lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
mirror mirror | shouta aizawa
Rated: M
Words: 3.3K
Pairing: shouta aizawa x fem!reader
Summary: You knew what you were in for as soon as the Pro Hero came home, the door closing behind him with a little more force than necessary.
Requested by @rreia
Warnings: smut, light bondage, mirror sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks)
Shouta Aizawa is a goddamn tease, you decide, hands fisted in the sheets beneath you. A quiet mewl slips from your parted lips as those long fingers of his squeeze around your thighs, forcing your legs open wider as his teeth scrape across your sensitive skin. Your heels dig into his back as he lazily kisses his way across your thigh, just shy of where you want him. He’s hardly touched you and you’re already quivering for him, whimpering each time he nips at your skin or you’re met with the coarse brush of his stubble.
You gasp as his tongue flicks out to taste the sweat-slicked skin that he’s been nibbling at, intent on leaving a mark. “Shouta,” you whine, trying to rock your hips forward against that sinful tongue, but he holds you down with ease. “Shouta, please!”
“Patience, kitten,” he tells you, breath hot against your dripping pussy. The rough tone of his voice hits you right between your legs. Your thighs twitch again, heat pooling low in your belly, and Shouta hums in approval as your back arches off the bed.
Shouto Aizawa is a goddamn tease and you love it.
You knew what you were in for as soon as the Pro Hero came home, the door closing behind him with a little more force than necessary. That was the only sound at all. Shouta didn’t stomp or swear, he was deathly quiet as he slipped through your apartment until he found you in your shared room. All it took was one look and you knew tonight would be one you wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon.
There’s nothing more erotic than seeing Shouta Aizawa on his knees in front of you, playing with you until you’re a shivering, whining mess.
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
mirror mirror | shouta aizawa
Rated: M
Words: 3.3K
Pairing: shouta aizawa x fem!reader
Summary: You knew what you were in for as soon as the Pro Hero came home, the door closing behind him with a little more force than necessary.
Requested by @rreia
Warnings: smut, light bondage, mirror sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks)
Shouta Aizawa is a goddamn tease, you decide, hands fisted in the sheets beneath you. A quiet mewl slips from your parted lips as those long fingers of his squeeze around your thighs, forcing your legs open wider as his teeth scrape across your sensitive skin. Your heels dig into his back as he lazily kisses his way across your thigh, just shy of where you want him. He’s hardly touched you and you’re already quivering for him, whimpering each time he nips at your skin or you’re met with the coarse brush of his stubble.
You gasp as his tongue flicks out to taste the sweat-slicked skin that he’s been nibbling at, intent on leaving a mark. “Shouta,” you whine, trying to rock your hips forward against that sinful tongue, but he holds you down with ease. “Shouta, please!”
“Patience, kitten,” he tells you, breath hot against your dripping pussy. The rough tone of his voice hits you right between your legs. Your thighs twitch again, heat pooling low in your belly, and Shouta hums in approval as your back arches off the bed.
Shouto Aizawa is a goddamn tease and you love it.
You knew what you were in for as soon as the Pro Hero came home, the door closing behind him with a little more force than necessary. That was the only sound at all. Shouta didn’t stomp or swear, he was deathly quiet as he slipped through your apartment until he found you in your shared room. All it took was one look and you knew tonight would be one you wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon.
There’s nothing more erotic than seeing Shouta Aizawa on his knees in front of you, playing with you until you’re a shivering, whining mess.
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
mirror mirror | shouta aizawa
Rated: M
Words: 3.3K
Pairing: shouta aizawa x fem!reader
Summary: You knew what you were in for as soon as the Pro Hero came home, the door closing behind him with a little more force than necessary.
