leylayilmz · 4 days
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leylayilmz · 4 days
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I love me some Corn Flakes. You do? You love Corn Flakes?
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leylayilmz · 7 days
Leyla cringed at the mere thought. "I honestly don't even want to think about it." She followed Noa's gaze, scanning the room with a look of disdain. "I really think we ought to start introducing themes that don't involve smutty books.. like maybe, crime. Murder. Anything but having to endure this shit with her." The brunette couldn't pour Noa's glass fast enough, handing it straight to her. "Drink up, buttercup. You're gonna need it." Something of a sigh escapes her lips as she, too, glances at the elderly lady. "At least she doesn't care about what anybody thinks. I could use a note from her book. —Aw, shucks. Full of compliments tonight, Andreas." She grinned, right before her eyes lit up with sudden realisation. "But how are you going? Catch me up on all things Noa before we're sent down the path of hell. What have I missed?"
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It was amusing to Noa that Mrs Robinson was so brazenly out there with her book taste. She would more so assume that it be more of a private thing or something shared amongst your close friends. Truthfully, Mrs Robinson being the choice this month might have been a little extra bonus on why Noa came to the bookclub meeting. This was something she had to sit back and watch unfold. "Agreed," she responded with an immediate nod, "it's just kind of funny to me that she would make these books her book of the month picks. I'm a little concerned at what she's getting out of having us read it and... read it aloud here." Noa's eyes moved around, it was mostly all women. "What's she getting out of it?"
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With a breath of a giggle Noa tried to bite back her grin and nodded, taking the offered glass of wine. "I'd love another. I just hope it doesn't make me laugh or turn beet red. Especially if we're considering that kind of gift." While she shrugged her eyes moved away from Leyla to find Mrs Robinson. The woman looked confident and pleased with herself and despite the awkwardness of what they were all about to endure, Noa admired that Mrs Robinson gave no fucks. "Because, babe, every other month is pretty great and fun. Do not judge your book club by the Desperate Housewife."
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leylayilmz · 8 days
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leylayilmz · 10 days
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Eda, Kiraz and Sirus💕 - Sen Çal Kapımı episode 43 // 44
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leylayilmz · 14 days
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leylayilmz · 14 days
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leylayilmz · 14 days
All Leyla had wanted after her one off wild weekend per year was to rug up at home, on the couch, with ten different snacks watching nothing but trashy tv. Instead, Billie had insisted on hanging out with her friend, Parker, at the board walk with the rest of their school friends. Somehow, Leyla mustered the strength to leave the house, and now found herself munching on a wrap from one of the nearby food stalls. It was her saving grace at this point. As Billie and her friends began chasing after seagulls and then chasing each other, she sat down at one of the benches, hoping for nothing but peace. As much as she could get whilst watching her daughter, of course. But then it began, birds began flocking and a growing sense of irritation ensued. "Lukas Allen Nasso.. if you don't stop that right now, I might just have to kill you." The brunette near jumped as a seagull attempted to join her on the bench, quickly shooing them away. Admittedly, she had a bit of a fear of birds — though she had nothing against feeding animals.. just, not anywhere near her. "Thrill?! Please, explain. 'Cause all I'm envisioning is bird shit all over me."
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where  → briar beach pier and boardwalk who  → open starter (cap 5)
He could have picked anywhere to live, anywhere. He had the skillset to succeed anywhere but there was something about it here. Kids yelling in the background, thunking along the boardwalk-- while slightly annoying to him, he could hear the joy in it. Lukas always came up here to calm himself, find some piece of the world that was still carefree and untouched. He did so before he had a big job to complete and if he was anything, he was a man of habit.
He knew better than this, salt and sea breeze always coaxing the devil-may-care out, the bigger part of his sandwich left over. Luke tore pieces off towards an ever growing horde of seagulls. He casually looked around like he was breaking the law, and on the beach it was an unspoken one, "listen," he started as he caught the eyes of another, "I do know better-" he continued haphazardly tearing off yet another piece of bread, "but there's a certain thrill about it." He joked, but not really, "is this the time I finally have trained them? Built an army? We don't know unless we try."
