levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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You are Gold (#FFD700).
Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definitely not afraid to get in and stir things up. You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random "gut feeling". Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Sia would have been happy to forgo the drink entirely. She was interested in being clear headed and even hotter blooded. She had lived in Stone Coast long enough that starting or ending the day with an impromptu D/s exchange was far from different, and for the bear-shifter, nearly necessary. In asking him to order her drink she was slowly giving herself over to him, already keen on his looks and his charms. She never assumed species but if she had to pick one, it would have been right. Permission for him, and for her own mind.
“You look too good to have beat me here. You must be super close.” Probing, but not intentionally. “I seriously just grabbed it. My hair is what takes the time –” she was talking in time with him until she had to argue. “Rain check on the pink then? – You already know the first stop,” she persisted with her signature soft lilt.
 “It’s where you’re meeting me in 2-1– “ Alexia checked her watch after taking her drink from the bartender. She was all too pleased with the choice.  “–day. And doesn’t rain cancel most parades? Just saying. Sia’s Stone Coast Rainy Parade has a certain ring to it.” She repeated the name not realizing the difference in her speech. 
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“I could wait on your hair. It’s definitely time well spent. A very solid ten out of ten. Well done to you.”
Levi gave her and her hair a small golf clap. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would look like wrapped around his fist. The thought caused an impish smirk to form across his face.
“You’re right; Sia’s Stone Coast Rainy Parade does have a certain ring to it. Is that what you prefer to be called? Sia?”
It didn’t take long for the bartender to pour their drinks out in front of them. Two whiskey sours; as requested. It was more for him; less to have a reason to chat. To help ease those nerves. Levi gave him an appreciative nod and smile as he took both in hand, sliding one in front of Alexia while removing his from the counter altogether. He always preferred to hold drinks in hand. Kept him from fidgeting -- which he was prone to do.
“Drink up. Or we could cut the drinks short.”
Just an idea.
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
“Mm, nah. I don’t really think you do deserve it. Not yet anyway.” There was a strange satisfaction in depriving him of it, even if it was a small victory. 
Gremlin wouldn’t be the worst nickname he could call her, that was for sure. At least he wasn’t calling her Carl or Carly. “You can call me Gremlin, so long as no one stops feeding me after midnight or some other bullshit.” The next name he rattled off did pull an actual laugh from her, her hands covering her eyes in dismay. “Gods, no. If you’re gonna start calling me names like that, at least give me a classic letter number combo, like R2D2. I mean, he was super short too, so it’s much more fitting.”
As soon as Levi stood, Car stood as well, slipping from her stool and gazing up at the man. She almost wished she’d been wearing heels, but ah well. Maybe he would enjoy towering over her. Shrugging on her lightweight coat, the wolf nodded once. “Perfect, I was hoping there was somewhere nearby. I’m totally down for food with a handsome not-quite-stranger. Lead the way, Levi.”
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“Levi? Aw. You sure you don’t want to try out Big Daddy Dick? Just a couple o’ times?”
The smile on his face spoke volumes.
- - -
Once bills were dealt with, Levi exited the bar and inhaled the evenings cold air with an approving smile. He was a bit more than a little buzzed so he was easier to read at the moment. And if someone did read him it would be a happy story right not. Joyous. Content. His hand disappeared into his coat, retrieving his pack of cigarettes. Levi only offered Carlisle one once he had pulled one out between his lips.
“So Ferrari.” Nope. That didn’t fit. Moving on to the next. Levi flicked the lighter into life before igniting the end of the cigarette in his mouth. He would offer Carlisle the opportunity to do the same if she needed to. Either way, he would be leading them down the block. “You’re not gonna order something ridiculous like tofu bacon? Because I’m trying to build a reputation down here and one misplaced order like tofu bacon could really sink my battleship. I’m building our relationship on a foundation of trust and mutual sexual attraction, so you can be open about your dietary habits; no matter how stupid. Because while you look like you’re from further south, you do kinda have a Californian flair about you. Call me crazy.”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Sia smelled like hawaiian beach air and radiated a similarly warm and peaceful energy. Years of education had cultivated a thoughtful individual out of someone who was already naturally inclined to take care of others – to observe them and try to meet their needs in the best possible way, as appropriate. “Oh – ho..” Alexia laughed and put a hand on Levi’s arm. “Obviously,” she repeated while looking him in the eye again. 
