lgbtq-place · 5 years
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lgbtq-place · 5 years
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lgbtq-place · 5 years
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lgbtq-place · 5 years
Mark the electrician has been here for five minutes and he’s already said “well that’s…weird” twice from the other room and frankly I’m afraid to ask.
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
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I call this photo set Famous People Giving Trans/NB People Their Love and Support
If you have anything to add to this then please do!!❤️ -Mod Lee
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
i’ve had a realization and i’m sure it’s been done before but-
millennial depression:
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gen z depression:
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
Being from Texas, I approve 💚
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
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LGBTQIA+ Pride Heart Stickers from DoodleMeAlive
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
hey, I have a pretty quick question for you because I still cant fully find an answer: is there a term for bi women who are between "doe" and "stag"? like, sometimes I like to be feminine,sometimes I'm more masculine, is there a term for that for bi women specifically?
I’m not totally sure about that question. But, I feel like the blogs mentioned below could help you out. I’m sorry, I hope you find your full answer, love!
@lgbtadvice @gay-trans-lgbt-advice
- Alyssa 💙
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
things i never expected to learn through a tedtalk but now am glad to know:
the founder of Sirius XM radio is a sapphic trans woman and is currently trying to preserve her wife’s consciousness in a digital file so her wife can be immortal in the body of a robot.
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
Long Time No See !
Hello my beautiful followers. It’s been a while since I’ve been here! My new school has had me BEYOND busy and stressed, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I want to catch up! How are you guys? Send me things in my inbox, I miss y’all >:(
- Alyssa 💗
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
Happy Pride Month! <3 
Here are some cool facts about Pride Month!
- June was chosen as Pride Month to commemorate the stonewall riots (which happened in June 1969).
- The stonewall riots were demonstrations by lgbt+ people against a police raid at the Stonewall Inn. They led the way to the modern lgbt+ movement/fight for lgbt+ rights.  (Here’s the Wikipedia article) 
- Brenda Howard, a bisexual and polyamorous activist, is known as the “Mother of Pride” for her role in coordinating the first lgbt+ Pride March. 
- The first president who officially declared June Pride Month was Bill Clinton (Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, 2000). 
- Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month each year from 2009 to 2016. 
- The world’s biggest Pride event (by attendance) was a parade in São Paulo (Brazil) in 2006.  3000000 people attended. 
- There were lgbt+ events before “Pride” was a thing (before the stonewall riots happened). Some examples are the “Annual reminders” in the 1950s where lgbt+ activists carried signs with pro-lgbt+ slogans and information. 
- One of the slogans was “Gay is good” by Frank Kameny, a gay activist who, among other things, worked to get the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness removed. He was also the first openly gay candidate for the United States congress. 
- The first rainbow flags (a widely known symbol for Pride) were hand-dyed and stitched. Gilbert Baker (gay activist who came up with the idea) assigned a meaning to each color:
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With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Mom 
(PS: Just a note to avoid confusion: As “lgbt+” is a relatively new term, other terms may be been used when the events took place and the mentioned people may have not used the term to describe themselves. I use “lgbt+” in this post to make it easier to read/understand, not as a statement which term is the “right” one to use).
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
Because I think the the connotation behind saying, "I'm not gay," was that gay was and insult, and your being defensive. I thought saying "I'm not a gay" puts a playful, and happy spin on it. It honestly makes me smile to know he said that rather than "I'm not gay." Plus, this class is Veeeery close. We all love each other. So I know he's not homophobic. But, I still need to know, is it really like she said? Is saying "a gay" bad if your not queer? Even if you mean it in the best way? (2/2)
(2/2) I believe that using the phrase “I’m not a gay” is the same as saying “I’m not a black”, if you want my personal opinion. I can honestly understand both sides of the argument. It does put a little spin on a phrase that comes of as defensive, but it sounds more offensive than saying “I’m not gay,” followed by further explanation. If anyone has any thoughts on this, DM me or reply in the comments! I’m open to hearing everyone’s thoughts on this.
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
Recently, my very supportive class was talking, and one kid said, with no malice, "I'm not a gay." I, the resident gay, wasn't paying attention, but one of the kids started scolding him for it. She said that saying "A" gay rather than just gay was like the N word, and that only queer folk can use it or it's insulting. I told her no, it's not, and she fought me on it, saying it was and trying to explain to me why. I thought it was fine, and even better than saying, "I'm not gay," (1/2)
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
Hey, I need advice on how to handle a situation. I’ve been talking to this bisexual guy and like I somewhat have feelings for him, but idk?? I know his girlfriend and she asked what we talk about and I just told her we joke around and just have emotional or real talk. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m trying to steal him away, but while I have feelings for him I would never dream of breaking them up, because that’s generally a mean thing to do in my eyes. Please help! Thank you 🙏
Hey, it sounds like you’re going through something sorta difficult. It can feel really lonely, but I think you need to be honest with your friend. Tell her about the crush, but make it clear that you’re not trying to break them up. Hope this helps!
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lgbtq-place · 6 years
I identify as bisexual, but I have realized that I feel attraction towards any gender and sexuality. Does it makes me unable from using the bisexual “label”? If so what is the right term for this ? Thank you in advance!
You can still use the bisexual label, even if you feel like you’re pansexual. It’s more generally used, but you can use whichever feels right to you!
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