lgcxtakako · 11 months
The sound of Jinyoung's gentle chidings in Japanese makes Takako pause in her attempts to hype herself up and she lets out an embarrassed laugh in acknowledgment, cheeks tinting pink slightly.
「A-ah... I wasn't gonna skip it at all, senpai..」 she lies unconvincingly, though it wasn't a complete lie. It's not as though she'd been purposely intending on skipping her warm up, she'd simply wound herself up so much that it had completely slipped her mind.
And it wasn't as though she didn't know any better, she was a dancer, after all!
Sometimes, Takako has to admit she feels a little bad about dragging Jinyoung into her gym related messes. Thankfully the scoldings have never been mean-spirited.
Leaving her nemesis alone for the time being, Takako sets herself down on a mat begins stretching out her limbs, leaning over to grasp at her toes with ease, with only a slight grunt of effort escaping her lips. Peeking up at other as he finishes setting up for his next routine, she offers him a smile.
「Ah, it's leg day, huh? Do you need a cheerleader, senpai?」 she asks teasingly, though she would seriously do it if he asked. Anything to get away from the treadmill.
[ ... ] 
Pulling her headphones off her head and letting down her gym bag, Takako strides past Jinyoung and faces the treadmill with a determined look in her face, as though she was about to do battle with some mythical creature as opposed to being made run for a little while.
“I declare it! Today, Takako-ya will not be defeated by you!” she yells out to nothing in particular.
the sudden voice has him perk up just as he finished his warm up. towel around his neck and dabbing at the small amount of sweat that had gathered, he can’t help but grin fondly at the beaming girl. their friendship truly was an odd one with how contrasting their personalities seemed to be. with her loud and bubbly while jinyoung was quiet and mellow, they seemed to oddly balance each other out during their short meeting times in the gym.
he didn’t mind being a spotter for the girl and making sure she didn’t seriously injure herself in her blind enthusiasm to go past her boundaries. the fact he could speak in japanese to her only made him more happy about their unorthodox friendship.
“ah taka-chan, please. don’t feel like you need to match with me,” he reassures her while setting up his next exercise. today was leg day and jinyoung was too notorious for skipping leg day with how walking became a pain at the end of the day. but not today. “just go at your own pace as much as you can. you know the drill. and don’t skip the warm up!”
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lgcxtakako · 11 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
It's ok to take a break, but never ever give up until you reach your goals! I know I won't, so watch over me! (•̀o•́)ง
#lgctrainees #lgcent #miwatakako
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lgcxtakako · 11 months
At the sound of Jaekyung's voice breaking through the melody on the 3DS, Takako jumps in shock and then flushes to the roots of her hair. God, it's bad enough to get the attention of another trainee like this, but to get it over a game that was trouncing her at every other turn?
If it had been any other other than Jaekyung, Takako would simply have to go back to Japan and return to retail in Tower Records and performing in Underground Lives. Because that was the only way to deal with an embarrassment such as this!
As it is, she gives Jaekyung a sheepish smiles and scoots her chair over to allow the other girl to sit beside if she wants, hastily snapping shut the console as it continues to mock her ineptitude.
"Ah, kinda...." she replies in Korean, twirling a lock of hair around her finger before letting out a huff. "To be honest... I've always been more of a rhythm game player, or a button masher for stuff like Smash Bros with my brother. I've never really been into other games but Osamu-chan said this one had a good storyline and was kind to beginners, but..."
She pouts and glares at the 3DS like it's done her a personal wrong.
"I think he's lying, the jerk!"
[ ... ]
「Miwa Osamu, you liar! You said this game was easy!」 she whines in Japanese to no-one in particular, while Fire Emblem Awakening lies undisturbed on the table, a pathetic looking battlefield still on display.
she’s just on her merry way to the vending machine with the stack of soda being depleted within her own dormitory when a sudden noise almost has her drop her card she’s ready to hold up to purchase her selection of choice. if there was about to be a rumble of cans and bottles- well that was nobody’s business but her own.
before she even got to the chance of causing her own ruckus she leans against the machine with a hand held to her chest, feeling the faint hectic thumb after recovering from the earlier outburst. she sees the source of the noise and can’t help but get a look at the display, the japanese spoken at least by now familiar enough that she thought she was grasping the meaning behind the girl’s frustration.
so jaekyung can’t help but giggle to herself a little as she finally does purchase her drinks, leaving the machine to work with her attention on the girl still. “having troubles with strategy?”
