lgcgaeun · 2 months
"Mmm, I'm not the biggest fan of durian to be honest," Gaeun admitted with a slight wrinkle of her nose. She'd had it before and the taste really wasn't her thing. She preferred sweeter fruits like mango, peach, and lychee. "If the smell wasn't enough to put me off then the taste left me disappointed. Maybe I just had mediocre ones but… just not my taste profile you know? I did enjoy jackfruit though." She smiled as she thought back to her family trip to Thailand a few years ago where she absolutely gorged herself on the fresh fruit provided to their suite every day.
"I think most bubbletea places make their teas from powder unless it's something basic like black tea. Besides, who goes and gets boba for health reasons? That's like going to KFC for a salad," Gaeun laughed, shaking her head slightly. "Sugar isn't evil. You just have to make sure not to have too much of it. It's all in the dosage!" She tapped her nose knowingly. "But I do agree that homemade food from scratch is probably the best for you… if you have a good cook. I can barely make ramen so don't come to me for a Michelin star meal!"
"fake banana is one of the worst, yes." it wasn't the ultimate worst choice for him, but he hasn't been to too many places that offer banana flavoured goods. thank goodness. "have you ever tried durian flavoured things before?" granted it was more of a southeast asian treat, he knows it has a very adverse effect on some people. "not that i've seen anyone make a drink out of it..." he coughs, the idea of it seeming rather.... strong.
"also, bubbletea - i don't understand why some places don't tell you if its real fruit or powder or whatever things they make it out of, but i am not a fan. maybe i am better with either making it on my own," which he's not - jisoo sucks at cooking, honestly. or making edible things. "i might be safer with coffee and tea. you can rarely go wrong, am i right? that and there's less sugar in general." the man always has to add a quip about health, since he tried to avoid unhealthy foods.
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lgcgaeun · 2 months
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NOSTALGIA WEEK 4: Very Very Very - ioi (junior female trainees)
By now Gaeun had grown more accustomed to performing their assigned songs, becoming more relaxed on stage which enabled her to have fun and not second guess every movement of the choreography. Whilst the dancing of the previous songs weren't really to her taste (aside from Power Up) she had been looking forward to performing Very Very Very. The energy the song provided her did wonders and the chorus was such an earworm that she often caught herself humming and dancing to it in the dorm. Perhaps she'd practised way too much and had permanently scarred her brain with it which, given her chosen profession, wasn't entirely a bad thing.
Even if being on the stage wasn't anything newl, she still got the pre-stage jitters. Gaeun knew she looked cute in her performance clothes and makeup (she had the selfies to prove it) and she knew she'd practised until she could do the routine in her sleep and yet... her mind was whispering what ifs. No. No one would forget their lines or the steps. Everything would be fine and their stage would be amaaaaazing!
As soon as they got into position and the music started all of Gaeun's worries melted away as her muscle memory kicked in, moving her body automatically. She had a sweet smile on her face since they were supposed to show a fresh and youthful look to go with the concept of the song, her expression never wavering as they progressed through the choreography. She was happy enough to be able to showcase her rapping during her section even if she felt it was over a bit too soon. Her movements were crisp and flowed well highlighting her natural penchant for dance.
And then it was done. She'd gotten through another week.
Back to practicing and perfecting the next week's show.
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lgcgaeun · 2 months
Gaeun rolled her eyes as he lectured her about the colour not actually adding any nutrients (she wasn't that dumb). "Mine's the seasonal special. I think it was called 'No More Winter Blues' and the coconut and tropical fruits is supposed to transport the drinker to a warmer place." She took another sip of her drink and watched as her companion displayed his own delicious looking smoothie.
"Okay, bet. Don't you dare back out of this," Gaeun said extending her pinky finger, "pinky promise." She smiled at him brightly. "I like coconut but it has to be like, coconut milk or coconut cream. I'm not a big fan of coconut pieces, especially like the big ones. They're dry and tasteless." She leaned in and pointed at his drink. "Buuuut fake banana flavour is the actual worst. Yes or yes?"
"okay, while blue is my favourite colour, it doesn't actually add any nutrition to it other than being a fun shade..." but it looks a lot better than his looked. it looked a lot better in pictures and in general. "oh.. i mean..." honestly, he did want something matcha ut it always made the drink this murky green so. yea. gaeun hit it right on the head. "i mean, mine is pink. so you were pretty close on the guess. what is yours again?" the model says as he takes a sip, before wincing a bit at the cold hitting his brain and senses.