Requested by @rreia
Warnings: smut, light bondage, mirror sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks)
Shouta Aizawa is a goddamn tease, you decide, hands fisted in the sheets beneath you. A quiet mewl slips from your parted lips as those long fingers of his squeeze around your thighs, forcing your legs open wider as his teeth scrape across your sensitive skin. Your heels dig into his back as he lazily kisses his way across your thigh, just shy of where you want him. He’s hardly touched you and you’re already quivering for him, whimpering each time he nips at your skin or you’re met with the coarse brush of his stubble.
You gasp as his tongue flicks out to taste the sweat-slicked skin that he’s been nibbling at, intent on leaving a mark. “Shouta,” you whine, trying to rock your hips forward against that sinful tongue, but he holds you down with ease. “Shouta, please!”
“Patience, kitten,” he tells you, breath hot against your dripping pussy. The rough tone of his voice hits you right between your legs. Your thighs twitch again, heat pooling low in your belly, and Shouta hums in approval as your back arches off the bed.
Shouto Aizawa is a goddamn tease and you love it.
You knew what you were in for as soon as the Pro Hero came home, the door closing behind him with a little more force than necessary. That was the only sound at all. Shouta didn’t stomp or swear, he was deathly quiet as he slipped through your apartment until he found you in your shared room. All it took was one look and you knew tonight would be one you wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon.
There’s nothing more erotic than seeing Shouta Aizawa on his knees in front of you, playing with you until you’re a shivering, whining mess.
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
Dating Aizawa headcanons! (Or as I like to call them, Eraserheadcanons)
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It’s pretty clear to everyone who knows Aizawa that he’s as stoic as it gets
Seriously this guy doesn’t convey emotions well at all
A brick wall is more expressive than Aizawa
Because of this it’s hard to think that he’d be the hopeless romantic type, but that’s 100% the case
When Aizawa falls, he falls hard, flat on his face, right into the concrete
Since he doesn’t emote well, it would be really hard for him to admit when he’s interested in someone. So even if it seems obvious, expect it to take some time for him to finally fess up
Once his feelings are out in the open, he makes sure that’s where they stay
He wouldn’t hide his relationship necessarily, but he isn’t the type to go around boasting. He’d much rather keep the special things to himself
At best he would tell his closest friends about how happy his S/O makes him
If anyone ever questioned him about his relationship, he would simply reply, “We’re together. Is that a problem?”
This happened in his class once when Kaminari asks who he was kissing behind the school that morning
Aizawa answers with his partner’s name, scolds Kaminari for spying on others, and moves on without another word
It’s never brought up again
He mostly keeps things on the DL to avoid putting his S/O in any danger. Being a pro puts a target on his back, and on the backs of those he cares for
If anything ever happened to the love of his life he would raise some serious hell for whoever was responsible
This man has terminal Sleepy Bitch Syndrome which means COUPLE NAPS
He’s huge into cuddling
He doesn’t care how; spooning, laying on top of one another, even just holding hands, he’s down to cuddle all day every day
Sleepy kisses
So many sleepy kisses
Forehead kisses, hand kisses, cheek kisses, this boi loves to SMOOCH
He loves coming home from a long day to sit on the couch his with S/O in his lap, just kissing and enjoying each other’s company
When it comes to PDA, he’s pretty on the fence
He’s not about to make out in public, but he is a sucker for hand holding and keeping his arm around his S/O
Definitely talks to his colleagues about his relationship, especially to Present Mic
It gets worse when he drinks
“I’m just so happy Mic I don’t know how to act”
“What do normal people do for Valentines Day”
“If I don’t know their favorite flower should I just buy every flower the store has? That’s the only logical solution right?”
