lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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Mexico legalized same sex marriage too! #LoveWins
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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Just Like the First Time.
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Aces By Location List
I’ve seen a lot of people asking for ways to find aces in their area, so I’m giving the Aces By Location list that I run its own post!
The list is sorted by country, then by state/province/city, and finally by age. It’s been up and running for nearly a year now, and there are currently over 2,700 aces listed!!
You can add yourself to the list via this form
You can view the list here to make friends!
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Since Vine’s gonna die, here are some great queer vines from Thomas Sanders
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Shoutout cãtre urmăritorii mei a căror limbă maternă nu permite forme neutre, care trebuie să inventeze cuvinte noi pt identitatea lor de gen si orientarea sexuală, dar și pentru aproape orice situaţie in rest.
O să dureze o vreme, dar vom face lumea sa ne bage in seamă!
S/o to my followers whose language is hard to make gender neutral, who have to invent words not only for their gender identity and orientation, but also for any and every situation. 
It will take time but we will make the world see us. 
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
i need more asian aro/ace love in my life. for the east asians, the southeast asians, for russian asians, central asians, west asians, mixed asians, ALL asians that identify anywhere on the aromantic or asexual spectrum…
i love n support u
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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Week One: TELEVISION Week Two: MOVIES Week Three: BOOKS Week Four: POETRY Week Five: MUSIC Week Six: COMICS Week Seven: DOCUMENTARIES Week Eight: PODCASTS Week Nine: YOUTUBERS Week Ten: HISTORY Week Twelve: THANK YOU + GOODBI
Week Eleven: Hello and welcome back to the LGBT+ Masterlist Project!
This is it! This is the last masterlist of the series! Well, there is a vlog after this, a sort of good-bi (if you will) to the LGBT+ masterlist project and a hello to the vlogging world. This week’s post is still a very important installment of my project - resources.
🔑 Major key🔑 to a successful, safe and happy life as a member of the LGBT+ community is being informed. Hopefully over the past few of months of this project you have learned a thing or two, but this week is all about learning about how to take care of and learn about yourself. This week I bring you resources for that. 
Feel free to suggest LGBT+ related resources to me even after the series has finished, and make sure to call me out if I have referenced inauthentic, outdated and/or problematic resources. Another reminder: I will be updating ALL masterlists indefinitely, so my inbox is always open for recommendations!
Don’t forget to tune in later this week for my first 🎥 YOUTUBE VLOG 🎥
FAQ: United Nations for LGBT+ Equality
FAQ: LGBT+ Youth Suicide Prevention Program 
PFLAG: Resources for LGBT+ Youth and Family Support
Financial Aid from LGBTsupport.org
Youth Suicide Prevention Program Resources (includes nonfiction books) 
Human Rights Campaign Resources 
The Gender Spectrum’s Resource Page
Wikipedia: LGBT+ Stereotypes
Resources from the LGBT Center of NYC (useful for everyone - not just residents in the Tri-State area)
Pride around the World
LGBT+ Resources in the UK
The Trevor Project
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
GLBT National Help Center
imalive.org: an online crisis network
The Network/La Red: survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in LGBT+ communities
Psychepage.com: Domestic Violence In LGBT+ Couples
LGBT History Month (USA: October. UK: February)
March 31 - International Transgender Day of Visibility
April - Day of Silence 
April 26 - Lesbian Visibility Day
May 17 - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
May 22 - Harvey Milk Day
June - LGBT+ Pride Month
September - Bisexual Awareness Week
September 23 -Celebrate Bisexuality Day
October 11 - National Coming Out Day
October - Spirit Day
November 20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance
December 1 - World AIDS Day
December 10 - Human Rights Day
MORE - List of LGBT+ Events Worldwide
The Huffinton Post: Coming Out Advice
Psychology Today: “Should You Come Out To Your Parents?”
Ally Hills: Coming Out Song
Dominick Whelton: Coming Out Tips & Advice
MarkE Miller: Coming Out Tips
ElloSteph: Coming Out Tips
When I Came Out: A Website of Stories
@humanrightscampaign: Resource Guide to Coming Out
YouthResource: Coming Out to Your Parents: Questions to Think About
Gender Equity Resource Center: Coming Out
Bisexual Resource Center: Coming Out as Bi
LGBT Foundation: Coming Out Support
Genderqueer Identities: Coming Out as Transgender, Genderqueer, and/or Non-Binary
HRC: A resource Guide to Coming Out for African Americans
Am I Gay? A Guide For People Who Question Their Sexuality
I Think I May Be Gay. Now What?
