levixxthompson · 6 months
Levi: hry
Levi: wjat is 5587 mean?
Levi: @astridhansleyy
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levixxthompson · 6 months
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levixxthompson · 6 months
👀 + if you could commit a crime and get away with it, would you?
"One could say that I've technically already gotten away with a crime. That is if you count breaking up your own family, ruining your marriage, and having your kids hate you for the rest of their lives... The short answer to that is adultery."
"For real, though? Probably not. I talk too much when I drink too much."
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levixxthompson · 6 months
👀 what is your deepest fear?
"It would have to be that I've wasted all my life for nothing. I never really thought I would have ever amounted to anything grand. I was a damn school teacher before becoming a police officer so the bar was already set pretty low. But to think that when I eventually die, no one would be there. I would be like dust in the wind -- forgotten and alone."
"I never said I was a good person and I obviously don't think those big gates upstairs would ever open up for me. Yet, I think I deserve something or, at least, someone to keep something of me alive after I'm gone. I can matter to one person, right?"
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levixxthompson · 6 months
closed starter for @erickxng
"You ever work a Christmas shift anywhere?" Levi was certainly dreading his own shift on the holiday as it would be his first. He didn't know what to expect. Of course, everyone else he asked just assumed it was because he'd miss Christmas with the family, but that turned pretty much normal when he moved to Oregon. "I just hope it's not too crazy. I can only handle so much family drama."
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levixxthompson · 6 months
closed starter for @dancingdanvers
Levi knocked on Sloane's door once he was able to set everything down that he had brought from the ladder to the tool bag and even the little tool belt that currently held his tape measure and hammer. The girl he easily deemed a pain in his side certainly had her hold over him with the demands of helping with Christmas. "I'm assuming you've already drawn up some grand scheme of how to win the lights competition?" He asked once she opened the door.
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levixxthompson · 6 months
Levi nodded along as Diego mentioned how he didn't necessarily like the holiday season. He could understand from his own personal point as the season usually left him feeling more moments of dread than anything of happiness. "It looks like a decent tree to me." He started off, not really catching Diego's drift of the crime increasing. "I'm glad I only have one family to worry about since anything more would be too insane." @diegomartinezz
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Diego's life was surrounded by work, home life, and his awful love life experience which left not that much time for himself really. Though he did love his job. He was on his way to make himself the first coffee cup of the day before he bumped into Levi, "They did?" He didn't even notice, "I don't like the holiday season, too much crazy," He referred to the crimes around that time of the year.
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levixxthompson · 6 months
Levi immediately looked down to where she was pointing and sure enough, the wallet he thought was securely in his pocket was definitely trying to fall out underneath the seats. "Shit." A hand reached down to grab it before it did fall and moved around to now have it in his front pocket. A habit you would think he'd have with his line of work. "Thanks." He paused, "Do you work here?" @ambivalenceshefelt
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She walked around looking for ways to make herself and the rink work; be Snowy Escape Barbie rather than SoCal, like she heard a few mothers call her at work earlier. Sipping on her coffee she noted a man looking ahead of him, kind of lost and a kid trying to pick his pocket. "Hey! Get away you little thief!" Nikki called out from the distance and powerwalked towards the man. Reaching him she said to no-one in particular "That was close..."
His words caused her to pause for a second. "Wow you really weren't paying attention..." she mused. "Your wallet..." she pointed towards his pocket, item in question almost hanging.
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levixxthompson · 6 months
"I'm not trying to be weird." Levi started off, not necessarily sure what he wanted to say or why he felt this sort of need to try to help in any way he could. Even if he caused the downfall in his own past relationship, he still knew what it felt like in that first aspect of loneliness where someone wasn't. "I... I just wanted to offer my spare bedroom in case the quietness became too loud." @astridhansleyy
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Astrid nodded her head "Yup..." Her life always seemed to have some sort of drama and she felt like finding actual peace was far more than achievable at this point. When Levi offered her a place to stay she raised her eyebrows, she was defiantly not expecting that, "That was weird, yeah...but thank you, I don't want to be a burden especially while grieving my relationship," She said giggling awkwardly.
