking a sip from his water, looking back at charlotte, winking at her a smile lingering on his lips.
          charlotte’s dainty fingers swept along the length of his thigh, her lips fashioning into a soft smile. his words resonated as ironic in her diamond – adorned ears. H E R feelings had been pitted, deep within her for years, but she continuously swallowed the words that threatened to spill for the welfare of their ( f r i e n s h i p ). she gazed upward, peeking from beneath lush lashes at his handsome visage. & it was so disheartening, believing that he would never feel the same about her. the waitress returned moments later, presenting charlotte with her cherished red velvet pancakes. she was hopeful the meal would deter any lingering questions – at least for the time being. ❝ so, it’s saturday and i’m pretty sure i have an entire house to myself. i think that’s grounds for a party, ❞ she simpered before urging a forkful of pancakes into her mouth.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“The only motivation is to figure out our feelings,” Levi clarified for Stephanie. “Our feelings have been pitted deep down for so long and why not, you know?” He asked out loud when he was didn’t know what the hell he was even talking about. After Calli was mentioned, and Charlotte placed her lips against Levi’s he  was stunned. Staring at the brunette as she back away from the small kiss on the lips, Levi kept his eyes on her for a couple of seconds before turning back to the bugged eye friends in front of him. “Callie who?” He joked taking a sip from his water, looking back at Charlotte, winking at her a smile lingering on his lips. 
        the feeling of being on the spot, were your stomach drops and you wanna hide under a rock is what levi was feeling at that moment the plan was finally revealed to the world. tn less than twenty minutes he’d be getting a phone call from his mother about this “rumor” and he’d have to confirm it. from having charlotte’s soft pink lips kiss the tenderness of his neck and having everyone’s eyes go S T R A I G H T to them, he knew they were right in their trap. ❝ yeah, anything for my girl. ❞ levi agreed on the conversation. ❝ last night, when you wished us luck, mase. ❞ he winked over at his friend as if he was the one that put the entire plan together. ❝ i’ve just finally realized, ❞ under the table, levi grabbed charlotte’s hand and squeezed, ❝ how much she means to me more than a friend and i’m totally okay with that. ❞ ❝ you’re ( t o t a l l y ) lying, ❞ stephanie, their friend, said shaking her head and rolling her eyes at the new it couple.  
          she lowered her head softly, gilded hues pined upon his hand as he cradled hers gently. it was demanding, hearing the F R A U D U L E N T syllables drip from between his lips and into the ears of their closest friends. her heart capsized, & yet she managed the most graceful smile. charlotte erected her posture, shifted her attention to stephanie as she challenged their new status. ❝ what ( m o t i v a t i o n ) would we have to lie about it? you guys have been taunting us for years about dating & we figured we’d try it out, to see if we really have feelings for one and other. last night, i told levi how important he was to me and that as much i tried to deny how i felt, i just couldn’t. that i loved him and i’d always loved him, ever since we were little. ❞ she couldn’t even be sure she was B L U F F I N G any more, but the words continued to pour from between her glossed lips. ❝ so, here we are. now just seemed like a good time, ❞ she clarified with a nimble nod of her head. stephanie laughed, her arms folding loosely across her chest. ❝ i thought you were interested in callie and all of a sudden you simply changed your mind for ceej? ❞ charlotte turned to levi, ❝ hey, ❞ she whispered, hooking her fingers gently beneath his chin. she urged her blush petals against his, clutching his hand.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
The feeling of being on the spot, were your stomach drops and you wanna hide under a rock is what Levi was feeling at that moment the plan was finally revealed to the world. In less than twenty minutes he’d be getting a phone call from his mother about this “rumor” and he’d have to confirm it. From having Charlottes soft pink lips kiss the tenderness of his neck and having everyone’s eyes go straight to them, he knew they were right in their trap. “Yeah, anything for my girl.” Levi agreed on the conversation. “Last night, when you wished us luck, Mase.” He winked over at his friend as if he was the one that put the entire plan together. “I’ve just finally realized,” under the table, Levi grabbed Charlottes hand and squeezed, “how much she means to me more than a friend and I’m totally okay with that.”
