lgcyeoreum · 4 years
Yeoreum was never an early riser, but there were some exceptions to the rule. Today was one of those exceptions. She woke up not-so-bright and a little too early. To say that she was racked with anxiety would be slightly inaccurate. If she were to pinpoint what she really felt, it would be a strange combination of anxiousness, exhilarating anticipation, and slight grouchiness natural to someone not used to waking up at 7am. 
Even if she made the slight effort to wake up early, she took her sweet time trying to prepare for the day. Her festival performance was something that she has been fervently anticipating and for her to mess it up by being an anxious mess would be a nightmare. She calmed herself by humming their practice songs in the shower, eating breakfast, and even as she walked over to the festival area reserved for trainees waiting to perform.
A small, nervous smile crossed her lips when Seolmi talked to her. She was honestly glad that she had the senior trainee on her team, but their years of combined experience are not enough to quell their anxiety. “Um, god, I hope not. You know what I’m really scared of? Messing up the lyrics.”
 Yeoreum has a good memory for melodies, and she can hit a note perfectly, especially if it’s within her range. She has, however, a bit of a shit memory with remembering actual words to the song, sometimes missing out on a word or substituting a word for a synonym. The thought of her messing up a lyric made her frown and she sighed. “Hey Seolmi, do you think we should do a little lyric recall practice? I don’t know, I think we’re both good singing-wise, but I for one, might really mess up the lyrics.” 
little birds
( @lgcyeoreum )
11am seemed a little too early to perform. 
Even though excitement had Seolmi up a few hours before her alarm. She had spent extra time showering and had tried to find something pretty and eye catching to wear for the day– anything to distract her. But it was hard to ignore the passing of time, every thickening minute started to feel like rocks being dropped into a puddle. Heavy and hard to ignore, ripples of nervousness ran up and down Seolmi as she tried to calm herself. Today wouldn’t be the first time she performed in public, but the feeling was hard to ignore. 
The less helpful part of her brain began to question if she even remembered the lyrics of any of the songs she had practiced– panic tried to wedge in and tried to consider the possibility that all the songs used today would be ones she never heard. With a small cry of desperation, Seolmi shook her head, wanting nothing more than for those thoughts to fly out in the process. 
“I really hope they don’t trick us with some really old songs.” She commented, looking over at Yeoreum and a small bit of relief hit her. Yeoreum was a bit younger than her but her mind for music was phenomenal. While there was no saying what songs would be chosen, she had to remind herself that their chances were good, and winning wasn’t everything. But it’d be nice. “I don’t think I know anything later than the 80’s– not all the words at least.”
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
《 Spring Fling 》
    ✹   ft  @lgcyeoreum​
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Throughout the entire sing off, her attention is always on her friend, Yeoreum. To show her support, she follows the audience cheering and chanting her name while bouncing excitedly in her position. “Yeoreum, you go girl! Crush them!” As the competition ends, she quickly runs over while screaming her friend’s name. “That was awesome! You totally nailed it, girl!”
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The idea of the festival simultaneously excited and scared her. In her almost two years as a trainee, it would be her first time actually performing in front of a crowd. The weekly evaluations and small concerts in the Legacy building were nothing compared to this. The crowd--the very thing that she found exciting was also the same thing that she found terrifying. Yes, she might have a small group of fans from her recent media appearances, but the jury is still out on her popularity and reception as a trainee. Her festival performance could sway opinion for the better or worse. As the date neared, her restlessness intensified.
However, it was clear the moment the music started that she loved performing for performance’s sake. Her jitters disappeared with every note she belted. Every cheer she heard from the crowd exhilarated her. By the middle of the sing-off, it was obvious that Yeoreum was in her element. She was so engrossed in the melody and the emotion of a song that she messed up a word in the lyrics, realizing it only too late. She was about to slink back into embarrassment, but a voice in the crowd calling out her name brought back her confidence. Jaehwa. The unabashed support brought a bright smile to her face, and Yeoreum finished the performance with all the star power she could muster.