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
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ELLEgirl “HITOMI’S ACTION! vol.1 LEGALLY blonde”
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
A genuinely amused laugh escaped Takako's lips as Yuuki dryly commentated on her own comments about him being experienced in making friends. Grinning, she leaned back on her hands and regarded the older boy with a fond look, unintentionally letting her guard down momentarily.
「Well, am I wrong, Yuu-kun? From what I've seen so far, you've been hitting it off pretty well with most people here. So I think I can say that you're-- HEY!」
Compliments are broken by an indignant shriek as Yuuki (to Takako's perception, at least) suddenly swooped in without warning and seized her bag. She gave a futile chase, accompanied by some hops as she tried in vain to grab the stolen goods held above Yuuki's head.
「Irie Yuuki! You jerk, give that back, or I swear I'll have you dancing until your legs fall off, I'm serious! Give me back my bag!」
Complaints and insults were hurled in vain as Yuuki simply gave her a frustratingly familiar shit-eating grin and held the bag above his head until Takako finally relented, but not before loudly declaring that she was only stopping because she didn't want to damage her ankles or knees any further and not because she was too short to reach.
She'd die before giving him the satisfaction of that.
Plopping down onto the floor with an exaggerated sigh and deciding that this was a good time for a certified Takako Sulk Moment(™), Yuuki's words to the plush had her suddenly pausing. As as he continued to talk, Takako felt her eyes welling with tears, and she bit down harshly on her lip to stop any sobs from escaping.
Really, what the hell had she done to deserve Yuuki as a friend? Why would someone like him ever put up with a foolish girl like her, who proclaimed one mindset, yet ignored it when things hadn't gone her way?
Maybe it was her that should have had the stage name 'Lucky Child.'
Sniffling a little as Yuuki finally relinquished the bag to her again, Takako stared resolutely at the wall for a few seconds as she tried to collect herself.
"Idiot." She mumbled in Korean, the word harsh but her tone nowhere near it, even with forced back tears choking it up somewhat. Clearing her throat and rummaging in the bag for a bottle of water, she took a few (generous) sips from it before continuing.
"Waddle Dee-ya says Yuuki-ssi talks too much" she bit back, but the look in her eyes as she turned back to her best friend showed there was no malice in the words, perhaps simply a little exasperation. "But he listened well and will remind me of those words. And he also says that if Yuuki-ssi stops embarrassing Takako-ya, she'll buy him anything he wants from the convenience store and won't nag for a whole day. That's fair, yes?"
okay, this was just weird. if it had been any other girl but takako, the plushie cheek kiss and the bashfulness might have seemed endearing to him -- maybe not, he couldn't really tell because it hadn't happened outside the romance mangas -- but he'd never be able to see his friend in such a light. a suspicious glare rested upon the figure of the slightly shorter girl. where was the catch? what was it going to be? seemingly there was none, but that just felt even weirder.
unsure of the full meaning of the korean words, yuuki couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "good experiences in making friends?" he repeated the korean words as good as he could before switching to japanese. "is that some kind of new self-praise? do i play along with it now? ah yes, my best friend is amazing, clever, out of this world! so now it's time for waddle dee-ya to pass on those words? in that case, can i whisper a secret to waddle dee-ya to pass on to said friend too?"
shit eating grin evident on his face, yuuki snatched takako's bag upon which the plush had been reattached and ran away holding the bag as high above his head as he could. he stuck out his tongue at takako. "you can't hear this, it's a secret," he teased before speaking towards the bag in a voice that was definitely not a whisper.
"waddle dee-ya, i have a very important message for you to pass on to my best friend. she's a very confident and hard working person, but i know that she's been through some rough times, so sometimes it's hard to be all confident and continue working hard when it seems your actions are pointless. that's why i want you to tell her that no matter how hard it seems, i know she can do it. i don't really know much about all this idol business, but idols are all about inspiring people to be the best version of themselves, aren't they? the fans are the ones who are inspired by them, so i want you to tell her that she'll always have one fan that is inspired to work hard because of her. and if she's ever in doubt of that, she can keep an eye on that one fan to make sure he's not slacking off this time. not again. because as long as her spell of inspiration works, he'll keep going strong."
long monologue done he held the bag out towards takako. "take it back. waddle dee-ya has important message for takako-ssi."
