levmemes2 · 2 hours
it's kind of a funny story (musical) sentence starters
sentence starters from drew gasparini's musical, available on youtube. contains references to suicide, psychiatric care, abuse, and similar. feel free to change wording/pronouns as needed. 
"it's so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself."
"this seems like what doctors might do when they're guessing."
"you'd think getting older would make all of this easier."
"i tried to tell you, but you didn't understand."
"he's single-handedly keeping the marijuana industry alive."
"i like girls."
"my family loves me. well, they put up with me."
"on paper, we're perfect, but paper is thin."
"fasting today makes the food good tomorrow. german proverb."
"they think they know what's best for me, but they don't."
"waiting for solutions is unfeasible."
"there's still a chance to be all right."
"i'll rely on myself to do the right thing."
"i don't want to not feel like me anymore."
"maybe what i have is something fixable."
"everybody here is looking for the same thing."
"the world outside these walls isn't made for everyone."
"has anyone ever told you that you have an interesting energy?"
"let me guess, you have depression."
"she's like a stephen king novel wrapped in a robert frost poem."
"life might whisper, but death likes to shout."
"i want to figure me out."
"you're always looking down."
"this is the only me i know."
"i can feel you staring at me."
"i'm not staring."
"now you ask me a question."
"you mentioned suicide all on your own."
"i used to really love drawing when i was a kid. i'm not sure why i stopped."
"what makes you happy?"
"your parents must think highly of you."
"what, is it embarrassing?"
"you don't have to answer that. i'm sorry."
"you're cool. and cute."
"i always feel like i'm bracing for something."
"you're the reason that you're here."
"i always wanted to be someone people celebrates quietly in their heads."
"he completely changed."
"the truth hurts sometimes, and i don't want to hurt anyone."
"i should look nice, but i look like me."
"do you think the world plays fairly?"
"i go from high to low, then only low."
"what's normal isn't here or there."
"it's the stories that i miss."
"one small kiss, and you trust him."
"i'm used to not being kissed."
"everyone around you seems to see the things you don't."
"it's easy to feel alone when you aren't feeling heard."
"i've started to miss seeing you happy."
"it's a scary path through self exploration."
"did you know that you don't have to be the hero?"
"i promise to hang on every single word."
"if no one's right, then we're all alright."
"even if they're hidden, everyone has scars."
"look around you. everybody's here."
"i'm me, and i guess that's okay."
"i'm happier than i've ever been."
"i've only just begun to live."
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levmemes2 · 2 months
playlist sentence starters (pt. two)
songs from one of my playlists. think party culture, catholicism, and hooking up with death in a bar bathroom. feel free to edit wording/pronouns as needed. some suggestive lines/implied nsfw.
"you're such a tease."
"i'm the perfect sacrifice."
"you'll learn right now that i don't play nice."
"what's your favorite scary movie?"
"i'm waiting for my life to start."
"you're as self-absorbed as me."
"he mistook my silence for punishment."
"no one's ever gonna love me like that again."
"i was little. i was weak and naive."
"i grew up too quick."
"i was little, i was weak, and i was perfect, too."
"people forget i'm human too."
"would a little anger kill you?"
"again, we do not want to kill anyone."
"you've got some evil deep down inside you."
"let's get on with living while we can."
"i just don't want you to go crazy trying to keep this all together."
"if you're gonna have a mental breakdown, this is not the place."
"you are the only thing and everything i need in my life."
"no one's going to listen until you mean every word you say."
"i'll love you until my breathing stops."
"did she moon over other boys?"
"when you have less, you have more to lose."
"i would prefer the girl you were, not who you're trying to be."
"i get off on getting hurt."
"at your worst, you're still my best."
"was he yours if he wanted me so bad?"
"you're acting like your deadbeat dad."
"i'm the greatest thing that you could have."
"dionysus would be proud."
"light carries on endlessly, even after death."
"the universe was made just to be seen by your eyes."
"tonight, i'm yours."
"i've waited my whole life to be loved like this."
"how's the castle built off people you pretend to care about?"
"how do you lie without flinching?"
"how you think is the kind of thing i'll never understand."
"there are things to ruin."
"i'm hopped up on blood and pheromones."