After she handed out her mic and said thank you to the staff, she ran to meet Jaehwa’s approaching figure and gave the other trainee a big hug. “Aaaahh, Jaehwa!! Oh my god, did you really think so? Between you and me, I think I sort of messed up part of the lyric in the third song,” she chuckled and regarded the other girl with a warm smile. “Although, if you think it was good, then it probably was. I can’t believe you came to watch! Thank you, you were a great confidence boost. Trust that I’ll be cheering for you too at the stage later. I can’t wait!” She rambled on, excited and almost out of breath by the time she finished talking. 
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
♄ thread tracker ♄
hello all !! i’ve sort of been inactive on yeoreum these past few days, mainly because i’ve been running low on muse, and it’s my last month of school so i have a bunch of schoolwork to catch up to. in any case, i’m making this tracker for all the threads and starters i currently owe and will be listing down the ones i’m waiting for next time (bc im a mess and forgot to count my threads). i’ll be working through them slowly huhuhu, but i’ll be prioritizing the festival event threads. please message me if i missed a thread with your chara !! also this is a pinned post on my blog for the admins looking at my blog for activity hngg
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THREADS I OWE (uwu i’m sorry)
lean on me - @lgcaaron vlive thread - @lgcjiae the line - @lgcseungjae date lottery - @lgcminjun songwriting thread - @lgchunji trainee mission 03 - @lgcxjinah do it again - @lgceunhye ready set cook - @lgcshinha bloom bloom - @lgcahin small melodies - @lgcjaewoo​ festival thread - @lgcseolmi​  sad hours - @nanalgc​
@lgctk​ (...i think this is all??) 
WAITING REPLIES (take your time, bbies !!)
festival thread - @lgcjaehwa 
anyway, i’ll churn out these starters in due time huhuh and i still have some plotting IMs to get to soooooo yeah, i’m lowkey a mess haAHAHHA
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
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[....]      eunji watched yeoreum happily munch on the candy and, oh, when she started to cry, eunji followed right behind. water in her own eyes started welling in her eyes. she used the bottom hem of her shirt to wipe away the soon-to-be tears.      eunji sniffed through her suddenly pink nose. her ears were noticeably bright red. she sniffed again and laughed. she leaned in to hug yeoreum, presents between them and all, in a appreciation gift.      “seriously! don’t cry or you’ll make me cry!” she laughed but her voice was emotionally deteriorating.
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“No, no, no, don’t cry!” At this point, Yeoreum was wiping the tears off her eyes as small bursts of laughter escaped her lips. She once again encased Eunji in a loose hug, gifts and all between them.  She pulled away, a bright smile on her lips. “Thank you, again, Eunji, you little rascal. Also somebody’s gonna have to help me finish this Pocky.”  There were no words to describe how thankful she was. The happy tears may have dried, but her heart was still warm and full with the feeling of having found some semblance of family. 
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
i look very mysterious here ㅋㅋㅋ do you guys think i should dye my hair black again? #throwback
#lgctrainees #lgcent #ahnyeoreum
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
charlie didn’t have a fixed process when she was writing her songs. there were times when the lyrics comes first, then the melody just comes to her. other times she’d find herself humming to an interesting string of sounds, she’d try to play it by ear on her guitar. once she’s satisfied, she’d play it a handful of times and then move to the next project. she never had to play it in public for performance or record it, not even add finishing touches before handing it over to someone as a gift – like this time around.
she nods with a smile at yeoreum’s words, feeling the shyness slowly creeping on her cheeks. but charlie was quick to brush it off, trying to convince herself that she still had everything under control. “it’s just
” charlie trails off, trying to find the words to make it less complicated. “it’s a
 um, a love song.” her voice grows quiet as she continued. “just something i put together, nothing personal.” except it is. it really is. “i wanted to write somethign people could maybe relate to.” it made sense but it sounded ridiculous at the same time.
they find an empty room not long after, with charlie picking a spot to get comfortable. she tunes her guitar a bit and starts to play the chorus, singing the lyrics that reflected how she had been feeling. it made her nervous how real they were that she had to stop, looking to yeorum, “what do you think?”
A small, teasing smile crept to your Yeoreum’s lips when she heard the answer to her question. “Really? I’ve heard all love songs are always personal,” she winked and chuckled, but did not press the matter further. “Just kidding and of course, I’d love to hear it.” 
Even if she said it to lightly tease Charlie, Yeoreum personally believed that the depth of the love song always depended on the depth of the experience. She, herself, finds that all her attempts at writing love songs had not been particularly impressive. They were okay songs, but the sentiment never seemed to be as sincere as she wanted it to be. 