“Yes. Please, order for me. Do you mind?” She couldn’t help but test him a little bit. “Only one though..you promised me more than ice cream and I have booze for us in the room.” She’d grabbed her favorite bottle of bourbon and stuffed it in her overnight bag. It was just lucky the doctor had one she hadn’t cracked into yet. 
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“No problem. We’ll make it quick.”
So, she wanted him to order her drink? Fine. Levi could play that game. She said she was a whiskey girl, right? The witch was damn near certain she did.
“Right,” he said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the redhead -- eye to eye. “Let me warm up the old mindreading muscle for a tick.” He reached up and placed two fingers -- index and middle - to his temple. “Right. Gotcha. On your wavelength now.” Levi turned his head to the bartender. “Two whiskey sours, please.”
“Gotta say,” he turned back to face Alexia once again as the bartender went about making the drink. Lucky the bar was nigh-empty, otherwise such a labor-intensive drink might’ve been a little too much. “You’re definitely turning heads in that dress. Looking absolutely smashing. Even if it isn’t blush pink. This isn’t the usual first step on Alexia’s Stone Coast Rainy Parade is it? Because I really have to question your clientele if this is the first stop on Alexia’s Stone Coast Rainy Parade.”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
It took everything in her to hold back the laughter that threatened to bubble up at his claim, her teeth finding the inside of her cheek to help keep it inside. Still, her eyes flashed with the humor and she shook her head slightly while watching him before she was able to get a hold of herself. “I see. Yes, I suppose that is a bit much.” 
Blue eyes rolled as he listed off a series of car manufacturers “Please, Dick,” she implored sarcastically but with a teasing lilt to her tone. “Please give up. Otherwise I’ll find you straying from make and moving into model. The last thing I need is for you to be calling me Camry, or Gremlin.”
Carlisle leaned back in her stool when she saw his eyes roaming her body, watching him in return and shaking her head once more. “I’m about 95% positive we’ve never met each other before.” Unless he frequented concerts and scored a vip pass. “Breakfast food on the other hand, I can 100% get behind at any time of the day. Especially if there’s bacon.” Another moment’s pause where she tossed back the rest of her whiskey before eyeing him again with a devilish glint in her eyes. “Why Daddy, are you asking me on a date?”
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See? He was charming. Funny definitely equates to charming. And by the way her eyes shimmered, the way her nose crinkled and brow furrowed. She knew it was funny. “Hey. That was funny. I deserve my laugh. Give me my laugh, please.”
Levi finished his drink before sliding the emptied glass away from him. “Oh, getting into models would be the worse. Camry is bad. Gremlin isn’t though. That’s kinda cool.” Levi paused for a moment, looking across the bar at the various bottles that lined the wall. “Gremlin. Gremlin.” He turned back to face her. “I kinda like it. But no, what will be the worst is when I start getting to letters and numbers. Like, you wanna go for a swim Nine Eleven GT two RS? Hopefully I would have nailed the nickname by then so we can avoid it.”
The witch stood from his stool and started pulling on his long pea coat, which had been draped over the stool beside him. “Well. Yeah. I guess I am. I really want some pancakes and there’s a place just down the block that does great blueberry ones. So? How about it? Gonna come and grab some food then?”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
She barely took time to reapply her make-up, doing the 10 minute routine that she largely lived by. Drying her hair took a little longer because of the sheer length and volume. It couldn’t be helped. After the rest of her efficient primping the honey-blonde only had to sit in the car for six minutes. She watched them pass by, still hoping she might beat him there. 
Inwardly she smirked at her phone, hating how much she loved the way he played into her game already. 
Sia: Hope you’re not faint hearted. 😘
“Leeeevviii,” she was grinning and gravitating toward him from the second she spotted his dark hair and then his light coat. That simple contrast, and the way he said her name with a genuine smile in his voice made her quite acutely aware that she had opted to go without undergarments. It made her hesitate to suggest her nickname as immediately as she usually did. She leaned in and hugged him in hello. “Up to you to bring the pink, honey…” she remarked as her lips passed his ear, pulling back. She took the seat beside him. 
“We’re trusting each other,” she pointed out with a satisfied shake of her head; happy in the truth. “And you…”
It took a second for her to register the brown paper bag in the shape of ice cream hiding behind her date’s elbow. Her ever-sparkling gaze only faltered when in left his face. Not for long, though. She was still taking him in. 