"good choice on the place though. i haven't even heard of this place before and its pretty tasty. i got strawberry-banana. extremely basic," he says proudly, showing off his pink-toned drink before taking a quick picture of their drinks together, as they held it with the scenery for the background. "just in case i post it for Instagram.. okay, next time we order something, i'll let you pick for me. but i do dislike coconut so that would not work for me. fresh coconuts are okay, but not this... fake coconut taste. which i must emphasise that those flaky coconut desserts are some of the worst thing known to man-kind. do you disagree?"
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lgcgaeun · 2 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
even hard-working trainees need some time for their hobbies! now that the sun is coming back I'm finding myself visiting all the cute cafes and trying their coffee ☕  let me know what your favourite places are and I'll put them on my list! 🩷
#lgctrainees #lgcent #kimgaeun
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lgcgaeun · 2 months
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JINNI ᰔ DICE ᰔ Studio Choom
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lgcgaeun · 2 months
❥ Blue
ft. @lgcjisoo
"We've been over this, Alex! The colour is natural! Everything in this smoothie is natural so therefore it's healthy!" Gaeun shook the bright blue smoothie in front of the other aggressively, drops of condensation flying off the plastic. "It's the smoothie of the month meant to showcase the returning blue skies of spring. Also it tastes delicious! Unless you don't like coconut or banana, then don't try it." She took a long, loud sip from the straw before pointing at her companion's drink.
"So what did you get? Something boring like mango, banana, strawberry? No shade though! I love that combo but it's like... basic. Like, basic oppa basic, y'know?"
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lgcgaeun · 2 months
❥ Q2 tracker and plot call !
She's got nothing going on event wise so I'm open for all the threads lmao. Give this here a like and I'll plop a short song inspired starter on the dash. Could also just comment a colour and that'll be the title xD
❥ Event threads
trainee mission: open ! (junior female trainees)
trainee mission: week 7 with @lgctaeha
❥ Non-event threads
like recognises like w/ @lgcyoojoon
blue w/ @lgcjisoo
open !
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
"Nice to mee you, Kang Yoojoon!" Gaeun replied with a bright smile. "Oh! Yes! Let me just find my phone and we can exchange IDs! Hold on just one second..." She juggled her bag as she opened it, hand rummaging aggressively inside it trying to locate the device that was otherwise always glued to her hand. "I swear it was just here-- found it!" With a soft grunt she pulled the phone free of it's cloth prison, the cute case on it making it several times bigger than it usually was.
"Here, add me!"
After a quick swap Gaeun sent Yoojoon a sticker on KKT to make sure they were connected before clapping her hands together once more. "I am sooo excited! It's been a long time since I've gone shopping with anyone other than the girl trainees. And since I'm guessing you're a regular in some stores we can see the really good stuff reserved for the VIPs." She nodded in a self-satisfied way, a small smirk playing on her lips as she already imagined herself laden in brand name shopping bags.
"Oh, you hungry by the way? Do you want to grab some food? I mean, if you're up for it. We just met so I guess it might be a bit awkward to go for food right away, huh?" She smiled sheepishly, her eyes fixed on the floor as she blushed slightly at how unhinged she must seem to this poor guy. What a chaotic first impression.
The unexpected grip on his hand momentarily caught Yoojoon off guard, but he couldn't help but return the infectious enthusiasm with a light, easy grin. What struck him even more was her genuine interest, devoid of any reference to his famous mother—a refreshing change from the usual encounters he faced.
"Absolutely, I can arrange that for you," he replied, deliberately omitting the mention of his mother's widespread fame, deeming it irrelevant to the conversation. "Nice to meet you, Gaeun. I'm Kang Yoojoon, a trainee for... well, it feels like an eternity now. Since 2020, if memory serves me right?" His sheepish admission of the duration of his training brought a moment of introspection, reminding him of the long journey he'd been on to carve out his own path in the industry.
But he quickly brushed aside those thoughts, focusing instead on the budding connection with his new acquaintance and her proposal for a shopping spree. "Absolutely, whenever you're free, just let me know. I can share my KaTalk ID with you—it'll make staying in touch a breeze."
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
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"Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm trainee Kim Gaeun." She bowed politely and gave a small wave at the camera, a big smile on her face.
What was your favorite moment for today?