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leylayilmz · 14 days
"I wouldn't doubt it for the world." Curiousity filled her mind suddenly, finding herself wanting to know more about Ines. As friends they'd given pieces of information over time, and there was much to be assumed. But she'd never really asked Ines about her degree. "Have you ever worked in the architectural industry?" Taking another bite of one of her brownies, and hoarding a few in a tissue that she neatly packed into the pocket of her parka, she glanced over at Ines. "Sounds great to me. Kill the lights feels like a dramatic exit.. I like it!"
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"I am a professional waitress with an architectural degree of course there are some intelligent thoughts rattling around about there bonita" She smiled shaking her head knowing the earlier statement about cats was true. listening to the older woman drone on about her bridgerton named felines friends was almost as bad as the smut she had prepared them to read. The act of reading however and what each of them put in would give everyone a voice not just the ones who loved to dominate the conversation. "I could run it. Oh brownie is perfect that is a great code word. We'll make it through as much as we can. If one of us says brownie the other casually goes for the dessert and then we kill the lights and run or we just change a subject. Love you too Leyla"
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leylayilmz · 17 days
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Hande Erçel
via instagram
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leylayilmz · 17 days
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leylayilmz · 22 days
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leylayilmz · 24 days
As embarrassed as she was by her initial reaction to his words, evident from the lingering blush on her cheeks, Leyla couldn't help but grin at his laugh; it was contagious, to say the least. The boy had a stupidly nice smile, and an even nicer laugh. Of course he was charming as hell just being himself, and she couldn't deny he knew how to use that to his advantage. However, she loved to see him coming into more of himself as of late, opening up in an authentic and genuine way. "Don't be cheeky now, Mr Flynn," the brunette warned, though her tone didn't exactly match the smile that remained on her features. "I swear, I'm going to kill you." Leyla was acutely aware of the stares they were getting by those surrounding them, or maybe the prudeness in her was making itself known and she was very much overthinking it. There it was again, that natural charm and cheekiness shining through. And the company. That's probably why he got so many free donuts, he always knew how to make her smile. Asshole. She grabbed a brownie, then, readying herself for the onslaught of... well, whatever would come about from the meeting. "Ha, funny. You know, you'll be eating your words when today's book club leader starts."
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A bell sounded, at the hands of the dramatic Mrs Robinson of course. The room began to fall silent as she called the beginning of the book club meeting. "Shall we?" She motions towards the circle of chairs, veering towards the comfy lounges. "You're in for it, Flynn." It seemed like only minutes into the meeting that the point of talk veered from the premise of the story to, of course, smut. "Here we go," she grumbles under her breath. "Is there something you'd like to point out, Ms Yilmaz?" Leyla paused, momentarily caught off guard by the elderly lady's question, but soon found her answer. "So sorry, Mrs Robinson. Callum was just mentioning how much he'd like to read this chapter out lopud. I was letting him know that you, of course, would probably prefer to but.." Leyla glanced to her left, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she shot Callum a mischievous grin. "I honestly have not seen him so keen to read a chapter of a book since he joined book club."
The way the drink flew out of her mouth made Callum laugh to the point of tears. He had hoped for a reaction but didn't think it would be that extreme. Clearly, she didn't expect such directness from him, and part of him enjoyed that he knew that now. To tease her some. His cheeks were always fire red, so now he knew how to make them dimples burn a little. The glint in his eye was obvious, and the smirk that went along with it deserved the glare. "No, you don't," he immediately fired back with a wink. Callum wasn't usually this confident but was caught up in the moment. It was sure to backfire in time, but for now, he was savouring the feeling. It was rare these days.
Callum protected the plate of cookies with his forearm and glared back at her for even suggesting such cruelty. "Hey now, don't get mad at me because the book has sex in it," he laughed, unable to help the grin that lit up his face again. "And the company," he admitted. Now that the threat against his snacks was gone, he stood beside her and threw an arm around her shoulders. "Mainly the treats, but you're not so bad..." he glanced at the crowd as his arm returned to his side, "And Mrs Robinson is always a good laugh."
