lgcjinhyuk · 2 months
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ROWOON as JANG SHIN YU Destined With You 이 연애는 불가항력 (2023) – Ep. 4
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lgcjinhyuk · 2 months
The surprise look in the other's face made everything worth it. Not that he liked watching his friends suffer or anything, but catching someone off guard always brought a sense of delight to him. A though he would never say aloud, cause bruh that's creepy as hell.
In any case, "really dude, I've stumped my way through the halls and ya didn't hear me?" teasing playfully, knowing full well just how soundproof them damned practice rooms can be. "ya alright dude? didn't keep ya waiting did I?" the moment those words left his lips, his stomach grumbled in complain. "sorry man, didn't get time to actually grab something to eat."
[ ☺ ]
max could allow himself to drown in his own remorse how he ended up debuting with about anyone but his best friends, finding them scattered across different groups with schedules so heavily conflicting that they barely even have time to call. but at this point there was little to do but just accept the cards he'd been dealt and make the best out of the career opportunities given to him.
thankfully before I could begin to get lost in his own self-pity and replaying his house of cards crumbling before his eyes, the door swings open to just blow them all out of his subconscious and make him jump in his spot as he meets jinhyuk's eyes through the mirror. "dude... jesus christ... warn a guy."
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lgcjinhyuk · 2 months
The more inquisitive side of him suppress the need to further ask about the contract between his brother's product and legacy. Like is the product even Jinseo's or is it still under the agency, while his brother simply gets a share. A couple of more questions pop up in a speed of a blink, but the suppression continues. He doesn't nod, but he hums as he listens to his brother. "Well that makes sense, they probably don't want to overload you too."
Also technically the artist are still owned by Legacy, so all of their commercial affiliations are probably connected back to the company. Truly getting the most out of their people. "To be an action star..." A small wistful smile crossing his face, it's a thought, "I actually wouldn't mind, reckon I'd enjoy it too, though I know all those rom-com/drama side brings the audience in." He shrugs, breaking into this industry has never been an easy feat, especially if being in it wasn't really in one's plans to begin with. "it'll be nice to start working for the acting side again for sure though, don't really think I can make it as an idol."
Joining Legacy, he always knew what he wanted to achieve in his time with the company. It had little to do with singing and dancing on stage, that's simply not where his passion lays. "Or better yet, trade in the new stuff we get him for donations, and give all our old stuff to him instead." He shrugs, genuinely unaware that his combining forces with his older brother for the first time ever. "Oh I'm not dealing with that old man, I'll get the box." Jinhyuk knows which battles to fight, this ain't one of them.
Without his usual hostile attitude, he couldn't help but attentively listen to his oldest brother. Completely finding the whole situation of producing a product and promoting through the company rather interesting it. From an absolutely business purpose of things, there's plenty of pros and cons in it, some he shares with Jinseo.
"I'm guessing the company takes a percentage off your sales too. How is all that calculated, for now it's probably worth letting the company do all the adverts for you- with their models and such, but wouldn't you rather do it all on your own?" Jinhyuk always knew that he was going to have something for himself one day, but it was interesting to see this business model from someone currently going through it. "Oh I don't know, I'm mostly down for anything since fuck- experience and exposure is never a bad thing." He shrugs at the very last minute, "it'll be dope to do a CF with some stunts and such, not just stand there and take photos."
There was an noticeable silence on his end. Trying to hear for their grandpa in hopefully the other room, and just in time a satisfied 'ah' comes out the very room. "There he is..." almost mumbling to himself. "We need grandma, or one of us needs to start stitching things for him, our clothes are too big for the old grumps." Shaking his head ever so slight, "yea, we better before you end up without donation."
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lgcjinhyuk · 2 months
Without his usual hostile attitude, he couldn't help but attentively listen to his oldest brother. Completely finding the whole situation of producing a product and promoting through the company rather interesting it. From an absolutely business purpose of things, there's plenty of pros and cons in it, some he shares with Jinseo.
"I'm guessing the company takes a percentage off your sales too. How is all that calculated, for now it's probably worth letting the company do all the adverts for you- with their models and such, but wouldn't you rather do it all on your own?" Jinhyuk always knew that he was going to have something for himself one day, but it was interesting to see this business model from someone currently going through it. "Oh I don't know, I'm mostly down for anything since fuck- experience and exposure is never a bad thing." He shrugs at the very last minute, "it'll be dope to do a CF with some stunts and such, not just stand there and take photos."