Sitting down in an empty practice room, she listened to Charlie sing. This was it. This song had the sort of sentiment, the sort of honesty, that lacked in her own songs. Yeoreum did not want to pry, but she had a feeling that the other trainee’s motivation for this song was more than the simple want to be relatable. When Charlie finished, Yeoreum looked at her with a sincere smile and hands clasped to her chest. “That was just...wow. I mean, I’m sure we can develop some more stuff melody-wise, but the whole thing was beautiful, Charlie. I loved it.” The rare moment of solemnity broke, and the teasing smile returned. “It takes real experience to write something like that.” 
warm ways
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
patience was growing thinner as eunhye analyzed the situation. she knew firsthand how it would feel to be in yeoreum’s shoes since she felt the same years ago when she entered legacy. while she may not be the best dancer in the company, she certainly did learn how to keep up with some of the trainees even if it meant having to spend extra time practicing. when she hears the other trainee’s words, eunhye tries to hold in her exasperated sigh as she asked her, “confused? what about it is confusing to you?” in her mind, she felt that her tips were straightforward for anyone to understand, which left her even more frustrated.
“we already broke down the choreography and we’re doing this at a slower tempo.” she stated out loud, but hearing her talk about it only reminded her about how bad it could be if she did the choreography at the normal speed.
“are you even trying? ” eunhye followed up with another question, this time not caring so much about the impact her words may have on the other. she continued on as she let out the negative feelings she had suppressed during the past couple of minutes, “it seems like you aren’t trying. i get that dancing isn’t your strong suit, but you’re here and it is expected of you to improve on everything, including areas that you are terrible at. if you can’t even do that, then why are you here?”
If Yeoreum were to truly, truly analyze the situation from an unbiased perspective, a large chunk of it was really her fault. She didn’t put as much work as she should in learning the choreography, and she lagged behind at practice. In her defense, she didn’t really have a good command of rhythm, and she has some trouble with coordination. It is true that a few extra hours of practice would have helped remedied that as Yeoreum has learned in the past. For this specific choreography, however, she didn’t apply extra effort to learn it. She has no excuses. 
However, Eunhye had put her on the defensive. Her ability to think rationally had turned into a desire to avoid embarrassment. The other trainee’s words were biting, and it was taking every inch of her not to break into tears. She clenched her jaw, and tried to meet the Eunhye’s gaze. It was her fault, she knew, but she wouldn’t just say sorry and hang her head low. She stayed quiet for a few seconds, her mind working overtime on her reply. The tight hold on her jaw was released. Her features softened. She had thought of what to say.
“I-if I didn’t want to tr-try, I wouldn’t even be here right now.” She tried to reply in a matter-of-fact tone and succeeded. Just beneath the surface,  though, her voice cracked ever so slightly. “Just because I’m slower than everyone else, doesn’t mean I won’t be able to get it eventually.” The last part, she has to admit, was a cop out but she had to say her piece.
do it again.
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
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She settled into her seat as she waited for the crew to finish setting up. At this point, Yeoreum had gotten used to the presence of the cameras around the building, and the initial awe that came with being filmed had dulled. The jitters, however, are still there albeit a lot weaker than when they were filming her at practice. She took the last few minutes of prep time to check her hair and face before resigning to her fate. The camera flashed green and the man behind it gave a thumbs up.  Okay, Miss Ahn, are you ready? She perked up and replied with a bright smile, “Yep! Oh, um, can I say something before you start asking me questions, though. It will be really quick, don’t worry, I might forget later.”
Yeah, sure, go ahead
“Ah, thank you so much!” Yeoreum waved at the camera and beamed, “Hi mom! Hi dad! I’m on Netflix now!! Also to all the loyal patrons of Ahn’s Diner, home of the best seafood bibimbap in Tongyeong, thank you for suffering through my dad’s countless replays of this show. Finally to my brother, Byeol, stop making gif memes of my face and do your homework. Okay, I’m done, thank you,” she finished rather bashfully, afraid that her shoutout took longer than expected. The crew didn’t seem to mind, however, with some even chuckling at her greetings. 