Bisexuality Exists
Pansexuality 101
The Huffington Post: Lesbian Visibility
About.com: Sexuality
About.com: LGBT+ Teens
About: Lesbian Life
Trans Resource Masterlist by user @composerlost​
About.com Gay Teens: Transgender Teen Issues
The Gender Spectrum Organization
Advocates for Youth: Health and Rights of Transgender Youth
GLAAD: Trans Resources
Trans resources by user @transgenderteensurvivalguide​ 
Transgender Resources
Teaching About Gender Fluidity
Dealing with Dysphoria
Road map for the male-to-female transgender person
TransgenderZone (UK)
Nonbinary.org Wiki
Resources from Gender Queer Identity, blog by user @ggid
Genderqueer Australia
Neutrois: an intimate exploration of identity and finding life wisdom beyond the gender binary
The Gender Wiki
Racism in LGBT+ America
National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Building Anti-Racist GSAs
Zuna Institute - National Advocacy Organization for Black Lesbians
GLAAD: LGBT+ People of Color
The National Black Justice Coalition
HRC: A Resource Guide to Coming Out for African Americans
Keep reading
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Priest: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded gal pal?
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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Serile Filmului Gay are nevoie de ajutorul vostru! Se va organiza un mic proiect artistic in cadrul festivalului si avem nevoie de testimonialele voastre (complet anonime). Daca ati semnat pentru Coalitia pentru Familie si initiativa lor, spune-ne povestea ta si circumstantele in care te-ai simtit constrans sa semnezi. Vrem sa aratam ca o parte din cei #3milioane nu au fost de acord si au fost fortati, si ca cei responsabili au folosit metode reprobabile (am auzit cu totii de minorii fortati in scoli sa semneze si de bisericile care le adunau la sfarsitul slujbei de duminica). Imi puteti lasa mesaj, si as aprecia daca ati include si initialele voastre, totul va ramane anonim si daca veti vrea, veti primi si forma finala a declaratiei ce va aparea pe peretii locatiilor! In ultimul rand, haideti la film daca sunteti in Cluj in 14-20 noiembrie! Take care, people
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Decizie CCR
Nu am un link la indemana, dar ma puteti crede pe cuvant sau puteti da google cautare. Curtea Constitutionala a decis in privinta constitutionalitatii initiativei legislative de modificare a Constitutiei..wow, am inceput sa urasc acel cuvant cu toate derivatele lui... Mai stiti voi (ca doar cine ar putea sa uite), Coalitia pt Familie vrea sa faca cumva sa fie ei 110% siguri ca persoanele de acelasi sex nu se vor putea casatori in Romania in viitorul previzibil. Si pana acuma le cam iese... Bun, nu disperam inca, mai trebuie sa se intample multe pana sa se ajunga acolo, dar astazi Curtea asta, unde se presupune ca sunt cele mai ascutite si intelepte minti juridice ale tarii, a decis ca nu e nimic gresit cu propunerea Coalitiei raportat la legea noastra fundamentala. Sunt profund mahnita si dezamagita. Pe langa palma metaforica data unei intregi comunitati plus tuturor celor care nu cad sub ecuatia familiala de [(mama+tata)×casatoriti]+copiii biologici=familie, toata argumentarea lor se reducea in final la conceptia medievala conform careia procreatia este rolul de baza al familiei. Exact...in ochii si mintea lor, familia e facuta ca sa creeze copii. Si cam atat... Asa, acum ca am folosit acest moment ca sa ma descarc in vidul world wide web, eu va propun un plan de actiune. Nu stiu sincer cati dintre voi, cei care cititi asta, aveti drept de vot, dar daca aveti, va rog mult sa VOTATI la parlamentare, si sa votati cu cap. Pt ca in urmatoarea etapa, proiectul asta ajunge in Parlament, si ei decid daca supun decizia la referendum national sau o dau uitării pt ca e absurda. Pt cei care nu aveti drept de vot inca, eu va propun sa va implicati in procesul democratic cum puteti: fiti informati si bate-ti-va la cap parintii si prietenii sa voteze, sa nu traga chiulul. Cel mai important totusi, stay safe! Pt ca la sfarsitul zilei, orice se intampla cu revizuirea aia amarata, noi in comunitate ne avem unul pe altul, ca nu ne pot face sa disparem, si orice fac ei, putem noi repara peste 10 ani daca e chiar cazul (desi inca sper sa iasa cum vrem noi).