“You’re totally lying,” Stephanie, their friend, said shaking her head and rolling her eyes at the new IT couple.
        nodding his head at her suggestion at playing it cool in front of their friends, levi opened the car door and stepped out looking up at the building. a pang of G U I L T and uncertainty lingered in levi’s chest as they both walked into the building and towards their friend. hi folks!” he waved to two other friends, including mason. ❝ sup guys? ❞ levi took a seat next to charlotte which wasn’t nothing out of the ( o r d i n a r y ) and didn’t make their friend question them. the waitress came over and took all the necessary orders from them, levi looked at charlotte and wigged his brows in a flirtatious manner. ❝ you’re looking extra cute today, did i mention earlier ceej? ❞
         charlotte settled comfortably into the booth beside of levi, her dainty hand consciously placed upon his thigh. ❝ it’s nice to see everyone alive & sober this morning, ❞ she crooned, permitting her caramel hues to amble across the swell of familiar faces. the sound of levi’s voice piqued her curiosity, a heavenly smile stretching across porcelain features as he offered her a compliment. ❝ thank you, babe. ❞ the diminutive brunette dipped her head, enfolding her full lips against the camber of his neck. she remained impassive, but E A S I L Y felt many eyes boring into her. ❝ you guys are increasingly nauseating today. being friends includes kissing now? i can’t stand it. would you just own up to it? you’re in love with each other, ❞ mason howled, gently nudging levi from under the table with his knee. cj laughed softly, marveling at his handsome visage as she spoke, ❝ you’re right mace. being friends doesn’t including kissing, so we decided not to be friends anymore…last night actually. ❞
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levi-andrew · 7 years
Nodding his head at her suggestion at playing it cool in front of their friends, Levi opened the car door and stepped out looking up at the building. A pang of guilt and uncertainty lingered in Levi’s chest as they both walked into the building and towards their friends. “Hi folks!” He waved to two other friends, including Mason. “Sup guys?”
Levi took a seat next to Charlotte which wasn’t nothing out of the ordinary and didn’t make their friend question them. The waitress came over and took all the necessary orders from them, Levi looked at Charlotte and wigged his brows in a flirtatious manner. “You’re looking extra cute today, did I mention earlier Ceej?”
       ❝ aww, does my sweeties head hurt? ❞ levi switched his eyes in charlotte’s direction, pouting his lips at her. gently grabbing a hold of her chin he pulled her face towards levi’s. ❝ i’ll get so many pancakes in your stomach you’ll throw up sweetness and chocolate chips and whatever you like on those hot cakes, H O T C A K E. ❞ the blonde threw an air kiss at charlotte and smiled at her, making sure her seat belt was on correct. levi drove off onto the street and immediately started to hatch a plan. ❝ should we just come out and say it, or holding hands is a better way to do it and assume everyone catches on? ❞ squinting at the building in the short distance, levi was starting to rethink of the idea. he didn’t feel it was ( m o r a l  l y ) right in his friendship with charlotte and worth any of it, but it wouldn’t hurt to get their reactions.
        ❝ i don’t think it’s going to be the pancakes that make me throw up. it seems like it’s going to be all the of M U S H that does me in. ❞ charlotte careened her head against soft leather, auburn hues trailing the asphalt as he drifted toward their destination. ❝ i think we should just play it cool, maybe be a little more flirtatious than usual & see what happens. someone is bound to make a comment; they also do. then we should be able to tell them with ease. ❞ levi had accomplished the curt drive in minutes, the quaint, customary breakfast spot within sight. she waited quietly for him to park, urging down the passenger side visor to overlook her make – up. ❝ do you think you’re ready? ❞ cj inquired softly, capturing a glimpse of her handsome escort before placing her hand upon the car door. she felt impartial, knowing in ( r e a l i t y ), she possessed an indulgent place in her heart for levi that she wished to act upon; the other side irked that he was truly bothered by presumptions that were a thing. maybe she’d play the part so well, he’d want them to be.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“Aww, does my sweeties head hurt?” Levi switched his eyes in Charlottes direction, pouting his lips at her. Gently grabbing a hold of her chin he pulled her face towards Levi’s. “I’ll get so many pancakes in your stomach you'll throw up sweetness and chocolate chips and whatever you like on those hot cakes, Hotcake.” The blonde threw an air kiss at Charlotte and smiled at her, making sure her seat belt was on correct.
Levi drive off onto the street and immediately started to hatch a plan. “Should we just come out and say it, or holding hands is a better way to do it and assume everyone catches on?” Squinting at the building in the short distance, Levi was starting to rethink of the idea. He didn’t feel it was morally right in his friendship with Charlotte and worth any of it, but it wouldn’t hurt to get their reactions.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
Stretching his arms and legs to the empty side of his bed, Levi yawned and sat up on his bed. It was the start of a brand new day, a day that would hopefully change his life as he knows it. Rubbing his eyes, Levi stood up from his bed and went to the restroom, giving his teeth a quick rinse the picking out his next outfit. A combo of a white t-shirt and regular blue jeans was his favorite and simply to go outfit. He combed his blonde locks of hair back and tidy, since today was the day. The day, Charlotte and him, they revealed to the world they were more than friends. When in reality it was a hoax. At least that’s what Levi tried to make it seem. Callie had called him last night after Charlotte had fallen asleep, not answering the phone he got a sweet text. Callie: Hope you made it hope safe. Xx Levi just locked his phone and placed it in his right pocket, making his way to the living room. He didn’t knew exactly when he’d tell the blonde but he would, and hopefully she’d understand. Locking the apartment door behind him, Levi made his way down stirs to his car, starting it up and towards his “girls” house. To Ceej: I’m on my way over, Sugar Tits. Levi sent to Charlotte quickly text before pulling up to her house. This was going to be the brand new start of it all.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“Sweet dreams, sugar tits,” Levi said smiling into the pillow. He lifted his head and gave her a small kiss on the forehead before resting next to her and resting his eyes.