Okay, Miss Ahn, why don’t you introduce yourself 
She offered the camera another one of her winning smiles and waved with her two hands. “Hello! I’m Ahn Yeoreum, but please call me your new favorite idol trainee,” She collapsed into laughter, barely making it through the rest of her introduction. “In all seriousness, I am a trainee since 2018 and I am turning twenty-two soon.”
You mentioned you were from Tongyeong? 
Her lips formed into a proud smile upon hearing the question,“Yes, born and raised!”  
How did it feel moving to Seoul?
A slight hum escaped her as she tried to formulate an answer for the question. “I was eighteen when I moved. Already an adult, but it was still difficult. Like most people from the south, I had a really thick accent coming here and some people noticed,” a chuckle fell from her lips as she recalled the memory. “I’m really close to my family too, so the first months were really hard because I missed them often. Seoul was so busy and beautiful and confusing to me at first, but I adjusted eventually. It’s starting to feel like home.”
How did your family feel about you wanting to become an idol?
Her face fell for a moment at the mention of her family. It’s been two years she’s been a trainee and has taken visits back to Tongyeong, but she still misses them everyday. “They were very supportive! I don’t think that was what my parents ideally wanted for me, but despite that, they still supported me when I signed to Legacy. They were just worried about me entering the industry and all, but I managed.”
How did you become a Legacy trainee?
“Well, I’ve always loved singing and composing music. When I was in high school, I was sure that I wanted to do something related to that, but I wasn’t sure how. Also in high school, I used to help out at my family’s restaurant, Ahn’s Diner, home of the best seafood bibimbap in Tongyeong,” At this cue, she winked at the camera and laughed lightly. “Anyway, sometimes I’d play music for the customers. A Legacy agent eating there scouted me. He told me to audition and stuff. So, a month after my twentieth birthday, I left for Seoul to audition. The rest is history.”
You’re turning twenty-two soon, right? That means you’ve been a trainee for a while, then. How is the experience so far?
A wistful smile appeared on her face and she sighed. “It’s been a real rollercoaster ride, honestly. The best parts are being able to do what I love with the people here. I’ve met some of the sweetest, most talented, and most creative people. It feels really good to be able to share your passion with other trainees. Of course, there’s always the constant fear of not debuting, and the crippling self-doubt, and the struggle of trying to improve your weaknesses.”
What are your weaknesses as a trainee?
She gulped upon hearing the question, “Well I’m not really the best dancer. I don’t know, it just doesn’t come as easy to me as singing does. I guess other weaknesses would include patience? I’m not the best at that too.” 
What do you aspire to debut as?
She replied with furrowed eyebrows and a pensive look on her features, “Well, I’m not really sure yet. Currently, I’m on idol training, but I love to make music and I’m not sure I’ll get to do that if I debut in a girl group.” The pensive look collapsed, and she smiled. “No rush, though, I think I’ve got time to figure it out.”
Do you think you’ll ever debut?
Again, she chuckled to dispel the seriousness of the question. “I mean, I should and I hope so. I gave up college for this thing.” 
Thank you, Yeoreum. That was great.
“Thank you so much too! I had a lot of fun.” She gave one last smile and bid her goodbye. She couldn’t be sure, but she had a feeling that she made a good impression.
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
♄ square off ♄
!! a wild starter appeared !! for @lgcdana ♄
Yeoreum would say that hate is such a strong word. She fancies herself as the non-confrontational sort--a pacifist, she’d say if she was feeling fancy. For the most part, this is true. Her happy-go-lucky nature shields her from lasting frustration because she rarely takes anything seriously. Her patience is long, and her humor is varied. There are exceptions to the rule, however.
Yeoreum wouldn’t say that she hates Dana, but the girl annoys the hell out of her. The perfect trainee image combined with her tattletale tendencies and cocky aura always rubs Yeoreum the wrong way. There was just something so disingenuous about the image she exudes, and Yeoreum can’t stomach it. Maybe, it’s because she’s always been open about her flaws or because they were different in temperament. Annoyed as she was however, she never went past rolling her eyes when Dana gets praised for her dancing. 
It was a petty thing to do, she knows, but sometimes when Dana is in-charge of helping out their trainer facilitate the dance training, Yeoreum would purposely move more lethargically. Usually, she feels guilty and picks up her pace after a run through. Today, however, she couldn’t be bothered. She barely tried to keep up with the rhythm, and was lagging behind in the choreography. Little did she know that today, her passive-aggressiveness pettiness would set forth a terrible chain of events.