There was an noticeable silence on his end. Trying to hear for their grandpa in hopefully the other room, and just in time a satisfied 'ah' comes out the very room. "There he is..." almost mumbling to himself. "We need grandma, or one of us needs to start stitching things for him, our clothes are too big for the old grumps." Shaking his head ever so slight, "yea, we better before you end up without donation."
The relatively new appliance took about a second before connecting back online. Tilting his head to the side, Jinhyuk glance over his brother's shoulder to see what the other man did differently. "Ah yea...nan was pleased with it." Rolling his eyes fondly, because if there was one in common aside from blood relations that brothers have it's their infinite love for their grandparents.
"Yeah, nah, I think she's cooking lunch for..." gesturing between the room around them, hesitantly offering Jinseo some snacks. But knowing full well he wouldn't be able to escape the older lady's clutches when it comes to feeding her grandkids, he doesn't know if Jinseo would actually stay for the meal or not too.
"Oh... yeah, it's great... to be busy. What about you? You've got a bunch of solo stuff going right...?" then very quickly adding "or so nan said so..." cause it's not like he knows what is happening in his brothers lives, except for the fun fact that legacy post everyone's bloody schedule up for the world to see.
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lgcjinhyuk · 3 months
Running through the hallways has always been no-go for anyone. Yet, it doesn’t stop him from hauling ass across the building, to his meeting. Not that his friend would mind, @lgcxmax would probably enjoy some down time. Especially with how busy everyone’s schedule is, but then again back to being a trainee now, means that he needs to be in vocal sessions in a couple of hours.
Does he dramatically bang the door open into the almost empty practice room; absolutely. With a massive grin on his face, he was his hands up, “ Maxie! How’s it going my guy?” Honestly, Jinhyuk has forgotten when his seen his friend last, and it’s a pleasant surprise that they finally for time to hang out for a bit.
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lgcjinhyuk · 3 months
He simply nods, unfamiliar with how to act in this situation. It's not everyday one sits with their oldest brother and eating snacks while waiting for their grandma to finish making lunch for them. At least, not in Jinhyuk's life. This almost feels like an out of body experience.
"Oh..." genuinely interested with something Jinseo has mentioned. It's pretty 'easy' to talk to people one doesn't want to if one doesn't look at them directly... or when his focused on stuffing his face with almonds. "Do you guys get to chose your models for the products or does the company do that for ya?"
Personally, his never been interested in being a product provider, well not in the typical manner at least. But rather for into the acting path to ultimately end up behind the camera as a director or producer. So... his dumbass will inherently produce a product anyway. Scuffing at himself, the youngest in the room tunes back into the conversation.
"Yea well them fuckers like to talk shit..." tensing up a little when the topic of their parents has been breached. "That lady is funny... she keeps asking for free shit when we give her everything in full size anyways." Unknowingly mimicking his brother's mannerism, shaking his head too as he deviates the topic back to their grandma. "Don't forget to get something for the grumps too, his been nagging me for some of my old sweatpants... I'm at least a foot taller than the old man, but he wants to use it for gardening and refuses the new one I got him." Instantly wondering where the hell his grandpa was, suddenly his absents are pronounced.
The relatively new appliance took about a second before connecting back online. Tilting his head to the side, Jinhyuk glance over his brother's shoulder to see what the other man did differently. "Ah yea...nan was pleased with it." Rolling his eyes fondly, because if there was one in common aside from blood relations that brothers have it's their infinite love for their grandparents.
"Yeah, nah, I think she's cooking lunch for..." gesturing between the room around them, hesitantly offering Jinseo some snacks. But knowing full well he wouldn't be able to escape the older lady's clutches when it comes to feeding her grandkids, he doesn't know if Jinseo would actually stay for the meal or not too.
"Oh... yeah, it's great... to be busy. What about you? You've got a bunch of solo stuff going right...?" then very quickly adding "or so nan said so..." cause it's not like he knows what is happening in his brothers lives, except for the fun fact that legacy post everyone's bloody schedule up for the world to see.
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lgcjinhyuk · 3 months
The relatively new appliance took about a second before connecting back online. Tilting his head to the side, Jinhyuk glance over his brother's shoulder to see what the other man did differently. "Ah yea...nan was pleased with it." Rolling his eyes fondly, because if there was one in common aside from blood relations that brothers have it's their infinite love for their grandparents.
"Yeah, nah, I think she's cooking lunch for..." gesturing between the room around them, hesitantly offering Jinseo some snacks. But knowing full well he wouldn't be able to escape the older lady's clutches when it comes to feeding her grandkids, he doesn't know if Jinseo would actually stay for the meal or not too.