        levi felt her hand move along his abdomen, causing goosebumps to ride along his arms. looking down into her brown eyes, levi widened his eyes at her words. ❝ oh please call me baby doll. you don’t know how much that would mean to me, ❞ he joked sarcastically to the brunette. placing his hand on top of hers and locking his fingers with hers, he moved his hand along with the movement of hers. ❝ try to be romantic? i A M romantic. i open the door for you, i offer you food and that’s be being a good friend. you could only imagine what i’d have in store for you if we were to really fake date. same goes for you, don’t fall for my charm it’s all a facade. ❞ he chuckled laying on his side draping his arm at her waist side.
        charlotte laughed, permitting her eyes to flit to a close as he rolled to his side. ❝ you can’t be romantic as a friend. you can be ( f r i e n d l y ) of course. it’ll be interesting to see this so called side of you. ❞ she yawned softly, nestling her head into her pillow. ❝ sweet dreams, baby doll, ❞ she muttered before lulling into a deep sleep.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
Levi felt her hand move along his abdomen, causing goosebumps to ride along his arms. Looking down into her brown eyes, Levi widened his eyes at her words. “Oh please call me baby doll. You don’t know how much that would mean to me,” he joked sarcastically to the brunette. Placing his hand on top of hers and locking his fingers with hers, he moved his hand along with the movement of hers. “Try to be romantic? I a romantic. I open the door for you, I offer you food and that’s be being a good friend. You could only imagine what I’d have in store for you if we were to really fake date. Same goes for you, don’t fall for my charm it’s all a facade.” He chuckled laying on his side draping his arm at her waist side.
         ❝ most definitely, ❞ levi chuckled at her comment of her champagne campaign ending. moving in closer to her once she settled in the bed, levi wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed G E N T L Y spooning her. he could smell different scents radiating off of her skin. hairspray, alcohol and her natural self smell that was always a smell he could never pin point and give it a name. it was a scent that reminded him of ( c h i l d h o o d ) and good times. levi hugged her for a moment before returning to his beck, lifting his left knee up, for comfort. ❝ what’s my pet name gonna be? ❞ he asked the sleeping beauty.
        charlotte placed her hand upon his stomach, the delicate pads of her fingers smoothing overtop of sculpted skin. ❝ your pet name? are we going to be T H A T couple. i don’t want to make people throw up. ❞ she shifted creamy, sun – kissed stems draping over his.  ❝ whatever comes to mind, i’ll use. i can’t promise it’ll always be a sweet, gag – worthy name like – sugar plum or baby doll, but i’ll think of something. ❞ cj closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the silence as they laid together. ❝ does this mean you have to take me on dates this week? and ( t r y ) to be romantic? ❞ she teased.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“Most definitely,” Levi chuckled at her comment of her champagne campaign ending. Moving in closer to her once she settled in the bed, Levi wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed gently spooning her. He could smell different scents radiating off of her skin. Hairspray, alcohol and her natural self smell that was always a smell he could never pin point and give it a name. It was a scent that reminded him of childhood and good times. Levi hugged her for a moment before returning to his beck, lifting his left knee up, for comfort. “What’s my pet name gonna be?” He asked the sleeping beauty.