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
           When she came out of the dressing room in the yellow dress, Alex snaps back to reality and taps his chin a bit and nods in response as he looks at her. He waits as she heads back in to try on the blue one next. Looking at her once more as she comes back out again, his reaction the same as before. “Well, I’m starting to lean more towards the blue one after seeing you try both on, but maybe we could see the third option just to make sure that we’re actually getting the right dress. Don’t wanna regret later when you’re filming or even afterward, right?” He gives a slight smile. He honestly wanted to help her in any way he could, wanted her to be happy and to smile. Yeah, to anyone else that would seem weird, or even seem like he may have a thing for her, but it really was just because he thought of her as a good friend and wanted what was best for her no matter what.
When he mentioned that she could have arrived at a decision on her own, Yeoreum stayed quiet but secretly agreed. He was right. She used her indecisiveness as a reason, but it was more about her not wanting to shop alone. Besides, she liked Alex’s company. The world seemed easier around him. His calm balanced out her chaotic and bumbling energy. On first glance, you’d think that he’d be the type of person to be impatient with her, but if their friendship has proved anything, it is that there is a comforting warmth underneath the cold exterior. 
“I think I like the blue better too. It compliments my hair nicely,” she smiled back, pleased at his response. “Good idea, I’ll be back in a minute.” She closed the dressing room door and changed into the third dress. It was a white lace mini-dress with puff sleeves and a square hemline. It looked reminiscent of something a disney princess would wear. Even if that wasn’t her usual style, she couldn’t help but feel extra pretty as she looked at her reflection. She presented herself with a beaming smile and a twirl. Her eyes sparkled in excitement to hear what he had to say. 
“This one makes me look as if I haven’t done a single terrible thing in my life,” she quipped with slight giggle. The white lace really did make her look like an angel, a look that Yeoreum was personally not accustomed to. She looked at herself in the mirror again, turning side to side to see how the dress falls. She turned back to face Alex. Her beaming grin was replaced by a wry smile. “It doesn’t really scream Yeoreum, you know, but I’ll be more random cute girl on the shooting day than my actual self.” On closer observation, what she said was a disarming observation. Yeoreum knew she was messy, that her chaos isn’t always welcomed. She isn’t sure what her first reality show would hold, and how she would be received. She quiets these thoughts by overthinking everything, including her outfit. She wouldn’t know what she would do if she didn’t have Alex to keep her sane. 
♄ shopping misadventures ♄
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
♄  topsy-turvy ♄
!! a wild starter appeared !! for @lgcakira​​​ ♄
Yeoreum is a girl impatient for progress. She works hard, but this hard work is selective. She prefers to exert effort on things that she can get right on the first try, skills that she knows by instinct. Singing and songwriting fall into this category. Dancing, unfortunately, does not. Her time in Legacy has challenged her impatience, and made her realize that she cannot go on like this. If she really wants to become an idol, she must make sure that her hard work encompasses all the needed skills and not just a few. 
She’s slowly coming to terms with the idea of a well-rounded work ethic. A year ago she would be happy to leave her daily dance practice and not think about the dancing for the rest of the day. Recently, however, she has begun to ask the help of her fellow trainees to help her improve her dance in their free time. Akira, is one of the unfortunate victims talented trainees that she asked help from. So, here they are in an empty training room with Yeoreum hoping that after this session, she’d be able to pick up some useful pointers. 
“Thank you so much, Akira!” She was beaming from ear to ear with her eyes turning into half-moon crescents. Her excitement and gratefulness can hardly be contained. “I can’t believe you agreed to this! I am ready, but also fair warning that I am not the best student. I hope you packed a lot of patience with you.” It was a half-joke at best. 