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
[in Japanese] Eh??? Can it be? Takachan?? It’s Takachan!! Our Takachan is still alive, I’m so happy!! 。゚(TヮT)゚。 Takachan, do your best, I’m cheering for you!!
Her rapping is impressive, but her dancing…. Is Legacy is really the right place for someone who dances like this? It seems like a waste for her… Oh well, I’m still interested, let’s see what happens
F*ck, I can already tell she’s an attention seeker ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Get lost, go back to Japan and give your space to someone with actual talent
haha this child is cute! i didn’t expect her to rap! she looks so young with her cheeks! i thought she was no older than 16 years old!
there are a lot of japanese comments. i wonder if she was a public figure before? legacy seems to like poaching trainees with an existing fanbase
▷ 𝐋𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
Lips are pursed, figure hunched over a device in her hands as Takako stares at the game being displayed before her. Her eyes roam around the console's screen as she dithers over the characters before her before deciding on one at long last and setting them into battle.
In which the poor character is promptly slain.
Letting out a shriek of frustration, the hapless 3DS is slammed onto the table with force, attracting the attention of some of the other girls in the dorm's common area, while Takako's head swiftly (but somewhat more gently) follows the console's path onto the tabletop.
「Miwa Osamu, you liar! You said this game was easy!」 she whines in Japanese to no-one in particular, while Fire Emblem Awakening lies undisturbed on the table, a pathetic looking battlefield still on display.
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
"Ah! As expected, oppa is here today too!"
Not that it's much a surprise, it's well known that Jinyoung's a frequent visitor to the gym (They all should be, really) But never let it be said that Miwa Takako was one to pass up the opportunity to point out the obvious, if only for her own benefit.
(She wasn't known as an airhead outside the practice room, for nothing, after all.)
What may come as a surprise, though, is the fact that she and Jinyoung seem to have created their own little routine when it come to the gym. What had started as coincidentally running into each other while working out had somehow morphed into a semi-regular meet up to train together.
Or, as is often the case, Jinyoung watching Takako struggle with any kind of exercise that isn't dance-related.
Pulling her headphones off her head and letting down her gym bag, Takako strides past Jinyoung and faces the treadmill with a determined look in her face, as though she was about to do battle with some mythical creature as opposed to being made run for a little while.
"I declare it! Today, Takako-ya will not be defeated by you!" she yells out to nothing in particular.
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
A lock of strawberry blonde hair is idly twirled around a finger and brushed behind her ear and Takako's nose scrunches up in concentration. Scooting closer to the menu board, she takes in the cafe's seasonal offerings, tongue poking out between her lips slightly before she lets out a groan of frustration.
Sometimes, having been a barista was a curse. Because she knew what went into these drinks, she genuinely can't decide what she wants. But it's not as though she has time to be dawdling around much longer; her break will end soon. But she's damned if she's not returning to vocal classes without the aid of an iced coffee.
Which is why she turns to the person behind her in the queue with a sunny smile and without a hint of shame of shyness.
"I'm having trouble deciding what to pick. What do you think sounds better? Vanilla pudding cold brew or Macha Frappe? Or just go for a regular iced coffee?"
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
Laughing at the sudden awkward expression on Yuuki's face, Takako gently nudged him in the ribs, nowhere near as hard as she usually did and made Waddle Dee give him a 'kiss' complete with a 'chu!' sound effect and almost falling over in peals of laughter at the complaints thrown at her for her antics.
「Don't be mean, Yuu-kun! Waddle Dee is just showing his appreciation~!」
Pulling herself together (as much as Miwa Takako could eve pull herself together, that is), she reattached the plush to her bag, a blush of her own dusting her cheeks and she toyed with her hair."
「Well... of course it di- does! Of course it does! This Waddle Dee reminds me of all the good times we had in high school, how you were the one who...」 she broke away with a blush and hid her face with her bangs briefly.
What was with her?! It's not like she was giving Yuuki a love confession or anything! Though now she could see why so many people (including her own parents) had convinced themselves that there was something more than friendship between her and Yuuki.