         the boy watched his friend stumble into his room before he did. stepping off his shoes, and throwing the car keys onto the table, he turned back off the living room lights and made his way towards the bed room as well. once inside the room, he peeled off his white blank t-shirt. it was a great feeling to finally break free from his day clothes into nothing. he watched her rummage through his neatly stacked pajamas tops. ❝ need help? ❞ he asked pulling out a regular shirt, handing it to her. he pulled out another shirt and placed it over his head, pulling it down his body, moving his arms into the right holes. levi started to unbutton his pants, when he suddenly felt ( w a t c h e d ). looking at charlotte, levi pulled down his jeans and laughed nervously. levi and charlotte had this routine many times before, and suddenly he was feel W E I R D being half naked in front of his best friend. He placed his jeans and shirt in his hamper, then crawled in next to her on the bed. ❝ do you need water or anything else? ❞
         ❝ thanks, ❞ she muttered softly, wreathing her fingers around the t – shirt. charlotte flayed the straps of her dress, allowing them to wilt down her shoulders. she rolled the fabric along silken curves, permitting it to float to the ground around her feet. she was far too intoxicated to mind or P O S S I B L Y be bashful & she was well aware he’d plenty of gorgeous girl decorated in lingerie. cj slipped into the comforts of his shirt, her small feel guiding her onto his snug mattress. ❝ i’m okay, ❞ she breathed, crawling onto his side of the bed ( p u r p o s e l y ). ❝ & no, i’m not moving. you’ll have to fight me first, ❞ she laughed, sinking beneath brisk sheets. ❝ but please don’t because i’m too tired & i’ll probably lose. ❞ charlotte smiled as he joined her, urging her lithe figure toward his and nestling against him. ❝ i think my champagne campaign has ended – indefinitely, ❞ she giggled, wrapping her arms loosely around him.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
The boy watched his friend stumble into his room before he did. Stepping off his shoes, and throwing the car keys onto the table, he turned back off the living room lights and made his way towards the bed room as well. Once inside the room, he peeled off his white blank t-shirt. It was a great feeling to finally break free from his day clothes into nothing. He watched her rummage through his neatly stacked pajamas tops. “Need help?” He asked pulling out a regular shirt, handing it to her. He pulled out another shirt and placed it over his head, pulling it down his body, moving his arms into the right holes. Levi started to unbutton his pants, when he suddenly felt watched. Looking at Charlotte, Levi pulled down his jeans and laughed nervously. Levi and Charlotte had this routine many times before, and suddenly he was feel weird being half naked in front of his best friend. He placed his jeans and shirt in his hamper, then crawled in next to her on the bed. “Do you need water or anything else?”
@levi-andrew           ❝ wouldn’t be able to handle you? ❞ levi laughed sarcastically out loud, once he made his side of the car. pulling out his keys, he brought the car to life and drive off into the night. luckily his apartment wasn’t to far away. ❝ if there was A N Y O N E in the world that couldn’t handle you, ceej… trust me that guy would not, ❞ he said loudly putting emphasis to his word, ❝ i repeat, for your drunk mind to grab ahold of my words, ❞ he moved his right hand over towards her, grabbing ahold of her hand again. ❝ i would ( n o t ) be that person. mason seems more of the guy you’re talking about. ❞ he smiled at her and pulled into the apartment complex. the night was dark and crisp sending chills up levi’s arms as he exited his car. he met the brunette girl at the front of the car and set the alarm making the car beep three times. ❝ are you hungry? ❞ he asked her linking his arm with hers. ❝ i can make you my famous sandwiches. ❞ once they reached the apartment door step, levi unlocked the door turning on the living rooms lights on and locking the door behind him.
        charlotte tipped her head against the darkened window of his car, fatigued hues trailing the scenery as he followed the throughway to his apartment. ❝ you think you have me A L L figured out, don’t you? you may have access to many parts of me, but that isn’t one of them, ❞ her cerise petals curved into a simper as she glowered toward him. ❝ maybe one day you’ll be curious enough to find out. ❞ aged champagne coursed through her body, rippling through her veins, & supplying her with the slightest dosage of ( l i q u i d ) courage. she was certain it was the liquor that urged the carnal words from between her lips. she wouldn’t dare be as B O L D, but with delicate encouragement, she’d act upon her loaded threats. upon arriving, charlotte planed the soles of her sneakers along the pavement & followed him inside. ❝ actually, ❞ she mused, removing her shoes and placing them neatly by the door. ❝ can we just lay down and take a rain check on the sandwich? i’m sure when i’m hungover and dying tomorrow, it’ll be perfect, but i can barely see straight, ❞ cj laughed, rolling her lower lip between her teeth. without his agreement, the diminutive brunette sauntered toward his bedroom, tailing the path she’d made at least dozens of times. she turned the corner, her fingers outstretching and smoothing against the wall as she felt for the light. she gently tapped it, approaching his dresser to select a t – shirt to sleep in.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“Wouldn’t be able to handle you?” Levi laughed sarcastically out loud, once he made his side of the car. Pulling out his keys, he brought the car to life and drive off into the night. Luckily his apartment wasn’t to far away. “If there was anyone in the world that couldn’t handle you, Ceej... trust me that guy wouldn’t NOT,” he said loudly putting emphasis to his word,” I repeat, for your drunk mind to grab ahold of my words,” he moved his right hand over towards her, grabbing ahold of her hand again. “I would not be that person. Mason seems more of the guy you’re talking about.” He smiled at her and pulled into the apartment complex. The night was dark and crisp sending chills up Levi’s arms as he exited his car. He met the brunette girl at the front of the car and set the alarm making the car beep three times. “Are you hungry?” He asked her linking his arm with hers. “I can make you my famous sandwiches.” Once they reached the apartment door step, Levi unlocked the door turning on the living rooms lights on and locking the door behind him.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