When it comes to sex, he’s not exactly what one could call “kinky”
He knows what he’s doing, though, and is always down to try new things, but tries to stick to the basics
He’s more into slow, passionate sex than he is to fast and rough sex
It’s not that he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t have the energy for it
On stressful days, though? He doesn’t hold anything back
He picks up on others emotions quickly, so it’s easy for him to figure out what makes his partner tick
Once he finds something that really sets them off (that one particular spot on their neck, for instance) he takes full advantage of it
He also has a few things that if you do in bed he will basically cum on the spot
Scratching at his back, moaning his name, and keeping eye contact with him are a few examples
Of course there is always cuddling afterwards
All he really wants at the end of the day is to make his partner happy and keep them safe
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
Back Off
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aizawa shouta x shy!reader ; yamada hizashi x shy!reader
warnings: i think theres cussing LOL IDK
a/n: okay so these are hard for a few reasons…. one im not a shy person… so im i dont capture the essence of a shy reader im so sorry D: and i havent written for mic yet. love the man sososo much, but… he’s so scary to write for….but i love these two idiots! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME ANON
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
When Stories Come to Life
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UHHH so I can NOT do a totally shameless self-insert, so we’re just gonna go ahead and do “What if Aizawa found out reader had a blog about him.” Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Daddy kink (No ageplay), outdoor sex
You sat face to face with your fellow teacher on a secluded park bench; a place you’d eaten lunch together a million times before. Your heart wasn’t racing… it HAMMERED in your chest. And you felt close to tears when he finally spoke again. 
“It doesn’t bother me you know,” the hero cleared his throat, shifting awkwardly before folding his arms across his broad chest. Something you know to be a kind of ‘security blanket’ in uncomfortable situations, “ and if I’m being honest. I actually enjoyed some of those stories.”
Your brain didn’t quite process the words. Surely you’d just hallucinated. There was no way, Shouta fucking Aizawa, the pro hero Eraserhead, just said he liked your writing. Your god goddamn SMUT WRITING.
“Eh, you alright kid?” he pressed, nudging you softly with his elbow. You’d known each other for so long, and, as always, he was approaching an uncomfortable situation with patience and understanding. 
Hell, he’d only told you in the first place out of respect, arguing that it would be weird for him to know and not tell you. 
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
Softly | Aizawa Shouta
When your friend is having a hard time, you gotta do your best to try and get something out to help. I don’t think I’m cut out to write soft smut, but I hope this helps @bnhaxxassociates​, even if only a little bit. You deserve all the happiness in the world, lovely.
Warnings: 18+
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“Morning beautiful,” A husky voice whispered against your ear, stubble grazing against your jawline as hot kisses were littered against your skin. 
“Mmm, morning, love.” You felt a warm palm move up to cradle your cheek, your face being directed towards your lovers as he captured your lips in a gentle kiss. His tongue lashing against your closed lips as your eyes fluttered shut. 
“Can we stay in bed all day today?” You murmured against his lips, smiling up at him as he prodded your lips with his tongue.
“I think that sounds like a good plan,” Aizawa’s lips curving into a genuine smile as he lay another chaste kiss against your mouth, “I wouldn’t want anyone to see you looking like this anyway.”
Your boyfriend gave a gentle pat to your ass as he lifted his body from his position beside you, resting his weight on a forearm as he hovered over your smaller frame. His fingers trickling down your cheek along your neck before slipping down to grasp your breast gently, your lips parting as a surprised gasp left you, allowing his tongue to delve inside your mouth. Your fingers reached up to weave into his messy hair, nails grazing his scalp gently as you felt his hardening cock press against your hip. His fingers sliding lower down your body to graze against your sex, delving between your folds as Aizawa began to rub teasing circles around your clit. 
“Fuck,” You whined against your lovers lips, his hot breath fanning your face as he moved back to watch your reaction, his lips curving into a genuine smile as you continued to grind yourself against his fingers. 
“You look so perfect like this, love.” Aizawa pressed another quick kiss to your lips before moving along your jawline to your exposed neck, his teeth latching on to the soft skin as he slipped a single finger into your quivering heat. Your inner walls immediately clenching around the digit as you ground against him, his cock now twitching desperately against your side as he had flashbacks of what had happened the night before. His lips moving to press a kiss against a particularly dark mark that sat on your lower neck near your collarbone, soothing the bruise as he continued to dip his finger inside your tight folds.