“You really did it..” she was impressed, amused, and endeared all at once. “So what flavor are we sharing in our suite then?” Alexia’s tone took on a rare cuteness. She nodded toward the front window of the bar and in the direction of the hotel across the street. Sia was eager to know. She would take sweets over flowers any day of the week. 
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She smelled sweet. Felt warm. Looked fabulous. Sounded smooth. Levi had to wonder how she tasted. Was it just as appealing? Just as welcoming? He wondered if the thought shone through, physically. If he gave off a certain pheromone that betrayed what he thought was a solid, calm facade.
Levi had to remind himself not everyone was what they looked. She could be something else entirely.
To be honest, the thought only charged him further.
“Of course.” he said while sliding the the still covered tub of ice cream to the forefront. “I’m a man of my word. Pretty sure I promised, among other things, ice cream.” Levi pulled the top down, revealing the flavour to her. “Cookies and cream. Pulling out all the stops, obviously.” He rebagged it before pushing it back down.the bar counter.
“Want a drink?”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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bigdoubled-levi posted:
Thanks Mitsubishi. @musicofthemoon
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
“Hmm, I gave you my name and yet there’s still no charm,” she remarked dryly, watching the bartender refill their glasses.
The handshake was returned in kind, a snort of amusement mixed with annoyance escaping her at his words of admonishment. “I’m sorry those three syllables are ‘a little much’ for you, Levi. I can’t very well go around introducing myself as 'Car.’ Do you know how many confused looks I’d get from people? My name is unusual enough as it is.” There weren’t a whole lot of variations on her name that she enjoyed. Her family were the only ones who got away with calling her Carly. Lucy was ever the strange one with her own weird nickname. Most people called her Car or Carlisle and that was that.
Reaching for her own drink again, she took a slow sip, watching Levi over the curve of the glass and studying his profile with appreciation. It was easy to tell herself she was only still listening to him because of his looks, but the truth was that she was enjoying the banter. It had been awhile since someone was willing to talk shit to her for no good reason. 
“So then, tell me. What is Levi short for?”
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A little scoff. A little laugh. He was enjoying the banter. The repartee. At the risk of sounding arrogant, he had a hard time finding people that could keep up. So when he did? When he came across that special little something? Yeah -- he would thoroughly enjoy it. He’d have his fun. Levi always did. He lifted the whiskey, taking yet another sip from the glass.
“Well,” the witch placed the glass back down on the counter. “It’s a little embarrassing but Levi is actually short for my entire name; Big Daddy Dick Levi. I’m guessing you can tell why I go by just Levi though. It’s a little, like I said, much. So Levi will do, Buick.”
No, Levi didn’t like that. Didn’t sit right. She didn’t look like a Buick.
“Peugeot? Mini? Beamer? Fuck. We’ll come up with something eventually. I’m not giving up on this, Carlisle. Not by a longshot.” 
The witches gaze ran down over her entirety once more. Unabashedly so. “Are you sure we haven’t met each other before? I could swear I should know you. To be fair I am absolutely sorry that I don’t. Do you like breakfast foods? Wait, no. Everyone likes breakfast foods so let me rephrase that. Are you a fan of breakfast foods at...” Levi checked his watched. “... Ten thirty in the evening?”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
What are 3 songs that would be on the soundtrack of your life?
"I do like choosing music...
Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins.High For This by The Weeknd.Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis.
Three of many. You’re welcome. Come back for more recommendations!”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
FMK: Alexia, Ramsey & Carlisle
“Fuck, marry, kill? See? I’m hip with the youth. Easy. Fuck Carlisle @musicofthemoon. She looks like she could do with a nice fuck. Obviously marry Alexia @msmattox. The woman is a goddess. Let me worship at her altar. And kill Ramsey @king-ramsey. What kind of terrorist honestly believes mint chocolate chip to be the best ice cream there is? Can’t trust someone with such a low opinion of themselves.”
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levibishop-blog1 ¡ 6 years
You have one night to do absolutely anything with anyone, what do you do and who would you do it with? Excluding yourself.
“Honestly? It’s obviously steal the Declaration of Independence with Nicolas Cage. But if we’re heading down the road I think we are, I want to watch as this tall, dark and traffic stoppingly stunning little thing @victxrics​ is gang-banged. Repeatedly.”
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