Following a foot behind the brunette, Levi couldn’t help but lower his eyes to her curves. The way her body moved while taking taking steps in front of him, turned him on. Levi looked back at Mason and shook his head, almost as if the drunk friend already knew their plan. Once they were outside, the stench of alcohol left the air and Levi felt like he could breath. Stepping beside her Levi looked at Charlotte and said seductively, “You never know, hunny,” he said with emphasis on the pet name, “you might get lucky tonight.” He winked at her with a playful smile lingering his lips, walking towards his black car. “Relax, if Callie gets all booked up on our fake relationship, then she isn’t worth it. If she asks, I’ll tell her it’s like a,” Levi looked up at the sky searching for the right words to spit out at that moment, “like a social experiment, if you will. We will announce our relationship first thing in the morning, start fighting by Wednesday and be over by Friday. Easy as that. Right?” Levi opened the passenger door for the friend and stood there as she made her way inside. “At the end of the day, it will be easier and we will see the truth.” He smiled at her and placed his index finger beneath her chin, moving closer to her face, placing a peck on her small nose. Backing up a bit, he smiled at her and nodded his head back towards the car. “Now hurry get in, I’m tired.”
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“I’m petty because,” Levi couldn’t think of his reasoning of being petty but he watched straighten herself and and nodded at her request. “That’s always your end game is it? Just end up in my bed huh?” He grabbed his her wiggling fingers and pulled her up, walking towards the house. “Like it said, it doesn’t matter I’m not dating her,” before he opened the sliding door, he faced Charlotte and gave her a half grin, “I’m dating you? Just give a week at least so they shut up.” Levi squeezed her fingers in his hand gently. “We don’t have to kiss or be anything different than we already are.” He said glancing down at his hand in hers. “It’s already aperent to everyone why not just fake it.” While Levi said the words out loud they sounded perfectly normal but in his head, sounded totally off and not okay. “You’re already sleeping at my house tonight,” he gave it one last try.
@levi-andrew          “Don’t fall in love with you,” Levi nodded at her words. He knew he couldn’t, he knew before and he knew it now. He couldn’t possibly let this set up get out of control, just enough to get people to finally be quiet. Levi didn’t fully understand why the comments made his head want to explode but it did. “We could give it a week, and make the break up simple and clean. I can tell my mom that we were right and friends is how it should be,” he said matter of factly to his beloved friend. “Everyone will get their wish, and we’ll get ours. Everyone will stop hounding us with all the life plotting.” Levi rolled his eyes and looked down at their entwined fingers. He knew that this was probably the time to come clean about Callie.         “I need to tell you something,” the boy scratched the back of his neck, nervous for some reason to confess he’d been talking to a girl. The last time he actually had a girlfriend was two years ago and it ended badly. Britney hated Charlotte and Levi was always caught in the middle. Eventually Britney started to get the same mindset as everyone else of Charlotte and Levi and broke things off. That’s when things really started to bug the dirty blonde. Since then Levi promised not to fall for another crazy blonde again, but in her own way, Callie was phycotic and blonde. “I’ve been talking to Callie every night. She calls me,” he specified. “I think… I like her,” he said out loud, of more like a question instead of a statement. “Do you think she’s cool?”
         ❝ and you’re sure this isn’t just some clever rouse for you to get into my panties? i mean, if you really love me, all you have to do is say so, ❞ charlotte laughed drowsily, her meager figure sinking downward against the rugged wooden bench. as he spoke, the syllables purging from the tip of her tongue & permeating her ears, her heart fluttered softly. he had something to S H A R E, though she was certain she knew – no confession necessary. it was callie. she inhaled a breath of crisp october air, her fingers slackening between his. ❝ oh…, ❞ she managed, her tone lackluster and drab. “i don’t know her that well, but she’s pretty, so she must be your type,” she smiled weakly, flattening her palm against her thigh. ❝ i’m sure she’ll appreciate this ( s c h e m e ). how’re you going to manage that? ❞
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levi-andrew · 7 years
With the fifth roll of his eyes of the night, Levi laughed pointing his finger in he ribcage. “I do love you, what are you talking about?” Every time Levi said he loved Charlotte he had to specify with kind of love, always afraid of crossing some imaginary line that he made up in his head. “You’re my best friend. And you should meet Callie, she’s pretty cool to me.” He thought about Charlottes last sentence. Was it a scheme? “I just wont tell her until she brings it up. Besides it’s not like I’m dating her, I’m gonna be dating you,” he smiled at her and corrected himself once more, “y-you know. Pretend dating you. Then maybe, once we break things off, when You find a guy you like, he won’t feel so intimidated by your favorite person.” He winked at her trying to keep the mood light, chuckling at his own joke.