You ground yourself against his touch, feeling him slip another finger into your tightness as he began to pump them inside you, his thumb reaching up to press intricate circles against your cit. Aizawa’s face moved back to watch your blissful expression, marvelling the way your lips slipped open in a silent moan. Your eyes half-lidded as he continued to tease your wanton body.
“Please,” You murmured, your hand moving lower to tease his hard cock, the pad of your fingers teasing the head as you wiped the pre-cum along his length, your hand curling into a fist around him, “I need you-”
“You don’t even need to ask,” Aizawa moved between your thighs, his cock pressing against your slick as you wound your arms around his shoulders, holding him close as he eased himself inside your tight hole. His girth stretching you out perfectly as you whimpered at the intrusion, the feeling of being completely full overwhelming your body as he bottomed out inside you. Weaving his body against yours as he rested on his forearms, your legs wrapping around his waist as he began a slow, sensual pace. Aizawa’s forehead fell down to rest against your own, his eyes staring into you as he continued to rock his hips against you. Each roll of his hips made your clit brush against his pubic bone, causing pleasurable jolts to flow through you. Your inner walls clenching around his length as he continued his pace. His hot breath fanning your face as he groaned above you, his cock twitching inside your inner walls.
“You’re so beautiful,” Aizawa moved a hand to cradle the back of your head as he remained on his forearms, “All mine.”
“Shouta,” A particular thrust had your back arching against him, your breasts pressing against his hard chest as you continued to grind yourself against him, feeling the dam inside you so close to breaking. 
“Are you close?” He murmured, his dark eyes gazing into your own as he watched the hazy expression on your face change as you came closer to your climax. Moving to weave your arms around his chest as you grazed your nails along his toned back, feeling his muscles contract against your touch.
“Yes,” You whimpered, your toes curling as Aizawa gave a harder thrust inside your heat, your inner walls squeezing his length as you felt the first ripples of your orgasm swim through you, “Please, Shouta-”
“Cum for me, Princess.” He whispered, pecking your lips as he increased his pace, his balls slapping against your ass slightly as he watched you come undone beneath him. Your eyes rolling back as your nails dug into his muscular back. A breathless moan leaving your lips as you called out your lovers name, your cunt quivering around his length as you came.
“I’ll never get tired of seeing that,” Aizawa smirked as he captured your lips in a sloppy kiss, continuing to thrust himself inside your convulsing sex, the way you were clamping down around him meant he wouldn’t last much longer, his own release desperately close. Aizawa gave a few more shallow thrusts before he met his own release, grunting out your name as he came inside you. Painting your inner walls white with his cum, teeth biting down on to your collarbone in a feeble attempt of concealing his moans of pleasure. Aizawa continued to press wet kisses against your neck as he remained buried inside you, strong arms wrapping around you as he allowed some of his weight to press down against you, the pressure making you feel warm and protected. 
“I love you,” He kissed the palm of your hand as you moved your fingers up to brush some of his unruly hair from his cheek, wiping some of the strands away that had become stuck to his sweaty brow, “I’m so fucking lucky,” 
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
how would HAWKS, AIZAWA and DABI treat their S/O? (this can be just a list of fluff of small nsfw on how they are in a relationship!)
I made both Fluff and NSFW hope that’s alright. NSFW under the cut (if i get it to work)  Thank you for requesting.
His social media is full with Pictures of you, he wants to show off what a great S/O he has.
You better believe hes gonna take you on flights with him.(Of course not when you’re terrified of heights he isn’t an ass).
When you hug he will wrap his wings around you.
I feel like he would have some characteristics like a bird, so expect a fluffy Blanket Nest with some of his feathers in it as well.
Please massage his back, especially that part where is wings come out, after a long day.
He lets you wash his wings, which is a sign of complete trust since they are sensitive.
He will cuddle you whenever he can.