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levixxthompson · 6 months
Levi could only pick the easiest option that came to mind which was the two cokes he had in the fridge. With most of his time usually being spent eating at the diner or on his lunch or dinner break at work, he didn't necessarily keep the most in his house in terms of actual nourishment. "Well..." He turned around now, heading to the living room and sitting in one of the chairs across from Elina. The drinks are now on the coffee table. "I think we need to talk about us." @elinaxkumar
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Elina really hated feeling like she was in this weird state of limbo with Levi. It was far more easier when he was living in the middle of nowhere with zero contact from him. Whether she wanted to see him or not, Aurora Bay was only so big that she kept bumping into him more times than not. As if this was some twisted fate of karma in his downfall. "Sure, I'll take whatever you have. Surprise me," she said with a small smile. The invitation to come over was unexpected, but since it was him initiating, Elina figured best to follow up on it. "Is everything okay?"
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levixxthompson · 7 months
closed starter for @greengideon
where: all night diner
At this point, it had become increasingly obvious that Levi was a regular at the diner. If it wasn't before his shift or after his shift, he certainly dropped by for at least one meal. He'd never admit to feeling lonely or that being by himself for so long was giving him cabin fever. So, he'd swing by and grab his usual booth and his usual order. "You got any plans for Thanksgiving?"
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levixxthompson · 7 months
closed starter for @ambivalenceshefelt
where: cooldown ice rink
It had been years since Levi visited the ice rink. He remembered going when his kids were little and maybe that's what brought him here today. He didn't know anything about them now that they were older and more importantly, he and their mother were divorced. They stayed with her while he left the state. Maybe he thought he'd catch a glimpse of what could be his kids out there skating. Instead, he just zoned out not realizing someone was talking. "What did you say?"
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levixxthompson · 7 months
closed starter for @diegomartinezz
where: the police department
Levi had been getting off his shift when he bumped into Diego. Not literally, but somewhat figuratively since they met at the coffee station. The night shift hours were sometimes the only reason he ever interacted with the daytime people this early in the morning. "Do they put up a Christmas tree in the lobby?"
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levixxthompson · 7 months
closed starter for @elinaxkumar
where: the mostly renovated living room of Levi's house
Levi wasn't technically going out of his way to not see Elina, but he certainly wasn't making any strides in going to her and trying to fix their relationship. Until today, that is. He had pushed it off long enough with fixing his house that now he felt ready to talk. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked, already feeling the twisting and turning in the pit of his stomach. Things were different now with him and between the both of them and it terrified him to potentially let someone else down again.
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levixxthompson · 7 months
"Oh." It was all Levi could say for a moment, much too intoxicated to fully process how all of that must've felt. He was sort of selfish in the way that sometimes he didn't take account of other people's feelings. His own divorce proved that. "Then just stay at my house for the night. You don't need to figure out all of that right away." That wasn't weird, right? @astridhansleyy
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Astrid and Levi did date for a few months and while he didn't know everything about Astrid, he did know some things about her and her past. Astrid let out a heavy sigh as she glanced at the male, "I am living at my ex-fiancee's house while looking for a new place and feeling like shit because of it,"
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levixxthompson · 7 months
Levi didn't know if he should ask exactly what was happening with Astrid in that she didn't want to go home. He remembered seeing the post about getting engaged, but from his own personal experience, sometimes that didn't mean much. Even if they didn't work out in the past, he still wanted the best for her. If anything, she deserved it more. "Did something happen?" @astridhansleyy
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Astrid looked back at the ocean as the male sat beside her. Levi was always sweet and down to earth...he was always considerate and part of her knew that he came into her life at the worst time. And now, there he was again, "Well, I am too drunk to walk and...I don't want to go home,"
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levixxthompson · 7 months
closed starter for @dancingdanvers
Levi was sure this was going to be his last drink. He said it to himself plenty of times in his head as he walked away from the bar. The first sip always told him otherwise. He decided to try out a new Halloween drink called the poison apple. "Are you sure you don't want to sit?" He asked Sloane once he made it over to her, very much noticing her shifting from foot to foot. He'd felt like a dick if he didn't try to help her being pregnant and all.
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