"Oh... yeah, it's great... to be busy. What about you? You've got a bunch of solo stuff going right...?" then very quickly adding "or so nan said so..." cause it's not like he knows what is happening in his brothers lives, except for the fun fact that legacy post everyone's bloody schedule up for the world to see.
Giving his oldest brother some space, one he desperately needed at the time, he shuffles behind his grandma towards the kitchen. Though before he can further get into the other room, the old lady stuffed a bowl of snack in his hands and shoed him away. "Ya...." he exclaims softly, begrudgingly popping some almonds into his mouth as he wonders out.
Apparently just in time to catch Jinseo's question. "Ah... yeah, I changed for the older folks to remember easier rather than the random ass shit they give away all the time." Moving towards the otherwise of the room, where he wrote down the updated password at their grandparent's little notebook of password and important stuff. Flipping through it until he got the right page, he hesitantly looks over Jinseo, "want me to read it out or ya wanna just read it?..." after an awkward pause and barely a foot shuffle, "it's kj091414." it goes without saying that it was Kim grandsons birthdays, which made their grandparents rather please when he told them of the recent change.
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lgcjinhyuk · 4 months
Last year he spent his birthday with his former captain, unfortunately, this year the man had been deployed out for a mission and couldn't make it for Jinhyuk's day. Though a thoughtful, 'make something outta this year.' text that morning, from the man was more than enough to make Jinhyuk smile.
"You've always been too kind, princess." Offering her a small smile, turning away to place her gift by the counter. Personally, he doesn't believe he deserves any thing special. As far as he is concerned, he hasn't really done something to be worth of such praise.
"You're all good, princess. Just make yourself feel comfortable." Handing her a glass of water, out of pure habit, while he works behind the kitchen counter. Expertly dishing out side dishes for them, warming up the soup his grandma made for today, while warming up some rice and dried fish too.
"How's your day?" Placing everything in front of them while he was done, "it's not much, eat what you want and can, leave the rest to me." Smiling brightly at her, a sense of ease and a gentleness of happiness due to her company finally sets in.
He sways along with her, blushing profusely as he grins broadly, a small laugh escaping as he watched her adorableness. This was definitely a surprise, and though he doesn't usually take kindly to those things, this one he soon realises has made the day worth celebrating. "Well thank you for coming by, come in come in..." shaking his head slightly, "nah, I honestly forgot what day it was."
Leading her towards the kitchen, he pauses to turn to her, taken aback by the gift she presented. Of course, she wouldn't only remember his birthday, but made so much effort to come to him despite what seems to be a long day - for everyone- and gift him something too. "Wow princess, don't know what to say..." genuinely speechless by her thoughtfulness, "I mean, thank you so much, this really means a lot, Milan." Using her given name to show his sincerity, with hopes to be able to convey just how heartfelt this means to him. "well food is always the way to go... with that said, come I'm just warming up some dinner. I've got soup too, it'll warm you up from the cold outside."
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lgcjinhyuk · 5 months
It felt like he was having a deja vu moment, except this one was more of a recuring nightmare, where he is stuck conversing with his brother and being amicable with him. An almost weird outer body experience, one where he wants to shake himself awake.
He shrugs, as his nasty habit of running his hand through his hair end up pulling some untangled knots. Jinhyuk doesn't cringe but he does glare at his brother suspiciously. "Yeah that find..." Steeping beside him, guards up and letting his brother take the lid, allowing him to escape if need be. "... why are we doing this?"
[ X ]
Jinyoung was prepared for his younger brother to seek out a form of escape. Among the Kim siblings Jinseo was perhaps the only one willing to talk his way through a conflict and even he loved skirting around his problems until he had to deal with them. It was definitely a family disease.
But when the male unexpectedly accepted his invitation, the middle sibling couldn't help but brighten up despite his best efforts to try and keep his hopes low. "Sweet. Any preferences? Does Chimaek sound good?" He had made the mistake once to assume his brother's favourites and he wasn't about to do it again.
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lgcjinhyuk · 5 months
Giving his oldest brother some space, one he desperately needed at the time, he shuffles behind his grandma towards the kitchen. Though before he can further get into the other room, the old lady stuffed a bowl of snack in his hands and shoed him away. "Ya...." he exclaims softly, begrudgingly popping some almonds into his mouth as he wonders out.