Clearing her throat to try and get rid of the awkwardness, Takako gave a teasing, but still genuine round of applause for Yuuki's sincere effort in speaking Korean. "Waddle Dee-ya would like that! Yuuki-ssi has good experiences in making friends, after all!"
In saying so, she tilted her head with a smile and continued. "And Takako will buy Yuuki-ssi a friend like Waddle Dee-ya of his own. Because he works hard and I am proud!"
calling it garbage anime was just rude. certainly not every series was a masterpiece, but it was the fewest that could truly be summed up with the description of 'garbage'. takako was stomping on the very souls of those countless of human beings involved in the creation of just one series. the blood, sweat, and tears of passion. not to mention the fans who enjoyed said series, as well as the mix of satisfaction and emptiness one felt upon finishing a really good show. 'whatever'. with such a simple, crude word, she had denied his very being--
"hm?" admittedly that was not the follow up he had expected. sure there had been a situation like that back then. so she was still holding on to it? slightly awkward yuuki fiddled with his cheek. "ah, i see..." was the lackluster response as he was looking for words. "i didn't realise it actually meant that much to you." somehow the knowledge of that made him happy.
still, even if she had been taking good care of it, some good years had passed in the meanwhile and it was visible on it. "well, if you like it that much, i guess it can't be helped. i'll try see if i can get you another one." not because he was happy that she liked it or anything. obviously. "i will buy friend for waddle dee-ya."
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
When the older girl (no, her idol senior, Takako sternly reminds herself) briefly collapses into laughter, Takako goes even redder, if possible and makes a strangled noise of embarrassment. Of course, something like this would only happen to someone like her.
Though, if this is the worst consequence of nearly knocking down seniors here, Takako figures it's a fair payoff. (Not that she intends on making it a habit, of course!)
"A-ah, there's no need to use 'san' with me Soyoun-sunbaenim!" Takako begins before pausing and chewing the inside of her cheek briefly. "Um, or would you prefer Astrid-sunbaenim?" she asks, stumbling over the pronunciation slightly. "...In any case! 'San' is waaay too formal for someone like me! You can use 'chan' instead! Or just my name by itself, whatever is more comfortable for you!"
As Soyoun leans closer, Takako's heart skips a beat and it takes all she has within to neither kick herself nor scoot backwards. Letting out a slightly nervous laugh in response to the other's dismissal of her old company, biting back the urge to defend it even now.
Sure, it had had it's bad moments and awful rules, but it hadn't been all that bad either.
"Ah, you're right, I guess.... It's still a bit of a battle to separate myself from there, I was a trainee with them since I was in middle school..." She shakes head firmly. "But, that's in the past! I'm here now, like you said~!"
At the mention of her appointment, Takako's smile freezes in place and were she an anime character, she'd probably sweatdrop. As it is, she glances at her watch and lets out a quiet 'shit' in her mother tongue before returning her gaze to Soyoun.
"...I'm sure Yuu-kun will understand why I'm late. He's mostly easy-going like that. And besides, he'd scold me if I just let a conversation with a senior for his sake." she replies after a moment, though she's not entirely sure that last bit is completely true.
"He'll tease me either way, so he can at least wait for it."
If anyone told Soyoun that she'd meet anyone who was more of a disaster than she is, she wouldn't have believed you. However, meeting this new trainee makes her think that maybe she isn't as much of of a hot mess as she thinks she is. Then again, she is forcing herself to grow up and be more mature now that she has eyes on her.
She lets out a sigh of relief that the younger trainee isn't injured or hurt. But Soyoun is sure that the other girl is probably later than ever to her appointment.
Okay, no one can blame Soyoun when she folds over laughing because of the nervous, yet polite energy coming from the new trainee. She isn't that scary, is she? "It's nice to meet you, Takako-san," Soyoun says as she bows back. "My name is Soyoun, but I also answer to Crystallis' Astrid."
Soyoun supposes she lucked out that the senior artists and trainees were never cruel to her. But then again, she also never put a toe out of line and stayed in her lane.
Looking around them, Soyoun leans closer. "No need to mention your former company anymore," she says with a laugh. "You're with Legacy now." And honestly, despite Legacy's many rules, she supposes that this is still better than this trainee's old company. She can't even imagine what the seniors over there put her through.
"Will you still make it to your appointment, though?"