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leylayilmz · 24 days
No, no, no.. Leaning on her door now, Leyla was still incredibly intoxicated, enough for the world around her to be spinning some. She already regretted ever agreeing to have a night off, to get a taste of her youth back and let loose a little. Tomorrow would be exceptionally difficult. But this?! This was impossible to comprehend, and all too much to bear. How the fuck did she find herself getting along with the one person she couldn't stand on this planet earth? The one person who was tied to her greatest heartache of all, her deepest pit of grief. The Clyde to her Bonnie was simply the one person she could not allow herself to grow friendship with, which surprisingly, made her even more disappointed. "No, I know I'm drunk, but this is too much. You can't possibly be.." She shook her head, lost for words. It took a few moments for her to even process their interactions. Pressing her lips together, she stepped forward towards him, the venom unleashing from within. "Yes, they were my brownies," the brunette admitted unashamedly. "And I guess you're going to find out, huh?" She couldn't BELIEVE her fucking luck. Of all freakin' people on this planet earth, it had to be him. "—This never happened. The Bonnie, the Clyde.. the getting along. It's forgotten. I was drunk and not myself." Am drunk. "We are not friends."
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As soon as he heard the name of ‘Clyde’ being exclaimed, Levi didn’t need any further proof of explanation that she was in fact the Bonnie, his partner in crime from earlier that evening. For once, his mind hadn’t deceived him. He couldn’t be too sure at this point after all, with the festivities officially winding down, and his gait practically reduced to an uneven stagger. The bar trips to get through the evening as quick as possible had a prominent say in that. All Levi needed was to slam his apartment door literally and figuratively on the whole night, so the surprise of seeing ‘Bonnie’ hanging around the downtown residence actually happened to be a rather welcome one. He didn’t care to question why or how in the hell she found herself there from the party. His head nodded, confirming he was the ‘Clyde’ in question. “Took long enough to get out of there.” Levi mused, his attention instantly piqued as the brunette woman mentioned classified information to share with him, specifically about those excellent desserts she had him sample at the foood tables in the ballroom. Yet as she trailed off into a near silence, his brows furrowed in confusion. It was only when his fellow schemer turned completely did the realization begin to hit…his expression fell white, frame frozen as a lump formed within his throat. Apparently, the night did have one more sick joke left in store. “…— What?” He blinked in sheer shock, stepping back a few steps from the doors. As if everything hadn’t been incomprehensible enough...Leyla? She was Bonnie? Were they that well concealed? Were they that ..blind? “So, those brownies were yours? What were actually in them?” 
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leylayilmz · 24 days
"I love you so much. Thank you for lying to me," tears of her own welled up as she grabbed Cali's face and kissed one of her cheeks. "Sometimes I feel so old, it's like I think about playing bingo. Like this is my time to shine." The drink in her hand had more than spilled across the dance floor, even drenching her own attire. These two were messy af, and there was clearly no stopping them any time soon. "Please, that's Mrs Robinson's anthem. Where is she tonight, anyways? —Don't tempt me because you know I will." As Cali left momentarily to go to the bar, Leyla caught herself reaching in her purse for her phone — she promised herself that she wouldn't be that mom that constantly checks up on her child after only a few hours but, she couldn't help herself. Sending an incoherent text back to the babysitter, who had informed her that Billie was sleeping, she looks out at the crowd, swearing she's spotted someone familiar. It's only when Cali returns with tequila that she finds herself distracted. "YES, girl! This is what I'm talking about. Did I tell you that I love you?" Taking one of the shot glasses, she clumsily clinks hers with Cali's before downing it without another thought. Tomorrow was forgotten. "—Do you know who I swear I just saw?" Things were about to get even messier. "Marco!"
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She had no expectations of going home sober or even just slightly drunk, especially knowing that she and Leyla would be unable to ignore their intense love of tequila but considering how drunk she already was and how much left of the night they had, Cali couldn't even fathom just how awful she was going to feel tomorrow. Reaching up, she placed her hands on Leyla's cheek, almost welling up as she looked at one of her oldest friends. "You are more beautiful than Cinderella and sexier than a Victoria Secret model, no part of you is old. You will steal time back, I have faith in you. Oh my god, you're like a time lord." Dropping her hands, Cali threw her arms up in the air, a dangerous feat considering she was wearing a strapless dress. "Do you think we can con them into playing WAP?" Her lips popped on the P before she fell into a fit of giggles, holding onto Leyla's arm as she doubled over. "There is also a nineties song called 'Horny', I bet that would get the crowd going. Go work your magic, Leyls. Whip your wand out and sprinkle it over this party. It needs some serious CPR. I'll get another shot." Bringing her hand to her head in a salute, Cali clumsily made her way over to the bar, ordering two more tequilas before she brought them back to the dance floor. "The tequila train has arrived, choo choo!"