Please get him to have a more reasonable sleep cycle, it might be hard but you might be the only person who could do it.
You will nap in his Sleeping bag together, whether you like it or not. He loves sleeping together like this with you (get your mind out of the gutter that part comes later)
Make him breakfast and give him is lunch before he goes to UA otherwise he forgets it and won’t eat.
Send him cat photos, memes anything related to cats and he will smile.
Comb his hair for him, and his whole body will relax.
He may be a lazy boi but damn is he a fucking tease. You’re shorter than him? Hell call you squirt kiddo, dwarf etc and use you as an armrest. Taller? Giant, skyscraper, “How is the weather up there?”
Now he loves you he just shows it in..weird ways.
When you’re in the league after a mission he pats your hair and says “Good job”
Civilian or hero? Hugs you when he comes back after he mission but doesn’t talk at all just hugs.
Just please tell him you love him and give him affection, he never had much as a kid (Fuck you Endeavor)
Also kiss his scars, he just needs to know you love him despite them.
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
Could I perhaps request the Teacher Trio (Hizashi, Toshinori, and Shouta) getting a little frisky with the fem s/o in the US pool after hours? -wiggles eyebrows-
Warning: NSFWish
A/N:🥴🥴🥴Ah yes. This was fun to imagine. Also love the teacher trio. This is my first time writing for Mic, I know some people don’t but I love him and so I want to give some love to my other Mic stans out there.
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+ It was totally his idea.
+ He thought it would be super hot to take a late night dip in the school pool.
+ Yamada has had this fantasy since he was a student at UA, but he’s finally found someone to help him live it out.
+ Didn’t actually expect you to say yes. He’s so giggly and excitable all day at school and when you “break in” to the pool.
+ “Ssh, we’re gonna get caught.”
+ “But isn’t that half the fun?”
+ Probably puts on a little show as he strips down to convince you to skinny dip with him. So sit back and enjoy yourself.
+ Yamada actually gives a pretty good striptease.
+ Once you’re both in the pool, you both know exactly why you’re here so you don’t beat around the bush and start making out.
+ He’s always so loud and you’re afraid your going to get caught. So you either have to kiss him silent or hold your hand over his mouth.
+ It’s a bit of a kink for him to almost get caught, so he’s not exactly subtle about it.
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+ You’re feeling a little touch starved with how much your boyfriend works.
+ So when he gets a night off, you decide to take advantage of it and have some fun and give him a little surprise.
+ Date nights with Aizawa are usually cooking dinner together at home, so he was confused why you asked him to meet you at the pool he was confused.
+ But he’s not an idiot so he puts it together really quickly what you’re imply.
+ “Not exactly subtle,” he comments cheekily.
+ “What, I just... uh, wanted to go swimming.”
+ It takes a little coaxing but you eventually get him to strip down and hop into the pool with you, after tying his hair up.
+ Once he enters the pool he just starts swimming laps slowly. And you’re standing there half naked like 😦
+ “I thought you wanted to go swimming?” He responds, so casually yet so smug.
+ While you’re pouting in the corner, he’ll sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around you.
+ He kisses your shoulder up your collarbone and neck to the space behind your ear. Then he whispers in your ear, “have you been feeling neglected, kitten? Let me make it up to you.”
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+ He was working late one night when you decided to pay him a little visit.
+ It‘s after his retirement and he was overcompensating at work, so you decided to pay him a visit to help him relax.
+ You innocently suggest a walk to stretch your legs and he agrees naively.
+ Then you just happen to find yourselves at the pool and you suggest taking a little nighttime swim.
+ “Wait what about our cloth–“ but before he can finish asking, you threw your dress at him and are already dipped in the pool with a smirk on your face.
+ “Oh... OH”
+ Jaw dropped.
+ Quickly undresses himself and joins you in the water, feeling extremely self-conscious the entire time as you watch him.
+ You reach out and guide him into the water, interlocking your fingers together.
