lgczoe · 1 day
♥︎ ╱ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 ⤿ ꜰᴛ. @lgcxjasper
Zoe brushed a strand of hair out of her face as she made her way to one of the practice rooms. Her thoughts were tangled in choreography, lyrics, and the unrelenting pressure of being a trainee. As she rounded the corner near one of the studio lounges, she noticed someone she'd seen around—Jasper.
He sat there, casually sipping tea, an image of calm that sharply contrasted with the whirlwind in her own mind. Zoe slowed her pace, curiosity flickering to life. She’d heard about Jasper—a perfectionist with a dry sense of humor.
“Jasper, right?” she called out, her voice steady, though laced with intrigue. “I’ve heard about you… Nice to finally meet you.”
“Zoe,” she introduced herself, folding her arms casually. “The name’s Zoe.”
A brief pause hung between them before she added with a smirk, “So, what's your secret? I’m still trying to figure out how to survive the madness around here.”
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lgczoe · 10 days
♥︎ ╱ ɢʏᴇꜱᴇᴜɴɢ: ʙᴀᴄᴋꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ⤿ "𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚉𝚘𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔"
𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒. 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞: "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞"
Zoe Park was one of twelve daughters, each a delicate flower plucked from the gilded gardens of an infamous count. His reputation was one of ruthless authority, but to Zoe, he was warm—a bright father. All twelve daughters were nearly identical, with dark, knowing eyes and cascades of wavy brown hair, like a collection of dolls, dressed in silks and draped in jewels. The count lavished them with such excess that their home resembled a living treasure chest.
Zoe never questioned her affinity to wood, how the floors splintered and creaked during bouts of anger, how trees bent to her moods. She simply indulged in her father’s riches and let her wood affinity slumber beneath her curious surface. Life was a parade of high-heeled clicks echoing through grand marble halls and galloping across golden fields on steeds bred for nobility.
𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒𝚒. 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞: "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐬"
Pleasure soon became Zoe's poison. What had started as an indulgence spiraled into thrill seeking habits, leading her to take risks that didn't align with her already luxurious life. The daughter of the count had no need to steal, but it was never about need. Sliding a necklace from an unsuspecting princess or slipping a ruby into the folds of her gown gave her a rush no amount of riches could satisfy. She didn’t just crave luxury—she wanted to dance on the knife's edge, to flirt with the danger.
But even the most skillful hands can slip. And when they did, the court was abuzz with a scandal—a noble thief, no less—creeping through their midst. It didn’t take long for a trap to be set, and when the glittering dust settled, Zoe’s name was on everyone’s lips. Her father, unwilling to let shame taint his house, smoothed things over, calling her transgressions “youthful antics.” Yet the consequences came swift.
𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒𝚒𝚒. 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞: "𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬"
Zoe had always been a whirlwind of wild instincts, but at the assassin’s academy, those instincts found purpose. Her father had calculated this, knowing if her spirit couldn’t be tamed, it could be weaponized. At the academy, Zoe’s affinity for wood lay dormant, while another crept up like shadows. The academy itself was a twisted playground where lessons were taught with blades and bruises. She adapted quickly, but blood was the ink of progress.
Her body took on the cuts and bruises of the assassin's life, but her mind stayed sharp, finding humor even in the most dangerous moments. Zoe's agility and skill with her twin sai swords became her legacy. She could scale walls like ivy, her movements fluid and catlike as she darted through shadows. Whispers of her prowess grew with each target she eliminated.
Now, Zoe steps into the divine realm, a cynical smile tugging at her lips. To her, it’s just another playground of ancient treasures, gods, and monsters. With one foot in the shadows and the other among the vines, she sees this new world not as a realm to be revered, but as another hunting ground that awaits her nimble, ever-thieving hands.
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lgczoe · 11 days
♥︎ ╱ 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟎𝟐𝟏: 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤… ⤿ 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 & 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔
Zoe looked forward to Chuseok every year—a time when she could escape the intensity of her trainee life and reconnect with her family and close friends. This year, the holiday felt even more special. After weeks of endless rehearsals, workshops, and missions, she was finally back home. The cozy atmosphere of her family’s house greeted her like a warm hug. The smell of freshly made songpyeon filled the air as her mom hummed in the kitchen, preparing the table for the Chuseok feast.
