lexvocem-blog · 7 years
There are many law firms in Delhi, but Lex Vocem is one of the best law firm which provides best lawyers and litigation services. Also, having effectively opining, conducting litigation, non litigation matters within India and in various parts of India.
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lexvocem-blog · 7 years
Lex vocem is a leading law firm, which provides best criminal lawyers in Delhi. We undertake cases such as the Domestic Violence Act, Criminal Procedure Code, Evidence Act and operate at various levels involving District Courts, High Court till the Supreme Court.
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lexvocem-blog · 7 years
Tips on Responding to A Federal Investigation
You can be placed under arrest immediately if under federal investigation. However, you are entitled to being informed by the FBI, DEA, AFT or other federal department that you are under investigation. You do not lose your rights for being placed under investigation and you can defend yourself.  
Here's how you can respond to such a situation:
1. Hire an Attorney: Federal investigations are a little bit more complex than investigations carried out by local or state police agencies and you should respond by hiring criminal lawyers if it is a criminal offense. Hiring criminal lawyers in Delhi or lawyers working with corporate law firms in Delhi will mean you have someone to guide you through any legal traps the agencies might be setting on you and you have someone to defend you in court in case you go to trial.
It doesn't matter how long the investigation takes as long as you have criminal lawyers in Delhi or lawyers from corporate law firms in Delhi to collect information that will defend you and your rights.
2. Do not Forget your Rights: Your rights as a citizen are protected under the Constitution. For instance, you can refuse searches or arrests without warrants. In fact, law enforcement officers can only obtain your name and address if there is reasonable suspicion to believe that you did commit a crime, otherwise, they will be violating your rights, for which you can seek legal redress through criminal lawyers in Delhi. If at all they have the arrest warrant to arrest you, you are not under any obligation to answer questions in the absence of an attorney.
Remember that the 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 stipulates that it is a federal crime to lie to a federal agent even without being under the oath (although it is the court that will have to prove that you lied) and you will be liable for up to five years imprisonment for such an offense.
Besides, most of the words you talk will likely be not for your defense purposes but against the arresting officers (which is unnecessary for your case when taken to court) out of anger. Instead, let criminal lawyers in Delhi or a lawyer working with corporate law firms in Delhi be the first to talk to when you fall into such a misfortune.
3. Don't Talk to People You Don't Trust Other Than Your Attorney: In some worse cases, federal agencies have been accused of getting and using the same information that those arrested dispatched to other people, to form a case against them. For instance, they have been involved in obtaining the information (about the case) told by you to family members and friends through bribing, subpoena to testify, threats and coercion. Sometimes, clients have trusted people with information, only for those people to end up on the opposite side of their defense in court. It is sad. Isn’t it?
4. Retain Evidence: You might be charged with obstruction of justice same way you would if you talked to (your) witnesses against complying with a subpoena to testify against you. Whether on paper or in electronic form, do not fall into destroying, modifying, or tampering with documents. After all, that evidence may work for your defense and relief once you talk to the lawyer about it.  
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lexvocem-blog · 7 years
Lexvocem is the legal  corporate law firms in Delhi that can be a great asset for an attorney. We offer Securities Laws for opining, legal drafting & litigation services for you and your family that will help you in the long run. When you are seeking for an attorney who would help get you out of your financial rumble, you may want to search for lexvocem law firms.
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