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
A self-satisfied grin lit up the younger girl's face at Yuuki's reaction to being called 'oppa' and she tossed her hair in 'victory' before giving Waddle Dee another cuddle and mumbling 'Wanya~' to herself once more before Yuuki started in on his tirade.
And as his rant continued, Takako's expression morphed from one that was satisfied to one that was a cross between annoyed and bemused. In all honesty, it was her fault for inciting this kind of reaction, she really should have known better.
That being said, she hadn't really expected him to return to this kind of nerd shit.
「Ok, cool. Whatever. I'm not talking about your garbage anime though. I'm talking about Waddle Dee-chan!」 was the dismissive reply, Takako effortlessly ploughing on as she always did, scooting closer to Yuuki and all but shoving the plush in his face.
「Besides, are you telling me you don't recognize this particular Waddle Dee, Yuu-kun?」 The words are innocuous enough, but the smile on her face is slightly forced, and slightly sad looking, as though afraid he had in fact forgotton.
「...you gave me this Waddle Dee, remember? When we were graduating high school, before I moved to Tokyo. I got mad it wasn't Kirby at first, but after you gave him to me....」 She trailed away, chewing the inside of her lip for a moment.
「Why do you think I like Waddle Dee so much, hm? And why I'll defend him until I die!」
although he supposed in many ways it was deserved, yuuki still felt entitled to complain that takako certainly did not try to take it easy on him regarding training. he wasn't going to slack off that much, but he definitely didn't get a chance with her hovering around.
today, however, was a more chill day. they had walked around together for a bit, bought some things and were now relaxing in a training room before having to split for the night. when she opened her mouth to speak, yuuki already knew her words were not going to be reasonable. the sugary sweet nickname made him wince and prompted a newly learned word in response.
"disgusting." was he supposed to be wooed at such antics? miwa takako? never. the follow up made even less sense. but if she was going to be silly, he would never let her win easily.
"tsk tsk. you underestimate the power of anime. if my years of indulgence has taught me one thing, it is not to trust a person on their appearance!" as though he had said something incredibly cool, his explanation became exceedingly dramatic. "dangerous babies? katekyo hitman reborn. and don't even get me started on not knowing who your friends really are; that's such a popular trope, fam. durarara is a very good example of this."
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
When Takako had warned Yuuki that she'd make sure he'd shape up and take being a Legacy trainee seriously, she'd made good on her word, ten times over. Whenever normal practices were done for the day, she'd drag him to a free space to drill him on what he'd learned and offer critique about (in other words, bitch about) his performance.
That's not to say she was completely heartless. Sometimes 'extra practice' was just consisted of taking him to a convenience store or cafe with her and getting him to practice his Korean by buying something while she doled out the cash. And sometimes it was simply hanging out and chattering back and forth in both Korean and Japanese.
Like tonight.
Sitting on the floor of a free practice room, surrounded by textbooks and water bottles, Takako idly started playing with the charms on her bag, hands unconsciously wandering over to a soft and well-worn (well-loved) orange and white plush.
"Say, Yuuki-oppa..." she began in Korean, giggling at the look that was given to her in response before continuing in their mother tongue.
「If Waddle Dee is Kirby's enemy, why is he shaped like a baby? Or like a friend? It's a bit mean, right?」 Grinning at the utterly bewildered look on Yuuki's face at her question, she detached Waddle Dee from her bag and held him to to her face, making a particularly 'cute' expression.
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Spring is here, new season, but same Takako-chan~
Well, except for the new make up routine. I think it suits me, but it’s the only change I’ll make, so don’t worry! <3 <3
#lgctrainees #lgcent #miwatakako
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
「Idiot! You don't have to phrase it like that! It's not what I meant when I said we're hopeless!」 Pouting, Takako lightly kicked in Yuuki's direction, making sure to miss by a wide margin, even as smile tugged at her lips.
「I'm serious, though. Both of us are coming out of this on top, you hear me?, Irie Yuuki So consider this your last day of slacking off, because from her on out, I won't give anyone a reason to call us hopeless.」 So saying, Takako finally pushed herself away from the wall and grabbed Yuuki by the elbow, dragging him back in the direction of the cafeteria.