For Zoe, Chuseok wasn’t just about tradition, though she did love the customs—the sharing of food, and the quiet reverence that came with honoring her ancestors. It was about being surrounded by the people who reminded her of who she was outside of her family home. Around the family dinner table, conversations flowed easily. Her younger cousins peppered her with questions about her training life (one of them 'shushing' the other 'cause "it's a secret!"), their eyes wide with fascination. Zoe smiled, finding joy in their curiosity, and even they even gave her a mini dance performance in the living room, which earned her cousins a rounds of applause.
But the holiday wasn’t just about family. Later in the evening, Zoe met up with her friends, including Kentaro. They had planned a small gathering, just to catch up and celebrate together. Sitting in the park, the crisp autumn air filled with laughter as they exchanged stories and memories. Kentaro, playful as ever, teased her about her ‘serious trainee face,’ making her laugh so hard she almost spilled her tea.
For a few hours, she felt like a regular young girl again—Zoe, the friend, and daughter, not Zoe, the aspiring idol. That freedom was a rare and treasured feeling. Under the full moon, her mind wandered to what lay ahead—missions, performances, the pressures of proving herself—but for now, she let herself soak in the moment.
As the evening wound down, Zoe felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Chuseok had recharged her, filling her with a warmth she hadn’t realized she needed. With a renewed sense of purpose, she knew she would face whatever challenges awaited her when she returned to her trainee life. For now, her heart was full.
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lgczoe · 11 days
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Zoe chuckled softly, appreciating Yuxi's bluntness. “Yeah, it’s tricky, isn’t it? When everything starts feeling like a performance, even when it’s just supposed to be life. I guess we all deal with it in different ways.” She paused, her fingers lightly tapping the side of her glass. “But I can see where you’re coming from. Sometimes it does feel like there’s no separation left, like it’s all just one big show.”
Zoe glanced around again, the upbeat energy of the mixer a sharp contrast to the undercurrent of their conversation. “Oh, for me? No, this isn’t my first,” she replied, smiling. “I’ve been to a few of these mixers now. Every time, it’s the same crowd, same small talk, but you meet interesting people here and there.” She tilted her head, her gaze playful. “But, honestly? It’s the first time I’ve actually enjoyed one. Maybe it’s the company.”
Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief before she added, “What about you? Do you usually avoid these kinds of events, or is this one just not your style?”
Was it worth it, that relinquishment of herself from the suffocation of one group to the mercy of another larger still? Rather — how could that exchange between self and fulfillment even be framed? How could a self be defined, fulfillment quantified, equilibrium delineated? She shook her head free of those thoughts, now was not the time nor the place for any of that.
"I'm unsure if a balance can be found anymore," Yuxi commented dispassionately as contribution, "not when personal life has become commodified in its integration into public domain." Call her a cynic, but management hadn't made any efforts to dispel her of that judgement.
She followed Zoe's cue in taking in the atmosphere, eyes wandering over the crowds of people and tables of food. "I have friends who would enjoy it," was her attempt at diplomacy, "They're great enthusiasts of any events of the social sort." As for herself, she couldn't even remember the last time she had participated in a company-organised one. "Is this your first Legacy mixer?"
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lgczoe · 14 days
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Zoe’s heart skipped a beat at Kentaro’s words, the warmth of his breath sending a subtle shiver down her spine. She kept her cool, though, her lips curving into a smirk. "Oh, I can keep up," she whispered, her voice low and steady. "But you better be ready for me to take the lead when I do."
Her fingers rested lightly on his as they adjusted the focus together, her touch deliberate yet teasing. The stars sharpened into view, and she inhaled softly, captivated by the view. "Hmm, you weren’t kidding," she said, almost in awe. "It’s like they’ve been hiding right there all along, waiting for someone to look closer."
Zoe turned her head slightly, their faces now just inches apart. Her eyes met his, a challenge simmering just beneath her playful demeanor. "You think you can surprise me, huh?" she murmured, the spark between them growing stronger. "We’ll see about that."
With a mischievous grin, she pulled back, breaking the moment but leaving a charged silence in its wake. "Alright, Ken, let’s see what else you’ve got hidden in plain sight," she said, stepping back just a little, but her gaze never left his. "But don’t think for a second you’ve got the upper hand." She winked before gesturing toward the telescope.
Kentaro’s lips twitched into a half-smile. He felt the brief, electric brush of her fingers against his. He let it linger in his mind, while he watched Zoe look through the telescope. Watching her, his gaze softened; there was something about the way Zoe's curiosity lit up her features that made his chest tighten… He didn't know what to call that, yet. Only knew he wanted to surprise her million more times to catch that same look.