"i stick with real things, usually facts and figures."
"i don't like guessing games."
"what if when he knows me, he's only disappointed?"
"take me, baby, or leave me."
"folks would kill to fill your shoes."
"don't you want your girl hot?"
"i make lists in my sleep."
"love will never be forever."
"i want you to know that i'm happy for you."
"i wish nothing but the best for you both."
"i'm sure you'd make a really excellent mother."
"are you thinking of me when he fucks you?"
"it's not my fault you're like in love with me."
"get her number."
"i got a lot of people leaning on me, and all i want to do is make them proud."
"i love him, but not like i love [name]."
"what if this is all i get?"
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levmemes2 · 2 months
why women kill sentence starters (pt three)
sentence starters from episodes one through four of why women kill season two. contains references to infidelity and slut-shaming. feel free to change wording/pronouns as needed. 
“lipstick and cleavage are her weapons of choice.”
“only wear black if you want to look like a waiter.”
“your idea of dolling up is wearing lipstick to church.”
“i haven't got anything these ladies haven't seen before.”
“my [name], you've made me so happy.”
“you're staring at my bruises.”
“you love her, yet here you are.” 
“do you want to come up? have a nightcap?”
“if you can't afford fashion, you must settle for clothes.”
“what if we did get caught? would i lose my appeal?”
“i don't know many girls that would dance with me looking like this.”
“i always thought you were nice. i was right.”
“i’m probably devastated, i haven't had time to decide.”
“there is a guy, but it's…complicated.”
“i don't want tea, i want answers.”
“i'm not afraid you'll hurt me, i'm afraid you'll help me.”
“i want you as my lover, not my boss.”
“of course i'm serious, my beautiful boy.”
“speaking as a friend, don't wear that.”
“is there someplace else that you could go tonight?” 
“i just thought it might be better if we were alone tonight.”
“my whole life, you've been worried about other peoples’ opinions.”
“maybe it's time to be selfish. for once in your life, just do whatever makes you happy.”
“i'm very proud of the person you've turned into. i don't think i tell you that enough.” 
“i don't trust you to get there on time or in one piece.”
“i have no one to look up to anymore.” 
“maybe i’m dumb, but i'll never understand what you see in him.”
“you might be a demented lunatic, but you're still my [name].” 
“this is what you wanted, right? to go back to the way we were?” 
“didn't i marry a clever girl?”
“i want to show her off, let everyone see how lucky i am.”
“if you really wanted to apologize to me, you could take me out to dinner.” 
“i'm really going to doll up for you.”
“i like sordid.”
“i have loved you since the moment that i met you. i thought that you were kind and gentle and that you would never hurt me.”
“this isn't exactly the romantic evening we had planned.”
“if you want to screw yourself out of this, i'm not the one you need to seduce.” 
“i'm an actor, not a whore.” 
“who taught you how to make death threats?”
“you were having fun. i was falling in love.”
“it's sort of romantic, having our first date at the place we met.”
“how much did [name] pay for you?”
“i've been doing all the talking. where's the sarcasm? the snide banter?” 
“i'm gonna need a knife.”
“that kid on your arm making you feel so young is making you look so old.” 
“you probably take your looks for granted, but believe me, you're breathtaking.”
“i'm babbling, aren't i? i always seem to do that with you.”
“you've got to start stocking better booze.”
“no one has to get you started, you're self-winding.”
“i liked you the way you were."
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levmemes2 · 2 months
playlist sentence starters (pt. one)
songs from one of my playlists. think the golden child, unhealthily grieving, and broken ace. feel free to edit wording/pronouns as needed.
"it didn't kill me to lose you, i just thought that it might."
"i couldn't have cut you off if it weren't for the best."
"i miss how whole i felt before we met."
"i think i was just codependent."
"it felt so good to be wanted."
"i'm pretty sure all that's gonna fix this is time."
"you just seem like your life's been a dream since the moment you opened your eyes."
"stars don't shine, they burn."
"i'm quitting the second you're gone."
"show them you're not captain just because no one else ran."
"sometimes you get so close to someone, you end up on the other side of them."
"there's no good or evil thing that people won't one day forget."
"is it crazy to say that i'd die for you?"