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
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He was the kind of host that welcomed interactions and he was more than happy to be interviewed along with his guests. He paused his preparing to tap a finger on his lips in thought, humming as he did so. ❛ It’s hard to choose as I like a lot of things. If I had to choose my top three it would probably be jajangmyeon, chicken, and bulgogi. ❜ He grinned. The thought of food was making him hungry and so he tried to shift focus so his stomach wouldn’t rumble so much. ❛ What made you want to sign with Legacy? ❜
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“Aww thank you, my mom is indeed a good cook.” Yeoreum nodded as Shinha listed his favorite dishes, slowly bringing the marinated beef onto the pan. A happy smile was gracing her lips. She loved that the show settled into such a quaint and comfortable routine. The conversation really made it feel as if they were just two friends, hanging out at an apartment and cooking. The talking and the comforting smell of cooking beef almost made her forget that there were cameras around. 
“I think the proper question is, how was I able to sign with Legacy?” She chuckled while she sliced vegetables to be added to the beef. “In all seriousness though,” she paused her slicing to give the question a moment’s thought.
 “I’ve always loved DBSD and BLAZing, but I wasn’t aiming for Legacy specifically. I would have been elated even if it was a small company, but my luck was in all the right places, I suppose. I was given the opportunity by an agent who passed by my dad’s restaurant, and I took it.” Another chuckle falls from her mouth, and she continues slicing. For a second, she feels a sense of nostalgia for all the events that have brought her here. She adds the vegetables to the beef and continues talking, “How about you, Shinha? What was your Legacy origin story? Oh and by the way, how much time do we have left?” 
「✼ READY, SET, COOK! EP 4  ✼」
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
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‘‘chicken dance?’’ she repeated in-between giggles. standing up not too long after yeoreum, eyeing the older girl and her crazy ( but very welcome ) antics. now this shows pretty well how comfortable the two trainees are around each other. there is no way they’d dare to do something like this in the middle of a real practice or anything along those lines. not wanting to leave yeoreum alone with her iconic chicken dance, yeseo copied the moves – breaking down, almost immediately, into a laughing fit. ‘‘now this is an easy choreography. and if we were in a girl group, this would definitely give us that first win,’’ yeseo was basically cleaning her tears at this point, finding the situation way too funny to be real. ‘‘what should be the next move? an arm wave?’’ the trainee questioned, starting the move in hopes yeoreum would mirror her. 
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She stopped dancing for a bit and doubled over, laughing. For the longest time, dancing had always felt like a chore. Yeoreum literally feels that she has to lug herself over to the training rooms every morning. This “practice” session was a blessing. For once, she was able to dance without inhibition like she used to back home before she became a trainee. DBSD songs would blare from her speakers, and she would prance around her bedroom without a care. Although, this was better because now, she had someone to dance with. Dancing became fun again, even if it was just for a few hours. 
“Everyone would be doing our dance. We will be the most iconic move makers all over Korea,” Yeoreum exclaimed happily when she finally caught her breath. Her eyes lit up at Yeseo’s arm wave. “Yeseo, that is genius!” She mirrored the other girl’s movements before exploding once again into a fit of laughter. She was beyond happy to have Yeseo here with her. If it was anyone else, Yeoreum would not have been able to let loose like she did. Many of the trainees she’s close with are known dancers, and she would feel a tinge of shame at the mere act of doing the chicken dance in front of them, no matter how close. 
“Okay choreographer Yeseo, I think our next move should be a split.” At this, she attempts to do a split with great difficulty. The farthest she can go is about four inches above the floor before giving up. “Okay, I think we’ll skip the split and settle for jazz hands, instead.”
♄ shake it off ♄
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
however, when she mentioned her home, and he noticed her accent, he finally understood more where she came from. “ah, i see.” he responded with the same tone, exactly one line in return, a small chuckle slipping him. “well, you’re not alone there. everyone missess home.” even those that don’t quite understand or know what that is, he thought to himself. “we just dont say it. but we do, we just
 grow used to it.” though he was speaking more for himself, he knew from what his friends had told him, at the very least more than a few could relate to it. “it’s okay.” he reassured her, smiling. “don’t worry, you can lay it on me.”
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He was a complete stranger. His face was one of hundreds that she came across in Legacy every day. When he came in, he didn’t even look the least bit familiar to her. The fact that she was probably as stranger to him as he was to her did not stop him from being kind. For the first time in a long while, this simple and pure act was the closest thing to the feeling of home. Yeoreum once again felt tears pool in her eyes. This time however, the urge to cry came from a heart filled with gratitude for Insoo’s comforting company. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand without giving the tears a chance to fall down her cheeks. 