Apparently just in time to catch Jinseo's question. "Ah... yeah, I changed for the older folks to remember easier rather than the random ass shit they give away all the time." Moving towards the otherwise of the room, where he wrote down the updated password at their grandparent's little notebook of password and important stuff. Flipping through it until he got the right page, he hesitantly looks over Jinseo, "want me to read it out or ya wanna just read it?..." after an awkward pause and barely a foot shuffle, "it's kj091414." it goes without saying that it was Kim grandsons birthdays, which made their grandparents rather please when he told them of the recent change.
He reaches up to run a hand through his hair for the nth time, roughing up his already haphazard locks, a habit he picked up on when he tended to be fidgety. Jinhyuk hated to admit it but whenever he felt uneasy, he was more incline to fidget and once upon a time the nasty habit of smoking became a weakness too due to high level of stress. Something that his navy captain made sure to kick ass his on.
Shifting his gaze from the tv to his oldest brother, funny how they were all roughly around the same height and rather ironic how the youngest is the tallest of them all. Not that it's currently noticeable with Jinhyuk's uncharacteristic slouching, "Came for the wifi- then stayed for the tv." He shrugs, stepping aside to allow his brother to have a look at the appliance, while shooting his grandma a look once he was at Jinseo's back. "Wifi works, but for whatever reason the tv won't acknowledge it. Nan said the fucking internet guy did something with it when he was trying to connect their cable."
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lgcjinhyuk · 5 months
He tosses in a few chopped vegetables into the simmering pot, ramen after all did not have to be basic. Although Jinhyuk is a firm believer that too much of everything, or anything- them crazy social media kids ruining good food for the colt is just unsavoury to him-, can ruin things too. Not that he is against experimentation when it comes to food, he's all in for that actually, rather that one needs a certain experience when it comes to those things... Mentally, he is on a rant.
"Ah that's on me, ma bad dude." Shaking his head genuinely, cooking has always played a big role on his life, that a part of him subconsciously thinks it is too for others. "That's fair, but hey so long as you enjoy food, then there won't be any issues at all." Because bet some people are either extremely selective with food or limited preferences. Which probably why he stuck with the conventional ramen and a few sides dishes for their dinner, as he didn't want to assume Hyuk's preferences.
A laugh escaped him unexpectedly as much as the question caught him off guard. "Ah, about that..." damn, he could feel his neck go red as he heats up with bashfulness. "I wouldn't say it's a normal thing, but... I could tell a few people would argue otherwise," mumbling the last part more to himself, as he serves Hyuk some home made side dishes- kimchi, radish, kimchi pickles, macaroni salad, mash potatoes and some convenient store cooked stick sausages for them to share. "... in a way, got so used to cooking for a squad, to cooking for classmates... and I guess now people at legacy."
He typically doesn't invite just any stranger in, mostly the few friends and several acquaintances during long nights at work. Jinhyuk knew first hand what it's like to go to bed with an empty stomach and for such a rigorous schedule that everyone has, if he can feed himself and a fellow colleague than why the heck not.
"can't be that bad..." looking at Hyuk dubiously, but then again he knew someone who managed to burn water so maybe his wasn't exaggerating, "watch ya do for that kind of banishment from the promise land?... also what ya wanna drink?"
--- Feed me still.
It is safe to say that there are personalities and backgrounds of all types that work in Legacy. Much like any other multimillion company with hundreds of workers, the ecosystem within it is insanely fascinating. Yet despite those vast difference, there was plenty in common too. Obviously, some sort of ties to the entertainment world is one of them, and also the universal language of... food.
"So wait do you or don't you know how to cook?" Brows furrowing as he mixing the ramen, turning down the heat when he deems the noodles almost ready. His gaze turns towards his guest, @lgchyuk who he invited earlier that evening as they were leaving work. As much as he can Jinhyuk tries to meal prep if not make sure to make food at home rather than eat out, a routine his built when he got out of services. On top of that, cooking for other's brings him a semblance of peace and joy.
"Oh feel free to make yourself at home." Nodding towards his living room, connected to the dinning area which inevitable ended up by a beautiful open kitchen.
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lgcjinhyuk · 6 months
He sways along with her, blushing profusely as he grins broadly, a small laugh escaping as he watched her adorableness. This was definitely a surprise, and though he doesn't usually take kindly to those things, this one he soon realises has made the day worth celebrating. "Well thank you for coming by, come in come in..." shaking his head slightly, "nah, I honestly forgot what day it was."
Leading her towards the kitchen, he pauses to turn to her, taken aback by the gift she presented. Of course, she wouldn't only remember his birthday, but made so much effort to come to him despite what seems to be a long day - for everyone- and gift him something too. "Wow princess, don't know what to say..." genuinely speechless by her thoughtfulness, "I mean, thank you so much, this really means a lot, Milan." Using her given name to show his sincerity, with hopes to be able to convey just how heartfelt this means to him. "well food is always the way to go... with that said, come I'm just warming up some dinner. I've got soup too, it'll warm you up from the cold outside."