@levi-andrew          “Don’t fall in love with you,” Levi nodded at her words. He knew he couldn’t, he knew before and he knew it now. He couldn’t possibly let this set up get out of control, just enough to get people to finally be quiet. Levi didn’t fully understand why the comments made his head want to explode but it did. “We could give it a week, and make the break up simple and clean. I can tell my mom that we were right and friends is how it should be,” he said matter of factly to his beloved friend. “Everyone will get their wish, and we’ll get ours. Everyone will stop hounding us with all the life plotting.” Levi rolled his eyes and looked down at their entwined fingers. He knew that this was probably the time to come clean about Callie.         “I need to tell you something,” the boy scratched the back of his neck, nervous for some reason to confess he’d been talking to a girl. The last time he actually had a girlfriend was two years ago and it ended badly. Britney hated Charlotte and Levi was always caught in the middle. Eventually Britney started to get the same mindset as everyone else of Charlotte and Levi and broke things off. That’s when things really started to bug the dirty blonde. Since then Levi promised not to fall for another crazy blonde again, but in her own way, Callie was phycotic and blonde. “I’ve been talking to Callie every night. She calls me,” he specified. “I think… I like her,” he said out loud, of more like a question instead of a statement. “Do you think she’s cool?”
         ❝ and you’re sure this isn’t just some clever rouse for you to get into my panties? i mean, if you really love me, all you have to do is say so, ❞ charlotte laughed drowsily, her meager figure sinking downward against the rugged wooden bench. as he spoke, the syllables purging from the tip of her tongue & permeating her ears, her heart fluttered softly. he had something to S H A R E, though she was certain she knew – no confession necessary. it was callie. she inhaled a breath of crisp october air, her fingers slackening between his. ❝ oh…, ❞ she managed, her tone lackluster and drab. “i don’t know her that well, but she’s pretty, so she must be your type,” she smiled weakly, flattening her palm against her thigh. ❝ i’m sure she’ll appreciate this ( s c h e m e ). how’re you going to manage that? ❞
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“Don’t fall in love with you,” Levi nodded at her words. He knew he couldn’t, he knew before and he knew it now. He couldn’t possibly let this set up get out of control, just enough to get people to finally be quiet. Levi didn’t fully understand why the comments made his head want to explode but it did. “We could give it a week, and make the break up simple and clean. I can tell my mom that we were right and friends is how it should be,” he said matter of factly to his beloved friend. “Everyone will get their wish, and we’ll get ours. Everyone will stop hounding us with all the life plotting.” Levi rolled his eyes and looked down at their entwined fingers. He knew that this was probably the time to come clean about Callie. “I need to tell you something,” the boy scratched the back of his neck, nervous for some reason to confess he’d been talking to a girl. The last time he actually had a girlfriend was two years ago and it ended badly. Britney hated Charlotte and Levi was always caught in the middle. Eventually Britney started to get the same mindset as everyone else of Charlotte and Levi and broke things off. That’s when things really started to bug the dirty blonde. Since then Levi promised not to fall for another crazy blonde again, but in her own way, Callie was phycotic and blonde. “I’ve been talking to Callie every night. She calls me,” he specified. “I think... I like her,” he said out loud, of more like a question instead of a statement. “Do you think she’s cool?”
@levi-andrew          nodding his head, levi understood what she meant. he S H O U L D date someone else to make the comments stop, but what if they both dated, real dated, someone else and their partners didn’t approve of the person? levi couldn’t bare to choose between a girl he potentially love one day and the most important person in his life. he leaned his head against hers, while they sat in the cold dark. ❝ you’re right. but, ❞ he tried to protest the thoughts. ❝ what if we pretend? like legit tell everyone we are dating just so they can shut up. and then like a week later, we can break up and everyone can shut up and know that we are J U S T friends. ❞ levi grabbed charlotte’s hand and laced his fingers with hers.          if there was anything he enjoyed most about the girl next to him, was holding her hand in the most innocent way. her hand was soft and fit perfectly in his. ❝ my mom asked me the other day actually, when we were gonna get married. i laughed because i thought she was just joking but she seemed to be full on serious. ❞ he chuckled at the thought of ( m a r r y i n g ) charlotte. levi often felt bad for saying things like that, or whenever she mentions it. when people assume they are gonna date or marry or have kids, it always puts levi in a corner. as much as he’d love to actually be with her, it was just too much at stake. he’d rather have her as a best friend for the rest of his life than not at all.
