lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
Looking for Contacts - Carmen Corwell (Balmung - Crystal DC)
(Hey everyone, thanks for checking me out! I hope to be a med/heavy roleplayer active in the 9pm - 1am EST hours. If you fall outside of that, Discord RP is acceptable, though sometimes I fail to keep up with them. Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks!)
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Character Name
The Basics ––– –
Age: Carmen Ann Corwell
Birthday: Unknown (Age: 21)
Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Server: Balmung (Crystal DC)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Height: 5′8″
Build: Athletic 
Distinguishing Marks: Small cut above the left eye
Common Accessories: Canteen - Various Maps - Odd assortment of old coins and various other worthless trinkets
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Treasure Hunter - Explorer
Hobbies: Exploring - Cave Diving
Languages: Eorzean Common 
Residence: None
Birthplace: Unknown
Religion: None
Patron Deity: Oschon
Fears: Losing a limb
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Ehsan & Amanda Daye (NPCs)
Siblings: Only Child
Other Relatives: Various other family members.
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Occassionaly  Drugs: Occassionaly Alcohol: Frequently
RP Hooks ––– –
TREASURE HUNTER: A natural love of anything shiny or old. If it sparkles and comes from some long-forgotten civilization, has some sort of historical significance to it, she wants to find it. 
Wanderer: Carmen is a free spirit, roaming wherever and with whomever she pleases. She’s in and out of haunted houses, caves, and caverns as much as she is the local taverns and inns.
Gambler: This girl loves to gamble and will place a bet on just about anything. Unfortunately, gambling doesn’t love her and she’s lost her shirt a few times. Literally. She’s often spotted milling about the Golden Saucer. Though warning, she’s been known to cheat at cards.
Contact Information  ––– –
Please send me a Tumblr DM or find my Discord ID: SicketySix#7204
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lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
friendly reminder
you are never truly alone, there will always be someone out there who gets what you’re going through and that will be able to relate and listen if you need them to
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lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
A Professor’s Journal Part 1
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Upon coming to the source world I had no clue how odd it would be. People have started calling me a Miqo’te…. What is a Miqo’te? I am a Mystel from Eulmore. I soon found out my title as a race wasn’t the only thing to change upon my escape from that dreaded world that has become of my home. My gold is no longer accepted as payment here making me broke.
It has been two years since that day I left my dying home world in the first. I can still see my family and friend’s faces when I sleep. However there was nothing left for me in that world. Nothing to hold on to, nothing to but death. The sineaters had killed everyone I loved.I spent a year in my home world once the flood had occurred. However now I am here laying in a field of flowers my red long hair split out before me. 
During my time here I found a partner in crime in a Drahn- excuse me in a Au’ra woman named Hope. She was in a part of this world known as Garlemald. Her family was telling her she was to get married and if she hadn’t found someone soon she’d be forced to marry some male. So I had taken it upon myself to offer myself and she accepted since than we’ve been traveling as wives though while Hope shows a bit of affection we still see other people at the same time.
Recently I’ve been looking for a place to work and I think… I might have found it.
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lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
Nightmares continue...
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Night after night, he lays restless in an empty inn room. Having completed yet another job but no closer to any form of closure, as images of the final moments with his father continue to dance in his mind. He continues to toss and turn till he sits up from the bed, panting. His tail to the side of the bed swaying as he looks towards the chronometer. ‘still early,’ he thought as he looks to his right. Empty once again. The Miqo’te he had bedded the night prior, not staying, as was the case normally with him. Laying back against the pillow once more, trying his best to close his eyes and not to think of the past. 
Keep reading
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lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
Her Arrival
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The morning sun shines as the wind blows through her hair. Those reddish-orange ears flapping lightly as she stretches. Her ample chest pressing to her crop top as she gazes over the airship, tabbing the heels of her ankle-high boots on the wood below. Her watchful gaze eyeing the all too familiar visage of Kugane she hasn't seen in a fair few moons. Having taken a trip toward the isle of Thaivnair to perfect her alchemical craft as well as her dancing, she has finally decided it was time to return back. She would smile for what felt like a lifetime before she looked to her right a moment, one of her ears flicker for a bit as she listens intently before quietly speaks as if speaking into a link pearl
~Yes, I know we aren’t returning to play. I am aware I have a job to do so you can get off my back on the matter.~
She says, motioning back as if swatting at a fly before she looks about. Resting her arms along the bow of the airship. Reaching up as she strokes a bang from her eye. Staring down towards the fish of the ocean before she turns and looks up at the birds flying in the sky.
She sighs as she moves to a nearby bench and relaxes on it. Laying on her back, she reaches into one of her pants pockets and grabs a small dagger. Small, blunt around the edges with a light little dark stain along one side, holding the blade end with a pair of her fingers as she begins to toss it in the air. Spinning it mid-air as she allows it to drop a fair bit before catching it with two fingers. As she waits the time to pass, her mind going back to the moment when she first had acquired the blade. Her eyes moving to the light scar along her hand as she continues to juggle the blade back and forth. Much more skilled at it since then as she hears the horn begin to sound. Her arrival coming near, she catches the blade once more and places it within her pocket.
What awaits her arrival no one truly knows. But what is known, is it won’t be all sunshine and rainbows.
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lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
Reblog this if you are a FFXIV RPer on the Crystal Data Centre.
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lexi-ffxiv · 5 years
CHARACTER BIO: Leeja “Lexi” Rysto - Balmung
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[ CHARACTER BIO: Leeja “Lexi” Rysto - Balmung ] image Name: Leeja rysto, but goes by Lexi now Nicknames: Lexi Sex: Female Orientation: Gay. Race: Viera | Rava Age: 24 Place of Birth: Outer regions of Golmore Jumgle Current Residence: None(wanderer) Occupation: Dancer | Entertainer Drink | Smoke | Drugs: Yes | No | No
Height/Weight:  6′4″(not including ears | 180lbs Hair colour: Red/Yellow highlights Eye colour: Red Skin/fur tone: Tanned brown Body type: Tall, feminine and slender yet curvacious  Health status: Completely healthy and fit. No health issues to date. Scars: None Strengths: Her feminine looks. Sexual prowess. Intellectual brain.strength in magitek arts Weaknesses: She can get hotheaded. Unwilling to accept defeat. Ties to the void.
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Likes: Woman, wine, dresses, flowers, causing sexual pain,  Dislikes: Being restricted, Hot weather, Dominants, Arrogance Hates: Garleans | Men Fears: Her own mind
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