Aside from the sweet messages from his grandparents and a rather prompt text from his former Captain, he didn't really expect anyone to remember his birthday. Heck he forgot it himself and was only reminded thanks to his phone notifications. So Jinhyuk simply shrugs, sent back thank you messages and went about his day the way he typically does. Go to classes then work.
Before he even got to university the thoughts of his birthday has long left his mind. Taking up advance calculous on a university level can do that to a person. In all honesty, by the time he was done with his lessons and on his way to work, Jinhyuk has pretty much mentally checked out.
The only redemption to his day was a seaweed soup his grandma had delivered to his place that greeted him by his door step once he got home after the long day. After sending a picture of him heating up the soup and making dinner to his old lady, did he finally let out a sardonic laugh of how he was spending his 'special day'.
Going about his nightly routine, of a quick shower prior to setting the table, the door bell caught him off guard. Quickly making sure to put a shirt on- he respectfully did not need to walk around half naked in front of the unknown- he makes his way to the door and opened it to a smiling Milan.
"Hey, what's up, princess? To what do I owe this honour?" Already stepping aside, and inviting her in. His mood suddenly shifting for the better with her company around.
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lgcjinhyuk · 6 months
In all honesty, he thought Jinyoung would keep his distance. Heck, Jinhyuk sure tried. Their bloody conversation barely lasted for a few minutes, and he still blames the adrenaline from award night. Also as much as possible he has attempted to erase said conversation from his mind, as to not overthink anything of it- he wasn't very successful of course.
"Ah-" The random invite caught him off guard enough to show on his face. "Uh I mean, I'm just about to head home..." Looking around them for a quick escape, while running a hand through his messy hair. "... I mean, I could eat." He shrugs pathetically, cringing as he... accepts his brother's offer for food.
since jinyoung had been given the green light to speak with jinhyuk again, the model had tried to find an opportunity to realize the talk they spoke of having together. that however was easier said than done.
he kind of expected jinhyuk to attempt and dodge the matter but jinyoung was nothing if not persistent. he'd been given a spark of hope and he'd hold onto that.
so one fine evening, as he was getting off work from his shooting, he spotted his younger brother in the hallway, seemingly ready to leave as well. "jinhyuk!" quick to catch up to the younger and disregarding his own fatigue, he flashes the younger one a smile. "are you free? shall we grab some dinner together?"
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lgcjinhyuk · 6 months
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Yes, it's still not too late. I just need to go on the right path.
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lgcjinhyuk · 6 months
--- Feed me still.
It is safe to say that there are personalities and backgrounds of all types that work in Legacy. Much like any other multimillion company with hundreds of workers, the ecosystem within it is insanely fascinating. Yet despite those vast difference, there was plenty in common too. Obviously, some sort of ties to the entertainment world is one of them, and also the universal language of... food.
"So wait do you or don't you know how to cook?" Brows furrowing as he mixing the ramen, turning down the heat when he deems the noodles almost ready. His gaze turns towards his guest, @lgchyuk who he invited earlier that evening as they were leaving work. As much as he can Jinhyuk tries to meal prep if not make sure to make food at home rather than eat out, a routine his built when he got out of services. On top of that, cooking for other's brings him a semblance of peace and joy.
"Oh feel free to make yourself at home." Nodding towards his living room, connected to the dinning area which inevitable ended up by a beautiful open kitchen.
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lgcjinhyuk · 6 months
Threads Needed:
Friday: Open Saturday: Open Sunday: Open
(Got about a week or so to get some trainee missions done, if anyone would be down to help with that please let me that, would really appreciate it!!)
Thank you so much for all the welcomes, everyone has been really sweet! A little reset was in order... would love to get threads/connections for Jinhyuk going, please like this for plots and comment an emoji for a random status. Recap from before, he is slowly realising his goals and what he actually wants to get into. To an extent he has made some progress with the relationship he has with his family, specifically his brothers. Ma boi out here really growing up-!
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lgcjinhyuk · 6 months
Thank you so much for all the welcomes, everyone has been really sweet! A little reset was in order... would love to get threads/connections for Jinhyuk going, please like this for plots and comment an emoji for a random status. Recap from before, he is slowly realising his goals and what he actually wants to get into. To an extent he has made some progress with the relationship he has with his family, specifically his brothers. Ma boi out here really growing up-!
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