         charlotte placed their hands onto her lap, gazing down at them softly as he spoke. ❝ it bothers you S O much that people think we’re a thing, you’d be willing to fake a relationship with me to get them to stop? ❞ she shook her head, muted laughter emerging from between her blush color petals. she wasn’t so certain his theory would prove helpful. if anything, she presumed it’d be a disappointment to those who truly believed they’d be ( p e r f e c t ) together. she understood his desire to keep their relationship platonic, because she was T E R R I F I E D, but what they were meant to be? they couldn’t even give themselves a fair shot. ❝ if that’s what you want to do…you’re going to break your mother’s heart though when it’s over, ❞ she respired, allowing her gilded lids to seal to a close. ❝ just don’t fall in love with me, because then it’ll just be awkward. ❞ cj gently squeezed his hand, tuning out their deafening surroundings. ❝ i’m probably going to leave soon…❞ she began, her need for slumber slowly creeping inward.
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levi-andrew · 7 years
Nodding his head, Levi understood what she meant. He should date someone else to make the comments stop, but what if they both dated, real dated, someone else and their partners didn’t approve of the person? Levi couldn’t bare to choose between a girl he potentially love one day and the most important person in his life. He leaned his head against hers, while they sat in the cold dark. “You’re right. But,” he tried to protest the thoughts. “What if we pretend? Like legit tell everyone we are dating just so they can shut up. And then like a week later, we can break up and everyone can shut up and know that we are just friends.” Levi grabbed Charoletts hand and laced his fingers with hers. If there was anything he enjoyed most about the girl next to him, was holding her hand in the most innocent way. Her hand was soft and fit perfectly in his. “My mom asked me the other day actually, when we were gonna get married. I laughed because I thought she was just but she seemed to be full on serious.” He chuckled at the thought of marring Charlotte. Levi often felt bad for saying things like that, or whenever she mentions it. When people assume they are gonna date or marry or have kids, it always puts Levi in a corner. As much as he’d love to actually be with her, it was just to much at stake. He’d rather have her as a best friend for the rest of his life than not at all.
@levi-andrew          ❝ you’re not a big enough girl if you’re M Y girl, cj. ❞ Levi said pouring soda into his cup, starting to feel the alcohol. he poured the cup to the top then turned around to correct his words. ❝ you know since we are friends, ❞ he said glaring at mason. ❝ to be honest, ceej. if this was any other day, and you weren’t, who knows how many bottles down of alcohol i’d tell you to talk me up a storm, but i know you as well a bit too much to know right now you’d make me look exactly who i am. a fool. ❞ he chuckled at her and reached out his hand towards her. ❝ lets go outside, i need some air. ❞          leading the way past mason and the chaos of the kitchen, levi lead her to the backyard where a few of other people stood back there. they smoked cigarettes and drank their bottled beers, mingling amongst each other. pulling her into the gazebo, levi sat in the darkness of the shaded patio, taking a drink of his soda and glancing over at charlotte. he contemplated his next question, not wanting to H U R T her feelings or make her feel any type of negative way. they discussed it once before but landed levi to end up having feelings for charlotte, and he didn’t want to ruin the friendship. ❝ do comments like that bother you, char? like when people say we should be together? because honestly, sometimes, i want to just tell everyone we are just friends. then there is times where i want to pretend to date, to get everyone to shut the hell up. ❞ levi reached his hand to the back of his neck and scratched it nervously, waiting for her reply.
        charlotte’s caramel hues widened at his remark – ( m y ) girl. she chose to overlook his choice of words, bowing her head parallel to the ivory flooring.; hoping mason didn’t acknowledge it either. ❝ you’re not a fool. you’ve just dumb shit, like we all did when we were younger. i can easily name a few that i’m guilty of & i’m certain you can too, ❞ she laughed softly, returning her gaze to his. levi outstretched his fingers, offering to guide her outside for a change of scenery and stillness. cj gently hooked his hand in hers, sauntering through the small crowd that had accumulated in the living room. she was certain they’d been seen by callie, but levi hadn’t seemed to care.          the cool, brisk air enveloped around her, permitting some of her sobriety to return to her fatigued body. charlotte took a seat beside of him, careening her head against his shoulder. her stomach turned at his question; these conversations got them N O W H E R E, or left her brokenhearted knowing that there wasn’t a chance for them. she was quiet for a moment as she mulled it over, sweeping auburn tresses from her face. ❝ i think i’ve heard them enough that they don’t bother me anymore, ❞  she ( l i e d ), ❝ though it does irritate me when our parents try to pre – plan our wedding. clearly, they forgot how much trouble we were together. ❞  char twined her fingers into the slate cotton fabric of her dress, her eyes pinned to the floor. ❝ pretend date? or you could just date someone else. that would get them to stop talking. ❞
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levi-andrew · 7 years
“You’re not a big enough girl if you’re MY girl, CJ.” Levi said pouring soda into his cup, starting to feel the alcohol. He poured the cup to the top then turned around to correct his words. “You know since we are friends,” He said glaring at Mason. “To be honest, Ceej. If this was any other day, and you weren’t, who knows how many bottles down of alcohol I’d tell you to talk me up a storm, but I know you as well a bit to much to know right now you’d make me look exactly who I am. A fool.” He chuckled at her and reached out his hand towards her. “Lets go outside, I need some air.” 