"Magical, huh? I’ll take that as a win," he teased, his voice low. He tilted his head at her next words, studying her expression with a hint of amusement. "Maybe I was counting on that, you know. Or maybe I just wanted to see that look in your eyes—the one you get when you’re a little impressed."
Kentaro kept his gaze locked, like a live wire, trailing wherever hers went. "Winning you over wasn’t exactly my plan," he murmured, his tone dropping an octave. "But I’m not complaining if that’s where this is headed."
He moved beside her, adjusting the telescope once more. "First, you have to find the first bright star pattern you see," he explained, his tone confident, but with a teasing edge. "But that’s just the start, you know. The real magic is in what you can’t see right away—things hidden in plain sight."
He leaned closer, their shoulders nearly touching as he guided her hand to the telescope's focus. "Now, let's see if you can keep up with me," he added softly, his breath warm against her ear, "What do you see?"
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lgczoe · 25 days
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Zoe's smile widened, feeling a surge of relief and a bit more at ease with Taeha’s enthusiastic response. "Yeah, that was me," she replied, her tone a mix of pride and modesty. "Thanks! I remember watching you during the solo performances. You made it look so effortless; it’s really inspiring." Zoe’s eyes followed Taeha’s every movement as she unloaded her things, curiosity sparking about what the senior trainee might have planned.
Taeha’s presence had always intrigued Zoe, but there was also an air of mystery about her that made Zoe want to know more. When Taeha asked about her practice, Zoe chuckled softly, shaking her head as she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "No, you're not interrupting at all. I was just working on that new routine from last week’s lesson." Her eyes lit up with the passion she felt for dance as she spoke. "It’s been pretty challenging, especially the footwork in the third section, but I think I've almost got it down. Just need to smooth out a few parts."
Gathering her courage, she added, "If you’re not too busy, maybe you could give me some feedback? I’d really appreciate hearing from someone with more experience."
Zoe’s heart raced a little as she awaited Taeha’s response, her mind already racing with the possibilities of what she might learn from the interaction.
Taeha's eyes were glued to her phone as she entered the practice room. An old habit of hers resurfacing in a time where attention and focus should be a priority. Yet, she let her mind wander until her curiosity could only be sated by a quick scroll through -
"Oh! Hi, hi, hi!" she greeted, swiftly tucking the device away into her back pocket. Her tendency to peruse certain gossip sites was a vice she'd rather keep private. "Me?" she gives her head a shake - who else would the other trainee be referring to? "Oh, yes! That's me! Zoe...? Ah! We were in evals together last month, right? I remember you in your group's dance break! You all were amazing!" she drags out each syllable as she clasps her hands under her chin. If nothing else, Taeha enjoyed evaluations for the opportunity to observe the other girls in their element.
She shrugs her shoulders under her ears and shuffles to an empty chair, unloading her usual cargo of a bright pink backpack, laptop, and overstuffed binder. "Uh... A little of both?" Perhaps it was a bit uncouth to tell a junior trainee that she enjoyed lounging about the studio and catching up on dramas in her free time...
"How's practice going? Oh my gosh, are you working on that new routine from - ?" she blinks suddenly, hesitating before sending a barrage of questions Zoe's way. "Am I interrupting?! I brought headphones to I don't mean to distract you, or -"
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lgczoe · 25 days
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Zoe's lips curved into a playful smile catching Kentaro’s gaze, a spark lighting up in her eyes. "You know, Ken, you didn’t have to go all out just to impress me," she said, her tone light. "You’re off to a good start."
She stepped up to the telescope, letting her fingers graze his hand briefly, enough to send a little jolt between them. Peering through the eyepiece, she let out a small, appreciative hum. "Mmm, not bad at all," she murmured, more to herself than to him. "You’ve got me curious—what else are you hiding up your sleeve?"
Straightening up, she gave him a knowing look, her playful demeanor back in full swing. "I used to think stargazing was not that fun," she quipped, peering back, liking the bright stars he showed her. "But this… this is actually kind of magical."
She leaned in a bit closer, lowering her voice as if sharing a secret. "I like that you brought me here, Ken. It’s sweet—almost makes me think you’re trying to win me over," she teased, though the warmth in her tone hinted at something more. "But don’t think you’ve got me all figured out just yet. I’m still waiting to see what else you’ve got."