"i'm keeping the bed warm while her husband is away."
"when they died they left no instructions.,just a legacy to protect."
"i am the one thing in life i can control."
"real men keep on fighting until they die."
"the universe works in mysterious ways, but i'm starting to think it isn't working for me."
"i've got so much left to learn."
"this family’s obsessed with validation and reputation."
"why does life feel so damn confining?"
"if you, for once, could just trust me--"
"just this once, let me come through for you."
"i'll make it up to you if it's the last thing i ever do."
"i know you are a man of honor."
"i'm so sorry to bother you at home."
"what didn't kill me never made me stronger, it just made me wish it would have."
"you just cannot deny there's a spark between us."
"why doesn't it get better with time?"
"i'm becoming all alone again."
"you don’t have to see the world as so black and white."
"do you still recognize yourself when you look in the mirror?"
"it's a bad idea, me and you."
"It's time we just let this thing go."
"what if i never see myself be anything more than what i've already become?"
"i never wanted to be better than my friends."
"you've never seen hell that's as fresh as mine."
"i'm kicking ass and taking names and making sure the people know."
"i won't apologize for wanting what i know i deserve."
"when loneliness knocks, she lets herself in."
"in my head, i'm a beacon."
"who am i if not exploited?"
"i wish i'd done this before."
"all i did was try my best."
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levmemes2 · 3 months
why women kill sentence starters (pt two)
starters from the episodes eight through ten of why women kill, season one. some sentences have been edited for wording and relevance. feel free to edit pronouns, wording, and similar.
"i'm afraid to meet G-d."
"i had sex with a married couple. and pretty much everyone else i ever met."
"when i do meet G-d, i'll say i did what i had to do to survive."
"just because you act classy doesn't mean you're not fucking crazy."
"i used to find that little grin charming. now it just scares the shit out of me."
"can you do that for me, [name]? can you be my brave boy?"
"i'm starting to think that we're imagining very different trips."
"i don't want to feel like your gigolo."
"i think that a part of him always resented me for managing the situation in a way that he couldn't."
"we need to conserve our energy for our male lovers."
"it turns out one of the side effects of near-constant cocaine use is a wee bit of insomnia."
"people have made me a lot of promises in my life. nobody's ever kept one before."
"what you're going to do, it's illegal."
"is that what you think? that I'm scared for myself?"
"it's good to get a little drunk before you start."
"[name] and i are a family. you are a house guest."
"i think you're a nice lady who's gotten herself in a real fucking mess."
"i would ask if everything's okay, but i don't think i'm allowed to talk to you anymore."
"i have a feeling that she's gonna do something awful."
"i've decided to break them up."
"i am not angry, not at you anyway."
"you talk like i have self-control. i'm almost embarrassed for you."
"i always knew something exciting would happen to me one day. i think this is it."
"of all the people here, you think we're the ones who lack morals?"
"he better be okay with it, or we're gonna have a problem."
"i keep hoping for a miracle. that one day everything will change."
"the only reason i think you're gonna crash and burn is because you've done it before."
"we are a family. when bad things happen, we're supposed to support each other."
"let's face it, this won't be your last wedding."
"dreams are great, but you have to be realistic."
"you should hate me for everything I've done to you."
"i know you've been busy with jail and stuff."
"how are we gonna move forward in our lives if we keep talking about what happened?"
"you're keeping the gun loaded?"
"please invite me in. this is the sort of thing we should discuss over coffee."
"G-d might not understand. but I'm sure G-d's wife will."
"the woman i'm trying to become would draw no satisfaction from this at all. fortunately, i'm not that woman just yet."
"i don't regret one moment we shared."
"i think it's time someone told you the truth."
"my love story is with you. i would choose you over a few casual hookups any day of the week."
"am i not allowed to reinvent myself?"
"i did love you. but that's because i didn't know who you really are."
"are you trying to get me drunk?"
"you are a glorious party, all by yourself."
"i'd like you to change into the red gown i bought you."
"you can't possibly imagine how important this moment is to me."
"a happy life isn't hard to come by. the trick is to not regret the choices you made along the way."
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levmemes2 · 3 months
why women kill sentence starters (pt one)
starters from the first three episodes of why women kill, season one. feel free to edit pronouns, wording, and similar.