「And to do that, we have to eat well! So let's go finish our lunch and get to work, dummy. And hopefully the others won't have been paying attention to your antics earlier!」 An optimistic but probably fruitless wish. (And why was she putting the blame on Yuuki? Because she's Takako!)
At Yuuki's final comment, a genuine (if slightly bewildered) laugh escaped Takako, as she linked arms with her best friend properly, appearances be damned.
「"World peace?" Seriously?! You're such a moron, I hope you know that, Yuu-Kun~」
trying to comfort him with the words they both knew were true, takako ended up breaking them off mid sentence and didn't continue after that. although they might both be good at running their mouths and voicing their thoughts without actually putting much thought into it, at least they had the knowledge of each other by now to know when something was not a good thing to say. takako was just a bit better at it than yuuki was, but he usually got there eventually.
she instead dropped the topic and went on to insult him instead, and a small smile began tugging at the corners of his lips again in relief. certainly, he knew that takako would always forgive him when he stopped being dumb and actually explained himself -- or at least he hoped so -- but he never had liked arguments and people raising their voices.
stretching his own arms before him, he responded: "wouldn't have it any other way! things get much better when other people can look at us and laugh at the fact that such hopeless people are trying to get by because, hey, if we can do it, then everyone else can too!" spouting his totally flawed logic, yuuki stood up from the floor and sent his best friend a thumbs up. "which is why we gotta pull through. for world peace."
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lgcxtakako · 1 year
「So why'd you go ahead and say it anyways, dummy?」 was the equally petulant reply to Yuuki's first statement, Takako daring to side-eye him and being mildly miffed that he was doing the same gaze aversion she was doing.
Did this guy ever have an original thought in his brain?!
Though the annoyed expression faded into something more akin to guilt as Yuuki spoke about the theater and finally explaining why he'd never actually pursued managing the place. Biting her lip, Takako cycled through several responses before finally deciding on the one that sounded the least inoffensive.
「You're too hard on yourself, you know. No matter what, he'd have...」 only to fall silent as she knew she'd fall into the same trap Yuuki had fallen into. Speaking what she thought was alright, only to realize how careless it was.
Sighing, Takako took a few steps to the wall and leaned against it, eyes focused on the ceiling and a semi-vacant expression on her face before she spoke again.
「You're a hopeless idiot, seriously, the most hopeless I've ever met. But I'm hopeless too, I mean, here I am trying to be an idol after I blew it the first time.」There's a short laugh, not particularly amused, but trying to lighten the situation all the same.
「So I guess we're stuck with being hopeless together, it's like school all over again, right?」 Pushing herself off the wall, Takako looked directly at Yuuki, still no smile on her face, but her eyes were a little calmer and her gaze warmer.
「At least you've admitted you won't half-ass things anymore, but that means you have to debut as a main dancer now! And I have to debut properly, deal?」
while it was very obvious that takako's facial features had taken a toll from the sudden tears, he didn't even have to think hard to realise that commenting on that was not a good idea. certainly, yuuki might be oblivious from time to time, but he didn't have a death wish. so when she emerged much sooner than he had liked, he decided to keep silent on that matter.
doing so on other matters was seemingly not a good idea though, but she had come back out way too quickly for yuuki to have thought up a good defense. instead, his head dropped and his eyes locked on the spot across the hallway where the wall met the floor. not that he had to avoid eye contact as takako was already well doing that herself.
"what do you expect?" he grumbled a response back, clearly not satisfied with the situation. "i can't just come out and say that i missed you and that i wanted to be able to support you better." although claiming he couldn't, the words left him either way, and his expression soured into a pout. "i wasn't going to try harder if i hadn't been signed, but i managed to make it so now i can't just half-ass it any more."
couldn't she just have accepted his joking for an answer? had a little faith in him? this was embarrassing. "i loved and respected my grandfather, but i don't know anything about actually performing kabuki or how to manage a venue. if i was going to take over, i wanted to have been guided by him, but that's all too late now and i'll never be able to make up for that." his expression loosened a bit with the memories, eyes glassing over for a moment in nostalgia.
"i know this is hard. i'm not actually an idiot. but i've already blown two chances at something that is precious to me, and i don't want to blow a third one either." yuuki sighed as his gaze went back upwards to face takako. "so there you have it. if you think i'm a hopeless idiot then that's fine because it doesn't matter."
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