+ He walks you around the pool little while you straddle him (because he’s tol and you’re smol), giving each other little pecks and giggling.
+ “Thank you, my love. You always know what I need.”
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
I just found your page and I love all your writings, they're so amazing. If you're not too packed with requests could you please do FatGum, All Might, and Aizawa reacting to/with an s/o with social anxiety and anxiety attacks?
A/N: THE DAD SQUAD! My kink has always been father figures, there’s no trope I love more than found family, and I’m a sucker for positive father figures in media. These thre men are my loves. So happy to get to write for Fatgum, a personal fave after watching season 4 and the recent chapters.
My best friend has an anxiety disorder and during a camping trip at school she had a panic attack in the middle of the night and I had to help her, so I’m drawing from those experiences. I hope it doesn’t disappoint. I tried to keep them general because everyone has different experiences.
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+ Fatgum has experience with people who have social anxiety after having Tamaki for an intern.
+ Very extroverted himself. This man is a golden retriever. He lives his life very loud and proud, and your relationship is definitely a part of that (your photo is prominently displayed on his desk).
+ Your dynamic is the classic extrovert protects introvert, where he’s always trying to encourage you.
+ Will try and help you during social situations and being more outgoing, but he will understand your limits to what your comfortable with.
+ When you have a panic attack, he’s going to be there as supportive as ever.
+ He’s sitting beside you and offering short sentences to try and help get you through this and know that he’s there beside you.
+ “You can get through this, (Y/N),” he assures you, rubbing your back, as he helps you try and count your breaths until you start to calm down.
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+ Don’t worry he’s ‘people allergic’. If you would feel more comfortable ignoring the whole world and staying inside like house cats, he’s game.
+ In all seriousness, he’s not bothered by your social anxiety and does what he can to accommodate you by trying to avoid social interactions that would cause his s/o any sort of distress.
+ Aizawa is a “your problems can’t hurt you if you ignore them” kind of person, if that’s not obvious.
+ But when it comes to you having a panic attack, he’s serious and he knows exactly what to do.
+ He’s experienced when it comes to panic attacks.
+ He’ll by by your side providing help to get you breathing back to normal and grounding you back into reality when your mind starts spiraling.
+ Aizawa’s number one priority is trying to make sure you receive the proper attention you need for your panic attacks, even if that’s just having him by your side when they happen.
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+ Is less extroverted than his hero persona would let on, especially after his retirement, so he likes having a more private and lowkey relationship.
+ Crowds flock to him everywhere he goes because he’s the number one hero, but once you seem uncomfortable, pre-retirement, he would pick you up and whoosh you away using his quirk.
+ If you have a panic attack, he will try his best to help you through it. Mostly just holds your shoulders until you calm yourself again.
+ Admittedly knows nothing about anxiety disorders or panic attacks, but he does reasearch.
+ He wants to be able to do more for you when it happens again. You’re an important part of his life, and so he wants to be able to help you.
+ Definitely has a book titled “How to help your s/o through a panic attack for dummies”
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
Dating Hawks hc pleaseee. Love Hawks, love your writing so that would be the perfect mix. Thank u!
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Dating Hawks Would Include
A/N: I would like to personally thank anon for allowing me to write for my bird husband, I mean- look at that face. How could you not love it? I got a bit carried away because I think about this particular request too often. Reminder that Requests are Open because I’m bored and I love writing any and all requests, and I have plenty planned but I’m gonna run out soon. Thank you and stay safe~
Warning: probably nsfwish
+ You’re a young aspiring hero, so of course you were marveled by meeting the number two hero, Hawks. 
+ He was also quick to notice you, he already knew who you were and thought it would be funny to ask you out, he didn’t expect you to plainly say “no”.
+ When you reject him, he’s genuinely shocked. Like he cannot comprehend what just happened, but now he’s like ten times more intrigued by you.
+ He may have been a great hero, but you knew his type.