"there's nothing sexier than a girl who likes to take care of you."
"that is one hot feminist."
"you know me, i'm never late. for a party."
"for the purpose of this and all future conversations, my dick is bigger than yours."
"how come you didn't tell me you had a new hookup?"
"it's not a party until someone breaks something."
"you think you're gonna get out of this by dying? fuck you!"
"so she's into some serious housewife shit."
"i would now like to say the two most beautiful words in the english language: three-way."
"i'm trying to get you laid, bitch."
"you can tell me about your life, i'll tell you about mine, and then we'll be friends."
"i think you're incredible. get used to it. you're really, really special."
"i wanted to look pretty. for you."
"you're becoming a good…friend. let's not let a silly impulse ruin that, okay?"
"i mean, i knew sex was cool, because I'm not a virgin."
"i can't remember the last time you looked at me like that."
"she's more than just another hookup."
"he's taking you out? in public?"
"i can't remember the last time we went dancing together."
"i think you've forgotten how much fun we have together. and i am determined to remind you."
"if love is there, then there's a path to redemption."
"you're drunk and ridiculous, and that's a nice change of pace."
"usually you're the one taking care of me when I'm doing something stupid."
"i'm gonna be somebody someday. you just watch."
"he's dead. don't you think it's time you stopped listening to him?"
"he tells me i'm beautiful when i need to hear it the most."
"he makes me laugh in a way that no one else can."
"i'm getting attached, which always leads to me getting hurt."
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levmemes2 · 3 months
tropes by backseat vagabond sentence starters
taken from the album tropes by backseat vagabond. feel free to change pronouns, wording, etc. as needed.
"the air up here is cooler."
"you know, nobody asked for you to be an asshole."
"i am here to watch you fall."
"you never said sorry."
"do you even feel bad?"
"you missed your chance to say sorry."
"you pushed us all away."
"didn't you know that i adored you?"
"fuck you! i've always wanted to say that."
"it's always the pretty ones who come with thorns."
"i've wasted years calling you pompous and haughty and vain."
"i hate your condescending dеmeanor."
"your voice is only tolerable in bed."
"i quite like high school. and i quite like my friends. and i quite like the lack of responsibility."
"i can't even look at your face without feeling my heart start to break."
"i'm not very good at being sixteen."
"why did you dress up for me last night?"
"how did you know that I'd be there?"
"are you playin' hard to get?"
"i hate how much i like you."
"i hate how much i like your girlfriend."
"i hate how much you like your girlfriend."
"here you go again, pretending that you love me."
"i've never been one for doing things half-assed."
"i'll be your knight in shining armor."
"you think you're a villain, but i know you're not."
"this won't stop the hurt for long."
"so, you're back at it again, twisting and manipulating every word i've said?"
"what else could i do with the cards that i've been dealt?"
"i'm sorry i called you at 2 am."
"i had to hear your voice again."
"i've memorized your schedule."
"how come i'm not your girlfriend?"
"i know you love me."
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levmemes2 · 3 months
write out loud sentence starters
sentence starters from various write out loud albums. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
“won't you come save me today?”
“i'm alone in my own bed.”
“maybe this time life will be on my side.”
“i've never been loved this way.”
“she taught me everything i know.”
“each lesson means more as i grow.”
“moms can't teach you how to soldier on when your mom's gone.”
“i shouldn't believe in fate as much as I do.”
“i've got my hopes up much too soon.”
“maybe I need a bit more than you do.”
“it feels good to be wanted by you.”
“you'd just drive him away.”
“you come on too fast.”
“it's not pretty to be crazy.”
“please just get this done.”
“you're okay. you can do this. just act normal.”
“set your damn alarm, get in my arms, and come to bed.”
“talk to me instead.”
“this will just take a second, then i'm yours, i swear.”
“you could hear all that?”
“i need every detail perfect.”
“it's not the most convenient habit.”
“it can't possibly be ugly if you have it.”
“screw it, let's skip class and go to a movie.”
“make me feel alive.”
“these four walls are my only friends.”
“remember whеn we went to that halloween party?”
“remember when we went to the park at like two in the morning and looked at the stars?”
