levis-tea-cup24 · 1 year
The forever replacement
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Levi Ackerman x reader
They were so in love. They would have done anything for each other. When one of them felt down the other would have done everything to make them smile again. Their love was so perfect.
It was so perfect…….right?
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levis-tea-cup24 · 1 year
The forever second chance
Part 1
Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language! Also feel free to leave comments. I am curious to hear yout toughts!
You wake up in a rustic bed, inside the room of one of the exploration troops. Your mind is a little fuzzy and you hear the voices of two people besides yourself.
" She was found passed out outside the walls, that's exciting! A living human being outside the walls!" said a woman with a crazed look on her face, and a hair which looked like it hasn't been washed in a while.
The other person who is a man, notices that you're awake and approaches staring from above. " Who are you?" I know that voice.....
"Uhhh my head hurts so much. Where the fuck am I?"
Levi rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Let me guess you lost your memory somehow and now can't remember a single thing. How unique. So long story short: This world is infested by horrible monsters that we call 'Titans'. They have a thirst for human blood. But our soldiers have put up a long defense against them, and created high walls that protect us from their wrath. Do you remember your name? Do you have your memories?"
Thank you very much Levi for the little story time but I am well aware of things.
Levi's face begins to get tense, a moment of confusion mixed with a hint of anger is enough to show on his face. He starts to speak, but stops himself after a pause. He takes a few seconds to think before speaking again. "How the hell do you know my name? And for you I am Captain Levi of the Special Operation Squad known as 'Survey Corps'."
"Well it seems like you are the one in this room with memory loss. Do you really not remember me? Well I have to admit it was a long time ago since we have last seen each other. But I am sure the name Y/n rings a bell. We used to work together in the Underground.I was another gang leader. We sometimes combined our teams to get some work done."
"Ok guys I think you two have things to discuss."- and with that she left the room. I have to admit I actually forgot she was even there for a minute.
"Don't mess with me, or I'll make you shut up just like your friends from the 'Underground' did."-Levi is about to say something else but stops suddenly, as if he just remembered something. His face turns to confusion for a moment, then he regains his cold expression. " What were you doing outside the walls?"
" I have been trying to find you for a while now."- he suddenly pulls a dagger out of his pocket and puts it against your throat.." how can i know that you are really who you say yourself to be? And why the hell did you want to find me that much?"
When I finally got out of that shithole place we used to call home, I immediately started searching for you. I have to admit I missed you during the years we were separated. We were so good together. Got any kind of job done. I also have to admit that i miss those times.
I slowly started walking closer to him. " When we worked together,..... lived together,..... shared a bed together.
He seems to get angry but after a moment he calms down and asks calmly ." Are you messing with me?"
"Why would i be messing with you?"-I start walking towards him again,until I stand directly in front of him, and seductivly whisper into his ear. "Did you not miss me at all?"
He is not able to say a word, his lips are frozen and his eyes fixed on yours. And then, finally, in a very calm voice, he manages these words" You really mean it, don't you?"
"Mean what exactly?"
"That you missed me... and... the rest you said..."- His eyes are fixed on yours, as if he's looking at you for the first time... His face still holds an expression of surprise, but now you can also see a small smirk starting to form in the corner of his lips.
"I mean every single thing I say."
"Why? After all these years?"
"You are not an easy person to get close to since you are the captain. It was also difficult to get above ground.But now I am here."
Levi smiles at you, he wraps his arms around your back. His cheek is pressed against yours and he speaks in your ear. A low and intimate voice, so that only two of you can hear him."And yet you did it. You managed to get past all those difficulties and came for me. You really are something special."
"Now that's my Levi who i was so in love with underground as a teenager."
Levi smiles when you say the last sentence. He looks at you with such admiration that you feel a hint of pride. He leans closer to you again, his body so close, face near your ear, he whispers in a low voice. "I missed you too"
He gives you a strong hug, and kisses you with such passion like you've never been kissed before. After a few seconds, he moves his lips from yours and with the same low voice says." I'll never leave you again."
Trust me it is going to get better, also there will be shorter chapters like this one and longer ones too.
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