With a wink, she lightly tapped his arm, stepping back just enough to give him space, but close enough to keep the connection between them. "So, what’s next? Show me how this thing really works," she challenged. "Sit with me"
Kentaro watched Zoe stepping into the observatory, noting the way her eyes widened with surprise. He leaned in the doorway, feeling a quiet satisfaction seeing her react this way—his efforts hadn't gone unnoticed. The old observatory, with its creaky floorboards and musty scent, wasn’t much to look at, but it held a certain magnetic pull that he hoped she would feel too.
It wasn’t easy for him to open up, but something about Zoe made him want to share this part of himself. Her words, quieter than usual, filled the space between them that caught him off guard.
He watched her, walking over to the telescope, fingers lightly tracing its edge, Kentaro could almost read the thoughts running through her mind. He had spent countless nights here, alone with the stars, but this moment felt different. Sharing it with her made it more than just a place...
As she moved closer so did she, hands in his pockets and a little shy, but the playful banter they often share was replaced by something more sincere. The cold exterior melted, and Kentaro was a puddle of emotions. "I’m glad you like it," he replied, his voice steady and low but softer than usual. "This place… t’s special to me, you know. I wanted to share that with someone special."
When she asked if he came here often, Kentaro hesitated for a moment. This place had always been his refuge, a place to gather his thoughts after training or when he missed his hometown.
"Yeah, I do," he finally said, his gaze drifting to the telescope. "It’s where I come to think, to get away from everything, you know. But I’m glad you’re here with me tonight, Zoe. It makes it… better." He wasn’t sure if he had the right words, but he hoped she understood.
"Come on, uh, let me show you how the telescope works," he said, finally breaking eye contact. There was a pause, a moment where he almost asked if she had really seen him—not just through the lens of the telescope, but the right now. Instead, he moved towards the observatory's main console, the soft whir of machinery filling the space as he adjusted the controls.
"It’s more than just looking at stars," he continued, his fingers deftly navigating the controls. "It’s about understanding where we are," he glanced back at her, the faintest smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Take a look..."
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lgczoe · 26 days
♥︎ ╱ 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒚 … ⤿ ꜰᴛ. @lgcxmimi
Zoe adjusted the camera one last time, ensuring the angle captured the bright morning sunlight streaming through the window. She had carefully set up her workspace, trying to make the clutter of notebooks, beauty products, and half-folded clothes look intentional. It was the beginning of her 'Day in a Trainee's Life; vlog and she knew this first shot had to be perfect.
"Okay, that should do it," Zoe murmured to herself, stepping back and taking a deep breath. The workshops had drilled into her the importance of authenticity, but it was hard not to feel a little stiff in front of the lens. Today was the day she’d be linking up with Emi, and they’d planned to start with a quick chat about their approach to vlogging.
As if on cue, her phone buzzed with a message from Emi; Zoe smiled at the text before grabbing her tote bag stuffed with essentials for the day ahead. She was eager to meet up with Emi, knowing her friend’s easygoing nature would help keep things light and fun. Zoe gave herself one last once-over in the mirror before heading out the door.
Downstairs, Emi was waiting by the entrance, her ever-present warm smile greeting Zoe as she approached. "Morning!" Zoe called out, her mood lifting at the sight of her friend.
"Ready to document our glamorous trainee lives?" Zoe teased, her voice full of playful sarcasm. Linking her arm with Emi's, Zoe grinned, obviously excited. "Let's make this look effortless. By the way, any ideas on how we should start the intro?"
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lgczoe · 26 days
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Finding peace in the heart of the forest 🌲✨ Nature always reminds me to stay grounded and inspires me to keep reaching for the stars, one step at a time. 🌟 
#lgctrainees #lgcent #parkzoe
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lgczoe · 28 days
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Zoe took in Yuxi's words with a thoughtful nod, her mind whirring with reflections. “That’s interesting, Yuxi. It’s not easy to hold onto who you are, especially in an industry that constantly tries to shape you into something else. I think there’s a certain strength in not adapting, in sticking to what you believe, even when it’s hard. I admire that.”
She shifted slightly, her expression softening as she considered her next words. “For me, it’s a balancing act. I want to stay true to myself, but I also want to learn, to grow, to be open to new experiences. I guess it’s about finding that sweet spot where you can be flexible without losing who you are. It’s not always easy, but I think it’s worth it.”
Zoe smiled, a light laugh escaping her. “And yeah, the whole public versus private life thing… it’s a constant juggling act, isn’t it? I try to keep a part of myself just for me, something that’s not for public consumption. It helps me stay grounded.”
She paused, her eyes flicking around the room before settling back on Yuxi. “But, you know, enough about all that serious stuff. What do you think of the event tonight? It’s got quite the atmosphere, doesn’t it?”