“can you tell me when you knew?”
“the first time i made you smile, i saw a different side of you.”
“i want to take that pain and carry it for you.”
“if i had to go back, i'd do it all the same.”
“want to meet, grab a drink?”
“maybe we can hulu and hang out.”
“are you dating him? because you really should.”
“i promise i'd hold you better than i hold my liquor.”
“i'm falling for you so much quicker than i ever planned.”
“how do you look so good under parking lot lights?”
“nothing’s ever easy when you're fed up.”
“i'm just trying to be alone.”
“i carry this place with me wherever i go.”
“i like you enough to save your head.”
“look, i'd love to hold you and i'd love to kiss you.”
“maybe in some other life we get to be happy, but baby, not this time.”
“since i was a child, i felt a calling to the unknown.”
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levmemes2 · 3 months
ride the cyclone (cast recording) sentence starters.
sentence starters from the cast recording of the musical ride the cyclone. this musical discusses death and depression, among other topics. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"we will never leave this town at all."
"the smart ones all packed up and went."
"i'm gonna stand a little farther away from you, okay?"
"i'm just trying to prove to you that i'm a good person."
"what the world needs is people like me."
"some of us are winners, some were born to lose."
"keep your head down, and things will look up."
"this kid doesn't have an attention span."
"i think i am in love with you."
""we will never leave this town at all."
"the smart ones all packed up and went."
"i'm gonna stand a little farther away from you, okay?"
"i'm just trying to prove to you that i'm a good person."
"what the world needs is people like me."
"some of us are winners, some were born to lose."
"keep your head down, and things will look up."
"this kid doesn't have an attention span."
"i think i am in love with you."
"i choose to burn out rather than fade away."
"every story has a lesson."
"i'm the king of ka-ching."
"robots are awesome."
"i want to take all of the pain from your soul."
"what would you do in my place?"
"i'm a lover, not a fighter."
"time eats all his children in the end."
"on a certain level, it was so rad!"
"the only good things that happened to me happened in [place]."
"there's nothing wrong with being the nicest girl in town."
"i've felt it all along, but now i'm sure."
"i wouldn't change my life for a thing."
"no one keeps score of how hard we tried."
"i had plans to stick around and stay alive."
"the biggest lies i've ever told were to myself."
"you're gonna miss it if your eyes are on the ground."
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levmemes2 · 3 months
the front bottoms sentence starters
sentence starters from the album in sickness & in flames and ep brothers can't be friends by the front bottoms. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"everyone blooms in their own time."
"no news is good news."
"i think of kissing you every day."
"they're probably calling the cops on me right now."
"you are the reason i got started."
"anything you need, you let me know."
"if you made the plan, i'd believe it."
"i can't imagine not being able to trust myself."
"i understand why you had to ditch me."
"if you were happy, then i was happy. nothing else to talk about."
"i want to be that person again."
"nothing ever kicked in as hard as you did."
"first you get hurt, and then there's healing."
"it doesn't make you wrong and it doesn't make me right, it just means we're different."
"it's real confident of you to take a shot from way out there."
"i'm going to start thinking serious about buying you that ring."
"i've been giving too much of my life to my emotions."
"i was thinking maybe you would ride with me."
"he already cleared his history three times today."
"i know it's late, but if you come now, we'll be done by two or three in the morning."
"i will come over tomorrow and get the rest of my stuff."
"your love has meant so much."
"i would sleep better on your floor than i would ever in my bed."
"sometimes, things just don't work out the way you want them to."
"the things that we have right now are the best things that we've had yet."
"what we have is nowhere near as good as what we should have by now."
"nobody here wants to be the first to go."
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levmemes2 · 3 months
the front bottoms sentence starters
sentence starters from the album you are who you hang out with, as well as various singles, by the front bottoms. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"this whole thing feels like a fraud."
"and we're both trying, you gotta give us that."
"this is not what i would do, but this is not about me."
"you know that i would go anywhere for you."
"get some of this rage out you have deep inside of you."
"you seem to see through whatever it is about me that's trying to be tough."
"this is the life that almost killed me."
"life moves in circles."
"i'm always afraid of knowing what to do."
"you don't know me, not how you used to."
