lexama-16-blog · 6 years
Admito que por las noches tengo la mala costumbre de leer nuestros mensajes y rememorar a aquel chico que eras antes.
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lexama-16-blog · 6 years
An Open Letter To My Former Best Friend...
Dear Stranger,
I miss you. I miss texting you about every single stupid thing that happens in my life. I miss laughing with you and all of our inside jokes. I miss looking over at you and knowing exactly what you are thinking. I miss your family and the way you used to fill me in on their daily happenings and what crazy, judgmental things they said this time. I miss knowing that, at the end of the day, I had you– that when push came to shove, no matter how bad the situation might be, I knew you would be there. I miss my person, my other half and my best friend.
I hate that when people ask me how you are doing, and I genuinely don’t know. I hate that our conversations that once used to be so natural and seemingly endless are now just formal “how-do-you-do’s,” and “hope-you’re-doing-well’s.”
I hate that your face, the face I was so accustomed to seeing almost every single day, has become just another one in the crowd. I hate that we no longer speak, and that when we do, all of our conversations are awkward and now start with “OMG! I haven’t talked to you in forever!”
I’m mad at us for letting our friendship become this far gone. What happened? How did we not see this coming? How did we not feel ourselves starting to drift? I am mad at us for not fighting harder for the friendship that we had. It wasn’t like most friendships. It was the kind of friendship that neither of us could have anticipated coming to an end. It was us against the world, and now it is nothing. I am mad at us for letting it become nothing but a collection of memories.
I am sad because I don’t even know where to go from here. I don’t know what there is to be said. Nothing really happened to make it change, so how would we fix it? How do I make this horrible yearning for you go away? How do I shake the dreadful feeling of knowing that my best friend is no longer just a phone call away? We don’t even know each other anymore. How do we find a way to fall back together just as easily as we fell apart?
I hate that it probably can’t be fixed. I am hurt that you will probably never again be a huge part of my life. It hurts that when I threw my first housewarming party at the home my fiancé and I just bought, you weren’t there. That when I look around on my wedding day at all the faces in the crowd, it will hurt just as badly then as it does now to find that yours may not be there. But what hurts the most, and what I’m most scared of, is that you probably don’t even care at all. I am scared that maybe you haven’t noticed my absence in your life, or that maybe you have, but it just doesn’t matter to you.
I’m not naïve… I know that you have by now replaced me. I am scared that you don’t look back on our friendship as fondly as I do. I’m scared that our lack of a future doesn’t hurt you just as badly as it hurts me. I’m scared that you don’t miss me as much as I miss you.
However, even if that is the case, I like to hope that we will find our way back to each other, no matter how unlikely that now seems. I will never stop caring about you and wishing you well in life. I will silently smile from a distant sideline as you go out into the world and kick ass.
You will always hold a special place in my heart, even though I may no longer hold one in yours. I will never stop looking back on our friendship fondly and will always only have kind things to say.
I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I do know one thing is for certain, I will never find another friend like the friend I found in you. Thank you for everything. I miss you more than you could ever possibly know.
All the best,
Your Former Best Friend
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lexama-16-blog · 6 years
smeared makeup and
glistening eyes
baby, tell me
pretty lies.
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lexama-16-blog · 8 years
There’s this person inside my head. She’s brilliant, capable. She’s me, only so much better. And I’m afraid I’ll never become this person.
Meredith grey (via everything-studyblr)
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lexama-16-blog · 8 years
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lexama-16-blog · 8 years
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Best friends make the bad times good times, and the good times unforgettable
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lexama-16-blog · 8 years
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We just live once so enjoy the moments that make you happy.
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