Adaptability: one trait that eluded her. Yuxi was all sharp edges and unbridled energy, one to change the world before changing herself, often to her detriment as recent events proved. That uncompromisingness was embedded in her very nature, proof of the strength of her convictions but also her pride. She would much rather smash all obstacles in her way than adjust herself to the path forward. For whatever it lacked in elegance and finesse, she made up for with boldness and daring.
In a nod to those musings, she commented in a jab at herself, "Therein lies our first difference; I do not adapt."
That series of questions put pause into her train of thoughts. "I like challenges, I live off that feeling of conquering them. That sense of fulfilment and pressure is what fuels me." Aggressive, certainly, and to an unusually high degree. Now that she's debuted though, it's been more difficult finding that next challenge. "It's a job, I try to maintain a sense of professionalism but keep my private life separate where I can."
Except, of course, for the mild complication of her private life became part of the public domain by virtue of her being a public figure. At that thought, she laughed, a genuine one, all quiet with a crooked smile and dancing eyes. "But I am selfish and I am obstinate. Perhaps it's a matter of who will be worn down first, me or the pressure. I should hope I stand as the victor but I suppose the sources of pressure is all deeply personal." Or at least so Yuxi thought.
She wasn't nearly close enough with the other members, or really any of the signed talent, to ascertain, but her own paranoia over the loss over her own sense of self certainly was unique in its depth.
"I apologize, I'm afraid I cannot reveal more than what has been publicly announced," she sidestepped the last question in a deflection of the fact that she simply did not have anything that truly excited her. Besides, Seungah would probably kill her should she create more issues. "Why, have there been whispers circulating in the trainee circles now or with the training teams?"
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lgczoe · 1 month
♥︎ ╱ 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑬 𝑴𝑰𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝟎𝟏𝟖 ⤿ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴꜱ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♥︎
Zoe entered the brightly lit dance studio with her heart pounding. She had chosen choreography (hip hop) and lyric composition as her creative skills to work on. The familiar scent of polished wood and the rhythmic echo of footsteps on the floor was her space, and she wanted to be more than a dancer. This was where Zoecould merge her love for dance with her passion for storytelling through lyrics.
She greeted her fellow trainees and the choreography instructor with a smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie as they prepared for another intense session. Today's workshop focused on Pop/Hip Hop styles, which was perfect for Zoe's energetic personality. The instructor, probably a seasoned dancer with years of experience, demonstrated a complex sequence, precisely breaking down each move!
Zoe mirrored the instructor's movements, her body flowing naturally to the beat. She had always been passionate about dance, and this workshop was an opportunity to refine her skills further. The intricate footwork and sharp, fluid motions challenged her, but she relished every moment. As they practiced the routine repeatedly, Zoe felt her confidence grow. Each correction and piece of feedback from the instructor was a step closer to mastering the choreography.
After the dance session, Zoe headed to the lyric composition workshop. The transition from physical expression to verbal creativity was seamless for her. In a cozy room filled with notebooks, pens, and a keyboard, she joined a group of aspiring lyricists. Their mentor, a renowned songwriter, encouraged them to draw inspiration from personal experiences and emotions.
Zoe's mind buzzed with ideas. She reflected on her journey as a trainee, the challenges she faced, and the dreams she chased. She scribbled down lines, her thoughts flowing effortlessly onto the paper. The mentor guided them through the process of structuring their lyrics, emphasizing the importance of storytelling and emotional connection.
The weeks pass, and Zoe dedicated herself to the workshops. She spent hours in the dance studio, perfecting her routines and 'homework' given out, and equally long hours in the quiet of her room, crafting lyrics that spoke from the heart. The balance between physical and mental creativity was challenging, but Zoe thrived on the diversity of skills she was developing.
One evening, she sat with a fellow trainee, who had also chosen lyric composition. They shared their work, offering feedback and encouragement. Their lyrics were raw and poignant, and Zoe felt inspired by their honesty. Together, they brainstormed themes and experimented with different lyrical structures, pushing each other to delve deeper into their creative wells.
By the end of the term, Zoe felt a profound sense of accomplishment. The choreography routines were polished, and her lyrics had evolved into powerful narratives. The workshops had not only honed her skills but also strengthened her bond with her fellow trainees. This preparation for the FAMILY CON 2K24, Zoe knew she was ready to showcase the fruits of her hard work, blending dance and lyrics into a performance that would captivate and inspire.