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leylayilmz · 24 days
Through everything, Valentina had always been there. Through her break ups, her pregnancy with Billie, raising Billie alongside her so she didn't have to do it alone.. the woman owed Valentina her life. There would never come a day Leyla wouldn't be there for Val, especially on the days where she felt vulnerable and afraid. "You? A massive failure?!" her eyes softened, wishing that Val wasn't so hard on herself. "I mean it when I say you are the smartest person I know. You have so much to give, people don't know what they're missing out on." Well and truly, she was someone Leyla had always looked up to, and always would. "This is your dream, Val. If you don't try, you'll never know. They say that not taking the risk is the biggest risk of all." Reaching over to grab Valentina's hand, she added, "You deserve this. —Besides, worst case you know I'll make space for you. I'll even rid the shops of books if I have to. I just.. can't get rid of the coffee machine. We both know I wouldn't survive."
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"Gracias, mi amor." Her eyes shone with the love she felt for her best friend. Since the two had met in college, Leyla had been more than just a best friend to her. She had been a sister in so many ways, dropping everything to support Val when her marriage fell apart. They had been through nearly every single one of each other's high's and low's in life and Val truly didn't know what she would do without Leyla's support as she branched out in this way.
At Leyla's question though, Val averted her gaze. "I've met a few at this open house I went to last week, and told them what I was looking for, but..." she paused, knowing her best friend was going to think she was being ridiculous. "I've kinda been too afraid to jump off that particular deep end and actually work with a realtor. What if it's a massive failure? That would be so embarrassing." She kept her gaze on her hands as she signed the explanation. It wasn't like Val to doubt herself like this. But owning a yoga studio was her dream, had been for as long as she could remember, and she was almost afraid to share that dream with others. For fear of looking stupid or failure or even just getting laughed at.
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leylayilmz · 25 days
Fumbling her fingertips, Leyla couldn't help but feel a little nervous about the impending evening given all the topics they would have to broach now that Mrs Robinson had the floor. May the odds be ever in our favour.. doubt it. "It's times like this I wish I was invisible," the brunette sighed, before turning her attention over to Lia. The two had become rather acquainted with one another ever since Billie began spotting her around town and fangirling, which then led to a guitar lesson — her daughter was now obsessed with the idea of becoming a musician just like Lia Lozano — and finally, a friendship that sparked between two souls who shared many of the same interests. Writing, reading.. it all fell hand in hand. "Oh, so it's super smutty, huh? Listen, we all love a good smut book but I am just not sure I like studying it with the likes of... you know," she made a face then, throwing a quick look over at today's book club leader. "Oh my gosh, no!" Laughter spilled from her lips, covering her face with her hands in sheer embarrassment. "Please for Pete's sake, do NOT let me endure that! I will die. Like actually die. I'm too young for that Lia, please." And probably too old for this shit. Flicking through the pages, Leyla near cringes at the number of mentions of his member she spots while doing so. "Please, distract me with all things Lia Lozano before we have to endure this shit show. What's been happening?"
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Lia had been sure that when she'd return home and get back to some kind of normal life, something she hadn't had for over a decade now, the passion for her music and her ability to write songs would come flowing back. Seven months in and her notebook still only had vague scribbles, a line here and there that would suit a song that she couldn't picture, a melody she couldn't pinpoint.
It was her mother that had suggested getting out of her routine, although that routine mainly consisted of playing with her cat, drinking margaritas with her best friend and lying awake at night wondering if she had lost her touch and her career would fade to black. That was how she found herself at a book club, watching an older lady she swore babysat her at one point pulling a smutty mafia book out of the pile available to the group. Glancing down, Lia nodded before taking a seat next to the woman. "I think it might be, you've definitely been seen. I don't want to make this worse, but I read a book by that author before, even I blushed."
Taking a sip of her iced coffee through the straw, Lia winced at the lady thumbed through the book, her grin growing with each page turn. "Maybe we can get her focused on the violence because we do not need her googling what a Jacob's ladder is."
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