+ So he decides to continue pursuing you out of fascination. 
+ Soon fascination turns into infatuation.
+ He helps you out when you’re patrolling, he enjoys cracking jokes in hopes that you’ll laugh at them (and you do when he makes the rare funny one), and it the nights usually end with him asking you out and you rejecting him.
+ Until one night you agree and he’s even more shocked.
+ Now he feels as nervous and giddy as a teenage girl trying to plan out the perfect date, he just wants to impress you after taking so long to get with you.
+ He picks you up from the office, and literally wraps his arms around you and takes you for a little flight around the city before descending to the top of a building with a great view of the city and night sky. On the roof is a little picnic set up, a blanket with a basket filled with treats. 
+ You sit together and watch the stars, talk about why you both became heroes, you observe the people below and make up stories about their lives, and much to his surprise again, you kiss him first.
+ The two start off with a casual relationship.
+ He’s the number two hero and you are trying to establish yourself as a hero, neither of you have the time for a large commitment, you lead busy and dangerous jobs, so you both agreed it was better to keep things casual. Texting each other for hook ups and hanging out like friends in public. 
+ Despite his best attempts to keep the relationship casual, having plenty of experience in that area, it becomes harder and harder to watch you quickly get out of bed and give him a quick peck goodbye. 
+ He starts wanting to have more private conversations, he wanted to know more about you. Your childhood. Your family. Your dreams and fears. 
+ Until one day, months after you two started your relationship, when you’re together, he’s completely intoxicated with you, grinding down on him, and you’re still calling him his hero name and he just blurts it out.
+ “K-Kei...go,” he grunted, “you can’t mention it anywhere else or tell anyone but when we’re alone, but please call me Keigo.”
+ You’re shocked, but soon you’re saying his name like a prayer.
+ After that, you realize you’re relationship isn’t very casual anymore, he trusted and exposed himself to you in a way he hadn’t with anyone else. 
+ So you start properly dating.
+ It takes all of three days before the whole world knows because bird-brain over here just couldn’t help but kiss you in public and images started circling around and Hawks and his newest tryst. 
+ He laughs his ass off about it while you scream at him for his recklessness. He had his agency and yours release statements about your relationship, which basically meant you reached the point of no return.
+ He loves nicknames, he’ll call you any nickname imaginable, but his favorites are “chickadee” when he’s playful and “dove” when he’s more romantic.
+ Yours are all not romantic, usually some variation of “bird brain” and other bird related nicknames you think of.
+ Hawks is all for PDA, if he want’s to kiss you or wrap his arms around than he’ll do so no matter whose watching. If you start to get flustered, he’ll wrap his wings around the two of you and kiss you all he wants.
+ Hawks is a good kisser and he knows it. Like how did he get so good at kissing, “that’s confidential information.”
+ He likes pecks and neck kisses.
+ He likes holding your hand. Doesn’t matter if your walking through the street, sitting on the couch together, or while you’re having sex, he’s holding your hand. It’s something tangible to remind himself its real.
+ Hawks is a tease and we all know it. Sometimes he’ll look into your eyes like he’s staring into your soul and just lean in slowly, drawing you in painfully slow until your lips are ghosting over each other, before just flying away with a smirk. 
+ He kinda has to be the big spoon because of his wings. He usually works late, so when he comes home, he carefully climbs in and just cuddles into your back or lie carefully semi-on top of you. But he’s cuddling you to sleep one way or another.
+ He doesn’t have much free time, but when he does he either is all about big dates or completely lazy days- there is no in between.
+ One day you two could spend on a full day date, beginning the moment you wake up with going out for breakfast, then to a museum, art gallery, the park, theme park, the mall, grab some lunch, or anything he can imagine until you pass out when you return to his apartment.
+ Another day you two literally spend the entire day in bed. Lazy days where neither of you have to work so you spend all morning cuddling and fooling around until you have to order in lunch (chicken), and then you spend the rest of the night doing absolutely nothing until you both fall asleep.