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lgczoe · 1 month
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Zoe stepped into the observatory, her eyes widening as she took in the surroundings. The old, worn space was imbued with a charm that she couldn’t have anticipated, and for a moment, the tough, confident exterior she usually wore melted away. She was struck by the intimacy of it all, and her heart swelled with warmth at the care Kentaro had put into setting up the blankets, the snacks, and the hot chocolate.
She turned to him, her gaze softening as she realized the significance of what he was sharing with her. This wasn’t just a casual outing—it was something deeply personal, a glimpse into a part of him that not many people got to see. "Wow, Kentaro," she said, her voice quieter, touched by the thoughtfulness of his gesture. "This is… incredible."
Zoe walked over to the telescope, lightly tracing her fingers along its edge, imagining the countless nights he must have spent here, finding solace in the stars. The vulnerability she’d momentarily revealed quickly faded as she regained her composure, but she felt a deeper connection to him, knowing he had chosen to bring her to this place that meant so much to him.
"You didn’t have to do all of this, you know," she said, looking back at him with a gentle smile. "But I’m really glad you did." There was a sincerity in her tone that she rarely let slip, but she wanted him to know how much she appreciated the effort he had put in.
She moved closer to him, her earlier playfulness now replaced with a genuine warmth. "Stargazing sounds perfect," she admitted, glancing up at the ceiling where the night sky would soon reveal itself. "I can see why this place is special to you. Thank you for sharing it with me, Ken."
There was a brief moment of silence, the kind that felt comfortable rather than awkward. Zoe felt a sense of peace here, a stark contrast to the fast-paced life she usually led. "So, do you come here often?" she asked softly, curious to learn more about the man behind the composed exterior.
"Good to know you're ready," he said with a teasing grin. "But I’m gonna keep you in suspense for just a little bit longer, you know."
He guided her down a narrow path, the crunch of gravel under their feet the only sound cutting through the night’s quiet. The city lights were a distant glow, barely piercing through the trees, adding to the secluded vibe. Every so often (okay, a lot often), he’d steal a glance at Zoe, catching the way the moonlight hit her hair or the soft glint of her necklace.
They eventually came to a clearing, and Kentaro felt a flicker of excitement as he led her forward. Ahead of them was an old observatory, its dome outlined against the night sky. It was a hidden spot, long forgotten by most, but to him, it was a hidden treasure.
“Here we are,” he said, trying to keep his voice casual despite the pride sneaking in. “An old observatory. It’s been off-limits for years, but I figured it would be perfect for tonight.”
He walked her up the worn steps and through the creaky door, revealing a space that had aged with character—dusty star maps on the walls, an ancient telescope standing tall in the center. He’d already set up a little area with blankets spread out and a basket of snacks waiting, along with a thermos of hot chocolate.
“It’s not much,” he admitted, feeling a bit vulnerable now that they were inside. “But I thought we could do some stargazing. It’s one of those things that helps me clear my head.”
He looked at her, trying to gauge her reaction. “I wanted to share this place with you because it means a lot to me, you know. I hope you like it.”
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lgczoe · 1 month
— 🐰 »
Zoe chuckled softly at Kentaro’s playful bow, her nerves easing a little with his lightheartedness. "Thank you, kind sir," she teased, stepping out of the car with a graceful ease that belied her excitement. Her outfit was as meticulously put together as always. Her hair was styled in loose waves, framing her face perfectly, while a delicate gold necklace glinted subtly under the streetlights.
Her curiosity piquedtaking in the unfamiliar landscape, her eyes scanning the area with a mix of intrigue and guarded interest. "Where are we, exactly?" she asked, her tone carrying a hint of playful suspicion. The outskirts of the city held a certain charm, a quietness that felt different from the hustle and bustle she was used to.
She walked a bit forward, Zoe’s mind kept drifting back to their conversation in the car. Despite her usual poised demeanor, she felt closer to Kentaro, as if they had crossed some invisible boundary that made them more than just colleagues or friends. Sharing something so personal, she found herself wanting to know more about him, curious about the layers beneath his composed exterior.
"So, what's the plan?" she asked, her voice carrying a blend of excitement and a touch of challenge as if daring him to impress her. "You’ve got me all intrigued now."
She glanced at him, her eyes reflecting the trust she had in him, even if she wouldn’t admit it outright. Even though she had no idea what he had in store, she had a feeling it would be special. "Lead the way, Ken. I'm ready."
Hearing Zoe's story, he wanted to protect her. It was an immediate feeling, he can't really explain it. This vulnerability was a stark contrast to the posh and nonchalant girl who greeted him at Legacy, making him feel even closer to her.