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Un studiu recent efectuat de cercetatori ai Universitatii Columbia (SUA) a descoperit ca aproape jumatate din cazurile de tulburari alimentare (eating disorders) din randul barbatilor se gasesc la barbati GB. Cu alte cuvinte, baietii si barbatii gay si bi sunt mult mai predispusi sa dezvolte anorexie si bulimie, afectiuni ce sunt clasificate drept boli mentale. Este ingrijorator si trist faptul ca motivul principal pt care apare aceasta diferenta intre barbatii straight si cei din comunitatea noastra este presiunea la care sunt supusi in urma asa ziselor stereotipuri "pozitive". Lumea crede si spune ca barbatii gay sunt mai aratosi si ingrijiti decat cei straight. Asta, cuplat cu ura si negativitatea care deja ne inconjoara ca si comunitate, ii conduce sa faca tot posibilul ca sa atinga standardul imposibil stabilit de societate, apeland la mijloace periculoase. E oribil felul in care lumea refuza sa accepte ca si barbatii sufera de tulburari alimentare. E oribil felul in care lumea se asteapta de la barbatii gay si bi, doar pt ca sunt gay sau bi, sa fie mereu in forma perfecta si in ton cu ultima moda. E oribil si cum lumea, in general, nu constientizeaza ca tulburarile alimentare tin de bolile mentale, nu sunt "alegeri alimentare proaste" sau simple "obiceiuri nesanatoase". Sunt unicul raspuns pe care unii indivizi il mai gasesc atunci cand simt ca imaginea corpului lor, stima lor de sine, faptul ca oamenii ii plac sau nu, tine de greutatea lor sau de conditia lor fizica. Nu incerc sa vorbesc in numele tuturor celor care sufera de ele, vorbesc mai mult din experienta personala, ce vreau sa transmit e de fapt ca bolile astea trebuie luate in serios, ca nu sunt parti ale personalitatii indivizilor, ca necesita ajutor din partea unui doctor sau psiholog, si ca cei care sufera de ele nu trebuie judecati sau certati, trebuie sprijiniti. Si ca sa putem preveni pe viitor, ca generatiile urmatoare de baieti gay si bi sa nu mai treaca prin ce trece aceasta generatie, hai sa incercam sa ne reeducam preconceptiile despre cum ar trebui sa fie barbatii GB. Unii sunt in pas cu moda, penaltii nu ii preocupa asta. Unii sunt inalti, scunzi, robusti, supli, corpolenti, musculosi, etc. Si cel mai important: TOTI SUNT PERFECTI ASA CUM SUNT!
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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Space is officially gay you guys.
Watch the video here.
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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(Image description: white text on a bright blue background which reads “It’s okay to be ‘they’.” There is a border of sunflower emojis above and below the text.)
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
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ICYMI: In which a 13-year-old boy comes out to his best friend via text message, and adorable unconditional support ensues. Ain’t nothing wrong with being gay, my friend. (via BuzzFeed) 
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
bi girls who used to think they were lesbians and lesbians who used to think they were bi are equally valid
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Reminder that relationships don’t have sexual identities, the people IN them do.
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lgbt-in-romania · 8 years
Even if I was given the opportunity to fall in love with someone romantically, I wouldn’t take it.
If I was given the chance to stop being aromantic, and begin experiencing romantic feelings like most people do, I would not take it.
Even though it would mean that I wouldn’t have to deal with all the crap aromantics get–being treated like we’re villainous, inhuman, disreputable, heartless, selfish, lying, robotic, immature, or nonexistent–even then, I would still choose to be aromantic instead of romantic.
Why? Because being aromantic is part of who I am. It has shaped my past experiences, and made me the person I am today. And I happen to like the person I am. If you changed the sort of emotions I can feel toward people, you’d be changing a fundamental part of my personality. I don’t want some “love interest” to change me like that.
I don’t care if other people think “falling in love” would be good for me or bring me happiness. I would rather pursue my own form of happiness, than give up part of myself in order to conform to what other people think will make me happy.
Every day, the culture I live in throws messages at me: Romance is important. Don’t you want romance? Of course you do. Romance is necessary. Your life is unfulfilling and lonely if you don’t have a romantic partner. You should date. You should seek out romantic love. You should want this emotion that we are telling you to want. If you don’t want it, then you’re just lying to yourself. We know what’s best for you. We know that you want it.
And this is my response to those messages: No.
It may be hard for some people to believe, but I truly, genuinely don’t want romantic love. I don’t miss it. I do not feel incomplete, or lonely, or inferior because I don’t have a romantic partner. And I will not allow society to make me feel like I am incomplete or inferior. I used to feel that way; I used to believe those messages.
I will not fall for that lie again.
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