+ He also enjoys taking you out for flights.
+ You’ve met Tokoyami a couple of times and he easily became fond of you. He even likes you more than Hawks. And Keigo is totally jealous.
+ Speaking of jealousy, Hawks doesn’t get jealous ever. If someone is checking you out or flirting with you, he doesn’t get angry because he knows you wouldn’t betray him. Instead he would probably walk over and greet the guy before pulling you into a particularly passionate lip lock. But he’d be more cheeky about it than blatant jealousy. 
+ He is insanely protective of you, though. He respects you as a fellow hero, but the idea of something awful happening to you because of your line of work keeps him up at night. Especially the idea of someone using you to get to him. If you’re fighting villains together, his first instinct is always to protect you.
+ He can’t cook. He tried to cook for you once and nearly burnt down his entire apartment complex. So you either cook or you have to get take out.
+ Hawks will also just show up at your agency when you’re not around, come in through an open window and just leave flowers or a note. Other times he’ll walk up to the secretary and introduce himself as your boyfriend like he isn’t one of the most recognizable and famous men in Japan. 
+ He likes being known as your boyfriend more.
+ Over time, you start basically living at his apartment, you have a drawer on his bedside table, a shelf in his bathroom, and closet space for when you slept over. So he just casually asked you to move in with him after a few months.
+ Because he’s known he’s wanted to go all the way with you from the beginning and this is just one more step towards that.
+ The fact that he can be completely honest and real with you, scares the crap out of him, but it’s also how he knows he love you, and that scares him more.
+ But he does truly and honestly love you and it makes him smile when he’s laying in bed at night, thinking about his double life and all his secrets, and he just looks at your peaceful face and he knows he’s got someone with him, to support him, maybe even love him, for the first time in probably forever. 
+ And it makes him genuinely smile.
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
Hcs for reader kissing Aizawa's scars please! ❤️
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A/N: I made this one longer than all the other kissing scar headcanons because it’s just him, but also Aizawa deserves so much love.
+ He comes back from another late night of patrol and he has class in a few hours, and all he wants to do is crawl into bed and never leave.
+ Aizawa tries his best to enter your shared bedroom as stealthily as possible, but he bumps into the bed in the dark as he’s trying his best to change out of his hero costume and into his sweatpants.
+ “Shouta?” you say groggily, getting up to turn on the lamp.
+ “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up,” he responds, pulling on his shirt.
+ “No, it’s okay, come here,” you coo, sitting up against the headboard, and arm being stretched out for him to come into bed.
+ He doesn’t take a moment to hesitate climbing onto the bed, laying between your legs and resting his head on your sternum. This is the best part of his day when he just rest, and being close to you gives him peace.
+ Running your hands through his hair and tying it back.
+ Just give him all the cuddles.
+ You’re just so proud of this tired man, working all day to teach the next generation of heroes and then spends his nights protecting the city.
+ So you pick up his hands and start slowly tracing the skin of his hand lightly and then bring them up to your lips for a gentle kiss.
+ Aizawa sits up resting on his forearms, staring at you in disbelief.
+ Moving from kissing the little scars on his hands, to moving your lips to rub against the stubble on his chin, causing you to giggle quietly.
+ A gentle but firm kiss is placed on the large scar below his right eye.
+ He slowly closes his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist, trying to lean even more into the warmth of your arms around his shoulders and your kiss. He just wants to stay like this for as long as he can.
+ Aizawa loves when you kiss his scars.
+ He likes the moments where it’s just the two of you and he can be vulnerable enough have you wrap your arms around him and just reaffirm how much you love him when you kiss the scars he’s collected over the years.
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
being in a public restroom and hearing someone shitting really loud
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
It's V doddlin' time!
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[1st pic Forsakker Insta]
[2nd pic Nightyqueen99 Insta]
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lewdbunbun ¡ 4 years
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