"Mr. Fluff must have been a great source of comfort for you," he said softly. "It's amazing how something so simple can mean so much, helping us through tough times."
Hoping they were nearing their destination as well, Kentaro reassured Zoe, "We’re almost there, just a few more minutes." He smiled, sensing her slight bossiness. "And don't worry," he continued. "I'll keep your little secret safe."
Her squeezing his hand a bit tighter made him feel flustered. "Thank you for sharing, Zoe. It means a lot to me."
They finally arrived at their destination, right at the outskirts of the city. Anticipation built up as he parked the car. He turned to Zoe, excitement dancing in his eyes. "We're here. Ready to see what’s next?"
Stepping out of the car, he circled around to her side, opening the door with a flourish. "After you," he said with a playful bow, doing his best act of chivalry to impress the brunette.
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lgczoe · 1 month
— 🐰 »
Zoe nodded thoughtfully, not taking offense at Yuxi's forthrightness. Being an Aries, she admired straightforwardness and valued honesty. "That's true," she acknowledged. "Everyone's path is different, and I guess that's what makes it unique. It's about finding what works for us individually and carving our own journey."
She took another sip of her drink, considering Yuxi's words. "I think it's also about being adaptable and open to learning from every experience, even the challenging ones. Sometimes, it's the difficult moments that teach us the most."
Zoe paused a thoughtful expression on her face. She glanced around the room, noticing the subtle but constant flow of interactions happening around them. The room was buzzing with conversations, laughter, and the clinking of glasses, but Zoe felt a strange sense of calm talking to Yuxi.
"You're clearly someone who has a lot of experience and wisdom," Zoe continued. "And even though you said I shouldn't seek your advice, I can't help but feel there's a lot I could learn from you. Not just about the industry, but about handling the pressures and challenges that come with it. So, tell me, what keeps you motivated? What projects are you most excited about right now?"
Zoe's curiosity and enthusiasm were evident, her eyes bright with interest. She hoped that by understanding what drove someone like Yuxi, she could gain a better perspective on her own aspirations and the path she wanted to take.
“Checks and balances indeed,” Yuxi agreed. It did make for an interesting question, that dichotomy between desires and duties, sacrifices and responsibilities. “There is a line from TÁR on the topic that I find intriguing: of how one must sublimate oneself, one’s ego, and one’s identity; to step out and obliterate oneself [1]. I’m undecided on that assessment of an artist’s role.” With a sardonic smile, she added, “I’m afraid I’m too selfish to relinquish myself like.”
Too selfish, too self-important, caring too much for her goals, caring too little for herself; she’s heard it all. What only mattered was how she saw herself. But — what was she? Who was she? An ouroboros of a question it was, haunting, taunting her [2].
“We all inhabit microcosms, some smaller than others, some more comfortable than others — all equally prone to epistemic bubbles. Keeping sight of the big picture is difficult being so coddled from reality and responsibilities.”
She had to give it to the trainee, that was a new one. Oh, what she would do to see Seungah’s reaction at this turn of events. Poor Zoe, Yuxi was the last person to seek advice from, a perpetual nightmare, and a non-repentant one at that too.
“You should not seek my advice,” she warned, “because you’re not me. You don’t have the same experience as me, you don’t have the same skill set as me, you don’t have the same mindset as me, I don’t know you. Only you do and don’t forget that.”
For what else was there to say? To do her taxes, to stay true, to maintain discipline?
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lgczoe · 2 months
♥︎ ╱ 𝑨 𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒆'𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆… ⤿ ᴢᴏᴇ'ꜱ ᴠʟᴏɢ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♥︎
The alarm buzzed sharply at 6:00 AM, pulling Zoe from her dreams. She groaned, reached out, and turned it off, her hand brushing against the camera she had set up the night before. Today was the day she would film her "Day in a Trainee’s Life" vlog. She stretched and sat up, smiling at the camera. "Good morning, everyone! It's Zoe, and today I'll take you through a typical day as a trainee."
Zoe started her morning routine by making her bed and heading to the bathroom. She showed her skincare routine, explaining each product she used to keep her skin healthy despite the long hours of training. "Taking care of your skin is a must, MUST," she said, applying moisturizer. "We sweat a lot during practice, so it’s important to keep it clean and hydrated."
Next, she moved to the kitchen for breakfast. "I usually have something light but nutritious," she said, preparing a smoothie bowl with fresh fruits, yogurt, and granola. As she ate, she shared her thoughts on being a trainee. "It’s challenging, but every day I feel like I'm getting closer to my dream."