Leading the way past Mason and the chaos of the kitchen, Levi lead her to the backyard where a few of other people stood back there. They smoked cigarettes and drank their bottled beers, mingling amongst each other. Pulling her into the gazebo, Levi sat in the darkness of the shaded patio, taking a drink of his soda and glancing over at Charlotte. He contimplated his next question, not wanting to hurt her feelings or make her feel any type of negative way. They discussed it once before but landed Levi to end up having feelings for Charlotte, and he didn’t want to ruin the friendship. “Do comments like that bother you, Char? Like when people say we should be together? Because honestly, sometimes, I want to just tell everyone we are just friends. Then there is times where I want to pretend to date, to get everyone to shut the hell up.” Levi reached his hand to the back of his neck and scratched it nervously, waiting for her reply. 
@levi-andrew          feeling challenged and one upping her was something he would’ve done in private, since she always enjoyed making him squeal and jump around like a ( p u p p e t ). levi smirked at her, moving his resting hands to his sides and taking a step back leaning against the counter behind him. levi let his eyes wonder towards callie, with their eyes now locked. callie was looking at levi now, a semi serious face. he knew that probably wasn’t a good sign. ❝ i will N E V E R admit that I ate dirt, unless you admit you are the most terrible wing women on the planet. If you talk to her for me, don’t mention stupid shit i’ve done, cj. you have a tendency to bring up my most greatest achievements in life. ones i’m not proudest of. ❞           he furrowed his brows at the brunette in front of him. looking at charlotte he ( d e a d  p a n n e d ), ❝ i get rid of all and worthless piece of shits that you don’t need wasting your time on. so yes, i’ll be the cock block. ❞ he winked at her with a smirk lingering his lips. turning back to the alcohol, levi heard mason speak up, forgetting he was ever around. ❝ you guys are strangely comfortable with each other. are you two sure you’ve never hooked up? ❞ mason had his right hand set right under his chin in a serious thought. levi chuckled at her and looked at charlotte who knew all to well of this question. everyone always asked the same questions about them. ‘are you together?’ ‘are you hooking up?’ ‘go out already!’ levi often didn’t mind the idea of everyone wishing they’d get together, but got annoyed of the questions and suggestions to do so. he L O V E D charlotte and didn’t want to ruin a friendship they’d build for a relationship that he didn’t even know that would be successful.
         ❝ you think i need you to admit it? i’m sure there are pictures somewhere & i know you don’t want me dredging those up, ❞ charlotte simpered, permitting her eyes to sweep the expanse of the living room. the expression displayed upon callie’s face was none too pleased, offering levi a perilous glare. it was P E C U L I A R how she looked at him, as if she maintained some sort of ownership over him and his every move. cj’s brows knitted together, perplexed by the unspoken interaction that had occurred. was she missing something? she attempted to ( n e g  l e c t ) their exchange, curling her fingers around the neck of her champagne bottle. charlotte swilled the bubbling intoxicant, permitting it’s piquant flavor to sink into her taste buds.          maybe if she were drunk enough, she could forget she even cared. ❝ me? mention stupid shit? never? ❞ she goaded, indulging in yet another taste of the blush champagne. worthless pieces of shit – his comment made her laugh, her eyes pirouetting slowly into the back of her head. ❝ i’m a big girl, you know? you don’t always have to protect me, ❞ she assured him, before being interrupted by another crude comment from mason. ❝ never hooked up, but i’m pretty sure i’ve seen him naked. that’s a story for another night, however. i’m sure you’ve grown since then. ❞ a lusty chuckle escaped from between mason’s lips, clearly identifying the humor in cj’s comment. ❝ well, i have faith, one day the two of you will realize what’s going on here…❞ he suggested, lifting his glass to the two of them.
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