"if we keep it simple, then we'll get it right."
"it may or may not be always on my mind."
"one day you'll be proud of us."
"i couldn't get it to look this good with all the editing in the world."
"i have always been sort of an embarrassment."
"you are who you hang out."
"i want be good to the people that i love."
"i want them to think of me as someone that they can trust."
"one crisis averted, now on to the next."
"behind your anguish pools a passionate rage."
"i will love you until my hair falls out or all turns gray."
"Everything i do negatively affects my brain."
"now is not the time to get numb."
"i need to lie about the things that make me who i am."
"how rich are your parents?"
"maybe i could be one of those things that you hate at first but eventually learn to love."
"you're pretty, but you hate yourself."
"how was i supposed to know i'd need it so bad?"
"take it easy, everyone already knows."
"i've never felt so brave and strong and sexy at the same time."
"i've never felt so cold or scared or lonely at the same time."
"it’s not such a bad thing, it’s just not what it used to be."
"the things i thought were dead in me are coming to life."
"i could see myself dying for you."
"we could both stay up and try to watch the sun rise."
"we both got smart, you in your head and me in my heart."
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levmemes2 · 4 months
leanna firestone sentence starters
sentence starters from the EP y/n, as well as various singles and covers, by leanna firestone. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"you were the love of my life."
"what if this is all i get?"
"i have never felt as warm as i did when you touched me."
"you're right, i couldn't fix you."
"is 'you're right' really all you want to hear right now?"
"there is still someone for me somewhere."
"for someone so smart, you're so fucking stupid."
"i love you, but i'm done."
"you hate him so much, but you're just like your dad."
"if i disappeared, would anyone even look for me?"
"i've been searching for someone like you my whole life."
"i never knew love could be soft."
"i still haven't had my first kiss."
"if you can't love someone else until you love you, then i'm going to be alone forever."
"i'd like to believe that there is someone out there for me."
"i don't want to take advantage of the feelings you have for me."
"i love being your friend so much that it makes me question if i might want a little bit more."
"i never want your heartache to be because of me."
"the idea of being in love with you makes me so scared."
"i am the type of girl boys only love at night."
"what are you wearing?"
"the more of me you'll see, the less of me you'll like."
"i can't do anything if it only serves somebody else."
"there's nothing i'm more afraid of than what i don't know."
"admitting that i like anything feels like losing a war."
"if to change is what you need, you can change right next to me."
"you don't ever have to leave."
"it was better that we grew up together."
"i see the whole galaxy in your eyes."
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levmemes2 · 6 months
forward/slash sentence starters.
sentence starters from the album forward/slash by leanna firestone. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"i hate that you make me hide."
"i always have to guess whether or not you're in love."
"i'd rather have you this way than no way at all."
"i think you've met the girl you're going to marry."
"i accepted the love he was willing to give."
"that wasn't really love at all, just attention."
"i was just some silly girl."
"i meant nothing to him."
"people want me, and then they get bored."
"every time i love someone, they lose interest."
"i know that you don't fall as easily as i do."
"the world won't end if you don't love me."
"all i want to do is tell you how pretty i thought you looked today."
"love is a lottery where i always lose."
"i think i must be doing something right to deserve you in my life."
"you make me the best kind of nervous."
"pretty sure you do that shit on purpose."
"i'm helplessly and hopelessly smitten."
"when i see you, all my better judgement disappears."
"losing you felt like losing a limb."
"i thought i was in love, but now i think i was just codependent."
"religion and alcoholism run in my family."
"long-distance is hard, but it isn't as strong as us."
"i can't love you unless you let me."
"stop being so scared of what might be, and instead, be scared of what might not."
"you can't love someone into loving you back."
"people tell me i look happier."
"maybe this is what healing feels like."
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levmemes2 · 6 months
good grief sentence starters.
sentence starters from the EP good grief by leanna firestone. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"i got a new haircut."
"do you think i'm pretty?"
"do i come off as cold?"
"too much of a good thing is still bad."
"why am i still sad?"
"wherever you go, you take yourself with you."
"there will always be someone worse, and there will always be someone better."
"your suffering doesn't make you special."
"is my pain the only reason that i'm remotely interesting?"