"My favourite moment of the day?" Gaeun repeated, head tilted slightly to the side as she recalled what they had been doing. "I think my favourite moment of the day would be the dance battle even though the young team lost. Dancing is a lot of fun and it makes me very happy!" She grinned. "Can I also add another fun moment? I really liked being able to use a hammer and nails when we made the wooden fence for the Baek family! I had never in my life used those kinds of tools before so it was really cool to learn."
How did you feel about the challenge/activity given to your team?
"Mm, since it was something completely unfamiliar I was very nervous at first," she began, "but after we began to work and recieved help doing our tasks my nerves disappeared and it became fun! I felt sorry for not having been more knowledgable in these kinds of things and need so much coaching but now I am equipped in case I need to do some fence building in the future." Gaeun smiled and raised both her fists in a cute 'fighting!' gesture.
What is one lesson or takeaway you’ve learned from this experience?
"Aside from the obvious lesson of being able to saw and hammer without hurting myself or others now, I think the lesson 'many hands make light work' would be apt. Because we were a team and helped each other through this task, the making of the fence did not take as long as it would have if it had only been a few people, or one person alone. Asking for help with a huge task is good thing since it will be done faster and be more fun than going at it solo!"
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
hot spring tip: new fit missing that oomph? the perfect lip will bring it all together! 💋🩷
#lgctrainees #lgcent #kimgaeun
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
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Today was the last day of the retreat.
Gaeun looked around the house that they had been staying at and felt a twinge of sadness of having to go back to reality. She had really enjoyed the disconnect from the city, revelling in the peace that the countryside had to offer. The manual work that they had been doing had left her bone tired but simultaneously fulfilled knowing that they had helped the villagers complete some of their tasks. Random scrapes and bruises were the same whether they were collected out in the field or on the hardwood studio dancefloor.
After breakfast they all gathered to hear what their final assignment would be. She could see two people who had different things on tables but didn't know what to make of it until the instructions were announced. Okay, so they had to be salespeople. Gaeun grinned and clapped her hands as the younger team were named Team Juice. Juice was definitely easier to sell than soap bars, especially if they needed this to be done quickly. Afterall, who wanted a soap bar after working hard when there was a lovely, refreshing juice to be had?
As soon as the signal to start had been given, Gaeun grabbed her allotment of juice and gently jogged to the nearby orchard where she had done some fruit picking the first day. "I'm hoping that there might be some villagers who might want something refreshing after working hard this morning," she told to the camera who had followed her, "Team Juice, fighting!" She gave a thumbs up before continuing on her way not particularly bothered if the camera man followed or peeled away to find someone else to film.
"Hello~! Would you like some fresh juice? It's cool and refreshing, perfect for a little break after working in the fields and orchards," Gaeun said brightly, a sweet smile on her face as she approached the elders respectfully, bowing as she went. For every juice she sold she gave heartfelt thanks and did a little bit of aegyo, sending hearts and wishing them health before moving on. Once she'd sold everything Gaeun ran back to the meeting place in high hopes of winning the final team challenge.
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
Gaeun nodded as she listened to Jaekyung. It made sense to be open to all the positions since it was the company's prerogative to choose what composition each group was going to have. Huh. Maybe she should work on her singing as well in case they focused on a group with all vocalists...
The question pulled her out of her thoughts as she gave her a bright grin in return. "I really want to be a rapper! And also a dancer. So I'm looking to improve my lyric writing and my choreographing as well." Gaeun punctuated her statement with a nod. "I know that it sounds very ambitious but my role model is BLAZing sunbaenim and they're so cool and strong and amazing artists so if I one day hope to be like them I must work hard on... everything!" She opened her arms wide and laughed quietly as she returned to her normal sitting position.
"I've only been a trainee for a year so I have a lot to work on. Maybe we'll be in the same group one day! Wouldn't that be cool?"
[ ♥ ]
"you think this is for all the trainees who try to skip out on gym time as much as possible," she inquires with a secretive giggle. admittedly jaekyung herself didn't enjoy working in the gym. she much preferred going for a jog or doing yoga, but labor like this also wasn't something she minded in particular. but all in all gaeun had a good sense for these kind of things already and jaekyung could only agree with what she said.
grin on her lips she lets herself focus on her food for a second, spoonful of rice disappearing past her lips before the next question made her pause in her chewing before she took the seconds it took her to finish the bite to truly think about an answer. "well," she begins, tilting her head. "when I first came here I was fine just being whatever they needed me for. but since I got to experience what it's like to challenge myself with highnotes and display a great performance at the same time, I hope i'll end up as a main or lead vocal while still maintaining some sort of dance position. what about you?"