After breakfast, Zoe headed to the training center. The camera followed her as she walked into the gym, where she greeted a few fellow trainees. "This is where we start our day with some exercise," she explained. She captured clips of her warm-up routine, including stretches, strength training, and a bit of cardio. "Staying fit is essential for our stamina and overall health."
Next up was dance practice. Zoe positioned the camera to capture the large studio mirror and her fellow trainees. "Dance practice is one of the most intense parts of our day," she said, tying her hair into a ponytail. The camera recorded snippets of their synchronized movements and the corrections they received from their dance instructor. "It’s all about precision and energy," she explained between breaths.
Lunchtime was brief but lively. Zoe shared a quick meal with her friends, discussing their progress and upcoming events. "It’s great to have friends who understand what you’re going through," she said, smiling at the camera.
In the afternoon, Zoe attended a vocal lesson. She filmed herself doing vocal warm-ups and working on a new song. "I love singing, and improving my skills is really rewarding," she said, her eyes shining with passion.
The day ended with a language class, essential for their international careers. Zoe captured moments of her practicing phrases in Japanese. "Learning a new language is tough but exciting," she commented, showing her notes filled with new vocabulary.
As evening approached, Zoe headed back to her dorm. She filmed her evening skincare routine and a bit of journaling before bed. "Reflecting on the day helps me stay focused and motivated," she said, her voice soft with fatigue.
Finally, she turned to the camera one last time. "Thank you for spending the day with me. Being a trainee is hard work, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Good night, and I'll see you all soon!" With that, she turned off the camera and settled into bed, ready to do it all over again tomorrow.
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lgczoe · 2 months
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lgczoe · 2 months
— 🐰 » Zoe’s eyes softened as she listened to Kentaro, feeling the weight and beauty of his words. She could almost see him as a young boy, learning the delicate art of calligraphy from his grandfather. It made her appreciate the depth of his character even more.
"Wow, Ken, that's… really beautiful," she said, her voice almost a whisper. "I can picture you doing that, and it makes so much sense. You always seem so composed and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing that with me."
She pondered his question, wanting to share something meaningful in return. "Okay, something you don’t know about me…" she began, her eyes flickering back with a mix of excitement and vulnerability.
"I haven't told you this, but when I was a kid, I used to be really shy. Like, painfully shy. I had this stuffed rabbit named Mr. Fluff that I took everywhere. He was my confidant and my protector. Whenever I felt scared or lonely, I'd tell him my dreams and fears. Over time, I kind of grew out of that shyness, but I still keep Mr. Fluff around. He's hidden somewhere in my room, a little reminder of where I started and how far I've come."
She smiled, a bit embarrassed but also proud of the growth she had experienced. "It’s funny, thinking back on it now. How a little stuffed animal could mean so much. But he did, and in a way, he still does."
Zoe looked at Kentaro, hoping he could see the parallel in their stories—how their pasts shaped who they were and the comfort they found in small, personal treasures. "So, yeah, that's my little secret. I guess we both have our ways of staying connected to our roots."
She squeezed his hand again, a silent acknowledgment of their shared moment. "Thanks for asking, Ken. But seriously, are we there yet?"
Kentaro's grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly, but he welcomed Zoe's curiosity. Her presence brought out a side of him he hadn't shown many people. Her touch, her voice, and the way she looked at him made him feel safe to share more of himself.
"Something you don't know about me, huh?" he said, glancing at her with a soft smile. As he did, the city lights danced across her face, highlighting her features in a way that made his heart skip a beat. She looked almost ethereal under the moving lights, a mesmerizing blend of shadow and illumination. He thought for a moment, reflecting on the parts of his life he hadn't yet revealed.
"Alright, let's see…"
Taking a deep breath, he continued, "When I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time with my grandfather in Kyoto. He was a traditional calligrapher, and he taught me the art of shodo. It's something I haven't really talked about much because it's deeply personal to me. But every time I practice, it feels like I'm connecting with him and our heritage."
He glanced at Zoe again, hoping she understood the significance of what he was sharing. The lights played across her eyes, making them shimmer with a soft, attentive glow. "It's a way for me to find peace and balance, you know. And it reminds me that there's beauty in every stroke, even if it's imperfect."
Feeling a mix of vulnerability and relief, Kentaro let out a small laugh. "I guess that's my little secret, you know. Now it's your turn. Tell me something I don't know about you."
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