"i can't figure out why she's still on your side after everything that you put us through."
"i miss you every second of every day."
"if losing me isn't rock bottom, what is?"
"you were supposed to protect me, but you didn't."
"time doesn't really heal anything."
"i hope you know that i love you more than anything."
"it wouldn't hurt this bad if it wasn't good grief."
"no call, no text, no warning."
"you never said goodbye."
"sometimes you get so close to someone, you end up on the other side of them."
"i'd rather be numb than know how bad i'm hurt."
"i'll walk myself down the aisle."
"maybe we always start right back where we end."
"not to brag, but i do know everything."
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levmemes2 · 8 months
public displays of affection sentence starters.
sentence starters from the EP public displays of affection by leanna firestone. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
“you just didn't like me that much.”
“i thought you wanted to ruin my life.”
“it would've been someone else if it wasn't me.”
“it's not your fault that i fell in love.”
“i know you didn't mean to.”
“i hope you didn't mean to.”
“is this what it feels like to lose the love of your life?”
“love is karmic.”
“i felt the same with you as i do alone.”
“i don't remember who i am without you.”
“he makes it a little bit easier to be haunted by you.”
“sometimes, breakups are blessings in disguise.”
“i've waited my whole life to be loved like this.”
“i'm pretty sure i don't want to get married, but if you told me you did…”
“you'll make the perfect husband.”
“i'd make you a dad. not right now, but someday.”
“i can't imagine getting old, but i hope i get to be with you.”
“they're right, you really do know when you know.”
“if he wanted to, he would.”
“i’ve never been in love before you.”
“i spent way too many years thinking that love had passed me by.”
“what about me don’t you like?”
“you're the right person, so it's the right time.”
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levmemes2 · 8 months
ordinary days sentence starters.
sentence starters from the musical ordinary days. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"this guy, he is a genius."
"kindness is a virtue that is oftentimes ignored."
"the city tends to make me feel invisible."
"it makes me want to scream. or write a manifesto."
"this whole entire city's gonna look at me."
"my hometown was, like, the suburb of a suburb."
"i am not a negative person, it’s just that i’ve always known that i had places to go."
"they fired me like three weeks later."
"show me my future, because it isn't where i am."
"wouldn't it be genius if i lived, well, right here?"
"you really don't want to do [city] alone."
"my life must be more than the sum of this stuff."
"i should've done this years ago."
"why can’t I be some other person who can just let things go?"
"i’m allergic to the french, you know."
"why can’t this moment last instead of slipping into the past?"
"my sense of direction is irrefutable."
"i don’t know, lately, when he’s right beside me, i’d rather be off on my own."
"still, it’s one of my favorite places."
"all i want is someone who can help me reach these places that i dream about."
"all of my most favorite places are places that I’ve never been."
"i’ve tried so many times to tell her that I love her."
"your handwriting’s wonderfully hard to decipher, but, boy, does it conjure you right off the page!"
"this moment could be like a scene from a movie."
"i think real lives make the best kind of movies."
"i'm a civil kind of girl."
"thanks for this waste of my time and for making me a part of your waste of a life."
"can i buy you a cup of coffee?"
"you're gay, right?"
"they're serving monkfish, so the wine can't be red."
"when have you ever seen me drink riesling?"
"i think walking will do us both so good."
"it's like i'm walking next to a stranger."
"i love the rain, how everything shimmers..."
"somehow, i want to get us back to there."
"shut up, [name], and marry me."
"what's your deal? what are you about?"
"you really don't find me funny at all?"
"where do you see yourself in, say, five years?"
"if we're moving nowhere, should i move on?"
"maybe i should try to wear less of my heart upon my sleeve."
"i don't want to be the person always standing still."
"i always told you, [name], that there was nothing we wouldn't make it through."
"something's there that smothers all the words i want to say."
"how i can be what makes him happy when i can't even make a promise that i will stay?"
"i've gotten used to keeping all this space between us."
"if you want to meet up, i'll be waiting right here."
"hey, what are you doing the rest of your life?"
"i'll be here, right beside you, as long as you want me to be."
"hey, you're allowed to move on. it's okay."
"for beautiful to happen, the beautiful has got to be seen."
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