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lgcgaeun · 3 months
Armani. Of course, she should've realised. Gaeun nodded in approval as he admitted that Balenciaga wasn't in his taste. It was true that the men's clothes were left... wanting most of the time. And sometimes they were just plain ugly. There were nicer looking designer clothes out there.
"Wait. Your mom has access to the latest Lous Vuitton collection?" Gaeun asked with a gasp, her hand grasping Yoojoon's. "Are you for real?" If she had been in a cartoon her eyes would have grown twice their usual size with gigantic sparkles. "Oh my gosh! That would be so epic! I would absolutely love a bag!" She squealed, dancing on the spot, a big smile on her face.
"Oh, I'm Gaeun by the way," she said releasing the other's hand with a sheepish giggle realising that she'd been holding onto it for way too long to have been proper. "I've only been a trainee for about a year which is probably why we haven't really crossed paths. I know for a fact that I'd remember someone as fashionable as you. We simply must go shopping together one of these days!"
He had caught the occasional glance from the girl nearby, her eyes lingering on him longer than usual. Yoojoon couldn't help but wonder if, like so many others, her gaze was drawn to the tattoo nestled between his collarbones, boldly showcased by the slightly lower neckline of his chosen attire. It hadn't occurred to him that his clothing might be the reason for her attention; he prided himself on his refined and sophisticated appearance, but had never considered it a magnet for others.
Surprise flickered across his features as she approached, his gaze followed hers, briefly inspecting the details she pointed out—the shirt, the wristwatch, the bag. "I'm actually wearing Armani," he remarked casually, his tone unaffected by the unexpected conversation topic.
"Not much of a Balenciaga fan, I must admit." With a faint smile, he continued, offering a glimpse into his fashion choices. "The bag is from the upcoming Louis Vuitton collection. My mother has access to it." Extending his hand in a gesture of cordiality, he introduced himself. "My name's Yoojoon. If you're interested, I could arrange to get you one of those."
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lgcgaeun · 4 months
❥ like recognises like
with @lgcyoojoon
As much as she didn't want to be, Gaeun was your typical rich girl: expensive pretty things were her jam. High end fashion brands were normal every day wear for her and she kept up to date on the trends well enough to recognise when others around her had the same taste as her, even if it was just dance training gear and an all purpose bag.
Her eyes kept getting drawn towards the other trainee who looked like he had just come from some brand deal photo shoot, taking in every piece he was wearing and making a mental note of just how much he was walking around with. It was enough to make Gaeun nod her head in approval as well as pique her curiousity. It wasn't often people were dripped out enough for her notice considering the price tag of where she usually shopped.
Trying not to come off as some weirdo who had been staring, Gaeun stepped towards the other and gave a little wave as she began to talk. "Um, excuse me," she began with a small smile and bob of her head, "I couldn't help but notice your clothes. Are you wearing Balenciaga? Also, your bag is amazing. Where'd you get it? I've been trying to find something practical but also... nice, if you get what I mean."
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lgcgaeun · 4 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
I'll keep you in my heart if you keep me in yours~ 🩷
#lgctrainees #lgcent #kimgaeun
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lgcgaeun · 4 months
Gaeun continues to eat her fill of the delicious food set out before them, nodding in agreement with her newfound friend. "Mm, it makes sense to have us do more physical work since that's something that we don't really do normally." She grins and tilts her head to the side as she adds, "And I'm sure that they'll make us participate in more challenges! It is a reality show after all and we have to make it entertaining for every one who will watch."
What kind of challenges awaited them the next few days? She didn't know what to expect but she couldn't help but to be excited. "Unnie, you mentioned that you moved to the city to become an idol. What kind of idol position are you looking for? Like, main vocal, dancer, leader...?"
[ ♥ ]
jaekyung smiles, pulling her legs up to sit comfortably. perhaps her biggest challenge was feeling not too at home with her surroundings to the point she'd forget they were still cameras. but given the occasion she'd chosen to wear comfortable pants regardless, the fabric stretching along her legs easily. "yep! the city always fascinated me and I really wanted to become an idol- that's why I moved. but it's always fun to see how different people from the city react to life on the countryside," she admits with a small giggle.
the question makes her ponder over her next bite of food, letting herself chew as she thinks. "hmm-," the girl begins before swallowing down her food. "if they want us to continue doing the tasks around the farm I saw several things that probably need to be worked on. just depends how much they entrust us with physical labor I'd say."
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