She nodded slowly when he started talking about dancing. In her heart, she knew that the only way she’d get better if she actually exerted more effort into learning routines. Her stubborn and impatient nature always got the best of her, and she usually ends up giving up when she couldn’t get the choreography right in the first few tries. His words, however, gave her a quiet boost of confidence. In that moment, she began to think that maybe, trying again wouldn’t be futile. 
When he slipped into his accent, she almost felt her heart jump. Finally, she didn’t feel so alone in a building where everyone sounded so metropolitan. He was like her, and it gave her unimaginable comfort. “Yeah,” she replied when he finished talking, a slight crack in her voice. “My brother’s birthday is coming up soon, and for the first time, I’m not there. I know I’ll get used to it eventually, but it’s been so hard the past couple of months.” She sighed, knowing that the only way out is through. Being a trainee is a hard road, and she chose this. The good thing is at least, she was able to let out all her bottled feelings. A small sorrowful smile crept to her lips as she looked at the other trainee, “Thanks for staying. It means a lot to me, especially because you don’t even know me--just a strange girl crying in an empty training room. You have a good heart.”
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✧ after hours ( circa nov. 2018 )
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
though her compliments have him smiling wider, it’s always nice to hear that –– to hear of someone enjoying your music, especially when you weren’t too sure if it was something even deemed enjoyable in the first place. “really?” he asks, and he can feel his smile growing wide. “no! it’s not! i
 actually really needed to hear that,” he continues. he grabs a chair and places it by his side, “here, take a seat. i could play a bit more for you if you want! though
 it’s still just a work in progress,” he adds sheepishly.
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“Yes, please. I’d love to hear more.”  A light flush crept to her cheeks and she approached him, almost timidly. Yeoreum doesn’t want to acknowledge it  because acknowledging it would mean that it’s real, but there is something between them. She doesn’t know how to explain it, but it’s a fluttering feeling in her stomach--a quiet but electric anticipation. 
When she became a trainee at Legacy, she relinquished any thoughts of maintaining a possible romance. It’s too early to tell if the butterflies she feels when she’s around him could turn into something more, but god the thought terrifies her. More than whatever they have, Yeoreum had come to increasingly value Seungjae’s company. They both love making music and have a great time talking together. It’s a friendship she holds dear, and a friendship she’s not sure she’s willing to risk. 
She sat herself on the chair next to him, and lightly touched the piano keys with her fingers. “Oh, I always wanted to learn piano.” She sighed as she softly pressed the key closest to her, releasing a soft note. “Oooh, I have an idea!” Her face was lit by a warm smile and excitement was evident in her voice, “You should teach me the first bit of the song. After you play it for me, of course.”
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the line
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lgcyeoreum · 4 years
   “you’re not hopeless, you’re cute. just go over there and start up a conversation. he might fall to his knees just looking at you.” an eyebrow raises as she gives the other girl a look, a tiny grin slipping onto her lips as she takes yet another sip of her drink.
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“Pick-up lines are a big no-no, got it,” She nodded her head, almost serious, as she took a sip of her drink. She wasn’t really sure why she was here. Yeoreum had relinquished the idea of a possible romance with anyone the moment she stepped foot on Legacy, but they weren’t really here for romance, weren’t they? 
Yeoreum would never call herself shy by any means, but strangers in Seoul have always intimidated her. She’s has a persistent fear that they’ll see through her and uncover the country girl underneath. Even if she’s managed to hide her thick accent, she can’t escape the feeling that she is still the bumbling and artless mess of a girl who grew up in a seaside city far away from Seoul. Maybe, that’s why she tagged along with Jiao on this little crusade. Part of her wants to know how the other trainee balances her sophisticated metropolitan charm, stringing along both guys and girls wherever she goes.
“Right, strike up a conversation, shouldn’t be that hard right,” she began to run through a number of greetings in her brain.  She has been told that she’s pretty before, but always took the compliment more as a given fact, rather than using it to her advantage. She figured she might as well reap its perks. “Here I go! Watch as I make you proud, captain Jiao.” In a single gulp, she downed the rest of her drink, a move she figures she’s gonna regret later. She flashed Jiao a nervous smile and a thumbs up as she walked towards the stranger across the bar, fueled by liquid courage and a sliver of confidence.
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thrill of the chase
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