leyarawrites · 1 year
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[skz code] time out pt.3: lee know & changbin
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leyarawrites · 1 year
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Bang Chan ✧ ★★★★★ MOOD FILM
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leyarawrites · 2 years
You deserve good things: A roommate! Bucky x gender neutral reader fic
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Genre: Fluff
Summary: You’re sick, but luckily Bucky is there when it counts. 
Content warnings: Mild sickness; Reader is maybe not used to people being so nice to them.
You deserve good things
You were wheezing and sniffly. You texted Alice that you weren’t going to work today, and then you went back to sleep. 
Hunger pangs woke you up a while later, but you didn’t have the strength to move. You were lying staring at the ceiling when there was a soft knock on your door. 
“Y/n?” called Bucky. He was used to rising earlier than you, but generally you were up by this point. He opened the door a crack. 
“I’m sick or something,” you mumbled hoarsely. 
“Ah baby!” He moved into the room, sat on your bed and pressed his fingers to your forehead. “Do you need anything?”
“Coffee would be great,” you sighed, comforted by his gentle touch. 
“How about food?”
“I’ll come and make something in a minute.”
He frowned. “Or I could just get you something.”
Everything felt difficult, including a sensible response, so you made a “whrrrrr” noise and rolled your head over on the pillow. 
He chuckled. “Stay there.” 
You shut your eyes and smiled. This was nice. 
When he came back he brought coffee, toasted crumpets with jam, and an orange. He’d even sliced it up. 
“Oh wow thanks!” 
He bent to kiss your cheek, then propped you up on pillows like a Victorian invalid. The bits of your brain that were operating at a normal speed were enjoying being tended to. 
“Are you going to spoon-feed me, too?” 
He glowered. “If I have to.”
You took the hint and picked up a slice of orange. 
He was back at lunchtime with miso soup, a toasted sandwich and more coffee. 
You had gone straight back to sleep after breakfast, huddled under blankets, and had only recently woken up. 
“Thank you,” you croaked, too sick to care that you probably looked terrifying, trying to smile at least. 
He nodded. “I’ll be back for the dishes, then do you maybe wanna watch a movie together?”
“Don’t you have other things you should be doing?”
His face fell a little. 
“Oh not that I don’t want to,” you hastily backtracked. “I just don’t want you to waste a day hanging out with me, just because my immune system fucked out.”
He shook his head, genuinely mystified. “How could you ever say that being with you is wasting time?”
You didn’t have a smart comeback for that. Not for the first time today, you felt very wobbly. 
After lunch you curled up together and put on an anime. You leaned against him, smelling his skin with its faint hint of soap, and rested your hand on his chest.
During the film he noticed you rubbing your temples. “Let me,” he said softly, and wound his fingers into your hair to apply a gentle pressure to different points across your aching skull. You gasped with a relief you didn’t know you needed. 
He gently bullied you into taking a shower. “You’ll feel so much better sweetheart,” he kept saying. 
He was right. It took an effort to get to the bathroom, but the rhythm of the hot water beating on your skin and the pleasant smells soothed you, and the steam cleared your head a little. 
But Bucky wasn’t finished. When you got back to your room you found he’d put fresh sheets on the bed and flowers in a vase on the bedside table. Next to the flowers, a stack of graphic novels from the library that he’d picked up during your morning sleep, and on the top sat a large packet of crisps. 
You were rendered speechless. You stared at him, asking wordlessly if this was really all for you. 
He gave you a tiny smile, seeking approval, then moved forward to hug you when he saw your eyes welling. 
“I’ll take care a you, ok?” He muttered into your hair. 
“I don’t know if I deserve this,” you whispered into his chest. 
“Hey. Hey! Now you’re gonna make me angry. You deserve good things, y’know?”
You exhaled slowly. A tear rolled down your cheek, and was absorbed into his shirt. 
“So do you,” you replied quietly, and he hugged you a little tighter. 
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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The Lavender Haze video is out now. There is lots of lavender. There is lots of haze. There is my incredible costar Laith Ashley who I absolutely adored working with. This was the first video I wrote out of the 3 that have been released, and this one really helped me conceptualize the world and mood of Midnights, like a sultry sleepless 70’s fever dream. Hope you like it 😁
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leyarawrites · 2 years
You lie in bed for hours staring at the ceiling, thinking how outside, all these people are living their lives while you’re just stuck here, too scared to even get up and face the world for one morning.
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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my love had been frozen deep blue, but you painted me golden
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leyarawrites · 2 years
You made us proud
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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holy trinity
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leyarawrites · 2 years
that moment when a taylor lyric that didn’t hit you previously all the sudden does
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leyarawrites · 2 years
Baby sugar glider napping
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour presented by Capitol One: when all of your favorite eras, songs, stories, and late nights mesh into one. #TSTheErasTour 
Sign up for TaylorSwiftTix Powered by Verified Fan between now and Nov 9 at 11:59PM EST for a chance to receive presale access. We have a feeling these memories are going to break our fall.
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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Our last midnight before Midnights… 🌌
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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Taylor Swift announcing Track 11.
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leyarawrites · 2 years
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leyarawrites · 2 years
…. I did it
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leyarawrites · 2 years
Taylor Swift’s Genres
1. Quill: ‘I categorize certain songs of mine in the ‘quill’ style if the words and phrasings are antiquated. If I was inspired to write it after reading Charlotte Brontë, or after watching a movie where everyone is wearing poet shirts and corsets. If my lyrics sound like a letter written by Emily Dickinson’s great-grandmother while sewing a lace curtain, that, to me, is writing in the quill genre. I will now give you an example of one of my songs I would categorize as quill: 'How’s one to know I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bones in a faith-forgotten land? In from the snow, your touch brought forth an incandescent glow, tarnished but so grand.' 
2. Fountain Pen: ‘Fountain pen style means a modern storyline or references with a poetic twist—taking a common phrase and flipping its meaning. Basically trying to paint a vivid picture of a situation down to the chipped paint on the doorframe and the incense dust on the vinyl shelf, placing yourself and whoever is listening right there in the room where it all happened: the love, the loss, everything. The songs I categorize in this style sound like confessions scribbled and sealed in an envelope that are too brutally honest to ever send. For example, 'cause there we are again in the middle of the night, we’re dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light, down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well. And there we are again when nobody had to know, you kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath, sacred prayer and we’d swear to remember it all too well' 
3. Glitter Gel Pen: ‘These lyrics are frivolous, carefree, bouncy, syncopated perfectly to the beat. Glitter gel pen lyrics don’t care if you don’t take them seriously because they don’t take themselves seriously. Glitter gel pen lyrics are the drunk girl at the party who tells you that you look like an angel in the bathroom. It is what we need every once in awhile in these fraught times in which we live. For example, 'my ex man brought his new girlfriend, he’s like oh my god, but I’m just gonna shake, and to the fella over there with the hella good hair, won’t you come on over baby and we can shake, shake, shake?' 
- Taylor Swift, NSAI2022
(credit to @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes for typing up the transcript. everyone say thank you Jaime!)
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leyarawrites · 2 years
When you're reading a fic that's just so good you just have to sit back and think
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